Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 15, 1919, Image 5

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"TRTisiNa KATES . WANTED Fat, thin and fresh cows,
-TiSfiinEO r Tel and large calves. Phone 1425M.
Rita 9f woro .
e.,k iiuertwa -- 5
M w ,i 6 insertions) ll
D?-,i" Journal will not tie re-
.poi-We f "2Sfied Advertisement.
""TTTt E Young Jersey cow
none 2209J- MS
Ia Meycle. John Conaway,
Geo. M . ,
Ait Orpington roster.
Phone w""
rooms in Hub-
orris, agem. n
hi "
TOP GRAFER Royal Anne tree for
ale, 2123 N. Broadway. Idlewine.
Phone 2493M. M5
FOB KENT Well furnighed room.
close in, suitable for either one or
two persons, bath and other conven
iences. 640 Chemeketa street. tf
WANTED To buy several good dairy
cows, either iroen or to be reeh
soon. 112 Union St., or address 8-7
care Journal. i-is
FOR TRADE 11 acre tract, well im
proved ror eity property or small
acreage. Address K M care Journal.
WuJ 1 bid. W. H. N
FOB TRADE 10 acre orchard.
V00D for sale, old fir and l'ak' Fon,t
SOME A-l ows for sale. J. C. Alien,
Center St. mra "'"
FOB SALB-Bose Comb Ancona roos
ter Phone WKS. MS
MtLAUGiHIflN, utility man,
short joibs. Phone 100.
WANTED To buy cattle and calves,
ny kind. Phone 1576W. 2-0
FOB RENT One two-room apt. 491
N. Cottage. Phone 2203. tf
FOB a typewriter mechanie phone 937.
FOB BENT Two rooms for legisla
ture, modern, with board. 401 N.
TO TRADE 'Modern oungalow in Yow
Park with large lot and barn, value
2500, for acreage equal value, im
proved or otherwise. Phono 1204. 1-21
FOR SALE interest in well paying
auto repair business. Will stand in
vestigation. Address 315 care Journ
al office. i-i8
6 sfisfsi
300 ACRE farm for ealo. First class
in every respect. 9 room modern
house and barn. Address Owner care
Journal. 1-15
HOME for sale. One acre on paved
street, 8 room house, hot water heat,
every convenience. Or exchange for
eountry place. Addresa Owner care
Journal, j.jg
FIRST PHOTOS OF AMERICAN TROOPS IN METZ The first photographs showing the American army of
Pfttiou in the city of Metz, Alsace. The upper photo shows President Poincare, Premier CUewenceau and Mi
Petaia renewing the Yankee troops. In the lower photo the (French dip colors to the entente leaders. General Per.
18 "uwu ml lne ""erne tew. , (c) Underwood & Underwood
itt 0AL1E 140 acr?s of first class
land in high state of cultivation, 100
ur-s 111 crop, rrice oo pr acre. W,
II. Grabenborst t Co., 275 State St,
BOOMS for legislators. Mrs. L. K.
Pajte, 492 N. .Cottage. Phone 1188.
SACRIFICE SALE Five room modem
konw 11500; furniture at ft bargain
Phons 737 or 340. 117
WILL eive good home to girl, .reason
able, I to 7 years of age. Call 1890
if., Brioadwsy. 1-17
iano for team youmg horses, 2400. 8.
' 1-18
R. Pearson, Turner, Rt. 2 bos 55C
CABPHNTEIRINO, repairing or eomemt
wofk. Call C. W. Nist. Phone 2495
a 1 ai
WANTED Experienced storo man for
stoe and general store work. Ad
drei 728 care Journal. 1-18
FOB SALE-Or exchange for same,
Bsrrtd Rock cockerel. Phone 88F2.
FOB SALE-Cheap, 11 head shoata
weighing 90 to 100 lbs. Write Indo
pendwee, Or. of phone 50F4, Ba
lem. tf
FOR 8 ALB Or trade, forty acre home
aieaa relinquishment in Benton eoun
ty Oregon. R. F. D. 2, box 11, 8a
lorn. 1-17
WANTED Man for general farm
work And wife for kitchen vork; or
woman to do general kitchen work
for 8 or 8 people. Addrets Oervais,
Box. 45, .Rt. 2. Phone 3F11. 1-18
DANDY five aere tract, all in bearing
vrcoaru, gooa - iDuwqings, ntor.tn of
ity on highway; a good investment
and fine- home. $2500. F. L. Wood,
341 State street.- . .. . . .. 1-15
FOR KENT 5 acre tract, bearincr
i 1 ' "
iruu trees, raspberry and strawber
ries, all in good order, bungalow and
OUt buildinM. 1.1 minilt.AH nrallr frnm
end of 12th street carline. Call eve
ftings 96 South 13th street. 1-16
WANTED To buy good potatoes. Wdl
iamette Valley Transp. Co., 171 8.
HijMt.. M7
FOB SALE-Two Mandylee incubat
r, one 200-egg and one. 300-egg, in
good condition. Phono 74F2. 1-17
FOB SALE Lato model Overland.
First class condition. See Tarple. at
Vick Bros.
POSiTinu ...
iu V "ouicu Dy practical nurse.
U 1 after 5 p. m. m N. Summer St.
' 8lllem.
FOB SALE-30 pullets and 1 white
i??nnTm for.thc bunh or
1.50 each. Phonn mvbi ,a
FOR REOT-Well furnished room, air
h t, electric light and bath. 1510
mate. M5
Wi?LrGi?f?r "lrk
2 Cook 1att0n. 883 Court
trcet. Phone 103. tf
!' ve', e8e nd
tmS priee P d. lis
2fJI City koi Barns want, to
FSr growth stnmpage,
even miles south on n,,.
inc. Rt a 0,- 0 'w
0R 8AM!' 1 n., .
oneine ,Tv Mart goTerner,
for sale-oi
' ..j
h Fact, Nearly All Bills Are
Hands Of Ccmittees hi
Work Is Scarce. i
of the vital force of the body,
depleted in the struggle with acute
disease, depends not upon super
ficial stimulation but upon ade
quate nourishment The body
needs to be nourished back to
strength and power.
pure, wholesome tonic-food,
1.1 ! 1 t ' 1 jfc
aaaonmiiy imhi-iucbuwk, nines
and strengthens by nourishing the
"(hole system body, blood and
nerves. Nourish yomr bed?
keck to strength with Semtfm.
Scntt ft 1avmn BloMnfleM. N. I.
Funeral Services For
Late John D. Sutherland
Evidences of sineere sorrow nicrkcd
the funeral services of the late John D.
Sutherland in this city yesterday.
Friends of many years gathered at the
family home, 635 Chemeketa street, at
11 a. m., where Rev. Dr. R. N. Avi
son conducted services. In his brief
address he dwelt upon the hope of im
mortality and reunion promised in the
Holy Vi ord, in paid a tribute to the
worth of Mr. Sutherland ag a citizen
in the eommnnity where he had lived
for many years. Mrs.Carltoa Smith sang
beautifully concluding the service. The
casket was banked with ft profusion of
floral tributes from friends.
.'nltimeut took place in the Odd Fel
lows cemetery, the active pall bearers
being Kollitt . page, Milton L. Meyers
Dr. h. Y. tUifiita, Charles H. Fisher.
Scott Pagt and G. G. Brown. Honor
ary pallbearers were: Bea W. Oleott.
Thomas H. Jvay. Justice George H. flur
nett, Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner. Dr. Rich
ard Cartwright, and W. H. Eldridee.
111 , oommiuee i0f persons witnessing any accident Portland, to attend the services, among
which it is us.jfitd makea a report. wmcu. may in injur, to persons them being Mrs. Phil Metsehan, Mrs.
Mrs. Willis Duniway,
The house is moving along so rapid
ly in its business that unless the mem
bers presont moro bills or get into some
lengthy debates, there wru v sthing
to do but mark time until the commtt-
ittees can mske their several reports or Providing what shall constitute road
'"rj"7 " iDW UY" i : . twit of eities and counties.
According to ie usual custom of the w 9a n niint.i, rt-.;
house, when v.JiU,nios up for second .or ftn act to require transportation
wadiug, unions khore is some amend- complies to file With the public ser
ments offered, itw Hfs!gued to a com- -ommUaim, -,- ft4 Afa.
Most Authorities Now Agree That This Disease Is Simply
The Old-Fashioned Grip, The Same That Has Swept
Over The World Times Without Number. Since 1831
The United States Has Had Five Epidemics.
TTicLast Epidemic In 1889-90 Came two thicknesses of hot fhancl cloth.
From Russia by Way of Franc and the clotk'oflt loose around the
Wag Given a French Name, LaQrippe. neck as the heat of the Dody liberates
This Time It Comes by Way of Spain, the ingredient, in the form of vapors.
Z These vapors, inhaled with each breath
OSIOHT OP THE DISEASE carry the medication ddreftiy to tfte
Spanish influenza, which appeared in Ports affected. At the same time, Va
Spam in May, has swept over the poBub is absorbed through and stimu
world in numerous epidemics as far , lates the skin, attracting the blood to
back as history runs. Hippecraites re-, the surface, and thus aids in relieving
few to an epidemic in 412 B. C. which i the congestion within.
s regarded bv manv to have linen in-
flnenza. Every century has had its at
tacks. Beginning with 1831, this coun
try has had five epidemics, the last in
J..ip, or influensa as it is now called
There ia no occasion for panic in
fluenza or grip has a very low percent
age of fatalities not over one deatn
out of every four hundred eases, ac
cording to the N. C. Board of Health.
usually begins with a chill followed by ' ,e. ch"f ttdan.r he 5n. explications
acting, feveriahnesa and sometimes ?" M g attacking principally patients
nausea and dizziness, and a general
feeling of weakness and depression.
The temperature ia from IfrO to 104,
and the fever usually lasts from three
to .five days. The germs attack he
mucous membrane, or lining of the air
passages nose, throat and bronchial
tubes there is nsuAlly a bard cough,
especially bad at n:.i?ht, often times a
sore throat or tonrtlitis, and frequent
ly all the appearances of a severe head
Go to bed at the first symptoms
take a purgative, and plenty of nour
ishing food, remain iverfectlv ouiet and
don't worry. Nature herse'f is the on
ly "cure" for influenza and will throw
"ir ine attacK it only yjn conserve
your strength. A little Quinine, Aspirin
in a run down condition those who
don't go to bed soon enough, or those
who get up too early.
Evidence seems to prove that this is
germ disease, spread principally by
human contact chiefly thrpegh cough
ing, sneezing or spitting. So avoid per
sons having colds which means avoid
crowds common drinking cups, rollor
towels, etc. Keep your bodily strength,
by plenty of exercise in tho open air,'
and good food.
Above all, avoid colds, as colds irri
tate the lining of the air passages and
render them much better breedine
j places for the germs.
Use Vick 's VapoBub at the very first
or Dover's Powder mar be civen bvl8I?n ?f cold- oT 4 head eold, melt
the physician's directions to allay their'1"10 vaPoKub ln a spoon and inhale
aching. Always call doctoi, since the vtPotB 01 bett" still, use VapoRub
chief danger of grip is in its weaken- la ben,zc!in t,ciim kettl- If this i8
ing effect on the system, which allows I TL LV' w"
complications to develop. These are ' etfI?' UU fuU of oo'ng water,
from time .to time keep the kettle
just slowly boiling and Inhale the
steam arising.
HOTE Vick's VapoBub is the dis
covery of a North Carolina druggist,
who found how to combine,, in salve
form, Menthol and Camipnor with such
volatile oils as Eucalyptus, Thyme,
Cubebs, ete., so that whea the salve ?e
applied to the body heat, thoso ingre-
oients are liberated in the form of va
pors. VapoBub can be had in three si-
chiefly pneumonia and bronchitis, some
times inflammation of the middle -ear,
r heart affections. For these reasons,
it is very important that the patient
remain in bed nntil his strength re
turnsstay in bed at least two days or
more after the fever has loft you or
if you are over 50 or not strong, stay
in bed four days or more, according to
the severity of the attack.
In order to stimulate the lininz of
the air passages to throw off the crir
germs, to aid in loosening the phlegm ! e at all druggists. While comparative
and keepinsr the ail paesaoes open, thna ly new in certain narts the tuirlh.
makdng the breathing easier, wk's it is the standard home remedy in the
VapoBub will be found effective, south and west for all forms of. eold
TT-i -A. 1 9 . - . . ! 1 . . ....
hot, wei ioweig gnouia oe appnea over . trou'Dies over six million iar were
there the bill stays.
One of the I J thts loominj uc o.a
the hofixon is that of consolidating the
state commissions. The committee in
charge of the resolution which provided
ths.t the house appoint a committee of
three to act with a senate committee of
three, reported favorably.
P. J. Gallagher representing Harney
and Malheur counties wanted a commis
sion of the house to do its own investi
gating sepstate from that of the senate.
Hare of Hillsboro said that he believed
in both the house and senate working
together. He thought that the consoli
dation of the various state commissions
was one of the big problems and urged
that the house co-oporete with the sen
ate. . I
Should Work Together.
or personal property.
If Cross, Feverish Or Biiiious
Give ''California Syrup
!t ails your child, a X Z' 'JwT The wharf building and other struc
genue, thorough laxative should always; ih;r VTZ " Z Zt ZZ... wres within a radius of 400 feet were
Many People Believed To Be
Killed And At Leas! Hun
dred Injured.
Boston, Mass., Jan. 15. More than a
score of persons were believed to have
Boclinrdaon nt VnrtUr,,i i, t,n. been killed and at 'least a hundred in-
taking an active interest in the bill Jur,ed today V an JPlo,mon of huge
and who honc urobablv to bn r,n nf m.olasse tank at the landing wharf
the three annointed from the hnnm ... ) e D'Ulery company.
ir. n. i ,n.,Ts ,- n in-
11 a. m. 'J Detween 8 and
JTAI.T. m r.
Wd Bul" cttt.P" oouble roll
T" for 1010
be the first treatment civen
If your little one is out of sorts, half
sick, isnt resting, eating and acting
naturallylook, mother I see if tongue
is coated. This is a sure sign that it 's
little stomach, liver and bowels are
cloggod with waste. When cross, irri
table, feverish, stomach sour, breath
had or has Stomachache, dialrrhoea.
ore throat, full of eold, give a tea
spoonful of "California Syrup of
Pigs," nd ia s few hours all the con
stipated poison, undigested food and
1-15 . our bile gently moves out of its little
Dowoia without griping, and yeu have
a well, playful child aeain. I
Mothers can rest easy after giving
mis narmiess -Trull laxative" Detause
it never fail to cleanse tse ffttie one 's
liver and bowels and sweeten the stom
ach and they dearly love its pleasant
wwie. x-nn direction for bahies, chil-
uren ox au age and for grown-ups
pruuea on eacu Dottie.
T1 . . .
ieware or counterfeit fig synips.
ask your druggist for a bottle of
"California SvniD of Pics." than IMA
that it ia made by the "California
oyrup company."
hZ.im acre, with
Nation Z Z'a WrM nni
iwoturm L?.nd ???d grain. baL
rn of i.. . .
nTa; low intZii IOiJ on good
i anV8?..'! P'P or maltt-
u aav a .... .
writ. vV. srt date. n.ii
wosfl "79 ear of nic a ..T I
!S -.2. wel
TJ- H. R.r. I0 want
Pitrsoant to call the stock hoiders of
ManoniPollt County National Ikrm
Ian aseoeiation met in the office of
W. D. Smith. ncrntjrv.trennM U'A
Salem Bank of Commerce, fcr the pur
pose of electing board of directors
for the ensuing year. The following
stockholdere were elected directors of
ua national association: I,, p. Hop
in, Benson Shaw, C. W. Parker, W.
B. Kose and A. L. Collins. Since the
organization of said association in Ju
yt 1017, it has distributed among the
farmers of Marion and Polk counties
222,100, The borrowers have il paid
thoir intareet and taxea'prsmptly.
The war and forestry departments
nave decided to co-operate and start
erial patrols of the great national for
este next summer.
ne iU n. ' , . " sevenin or Tahiti 'f
l.tl Pat'on baa been wiped oat by influ-
thina should be done hv th hn.i A " " le.et..w
., , .,l utterly aemo ished. Another build me
1,1- , :! ieth!r; ,,IIe fi!iae- was blown over on its side. The track!
i . ' '-'"a ot uiose of the Kenton elevated railway in front
I LT S,flatd4f'om their of the wharf were wrecked. '
stnip hiMHc , .s Also that the propoi- Eegcne gquads including hundreds ol
uuu,u Kci, uusy return- soldiers, were hampered by the molas-
less of politics. geg wnich covereQ hundreds of square
After the oratory, the house voted 43 yards in the vicinity to the depth of
in favor of accopting the committee's several inches.
recommendation of co-operating with Molasses stored in the great tank
the sonate with nine opposed and three which exploded was estimated at two
absent. By this vote the house slgni- million gallons.
fied it- willingness to appoint a com- Because of the great amount of mo
mittee of three to act with Bf senate lasses which covered everything about
committee of three to go deeply into the scene firemen were forced to turn
the proposition of cutting down the streams of water on the mass before
number of state commissions And state an7 progress could be made. During
jobs, and to subpoena ,witncsses, th rescue work the cries of the injur
Bills Introduced. ed could be heard under the wreckage.
This mornintr the iollowinr bills wfirl auwb wrecajeo.
Kenneth Neill,
Mrs. P. E. Smith, Mrs. William Ball
and Mr. W. Morrow.
At a meeting of the State Land
Board held thie morning, the following
were passed:
Whereas: John D. Sutherland, cash
ier and clerk in eharge of the notes and
mortgages of the Wtate Land Board in
the State Treasurer's office, has been
canea to tne great beyond, and
Whereas: Mr. Sutherland has ren
dcred faithful, efficient and courteous
service for a period of 28 years, there
fore be it,
itesolved: That the State Land
At the meetinir of the Desert Land
Board, appreciating the valuable ser
vices rendered to the State and the
Board by Mr Sutherland, deeply de
plore the loss' sustained in his demise
and tender to his widow, son and
daughter, its deepest sympathy in their
Dereavement: and be it further
Resolved: That a copy of these reso
lutions be presented to Mrsj Suther
land and that they also be recorded in
the minutes of the Board.
the throat, chest and back between
the shoulder blades to open the pores.
men vapoitub. should be rubbed in
Over the parts until the skin is red,
spread on thickly and covered Tith
sold last year. VapoBub is -particularly
recommended for children's croup or
colds, as it is externally applied and)
can, therefore, b3 uscu freely and often
without the slightest harmful effects.
Says A Little Salts In Water
May Save You From
Dread Attack.
No. 24. By Lewis of Multnomah
county. To creato a tat suporvwing
and conservation commission to pro
mote efficiency and economy in ex
penditure of publie funds. The bill ft
vors a commission of three from each
No. 25. By Scheubel of Oregon City.
To amend the law relative to special
roaa iax.
No. 2. By Scheubel of Oregon City.
To amend the law relative to the con-
stroction of roads and highwsys.
No. 27. By Scheubel of Oregon City.
No other remedy win so
surely and cuicklv corrw
stomach cilments, regulate
iue uver ana improve the
general health as a dose of
f Safaf An MmI; 1 .L- ttf ii
Sol- mcrwhm, ia Bma, 10o as
In the street in front of the wharf
were the wrecks of a number of auto
mobiles blown to atoms. Dead horses
were seen in the building and about
the block and mixed in the wreckage
were parts or human Dodies.
One man was picked tp in the bar
bOf. He had been blown 150 feet and
both legs were broitcn. Another man
was hurled fifty feet through the air
and landed in a doorway on the obdo
site side of the street Beside him were
the bodies of two women apparently
The large number of women among
me victims was accounted lor by the
fact that the explosion occurred during
the noon hour when women employed
in nearby factories were on tho streets.
A tenement honse near the wharf
wag partly demolished and a number
of women and children were iniured.
Soon after the explosion the crowds
became so dense that soldiers and sail
ors were ordered to stand guard and
the crowd was forecd back to a safe
distance by men with fixed bayonets.
Bed Cross nurses and the women 's
motor corps did effective work in dress
ing the wounds of the injured and tak
ing them from the scene.
Every ambulance in the city, includ
ing all available army and iiavv am
bulances were rushed to the spotwhile
scores of doctors dressed minor injur
ies or inose a Die to juur out for themselves.
of Silverton, had just passed away 8
some point in California.
. ......
Attorney Max Oehlhar spent Tues
day in Hallos on legal (business.
A fire occurred recently at the res
idence of P, E, Killan, about three
miles out on the asylum farm road.
The damage amounted to about $400,
being covered by Insurance. ,
Rollin K. Page is in Portland today
looking after legal matters.
Government Inspector W. S. Ijt.ins
of Kearney, Oregon, Is in the city, reg
istered at the Bligh hotel.
W. P. Swope of the Portland Mercu
ry, is among the recent arrivals in Sa
lem. Among the guests at the Blieh hotel
today are Attorney L D. CoU of Port
land. A. H. Jess of Chinook, Mont, D.
Doll of Stayton, and Prank Letscbke,
of Portland.
ine report was brought in by a mail n n T.iw.- wnit ,. i u.4i....i
carrier this morning that Earl Wood, ig8n officer in the American Hd Croud
mo wen Known cuinmission merchant at Archangel.
Word has been received by Mr. and
Mm C. G. Schramm of Salem, of the
death of their daughter, Mrs. Bolnnd
Pfaff (Winnie Swhramm) which occur
red at Bremerton yesterday. Funeral
arrangements are as yet indefinite, but
n is expected the services will be held
in Salem. Further announcement; will
'be made later. '
Washington, Jan, 13. An anti-bcl-Bheviki
outbreak lias broken out in tlie
Petrograd garrisons, according to a dip
lomatic advice reaching here todny
through Swiss channels.
Important battalions of the garrison
have renounced Trotsky's authority
and fortifying themselves at various
strongholds for the struggle, it was stut
Rheumatism is easier to avoid ihan
to cure,states a well known authority.
we are aavised to dress warmly; keep
me roei ury; avoid exposure; eat less
meat, drink plenty of gool water.
Rheumatism is a direct result of eat
ing too much meet and other rich foods
that produce nri acid whieh is ab
sorbed into the blood. It i the func
tion of the kidney to filter this acid
from the Wood And cast it out in the
urine; the pores of the skin are also
a means of freeing tho blood of this
impurity. In damp and chily eold
weather the skin uores are closed thus
forcing the kidneys to do rtoirhle work
tney become weak and slupgish and
fail to eliminate the uric acid which
keeps accumulating and circulating
through the system, eventually settling
in tne joints and muscles causing stiff
nese, soreness and pain called rheuma
tism. ;
At the first twinge of rheumatism
get from any pharmacy about four
ounces oi Jau baits; put a tablespoon
ful in a glads of water end drink fcefore
Weak fast each morning for a week.
This is said to eliminate uric acid by
stimulating the Ikidneys to normal
action, thus ridding the blood of .these
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless
and is made from the aeid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia
and is used with excellent results by
thousands of folks who are subject to
rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant,
effervescent lithia water drink which
. :j -j v
ficial to your kidneys as well. 60
, , ft
Mr. Business Man
As a matter of economy you
should consult the Journal's
Job Department before placing
your printing-we aresatisfying
Salem's leading firms put us
on your calling list. Phone 81
ft! -- hps, fcj. m -kyT f