THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY .tamttapv 15. 1919 There vtzs . 4f Crowd m 4& ; the Store ' end thef were trying to "Have a chew on m,,sayshe.4Break off just two or three .- squares, in-ts a man's size chew of Real Gravely. It Imlds its good taste FEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing PIug MnU nivrp nacked in z voucn W h F I' 1,1 ',1 fH'I'l, M 1 josh the Tobacco Man so long it costs noth ing extra to chew this class of tobao CO. goes further that's why you can get the good taste of this class of tobao co without extra cost. fine Growers Begin Their Fight Against Dry Forces ' Ban Francisco, Jan- 15,-California flEfiFf n ffl ' Hamn' Wiisrd Oil AVafeand harmless preps rtthc: to' relieve the pains of Rheumtun; S.-.tfio. Lame Hack and Lumbatjo s. lhwliu's Wisard Oil. It penetrate limbers tip stift aching lomts any DiHlclCl ou will find almost daily uses tot it in cases of sudden mishaps or ,ic :c,;', -us sitrh as sprains, brvis?s ci-fi. Wrvs. bites and stints Inst as re liable, too, tor earache, tootliatlie. ,CTnr and colic Get it from druggists for JO cent If not sauced return the bottle an ) ct your money back. Ever constipated or have sicl fieridachc? lust try Wizard Live .Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 tents. Guaranteed. growers have taken the first stop in what the liquor forces hope will be a legal fight that will hold up ratification of the JShcppard bone dry amendment indefinitely. William Hchulte of tho Wine Grow era association admitted today that tho temporary injunction obtained yester day, .winch prevented Governor Stepb. eriB certifying California's favorable vote on tho amendment, was tho first step. The liquor men plan to obtain sim ilar injunctions in each state as fast as these states ratify the amendment. They will appeal to tho United States supremo court if necessary, in an at tempt to prove their contention that tho pooplo are a part of the state leg islature and have a right to tho refer endum to dctormine whether the vote of the legislature expressed the will of tho peoplo. Tho second contention in the action brought here is that the Sheppnrd amendment did not receive the neces sary two-thirds vote in congress and therefore is unconstitutional Even should tho liquor forces lose tho fight finally, they might be able to postpone effectiveness of the law ma terially, Hchulte said. JOURNAL: WANT 4BSPAY CHARTER NO. 9021 , REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE United States National Bank at Salem, ia tho State of Oregon, at t ho close of business on Dec, 31, 1918. Resources. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, (except . those shown in b and c) : '583,017.80 ' Total loans. .-...r...- ...$583,017.80 ' $583,017.80 Overdrafts, secured none; unsecurcL......$2,295,59 .' " ' 2,295,39 VS. Bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value 31,000.00 U. 8. Bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged ; as collateral for state or other deposits or bills ' payable V .. ........ 15,000.00 46,000.00 Liberty loan bonds, 3. 4. and 4' per confc un- Pledged- ....... ........ 11,199.7V Liberty loan bonds, 3'a, 4, and VA por cent, pledged to secure state or other deposits or bills payablo 52,500.00 Payments actually made on Liberty 4 per cent bonds of the Fourth Liberty loan owned 63 099 76 Bonds (other than U. 8. bonds) pledged to secure' " ' postal savings deposits 29,262.50 Bonds and securities pledged as collateral for state, or other doposits (postal excluded) or bills payable .. 133,938.48 Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including . stocks) owned unpledged 277 653 13 . Total bonds, securities, otc, othor than U. S........ ' ' 480 85411 Btocjt of federal reserve bank (50 per cent of ' ' Value of banking house 140,000.00 Furniture and fixtures. 13 000 00 Heal estate owned other than banking house 3905 00 lawful reserve with federal reserve bank . 9640054 tasn in vault and not amounts due from national ' banks 837 914 15 Net amounts due from bankV?Mke7sra7d'trusToora'- ' ' ChtJK nrt " v,tha.n iChl3ea in ltemS " 14 ' 15 3'170-27 Checks, on other hanks in the some city or town, as reporting bank (othor than Item 17) 5,361.30 Total of Items 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. 346,445.72 Checks on banks located outside of ci ty or town 0f ' . T ! bank flnd otner casb- items 4 189 65 Eedemptmn fund with U.& Treasurer and due from .4, U. 8. Treasuror . 1 550 00 interest earned but not collected-approximate."" " ' . War .vS San;lBiil8 livable not past due ...j ' 14,913.71 owne7 ecrtlficatc ani Thrif stamps actually Other assets; if"any Z ZZZZZ 31,438.16 Total . ' ' $1,792,717.36 Canifoi otT . Liabilities. BuSS JS Paid i0 ' - 100'000-00 Undivided nr;i;r 100,000.00 Circular! J " 19,610.01 19,619.01 vaneeof maturity and not earned (approxi- ! S ' 24 5737 Paninn 'tn? taiikl,i bankers, and trust com- KuTlSl and" ST1"'6' " It0mS 31 F 32) 17'800'85 WTV55 22,374,3 . .06 Sxi a of othr rnici 'rea - 399-u0 Dividend f tMa bank " 226,689.15 CertificS It 72 3H5'38'37'38'390'41 -968,059.35 borrowed) m (otllcr than for money . 562188.98 Total State of 6regoT"cm';;7r''r;7"iV " " $1,792,717.36 I, E. W Haza fl r y Marion, ss: tt above statement t 7?' above-named 'bank, do solemnly swear that 11 trufi t0 tbe best of my knowledge and belief. E. W. HAZARD, . . Cashier. . CORRECT Attest: D. W. EYRE, - , s . . . ' , 'O. W. EYRE : . II, S. PAGE, Subscribed anil '. . Directors, w and sworn to before me, this 14th day of January, 1919. ' W. E. KEYES, ' " . " Notary Public. . My term expires May 1, 1921. VOTE OF SENATE PLACES OREGON (Continued from page one) aduut that interested parties in Port land can draw highway bonding bills in the Interest of the people "anv bet tor Chan can the 17 lawyerg in this senate, or the attorney general, who is mo uegai adviser or the stato." Senator Thomas presented a resolu tion providing for a joint session of ihe house and senate at 10 o'clock next Monday morning, at which the mem bers of the highway commission will do invited to ibe present and present their vdowa of needed road legislation. "Let the highway commission come before us and tell us of the mistakes in the past and what we ought to do in the future," he said. "Let us preserve the dignity of this honorable body, and let us do the enacting of road legisla tion." . The resolution was referred to a m mittee. Seara'tor Banks introduced a propos ed amendment to the constitution, pro viding for compulsory voting at elec tion. It provides that if a voter cannot reaeh the polls on election day he may cast his ballot by mail. A resolution introduced by Senator Pierce would put the legislature on record in favor of a league of nations of which the Ignited States -would be member. - Senator Eddy introduced a resolu tion providing for the appointment of a committee of five to consider all measures relating to reconstruction and care of tho returning soldiers. consider flu Question Tho senate received a communica tion from Mayor Albin and a special committee of tho city council asking the legislators to cooperate with the local officials in fighting the flu. The mayor suggested that the senate Bhould adopt regulations as to the number of persons that may be in the lobby or in committee rooms. The "communication ! was xeforred to the scnato committee on medicine, pharmacy and dentistry, j of which Senator Wood as euiurnian. Mayor Albin advised the eenate that on January 5, 6 and 7 there were 23 new flu cuses reported, 17 on thtj. oth, Si on the Oth, 21 on the 10th, and 12 on the 11th. . By unanimous vote tho senate sus tained the governor's veto of senate bill 242, passed Iby the 1917 session. The bill provided for an increase in salaries for the Hood River county of ficials, and Senator Nichelsen of Hood ttiver explained that the people or his county did not want the bill to !beic.ome a law. Only one toil! was introduced at the afternoon session of the senate. It waJ presented bv Senator Hurley and pro vides an amendmont to section five of chapter 147, laws Of 1913, which will give tho, county authority to rotate personal taxes when it is ifound Iby the county board of equalization that such taxes have been overpaid. Senator Hurley alsc introduced a memorial to congress to adopt the Owy? hee irrigation project for cojistructioq as a part of tho reconstruction program of the government., The project memo es approximately 100,000 acres and Sen ator Hurley points out that it has been approved by the government as to its tuiaibiity. The senate passed Senator JJimicK's joint resolution, providing for the ap pointment of a special committee, on consolidations to consist of three sen ators and three representatives. In this connection, it can be said that the ei timeirt among the legislators is clearly ormosed to the sweeping program of government upheaval proposed in the report of the consolidation committee appointed iby ; tho govornoT. This re port has not een presented to me legislature. RUB SPRAINS, PAINS AND SWELLING AWAY Don't Suffer! Its So Needless Instant Relief Follows A Rubbing With "St Jacobs Liniment. Bub it on a sprained ankle, wrist, shoulder, back or a sprain or strain anywhere, that's when you realize the magic in old, honest " St. Jacobs Lini ment" because .the moment it is ap plied, out icorneg the pain, ache, sore ness and siwolling. It penetrates right into the injured muscles, nerves, liga ments, tendons and bones, and relief comes instantly. It not merely kills pain, but soothes and heals the injury so a quick recovery is effected. Get a small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Liniment'' right now at any drug store and stop suffering. Noth ing else sets things straight so quick ly so thoroughly. It is the only appli cation to rub on a bad sprain, strain, bruiso or swelling. The Chchalis furniture factory, which was destroyed by fire last April, will be rebuilt by Cingrich Brothers. The recent freeze and ' thaw have started a slide oh Shell Rock mountain that may. close the Columbia highway. '" After four years' service, H. E. Abry has been reappointed roadmaster - for Columbia county, for the coming year. Major V. R- Abraham" returned from France on the George Washington and will resume the practice of medicine at Hood River. . - Field Marshal von Mackensen of the German army hag been interned in Hungary. ; , A Tegular aerial service will be main tained between Paris and London dur ing the peace conference. - .- v . One million eastern brook treut eggs have been shipped to Bend to be placed in the hatchery there Jacksen County Vins BaiW Thrift Prize Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis, Jan. 15, Jackson county won the 50 pruo Sn the thrift campaigu con ducted by the children of the state in the lust year under tho auspices of the Oreccn Bonkers' sso'iHti,,n ti. n. " , .uv VJO" iron Stutp Teachers' nsxn,-;,,,;,,,, r. " . - tin: vr- egon department of education, the ea eiaies oop.inmi,ut or agriculture and the Oregon Agricultural college through tho boys' una giib' club work depart ment. Thousands cC children were in terested in the campaign and began hab its of thrift which are expected to mean much to Oregon In- tho future. The work has proved an mi..nct,.i that the Oregon Bankers' association will not uulv attain offer 50 in insh tho county making tho best showing, Dut has voted lor the printing of pupils' record poors, 'lhe Teachers' as sociation is lrepariiitf to publish a ta. rort of the woik accomplished in the last year ana fans ror luture work. In Jackson countv 1922 schnnl phililrnn saved and (ierosiied in banks or post offices an average or 10 cents s- week during the year.' WAYS AND MEANS CUT IM RON JUDGE! State Industrial Accident Com mission Is Refused $880,- en ; s n m, , m 000 Request. ' m . , j Z.i in z. ,z OXM 1 :;. ii. --i-fa. - i , - t , " ,S"SWSMlJBl I- -- ' i' ?vh nmrl - LBdiaa. rml 1 Bt ?v;st v 'lJL.-jv-.-dn mass Women of today seem to listen to every call of ditty except the supreme one tlmt tells them to guard their health. Home duties, church duties, war activities, and the hundred-antl-ona calls for charitable enterprises soon lead women to overdo. Nervousness, headaches, backaches and female troubles are tha inevitable result. Philadelphia, Fa, " I was very weak, al ways tired, my back ached, and I felt sickly most of the time, I went to a doctor and he said I had nervous indigestion, which, added to my weak condition, kept me worrying most of the time and he said if I could not stop that, I covld not get well. I heard so much about Lydia E. I'inkbara's Vegetable Com pound my husband wanted me to try it. I took it for a week and felt a little better. I kept it tip for three months, and I feel fine and can eat anything now without distress or nervousness. Health and happiness 7 Yes, I have both now." Mrs. J. Wobthlinb, Zm North Taylor Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The majority of women nowadays overdo, thero are so many demands upon their time and strength ; the result is invariably a weakened, run-down nervous condition with headaches, back ache, irritability and depression and soon more serious ailments develop; Avoid them by taking in time r.... . .A.'a. Vk ..,Jf,v..- .,if ..... ,A. . At its first meeting 'last night, the senate and house joint ways and means committee tentatively cut from the state budget $761,382, of which the big gest item was $680,000 cut from the re quest of the state industrial accidont commission. This cut eliminates entire ly state aid for the fcommisslon, which is recommended by the governor and not opposed by the commission. oi tne Monmouth, normal and a sugges tion from Mrs. . Alexander Thompson that a law be passed providing that graduatos of the University of Oregon and the O. A. C. Bhall be eligible for certificates for teaching in the graUe school., of the state. At present they are eligible only for certificates for teaching in the high schools. Referred to Sub-Committees. The committee adopted the plan put forward by Senator Strnyer of going allowed. Supreme courtlibrary , requested, $16 500; allowed $15,000. State labor commissioner, requested $11,500; allowed $10,000. State land board, requested $18,000; allowed. . Expenses of legislature, requested $80,000; allowed, Recommend That Former Kaiser Be Brought To Trial Berne, Jan. 15.---A German commission- appointed to determine the form er kaiser's responsibility for tho war has officinHy recommended that he be brought to trial, according to informa- L ' 1 - linn runnlvfl Lam 13,-l: The meeting brought forth criticism Oregon state library, requested $50,-' Tle r(.enmmpnflnfinn TOna It: 000; allowed $40,000. State board of pilot commissioners, requested $2,400; allowed. Publication of proclamations, re quested $500; allowed. Rewards for arrests, requested $1200; allowed. State highway commission, requested $480,000; allowed. Sealer of weights s-nd measures, re quested $8760; allowed $8400. State tax commission, requested $15,- through the budget, and taking action: 0.00; allowed, on those itoms about which they had! State board of text book commission information, and passing the others for.ers, requested $750; allowed, further consideration. The items for State treasurer's office, requested the various state institutions were pass- $35,900; allowed. .. . ed over and. sub-committees were ap- Deficiencies authorized by the state pointed to visit the various institutions emergency board, requested $552,385; some time before Monday. Thoso com mittees are as follows: Senators Straycr, Patterson and Rep resentative Thompson State institu tion for feeble minded and girls, indus trial school. Representatives Hayncs and Thomp son imkI Senator Lachmund Stato train ing school for boys and tuberculosis hps pital. Representatives Gordon and Childs and Senator J. V. Smith penitentiary and stato hospital, i Senators Eberhard end nill and Rep resentative Brand Deaf and blind schools. , Following are the, items upon which tentative action was taken last night: . Agricultural societies, requested $94,: 000; full amount allowed. Oregon Blue Book, requested $6,500; allowed 1500.- ' Stato board of control, requested $13 000: allowed $15,000. Bounty on wild animals, requested $75,000; allowed $37,500. Buaid of inspectors of child labor, re quested $4600 iiii amount allowed. Dairy and o d commissioner, request ed 38.000 j uli amount allowed. State council of defense, requested $24,520; none allowed. State teachers association, requested $500; none allowed. Superintendent of public instruction, requested $17,500; allowed $15,920. Board of higher curricula, requested $500; full amount allowed. Oregon Normal school, requested $98 730 . allowed $74,288. 1'lorcnce Crittenden Refuge home, re quested $7,500; full amount allowed. McLoughlin Memorial association, re quested $50; allowed. Election expenses, requested $45,000; allowed. Executive department, requested $23 700; allowed. " Emergency board requested $200; ab lowed. Return of fugitives from justice, re quested $15,000; allowed. G. A. R., requested" $500; allowed. Oregon stato horticultural society, re quested $1000; not allowed. Oregon humane siciety, requested $2000; allowed $1000. State industrial accident commission, requested $680,000; not allowed. Attorney general's office, requested $38,920; allowed. Circuit court judges, requested $200 000; allowed. District attorneys, requested $138,800 GiapfrMuts combines greet food values with economy and excellent flavor No sugar required allowed. Reports from all missing prtfcinctg confirm the election of Charles A Sulzer, democrat, as delegate to grcss from Alaska, con- A mass meeting at Aberdeen author ized the levying of a tax of 3 mills for next year for road work. - - '"The Mercurius sailed from New York Monday with $1,500,000 worth of flour to feed the people of Armenia and Syria. The recommendation was presented bv Herj Kautzpy, who was appointed by tho 'present German government to direct examination of documents in the archives of the foreign office. "Msrglnal notes in the kaiser's own handwriting on tho most important pa pers in the foreign office proves he was one of toh principal war makers," Kautszky said. "It is necessary to bring him before a tribunal." SOLDIER DIES ON WAY HOME New York, Jan. 15. Private Chris Reiner, 283 Howard Btroet, Spokane, attached to headquarter comnanv 346 field artillery, died on jboard the St. Louis -while returninar. home. His. cas ket, draped in a 'big American flag, army. was carried down the gangplank by sis sailors as an army bugler sounded "tnna The members of the six batteries of the 340th regiment which was lined up on dock, stood at attention while the casket and it guard of honor passed iu wuirv. Reiner's body will be shipped home. ' ' DIDN'T REMOVE MINES. Washington, Jan. 15. Gormauy has failed to remove her mines from the North sea and the Baltic sea, it was learned in entente naval circles here today. Their romoval by the Germans was stipulated in the armistice. 89TH AND 90TH IN GERMANY. 8 Washington, Jan. 15. The war de partment said this afternoon that the 89th and 90th divisions are Btill assing cd to the army of occupation (in re serve line). ' They were unintentionally omitted trona . the. , last , divisional list of tha t crlilFJinTScrJL'VillDO Original kii ASK FOR The Nourishing Digestible No Cooking ForInfants,InvaHds anaGrowing Children. I Rich Milk, Malted Grain Extract in Povde ne uncinai ooa-unnit f or AH Ages. OTHERS are IMITATIONS " V i- H . the same fine Ham, Bacon, Lard every time you buy it. The same unvarying quality. Try frag rant, fine-flavored Columbia Brand Ham and Bacon for break fast and other meals. They satisfy the apeptite every time. And for crisp, flakey pastry, you'll get satisfying results with Columbia Brand Pure Lard. i . We can supply you with these Oregon Quality Products. Roth Grocery Company Salem, Oregon. r j I L I Hfl'l III I Ml n njv:Ai z- IV, 11 I I V ye- f - x-s. r l c ' "ST. i i 3. - Iff m j f f T JJJ- n ' .V1 .A X i