Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 11, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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United States Tires
(if G
219 North
TOO" and "CHAIN"
3500-Mile Guarantee
5000-Mile Guarantee
10,000-mile Guarantee
6000-mile guarantee
A fire For Every Purpose
Friction Arises Between
Sec. Gass and Sec. Daniels
Washington, Jan. 10. Serious fric
tion has arisen between Secretariea
A PTIHM Pi I CO l"fl' iM GIass Danic,,'i over ,he retention of
flu I lull uUnLu uUul? ,ho coaBt euar l UBder "avaf iarUdie-
tion. " '
The coast guard service, originally
FrfiSirffiiif Wiknn Has fahlpri sive? 0T" t0 Ua.nU.u b7 prosidcati.il J
" - " w proclamation early in the war
War laknr Rnrrl Tn It was expected that he row would
I U UUUVI WW U 1 V , .iron" hnfnr., h fipnnin nnvnl film.
" - ' ........
Daniels proposes to keep the co.st
guard in the navy department because,
he says, the nature of the service dove
tails with regular navy work.
Glass holds that the coast guard is
essential to the treasury because of its
work in connection with the revenue
Make. Finding.
New York, Jan. 11 Loaders in the
marine workers strike, whirit has com
pletely tied up the port' of New York,
today threatened to exteud the walk-
n... Acy nnn i i 1 " .
r i-nonn'T :u"'K8"1'" an" '?er and treasury branches
to lo0,000 harbor worker,, in other , ,
ports, thus making ,he strike nation m .in 1
wye in scope. J rapsoort u ua Arnved
hi i heports were current that the work- hi. i.tiit n t
ors on the Hudson , anil Manhattan lnil.1V Af HnhftlTPtl llPV
ill, , : . . VIIHI 1H 11UWUIIVU VVV11
I j I tubes might strike at anjr lauiuto with ;
E l jtho same demands as the marine work- -v-.,- vmk ion m Ti,n n,:.: i
era. This would completely tie up traf- tmi8,)ort iIlua arrivC(1 & Hoboken tu
nc uctween ..new iorK ana new jer- jay w;tn j qj
to help
Stamp out the "Flu" is the reason we are not making
any special sales and are disinfecting our store very
often to kill any chance germs of any kind that may
be brought in. Everything that can be done to pro
tect the public will be done here to the best of our
condition to turn out work properly while
you wait if you wish, and at prices you can
Open Forum
To the Editor:
It seems that the time lias arrived for
"the snno thinking people of Siilcra to
emtio out of this trance and tako action
In the bundling of the "flu" situation.
When i) thij curtain going to ring down,
on this burlcsquof Tlio humorous as
pect of this fnrco has passed into his
tory along with soino uufortunato flu
patiently Tlio business- of Salem in all
llnog is "toti'lly paralyzed. Tlio busi
ness interests of Salem and every citi
iron of Btiloni id entiled to know sever
al "whys."
Why was an einorgoney ordinance
passed, with much talk verbally and
In the pnpers making tho bail in Salem
tighter, or in other words, tolling every
broadwinnor, business house or estab
lishment t and citizen that they must
acrifioe their earnings and business in'
of business and sneeze and cough in
their face at willf
Sad experience in dealing with con
tagious diseasos in all parts of the
worid and it all times has taught us
that there ig absolutely only ono way
to effectually combat a contagious dis-
oaso and that is by "isolation" en
eluding tho war and navy departments,
will back up its decision "witn all
the power thoy possess."
number would bo a vory Jiboral esti
mate and would then include all tho
measles, chicken pox, mental hydropho
bia and An forth th: Imvn himn nrnh.
"8 SSplW Portland g .
has flu conditions as serious as Saleiul f .nntr.ll (if r-flffl K I.harffPfl
dav with 1.003 American trontiai from
J' ; , , overseas on board.
Poat owners and harbor workers Tho ulua Im(, t0 d0),k w; u
were standing firm and the efforts of anee of onlr 01le u(lva, t on Bceoullt
federal, stato and city aulhoritu-. to of thc maTiae workers strike.
Mnng about an agrecmout hud com- Thc fciiowing unita wflre 0Il 1)0R1.j.
pletely failed up today. Headquarters supply company, bat-
Governor Smith arrived in tho city tei(,8 4(i to 50 sixth allti aircraft ge.;.
and took a hand toward bringing tor headquarters supplv company, bat
about a settlement. Mayor Ilylan ask- teri(g 13 t(1 n Twelfth anti air(.rBit
jury tnmtation?y Tnilie S wad Zrt" nie''
Mrft. Inri f Kirlr wi fa laivfoln M
Orders Inveatigtioo Gc0I.ge Kirk of Snn p,.ailci8t.0i waj on
Washington, Jan. 11. President Wi! boal.(i Bhp has bppn visiting Il0r hlls.
son today cabled the national war la- Dnn(i at iria Kirk is au American
oor ooara to again tatio up tno new aviator,
York harbor labor troublo and nualco ' m
And1 he assured tho board that all LosdOH PaCCr SaVS GOffiDCrS
Cuts Unions From Politics
British Peace Delegation House "Speed Up" Program
Has AlIBeen Appointed Put Into Effect Today
London, Jan. 11 The British peace Washington, Jan. 11. The hoiiso
delegation has lieen completed with democrats "speed up" program was
the appointment of George Barnes,' W. put into full effect today in an at
M. Hughes of Australia General Botha tem t to t ft v ,ppropriatioll biB
of the Union of South Africa; Sir Bob- , . ,
ert Borden of Canada, and W. P. Mas- ?u? , n.e"8say legislation passed
Bey of New Zealand. ?cforo tho CIld of tho session, March
The last four named will serve in ', . " .
rotation as colonial representatives. ,..Tf nvcT8 aniJ arbors bill was tho
Overseas dominions will bo represent- measTure,to e. .th,6 effeet8 of
ed a3 small nations. Majority Leader Kitchin'g determina
ble labor party is protesting at the tl0.n, to n.n'isa business,
failure to includo a member of tho of- .'. Mi" the measure were told
i t j, i ... . . . ... w.v ... . i-tiiiiiii rtpo in rnn i rnno, i mnn i -n. rin ni iin. nnrf um iiuuiu ua v o iu ijiiku i,iuth
present is t joke and tragedy. A joke wout aouut wouw Jiave no ood tne American,, people ahaU eat grPr delation tn r th VrTntl work by tomorrow night or the bill
t thA f II ttnrt R trnnmv in VUil8 uui a real UOIiesi-lO-lfOOUUeSS ' tho nrine ih,v )in nav f lm !- l w. . V . r-J -...ij , , A . . ,
- ... -, v .. ... . . . - r..v r-.-' --- uiuu. 'nn HIM'.l
and are adopting rigid quarantine nicas
forced by rigid quarantine of patient "r.c" uuii not tO 'ng .to kill their town
nv.w.Qnl ...,v.Ua ..P l.,...nnl...l,l t WilllOUl Ul'OlCIHlIlff 118 CILlZeilS. IT R .i "hlj: jw...t I ;n l -r---i:-- a -.'
nun u.pra luuuiucii ui uuusuuuiua. I " - miea HI OIg live ' - llSCKers Win OO withnmwnl nt nnrt itf lm nruliminam
m,ifi,..i ot!., i,n ,i vote of the eituens of Snlom were tnk- .vi- s . L .-.i .v.t wunaiawai or part ot tlio preliminary
"v . ... t,..i " w. "? uiciuio committee of tho Trade, i n
Manchester, England, Jan. 11 The
Manchester Guardian dtxilar'ed today
that Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor, ig forc
ing European workmen to sever coin-
pletely the trades unions from all po-
Washington,, Jan. 10. Lnless rega- Gomper's attitude was resuonsiblo for
if you haven 't the flu and a trngody
several homes in Salem where neighbors
have inoculated neighbors. Instead of
wasting time and money and using
good newspaper space on ban ordinanc
es which have proved to tho thoughtful
to bo absolutely ineffoctivo, why was-
quarantine system which would tuke
effect "pronto."
In tho good old dcys we devoted a
goodly portion of each Sabbath to lis
tening to oratory regarding fire and
prices thrx. shall pay. Uiair- ih mj .w.ini;ci- ,,., ; t. . w: ? ........ j would lose its nlaee nd hnvn tn tnl
.t . iii . " " vuugivj. in uau- ii reiitrcsfiiiHiive uei'ttiise it reiuseu to , . '
man tolver of the federal trmle com- sanno I ,i j iu: .,j liaiice at comins uij somu time near
mission charged today before the house "Qompers and his associulcs aro je- posing the government," Premier tb6 end tho 8C3lion-
luicromio liuuiiuercv luiiiuuiirc. teiminerl tn fnrcn F.inrnno (,i oimnrnrn l.l..,l.n. , T.A l,r. TJ ;
, " i' vIM.iv- jjiuju-mpuiu;u lupiivu. iili. XUI11V9
rnnW tinl L nrnt f f.?Tfltely the trades u.uo,is from po- qualified to represent labor general- Xmm fif PVPra
rapidly encroaching on new lines of litical imovements," the Guardian said lv." iHUMIlgJ Ul iJCVCIdl
n't there an ordinance nassed thct ' which the J-.ord was given ample cred
would quarautino and koop quarantined " tor 0UI tnttl8 aT11 tribulations and
tho poople who have tho flu, tho cx-' lileKsings. But ,slas! Times have
posod members of the household and changed, for somo one hesitated long
convalosoont patients; also poimltiesiu,,uui;" ?" xugm. to iuiuk anu
for infraetious and then onforce it.
Why do we novo reports of such an
alarming number of cases of flu in 8a-
loin, such reports purporting to come
Brimstone puis many louu exfiorfationg industry, extending tneir sway over 'The wholo labor movement in Fu-
UTa ll ?ZZlno,, ,rP ?Sai,,s' thcm; Workers have party when he refused to leave the co-
........ lernnea to understand tnat Uompers alition.
five concerns turn their attention to advocates a purely allied trades union . . .
a new industry it sends a cold chill conference at Versailles. There is not . SUOCESSFUL SALE
f"".'"'" Mutiiicimoui un-thei.bghtest chance of the British.
docided that it would be a good propo
sition to gQ SO-SO with the Lord so now
it is quite tho proper thing to give
thnnka to Divine Being for our bless
ings and blamo ourselves for our mis-
from the health dennrtinentf The pruna
idea soems to bo to fighten tho pooplo takc and troubles. -
torests and jeopardize their lines, be of Sulom into blind hystoria. One stato lm t " time that, we take nvea
cause irrosnonsiblo ami eriminallT ears- uient nuoted tho health dcusrtmont 08
lnss people are allowed to circulate saying there wore one thousand eases , How "uk longer is the fundamental
around other peoples' bomos and places of flu in Salom. One half of this principle of AmoricBr-safety and best
interests oi luo great; majority, nrsi,
last and alweys going to set on tho
sido lincsf
Kidding the public is great stuff and
"kidding" is a wonderful anasthctic,
but it must bo remembered that it is
only temporary that the public some
times comes out from under the "in
fluence" then wo usually expect complications.
The peoplo of Salem are not at pres
ent keenly interested in pretty foot
work in "wee small politics," neither
can they bo expected to have trans
ports of joy over thrifty but not orig
inal methods in personal advertising.
henTo iSSTi 'thf. Transports Announced
. Washington, Jan. 11. Sailing of sev
eral transports with, troops for this
country was announced by tho war. do-
: ii. jt ii ai.: . - - .
tinht i. l. wZ ;Y i,,;7 i. rcTich, . Belgian aud German delega- The Zimmerman salo held near Jef- pcitmcnt today. Tho Pueblo, Brest for
-.e.. w.,. . Ilona aur,wlncr tne jwausanne couter- ferson
last week with Col. Wriaht as 'New York, due Jan. 17, carries casual
the auctioneer, was one of the best companies 415, (New York) ; 416 (Wunh
ever held in that neighborl-ood. The. inrton); 421 (Ohio); 422 (Maryland);
saTe amounted close to $200.. A team 426 (Texas); 436 (Obip)y and Jie heiKfe i
farmers- representatives urged en- ,. i;t ,: a.
aetment of legislation giving the gov- tion."
ernment control of packing plants.' ' .. " nt -, '
ve coiiBiuur..it ne guiy oi me gov- tiiij n7j ..i il.. x i Ui n. i. . ....! . ... . . r - --
i ...., u i. uunrauuj uy in iiumui uniin'ui ipoxu; iin niiiu uuijui nuaiters aotftc.nment;. nieninn rtctnen.
ciiuuciik iu uruicci. jib uiiiKens lu CO i,rt, i,.: ir.nn j i " -i.: ..,1 i rn. oa a .i or i.i 1 .. . . 7 ' . 1 -
operative business mich as we are con- " ','"""; T '"'"7 ui 5,UBB l" i.-oo i. j per oiisuea ment and companies A, B, G and D oJS -
,mu "vvuiM wnuwi av vkib nuu i Aj-uuum?. tne vara fimmunirion train.. .
Tiifirv ' ' AanUAin w t'1 dynamite at
Nobraska. company's plant at Pmolo, Cal.
nernian ocncriaur, poet ana autnor
Eemoval of restrictions uuon imnor- A portrait of eGoice Washinrlon liv
a o ti i i b - r, ... . . ... ....... .
Oo'itr.ilia is organizing in an effort "" -t tnuKioco, hh uuuu rations oi wool irora an non-enomy conn liiiiieit tnart was sold for 21,U00 at
to have thc coming1 legislature locate i,"IictC(1 tho federal gr--d jury for tries has been ordered by the wa trade public auction in New York Wedues
a normal school nt that place. treason.' board. day. Three years ago it sold for $3500.
Pianos and
432 State St. "The Reliable Music Dealer"
Salem, Oregon.
Kenneth Forrest, youngest son of J.
,B. Forrest of Portland, has returned
,froro overseas ami arrived in Portland
on New Year's day, where he visited
with his father and sister, Mrs. Kirk.
Ho enmo to Turner to spend tho week
end with his eldest sister, Mrs. Finley.
.Ho will also visit his aunts and uncles,
Mr. ami Mr, ltalph Chaves, Mr. and
Mrs. 0. W. 'Forrest and Grandpa J. 8.
Forrest, while heiie. Kennet'i has some
very interesting stories to tell of his
trip and experiences overseas. He was
an aviator and took several adventur
ous iflights in tho nir. He gives the
Bod Gross considerable praise and says
the boys nro surely supplied with thou-
wants if it is within their power to
do so. Home of our citizens would do
well to learn of the Red Cross activi
ties thru tho views of those who have
come in actual coniin't with tneir worn
They would havo a different opinion
ami hunt up a dollar fur membership. I
Speaking of tho Y. M. v. A ho says:
Wo had no use for the organization i
"over there." I know the Y. M. (-'. A.
iwld sweaters, chocolate, et'., that had
been sent to our boys thru this orjraui
jwtion. Mr. Forrest wilt return to Port
I land in a few days, but expects to re
turn to Turner. Turner Tribune.
Journal Classified
ads brins results.
Inquiry ns to the whereabouts am'
status of Dr. Erie R. Starke, formerly i
dentist of this place, brought the fol-."4
lowing reply from the United Slates J
marshal's office at Portland: !"
"Bo far as we arc informed this Ger
man enemy alien has not been deported.
At present it is hard to say what dis-l
position will be niado of the German
enemy aliens interned at the different tfj
1 .1.. TT:.J L!. ....... TLl ..... lH.a.iTtl
Tamils III llio vuiH'ii iimicfc mum
ly aome of them will finally be deport
ed. At any rate they will be detained
whero they are at present for some time
to Come." Aurors. Observer.
.i .. . .
Peattle, Wash., Jan. It. Chief Dep-,II,
ut Marshal W. K. Theodore destroy-ItM
ed It) eases of liquid labeled ''hair
Uivic" toilay. According to Vnited
iftatra Attorney Robert Saunders,
bir tonics were too cxhilirating as
beveraire. for nunlie use. The ca.v
tZZ&Z3'l8IT&WtoQli were seir-ed hv federal authorities fro-:i!
druggists aud a barber supply hou-se.
Every year you spend a large proportion of the money
you get. So much for clothing. So much for shoes. So
much for things to eat, house furnishings, garden seeds
and tools and what not.
There's one 'sure way to get the most for your
money. Know what you want before you go to buy.
READ ADVERTISEMENTS. The advertisements
you read will tell you what is new and good. They will
give you the latest ideas and improvements. They will
help you to live better and dress better at less cost.
If you think of it, you'll be surprised at the world
of interest and the wealth of new ideas you'll find in
reading advertisements.
Advertisements are the daily record of progress.
They are the report to you of the manufacturers and
merchants who work for you, telling what has been ac
complished for your benefit.
ill' . ' TTTT
thcittM 7 x- itft
:j ...... Ill:
.. .!. MMH IHIIlnniiiii.il ' ' - - " HIUIMttt iiiniiIM))M)t...,
a a 1 1 , , , , . TTT"-" r!T ttttitiinnii