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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1919. DO YOU KNOW WHY--- it Ss A lot of Dlfferenca Whin It's leSor? - Crawa for tfila By FiStef ' " 1 " ' ' - I ' ' f loll of Ifmunr "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Report ,91st Prepared To Invade Germany On December 14 Alameda, Cal., Jan. 14. The famous 91st (Wild West) division, or at loast part of it, was preparing to invade Gcr many on December 14, according to a Pied of wounds ... , 51 wego Kan ' Died of accident and other causes.... 3 Army Field Clerk Lewis Hoffmann, Mod from disease ..- 41 Jiew lork Wounded, degree undetermined Aliasing in action Total 1 , 97 Today's casualty list contains the following nameg of Oregon men: Chester I Seely, Portland, died from -wounds - Andrew Johnson, Portland, wounded severely DIED FROM WOUNDS Capt Raymond Worthier, oLs Ange les Lieutenants Albert E Birsh, Lawrence Kan Kben L Smith, Denver Sgt James Cowie, Dubois Pa Corporals Harold P Anderson, 'Franklin Pa James A McKonna, Suit fete Marie Mich Bugler Edwin Shaw, Landdowne Me Musician (Frank Boycr, FU'icld Wis Privates Charlie J Babcock, Porter Ind Cocci are, Wagoner N 0 John -Cahill, Whenton 111 Walter B Carlislo, Bethany 111 Stewart Davidson, 8t Louis Mo John T Davis, Payette Ida GeorL'e Davis. E Rome Ga John H (Fleming, Harpor Ferry Va Arthur A Frank, Detroit Mich. Harold F Hatch, Ctfbbs Creek Vft Thomas M Haught, Sincerity W Va Lee Jackson, Aiken 8 0 ' Chester R Jones, Wallervillo MiES Wnvl R. dniiftH. TTiiinnville Mo Burrell R Kohlmetz, Hoeoester H Y lilrnnfif A TBmh. Fnltnn Kv Man del. Lewemberg, Dorcliester Mas James P Lumplun, unpuipa unia Joseph W Morrison, Auburn Pa Oscar Nelson, S Haven Minn A VroA .T Nnmnker. Al'banv N Y Roy O Perley, Dodge Center Minn Miitt'Puzka, Dodge Center Minn Thomas Richardson, Orrick Mo Jacob Rvach, Cedar Crove Wis Benny Roberts, N,ew York Roland P Roeder, Orundy Center la Fred W Roseubnum, Calmar la Richard M Shamley, Washington Ivo Skulhus, Elcva Wis Lyman 0 Stacy, Lacona N Y Leroy A Stauffnchcr, Hlanchnrdvillo Wis John Valentine, Harrison X Y Jeremiah Walls, Philadelphia Charles L White Jr, Hooper Utah Charles F Wilkins, Ottumwa. la Marcus Woodward, Chicago John Zych, Brooklyn N Y DIED OF DISEASE Maj John W Black, Richmond Va lieutenants Benjamin B Baldwin, Mendon 111 Harold F Jacobus, Turner Falls Mass Electric Sgt Alfred B Carpenter, Os- Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water Says a glacs of hot water and phosphate prevents Illness and kesps us fit .Tiiof n Ana u-ttnn it hlll'nS. lcaVe8 behind a certain amount of incombust ible material in the form of ashes, so the food and drink taken day afler day leaves in the alimentary canal a certain amount of indigestible mater ial, which if not completely eliminat ed from the system each day, becomes food for the millions of bactoria which infest the bowels. From this mass of left over waste, toxins and ptomaia like poisons are formed and sucked into i he blood. fon ond wnmon whn can't eot feel ing right must begin to take inside baths. Before eating breakfast each morning drink a glas-s of rial hot wa ter with a teaspoonf ul of limestone phosphnte in it to wash out of the thirty feet of bowels the previous days accumulation of poisons and toxins and to ketip the entire alimentary canal clean, pure and fresh. Those who arc subject to sick head ache, colds, foiliousness, constipation, others who 'wake op with bad taste, foul breath, backache, -rheumatic stiff ness, or have a sour, gassy stomach af ter, meals, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug rtore, and begin practicing intern al sanitation. This will eost very lit tle, but is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on the subject. "Private Ralph Hiatt, Arcadia Ind Witson Hilton, Pleasantville N J Tom Holdefield, Buthersville Ark Loring E Imblor, Connolsville Ind Elson James, Marysville Wn John J Jensen, Askov Minn Harold V Joyce, Unionville Conn, James C Kelter, Ottumwa Xa Jimmie King, Arrington Tcnn Tom Land, Howard Miss Tom Landt, N Oxford Mass Joseph Leach, Tuscaloosa Ala William A Lubrecht, Pine City Minn Henry McRca, Tllerber N C Peder M Maurstad, Kennedy Minn Joseph V Merrill, Delawure Okla Merritt B Miller, Palnee City Neb Joseph A Mullen, New York Charley Mullens, Florress Ky Ernest Pearson, Nelwallo Tox William J Perkins, Malcolm Minn Job Popenkoff, Detroit Mich William F Quinn, Brooklyn Steve Radanovich. Steoleton Pa Howard A Bicker, AUentown Pa Hubert) Saunders, Terrace Pa Robert Scallcy, Blue Anchor N J Frank Shopkouski, Cicero 111 Jumna T. Stvnra. Houston Tex Ooorge R Tamsitt, Dallas Tex Roy E Wagner, Sturgis Mich Stephen 0 Smith, Middlctowu Conn Died of accident and other causes - , Privates ''Joiiti'-SewelV Cincinnati 0 Charlcg E Sharpe, Waterbury Conn ; Peyton Thompson, Litonia Ga Killed in action, previously reported died from accident ana outer c-uauo. Privates James J Cassidy, Philadelphia John B Coil, Abiline Tex Dan Gaceemmo, McKoesport Pa Charles S Kirchman, Philadelphia Killed In action, previously reported wounded, degree unaexeimineu. Pvt (b'red. Boss, Monroe Wis Previously reported missing in action, now reported. uea in aciwu. Sergeants John Flynn, Janesville Wis Elmer R Fox, Philadelphia Walter B Heffren, Lookeba Okla Herman F Heft, Independence la r A U.L'nn flflkdjilU Pa dames a , ,r. Frank J O'Conner, Grand Rapids Mic Edward L Shannon, juiuiinuurg Corporals Raymond P Caffery, Arclibald Pa William I Eaton, .Brondacll 111 Gustav A Erickson, Youngstown O Charles Harris, Brooklyn N Walter II Henderson, Sjucer Minn Bavmond Hendriioks ,Axtell Kan Francis Norton, Holton Kan Edwin J Kellogg, Darien Conn Peter Kerr, Philadelphia John W Key, Scoring O Frederick Krnuss, Wratt Mo Barteen Marsh, Red Granite Wis Raymond W Mcro, wuisuero x Bugler Charles C Leonhart, Boches- Privates Jacob Hoine. New York Alexander Anderson, Salt Lake Joseph Andreski, Beaver 1 alls Pa Clarence L Armstrong, Terry Mich Thco B Auchey, Sehylkill Haven Pa Howard Ball, St Jowtph Mo Thomas W Baler, Bipey V. a Carl F r.ailcrt, l.n3 "" "" John S Karnes, Nashville Tcnn Clawcrenco Bartram, Stalhngs V . a Adolph C Bauer Jr, Bichmond Cal tlnvd C Baughman, Grcencastle Pa Kamtd Voneel, Boyal Oak Mich Rasper C Brewer, Brunsville Miss John Cassee, New York Carl J Eckbcrg, Huron S D George V Richcnlaub, X Fairfield 0 Robert D kerning, aeveland 0 Charles N Freeman, New York Samad M Gatto, ''rodn0 llarlev Glnwbrook, Ba em 0 Charles Gunthcr, Brooklyn Paul B HaUback, Milwaukee jgv O Hamilton, Decatur Mich Charles A itaru.njs, - William H Harrah, Kansas City lOkla .. . .. Nicholas ncuet, '" r -Henry Helton. Streator H Alfred Y Hendricks, Philadelphia letter receinvd hero todav. Cnrnoral W. L. Randolnh. battorv C. 347th fiold artillery, wrote that at that tune his unit, which was part of the 91st, was in Luxemburg, preparing to enter Germany'. The 91st has boen desienatod for early transport home. On Saturday last, General March an nounced the 91st division was at Bous hruo'irn. which is five miles north of Poperinghe in Belgium. IF SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat If Kidneys Feel like Lead or Bladder Both ers You-Mcal Forms Uric Acid s Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, got sluggish and elog- gcd and need 4. flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull misery in tho kidney rogion, gevore hcadachos rheumatic twinges, torpia liver, acia stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney rniKinn. apt Rhnnt .fnilr minces nf Jad Salts from any good drug store hero, take a taulespoontul in a glass oi wat er before breakfast for a few days and vnnr kiilnevB will then ant fins. ThiB famous salts is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon juico, combined witn lithi. onil is harmless to flush clog ged kidneys and 'stimulate them to nor mal activity. It also neutralizes tne acids in tho urine bo it no longer irri tates, tnus cnumg Diaaaer nisoruers. Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful efforvescent lithia water drink which everybody should tolra tin to- and then to kooD their kid neys clean, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well known local druggist says he soils lotg of Jad Salts to folks who be lieve in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. Dominic T Schmitt, Rochester N Y ! Elvin J Schwartsbaum, New York John M Snyder, Chicago STAHONNEWS. (Capital Journal Special Service) Stayton.' Jan. 14. Mrs. Leona Har old, wife ofEaleigh Harold, formerly of this place, died Jan. 7 at Albany, whrn thn familv rcentlv moved, at the age of 29 years, having suffered irom diooci poisoning, oui ironi uug oue was convalescing when taken with in fl,,,i7.a Rha is survived bv her hus band and two children, both under five years of age. The tunerai service was held Thursday and 'burial was in the Stayton oemetcry. Dick ilivnnn. wn known nore, ana a former resident of Lyons, died Wed nesday at Albany from influenza. He leaves a wife and two children. T. W. Creech, who has been with the medical department of the army and stationed in California, is home to re main. His arrival- eame at an oppor tune time, as his wife was quite ill from influonaa when he returned. - School lieinir closed azain on account of the flu, Miss Margaret Millor has returned to Portland and Miss fccliitt erer to Turner. Five teachers it nvauHit oinlr vilh thfi IT1 11 1 H A V . John crautree is Here rrom rortianu for a visit with relatives. The Browu-Petzet saw mill is closed -whilA rannirR urn 'beinitr made. The heavy timberg supporting the mill had become badly rotted' and are being re Dlaced by now one and other repairs are being made. John Thorns, was in Portland several days on business .this week, ii. E. Taylor has been in Portland for several days. ' The mayor has issued a proclamation prohibiting all public gatherings and closing the pool rooms, mere are sever al new cases of flu ii town but no one is very seriously stcfe. -: ' J. AV". Myers of Portland is now a resideut of Staytuu, having moved into the. Elder house on Third street. The new city officials were induct ed into office Tuesday evening. Mayor Murpny aeuvcrea quite a lengmy mu- suge to the; Icouncii, expressing uis views on the future conduct of city ai fairs. His ideas are progressive and it is hoped that he will have the support of the council in carrying aoine of them to a successful conclusion. Tho city has nearly $5000 in its treasury. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Trask, who I.ave been visiting h'Sfo, have returned to their home 111 v aohington. Mrs. E. H. Hobson, who has been visitmig in town, is now with friend) in Scio. ' Irwin Griffith Elected Chairman Salem Hospital At the annual meeting of the board of directors of the Sulem hospital held last evening, It was agreed that the hospital should vacate its present quar ters at once ana Turn tne property over to the state .thus avoiding ejectment timpani! i n tra. . Tho committoe on securing temporary nartnia vrs.o inKtrilPtpn1 in flf PCt uwi.v.h "va . - .v v n umi I busy in' securing a building tnut couiu jm ron i i 1.1 .1 .a . .. .1 . 1. I . ue remoueieu buu uutticu tu uwnjjila . . . i i , ... Pi uses, it is understood several suuuuio buildings have been under considera tion and it ib just a question as to i which is beBt for the hospital. , The emergency hospital will continue t licnd l,v thn Reit Cross as its hos pital and no influenza patients will be admitted t0 tho Baiem nospuai m us present or new quarters. A A T.nn na cluiirman of the execu tive committee, presented his resigna tion last evening- ana irwin uniiuu wks elected to succeed. As the execu tive committoe is chosen for but one year the terms of H. W. Meyers, F. G. beckebaeh and William McGilchrist Jr. imvn oxnired. The committee is appoint ed bv the chairman and it will now de volve unon Irwin Griffith SB cnainnan f. itia Kmninir vear to aiiDoint the iV .MV 0 . . . 41ii0a mnmliora. It is folt that if suitable quarters aro secured for the hospital for at least a year, that the board of directors of the Salem hospital will at once begin lay ing plans for a hospital that will be a credit to tho capital vuy. TKE MARKET Grain Wheat, soft whit - Wfcsat, lower grades Oats Hay, cheat Har. oats ,.,. - Barley, oa sasapls sec ton . i2425 23 .... $4850 $4748 SetaU Creamery butter Flour, hard wheat , Country butter rigga, doacn T3 .$ssja( . 6570S Butterfat !9 Creamery buttor 88 Tertc, Teal awl mtvra Pork, en foot u.v lfl Veal, faasy 80 Steers ... T Cows 47s Svriaa lambs lie Hwas.. Lambs, yearlings gas ana Poultry Eggs, cash - Hens, life ....... ...................... Old roosters .............................. Chickons I! slfee ....... 60c 23c FARMER'S PRODUCE COMPANY . Cash for your produce today: 20e for top veal. ,19e for top hogs. , ' , 25a for heavy lions. ., . ' 23c for light hens. 160 S. High St. -Phone 10 iTuMtatAaa Sweet potatoes $5 n . . 1 ai ra fotatoes . l-uv Oaioss, local $1.78 Cabbage - 3 Mi Turnips ..- Ss Head lettuce Beets w8 PariH i ni ...m.. 89 Cauliflower $2.50 Cocoanuts fl.O ftn n rrnn 4.50(a)5.75 Lemons, box , 5 Bananas - 'Florida grape fruit, case ........ 7.25 Hiaek, ngs id , iwjsmw White figs, lb. ....j 19(fi'20c Package figs per box ... ,..$10.90 Honey, extracted 20 Portland Market Portland, Or, Jan. 14. Butter, eity creamery 66o Eggs, selected local ex. 70(a72 Hens 80(a3Sc J Broilers 2827e ' Geese 85e . ' J OhMss, triplets 3940 Turkeys 40o i DAILY LIVB STOCK MAEKEI Oattla Receipts 198 Tone of market strong Prime steers $1314 Choice to good steers $11.50(5)12.50 Madium to good stoers $10.50j11.5 Fair to medium leer 9.50"iO.S Common to fajr steers $S9 Choice eowa and heifers 9.5O10.5. Medium to good cows and heifers. $8.509.50 Falrto medium eowa ana heilen Km . -. . , Cannors 45 Bulls-6.508.60 Calves 912.50 Blockers and feeders 79 Hogs 1 Receipts 149 ' Tone of market steady . 1 Prime mixed t!6.7517 ' ; Medium mixed W16.50 ' . Rough heavies $14.7515.73 ' Pigs 13.5014.50. . . Bulk 1617 Sheep Receipts 1421 ! Tone of market higher Prime lambs $13 13.75 Fair to medium lambs $115012.5l Yearlings-11(3)11.3Q- Wethers $l0(i)10.50 Ewos $8(j8.50 " . t KiUed in action, previously reported missing in acuon. privates Albert G Henry, Vim Ark Carl Henry, Spearfish S D HyHTSrrntwinfieldla Emil Hogberg, Argyle Mma Hans Hogie, Binford . Mitchel Houtchin, Burlington la Erven J Householder Dover O William B Hunt, Bcccber City 111 Percy "N Jones, Buffalo Jnct Va William L Justis, Hurley Va . Alfred Kaveney, Cincinnati 0 Henry M Kidd, Corbin Ky John J KiMayt Lasalle 111 Edward Kops,j Milwaukee Morris Kridermnn, Philadelphia Arthur W Kreuger, Wausa Wig Frod Kruse, Grand Island Neb Bobert E Khyselmire, Torrington Wy Adolph Kirmin, Philadelphia David Larson, Canton O William V Lee, Pai-'stino W Va .Tnlin T. Afiiea. Onnuin 111 Grover 0 Mahain, Myrtle Miss Clare S Muhoncy, Stanley la Lauren T Manning, Salinu Kan Cesjiri Marchi, Somervill ! Mass Frank Markley, 'olumbi Fumaeo Va Walter D Mason, Claremont JN 1 Robert May-field, Bellville Hi Alva L Mead, Hayti Mo Arthur M Marchant, Burlington Vt John A Merryinan, Hililandtown Md William Miller, And Mo Av.i Prtorann. -Richmond Wis William J Schneider, Kewaskum WiB Charles H Schnell, t'hil'iueipnia William J Schroer, Donbra Pa Clem J Schwallic, Zanesville O Newel T Seay, Maysville Ga Walter A Shaw, Mineola N Y William F Shelton, Granllo Okia Frank R Shcppard, Cazenovia 111 Frank J Sikora, Milwaukee Wis Harmon G fltnagall, Portsmouth O John K Warren, New York Tollio R Womack, Manifest La Nick Youll, Nile O Died of wounds, previously report missing in action: Corp John P"Dunn, Waterbury Conn Mech liarold vianisteai, ;iew x' Privates Thomas J Evans, Galena -Kan Harvey Jewell, Louisville Ky Georgo L Kellev, Philadelphia Lt Harold H Sayre, ( anada Lt Harry H Strauch. Thomson 111 a..f Jnhn Kemnter. Milwaukee Corn Hcrtiert B Norton, T lvsses Pa Corp Joseptt nnsy, isnp x Privaten x...o.Jn f'or.linps. Providence B I .,i 'otnntn Newark N J Earl B Clark, Centre Barnstcd f H Carl A Harrington, Keumng x Samuel Kelly, Griswold Ca . .. t r s 4 UTi. Artnnr i "j" l Edward. M Maher, New York J CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT IMCK REFERENCE TO: FIRMS TIAT GIVE SERYICE 0NJSI0R1 NOTICE WHERE BUYER AND SELLER HEEI WE KLU)llfc uik AurtKiiHK; tMiiitnttittnttMitmttM"'""" REAL ESTATE A. A. M A at A. .j. 'W W w W m w CLEANSES YOUR HAIR M II BEAUTIFUL THICK. GLOSSY. WAVY Try This! All Dandruff Disap- mm Srw m . pears And( ilair Mops Coming (hit, Surely try a "Dandorine Hair Cleanse" if you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Dnnderine and draw it earcfully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this will clcauso tho hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil in a few minutes you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and pos soss an incomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance. rosides beautifying the hair, one application of Dandnrine dissolves ev ery particle of dandruff; invigorates the scalp, stopping itching and falling hair. , - Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to ivegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strenglnens tbem. its exhilarating, stimulating and life-pro-duciiur . Dronerties cause tho hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, end lots of it, if you will spend a few cents for a small bottle of Knowlton s Danuerme at any arng store or touet eounier and try it as directed. Mws) H-etrte Co. XVXBYTBXNa ELEOTMOAL Uaeoitle Temple, 127 North HRjh , Telephone Mart lien OSTEOPATH (JB8. B. E. WHITE AND E. W. WAlr TON Osteopathic physicians and aerve speiialists. Oraduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy, Kiik Tllle, Mo. Post graduate and spee ialized ia nervous diseases at Los. Angeles ColUge. Offices 605-508 Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 8a. Besidence, M20 Court. Phone SZ19. Dr. White m. Phoas 480. DENTIST ARK you looting for a house n Port land! I have a coay tore room em tage, choice lot,' in a flue location near ear line in a good neighborhood If you wish to buy it wUl pay you to see number 5730 at eoraer of 68 street and 49 are, 8. K Portland. Priea $000. Phone 470 or see Square Deal Realty company, TJ. B. bank " I, I, .in II i in I TCUl WTJS I ca match you. C. W. Rlomeyer, Boal KstiU Ageat, Cauadiaa Lands, 644 State stmt. OB. F. L. UTTEI, DEN'IM, ROOMS 418-414 Bask of Commerse bui'dinf?. HUM i WATEB COMPANY 3ALEM WATER COMPANY Offiee corner Commercial aad Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advanee. Phone 606. SECOND-HAND GOODS SCAVENGER 8AL15M SCATBNG BB Garbage refuse ef all aiads remsveo on mno ly coatrasti at reassnahle rate Cess peols eleaasd. Dead animals re moved. -Ofce phone, Main M4f. Besidsaca, Main 2272. LODGE DIRECTORY FINANCIAL irwrnrrTa cm ptttttas MEBT AT McCornack hall oa avery Tnisdaf at 8. P. Andresen, C. G. F. J. Bu ." COO aero atock and gia'a ranch, stock, all equipment, grt'in, feed, 2' miles from town, will sell at a sacrifice price, easy terms. 380 acres finest Waldo Hill ranch, income last year $10,000; will sell very reasonable. J47 acres, all tillable, 1-10 culti vated, running water, 7 miles from Salem, $11,000. 70 acres, 40 cultivated, runnipg water, joining town, pric3 lltili, will carry back $3000. H'or Wxchangc: 10 acres appit and peach orchard, 7 miles from Salem, in A-l condition, will ex change for acreage or residenco. 4S7 acre ranch, a lot of stock, implements, 3 miles from ;town, want small ranch near Salem and some cash as first payment, price 1 0.000. SOCOLEFSKT 341 Stat St WIUITLAND Mursery, galoin. Route box 138K, phone lllr'SI. We have tia Roman strain grtfed Pranquet wal nuts es well as a full line of all oth er nursery stock. 1-H illWl m TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security TH08. K. FORD Oei Ladd k Bush bank; Salem Oregon OiJtrWairt Adsero 'lArbrihCrowj tbeycvrcbouRd tobrmthe Results you want w;nir.nAL TABM LOANS 6 per cent 84 years nme. A. v. conrnaieut, 401 Masoaie Temple, uaiem, uregon. BTONEY to loan oa good real estate. 6V4 percent government mosey to loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold. W. D. Smith, Saksm Bank of Com merce. 1214 STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND BEPAIBED 60 years experience, Depot, national and American fence, ftizes 26 to 68 in high Paints, oil and vamih, eta Loganberry and hop hooka. Balem Feaea and 8tove Works. 260 Court street Phone 124- JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BOTAt NEIGHBORS Of AMERICA 'Oiogoa Grape oaaip" ue. uw meets every Thursday evening i Derby building, Court sad High Bt Mrs. Pearl Coursoy, 914 Court B orads; Mrs. J'elissa Perasas, reeor ,r 141 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. MOTiRBf wnODMEN OV AMBBIO Oregon Cedar Camp He. 6248 meatr every 3rd and 4 th Thur. era, a oxioe in Derby building, corner Court aa High streets. B. Jr. Day, v. uj r, Ttfrssr, elork. 10 ACRE prune raucu, good improve ments. S miles from Salem, wish te ' exchange for larger raneh, not over , 4000. 40 acres all in cultivation, firs ' class valley soil, also V block im ' town which the 40 acres join, splen did improvements, family orchard, win take Slalom residence not Over 2000 and give easy terms on th balance, price 9500. 1 acres good improvements, jood orchard, In Sa lem limits, only 1200. 600 acres, 15 bottom, 450 hill pasture, good im provements, 3000 worth of liva stock and equipment, on good road, ' will take $17,500 and give easy terms Sooolofsky, 41 State Bt. t UNITED ARTISANS Capital A seer. bly No. 84 meets every Thusday at 8 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Norma L. Terwilliger, M. A.; C. A Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. Ths Joarnal Jt Department will print yoo anything In ths stationery line do lt right and savs you real money. FOB ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Write to Graham Wells, Corvallis, Qteon. A frontal for Marion county 1 21 DAN CINQ BTOP 8HAKINO YOUR SH0UBDEB8 Learn to Dance Correctly THEODORE and. LILLIAN NEWMA Exhibition Dancers and lnstruciora Modern and Classio Dancing Hotel Marion, Bolero, Oregon JOURNAL WANT ADS PAX