Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 11, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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f f- :
But Thsss Happen To Be Big
German Shens Bursty
Over U. S. Dcug'ubcys.
Reynold Baumg&rdner, who is with
thft Second Drovisional military nolicei
1,- .v . 4.this afternoon by Officer Branson on
in b rfttiftft. is Rnfi nr tnfl hnva who wp in ...J
Charge Is Mads Tkt Smokes
Were Sold To Minors Thus
Violating Stats Law.
On a .warrant? sworn out by Chief of
Police Varuey, three arrests were made
through the big Chateau Thierry fight
last July 14, the day that historians
agree was the turning point for the ar
mies fighting Germany.
in part as follows:.
"You perhaps; have rend of tho hig
drive at Chateau Thierry on July 14,
1918. That is when it started and I
was sure enough in it from start to
finish. It was the biggest battle ever
known over here or in the world.
"Many a big six inch shell I hauled
up to the front. So hear one of my
little mishaps that happened up there.
The three men who will be obliged
ho answer tthe charge are Hneh Rob-
His letter is'ert9 nr Twelfth and Mill streets: Jack
Frost who hag a confectionery store
on Twelfth street and Chas. il liiley
who has a confectionery stoic and bar
ber shop on Twelfth street.
The cases will be tried before Glen
Unruh, justice of the peace, and will
be. his first trial. Tho state luw on sell
ing cigarettes to miners nails: "It
shall be unlawfully to Bell or offer for
Kilo to any minor any cigarette or ei-
hauled a load of shells up and kept garottes in the state cf Oregon." The
i going until I camo to the piece. I penalty fixed for the first offense is a
nil im!nr"nnHl I camo to the niece. - penalty fixed for the first o! tense is a
A hunch nf fellow, unloaded mv trunk, fine not to exceed $100. For the second
I started back while the Germans woiol offense tho fine is not more than $500
sending a slue of shells over and came and nt tllR,n 2.5 r 30 llays ln the
county jnil or Dotn.
Chief Varuey aas boon receiving a
number of complaints recently regard-
mem mump
very near getting niy truck. But I got
out all right.
"I drove until 1 thought my iar was
safe as Iwas bo awful sleepy. But
about 4 o'clock, in the morning over
camo soma mornVg kisses as we call
thciii. One lit quite a distance away
but tho next one. just a little bit near
er. So I lay very Btill waiting for
one with my name on it. But when
it did come it lit about 50 feet in a
bunch of horses, killing six and wound
ing some French soldiers and blew off
the arm of an American soldior.
"So I had to got up and crank my
car and put those fellows in the truck.
I then started across "No Mans Lsiid"
for a hospital. Found one about five
miles on my way home. Put those fel
lows off and away I wont to camp,
When I looked at my truck in the morn
ing I found seven holes in it.' So you
can see just what one shell will do;
They sure make a-n awful noise when
thev light. "
"Everything over here Is just as high
as can be. They sure hold you up for
anything you buy and there are no piae
eg to go unless yjougo to Pari. ,1 have
been there four times. . Paris is a nice
city but it isn't like home."
How Fast Will Elgin
Six Go Gilbert Answers
You will fully understand the message contained ' in the above picture,
when you hav e read one of the pamphlets about the POBINSONELECTRIO,
BLANKET-."-rJ:.. , . M-.Ar
The SAFE Blanket.
Phone 85 and ask us to mail you jne of the pamphlets.
It's Brief.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co;
CO -
been ill for tho past week with influ
enza. Mr. Johnson was called from his
work in Portland and has been tho
'strained nurso" for both tho Johnson
John Dunlavy and "wife and two cliil
dron, accompanied by Miss Hnrket ol
Brooks, visited last Friday E-t the home l f amjieg-
of John Nuylor. : Mr3, I" D- Hoover an1 daughter, Mrs.
Mrs. Eugeno Manning received a let- Craft, who had boen at tho home of C.
tor from her son, Henrv Stafford, say-: A. Hoover since tho death of Mrs. Hoo-
ing that ho was at Genoa, Italy, and
enjoying tho sights.
Francis Moisnn of Brooks has been
down with influenza for the past week,
and his wifo is now down with it. Both
are improving.
Raymond Vanderbeck and Joe Bowl
cy returned from Vancouver Saturday
and are honorably discharged. The boys
eem to enjoy their citizen clothes again
ver, returned to tneir nome at mu
mook last Friday.
Mrs. Beta Christoffcrson received a
telcgrn-m from her husband Thursday
morning from Brooklyn, N. Y., saying
he had been honorably discharged and
expected to leavo for home Friday.
A letter from Julian Dejardin to his
relatives, states that his brother, Ja
senh. Francis liumbcr and Mike Maho-
J. A. Johnson and children havojny have been honorably discharged and
wero to leave Franco on the 18th of
December for homo.
F. A. Mangold has received word
from Portland that Joo was recovering
from the influenza and that Rose Can
nard had also about recovered when ear
trouble set in and an operation became
necessary, but she was recovering nice
ly. Frr.nk E. Manning, sergeant ill the
83'tli aerial squadron and who recently
returned from England, has been visit
ing his parents, Mr. and . Mrs. H. D.
Manning of St, Louis ana relatives and
frionds in Gervaig this week. Frank
was looking fine and will resume his
law practice in Portland. Star,
"There are automobiles on tho mar-
i ket totday that will go 60 miles an
hour, or betters en smooth straightaway
Sometimes people ask me how faBt an
Elgin Six can go, and I usually ask
them whether they have in mind juBt
i shortpurtr long distance' running,
for there -is quite 4istinction,," BnyK
Leo L. Gilbert, Elgin- Six distributor.
"When I speak of Elgin Six spood
I say that it will go most miles por
day, tako the rough roads as they como.
Speod is more thau a succession of fast
clips, interspersed with a succession of
snail paces.
"Tho Elgin Six makes such good time
because it keeps going, doesn't have to
Blow down for every rough spot or turn
in the road.
"Most drivers who don't know tho
Elgin Six are surprised at this quality
when they' have tjioir. first ride. They
find it hard to resize that the perfect
balance of weight -and the floxiblo way
the Elgin is built, allow it to hug the
road and tho turns so much eivsior than
a heavy car. The light weight and
easy riding of the- Elgin Bix keep down
road shocks so that neither car nor
passengers are effected by fast travel.
In otner words, Elgin tiix speed is dif
ferent, and it gets you there without re
!,li.ina vou are making good time. It
doesn t como from excessive power
that can bo used only once in a while
but from proper amount ofpowcr, that
can bo used steadily, hour after hour
It takes a ride in the Elgin Six to show
how irue this is."
One of tho first acts of the Idaho
legislature will be to rctify the dry
amendment to tho constitution.
inig the promiscuous sal" of cigarettes
to bovs audi these arrests ate just the
beginning of his efforts to bring vio
lators of the law to justice.
(Capital Journal Special Service)
North Howell, Jan. 11. Born to Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Bump Dec. 2, 1918, an
8 pound girl; she has Ibeen named Ber
tha Dure thy.
The Win. Odcliie and Walter Smith
families are recovering after an attack
of the flu.
Nettio Dunn entertained a number of
her friends at a party Saturday eve, it.
being t'lio anniversary of her birthday.
Kenneth Coomler is tha. latest vic
tim of the flu.
The boys aro enjoying the skating
"jseasonj altho ponds aire scarce, the one
on. tho Isaac Stevens farm ig the only
one within five miles.
Floyd McCarrol and Ovid Coomler,
two of our enlisted boys, have rorurn-
ed to their homes; they were attending
Harry Cut-sforth of Riddle, an old
time resident of this place was visit
ing frionds and relatives hero holiday
Mrs. J. E. La'CVoy of Estiwnda spent
the past month at the homo of Thqs,
Dwight Hchaap,. wno has been on
tho Atlantic const, was returned to
Camp Lewis and mustered out rf ser
vice last weeK, ho rct-urueu to i
home hern Sunday, Jan. 5.
Cheer upl The days are getting long
8. C. Caldwell, mayor of Bend, ditJ
Sunday after a week 'g illness with in
I i '. 1 4 , -- " 1 - -.. ' - v f ' , 1J
.'U, r. i, rU s ':.,"'' k r i
' XSSi
first photograph of the American Peace mission in session to discuss America's terms of peace. This flash
light photo was taken in the Hotel Crillon, Paris, where the delegates, with the exception of President Wilson, are
stopping Left to right are Colonel E. M. House; Robert Lansing; President Wilson; Henry "White and General
Tasker H. Bliss.
(Cariital Journal Special Service)
Scotts Mills, Ore., Jan, 11. Tim
Friends church has been having soiuo
very much needed repairing done this
week in the way of a new floor, oiled
and varnished, a new platform for the
choir and tho necessary new carpets
for each
Tho Butto Falls Prune Growers as
sociation has just completed the sale
of its entire 1918 crop of prunes
through their sales manager J. A. Tay
lor. Leroy Frnzier of Pacific College is
visiting with his folks here whilo tho
school is closed, on account of influ
enza. Mr. and Mrs. D. D Coulsoii and lit
tlo Bon David of Newberg are visiting
with relatives here.
Miss Bessie Adkins who has been
very Biik with influenza in Portland a
reported some better at present.
M'ihb Florence Frazier is hero from
Rosedale, her Bchcol having been clos
ed on account of influenza.
At a city council meeting held lait
Saturday evening Bert Scott was elect
ed city marshal and street cnmmimio:i
er. Tho following cooncilmen were
named for the different committees:
Finaneo E. W Coulson, H. O. Coch
ran and F. W. Bartholomew.
Streets and Lights T. M. Dumiigan,
B. M. Whito and "Ivan Smith.
Ordinance F. W. Bartholomew, T.
M. Dunnigan and E. W. Coulson
Mr. Stanton made a trip to Falls
City Inst Friday. Ho reports the influ
enza very bad over thero.
C. A. Phillips who has been sick
for soino time died at hi.i home here
last Thursday. The funeral was held
Saturday r.t the Christian church. The
services were conducted by KeV. Ben
nett of fcilvorton, Interment in Scot's
Mills cemetery.
Dallas Boy In Last
Fight Before Peace
Dallas, Or., Jan. 11. (Hpceial.)
Charles Lynn of this city received a
letter this week from his brother, Jus.
Lynn, n former members of Company
L of this city, stating that during tho
last fighting before peace was declared
ho was in the thickest of the fighting.
young Lynn saw his' Inst, service in
tho vicinity of St'dnn and this city was
taken by French and American troops
after tt hard fight just the day before
the armistice was nigned. Lym with
Laird Woods, another Dallas boy, saw
some of tho hardest fighting in which
tho American troops took part and he
camo out without a scratch. Woods,
however, was injured by a piece of shell
a few wccka before the final closing of
hostilities. .-'
Q 0
y VAX - rJZ'-A
a r; v -
(u I! w I
-. ' T- '
Copyrlgtit rftiatercd, lVifi
Batteries? Only One For Me!
If you saw batteries every day as I do you'd
say the same, and your choice like mine would
be the Bone Dry Willard, with Threaded Rubber. .
Insulation. ,
You'd knowas I dothat every Bone Dry
Willard Battery is new when it's soldready to
give full battery value.
We keep a complete stock of Bone Dry Bat- ,
teries every one as brand new as the day it left
the factory. Not a one of them is ever filled or
charged until it's made ready for use. -
Read more about this remarkable battery in
the booklet "196,000 Little Threads". It's yours
for the asking.
We call and deliver your
Battery. No extra charge
for Service Car.
Auto Electric
418 Court St.
Defge & Barrell
Phone 203
)(( )(c jc sc si )c )jl
Court House Notes
Mrs, Lnramio Lcep Rogorg was yes
toidny denied a- divorce from Sain 'X.
Rogers. They wore married in Walla
Wtlla in 1007. In her divorce com
plaint tshe alleged cruelty and inhuniaa
renifncnt. Tho court could not see that
Mr, liogors was guilty of cruolty but
did lake coguizuuto that tho couplfl
had had difficulties. Tho court thought
neither was free from fault. Tho suit
wi.8 disuiissod.
A suit of rather more than human in
tjrest was today filed in the ciicuit
court entitled Wnrren F. Cropp, ailuun
ittrator of the cstato of C. I', Cropp,
against Jano oo Olson.
It will bo rotnebered that Lieuten
ant Cropp, in the service, visited in S.i
ler.1 on s furlough and was taken ill
("linstmns day. About ten days later
ho died. As the father of Dr. Cropp
wns too old to actively administer the
e-tnto. tho court appointed a brother,
Warren F. Cropp, administrator.
ln tho complaint filed cgainst Jane
Doo OlHcm the allegation is made that
tho administrator was entitled to im
mediate possession of "one gold ring
with a diamond set containing Masonic
emblems on cither side and ono gola
wutcli end chain, tho samo being tnken
from tho person of deceased by defen
dant just prior to the time of death."
Dr, Ciopp died in Salem, A value of
150 ig placed on the emblems and
watch and chain. -
The estato of Goorgo W, Whitney was
appraised Rt $5991.50. The appraiser!
wore Gcorgo Millor, John Blossner and
E. E. Wohlhctor. - .
The county court named Feb. 17, 1919
as the date for the final report of L.
T. Reynolds, administrator of the estate
of Edith F, Reynolds. The CBtate was
appraised at $0870,
Last Friday night Gervaig Chapter
No. 118 Order of Eastorn Star, installed
their officers for tho ensuing year.
Mrs. Ada Hettleniier and Mrs. Man do
Scott of Evergreen Chapter of Wood
burn assisting. The former acting as
installing officer and tho latter as mar
shal. - -
Officers installed nro as follows:
Worthy Matron, Pearl Stovens; Worthy
Patron, Jii-rviirCutsforth; Associato Ma
tron, Clura JonoB) Secretary, Grave
Johnson; Treasurer, Marion ilonning;
Conductress, Elizabeth Brown; Associ
ate Conductress, Viola Ilonning; Mar
shal, Anna Siegmund.
The Star points arc: Ada Sylvia
Jones; Ruth, Bertha Mars; Esther, Ar
ota Jones; Martha, Mary Schwab; Elec
ta, Kathcrino Cutsforth.
Warder, L. K. Siegmund; sentinel, H.
D. Mars. Star. .
p F1 IP o
Inner Tubes like
Goodrich C
Best in the long run We handle Goodrich, MiHer
and Gates Half -Sole Tires.
Phone 428
Portland, Or., Jan. 11. Arthur C.
Davis, who pleaded guilty, in eircuit
court Friday on a charge of robbing
the East Bide bank, will be goirVnecd
Monday by Judge Staplcton.
Davig' bail was ineTeascd from 43,
000 to t.)000.
J. 8. Delancy ha been appointed
chief of police E-t Astoria, succeeding
Naco Grant.
Monty's Tire Shop
154 South Commercial Street
Tires Service Vulcanizing