THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1919. PAGE SEVEN 0 Sjli AQQK for lllB iiiffitf -the sealed pack- pli; Hliij;;;p aae, but have an That name is your pro- I tection against inferior I Imitations, just as the :;:!' I sealed package is protec- '"lijijjii 1 tion against impurity. Jl::r: . The Greatest Name "J Flavor ht j: loll of funnr "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Report Killed in action ........ .. 43 .Died from wounds ... 14 Died from accident and other causes 15 Died from airplane accident 1 Died from disease 105 Wounded severely 110 Wounded, degree undetermined 14 Wounded slightly .; 8 Missing' in action .'. 9 Total 319 Today's casualty list contains the names of the following Oregon men: Claude J pomeroy, La Grande, wound ed severely William R Marsh, Aurora, wounded severely Chester Larson, Salem, wounded se verely Letcher Norvell, Helix, wounded se verely Laurel L Boyd, Wallowa, wounded, re ported missing Frank N Keller, Lebanon, in hospital reported missing KTT.LKD IN ACTION Capt Samuel W Soworbutts, Wash ington Lieutenants Albert H Fletcher, River Falls Wis Efton M James, Port Huron Mich Ernest A Mcintosh, Brookfield Mo -Edward L Moore, New Bloomfield Pa Fred H Sexton, Union S C Baker F Spyker, Lewisbuig Fa Baseom Wooler, Atlanta Ga Sgt Fred B Marriott, Port Huron Mich Corporals Floyd E Grimns, Albion In Leonard B Holywood, Alameda Cal Edward J Kearin, Brooklyn . James Stevenson, Cleveland O Privat3g Ernest Antersenn, Anaconda Mont Cplestino Annia. Atlas Pa Martin M Bolser, Jcssup Pa Harry V Braiibury, N Waterford Me George D Bremmer, Philipsburg N O Myron J Brooks, Luna In Delbert iBurks, Prior Mo John H Campbell. Jackson Mica Albert Clarke, Gist Tex ' 00K for the sealed pack age but have an eye out also for the name Spencer H Dawson, Bolton Miss Eveiitiis S Doud, Roosevelt Kan Win German, New York. Wm II Harrison, W Ashland Wis James Hicks, New York Edward J Kcithley, Hamton Va Joseph H Koppa, Wnimui Wis Rudolph 0 Lenmarfc, Chicago Thomas L MeDonough, Lynn Mass Fred Mathis, Sandersvilie Ga Clarence Mozena, Siistcrville W Va Harvey 0 Pierce, Missouri Valley la Jno W Redd, Akron O Riley MeKjblo, Akron O Otto R Bkaggs, Litchfield Ky Eugcno D Sincdorf, Three Bivers Mick -C!JJl Jno H Strender, Sabin Minn Corneliusi Walraven, Kenosh Wis Ernest Wedd, Starrsville Va Thumas C Williams, King Gold Ga DIED ' FROM WOUNDS Lt Fred Edwards, Detroit Mich Lt Jno S Reynolds, Coljmbia S C Sergeants Wm L Fetch, Columbus 0 Hops E J'errine, Franklin Pa Orrio Thompson, Kalamazoo Mich Corporals Loon 8 BielcclU, Grand Eapids Mich Vincent Byrne, Philadelphia Wilbur G Greening, Mnzamcnie Wis Dallas D Hamilton, Defiance O Anders G Johnson, Washington Con Kirk L Orr, Verona MUs Bugler Chas M Leveitt, Nenburg Ind Mech Nathan C Harvey, Greenville la Cook Gustav A Stein, York Pa KILLED IN AIRPLANE ACCIDENT Lt H Sherman Martin, Brooklyn DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHEit CAUSES Sergeants Edward Dohcrty, Taunton Mass Charles H Sehultz, Philadelphia Corporals Rtfbort J Bruce, Cherrydale Va Wm Tucker Jr, Louisville Ky HrsihoCT L Kinsbury, New York Privates James E 'Bailer, BrooUy Robert R Bonslagel, Hat.icsburg Mis h 1 m1 Joseph Collins, El Campo Tex ' Thomas H Firth, Firth Ida Chas E Gass, Bellefourcho 8 D Raymond L Hall, La Junta Colo Fra'k Kotava, Christopher 111 Albert E Lance, Kaw Ciy Okla Rodney J Lecourse, N Attleboro Mas Gilbert L Shorey, Bettendorf la DIED OF DISEASE Privates . Arthur E Adolfson, Malmo Neb Alex Akllbojn, Minocua Wis Clifford L Anderson, Litehfiald 111 Clarence F Asltbrook, Richmond Va Edie IBurdee, Brownsville Tenn Ray 0 Beardsley, Minneapolis Minn Carl A Bergen, Brooklyn John Berry, Dumfra Va Harry F Hot-, PotUville Pa Chas W Bilkao, Fairweaiher Wis George Bintzler, Lomira Wis Cauda M Boxwell, Greencanip O John A Bradley, Brooklyn Wm Bronnan, Grand Fors N 1) John Brcnnecke, Meta Mo Joe iBiinson, Louisville Ga Matt Brittain, Ladysmith Wis Albert E Brown, New York Alvin P Carlson, MayfiCId Utah Harry P Caventor, Mason Mich Jno C Chambers, Ellicott City Md Freeman Coley, Scotts Ga Charles H Conic, Fairfax Va James D Crosby, San Antonio Tex Clair Daniels, Prescott Ja Clarence W Depe-w, Marmaduke Ark Rufiiert Doubley, Grenshaw Miss Mayo Droddy, Singer La Roy Duke, Tishomingo Miss Harry Eubanke, Brooklyn Chas A Farr, Chester Pa Thumas 0 Faulkner, Deiiton Ark Luther Fitzhugh, Friendship Tenn James H Folks, Ward Ark Alfred Frazicr, Memphis Tenn Elmer L Frisk, 8 English la William 0 Gillis, Andalusia Ala Howard L Gillipie, Hillbboro O Jno E Gossom, Winthrop Mass Mossic L Gould, Ansonville N C Jesse B Griffin, Monro N C Wm J Grindle, Dahlomaga Ga Wlnfield Guptin, Hint Tex Sylver Hagen, Marvin S D Lawrence Ilanlon, Waukee la Ellis J Harbach, Riverside Cal Walter S Hardy, Richmond Va Urlo L Hcrrod, Louisville Ky Goo H Hawkins, Redoak la Ray A Hildreth, Lohrvillc la Chas C Hill, Waukesha Wis Capus Hines, Sorton Ga Wctftley T Hogan, Newark N J Olcr W Howard, Ashton N C Cha E Hubbard. Stamford N Y Alton S Hulbcrt, Maple City Mich" Press Hunter, Leah Ga Henry Hurst, Salisbury Mo Chas, S Irviu, Pontiae 111 Jno Jenkins, 'Yomaxe S C Samuel Johnson, Charlotte N o James E Johnston, Apollo Pa Moses iB Jones, N Akron C Reuben O King, Ellcnton Ky Natal N Laduca, Brooklyn " Raymond Lanham, Benssolaer Ind ! Jasper T Lann, Eilgerton Juct Mo Louis Y Lausheif, Columbia Pa Leslie C Lidicker, Eagle Wis Fay E Long, EUenboro N C Harry Long, Johnsoabnrg Pa Mike- McNeil, CartervUle 111 Meridith T Malpass, Currie Powder NO Adolph R Morley, Akron Ind Albert Myer, Hamilton O Sylvester'Miller, Oroville Cal" Edw H Mills, Gentry Ark Jesse, C Minnis, Grand Jnet Colo 'Marvin C Moore, Mt Gilead N C William R Mounts, Batavia O Conaell J Murphy, Wollsville N Y Frank Myers, Brunson S C "Wm E Olsen, Donnybrook N D Charles Peoples, Pensacola Fla Elmer E Peterson, Batavia III f Skverine W Peters, Center City Min corbet .Fiiuiiips, I'etoka Va Esau Pickett, Sunflower Miss Paul S Randall, Athens 111 James N Ro&ser, Yuma Tenn Matthias B Ronsh, Marion O Frank G Russell, Detroit Mich High Turner, Jacksonville Fla Richard R Beran Shaner, Bethlehem Pa ' Jno F Shea, Taylor Pa Herschcl L Shue, Noodosha Kan Clan Simmons, Comfort N C j Joda Smith, iBogue Kaa 1 j Harry A Snyder, Greenbrier Pa Claude C Sloper, Oroville Cal : Jerial I Southwick, HarrJd Minn Wm A Adams, Great Falls S C Andrew D Adkins, Sau P!blo Cal Wm Adkins, Fullerton Ky Jno W Allen, Lynchburg Tenn Robert G Allen, Washington . Albert S Alfred, Moiintairy N 0 Jno Bartula, Rochester N Y Wiibur Bocks, Andrew Ind .Earl E Benner, Hastings Mich Fred M Biglor, Wyandotts Mich Michael Bissalo, Trenton N J Henry C Bishflp, Win don Mo Otto Blumcntbal, Cleveland 0 Ezra Bobat, Beaver O Edw Bowers, Tecumseh. Mich Welborno H Briley, Hieo Tex Werner 0 Bunge, Sheboygan Falls Wis Jno Burns, Kingston Wash Sidney J Cain, Brooklyn . Francis W Calhoun, Brooklyn Eugeno Cardamone, Morton Pa Arch A Carteju-Maryville Mo . ! Noal G Clifton, Westell Tenn i Ralph M Coit, Sayforook 111 John L Connell, Flushing N C Jno J Cooney, Cornwall N Y Anthony Coppoe,' Youngstown O : Wm F iCoulbourn, Salisbury Mo , Wm O Coylo, River Colo Wm A Cunningham, Flintvillo Tenn Edwin W Dahl, Chicago 111 Jos Davis, Branson Ga Adrian Defouw, Grand Rapids Mich Chaa Demetio, Beverly S J , . Geo Dialvl, Detroit Mteh . StaniBlaw . dJorrozyniski, Brooklyn Iaae H Dorsey, Wcstover Md . Glnn 8 Dozalk Akron Col j. Grover T Dowds, Akron Mich avid E Spcy,, Johnstown Pa OBotton Frederick, Wcstport Minn Mike Grace, Hamtranck Mich Vincent Garra, Floresville Tex Berry Gibson, Yuma Tenn D W Goree, Acnoid W Va Mike Grasse, Cleveland 0 Tony Gravnis, New York Harry Groginsky, Washington Pa Jno Hales, Gathay N D , Wa,lnnt Hcnslcy, Grunt Ky A F Hayne, Philadelphia Thomas T Houlilian, Youngstown 0 Geo T Hulskamp, Marietta O Carl T Ikasl, "Denmark Jack James, Highland Park Ky Frank Kohn, Detroit Mich William G Lariiinack, Muscadine Ala Henry Lanbnrg, Milwaukee Thomas J Lee, Marshall Minn Ole W Lovstad, Crane Mout Wm J McCLinohey, Cadillac Mich William K McShano, Cleveland O Edward N Manfooth, Decatur Tenn "William H Martin, Saginaw Mich Angetlo Martini, Brooklyn Gardiner Matheny, Maiden Mo Olive E Matthews, Nashville N 0 Robert F Matthews, Lane S C Braxton 0 Mocks, Crothersvillo Ind Belton F Musgrove, Silsbee Tex Harry J Neniltright, Dayton O Alfred R Opel, Frceport 111 Simon Ortman, Zeeland Mich Thomas J O 'Sullivan, New York Mangus Peterson, Oconto Frills Wis Benjamin H Reiter, Louisville 0 Vincent L Rich, New York Joseph J Romano, Brooklyn iRoie Rothman, Plattsmouth Neb Remi Sanders, Daly City Cal Henry E Schelor, Crandall Ind John Schlehleiu, Milwaukee Otto J Schewerin, Mt Forest Mioh George R Smith, Bay City Mich Marthomay J Smyk, Rochester N Y Oliver E Spaulding, Hasperia Mirh John A SwartzPort Treverton Pa JoBtfjih F Sweeney, Chicago George N Thierry, McGee Mo Joshua W Thomas, Dlneridge Ga Alfred II Thompson, Hibbard Mich Alphonise Tliorn, Ohieago David Tillman, Grandy Minn Loo I) Todd, Murletto Mich Isaac Tnrnry, Wing N D Arthur Tyler, Halethorpe Md Edward E Voecks, Guilford 111 LODGE DIRECTORY PTIGHT8 OF PYTHIAS MEET AT UcCornack haU on every Tn'da; at 8. P. Andreten, C. C. F. i. Kunb . B. & B. BOYAI NEIGHBORS OF AMERIC4 ''Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360 meets every Thursday evening ir Derby building, Court and High St Mrs. Pearl Coursoy, 214 Court St orfcele; Mrr. I'clissa Persons, recori jr 1415 N. 4tn Ht. Phone 143M. MODERN WOODMEN. OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. S246 meets every 3rd and 4 th Thur. tve, 8 o'docl in Derby building, corner Court anf High streets. B. T. Day, V. C; V. 'Tamer, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assen. bly No. 84 meet every T.'mrsday at 8 p. m. In Masonie Temple. Norma L. Terwilliger, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. Seven prominent tesidents of Tucson snd Douglas, Arix., have been arrested, charged with smuggling arms into Mex ico. ADMINISTRATOR ' S NOTICE Notice ia hereby given that the un dersijpjed, by virtue of an order of the county eonrtthe state f Oregon, for Marion otouwty, duly mode ana en tered of record on the 31st day of De cember, .IMS, was duly appointed ad ministrator .with will .annexed of the state' of Eliza Free, and that he has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby aotified to present the same, duly sr if ied as required tiy law, at the office of Smith & Shields, 403 Salem Bank of Commerce building, Salem, Marion county, Oregon, within six 'months from the Sate of this notice. Dated and first published this 16th day of January, 1919. ARCHIE E. FREE, ' Administrator with the will annex ed of the estate of Eliza Free, deceas ed. 213 - NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned ha. been duly appointed "by tho county court of Marion county. Oregon, executrix the bst will and testament of W. W. Lander, deceased, and ha duly qualified as such. That all persons having claims against said estate shall filo them, duly verified as by law required, within six month, from the first publication of this no tice. This notice is published the first time this 9th day of January, 1919. : BERTHA LANDER. Executrix of the estate of W. W. Lander, doc-eased. 2-6 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice ia hereby iriven that the un dersigned, by virtue of an order of the county court of Marion county, Oregon, duly made and entered of rec ord on the 11th day of December, 191H, was appointed executor of the estate of John Aide, deceased, and that he has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly veri fied as required by law, at the office of Smith & Shields, attorneys, 403 Sa lon Bank of Commerce building, Sa- iom, uregon, wiimn six moiitns from the dato of this notice. . Dated and first published this 19th day of DocombeT, A. D. 1918. GROVER C. BELLINGER, Executor of the estate of John Aide, deceased. 1-1(5 SHERIFF'S NOTICE 01 SALE of Real Property on Foreclosure Notice is hereby given, that by vir tuo of an execution duly issued out of the circuit court of the state of Ore gon, for the county of Marion and to me directed on the 10th day of Decem ber, 1918, upon a judgment and docree duly ronderod, entored of vecord and docketod in end by said court on the 3rd day of December, 1918, in a certain suit thon in said court ponding, where in B. F. Ramp, as executor of the last will and testament and estate of Mary A. Ramp, deceasod, was plaintiff and Honry H. Vandevort and Emma Vande vort, his wife, and 'John 8. Beall and El'ma H. Boall, his wife, and R. W. Foster, unmarried, were defendants in favor of plaintiff and against said do fondants by which execution I am commanded to sell the property in said execution and hereinafter described to pay the sum due the plaintiff of $2000, with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 3rd day of August, 1916, until paid and tho fur ther sum of $150.00 attorney's fees to gether with the costs and disburse ments of said suit taxed at $24 and costs and expanses of said execution. I will on Saturday the 18th day of Jan uary, 1919, at lthe hour of 10 o'clock uary, 1919, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m, of said day at tho wost door of the county court house in Salem, Ma rion county, Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highost bidder for cash ia hand on the day of sale, all the right, title, interest and estate which said defendants and all persons claiming un der them subsequent to the execution of plaintiff's mortgage, towit. Novem ber 3d, 1910, in, of and to said prem ises hereinbefore mentioned and de scribed in said execution af follows, towit: Lots seven (7) and eight (8) in block two (2) in University addition to the city of Salem, Marion county, state of Oregon, as shown by the recorded plat thereof, excepting the wost 56 feet of said lot No. seven (7). Said sale being made subject to re demption in the manner provided by law. Datod this 10th day of December, 1918. W. I. NEEDHAM, Sheriff for Marion county, Oregon., By O. D. Bower, Deputy. 1-16 t THE MARKET I Grain Wheat, soft whit 1.94gJ Wheat, lower grades on sample Oats 80c Hay, cheat . $2425 Hay, oats $25 Barley, ton Mill run ........ $4850 $47(a'48 Enttotfat B itterfat , 69c Creamery butter 68c Pork, Veal aud Mutton , Pork, on foot . I... 16e Veal, fancy .. 20e Steors - 7ffi Cows . . 47c Spring lambs .... lie Ewes. . . .46 Lambs, yearlings . 8(c9e Eggs and Poultry Eggs, cash . 50c Hens, life 23(a25e Old roosters 15 Chickens 23c Vegetables Sweet potatoes Potatoes . .. Onions, local $3(0.5.50 $1.50 .. $1.65 3e Cabbage Turnips Head lettuce . Beets . 2t $4.50 2e 8 Parsnips Cauliflower Cocoanuts $2.50 $1.75 I rolt Oranges - Lemons, box ?4.505.75 6 Bananas 9Mi Florida grape fruit, ease $07.25 Black figs lb. , 1018c White figs, lb. , J9to20c Package figs per box $46.90 Upney, extracted 20e Retail JTlces Creamery butter 73 Flour, hard wheal 3(a 3.3l Country butter 6570 Eggs, do-en" 6570 Portland Market Portland, Or., Jan. 16. Butter, city creamery 66e Eggs, selected local ex. 5357 " Hens 3032c . .'-fT Broilers -627(J " & .' Geese 25e rjUsiv Cheese, triplets 3940o Turkeys 40c 1 DAILY LTVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts 155 Tone of market strong Prime steers 1314 Choice to good steers $11.5012.50 Medium to good steers $10.50(a 11.60 Fair to. medium steers $!.50(aUU.50 Common to fair steers $89 Journal W ant Ads Quick Reference To Firms That Give Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller MeetWe Recommend Our Advertisers. EVERYTHING Salem Eleotric Co., Masonic Templo, OSTEOPATH DBS. B. E. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians nd serve specialist. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy, Kirk ville, Mo. i Post graduate and spec ialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Offices 505-508 Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 85i. Residence, 1620 Court. Phone 2-18. Dr. White Res. Phone 469. DANCING STOP SHAKING YOUR SHOULDERS Learn to Dunce Correctly THEODORE and LILLIAN NEWMAS Exhibition Dancers and Instructors Modern and Classio Dancing Hotel Marion, Salem, Oregon DENTIST OS. T. L. UTTER, DEJTUT, ROOMS 113-414 Bank of Commerce bui'ding. i WATER COMPANY JALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 606. SECOND-HAND GOODS FINANCIAL MOM TO LOAN On Good Res' Estat Security THOS. K. FORD O.ei Ladd Bush bank) Salem Oregon rEDERAL FARM LOANS 6 per eent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonie Temple, Salem, Oregon MONEY to loan on good real estate. 5 Mi percent government money to loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold. W. D. Smith, Salom Bank of Com merce. 12-14 STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience, Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 26 to 68 in high Paints, oil and varnish, ete Loganberry and hop hooks. Salom Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. 2ND HAND GOODS. We Buy, Sell And Exchange All kinds of Furniture, Stoves, Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness, Tools and Junk. We buy what you don't want and pay the liighcst price In cash. Peoples' New & 2nd Hand Store 271 N. Commercial Phone 731 J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exchanges new and to Graham & Wells, Corvallis, Oregon 2nd hand furniture. All kinds of Agents for Mariott county 1-S repair work, liplit grinding, filing, aud bruzing a specialty. Right , SCAVENGER " prices. 326 North Commercial St. I'"0"" SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage end refuse of all kinds removed on month y contract. Bt reasonable ratee. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re- AUTO moved. Office phone, Main 2247. ttUlU Besidence, Main 2272. PAINT SHOP rirn 8tIirtra in front of the white Just opened in connec- house in which were burned speeches o ! .2. . Z President Wilson resulted in the arrest : HIGHWAY GARAGE : - M?!L I EXPERT WORKMEN t W. B. Nicholson Is held at Fort EXPERT WORKMEN Wofthi TfXMf charged with shooting up ,..- Santa Fe passenger train Sunday, TSfTTTTTTTSTTT wounding several passengers. REPAIRING -- - furniture, umbrellas and shoe repair- JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY lug. Saws filed, shear and knife grinding, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed 261 Court street. R. Wooley. 2-11 ' Choice cows and heifers $9,50(510.59 Medium to good cows and keif erf S.509.50 Fairto medium cows and heifers 7(ttS : 1'anners $45 Bulls $6.308.50 Calves $9(a 12.50 Stockers and feeders $79 Hogs i " Receipts 742 Tone of market lower ' Prime mixed $16.5016.S0 ' Medium mixed $16 16.50 Rough heavies 14.7515.75 Pigs 13.50(f 14.50 Bulk 1617 Sheep Receipts 1388 Tone of market strong Prime lambs $13.5014 Fair to medium lambs $113012.5J YearUngs $il11.30 Wethers 10(a'10.50 Ewes 6rd)8.50 Fanners Produce Company Gash for your produce today: 20e for top veal. 19Vue for top hogs. 25c for heavy hens. 23c for light hens. 160 S. High St, . Phone 10 Telephone ...Main 1200 ELECTRICAL 127 North High- ' WE HAVE" A NO. 1 SECOND HAN1D PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP E. L. STIFF SON . 440 COURT ST., SALEM REAL ESTATE 600 aero Block and grain ranch, stock, all equipment, gruin, feed, 24 miles from town, will sell at a sacrifice price, easy terms. 380 acres finest Waldo' Hill ranch, income last year $10,000; will sell very reasonable. 147 acres, all tillable, 140 culti vated, running water, 7 miles from Salem, $11,000. fi 70 acres, 40 cultivated, running water, joining town, pric3 $4615, will carry back $3000. 'For Exchange: 10 acres apple and peach orchard, 7 miles from Salom, in A-l condition, will ex chango for acronge or residence. 487 acre ranch, a lot of stock, implements, miles fnun town, want small ranch near Salem and somo cash as first payment, price $16,000. SOCOLEFSKT 341 State St FOR SALE A good house, well locat ed. 9 room houso with twu fine lots, near car line, two blocks to paved street, on graveled street, garage aud plenty of fruit. Price $2000, $50tt cash, balance $15 per month. Call at 1297 N. 18th St. or see Square Deal Realty Company. it 'FRU1TLAND Nursery, Salem, Route box 138E, phono 1UF21. We have the Roman strain grtfed Franquet wal nuts as well as a full line of all oth er nursery stock, 1-1S 10 ACRE prune ranch, good improve ments, 3 miles from Salem, wish te exchange for larger ranch, not over $1000. 40 acres all in cultivation, first class valley soil, also block ia town which the 40 acres join, splen did improvements, family orchard, will take Salem residence not over $2000 and give easy terms on the balance, price $9500. 1 acres good improvements, jnod orchard, in Sa lem limits, only "$1200. 600 acres, 150 bottom, 450 hill pasture, good im provements, $IS0O0 worth of live stock and equipment, on good road, will take $17,500 and give easy term . SocolofBky, 341 State St. tt BRING YOUR TRADES l can niahch you. C. W. Hlomeyer, Beal llstile Agent, Canadian Lands, 544 State street.