Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 16, 1919, Image 1

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Orpjnn: Tonight and Friday
rain, stienj southeasterly
winds ea tk Mast.
i Til L tl I .. a' r. on n : n
mnp ai w 1. 4 I SI H Ft ril lit! (Til II t . II.. 1 f l : l I m, i I i .fS - 1 . 1 1 rwT r X J S I t
.TH. Is Eighteenth Amendment To Constitution. Neb
raska Was Thirty-Sixth State To Ratify Act-All
Distilleries And Wine Presses In The Land Will Be
Closed On July 1, However, By War Prohibition.
n..Jn INiib.. Jan.
18. Ndbraska
iodav ratified the federal prohibition
uu'v ' . , .. 41.. tUrf. ii irth anil
amendment, cmg ."-yj
final state Jifweasary under the fed
eral constitution to act in making pro
fcibitioa part of the constitution.
The nation goes bone dry under tins
bmrndmont one year from today.
The Nebraska house ratified tho pro
liibition amendment t 10:25 a. m., the
Vote 'being D8 to 0. The juut resolu
tion went back to the senate, for con
currence, the original resolution nav
iHg lioen ameniled by the house It, the
Uddilion of tho house signature.
Eighteentti Amendment
Vashhiirton, Jan. 18. Prohibition
Itocarae .part of the basic law of tho
(United States today. Ratification of
ihn federul amendinent (by the Nebras
la legislature makes that measure the
Oighteenth amendment to the federal
bonstitiitwn. -
All tat a half down of tho .8 states
lire espected to adopt" tne umnndment
In'the next 'few week.), 'but the action
Of Nebraska today gives the ratifica
tion of three fourths of the s tat((8, tho
number ncces;4ary to administer John
Barleycorn tho K, O. punch.
One year from today every saloon,
fcrowery, distillery and wine "
Hito larnl must oltse its doora nnleqs, M
now seems likely, they arc already clos
ied at that time by war prohibition,
iwliich .goes into effect' next July I
nd snys,.yiitU completion of doinwibil
iwtion. -- . ' " "
Tho amendment which outlaws liquor
in .this country reads: '
"Section 1 After one year from
ratification of ' this article tho man
faeture, sale or transportation ot in
toxicating liquors within, the importa
tion thereof into, or the importation
Uiereof, from the United States Bnd
all territory subject to the jurisdiction
thereof, for ibevcrage purposes nra here
)y prohibited.
"Section 2 The conftress and ' the
Several siateil ?.ave the concurrent
ower to- enforce this article by ftp
I'roprintc legislation.
"Section 3 The artielo shall be
Inoperative unless it shall have beon
tatnied &i an ameudmpnt to the con
stitution Iby the lenjlators of tho sev
eral states as provided iby the eonsti
Kutiou within seven years of the date
if sivbmisHion hereof to iho states) by
i-uesed More Than Year A0
This is the ainendmuut iby congress
December 1, 1917, and ratified 'by
thirty six gtatos a little more than
hue yesr Jater.
And here are some of tho things
that the amendment will do.
, Wipe out at a s'.roke 2:id distiller
' 992 breweries; and over 3O0,O0U
teloons and wholesale liquor establish-
teks Believe That This
would Kesalt la its later-
IV ; , By Henry Dl Wo4
United l'ress Staff Correspondent.)
rL'?U--U Qrcece eftnno'
"f L!l t,n0I,,e for its wa 'seat
Sty to Want8 tllat ftaci
Stal of thet,'l9iJe as lhe
.Prt.tto league 0f nations.
tion ol iT ?'' X?ms '.. presenta-
tai of the io.;: "; tt .inop,e Rg cp'
toinatieaUy result
i&liou tnru . . 118 nwrnationa
M h0f Wlth the Dardanellca.
of the in" " . ttuer f"e contro1
Turk' cllm'nation of tho
w"ld be 1, " .pTe sttlement-
VoniSj T "Statesmai. .
H states,,,' tu 18 tho ni03t remarka-
?.ueld. seek, ;i . ,r caf eTCr pro-
of thf r..Uy ,conplete unificn.
' Probloml i " a"d ficar oaat-
-'V '"Wttc- " hBmem0mndUm bc
' 1:ieiaim tTr, , e pcace "igresj.
' uuTJj.Gt'ee' own right toOon-
oased on both historic
tatb in
nil it:: in 1 1 mi!';
The prohibition Amendment
i the eighteenth added to the '
federal constitution.
Provisions' of the 18 amend
ments with tho length of time
taken for' ratification follow: ,
First ten amendments known
as tho "bill of rights" provid
ed guarantees Mich us free
speech; ratified in nine months
Eleventh amendment estab
lished sovereignty of states;rat
ified in four years.
Twelfth amendment, changed
method of presidential elec
tions; ratified in one year.
Thirteenth amendment, pru
hilbited slavery; ratified in
slightly less than a year.
Fourteenth amendment, made
negroes citizens; ratified in
two years.
' Fifteenth amendment, enfran
chising negnoes, on same "basis
as white persons; ratified in
. one year.
Sixtocnth amendment, allow-
-ed congress to levy income tax;
ratified dn three and a half
Seventeenth amendment, pro
viding for popular elee.tioji of
senators; ratified in 'Blightiljy ,
loss than a year.
Eighteenth amendment, makes "
.country dry; ratified -in onk
year, four'a-eek arid a day,"
AibOut 100 amendments have
been proposed in congress but
only four bcide those rati
fied were submitted to the ,
monts, forcing their employtj to seek
other jotlw.
Cut off from these persons annual in
come totalling more than 470,000,000
in pro-war. times. '
Out off from the Unitod States treas
ury a source of taxation counted upon
for an even billion dollars in the first
drafts the now revenue 4)ill and
millions iii additional incomes to state
treasuries. ,
i Remove !tha diquor question frtm
national, state and city politics tor all
time and keep decreasing city, tate
and federal expense (by aecrmsiirg vi-
- clara-en.
The fight on liquor, triumphant to
day, is as old as the constitution it
self. -.
Waa "Crank Nation" Then
It raised its head early in the Nine
teenth century and was looked upon
(Continued on page two
economic grounds. The city was
tho Greek capital for centuries. Its
present ' population includes ' 300,000
Grocks and there are 37 Greek schools
with 30,000 Greek scholars.
The Greek premier in his inemomn
duin takes up four regions which ho do
sires to incorporate into modern Greoc
North Epirus, Thrace, Constantinople.
and the Asia Minor littoral. -Would
Divide North Epirus.
Venizelos would divide North Fpiru
between Greece and Albii-nia.' He would
have the Greoco-Bulgariun boundary
follow the Ardar and Maritza rivers.
thus cutting off Bulgaria from the A-e
gean sea, giving Greece a great portion
of Ancient Thrace. Armenia, he sug
seats, should be made a separate state
but the Vilayets of Abrusiu, Aidin
San.Jaks and Ismid,. with the adjacent
islands, should be annexed-to Greece.
The city of Abrusa, however he would
turn over to the new Turkish govern
mcnt, together with its Miirmoran port.
This settlement would still'' leavi
more than 100,000 Greeks in Turkish
Armenia, but Venizelos today suggested
a reciprocal emigration, these Greeks
moving into Aidin and Brusa while tin
Turks within the Greek provinces move
into Turkish, territory. ,
Vcnizolos reminds the pcace delegate
that the entente promised Greece impoi
tant territorial concessions in Asia Mi
nor for her military intervention, which
the allies later turned down when .Ven-
izolos was in a position to offer" it. The
premier's memorandum Lh said to be a
great moderation of the original eoa-
cessions. - -
Yarks Sieze It Because Of
StipoJatioas Proyided la
By Webb Millar
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
American Headquarters in Germany,
Jan. 14. (By courier to Nancy.)
Nearly 200 three-rnch field guns, sever
al thousand shells and more than $1,
000,000 worth of harness and equipment
not surrendered by the Germans .un
der the armistice terms were discover
ed in an isolated workhouse near Cob
lonz today.
The American immediately seized the
whole store. Inasmuch a it was not
mentioned in German inventories and
not given up as provided by the armis
tice, those munitions became the prop
erty of tho United States.
A request for $12,000,000 to pay the
Third nrmy'g expenses during Febru
ary has been sent to Berlin.
Motorization of the heavy artillery
or the entire Third army is nenriuz
completion. All guns of more than three
inch caliber aro being equipped, , with
heavy trucks and tractors.
Tho fust German flags to be shown
sinco the American occupation appeared
on occasion of the death of Burgomas
ter Closterman. A delegation asked
permission to fly tho flags at half
mast along the streets through which
tho funeral procession would pass. Tho
American authorities granted the ro
quest. Several American officers in
charge of civil affairs who had been
dealing with the burgomaster sent flow
ers. , ,. .'
Several Of Most important
Problems Of Initial Ses
sions Rmaia Unsolved.
By William Philip Simntg
(United Press staff correspondent)
Paris, Jan. 16,-rTho -associated del
egates were working at full speed to.
day 'to got everything iry readiness for
the formal opening of tho full peace
oongrcsis Saturday afternoon. Several
of the most important problems upon
which the initial sossi'on hinges remain
ed unsolved. Among these were:
Acceptance of the French outline for
the method of operation.
Fixation of the status of the Monte
negrin delegate. .
Determination of whethor tho Rus
sian soviet government shall bo repre
sented. ... ,
Decision as tSo the manner of ac
quainting the world witlirwhat trans
pireg in the conferences,
Order modified
Although the fivo principal powers
adopted a resolution to limit news of
the session to the orficiai communique,
it' was believed today that, iu view of
the concert of protest, the mutter would;
be re-opened and possibly modified.
The French proposal that the con
ferences .bo of the gtar chamber order
and that all information be confined
to a daily official communique, creat
ed consternation among the newspaper
Correspondents who lost no time in go
ing on record with their objections, it
was expected that only such informa
tion would be omitted as would be con
sidered iprejudjcinl to the interests un
der treatment. T,he correspondent
feared this would prevent tho acquisi
tion of details from the delegates and
would tie up all tho sidjlighU which
mi ht ibe of inlerest to the piiblic.
They organized a special committee
of American and British correspond
ents, who made protest to President
Wilson and premier Lloyd-George
against the aliogod violation of the
first of the fourteen .points "open
covenants of -peace, . openly arrived
at." - . - : - v .
Favor Vote of Entire Body
. Cortain delegates aro understood to
fayor the entire congress voting on all
questions, tout Premier Oemcnceau,
foreseeing the danger of the conference
stringing out over a iporiod longer tftan
the war itself, interposed and won his
point that only4he interested nation
should Ibe present for tlie discussions.
The question of ' representation for
the Russian soviet is not considered to
bo entirely disposed of, " as Idoyd-
XJcorge appears to continue favoring
the plan.
The league of nations naturally will
be held in abeyance until the confer
ence nroner begins. France is thorough
ly ihpliimt the loaeue an some form.
iLord Cecil, the British authority, de
; clares that the French scheme, as out-
lined ibv Senator Bourgeois, is the
'hnrdipiit of the lot" and the most
thoroughly worked out. '
A resolution has been introduced in
the California legislature urging the
purchase by the government of Lower
California and the Coronada Islands.
pats use m
Projected Aseniscst Would
hcrexsj Fssd T Five
Tbss Presezt 'AarcsL
In its session of four aid one half
days there has been introduced Into the
house 42 bills. All have eome up for
second reading and referred to proper
committees for assignment.
One of the bills introduced this morn
ing iby Schuobel of Oregon City will
probably cause considerable discussion
when it comes up tne thirl time tor
final passage. This is the Bhuobel bill
providing for n increase in the in
heritance tax that will bring to the
state about five times the amount of
tho present law. , .
According to figures obtained iby Mr.
Shudbel, from July 1, 1917, to July 1,
1918, the stater received $&1,000 in in
heritance taxes. ;If the Shucbel bill
goes through, on the game proportion,
the state would receive iaJ3,00O.
The proposed amendment to the in
heritance tax law provides that the ex
cess above $10,000 of each estate in
lieu of tax on individual bequests and
inheritances be as follows: Between
$10,000 and $23,000, one per cent ; be
tween $25,000 and $50,000, one and ono
half por eont and a gradual increase
until .between half a million ana one
million, the tax would ibe ten per cent.
Bequests or inheritance received oy
'brother, sister, unele, aunt, nieco,
nephew or any linoal descendant of the
same must pay an aditional inherit
ance tax as follows: Between $500 and
$3000, ono per cent; between $3000 and
$3000, two per cent and gradual in
crease until should tho amount be more
than $100,000, the tax would be 5u per
cent ' - ;
Non resident aliorts would he oblig
ed to pay an inheritance tax of 50 per
cent on all sums rccoivea. - . .
Digging so deeply in to inhcrita-nees,
especially where the amount is rather
uirge is i,iuuwnvu "
ln. null for considerable discussion, es
pecially from the Portland represent
Bills introduced yesterday atternoon
are as follows: s
No. 31 3y Smith of rortiana. xo
dofine criminal commercialism end the
No. 32 By Cross of Oregon City. Re
lating to the certification of toachcrs.
?.t I15v Hurdiek of Redmond.
Fixing terms of county court in Dei-
chutcg county.
No. 34 By Graham -of Forest Grove.
Defining who may vote at road dis-.
triet elections. ' . .....
'This morning the following bills
were introduced: -.; ' . ' ..
No 35 By Gallagher of Ontario. Re
lating to size of hedge fences, when
usedfor fence inclosuros.
No. 35 By Gallagher f Ontano. Re
lating to assault with Intent to kill and
punishment. . n.-n
No. 37 uy w1""
wink nn if A
misaemeanor ia
to cause a cancellation of record of a
rscorded chattel mortgage within M
daya after the mortgage has been can
celled. ,
No. 3-iBy Smith of Baker. Relat
districts. No. 39-IQy Gallagher of Ontario.
iwn0 it misdemeanor to prevent
competitive bidding on live stock when
to a whclesRle market.
' t . t iV....nl. nf Knt.rnnM
lOei-'arina non-judicial days ana
fying what may aim may nui o
" i a. .Hima
IcgaUy on sucn ubjt.
w 4.1-lBv Shuobel of Oregon City,
Bill to increase the; state revenue tax
from inheritances. .
v i9TiShueDel of union unj.
Bill relating to making assessment ro
il'W. 1 - - J . . 1 1
by the tax commission.
Another peculiar rning a-oout ioiks
...... ..
that know it all is that thoy don't pro-
duce anything. .Nowtnafr tb wars
over, who is goin t
fer th' corner drug
find employment
storo strategists!
This Is InterprcUtioa Pat Oa
Kessgsateia Of Entire It
tlssi Cafcbl
Rome, Jan. 16. The entire Italiu
cabinet hu reftgired. Premier Orlando
waa at work today on the formation
of a new cabinet -
Imperialism Btepa Out
By Henry Wood
Paris, Jan. 16. Italy has abandoned
its imperialistic program and definite
ly accepted the British and America
ideas of democratic peace settlement.)
That was the interpretation in some
diplomatic quarters today of the resig-i
nation of the entire Italian cabinet
late yesterday.
Italy's territorial ambitions have
constituted one of the stumbling blocks
in tne peace conferences. The old school
Italian diplomats gt-olidly clung to the
determination that the entire program
of poliical and territorial expansion
should ibe carried out. rhe more demo
cratic memlbcrs of the government conn
soiled various degrees of modification.
This led to a ministerial crisis which
reached its climax yesterday.
Foreign Minister Sonnino was rec
ognized as the leader of the clique op
posed to any modification of the pro
visions of the London pact. His atti
tude resulted in the resignation of Min
ister Missolati, who held tho portfolio
of military and war pensions, and the
threatened resignation of other liberal
Can't Be Superseded Now
The understanding was reached in
Italian .political circles some time ago
that the solution of the problem would
be the ousting of Sonnino, it was re
ported. In view of the fact that Sonnino is
now a duly accredited delegate to the
peace cong-ress, it is doubtful whether
he can be superseded. There is no
dorfbt, however, that his attitude in
tho conferences will e greatly lutiu-
enccd by the cabinet resignation and
that. .hp., will. not feel disposed to pur
sue his original 'course regarding the
London pact.
In a general way, Italy ,to date has
been aligned-, with France in the gon
eral policies of political and territorial
expansion;, Italy now appears to have
abandoned Fiance and climfted into tne
American band wagon. ; , ;
PoliHcsass Haven't A
Look-in When It Comes To
For the man who is looking for a po
litical job, Tho Dalles in Wasco county,
is no place to go. The women seem to
have tho call in that particular part of
the state, as just at present they are
holding down the following political
plumbs: '
Representative to the 30th legislative
assembly Mrs. Alexander Thompson.
City attorney for The Dalles Mi3S
Celia Ga vin.
Privato secretary for Mrs. Thompson
for the present legislature, Miss Celia
City treasurer for The Dalles Mrs.
Mabel C. Ellis.
Seorotary of The Dalles Chamber of
Commerce Mrs. Winnie Bradcn, form
erly of Polk county.
And it was only a year or so ago
that three women wcro serving on tho
board of education for The Dalles.
All of which indicates that Tho
Dalles with a coming population of
about 6000, is also a coming city bo
sides being a most extremely progres
sive city.
Mrs. Alexander Thompson is now
serving her second term as a member of
the legislature. For the 1917 legisla
ture she defeated ono of tho leading
renublicans of that section with a ma
jority of 214 and for the 1919 legisla
ture the majority was larger wun omj
40 per eent vote. She is a democrat
and before Mrs. Thompson was elected
in 1910 it was generally conceded that
a Democrat didn't even have a look-in
when it eame to running for tho legis
lature from Wasco and Hood itivcr
counties. They didn 't, but that was bo
foro Mrs. Thompson decided to run tot
tho office. ' .
Besides taking a general interest in
laws for the betterment of educational
institutions, during the 1917 legislature
Mrs. Thompson introduced and was in
strumental in securing tho 'passago of
thrra imnortant bills, as follows:
A bil lproviding for eight months as
the minimum school term and making
niirlit months of school each yeur coin
pulsory. Before to passage of the bill
six months was the minimum.
A bill for the commitment of the fee
- . - ... .. .i.-!- n.4
Dl0 m,nde mi .Vraiwm"r,.,CZT3 ii nv.lr will
Before irs. inompson in
troduced and
secured the passage of
(Continued on page two)
price two csrra
Was Introduced la Way Of
Emergency Appropriation
For Oregon Trc
For the passage of a bill appropriat
ing $250,000 for tho relief of returning
roldiers and marines, just 31 minutes
wei required by the house this morn
lhe bill as introduced by Herbert
(iort'on of Portland was in the way ol
An emergency appropriation and the
half an hour required to pass the bill
was msrely in. the way of complying
with the rules of order in putting &o
emergency bill through.
Members of the house were awar?
'.hat Mayer Br.ker of Portland ajid oth
er prom.i tnt Portland officials appear
ed before tne ways anu means comn'tt-
tee of tlie senate lrst evening with an
urgent demand that something be don
fcr the soldiers who were drifting into
Tortlund coming from Camp Lewis and
It bcemi thtit government has not tak
on into iyn.?iu.6iaUon that a soldier dis
charge-: nt Cb.up Lewis has not in the
wa- of ready mono enough to eari
liini - m tr-three rays. In fact
it develone-l M tho zunng last ev
ni::i' t':.i1 !m usandg o soldiers were
coming t0 VrtWnd alitt penniless,
'tt' 'i ? 44.a that lue" federt-l gov
ernment shoald not have turned them
looso so far from home and with not ev
en transportation to their former homes
Especially Directed Toward
ftotecting Boys Returning
Heine From War.
The senate passed its first bill of
tho sessiorl today. It was Senator Dim
ick'g ball designed to curb the activi
ties of the I. W. W. and of foolshevista,
who wish to promote industrial and
political revolution by moans of vio-.
lonco. The bill dofines criminal syndi
calism and sabotage.
Senator Pierce was the only member
to speak and vote against the bill, the
other 29 senators favoring it, while
Senators Eddy, Uimick and Moser made
vigorous addresses in its support..
Senator Dimick declared that the
bill, under existing circumstances, is
one of the prime needs of the day. H
said Mayor Baker of Portland had told
him that 135 returned soldiers and
sailors in Portland had enlisted in the
'bolshevik! movement, and ho pointed to
Seattle whore $20,000 had been raised
to promote the movement.
"Reading of the daily papers will
show that, this thing is coming west
ward," he said. "You have to look this
matter fltraight in tho face, the issue
is here. Tho time has eomo when we
must say there shall be in Oregon no
bolshevisra or I. W. W.ism that shall
seek revolution by teaching criuio and
violence. " .
Labor Not Affected
He said the bill will not affect labor
organizations and that such organiza
tions, which are patriotic, should sup
port it.
'It ftffpr.ts no one but the crimin -
al," he insisted.
Senator Eddy pointed to the ris
and fall of past civilizations and said
thoae of this time should not bo de -
luded with iho idea that they possess
some power which holds them above a
similar fate unless tho iprewnt attaca
at the foundation of civilization is not
supnrcssed. Ho said tho menace of bol-
shevism was the worst that ever faced
"There is only one thing to do," he
said, "and that is to meet tho issue. A
new situation demands new legislation.
If the legislature refused. to act now,
it would be a confession -that we aro
so blind that we cannot rend the signs
of the timos, or so controlled 'by fool
ish sentimentalism tliat we would with
hold the fire department whllo the tem
ple cf civilization is on fire.?' -Pierce
Opposed Bill
Senator Pierce opposed the bill oa
the ground that the bill was . not the
proper method of meeting the issue.
He said the bill would be liko flaunting
a redflag in the face of ths bolshev
ists, and he argued that perhaps there
was need for society to reorganise it
solf and for the industrial world to be
so rooraanized that every man would
be able to earn a living for inmseif ana
He made a motion to postpone consid
eration of the bill, Ibut it was lost by
an overwhelming vote.
The bill which was passed by the
house this morniine carrying an appro
"priation for the immediato rcliof of
soldiers reached the senate end was re-
ferred to the .special committee on re
Anfiatn.pl inn arnicn in rT nrt xnm m-
- ".4."
WM way l""!
oenBior inouias pui lumugu a
tion calling for a report of the resolu
more than 100 ef the boys had signed
the Bolshevik ed eard in Portland and
were lining np with the growing 1. W.
W. movement.
To Appoint Committee.
The bill calling for the appropriation
of $250,000 of state money provides
that the governor shall appoint a com
mission of five members who shall hold
office at hie pleasure. That this corn
mittee shall be empowered to extend
financial aid to returning soldiers and
sailors in amounts they shall deem nec
essary. Also that uym the passage ef
the similar bill by the senate, it shall
become effective at one.
The Portland delegation who earn
to the city last evening felt that some
such action was necessary as a matter
of public safety. Mr. Gordon, who in
troduced the bill said that the govern
ment had delayed in taking note of
the immediate needs of the returning
soldiers and sailors and Mr. Kubli stud
that the action of Oregon would set the
pace for other states, in the care of the
returning warriors.
The bill was passed unanimously by
the house this morning with an adjourn
ment until this afternoon in order that
the billmight"be officially signed by
tho president of the senate and , the
speaker of the house.
W ith the signing officially of , the
bill todc-y there will bo available one
quarter of ft million dollars of Btato
funds to care for soldiers and sailors
who have been honorably discharged
but who have not means of subsistanee
nor work.
lions committee on his resolution pnv
viding for a joint session c' tho two""
houses next Monday mcminw to near
recommendations from the members of
lhe highway cn-mminiiJin to neoded
road legislation. The committee amend
ed the resolution by eliminating the
provision fcr a joint session of the two
houses, and substituting a joinfisssion
'of the senate and house road commit
tees Thursday night of next week, at
which time the highway commission
ers will bo invited to speak.. ,
This was opposed by Senator Hurley
who isaid h considered it a reflection
upon tho .governor and the highway
commissioners to ask them -to make a
report to the legislature in this man-.
ne!-. But Senator Thomas said he. was
seeking information, and no one could '
furnish it better than the highway com-
Asucs Explanation
Senator iLaFollett said ho wanted
to know from the commission why it
cost $22,000 a mile to pave a road at
Newlberg when Marion county has par
ed roads at $H(K)0 a mile.
Two special committees were ap
pointed today. One is the reconstrue
'.ion committee of which the members
are Sonatora Eddy, Bell, Ritner, Mos-
jer and Shanks. The other is the joint
'consolidation committee, of which the
. senate members of Sonators Dimick,
Thomas and Bbcrliard.
Senator Ritner introduced a resolu
tion providing for a joint memorial
session of the two houses February
in honOT of the late Theodore Roosevelt
The senate passed Senator Btrayer's
memorial to congress urging relief for
ttin Vnnifin nonrt chrome ore miners.
i President Vinto today signed the
house joint resolution No. 1, ratifying
tne national prohibition amendment,
l and on motion of S.nator Farrell tho
(pen ho used was presented to Senator
Passed Memorial No. 2
At the afternoon session yesterday
the flenate paused senate joint memor
ial No. 2, by Hurley, wnien urges con
gress to provide for the construction
of the Owyhee irrigation project, in
Malheur county, as part of tho nations
reconstruction program".
Senator Stravcr introducea a memor
ial to congress, urging the passage of a
hill rtroVidinU aVlicf. Ifor .miners -or
chrome ore who are hard hit financial
ly by the early termination (I the war.
Much of the afternoon session wa
given over to, an addTessi by L. J. Ad-
(Coatinuert en page five)
Carrasza Will Retire ' .
From Mexican Politics
Mexico City, Jan. 16 President ar
ranza, in a formal statement to tho
Mexican people today, warned the con
stitutional party that it must main
tain harmony during the next electoral
campaign, as enemies of the present
government were trying to get repre
sentation of powerful moneyed inter
ests. 1
He aaid if they succeed they would
elect a man who would annul all re
forms made by the present government
Carranza announced that he would
not be a candidate for re-election at
Uh- rxniHon of his present term, two
I ti .in ti t nrivate
'l";, ; rlheV r-art ia
uo m.u .-. - :-'-
- Mexican politic.