Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 11, 1919, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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t - For M A 11 A
At the Lowest Price You Will Find That the
Always leads. For Dry Goods, Shoes and Ready-to
wear Goods for Men, Women and Children, call on
us and you will be pleased.
Begissing Monday, Salem Hos
pital Wffl Be Used For
At a special called mooting of the
city council lest evening, it was unan
imously voted to aid tho Red Cross in
handling emorgonc.y en hps of the in
fluenza and to render financial assist
ance, Thore is t 11 a demand for nurses
and Inst evening Red Cross headquarters
at Seattle was telegraphed for two
more. Up to last night the Bed Cross
had been unablo to supply the demand.
The emergency hospital near the Sa
lem hospital now has 13 pationts, tho
capacity of tho building,
Yesterday 17 new eases were report
ed bringing the total number of quar
antined houses up to 180. It is thought
there is an avorago of two to each
house. '
Use For Emergency Hospital.
Acting upon - tho suggestion of P.
R-. K. Lrto Stoiner, the stato board of
control today extended to the city the
uso of the Halcm hospital ns an influ
enza hospital, beginning next Monday,
at which time tho' state will receive
possession of tho property from the
Hulom Hospital association.
Dr. Steiner informed Mayor Albin
of this offer today and it is expected
that this will greatly relieve tho sit
uation for hospital accommodation for
'flu" pntients.
The present "fin" emergency hos
pital is filled and more than 20 other
patients are clitnioring for admittance.
The state will provide more bods for
tho Salem hospital so that SQ or more
patients can be eared for.
The Spa will serve special chicken
dinner frog) five to eight Sunday ovo
SIGHT. Without it his progress is ser
iously impeled.
Waen yon are fitted with glas
ses of on" making, you are assured
of a koen, clear-cut vision every min
ute of tie day.
We aim to give your eyes the
best t't our profession affords.
That's ffhy we recommend
in cms where double-range glasses
are required, They take the placo
of t iro pairs, and, because they are
unt femlshed by seams, look like or-
dirsry glasses.
dr. a. Mcculloch
204-5 Salem Bank of
Commerce Bldg.
However They Will Take Jur
isdiction Over Haugers-On,
Known As "Third House.''
The city council fools that posBibly
the state legislature is bigger thai
the council and for that reason is not
inclined to toll the low-makers just
what they should or should not do
This develoDod at a special meeting- of
the council held last evening at tho
call of Mayor 0. E. Albin.
There is one thing the council feels
competent to tacklo and that is what
is commonly known as the '"Third
House," This includes hangers-on and
the goncral collection of folks who
hnv'o jobs (with (lie legislators and
those who make their headquarters in
the corridors to button' hole legislators
in favor of samo special legislation. It
is this crowd that the council feels it
is entitled to te'l to 'movc on."
As to whothor tho members of the
legislature would bring any cases of
influenza, Dr. F. L. Utter, chairman or
the health board thought it was a 50-50
proposition with the lnw-mukers taking
away as much as they brought in.
To co-opernto with the Ked Cross n
securing nurses, a committee was ap
pointed consisting of Paul Johnson,
Otto Wilson and Dr. 1' L. Utter. There
was alxo a feeling that the 100 or
more school teachers who are not vory
busy at present might bo utilized as
a force to assist in combatting the pro
sent troubles. That is, they might re
por cases and occasionally help fam
ilies in trouble. It was suggested thit
a conference bo held with 'Superintend
ent John 'V. Todd in regard to utiliz
ing the teachers. .
Whilo conditions were not thought
to be so bfld in iSnlem and really slight
ly improving, attention was culled t'
!the fact thnt whilo the public wants
everything thrown wide open again,
such a condition would bring the peo
ple here from Stuyton, Independence
!und Silverton where tho influenza is
I Born ;
LAWRKNC1B To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
W. Lawrence, Jan. D, 1919, a daugh
ter. She has Ibocu named Klizaooth
I a iueu wuo iutm ywHuaay in me
offieo of tho county recorder and al
though tho consideration read tea dol
lars, there was affixed to the deed
:10 in stamps, indication that tho prop
jerty was sold for $10,000. 1). M. Crouse
land wife wore the gruutoi and Wil
iliam J, iNcnens tho igrnnte'. The deed
I conveyed lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 14 of
ouuuysado -bruit Farms No. 4.
San Francisco, Jan. 11. Declaring
the influonza epidemic is again rum
Jpant," and is a "menace to every life
i in tho community," Mayor Rolph todi,y
jin a proclamation urged everyono to
don influenr.a masks.
I An ordinance requiring masks has
I been passed, but it cannot become cf
ifoctive until next Friday.
Rolph said tho masks had successful
ly stamped out tho disease when they
were worn for about six weeks when
tho epidemic filst appeared, but that
the disease hud been brought here once
more from other cities.
iftop at
"A Home Away from Home."
Strictly Modern $1 per Day
ii'O Rooms of solid Corrort
Only Hotel in Business District
t Red Cross Nurses $
available for visiting or 12
hour duty. For Information, call
1500, after 0 o'clock 1615. 1-11
Salem tread la freshest and oast, tf
Wanted, weed Chopper. See X. O.
Bligh. tf
- o
The Swedish Ladies Aid society
which was to meet next Tuesday has
decided to postpone the meeting on ac
count of present health conditions.
Ever sine the beginning of the world
there has been but one "best" way to
bury the dead, that way is in tombs.
Mount Crest Abbey provides that
"best" way, the cost is no more. See
Caretaker at Mausoleum, sr your un
dertaker. 2-1
The cold weather is making quite a
visit. Hauler Bros, have some real bar
gain in cold weather goods. Better
drop in and look them over. 20 per
cent discount. 1-11
i o
The body of Mrs. William Galloway,
who died last night at 10 o'clock at
her home in the city, will lie in state
Sunday at- the chapel of .Webb-
tdbugh. ' " "' ' ',''
"The beat" is all yon can do when
death comes. Call Webb ft Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf
We boy liberty bonds. S14 Masonic
bldg. tf
Having lately returned to Salem I
am ready to receive piano pupils at my
home,, 1172 Mill, or will go to homes
of pupils. Special attention given to
technic and expression. Mrs. Lena Wa
ters. Phone 1184J4. tf
We buy liberty bonds, 314 Masonic
ldg. tf
At the meeting of the stockholders
of tho Salem Bank of Commerce held
last evening, H. B. Oompton was elect
ed s a member of the board of direct
ors and A. W. Smithcrn ft assistant
cashior. The officers of the 'bank are
Dr. B. L. Stoevcs, president; S. B. El
liott, vice president; H. B. Compton,
cashier; A. W. Smithers, assistant cash
ier; board of dirctors Dr. B. 1m
Steeves, S. S. Elliott, il. B. Compton,
Harlcy O. White, J. C. Perry, W. W.
Mooro and George F. Vick.
Wanted i Women to volunteer for
nursing services for influena cases sn-der-
direction of graduate nv.rse. Pay
ment guaranteed by the Red Cross. For
information call 1300. tf
The people of Salem should take ad
vantngo of tho cold weather snaps, that
as-e offered at Hnuser Bros. 0 per cent
discount on loggers, woolen and army
shirts, sweaters, jerseys, army shoos,
slickers and oiled hats. 1-11
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fox, formerly of
North Salem, died in North Bond
Thursday .Inn. 9 from influenza. The
mother died at 3 o'clock of tho morn
ing of thu 91 h and tho father twelve
hours later. They are survived By a
'baby one week old, anil three other
children. The children wee also suf
fering from the influenza but aro now
reported to be recovering. Mrs. Fox
was the daughter of B. F. Fottor who
lives on the Garden road. Mr. Fox was
tho son of. Mrs, Mnry Fox of 150H
North Fourth street, Salem,
Young men, who are working outside,
keep warm with one of those heavy
wood (shirts. 20 per cent discount on
these shirts at Hauscr Bros. 1-11
O "
Relax, and rest in the dental chair.
Dr. Hartley fills and extracts teeth
without pain and correct , diseased
gums. Mooro bldg. Phono 114. tf
Word was received this morning of
tna death of Mrs. J. Jl. Win-on yester
day in Portland nt the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Fred G-. Smith. Burial
will be in Salem. As yet no funeral ar
rangements have been made.
For Sale Six acres fine land for
Loganberries or fruits, 15 minutes walk
from end of street car line. F. N. Der
by owner, 314 Masonic bldg. tf
Highways Rapid Transit Auto service
to Portland and way points daily, leav
ing Sulom at 7 a. m. l'hone orders eve
ningSbeforo, 137 S. Com'l. I'hona 003.
J. D. Sutherland, cashier of the state
treasurer s office, and a delivery wa
gon belonging to tho Roth grocery met
iu common last evening resulting in
considerable damage to tho bicycle-Mr.
Sutherland was riding. Fortunately the
delivery wagon was getting just un
der headway when the accident hap
It is the nature of people to look for
bargains. Hauser Bros, can satisfy this
side of your nature. St) pj cent dis
count on loggers, woolen and army
shirts, sweaters, jerseys, slickers and
oiled hats. 1-J1
Be fair to yourself. "Motorlife"
gives you a sense of security. Doubles
tho comfort and pleasure of motoring.
Carry it with yon, snvej time, trouble
and from 25 to 50 per cent gasoline.
Motorlife removes caiben and keep8,
your engino clean. Ask Clark about it.
Clark's Tire House, distributor for Ma
rion nod Polk counties. Phone 74 " H
vere Tires" first in quality and ser
vice. 319 X. Com'l St., Salem. 1-11
Dishes at very low prices, We have
a number of sets which we ere closing J
out. (Kid pieces igreatly reduced. Ham-1
iltou's. I
Wood baskets, mud rugs, fire sets
and heating stoves cneepor than else
where, Hamilton's.
Our heating stoves are reduced in
price but the quality is the best ob
tainable. Hamilton's.
O 11
Mrs. X. T. HeUyw who formerly
lived is Salem Heights has bougtt
home t 1653 North High street.
For Sale Used Victor records, S5o
eacu. The Spa.
A number of oyer stuffed chairs and
davenports reduced to close out. Ham
ilton' Odd pieces of ivory enamel bed
room furniture at reduced trices. Ham
ilton's. ' o
The funeral services of Mist Mabel
May Harper were held this morning
from the chapd of Webb ft Clough
and were conducted by the Bev. Leland
Porter. Burial wg in the Odd Fel
lows eemetvry. She was tho daughter,
of Mrs. Rose Sinclair of 239 Court
MX. and Mrs. G. E. Terwllllger, grad
uate morticians and funeril directors,
770 Chcmeketa St. Phone 724.
Have moved my office. After hay
ing ' enjoyed office relations for . the
past six years with Mr. O. W. Laiflar,
406 Hubbard building, I have decided
to occupy quarters of my own, and
will now be found in room 328, seme
building, where I hope to meet all my
old friends and patrons, and many new
ones, with the" assurance that any bus
iness entrusted to me in m line, will
receive the eame careful attention as
in the past. I solicit your patronage.
H. K. Bolingcr, insurance and loans,
328 Hubbard, bldg. 1-13
It is probable that the board of the
Salem hospital will take some imme
diate action regarding the building ol
at least a temporary structure on the
hospital's property adjoining the pres
ent location of the Banitary hospital.
The board will "decide ibetween .build
ing, just a temporary structure or one
that could later be used as headquar
ters; for nurses when the city decides
to ouild a reuil up to date hospital.
Notice; Owing to the condition of
the ground caused 'by the freeze the
Grecus committee of the Country oiub
requests that no golf playing be done
until the ground has settled. (Signed)
Oreensonunittee; '
I wish to thtttik tho many friends
and neighbors and1 Women of the Wood
craft and the einployes of tho Salem
Woolen mill for their many kindnesses
and the beautiful floral offerings ftt
the death and burial of our wife, daugh
tar and sister. Chas. G. Kingston, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Abraham, Mr. and Mrs.
a. Vauderhoof. 'i
Hugh W. Roberts and Chas. L. Riley
arrested on a charge of selling cigar
ettes to minors, each pleaded guilty
today and were fined $3 each and
o '
Salem continue to be a $1,000,000
town. Besides. Vick Bros, and the Pheas
ant Fruit Juice Co. each doing a mil
lion a year, there) 18 tho Kay Woolon
Millg that sidd more than a million
last year and nfiw we have the now
packing company -organized by Steus
loff Bros, and Curtis B. Cross that will
do a million dollars worth a? business
tho first year of operation.
For Sale Used Victor records, 35c
each. Tho.Spn.
! 0
Judge A. S. Bennett of the supreme
court, did somo backing this morning
that was not on 'the program. After
having tho battery of his Franklin car
re-chargod at the Willard Ibattory on
Court Stroet, it was his intention to
start down Court towards home. In
stead, tho car reversed and not only
bucked up on the sidewalk but attempt
ed to push over the old frame struc
ture occupied by the Stiff second hand
store. The building stood the shock
but the Franklin was considerably
diuimged, ...
o 1
Word was received of the death of
Father Timothy Naugbton at St. Vin
cent's hospital this morning at 5
o'clock from influenza. Fo- the past
two years or more he hag been assist
ant priest fo St. Joseph's Catholic
church in Salem. Father Buck today
telegraphed relatives in Mew Jersey
and as yet no funeral arrangements
have boen made.
Sister Alfreda of the Sacred Heart
academy of Salem died this morning
at 1:30 oVlock. The funeral services
were held today and the body will 'bo
sent tomorrow to Oswego, Oregon, for
Another allotment has been received
for the workers of Willamette chapter,
American Red Cross. This time H is
260 outing shirts for uieu. Just at pres
ent the chapter has more allotments
than the members can care for unless
more women can help m the work. In
the city as well as in the country the
auxiliaries have not iH'.eu doing any
amount of sewing on account of gener
al health conditions.
We wish to thank our many friends
for their sympathy and loving kind
ness during the last illuesj of our be
loved son and husband, Ben F. Ling,
and for their many floral tributes.
Mrs. Pearl Ling,. Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
Sholley, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ling.
Sergeant W. W. Dismukes and Cor
poral Freeman-o the 91st division in
France, arrived at Vancouver Thursday
Both were wounded at the battle of
Benjamin Beall, Vera Zielinski
And Leona McCormick Of
Salem Named In First 109
Enrollment of boys and girlB as mem
bers of a Sixth Junior Rainbow regi
ment has been commenced by J. A
Churchill, superintendent of public in
struction, and already 100 members
have been listed.
To be eligible for membership in the
Rainbow regiment, a boy or girl must
ell or buy $50 worth of war saving
certificates or thrift stamps since the
first of last December.
During the last school year five reg
iments composed of 5,300 boys and girls
were organized by the state department
of education, and it is estimated that
the public schools sold a tots'! of $2,
500,000 worth of thrift stamps.
Each member of the Sixth Junior
Rainbow regiment, now being organiz
ed, will be awarded an achievement
pin, a certificate of membership and
a roster of the entire regiment. Fol
lowing are the names of the first 100
members of the new regiment:
Lillian Robinson, Mcdford? Benja
min Beall, Salem; Elois Storey, Lapine;
Robert- Gummerman, Enterprise: Han
old Lamb, Tillamook; Marion Iamb, Ti'
tamook; Burton Hutton, Wilbur: Mil
dred Fishburn, Helen Shipley, Yrviono
Couey, Portland; Crcighton B. Jones.
Rosalie M. Jones, Qervsas; Vera Zielins
ki, Salem; Velma Davis, Viva Davis
Ashland; Kathleen Peilo, Trail; Gladys
Shipley, Portland; Clayton Vintin
Grass Valley, Oeraldine Vintin, Greet
VaUey; Peter Myers, John Hyers, Scott
Mills; Thclma Entriken, Edna Fox, Ai
vis Quinn, Lucile Qualm, Irene Jessup
Clyde Qualm, Dorothy Ott, Alice Van
Billiards, Hugo Savo, Harry Harris
Harvey Harris, Vera. Bwanson, Alma
Fox, Georgia Snyder Rosimary Whit
man, Mir jam Sovo, Frances Hargrove
Laura Padrick, Irving Campbell, Irv
ing Raz, Chester Lynds, Kenneth An
derson, Wade Foott, Matilda Bransdal.
Wayne Stevens, Johanna- Kowaleskoy
Dorothy Cowan, Marjorit Warren, Gla
dvs Jones, Portland; Gordon Bennett,
liargaret Hermann, Kathcrine Giaconi,
Emily Br.bbidgc, Grace Astrup, Rudy
Bowers, Bessie Sidall, Louise Hanson,
Astoria; Georgo Seeband, Portland;
Leona McCormick, Salem; Charles Pi
per, Portland, Bert Newman, Angclo
Cercghino, Luigo Cereghino, Joseph Cer
eghlno, Virginia Peterson, Virginia Ciu
gin, Kenneth Murrell, Alice Cunington,
Stanley Mnleskcy, Clara Nelson, Mar
guerite Dark, Raymond Bacheldcr, Wil
liam Matson, Helen Wcdeing, Agatha
Harmon, Edwin Mosier, Arthur Grable,
Lulu Vanderhoof, Leo Smith, Mario'i
Kowaleskv. Donald Woltmsn, John Hep
burn, Portland; Marian Martin, Baker,
Lola Jones, Baker; Edward Jones
Christian Sorenson, Lea fa Erickson,
Portland; Nellie Thompson, Marga.-ot
Thompson, Sylvia Grabner, Vale; Jack
Taylor, Cecil Logan, Lucile Biggs, Faul
MeCulloch, Dnrrell Houser, Viols, lius
ted, Gladys Udick, Amv Canfield, Le
ora DcHaven, Ontario.
Camps Taylor And Grant To j
Receive More Troops Soon
Washington, Jan. 11. Further sail
ings of transports are announced by
tho war department as follows:
The Ice King, St JNimere tor JNew
York, due January 24, carries two cas
ual officers.
The Hnmten, Bordeaux for New
York, due January 21, carries a detue'iv
nient of casual company number 12
(South Dakota..
The General Goethals, Bordeaux for
New York, duo January 21, carries n
medical detachment from Ohio of five
and pnrt.of the 34th division, ''cadre"
to be demobilized ot Uanip want to
talling eight officers, 84 men; as w.'ll
as casual company 11 (New York), the
84th division cadro of seven officers
and 93 men to bo demobilized at Camp
Taylor; the 309th sanitary train of
tho 84th division, totulling six offi
cers and 49 men to be demobilized at
Camp Taylor; 311th sanitary train of
80th division, totalling six officers and
72 men to be demobilized at Camp
Grant, casual company 12 (Kansas); 13
(New York); 14 (Maryland) about ISO
sick and wounded and a group of cas
ual officers.
The Mercy, St. Naziere for New
York, due January 20, carries 388 sick
and wounded.
The Wilhelmina, Bordeaux for New
York, due January 17, has part of
the 8tith division cadro, totalling two
officers and t!9 men, to bo demobilized
at Camp Grant- headquarters of the
159th field artillery brigade of the Si'.h
division to be demobilized at Camp
Taylor! 109th sanitary train cadre of
the 34th division totalling 81 men to
be demobilized at Camp Grant.
Colonel Roosevelt's Will
Filed At Mineola New York
Mineola, N. Y, Jan. 11, Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt's will filed here
today bequeaths practically all his real
and personal property to his widow
to dispose of as she chooses.
Txception is made of the famiy sil
ver and a trust fund of $00,000, left
Colonel Roosevelt by his father. The
silver plate is divided equally among
tho children exicept Alice 'Roosevelt
LongwoTth, whose share of the silver
was given her at the time of her mar
riage. The $00,000 is to be divided equally
among all the Roosevelt children. No
inventory or appraisal is filed with
the will, but close friends of the fam
ily estimate the value of the estate nt
betwwn $;!0O,iX0 and 33.0iHV "
Value of the personal . property is
estimated at Yer $20,000
Real estate to be sold without
Located 6 miles south of Salem on
Thirty acres of prunes, good house, barn and drier and well water.
Xerms to be known day of sale.
Mrs.lJ.Pemberton, F.N.W00DRY, ;
Owner. V Auctioner. .
Mrs. William Galloway Passes
Away After Lingering -Illness.
GALLOWAY At her home' 201 : Mis-:
sion street, Salem, Jan. 10, 1919,
Mrs. Emmaline Elizabeth Oalloway,
wife of former Judge William Gallo
way, at the age of 68 years.
Besides her huelb&nd she ig surviv
ed iby two sons, Charles V. Galloway,
commissioner, state tux commission,
and Francis V. Galloway, 1st lieuten
ant IF. A. R. C.and district attorney
of Wasco.county, The Dalles. Also by
one daughter, Zilpha V. Galloway of
Portland. Also by one Bister, Mrs. Ad
die Hondrix of Carlton, Ore., and one
brother, Clarence E. Baker of New
berg, Ore.
The funeral services will foe held
Monday and Iburial will be at McMinn
ville Mrs. Oalloway was of New England
parentage dating back to the Revolu
tionary war. She was born Dec. 28,
1851, in Adams county, Wisconsin, and
crossed the plains in 1865 iu train with
Thomas Bennett and family. She was
a cousin of Justice A. S. Bennett.
The fnmily settled in Yamhill coun
ty. On October 16, 1875 ghe was mar
ried to William Galloway of Salom.
Mrs. Galloway lor a number of
years has been active in lodge work.
She has been identified with tho Wo
man's Relief Corps and the Rcibckah
lodge. She has been state president of
the Woman's Relief Corps and is past'
president of the Kebekan assembly.
For ten year, she served as a member
of tho iboardl of directors of the Odd
Fellows home of Oregon. She also serv
ed as president of the Salem Woman's
club. '
WENZEL At a city hospital Saturday
morning, Jan. 11, 1919, Mrs. William
Weuzel, at tho age of 30 years.
Besides her husLvud, she is survived
by four small children, her parents, Mr
and Mrs. John Feilen of 18S8 South
Thirteenth Street, and three sisters and
four brothers as follows: Julia and
Virginia Fielau of Sulem and Mrs.
Madge Bohenbergcr of Chicago; Joseph
Andrew and Henry Fielan of Salem and
Leonard Fielan of Portland. v
Mrs. Wenzel arrived in tho city from
Wausnu, Wis., Christmas eve with her
husband and four children to make this
city her home. .They were staying at
the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs
John Fielun.
Tho funeral services will be hold Mou
day morning nt 9 o'clock at tho Catho
lic church. Burial will bo in tho Cuth
i.Iic cemetery.
PINNELL At her home on rural route
7, Snlem, Oregon, aJn. 10, 1919, Mrs
J. S. Pinnell ,Rfter an illness of three
Besides her husband, sho is survived
by her mother, Mrs. Josephine Bross,
and a brother, H. W. Bross, both of Sa
lem. Tho funeral services will be held
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from
tho chapel of Webb & Clough and will
bo conducted by the Rev. W. C. Cant
ner of the congregational church. Bur
ial will be in the City View cemetery.
For several years Mrs. Pinnell taught
music in Salem and for the past few
months has taught nt tho Oregon Stata
Industrial school for girls. She was a
member of the First Congregational
church choir.
Miss Hilma E. Ahigren ot vfaconda. i
who has been seriously 111 wlrli pneu
monia at Salem for the past montu, has
Sufficiently recovered to be removed tv
the home of Mrs. W. Al Jones in Mis ,
sion bottom, where she will remain in
Newcastle, Ind., Jan. 11. Tho First
National Bank or Lewisville was rob
bed of $50,000 worth of liberty bonds
during the night.
New York, Jan. 11. Bringing 1011
soldiers home from the war, the steam
er Taloa docked here today. The units
aboard included the Fifth battery
trench artillery; 495th aero construc
tion siuadron, casual company 321 cud
15 casual officers.
'Jack Miller, 18, Seattle, who said his
father was a lumberman of Tacoma, r.r
rived. He made repeated efforts to
cot into the army, always being reject
ami wan In l.nndiin still trvinp !
after eoing clear to the front seeking
to enlist when the crmistice. was sign
ed. He came home as a stowaway.
The influenza ban has been raised in
Skamania county, and all schools open
ed this week, but with a very light attendance..
reserve to settle tne remoerton estate, tf
South Commercial and Vi mile east
Court House News
In the case of Walter Winslow vs.
Ranzau, it has been stipulated that Mr.
Ranzau is to go ahead and dig the one
fourth of the potato crnn which is
still undug and wihich is to be stacked
along with the other three fourths of
the crop which is dug. In the com
plaint it . appeared that M'.'. Winslow,
was to get one fourth of the crop for
rent and that Mr. Ranzau dug his own
three fourths end left the one fourth
crop rent belonging to Mr. Winslow in
the ground'. .'. , .
L. S. Lambert, administrator of the
estate of Nicholas Lambert, filed his
semi-annual report showing $987, on
The estate of A. O. Damon who died
Dec. 5, 1916, has been appraised at $3,
8C0. E. B. Damon is administrator.
The appraisers were W. H. Byars, W,
J, Ciuverau d J. H. Dunlap.
C. L. Parmentcr of 781 North Front
street, took out a combination and Civil
wrr veteran 'b fishing and hunting li
cense this morning. He just manages
to get in as a pioneer as he was born
in Salem Sept. 13, 1859.
Washington) Jan;- 11. A .
Americans coming out of
the starvation of the Gefman
prison camps to the plenty of
the American army have eaten
themselves to death, said a med-
"icnl officer's letter received
here today. Care is taken to
check tho rppetitcs of all re-
turning men. S i: 8
Plumbing and Water Systems Installed
by GRABER BROS., 141 South Liberty
St., Phone 550. Also agont for Fairbanks-Morse
Gas Engines.
Hop wire and all kinds
of hides. Before you
sellSee Us. Phone 398.
- 271 Chemeketa
are of
Tick So Tonf
Chinese He&elne and Tea C.
Has medicine which will sars
any know disease.
Open Sundays front It a. m.
an til 8 p. bl
153 South Hitffc Kt
I Ealea, Oregon. , Paorn 183
Argonno forest.