ttorial Page of The Capiial Journai CHARLES H. FISHES EJUot and Publisher TUESDAY EVENING January U, 1919 Ed Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. Address All Communication! To 9b Dailnmital Ifonraal BALEM 136 B. Commercial St. OEEGON SUBSCRIPTION BATES Daily, by Carrier, per year r. .$5.00 Per Month Daily by Mail, per year . $3.00 Per Month- ..45c 35e i'ULl, LEASED WIEE TKLEUKAPII EEPOKT FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building. W. H. fctockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building The Daily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier docs not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we ean dotormine whether or not the carriers aro following instructions. Phone SI before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the arrier has missed you. , THE DAILY CAPITAL. JOURNAL Is the only newspaper in Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by the . Audit Bureau Of Circulations FEEDING OUR FRIENDS. GOVERNOR WITHYCOMBE GIVES BIENNIAL MESSAGE (Continued from page 3 PROPHECIES AND FACTS. Next to airplaining there is perhaps no more uncer tain business than prophesying. Nobody can tell how a prophecy is going to turn out; that is one reason why there are so many prophets the hazard appeals to the human craving for adventure. There are all those prophecies about what the re turning soldiers will do or will not do, and chief among them the oft-repeated statement that the airmen will never consent to come down to earth again, except, as some one has said, "for sleep and gasoline." Now comes a reporter and reports that of the first twenty aviators interviewed m France, not one intends to pursue aviation as a business after the war. Of the other branches of the, armv onlv about one fourth of those interviewed expressed the determination to make any change in their former line of business. This information may be a little disappointing to the seers and pessimistic constructionists, but to the folks ai nome it is pretty gooa news mat tne boy wno is com ing back is the one who went away.; Broadened he will be, sobered, no doubt; but the boy who was glad to get nome "because he could now take his own girl to the movies", is typical of the great majority. , There will be those seeking change, and. changes will be necessary, but tar more necessary is the plain, normal, practical common-sense in the same old every-day rou tine. If everybody holds steadily to that, "whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues they shall cease." The boys as a mass will come back to their families and go to work as usual. sible during incarceration. A law grant ing me prison authorities a free band to dispone of any commodities that may be produced advantageously by the prisoners would undoubtedy tend to ward economy and lower upkeep, as well as toward a better morale among the men. Highways. The present highway code is ffivinir admirable results under the direction of a nonsalaricd commission composed of three men characterizing the highest type of citizenship and business ability. Oregon is at last following a definiiey estabished and sane highway program which should be accorded a full trial without damaging interference. With the federal, state and county funds available for expenditure on road work in this state, it is estimated that employment wi be furnished for approximately 3,800 men during the coming season, a factor which will weigh heavily in counterbalancing the prospect of unemployment resulting irom arter-tne-war conditions. Specifically, I favor the enactment of Consolidation talk has begun in the legislature and it will end in the accomplishment of absolutely nothing just as it always does. If commissions are consolidated it might be necessary to abolish a number of offices and this will never be done in Oregon. As it is at present there are not enough soft political jobs to go around among the "boys," and that is why each succeeding legislature creates a number of new places to meet the growing demand. In considering the bill to appropriate $100,000,000 to feed starving populations in eastern and southern Eu rope, some congressmen have expressed doubt as to whether the American public would sanction such a step, in view of the heavy war .burdens already assumed and the prospect of another war loan in the spring. , They need not have suffered any anxiety on that ac count. Haying put so many billions into the war, the na tion is willing to add a few millions to complete its war. America has not saved Europe to let it starve. lhe money is to be applied "outside of Germany. Our enemies will be taken care of in due time, and they will be expected to pay for what they get. This relief is meant for our friends, the long-oppressed subject popu lations of Russia, Austria and Turkey, who have no rec ognized governments yet established, whose financial re sources are wiped out by war, and who have neither pri vate nor public facilities for making the necessary pur chases. The United States can weir afford to perform this I service for them. If thev are ever able to Dav for the food, very well. If not, we need not worry. It is a good SiVSyi' LlimHls. deed, worth doing for its own sake, a piece of philan- .uniform system of road 'signs along an tnropy m which every American may take genuine sat- 5, wo to be paid f Vom the aX iBidtuuu. .tt.llU 11 we ivvHl lur rewaiU, Uim, lOO, Will HOI mobile registration fees. So many scri be lacking. Nothing could make a more favorable im-!ous BCCide"t have occurred o grade -n ' , . i i it I crossings that I felt it mieht also bo pression in Europe at this time, when we hope to have weii for the members of this legislature American lniiuence count so strongly for a wise and iust,to cornier the feasibility of passing Hlnmn- , a law requiring tho drivers of both pas- icotc Bciuciiicui. . .sengcr automobiles and motor trucks to " bring their vehicles to a complete stop The boats are troinc back on the river, due to the'r.." t?ck8 outside - , i ,t ri i . . ' . . . 1 1118 uouuuuries or ciucs ana towns. eiiorts oi the commercial dub, ana the work ot Theo-i insurance. dore Roth, who is in charge of that particular depart- JZJT?ZZ J,-7 . ment. These boats are needed and ought to be patronized isfaeuon and should, i believe, bo giv by our businessmen whenever possible, since they tend to en ?r'her tim0 . wo out the varous i" . i, , j -,r ' i i problems confronting the insurance bus- keep freight rates down and were responsible, at least ,iness. tub now law has been th0 means to some extent, for our securing terminal carload rates.'0 poetically doubling the income of W V,,.1J 1 v,.h. the insurance department and I am f ur- vc Miuuiu nave muiuttu uutfi piuvitung ueilr lacn- ther advised that a sctady increase will ities for handling freitrht. and in this; direction Mr.ibe maintained. Some time ago a com- Spaulding, whose company controls much of the available ttWS river iront, WOUld gladly CO-Operate. The bOatS ShOUld lance rate.. Their report is now in my not only be kept on the river but they should be encour aged to the extent of making their operation profitable. exhiht at Pouhad suould'be continued ai it furnishes an impressive and prac tical means of afvr Using the resources of the state. The exhibit should, I think, be pkced in the hands of the Oregon land KHicment commission with a rcusomib'c appropriation for lis cjiiticuun.ic. Consolidation Commission. SPANISH INFLUENZA IS MORE DEADLY TE4N WAR The appalling ravazes of Snanish in- ASreoall.. to the instructions given'?u?nza ,!n h.iB wuntry aie perhap. mo bv tiio 1!U7 icgijiature under Houjo , '" "3 " smiwneni rccent Uneurrwit moiut n No. 11, a couaoli ly, df.'that mow death, have result- -duuou commission was appointed, tie:!?. ,nJ.lltt, m " a month from ' personnel representing s. number of well 1 ZtJ "mt wnola known business men over tho state in , , i , J- ' whom the general public has confidence 1"? JH - Th. ,nmLi.(;n. f ft,;. u' Vur. P?atest danger now, declare i i. . , , . v-" autnonties, is the great American ten sion wul be eonstdcred by you in due ency to forget easily nd toTeliev. course and it is hardly incumbent upon;thfl imril i. .., nn,.." ".k!!. !mo to express an opinion either for or ties claim tho comi ,a weath V against any of the legislative topics sue. i VT, ,nt ,; ... . . . i . . " " J "ru ""S rriuiu ui lull gested by this commission, as the report disease and .there should be ao let up itselt is addressed , to the legislative as sembly. Prohibition. tnroughout the winter months of the following easily observed precautions, remembering that influenza is far eas- It will be my happy privilege to re- 'ier to prevent than cure. The legislature has staged the usual, squabble over economy in clerk hire. Now they will proceed to employ everybody, who has "pull" enough to force recognition. . Thrones and dynasties are crumbling everywhere, but Joe Singer rules with as firm a grip as ever. B8B8B888B8B8BSBSB8B8B8B8B THEWIFE By Jane Phelps. BRIAN IS DECORATED FOR BRAVERY UNDER FIRE PUBBCSDIUU ttllU JL fJfUBUlUU H CUp Will be handed to your committee, on insur ance. . The wisdom of creating the fire marshal brunch of the department has been demonstrated by tlA good results its workers have accomplished in re duoing firo. losses, i I Corporations. ,... , The eerporistion ubpartment also is entiled to commendation for the suc cessful administration of its affairs and the economy of its maintenance. ." The so-called blue sky law has furnished the investing publie with reasonable protec- ' 1 T" tion against the unscrupulous promoter .... . . ' .3 . i 1. '1.1 . . . i ' i .. . 1 itacnoi. xuey navo proved themselves BUU !" juuui, uut n. uu uoi mon." Ruth was so happy herself, that structed the establishment and expan sile wuutcd to say or do. something to ion of legitimate business enterprises make overyono around her happy also. I h and Game. Wen Bhe reached the shop hor face' with somo miuor adjustments, which was still Hirhted un with nriile. liar vn will be recommended to you by the sliono with her anniness. I commission itself, I believe tho present "X must congratulate you again," lw governing the activities of the fish Mauilel said when slw camo into his of- and Kme commission is working satis fice Inter on, "It ig becoming quite e faotorily. In connection with the work common occurrence. Mr. Hackett evi- ' thi. commission I desire to make two dently doesn't let us forgot him." ispecifie recommendations. I advocate "Thank you, and isn't it wonderfu? f the ceding of Malheur Lake ana Mud To think ho did such a thing unaided lke, w Harney county, to the United pert to this legislature a communica tion from the secretary of state of the United States certifying to 'the joint resolution passed by the eongress of the United States which refers to the leg islatures of the various states the ques tion as to whether or not there shall be. written into the constitution of the United States a law absolutely prohib iting the manufacture or Bale of intox icating liquors. I sincerely hope snd firmly bclievo that you will, by proper resolution, ratify this proposed amend ment by an overwhelming if not unani mous vote. Industrial Arbitration. influenza is a crowd disease. Avoid crowds as much as possible. Influenza germ, spread when ignorant and care- ' les9 persons sneeze or cough without using a handkerchief. Cover up each cough or sneeze. Do not spit on the floor, sidewalk, in street cars or pub lic places. Avoid the use of common drinking cup. and roller towels is public places. Breathe some reliable germicidal and antiseptic air to de stroy the germ8 that do find lodgement in your nose and throat. Remember, no safer Drocautio against innuonaa could be employed : in this manner than to get from the near- In my address to the 1917 legislature est drug etoro a completo Hyomei oufc- I proposed that steps be taken toward I consisting of a bottle of the pure the settlement of industrial disputes i' of Hyomei and a little vest nncknt through the channels of arbitration and .llard rubber inhaling device, into which I am still of the same mind. If it would drops of the oil are poured. Yoa be eonsitutional to create a s ate boardi8'1011 earry thia inhaler about with of conciliation and arbitration, cloth- you during the -day and each half hour ing it with sufficient power, to settle Put lt ln Tour mouth and draw Colonel Mercer, who keeps order in the state senate heard Abe Lincoln speak at Gettysburg and other places. Wonder what he really thinks about some of the gas of fensives launched around him nowadays. . RIPPLING RHYMES By Wait Mason WILHELM WRITES. All day the exile sits and writes, and pauses not for food or drink; his pen goes on through weary nights; a boy's kept busy packing ink. What occupies your gray goose quill? What sort of themes do you select? What are von writinrr F.xiln Hill.. : ..rr ; ;T;fr;r :."u"r .ta colored wo,.n, varvvw jruu viuut aiivCinpi, xxw verse. UMlw not surprising, n CHAPTER CXXXVI. "Just think. Brian has tho (irnix An: Guerre, Aunt Louisa. He is brave, and'1 don't see how ho did it. ln spite oi States government by the.stato for the 'nil rim rn ir I n f i ........... - ..I. i-iiirnnaa nr irpMTinrr u hitiiih nHin. w I ..... vi U VJVIXllUUa UClIljr SUtll r wonderful soldiers, they must have a tird refuge. I moke this recommenda- streak of cowardice to let one man take tion bocauso I feel that Oregon, which nine of them prisoners." contains Bomo of the most important "Tho vellow in them is bound to breeding grounds in the United States. come out," Mundol returned, not think- should support the federal government ing of the Germans, but of Brian Hack- in its laudablo plan to furnish protee- ett, und of lith. Who and what was tion t0 migratory birds. ho to think that a woman, who belonged The plan of the fodcrol fovernment to a mun who had shown himself so for the complete destruction of preda brave, so much of e. soldier, would give tory animals is also eomnieudcd to your mm up even if ho were lacking in some favorable consideration and atteuuon other qualifications!. ; . jlf this plan were adopted by Oregon the For tho first time Arthur Mandel lost present system of raying bounties for all hope of ever boing more t0 Buth the killing of pests would bo revoked iiucKott than he then was. He looked in favor of a plun of state and national at her radiant face, bor shining eyos. cooperation for wiping out tho animals and his heart sank. Never eould a entirely. Tho federal government wiil man cause a woman to look like that match each dollar appropriated for this unless sho loved hiin. Prido alono would purpose, and I suggest that Oregon fob not do it. And .ho must love him do- low tho lead of Arizona, New Mexico, votedly. Slight love never gave that ex- Utah, Nevada and Washington in ae pression to a woman's face, nor copting tho assistance of the United brought that light into hor eyes. States biological .urvoy in this impor- It ia not easy to gio up ono'g chcr- tnt movement, even though less than ished dreams. And it was not easy for tho amount which otherwise would be Arthur Mnndel to give up the idea he set asido for bounties is appropriated, had hugged a0 closely of ome day uiuk- Under tho bouuty plan the animals cast ing Ruth Hackett tho only woman he cat to reach are killed and large num-j over had loved hi. wife. But in that ber arc left to propagate. Instead of j row moments tnnt was wnat ne aid. continuing bounties 1 suggest as an ex Ami tho renunciation left him so pale nerimont that the .tato appropriate Wo und so suudonlr old, th&t Buth, alarm- 000.00 for the bienniuiu to cooperate ed, asked if be were ill. iwith the federal goernmcnt in the exter 1 nmnrrnw-Arrhiit M.twtol KftnnA ' I urn not surprised: but to tuiuk uf tut ing so many prisoners all by himself." liuth was ao excited, her words fairly tumbled over each other. "It was a wonderfully brave thing to do," her cunt Btiid after she had reud the Bhort account of Lieutenant liiickett's act, and his reward. "Ho will probably get the Distinguished Ser vice Cross 88 well. Our own country is quick to recognize such act. a. any other." j liuth was radiant sll the evcuinir. Brian had distinguished himself, and hud not been wounded. Her plan for lum als0 took on an added attraction because people would surely give a niaoi with sueh a war record the preference when no returned to civil lifo. She wrote him a long letter tolling him how proud sho was; how happy that he had not boen wounded while doing so mnrvolous a thing. Then she went to bed to dream of war crosses, of nests filled with German, whom Bri an draggod in prisoners, and of little Briun, who too wa. a soldior, and who nlo wore a cross. "I couldn't Bleep without dreaming" Ruth doclnrod at breakfast, "I wag too much excited, I guess." Then .he ex plained to Kaihel, who hal asked what excited her so she couldn't stoop, that Brian, her husband, had been decorat ed for bravery. If she expatiated upon harmful conroversies fairly and judi ciously, and providing safeguards neces sary to prevent the operation of . preju dice against either labor or capital, 1 feel that the entire state would be bene fited by such an enactment. Means shonld be provided, of course, to insure a full and faithful performance of the board's decision, affecting either side of a given controversy. emi war veterans. I favor the enactment of a statute exempting from taxation the property of civil war veterans and their widows up to an assessed valuation of $2,500.00, A number of states have laws of this nature and I feel that Oregon should be willing to extend this simple recog nition to tbe heroes and heroines of the civil war period. " Land Cases, - In view of the fact that the attorney general has- been instructed by the state land board to proceed with what are known as tho Pacific Live Stock Company land caseB, it is my opinion that fund, should be set aside by this legislature to continue the litigation naw pending. conclusion. As this message is brought to a closo beg to reassure you of my earnest purposo to co-operate with you in de voting full thought and energy toward painstaking and conscientious consid eration of all legislative matters. May tho Supreme Ruler endow us with ade quate strength, vision, wisdom, and courage and guide us through a legisla tive session marked by promptness, economy, accuracy and efficiency. deep breath, of it. pure, heeling germ viiung aif into The passage, of your nose, throat and lungs. By destroying germs before they ac tually begin work in your blood, yoa may mike yourself practically immune to infection. All thco suggestions about Spanish influenza are equally true in the pre vention of colds, catarrh of nose an throat, bronchitis and oven pneumonia. Don't become careless. Dn vonr tmrt. Keep the germs away. You mav Bave yourself a serious illness and the los. of several week, work. Danl J. Pry. Sailings Of Several . Transports Announced Open Forum i IGHTINQ THE INFLUENZA. itr Aunt ttini laA sort of stuff is stale and dead, and it would bring an added T' ,n1Ju,R,,ntly ,hn v" A i. ill i -..r. . . . . iflono when Brin had been thn nh- cm se boresi- upon your jaaeaneaa. wnat write you wnen 'ject 0f conversation. "There may be me nigm wma wans, ana wnen tne tempest booms and groans? Perhaps Fomelittle bedtime tales concerning blood and dead men's bones. How fine 'twill be if Bill de votes his genius to this sort of work! Kids need some spicy anecdotes of murders done by-Teut and Turk. They 're tired of rabbit, fox and owl, or animals that talk' and weep; they want to hear of murders foul before they close their eyes in sleep. What kind of stuff do you produce, oh, Wilhelm, writing all the time? A version new of Mother Goose, with morals tacked o every rhyme? .Per haps you're writing household hints for busy wives who wish to know just how to get the proper tints, when dye ing rags of years ago. W rite on, until your hand is lame, the sparkling ink will be supplied; and writing is a harm less game the only one you ever tried. something to him after all," .he thought as she, too, berame a little en thusiastic because of Buth'. excitement and pndeful words. "Sholy he will come back now," Rachel had said, after listening, open mouthed, to Huth'. description of what had happened "over there." "Ain't ho done 'nough fightin' when they gives him all them erossea you toil 'bmt" "I think he will be back soon, Hnchel The war will not last much longer." "ML Cark". gal that .illy back nig gar g-a o' beam said tht one of them uiggnr reg'm'nt. ha. boen fightin' simethin' "fine. I. that so Mis. Ruth! " "Yes, Undid. The colored troops have been wonderful. We are proud of them. i "Glory be, they ain't 'mounted to much befo', some of 'em. I'm plad if they ha. don sumthin' to be proud on." "lou need feel the way no longer, Buth. ECKrtANS- FOB TNBOAT AI8 LQI8S A Csldmn ranixmnil thftt will brintr re lief In mrar fcrut and ehronfo cue. 1'royMa ln hanrilft form, ft bl rura- ly'hlhly recommend by iclnc Con tains h inn ful dn tt Try thorn today. 50 cents a box, including war tax For sal Ht F1 dntiMa 1 ahamtwry. ralbdlp&ki . The Journal Sob Department will prist yoa anyibing ln the .tatioaery line do t riht and ut yjo real money. ruination of predatory animals. btate raw. The state fair board deserve, congra tulation for the excellence of the com modius new stadium on the fair grounds and for the financial success of the last two fairs. I suggest that a reasonable fund be appropriated for the eontinU' ance of practical education. Bureau of Minea. The bureau of mine, and geology has been doing splendid work in calling Et tention to the great mineral resources of the state. Until recently we had been somewhat derelict in promoting this great mean, of wealth. I suggest that this bureau be given proper n- nanci&i assistance ao mat tne mineral resource of this atate may be develop ed in the largest possible way. Ia ad dition to the precious metaia, uregon is rich in clay that should be atilixed at tho earikat practical moment Fuil development of mining and it. allied in dustries would not only writ to bring largo revenue to the .tate, but would also furnish employment to a large num ber of men. S'lU ExmoU. Tlie state gf.uural and industrial To the Editor: The first case of in fluenza reported to the city health de partraent was by Dr. W. B. Morse on Oct. 10, 1918. The following are the numbers of cases each mouth up to Jan 11,191!): October, 232; November, 96: December, 409; and up to January 11, thero was 419, making a total of 1156 case, reported and registered. In tho Daily Statesman of Jen. 11 Dr, Utter is reported as saying there has been no quarantine in the city up till tue last two week. it is hard to iret under way at first. There was no strict enforcement under the old regime. The facts of tho quarantine are these Dr. 0. B. Miles, the former city health officer, who has held tho position about 11 years, received the rules and regu lations from Dr. Seeley, the state health officer, Saturday, Dec. 23, 1918, and he advised trying tho quarantine rules whieh the state board of health adopted. Dr. Mile, ordered myself to get quar antine sign, printed as a rush order which I did and started to quarantine under the rules we received Monday noon before tho ink was entirely dry. That wa. Dec. 25 and we quarantin ed 431 case, up to Jan. 7, which the quarantine book will prove. Placing an estimate of 150 case, since Jan. 6 would be very large for the present hcclth department to have quarantined and three men have been on the force near ly all the time. The present quarantine system is the same we started and carried through to Jan. 7. ur. utter says there was no strict enforcement. The enforcement was just as strict if not more so than at present as experienced men gave the instruction, before inexperienced help was employed and they were drilled pretty well before going out to work. Bo the new regime has simply follow ed the same rule, and in the same way in regard to quarantining where the regime left off and I have worked three and one-half day. with the new regime trying to help them as best I could with the quarantine nnder the present regulations, which I believe my self amounts to very little. I believe j quarantining tho whole household is the only system. W. L. BRYANT. Former Deputy Health Officer, Washington, Jan. 14. Sailinir "." eral transports from France for th. United State, wag noted by the war de partment today. The Oion, St. Nazaire for New York, is duo January 20 with two camml nf- ficerg. The Canada, Brest for Boston, is due January 20 with the following: Twenty-third balloon company; cas ual company 420 (New York); 424 (Ohio); 425 Kansas); 430 (Ohio); 431 (Kegular army) ; 432 (Maryland) ; 431 (Camp Mesdo); 438 (regular army) and 82 casual officers. , The Mauchuria, fit. Nazaire for New York, due Junuary 20, carries the fol lowing: Eighty-Sovonth division headquarter. 312th sanitB.ry train, sanitary squad 68, io ue uomoonizctt at Uamp Dix, loth am bulance company of the 114th sanitary division; 301st trench mortar battery of 76th division to be discharged at Camp Dcveus, Seventh trench mortar, battery to be discharged at Camp Grant Seventh mobile heavy ordnance repair shop (Camp Mcrritt).; 466th engineer, pontton train Washington barracks); 97th aero squadron, Columbus bar racks); 154th aero squadron and 191st aero .squadron, (Fort Blocum); Seconi casual ordnanco battalion; casual com panies 403 (regulars) ; 126th (Pennsyl vania); 127th (Iowa); 128th (Massacha setts); with a number of casuals anl sick and wounded. m B e Strong THE strong and vigorous man or woman is envied br 1cm fortunate . humanity afflicted with aches, caim. infirmities and ailments. The tuftcrcr aye to himself, "If I could only be well, how happy I would be," for health i. more essential to the joy of living (ban is wealth. The kidneys almost literally wash the blood and keep it clean and free from impurities. When the kidneys are out oi enter, they (ail to filter out thia wane and pola onoua natter. It remain iataaeyatem to caoa backache, thematic aaina, ora awiactat and ttiHjointa. heio tae ivttam eliminate ftil. mIumm. m Tbey anothe, atranftaea and heal tore, weak and dueaeed kidney aad bladder. Wnea tne L:dnryt are workin. properly, appetite return, reimbia. ateep ia poaiihlr, and beau and uvascac C W. Smirk, No. 4A St., saline. Kaa, rn" !, m eT awek pieaaed with Foley Kidney Pill. 1 am workini ia a coal yard and tare been yery much troubled with my back, 1 am taken eeveral doaea oi Foley Kidney Fdia aad their bare already helped me. 'JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY