Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 10, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"I wish it was Possible for everyone who
suffers from constipation to know about Dr.
CaldwelPs Syrup Pepsin. It is pleasant to
the taste, does not gripe, and the result is
sure." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell writ
ten by Mr. R. Laney, Alexandria, La,J
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a com
bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin,
pleasant to the taste, gentle in action and posi
tive in its effect. It relieves constipation
quickly, without griping or strain, and is a
standard family remedy. " '
Syrup Pepsin
Tie Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
Continued firm fa
fort oa the Main.
Btehorn Surrenderers
Riniie, Jan. 10, Three thousand
neniberi otf Police President Eichorn's
republican guards Lave placed them
aalve at the disposal of the Ebort
tfchaidouuum govurninent, according to
the iWJUort Oazette.
(Eiuaoru has been aidimg the Spar
faao&na and his surrender was on of
the terna of the truce proposed by the
Tha Benin garrison, which hitherto
as feeon neutral, is now for the gov
Turnout, the newspaper said. Govern
mint aviators are Hying low over the
Vorwaurta 'building, whore Spartacan
are itill eufcrondiod.
A dispatch filed in Berlin Wednes
day stated that the Sparta&ang hare
aaiixod the principal wiroloss station
in the capital.
Still Spreading
The Hague, Jan. 10. The Spartacan
movomont is spreading through the in
dustrial region in Bhonish Westphalia,
dispatch from Dusseldorf reports to
day. Uahfcnecht Nearly Lynched
Copenhagen, Jan. 10. Karl Liob
fcneoht, leader of tho Hpartacans, nar
rowly escaped lynching Wednesday eve-;
sing, a, dispateh to the Borlingske Tid
end reportod today.
A. mob dragged Liebknecht from a
taxiceb in Unter Den linden, accord
ing to a disnatch. but ha was rescued
by Bpartae&ns before he hud suffered
any serious injury.
Adressing a erowd later, Liebknecht
"Oovernment supporters have just
attempted to lynch me but we routed
them. .Wo lhave formed a revolutionary
committee, therefore we will arm and
remain in the streets."
(Coastnaod from page one)
pension roll and the maintenance of tho
army and navy in peace.
When the pest evil has been estab
lished and has destroyed or proved its
capacity to destroy millions of dollars
worth of grain and fruits, the country
in question passes legislation forbidding
the importation of infected substances
and products. This only goes to prove
the lnek of succobb which attends any
attempt to improve the situation by con
fining attention toono country tlone.
The diet during and after influenza.
Horliek's Malted Milk, nourishing, di
gestible. Labor Federation Endorses
Sinn Fein Irish Republic
Portland. Or., Jan, 9. Tho Oregon
State Federation of Labor is on record
here today as endorsing the new repub-
Stomach Distress Stops Instantly!
J3ure, quick, pleasant relief from Indigestion Fain,
Gas, Acidity, Heartburn or Dyspepsia,
QatJf The moment vou at a.
(ablet or two, all the indw
gestion, gases, pain, acid- W
ity and stomach distress yCTQ f n
ends-Instantly! WW JJ
Costs little All drug WW
stores. Buy a box!
upset? Pape's Diapepsin SKIl&S
Salem society is evinciig much in
terest over the news of the arrival of
a son at the home of Dr. and Mrs,
Howard Markel at San Francisco. Dr.
and Mrs. Markel will be well remem
bered by a host of Salem fnends, hav
ing made their home in Salem several
years ago. Mrs. Markel was formerly
Mrs. Leta K earns and was prominent
ly identified in musical erieles of the
Capital city at the time of her rest
donee here. Dr. Markel is one of the
leading physicians of San. Francisco,
and both he and Mrs. Markel take a
foremost part ia the various social and
artistic activities of San Francisco.
Dr. Market was also a student at Wil
lamette university.
. .
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Buneom, who
have been enjoying a ten day 'a visit
in Salem with Mr. Runcorn's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Runcorn and his
sister, Mrs. Byron F. Bruuk (Mollis
Runcorn), returned to Independence to
day. Mr. and Mrs. Buncorn had plan
ned on a longer stay, expecting to go
on to Eugene to visit Mr Runcorn's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlfs McPeek,
former Salem residents, but upon re
ceiving word that the Southern Pa
cific agent at the Independence depot
was stricken with influenza, they were
forced to return immediately as idr.
Buncorn is assistant agent
Mrs. I. D. Bonnett has received a
telegram from her son, Harry O. uen
nett of the V. S. naval service, stat
ing that h was leaving for Oregon im
mediately, having receive! his dis
charge. Mr. Bennett ha9 been station
ed at the Brooklyn navy yard po of
fice since last June.
John Claire Montieth, well known
ennenrt baritone, is recovering from
an attack of influenza at his home in
Mrs. The. M. Barr has returned
tvnm m.n ftninvniblfl trin to Spokane,
where she visited her daughter over
tne Holidays.
Vra A f Tti-nwn. Mir. Marcella B.
Esmond and Miss Ruth M. Rockyer,
who have been among the out of town
nurses assisting in the influent epi
demic, will return to their homes at
Seattle tonight.
Mrs. Warren Frances Powors has re
turned to her home in Seattle after
ttin holiday in Salem with
her parents, Dr. and- Mrs. J N. Smith.
Miss Marie Churchill, daughter of
A. Churchill, is the
guest of hor sister, Miss Doris Church-
ill. who ia attenuinor tne university oi
Oregon at Eugene.
Memorial services for Mrs. Iueia
Faxon Addition, well known Oregon
club woman, whose death occurred ear
ly this week, were held today "by the
Portland Woman's club. The tribute is
especially fitting, inasmuch as the pro
gram of the Portland club for today's
meeting wa to have boon given un
der Mrs. Addition's chairmanship. Mrs.
Addition wa one Of the most active
member of the club. Among the musi
cians ow the program was Mrs. Lulu
Dnhl Miller, well known to Salem peo
ple. Members of tho Woman's Chris
tian Temperance Union and the State
Woman's Press club joined the Wo
man 'a club in the memorial services.
Quinine That Does Not Affect Head
Because of its tonic and lnxativn or
(Tablets) can be taken by anyone
without causing nervousness or ring
ing in the head. There is only one
"Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S
signature on the box. 30e.
SPJB imElffl-M WAY
lie of T.reland as pre;laimcd by the Sinn
A rcsointion which was adopted by
tne eonrention test night requests the
Orecton riiieressionnl delegation to sup
port .1m vesolution now before congress
'A-'vlding; for recognition by the unit
ed States of the form of government
contomrltcd by the Sinn Feiners.
Shop Mornings
This pre-hqliday suggestion is no less timely. Stores
are seldom crowded during forenoons, affording
safer and more convenient and pleasant shopping.
Crowding is the thing the authorities object to. By
heeding the suggestion to come mornings, if possible,
the people of Salem and vicinity may be spared the
inconvience of closed stores.
There are real, Worth-while bargains, almost without limit
all throagh the store. Entire lines, as well as odds and ends,
are being cleaned up before inventory. These we cannot en
umerate now. However, it is all dependable merchandise
which you can profitably and safe!? take advantage of by
coming to the store mornings. Do this if voa can.
Masfij Mm Old .Fashioned Grip Mas
querading Under a New
Spanish infloensa, which appeared in
tpai im May, has all the appearance
of grip or la grippe, whit has swept
ever the world in numerous epidemic
a far bask as history runs. Hippo
rata refers to an epidemie in 41 B.
C, wkUa is regarded by maxy to have
aeea infloensa. Every eentnry has had
its stteks. Beginning with 1831, this
eeostry has had five epidemics, the
last ia 1889-90.
There is so occasion for panic in
fluenza or grip has a veiy low per
centage of fatalities -not over one
death oat of every four hundred enses,
according to the N. C. Board of Health
The chief danger lies in vmplications
arising, attacking principally patients
in a run down condition those who
don't go to bed soon enough, or those
who get op too early.
Go to bed at the first symptoms,
not only for your own snke but to
avoid spreading the disease to others
take a purgative, eat plentj of nourish
ing food, remain - perfectly quiet and
don't worry. Nature herseli is the on
ly "cure" for influenza and will throw
eff the attack if only yon conserve
your strength. A little Qu?nine, Aspir
in or Dover 's Powder may oe givou oy
the physician's directions to allay the
aching Always call a physician, since
the chief danger of grip is 'n its weak
ening effect on the system, which al
lows complications to develop. These
re chiefly pneumonia nd bronchitis,
sometimes inflammation of the middle
cat, or heart affections. For these rea
sons 4 i TeTT important that the
patient remain in bed nntil hie strength
returns stay in bed at least two days
mow after the fever hss left you,
or if yon axe over 56 or not strong,
stay in bed four days or more, accord
ing to the severity cf the attack.
Evidence seems to prove that this is
a germ disease, spread principally by
human contact, chiefly through eouga
ing, sneesing or spitting. So avoid per
sons having colds whieh means avoid
ing crowds eommoi mnkmg caps,
roller towels, etc. Keep up your
bodily strength by plenty ef exercise
in too open air, and good food.
Above all, avoid colds, as colds irri
tate the Kning of the ur passages and
render them much better breeding
places for the germs. Use Vick ' Vape
Rub at the very first sign of a cold.
For a head cold, melt a little Vapo-
Rub in a spoon and inhale the vapors,
or better still, use vapo-Knb in a ben
zoin steam kettle. If this is not avail
able, use an ordinary tea kettle. Fill
half full of boiling water put in halt
a teaspoon of Vapo-Bub from time to
time k eerp the kettle just slowly boil
ing and inhale the steam arising.
NOTE Vick 's Vapo-Bub is the dis
covery of a North Carolina druggist,
who found how to eombinc, in salve
form, Menthol and Camphor with sueh
volatile oils as Euealyptns, Thyme,
Cobebs, etc, so that when the salve is
applied to the body heat, these ingre
dients are liberated in the form of va
pors. Vapo-Bub can be had in three
sizes at all druggists. While compara
tively new in certain parts oi the north
it is the standard home remedy in the
south and west for all foims of cold
troubles over six aiilKon jars were
sold last year. Vapo-Rub is particular
ly recommended for children's eronp
or colds, as it is externally applied
and ean, therefore, be ased freely and
often without the slightest harmful
All sizes in white
January Clearance Special
White and FleshGood Range of Sizes
COATS $16.48 to $34.75
SUITS. !..... $19.75 to $34.75
DRESSS $12.48 to $42.50
U. G. Shipley Co.
Liberty Street
Quality Merchandise
'Salem, Ore.
Popular Prices
m A .
jefc :"
pan -
, supply the very help nature
requires. They rectify morbid
akin conditions tben from tne
source ef skin health, springs
loveliness of natural beauty.
Don't confuse Marinello Prep
aration, with ordinary cosmntics.
They'rediffcrent They corratff aulta
and iottia natural "Eos Bcel"
Vii ft High t
Tntirl Ranea Unraa
9 Vvwlt iwiati llw
In the matter of the estate ol Clark
Bicket, the heirs wore declared by the
county court t0 be the widow, Mory
Bicket, age 77, of Salem; Jennie Hob
son, 49, of Valentine, Neb.j Frank
Bickett, 47, of Balem, and Fanuie Mill
er, 40, of Cornish, Neb.
Fannie Wold, widow of Adolph Wolf
has petitioned the court for her dower
right of en undivided one-third inter
est in lands left by her husband. She
indicated to the eourt that she would
prefer her dower right rather than
what was left by will, and petitioned
the oourt to make hor assignment.
Th tate nf Fred Unirer Sr., deceas
ed, ie aonraised at 23,059.30. The ap
praisers were Joseph Kcber, J. W. Eb-
ner and Peter Dcgan.
n,. .(Qt nf Christ D. Widmer wus
appraised at 1000. The appraisers were
Frank P. Tenner, JacoD ueng ana v. o.
H. H. Boster, administrator of the es
tate of Barbara Frey, reported 74.63
eash on hand.
In the rase of A. B. Sicgmund against
G. A. Johnson, the eourt ordered that
thn plaintiff receive the sum of 1348.
45 together with 109.40 attorney's fee
and a foreclosure of the mortgage given
to secure the note.
J. L. Quirk hue brought suit against
F. Pinckney and others for tho fore
closure of a mortgage given to secure
nnt for loOO dated
July 1, 1911. After the mortgage was
given, Mr. Finckney transrerrca me
l.n.l tn f'limhotli R. Heine and she later
sold it to B. J. Caldbeck and he sold
to B. B. Bysn, who is now ia posses
m'mn Thpu mrtiM are named in the
petition for foreclosure proceedings.
The estate of D. E. Swank was ap
praised at S297.86. The appraisers
were Bnssell Catlin, T. K. Ford and H.
A. Johnson.
In the matter of the estate of A ra
pine) d Cavanaugh, the executor reports
that he has paid J. H. Cavanau-h 600
and George W. CavantfUgh 800 andj
that each had given lOO to the estate.
The estate ef William Goodrich was
appraised at 19745.40 by Claire C. Sim
eral, C&l Patton and George Beaty. In
eluded in the appraisement was 80 acres
of land ia section 38, township 6 and:
7 south range 3 west, valued at 9000. J
A marriage license was issued Jan. 8
to Henry Daniel Miller, 38, of Wood-
burn, a farmer, and Alctba Lueile Bit-
ncr. 23, a elerk oi Woodburn. Also to
Claude Edwards, 20, of Salem and Gla
dys Williams, 19, of Salem.
A recuperative diet in influenza. Hor
lick's Malted Milk, very digestible.
Candy Comes Pretty High
For U. S. Boys In Luxemburg
Andrew A. Munson is one of the Am
erican boys who saw the Bhine and who
were fortunate enough to be with the
army of occupation. In a letter to his
mother, Mrs. W. F. Munson of rural
route 7, Salem, he writes:
"We are in the country of Luxem
burg and are on the move to the Bhmo.
So you Bee we will get to see Ger
many as we are not only abont 12 mile?
from the border.
"This little country of Luxemburg is
sure a pretty one with hills and lots
of wood on the hills and the soil is
fine. It is of a reddish hind and they
raiso sood croiiB.
''We came through Verdun and up
the Meuse river and then across the
southern part of Belgium and then into
Luxemburg and had some fine trip.. We
were lucky as we have auto trucks
while the doughboys have to hike it.
" I was in the eity ef Luxemburg this
morning. It is a pretty city but I did
not have a very good time as I was
broke, as we have not been paid for
a. long time but will get our pay to
morrow. "Things are pretty high here. Choco
late that would cost in the state 15
or 20 cents cost 14 here. So you eannot
buy much candy over here on a sol
dier's pay.
' "Wish I eould be home for Christ
mas but don't think I will be able to
get there. We will be lucky to get out
of this dnm country by July 4. I sure
will be glad to get home even if it is
in July."
is some-times
painful. For
instance when
the doctor says
one must give
up the dearly
loved cup of s
coffee. vy
Happiness fol
lows however
when one finds
out how yy
delicious and
health making
is the pure
cereal drink
Continued from page one)
were found in the ruins.
The heads of each body had been
cleanly removed.
The family may have been burned o
death, but Magruder and others say the
condition of the bodies indict tes mur
The coroner's jury returned an open
verdict directing the officials to con
duct an immediate investigation.
All Had Been HI.
All members of the family were ill
with influenza or pneumonia, but all
had recovered enough to have been able
to leave their beds if the fire had beea
discovered by them. The blase was dis
covered by neighbors shortly after 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon when the
building was nearly totally destroyed,
Acocrding to Magruder, no weapon
wu found in the ruins.
Tho Blizck home is in a valley and
neighbors, seeing smoke pour from the
valloy, thought nothing of it. xsc con
tinued evidence of fire, however
brought them ta the scone.-; .,.
A peculiar feature is thai while the
bead of every body was removed, no
skullB were found.
A physician who had been attending
the family called several nouvs oeiorc
the fire was discovered.
Officors conducting the investigation
this afternoon said further evidence
tonded to strengthen the murder theory
It is believed tramps, taking Blizek to
be a man of moans, killed the family,
took a box of money Blizek was said
to have aud then fired the home.
"Drys" Confident That
"Wet ' Attempts Will fail
Washington, Jan. 9. "Drys" in
congress ijoday were confident that
"wet" attempts to have the courts
declare the prohibition amendment to
the federal constitution invalid, would i
Thev also declared that they were
assured that the ratification of 36
states necessary to make the amend
ment operative, would be accomplished
by the last of next week.
"We would have the necessary votes
of state legislatures by the end of
this week, if all of them could meet
in time," stud Representative Ken
dall, California "dry."
Supreme court knocked out the prin
cipal wet contention last Tuesday
when it decided tnat tno law was noi
unconstitutional becauso it passed over
the president's veto by a vote of two
thirds of the members present instead
of two thirds of the whole congress.
Trisco Doctor Says
Kanrn Isnt Cannibal
San Francisco, Jan. 10. For the
very reason that Solomon Kuimi, South
Sea Islander, eats 'cm alive, he is not
a cannibal.
This was the opinion today of Dr.
Otto Froyermuth, sent by ttu police to
investigate Kaimi and hi appi'tite.
Kaimi attracted attention when he be
gan eating hi a wife.
"Kaimi has not reverted to his old
cannibalistic habits," said Dr. Frey
ermuth. "He has merely reverted to
savagery. Canuibals do not eat their
own kind and they cook their victims'
Dr. Freyermuth pronounced Kaimi
as "just an animal," who eould not
become iusane because he lacks the
Mrs. Kaimi, an intelligent woman,
also of the South Seas, who ni juried
Kaimi that their raca might not be
come extinct, is slowly recovering from
lose of blood. She is considering avail
ing herself of California's divorce
The police, meanwhile, have not de
cided what to do with Kaimi.
Organize Council Similar
To Soviets In Portland
Portland, Or., Jan. 10. One thousand
men and women met here last night and j
organized the workmen's and soldiers',
council, which is modeled after the Bns
s.mi Soviets and like organizations in
Because these people, including some
Los Angoles, Cal., Jan. 8. Mary
Piokford was reported as improving to
day, although still confined to her
home by the influenza. Her brother
Jack Pickford, actor, was operated on
yesterday for an abscess.
Expectant Mothers
View Event Calmly
rim Brings Knowledge That by Use
of Penetrating Remedy Suffer
ing Is Avoided,
Thousands of women have found by the
application of Mother's Friend, the pene
trating external remedy, prepared especially
for cxjwtant mothers, that pain and sufTer
Ins ot tho crisis Is avoided and that In addi
tion the months preceding the crisis are freo
from nervousness, nausea, stretching and
bcarlndoivn pains and general discomfort.
. Mother's Friend makes It possible for the
expectant mother to herself actually nl
nature In the glorious work to be performed,
and no woman should neglect to give na
ture a helping hand. It will mean infinitely
, p!in un" ,,,e hour at the crisis will be
less. The period is one of calm repose and
restful nights.
. B the use of Mother's Friend the skin
l kept soft and natural, and experienced
mothers say that it Is much belter to keep
your health and good looks during the pe
riod of expectancy than f try to regain
lliem afterward,
Write the Brndflelrl Regulator Company,
Pep. G, Lamar Building. Atlanta, Georgia!
fur tiieir Interesting Motherhood Book. 2nd
obtain a bottle of Mother's Friend and be
gin It use at once.
soldiers, believe that the existing or-
gunizutiong are not capable of solving
tile poblcins of taking caro of the, re
tdi'mng sUdiers, they decided to perfect
their own organization.
Speakers at the meeting last night
denounced the espionage act and inti
mated that the United States declared
wur on Germany for commercial rea
The recall of allied troops from Bus
sia and a general amnesty for all po
litical offenders during tho war were
demanded in resolutions which wore
unanimously adopted.
Bed Cross canteen service is to, be
maintained until every American sol
dier is at home, according to George
F. Scott, general maKger of the Am
erican Bed Cross.
How Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg.
etable Compound Restores
Health and Strength.
Lansing, Mich. "After the birth of
my child I was not able to stand on my
ieeu i was so wean
I could not get up.
I suffered such pains
in my back I could
not work or hardly
take care of my
baby. One of my
neighbors recom
mended Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound. I
took it and used
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Sanative Wash, anrl
I got better right away and was soon a
Dew woman and could work hard, and I
can recommend these remedies to other
young mothers who are weak and ailing
as I was." Mrs. Ora O. Bowers, 621
S. Hosmer Street, Lansing, Mich.
Women who are in Mrs. Bowers' con
dition should not continue to suffer from
weakness and pain but profit from her
experience and give this famous root
and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound, a trial
For suggestions in regard to your
condition write Lydia E. Finkham Med
kiBeCa.Lynn,Masa. The result of their
40 years' experience is at your service.