A r 5000 CIRCULATION (25,000 BEADEB3 DAILY) Only Circulation in B&lem Guar-' anteed by the Audit Bureau of - - Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES ; SPECIAL WILLAlfETTB T AL LEY NEWS 8EBVICH - , . Orefo: Toanght and Pnsaay ' - fresh easterly winds. 1 : FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 5. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS OH TRAINS AND NlTSHs STATtfDS FIVK CKXTi -x- 3 i i v vir i ijv.iv.iv.ii ii --.n. . i i i i iiiiiii iiiiii , ii i i ii - Wsr Count Karolyi Says Another Point Mast Be Appended to 14 Declares That Hungary Must Have Food And Supplies At Once. Also In Final Settlement, Boundaries Hungary Must Be Geographical UnitStates That t ; c His Country Was Forced By BerH Into World War. By Frank J. Taylor , (United Pross staff correspondent) (Copyright, 1919 by the United Prase) ' , Budapest, Jan. 8.-Dyed)-.Jfo eaee which ift not partially socialistic will safeguard-i-tbe world - from- future wars. President Wilson has this in :nind. It constitutes' his 'fifteenth toinW as yet unstated which must le developed before a treaty is' sign ,ed." , In. these, words,. Count Michael Kara-, lyi, , Hungarian.. premier, described tq fho United -Press today what he be lieves should be accomplished at the ioace congress. The- premier emphasis ed the fact that he it not socialistic liimself and that he intends to continue iis fight against bolshevism, but he fleclared that he is absolutely convinc ed that peace must tie soeinl' and eco nomic as well as political. He strong ly advocated tha league of nations and Knid the world must stick to Wilsoa's 11 principles or there would bo anoth sr war within a few years. Is Outstanding Figure Karolyi, a man of noble birth, is easily theutstanding figure in Hun garian aflfairs. Practically alone he ac complished Hungarian independence ind is regarded s the one man who can weld the millions of hU people in to a solid nation. "Hungnry was drugged into this war ty Austria-Germany,", declared the fi'remior. "pur policy was l ever made in Vienna or Budapest, but in Berlin. Wo wiere Berlin's sub-agents, neven walking on our own feet. I was against hn lalliance which meant that" Berlin Owjied as. , I -eouldn '1 do other Jhan irotest. I tried every means' to malic iieace. 1 stood against Germany. I open ly protested against the Brcst-Litovsk ftnd Bucharest treaties. ;,' ' ' Now that we hove lost tlio war, a'b oolutoly our -only, hope is -that Presi dent Wilson's principles will win at the peace conference. The entente can not let Hungary 'be crushed. There, tnust bo a society of nations witn. a 'fifteenth point.'" No peace which is not rnrtiully socialistic iviil guard th.' world from 'future wars. President Wil Hon has this in mind. It constitutes Jus 'fiiteenth point' us .vet unstated which must be developed before a treaty is signed. Is Not Socialistic "I a-in not socialistic myself. I in tend to continue my fiht against ool dlievibni. But peace must b; economic and social, as v.eil as political. And ill ntiBt !be established soon, or everything accomplished by the war will he lost. 1 am sure tho nations will have enough . foresight to stick to President Wilsons 14 points, el.-e within u few years we will have another world war. Hun gary's policy in everything will be Y.'ilson,V'ilsoner, Wilsonest. "Whon I camj into the government, I ordered the people to lay ilown their Rims. I. did so with the purposs of itittim? an end ta miiitarism. 1 hoped tu show absolute confidence in the .Wilscnian po.ieies ar.cl rcli'ai upon their lasic j.istice. Now !h; Czeciio Slovaks, llumanians and Serbs ore overwhe!m ing us, sizing all parts of Hungary, .houi.h in the armis.iee it wag clearly ttated lhat the administration of all occupied territory would Biny in the kniids of the Hungarians. "Thus it was demonstrated that so far as the Caccho-Slovaks, liumaiiians. and Sorbs were concerned, the armistice tirms were military and not political on I were not meant to Jw i.ept. Supplies Must Be Had 'Potatoes, wheat, other 1ood sup gics and coal are is the hands of thellt ig un(ll,r.tood that A, xt Bush is rations surrounding us. Di.'tributwn ,so fillAlu,ittnv interested. All the of necessities is impossible. Tho peo- st0(.,c naa ieei; subscribed for in full ,le say that President llson cannflt ky thpse partics .revail at. the peace conference Ihis Fifty five acres have been purchased agitation is very dangerous. Budapest t of th( Southern Pacific tracks at is on the verjc of the great catastrophe a point whcre th8 gouthern Paeific f bolshevism. No, let us call it by its crSWs thc p,)rtlBnd road, the deal hav- eorrcct name, anarcny. itus i 7 veloping from Russian propaganda, but from tho nueds of the people. "Public opinion is beginning to have the impression here that the entente Vants us to become thc victims of bol shevism. There will bo no heip ror as tinlees thc entente makes hafte and eoa eludes penei The present government rannot held out much longer. It was I who led the people to trust President Wilscn'd policies until thc peace con ference should put them into effect. "We cannot do anything unless we ere recognized by the entente. Wo ni'ist receive assistance from our erst- mhile en-mics. Actions Kill be impos-1 Kihle with the Czerbo lovas and ku- nsnrans Inhabiting our lands. The peo fde are asking now why I led them to trui-t the entente to recognize us. The fwopl? are desperate and certainly will revert to rction. which n.iy. develop $no anarch v, unless something is dons qi::c!i!y. . . K:ist Ee TTr.lt Also "Kegar iing oi r boundaries, Hungary j Wlth Hensehien & McLaren t-f Chicago, wst be a gjog .uphical nnit. You eiaSspeesal packing house architects. -iTiis cut tha lc-;js and aims lum a man and firm has drawn many of the plans of he will Htc. O ' you cut off any more he womt li -.xdvocate the for mation of a eoi1 'on, headed by Amerieana, to fix tunuaries. The AmBrieana entered 'ar to crush Prussian-ism,' militaris. - if Mittei- Kurop. auc)caedod. 4, firoup of small nations irritated k jinar nrod- ded, there will always be trouble.'' Krolyi' cabinet has declared war against the bolsheviks who are threat ening Budapest and is enforcing the strongest measures cf suppression. A cabinet crisis which arotte over the use. of force was relieved 'by tho resign tios of two socialistic members, Gar a mi and Bunfy. They were aoiti-bolsheviK, bnt declined to vote In favor or (h sible bloodshed. , Anna Carlson Tells Of ; Murder Of Twombley Portland, Or.. Jan. II. 3. Cvril I.iard, alleged murderer of Deputy Sheriff Twombley, may know his fate by tonight, for the case is expected to be turned oter t) the jury late this afternoon. ' . .Augusta Carlson; who was known as Liard's "wife' for a month before tho s'aying of Twombley and who tostifiod she was seated beside hira in an auto mobile, when, tjhe swore, Linrd shot tho official jComploted her testimony yes terday aftor being on the stnnd five hours, She only faltered once during the gruelling cross-examination, when com polled to bare to jthe crowded court room an unpleasant page" of her past life.' '-"' -. -;- Replying to the question "Wero you over marriedf" Miss Carlson said "yes.". - : "Where is your husband nowf" "He is dead." "Tell us the cause of his death." "He committed suicide thTee dti-ys after I divorced him," replied tho wit ness after viiinlv appealing to tho court' to be relieved from answering. NEW C'EEDIT TO BELGIUM. Washington, Jan. 10. A new credit if $3,2.10,000 was established for Be!-5-mm bv tl.3 treasury today, br.king to- till loans to Belgium $236,145,000 and, to tho allies, $8,588,733,000. Steasloff Bros. And Curtis 3. Cross Wiili 1 N. Bush Are Interested In Bis Plant Arrangements are already completed and detailed plans agreed u on for the erection of a packing plant in Salem at an carlv date to cost approximate ly $100,000. Th9 plant will be ownc 1 and oper ated by a close corporation consisting of Steusloff Bros, and Curt 3 a. (.Toss. : been consumated by W. H. Gra- benhorst & Co. The land is partly within the city lim its. For a packing plant thc location is ideal a it is reached by both the Orngon Electric and Southern Pacific and is within, two blocks' of the state fair grounds and the same distance from the .Silverton road. The tract was purchased from Mrs. Ella Pyrne. A strietly modern up to date plant of from three to fonr stories with base ment will be erected of brick or con crete, suitable for the killing and pack ing of live steek. It will have a daily oftnafitw ff Ifti) hnom anil 20 cattle wbgn f-;r9t 0,,enc for business. Later if conditions justify, the rapacity ot the plant will be largely increased. The 'building will be erected .ac cording to U. S. Government regula tions and the plans W'U have to be sent to Washington, D. , for approv al! All meats wil! be killed under gov ernment insooction. - The comr-anv is now corresponding Will Build $100,000 Packing House Here COMPLETE PARALYSIS OF RAIlJIOLp TRAf HC ARGENTtllA TODAY Strike Is Spreading Into In terior En t No New Figh&fc Has DerefopeA . By James L Miller (United Proas Staff Correspondent) Buenos Aires, Jan. 11. The general strike is part of an anarchistic move ment which will spread to tho United States and the rest of the world ui'ilcbe it is stamped out at once, General Luis Deliapiane, self imposed military dic tator told the United Press today. Del lepiane admitted he is acting on. his own initiative, but says oe is confident that President. . Ir.igay.eu.. approy.ca .his course: 'The trouble is due to Bussian an-1 archists, who used, the . strikers . as a pretext,", doelared Dollepiano. . "Tho socialists have withdrawn their support, to. the movement, which is not confined. to Argentine. I bolieve; it will spread to the United States, in! fact, throughout the .world unless it is checked now. 1 "Tho military forces at my disposal at present are not enough to put down tho movement immediately but. I de pend strongly upon President Irigoyen who approves my action. Can handle Situation. "I was formerly chief of police B-nd I know how to cope with the situation.-. I had no intention and was very sorry to be instrumental in killing innocents. Last night's casualties included chil dren whom the strikers forced to march in front of them. -;', ' ' "A railway strike will complicate the situation gud "render it much more difficult to handle. My soldiers will, operate tho slaughter housos so tho city will be supplied with meat." 4)ellepiano has headquarters in the contral police station. It is guarded by about a hundred soldiers E-rmcd with machine guns. . Strike Spreads. The general strike is spreading into the interior, hut no new fightyig-hr,s developed in Buenos Aires this morning and the streets were practically desert ed. The police admitted that fifty per sons were killed and scores woundd in last night's rioting. Although President Irigoyen has sail ho will not declare martial law, such a state practically exists now Dellepianes action is not yet regarded as antagon istic to the government, but if Irigoyen disapproves, ho is 'likely to tako some counter action that will complicate the situation and render it ' more serious than the strike. In event this happens, tho loyalty of the army will determine tho future. Established Dictatorship. Establishment of a mili'ary dictator ship last night by General Dellepiane, 'Continued on page seven) modern packing houses in this country an dCanada. The packing company will have the advantage not only of thc years of ex perience of Stcusloff Bros, and Curtis B. Cross in the meat market nr.d pack ing business, but also in havitij thc very latest packing hoi:se equipment and machinery that is manufactured for the business. A moilern tafeteria will be installed at tho plant in order that the employes mny 'be served with hot dinners at actual cost. There will 'also be a aiin dry in connection in order that all out side! clothing may 'be washed as re quired by government inspection. All employes will work in white. Tha packing plant will be prepared to consumo all hogs raised within a ra dius of 30 miles from Salem. It will establish a hog market here that will pay top prices for hegs. Heretofore tho local market could not handle the sup ply of hogs but with the new plant in operation, every hog offered here will be cared for. Of far greater interest to the aver age farmer or stock grower is the fact that tbo plant will establish a public market. Auction sales can be establish ed every Saturday for live steel; of all kinds and the plant will offer free the use of its corra's, loading sralcs and trackage. Livestock of whatever kind may be brought to the plant and eith er sold for .consumption here or for shipment. The corrals are tapped on the cast toy the .Southern P.ii-itic and on the west by the Oregon Kleetrie. Stfttisloff Bro.. and Curtis B. Cross will dispose of their retail markets in iSalcm and devote their time exclus ively to the handling of the business of the new packing plant. To? business will be strictly wholesale at the plant. Besides establishing a paekin r p'ant in the northwest, it is figurrd that tho business will bring other industries to. Salem. Ihis may include a tannery, (Continued on page seven) IME FfUO CF ;IC.5.TO i LATELY Commerce Assecia - li:a Jspts Pka (M Cea ... By H. B. Soblasaa. ' (United Free Btaff Correspendeat.) Rio. D Janeiro, Jan. 11. A long stride had been taken- toward closer trade relations between Brazil aid tht United States today, as a result of adoption iy the Brazilian Association of Commerce ot the plan of commercial arbitartiou,- proposed by the American Chamber -of Commerce. ." ... The.. Asneiicat . plan provides that im porters and exporters of Brazil and the United States agree to a standard form for commercial contracts and shall ar bitrate all disputes over merchandise. Arbitration will be in the hands of committees.. appointed. 'jointly by the Brazilian and American commercial or gEuisatlons. I , . i - . . In speeches before the Brazilian as sociation of commerce, Consul General Stomsen and Consul Attache Phillipi srid .the purpose of the arbitration clause was to inspire and maintsln con fidence in. business relations and settle all commercial disputes impartially, In expensively and expeditiously without recourse to the courts and without the loss of friendship. ' They said they be lioved tho-plan.jwill result eventually in eliminating fly-ky'-night business meth ods by which god( do not match sam ples and shipments are unweight. DISORDERS IN DERI IN THREATTli ARISY COAL SUPPLYJOF YANKEES Commission Of Allied Officials Eave Left To Investigate Ccn'ons. By Wobb Miller (United Tress staff correspondent) American Headquarters in Germany, Jan. 10. (By courier to Nancy.) The disorders in Berlin with resultant in terruption of railway traffic are threatening to cut off tho coal supply of tho allied armies of occi, aHon. A commission of American, British and French military officials left today for tho coal fieids'to ir.vcstignt? conditions The Americans alcno us:; 23,000 tons a month. The Third army hns issued an ulti matum to the Germans docla'ing it will refuse to accept 200 of the big guns sur rendered under terms of the armistice owing to many being o!d models and others having parts niissin;;. As a re sult, the German commission has hur ried to Berlin, beirg una'o'e to obtain any action by tho gove'rnmiit. Foch To Confer Ccaccrcisg Protaa'ioa Of Araaslicc London, Jan. 11. Marshal Foch has invited thc German supreme command to confer with allied representatives in Treves, January 14, regarding prolongation of the armistice, it was announced in nil official dispatch from Berlin today. ABE 'HARTW , mi 1 I.afe Bud has dropped ou' o th' Red flor.r Crr.ss an' is savin' np -fer Iamr. Talk is cthap iiukx! you tay it wi'h fiov.irs 'IT C0S1 ra - SCIIIEDIIAIIII iReport Uebkecht Was Killed La Ristfeg Howercr Figiit- laf - CCTuHuvS. . London, Jan. 11 Karl Lieb- . kneeht was shot ia the hetd and instantly killed during Thnrs" day's fighting i Berlin, sweord- i): ing to a German fr v rumen t of- - ficinl, a Berlin dispatch to the - Evening News rejwrted today. . - Tho offkiaV said that Liob-- knecht's reported death means $ the end of the SpSTtaean move- ment. Liebknecht vst-atrwk by a machine s;ua bullet while dire-ting the defense of printing honse on Zimmerstrasee, the dis patch said. Berlin, Jan. 10. (Deleyrd)- The po sition of the Ebert-Beheidomann gov ernment is growing stronger every hour, while the number of insurgent demonstrations is rapidly diminishing, it was officially ennonnleed todaj, .Fighting botweon government and fipartacan forces eontinuod for pos session of the newspaper, railway sta tions and other buildings. Government troops recaptured the imperial printing works and the mili tary supplies offices. All fighting jes terday ended in favor of the govern ment, it was stated. The ttpurtaeans still hold a majority of the newspaper plants. Llebknecbt Killed Copenhagen, Jan. 11. Reports wore received here today that Karl Liob knocht, leader of the Bpartacan revo lutionists, was killed during the stroct fighting in Berlin Thursday evonlng. Serious Rioting Copenhagen, - Jan. 11t Serious riot ing occurred yesterday - at Dresden, Stuttgart, Hamburg, .Dusseldorff and OurtJbiirg, according ta dispatches re ceived from German sources today. 1 Spartaians were said to have seized the eity hulls and newspaper offices in those places. Fighting is stilt going on in Hamburg. Control Duseeldorff Amslerdum, Jan. 11. Bpartacans con trol Dusseldorff, according tq reperts received, today. Dispatches said that Herr Brandt, director of th.i whambrr of commerce; Herr iSybel, director of high schools and Heir Aith, general mnnner of the steel works, had been arrested. A hun dred and fifty other prominent citizens escaped to thc left bank cf the Khino where they wero under Belgian pro tection. The prison in Muenstcr (90 miles lKirthca-rt of Cologne) was stormed by Spartacana, who freed 170 inmates, ac cording to the Muenaler Anzei;;er. Hand Over Doerenbtich Coppnlingnn, Jan. 11. Sailors who deserted the i'-pa.rta.-.ans yesterday handed over Commander Doerenbiwh to tho government, Berlin dispatches stated today. Government troops a-epnlftd an at tack on the Doelioiitz airdrome, then blew up Hi? canip. Mi r i' f iLioaaic ircKcr is Penniless And In Prison Chicago, Jan. 11. Millard If. Cutter, rated as a millionaire broker, today was nelinilcss, in a cell nt a police station here an admitted forger of 'i00,000 in securities. Cutter, in business here with promi nent brokers, confessed lest nil' lit and with a couple of magazines as his only fortune, went to jail. Cutter declared ho had forged coun ty, municipal and' state bonds to pay for losses resulting from a venture in tho iron mining business at Poplar Bluff, Mo. Cutter revealed his crime to bis wife, rn accomplishea music teaciier. no said thrt" then determined he should confers and par the penalty. Maicr Gesersd Franklin Bell To Have Military Funeral New York, Jan. 11. The funeral of Major General J. Franklin Bel will be he'd with full military honors nt Wash ington on Monday, with interment in Arlington national cemetery. WANT EQUAL PAT. fieattle, Wesh., Jan. 11. Directors and eff'cers of Washington school dis 'riets, in session with the legislative committee ef the Washington educa 'clonal association today, have over whelmingly endorsed proposed leis'a-!io-i for rqiial pay for instructors, re ."ti'd'ess of -x. Close to 50 meraurc for proposed legislation affecting cdu caion in Washington wero taken at yc terday 'j session cf the convention, WALKER D. HINES TO TAKE DIRECTOR GENERALSHIP UiiUiluCCdCul lUSl fUS8a Had Made Appcfofeeit faase Tcday By EIcAdoo. Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 11. William G. McAdos todT announced that rPcs ident Wilsoa and- cabled the appoint ment of Walker D. Hines Its director general of railroads, : ' - Hines' appointment ia effective im mediately, the president's esble to Me Adoo said. - Hines was assistant director genera) nndej McAdno. -He went to the rail way administration as chief eounscl and within two months was made assistant director general. - i ollowiag his announcement of the ppointmeat of Hine as director aon- eral of railroads, McAdoo issued th rollowtBg statement: . Has Been Assistant. "Mr. Hines has been mv assistant at Washington since .the beginning of government control and has a thorough Knowledge or organization and adminis tration efoR railroads under federal control, as well as the fundamental problems involved in the railroad situa tion. His ability and experience admir ably fits him for the great trust and responsibility with which the president has honored hira. Aside from his obvious qualifica tions, Mr. Hines i in full sympathy with the policies which have gitidod the railroad administration and with ' the views of the president on the railroad question. I am sure that Mr. Hinos will have the hearty support of the fine army of milroad officers and employes ana i can ask nothing better for him than ther shall give him and tho coun try the same loyal and effective sor- ices they rendered during my time as director general." , Wag Not Unexpected. Washington, Jan. 11. Appointmont )f Walker D. Hinos to tho director gen- Gi&iuhip of railroads occasioned no sur prise In nfficiul circles here. Bowling Groon, Ky., in 1871) keeping books at 11 years. At H he was a stenogrnphor and two year later chief stenographer fr tho, circuit court, Idea Is As Old As Civilization But Some Plan Was AI- , ways Present. ; By IHcndrlk O. Andersen (Written for tho United Press.) EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third of a series of four articlos by Heudrik O. Anderson, American architect and student of international affairs, whose plan for a world city as the capital of the League of Nations Is to be pre- scnted to the peace conference. In the fourth and last article Mon- day Andersen will describe the physi- cal plan oi bis city and admlurawve centor, and will touch upon a plan for IpayHig for the construction and malute- nance or ine city. The thuught of a city that should develop tind perfect humanity is as old as civilization. But tho conception has changed with the changing ages, Pluto in his "Republic" dreams of a city of perfect justice. In it the wise men, tho philosophers, would make and enforco tho laws and, guided by their Model City W Those I wisdom, would so govern as to ft-cili- law, perhaps even of criminal law. tnto the greatest possible happiness for niight best be planned and carried ont all. And yet Pinto's perfect city state only by a body of jurists sitting eon contemplutcd freedom of thinking and tiiiuously. Should an international con acting for the favored intellectual few. stitution finally be adopted and a The great masses were still to toil tfl Leaguo of Nations be formed, this in-' make possible tho life-giving thoughts ' ternntiunal assembly's natural scat of tho philosophers. Turn to woria unity. Almost from tho dr-to of tho publica tion of Hugo Groitus' great work on War mid Pence" in 1025 tho minds of thinking mon have been turned to ward tho idea of world unity. This unity should not spring from a world ' plied, within the centor will afford sai domination like that of ancient Rome tuary for tho scientific spirit; they will nor from purely ideal conceptions lik bu visible symbols of human achieve those of the poet philosophers. It :i "nt. find bv encouraging research and should be eapablo of ultimate rei.liza investigation into the real truth of tion through the development of thi' things. idea of lustiee anions; nations and ar- The universal museums of art, mngie rnngements made between the rulers of different states. Influenced by these ideas, tho great philosopher Immanuel Kant, evon before the day of modern inventions, had droamed of a form of orgnnizalion and communion bctwoon states which should lead to perpetual peace. Tho world center of administration for a League of Nations is to be a cen ter of business, science and intelligence housed i:i special buildings and located within tho boundaries of a model city, a Washington is for the U. S. A. Works nf art, scientific discoveries and new inventions will be shown, thus forming vice he attend. d Orde. Collet, later going to Trinidad, Colo., aB a legal ad ris. Be returned to Kentucky and waa appointed as secretary to the- chief at torney for the Louisville and Ni-tshville railroad. Following, that, in quick succession, be was made assistant- attorney and then ia 11)01 became first vice presi dent of the Louisville and Nashville. He was 31 years old and among tha youngest railroad executives at aaat time. Hincs left the Louisville ! Nashville in 1004 to engage in geaaral law practice in New York. His nt big railroad connection was with Jthe Santa Fe ia 1907, when he wa9 atade general counsel. The following year ha ' was made chairman of the Banta Fe executive board and remained as aock until 1916 when fc was elected chair man, of the board of director of lhat road. - rinrt Called to Washington. Hines was the first man ea'led to Washington by UeAdoo when the nil- ' roads were taken ever Decemhnv 2,7. 1017. His first job here was assistant to the director general. After 60 days he was made assistant director general and as such has been in ative partsei patioa of the railroads' management - Among railroad administration offi cials Hines is regarded as liberal miad ed. Borne evn believe him radical It is pointed out that Hines was one f the staunehest advocates of increased pny for the employes.' His record in stuff meetings of the railroad adminis tration reveals that in nearly every ase he has been against, rather than lor the railroad eorporstions ' program. To Continue at Present Salary. Hincs' salary as assistant CVector general was $2!,000 a year. As direct or general ho hns power to fix his own pay, but It was understood ho will con tinue at his present salary. Officials here bolieve that Hincs soon will fill the positions of director of op orations, from which Cnrl B. Gray re signed January 1, and that of director of the division of capital expenditures. Born at which was made vacant by the resigna he was.tion of J u dire Bobert Lovett. It wn believed that there will be no immcdi ate assignment as assistant director ecn eral. ' ould Have All nterestcd Suited an intelligent conter of ideas, methods, exchange, relations and propagandas, and of persona dovotcd as much to tho study as to the management of at feint having a world wide and universal char S'Cter. It will be tho world clearing house for ull that is beat in civl'izu- Tlon' 10 UB "'"''B1'"""-"" L' ulu euuo a kt i 01 i"'ltlo"s- AU Int0Nst Have place' Iu the stute.y and beautiful buildings of this center for n League of Nations, all human interests will have their pluce. Art, religion, education, juris- prudence, philosophy, nil the sciences. physical culture and business, will havo their halls and exhibitions wherein mny gather tho best minds of tho world. Tiu nations will bavo their topogrupny, samples of their natural prouuets, tlieir commerce and industry. In the field of jurisprudence we now have established several itnernationul organizations of importance, such as tho .International Parliamentary Union and tho Hague Tribunals. But wo need greater concentration and moro endur ing effort than hag yet been establish ed. A coherent system of international should be in tho heart of the world eenter, whose most prominent fenturo is u world court of justice. Answer Growing Need. Thc halls of progress, of philosophy, and of the sciences, theoretical and ap- land litcraturo will be veritable resonre- es of inspiration for both the layman and tho professional, forming s meet ing place for the lovers of eauty. Tha ample opportunity afforded for study, for the display tif great work of art or for the production of a now and un heard opera, should do much to pro mote thesi' fumUmontal conpononts of presen-day culture, stimulating -producers to grento' effort by offerinr them an ever ready opportunity to pre sent t' eir work before the world's best juries, and to Lt.vo it circulated thence when st desirea .tnrougn ine loaning 'cities of the world. ,