; 5000 CIRCULATION (5,000 READERS DAILY) Only Circulation is Salem Gn&r- 4c an Wed by the Audit B ureal f 4c Circulation t FULL LEASED WIRE J DISPATCHES - 8PECIAL WILLAMETTE TAIr 4c LEY NEWS 8EKVICB 4c ' fh!Ttvii: ,1mii-1it and Satur day rain vtr rain or w t portion; in soctheast . txij wiaa. .-....-I. . t OH TWAINS AND NEW CTAVTJ8 rrVTE CENT FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 4. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1919. : ! 0 m i m iMilS. 3 5 TIQRKERS TO AGREE TO HUE Situation Has Been Ref0V To President Wilson In ParisL-Commandeeriv , Tug:s And Manning Them With Nary Men Is Possourse Of Settlement New York Is Threatened Wel And Food Famine New York, Jan. 10. Tug and terry- loat. men today refused to agree to a 48-hour armistioe in their strike, which lias tied up Now York harbor. The railroad administration . asked (he strikers to enter into an armistice eo that .food and fuel could bo brought into tli o city- and ocean steamers now fov-ing in . tho lower harbor could be (locked.': ...... . A numbor of individual boat owners offered to grant the- workers' demnids, luit union leaders declared all such propositions had been refused. The mea will stick together to the finish, it was stated. Harbor traffic was at a com ,letc standtsill. Unless harbor traffie is resumed very oon New York will be on low fuel nd food supplies, the lower bay ' be. congested with incoming steamers una He to dock and conditions will be ex ceedingly grave, it is believed. The harbor remained bare of ship iing this morning. Commuters wora nable to cross the bay and rivers oa ferries and the tube trains were jam med to suffocation. Serious freight congestion is feared. A numbor of steamers are lying at quarantine. Six teen thousand boatmen were out this morning. They demanded more pay and uliorter hours. The government blames tlio boat ownors for the troublo as thoj refused to arbitrate the question oi liotlrs ef work;. - . -- Referred to Wilson. Washington, Jan. 10. The New York li arbor strike has been referred to Pres ident Wilf.on in Paris. He has been ad, vised by eable of tho serious situation. At the white house advices were ex pected from him soon. The government will step in to scttla lie strike unless boat owners and mar S&tencs Wiihd Until ; Moiwa For M:w Trial Mads Chicago, Jan. 10. Victor Berger, con- jM-cfwnan-olect from lseonsiu, and four other socialist lenders face senten ces of from. 10 to 20 years in priBon or fines of from $.1000 to $10,000, or lioth. The others Ere Irwin St. John Tucker, J. Louis Engdahl, Willium F. Knize end Adolph Germer. Verdict of guilty to charges of vio lations of the es.ionage act was return ed Into yesterday after nearly six hours jury deliberations. Sentence was withheld by Judgo K. Vt. Lsndis until motion for now trial liad been heard January 23. The con victed men were given their liberty 911 $10,000 bonds each. 60th Congress to Decide. Washington Jan. 9. The effect of (Victor Borgor's conviction for violation of the espionage act on his being seated in the next house of representatives can iot be determined until the sixty-sixth congress meets. Under the constitution each house of representstives is judge of its own mem Worship. ABE MARTIN Th' trouble with farmin', is that thcr's alius somethin' t' do when yon- re lonfin'. "It makes me as hot as a Ford." said Tell Binklev when he card th Crown Prince talks some a runuin' fer city clerk o Berlin. ' REFUSE 48-HOUR mm ine w,rko.Vget togother quickly. Jnit how the- federal authorities propose to intervene is aot revealed. But - they have made it plain that they do not propose to see New York in the grasp of a food famine and New England and ither coastal listriets suffer from a prolongs 1 strike. . A hint of the possible course of set tlement Comnit ndeering of tugs and manning thow with navy men rn seen in the New York report thst suc.i action wi sanctioned in the ease of munitioni e'tips, should they need more lightering thn is available. The railroad administration soniq time ago promised to give the tug mer an eight "jour day, but hail not put this into effmit. Inasmuch as this is what the tug men want, it is held new mat the promise stands in the way of a gen eral arbitration movement on the part of the railroads. Once this is put into effect, it is hold, there are no question for the railroads to arbitrate.. WON! ENTER Bill Government Believes No Good Coald Come At Present From Such Action. Washington, Jan. 10. Ths American government has no present intention of sending its forces to Berlin. That fact was learned on high offi- cial authority today in the wake of , the Prussian capital revolution and tho new hints that doughboys would bo woleomod. The propaganda in favo of Ameri can occupation emanate mainly from tho middle of the road group. The United States government, be lieves that intervention international ly now would provoke trouble rather than settle it. Whiie early advices indicate a trend toward dofiat of the Liebki.echt group it is pointed out here that the Sparta- cus men, as the aggressive torcc, arc seeking to dominate the coining eleu- tions, even though past tests have sliown thoy constitute a minority. Should ttio Spartacus group gain con trol, indemnities will bs refused, it is said, and tho only way to collect them will be by force. Roosevelt Left Es&ie Worth 500,000 Mjri T- . T New York, Jan. 10. Then- dors Roosevelt loft an estate cstimatod to be worth $500,- 000. The will, it becams known today, bequeathes the entire residue of the estate in trust to Mia. llocs-velt. Colonel Roos'Tclt aUo left a trust fund of $60,000, inherit- cd from his father, to lis five children, in equal portions. He also left to his children in eqnal parts all of his pbte and silver. Portland Has Jay Walking - Orface Effective Today Portland, Jan. 10. Rtop Look laaten! Thnt'g what PortrandTs had to do today when- they eamo to street inter scctiwia in the congested business dis trict not just those who glided along in riraeuainea, but those who rode on Shank's horses. - The city council, the other day, de cided too many automobile accidents were th rule, so it proceeded to pass an ordinance, effective today,' that compels Mr. Pedestrian to wait en the corner until the traffie cop gives him tfhe high sign. And "jay walking" is taboo here, according to the same ordinnuce, which stipulates that streets shan't be cross et except at intersections.' To assist Portland citizens in follow ing thn "straight and narrow pathe, whito Hner have bes painted on the pavements. j InfUicaza lia redoced th attendance at ttntrtlia schools from oGH to 2o2. AMERICANS READY 10 BEG!N REAL BUSINESS OF PEACECON FEREKCE Considerable Difficulty- E ccsstered In Formally Be- 11.? By Fred 8. Ferguson (TJnited Press staff correspondeat) Paris, Jan. IQi The American peec delegation was ready and anxious to day 'te iget down to business. , i Preaidemt Wilson ' mud Lhi fellow commissioners were, inclined to feel there have boon enough "shows" and to believe tho beat plan is to go to work immediatelyJJut as time slips by, preliminaries to the formal ... confer ences become mora confusing. It is la possible to tell one hour what is like ly to happen in the neat. Engagements for conference are boing broken right and left. Dignified diplomats are ar riving at various places on the minutes for their engagements, to find theT has been a hitc-h somewhere and that they must sit and admire the wall pa per for half aa lour, while affairs ara uwn'g winugnuroua win. Anxioua for Show The French are anxious to have some sort of a "show" to mark the start wf the formal oonferoncos, in cluding an address f welcome by President Poineare. Wilson muc pre fers individual conforerace between raprecnt(attvo Vof OreJat Britain, Franijo, Italy and the United States, calling in othoi allied dolrgatioris' as the conferences dowlop and thus per mitting the conversations to evolve gradually into the "ieace conference proper. Taa initial session of the entire congress which would too open could then bo as ehewy as desired. When tho French had decided they were ready to atase the opening ses sion in itho Quai DXJrsay (toreign of fice), they issued an announcement to that effect without previously notify ing any of those most intr rested. , . Unaware of .Meeting Even Premier Olemenaenu Wa. dn'-' awaro of the mooting, w.iii"h was sot for Thursday afternoon, as he had ar ranged a onferemo,e (twith Colonel House Wt i p. m. on that day. The announcement, wh'cu had re sulted in throbbing newspaper articles, necessitated hurried telephoning every where. The announcement was with drawn. The president is keeping the Ameri can coniiibissionors on the jump by his unexpected strolls into lieuilfjuaiteis at the Hotel Crillou. it is nover known when ho is coming. fWHTWS CI TO ARRIVE SOON Mostly Eastern And Middle West Debckests Aboard ' 'CcLic And Huron.' ' Washington, Jan. 10. The Forty Ninth iiilnntry, field ami slaff, med ical detachment, r'irst and Second bat talions of tho 83d division, sailed Jan uary 7 from Frarfra aboard the trans- and is due in ivw iorx uarv hi. Tho transport Huron 1 ft France for Newport .News and is due January 15 with tho following troo: Companies If V and K medical de tainment, Fifty Sixth engineers, Third provisional tbattailionj cas.ial (.'ompanie 121 (O-eorgia); 122 (New York); 123 (Kansas); 124 (Arkansas)-, i 25 (Ohio) and 412 and 413 (Maryland) and 414 (Kansas.) Field hospital number S04 of the Seventy Sixth division, on" tffie?r and six mn; Heoond heavy moSiile orrtiuinco repair shop; sick and woii'iued auoui 400. and a troop of casuals 49th Infantry on Oelt.c Aboard tho Celtic is tho 49th in fantrr outfit which is a regit Uir regi ment, roplacinif Uhe d-iad regiment sent to Italy, casual wmpamea aonioors (New rork); m (Virginia); 433 fKansaai: 435. (Now York'.; chMnital warfare swvico casual company; num ber 31 and some casuals. The transport Atenas, Bi rdeanx for New York, is due January 1 with a detachment of hcadquarit rr . troops (92d division); medical detachment. iletaenment casual eeuapany mimoer n and a group of earal officers, Uia to tal joard being 111. ' The followioiK oraamnation was- pot on the priority list. Twelfth ialloo company, 420 and tzs teiosrapn n- talions, onlnartca cascai .company nui- oer 21, company 5-5 tranniwrtatioin corps. - WAB WOBBXBS GET CABI ABE. Wasliington, Jan. 10 War workers u flnrked here when the United at-to. onternl the war. will get their rannnrtatinn oaid home when they ar 'dismissed. - Announcement was mule at tne wnive house today that President Wilson has signed the-bill granting suck earfar, home. accoud onvrai BRITAKI AI1D U. S; . GROWING DAILY Ud CedTs Pkt Fr League Usa 0a Sdbfs ASF1C3AM Asssricta M?Ms8 Myi Cir!g Lcsifs. : By Robert J. Bectdw ; (Waited r'ess Btaff Correspoadeat.) . Pans, Jan. 10 The British may kv ta' honor of fathering th definite plan for application of :PreBideat Wilson ' priaeipla of lcagu of nation. . The impression was growing hers to dry that plans formulated by incmbere , be adopted by the peace eonfarance. It is known that the America alelegatat are sympathoticclly studying ideas ad vanced by the British official and it is bolieved the president, who has form ed his own p:an, iB insdned toward tho British piogram. Added siiduth has beon given to this view by Hie fact that Lord Cecil, assistant irceUiir. of state for forcigu affairs, who lobg ago took n advanced attitude on this subject, is engaged in constantly lengthening , conference! with the American representatives. Oth or influential members of the British acbinot also submitted data regarding tho league of n&tions, which tho Amerr cans aro studying thoroughly and with growing approval. ' Cecil's plans, it is known contemplate far more powor for tho league than has beou suggosted from other allied sourc es. It is believed also that he is in clined toward Wilson's attitude, that Germany should be admitted to proba tionary membership. Cecil has often ei pressed tho view that formation of tho leaguo u tho most important and should be the first work of tho pec., w. , euco. Is Happy Anyway. London, ; Jan. 10. Agroemont of Great Britain and the United Mtatos oil tho broad outlines of the peace settle mout is a happy augury for a satisiac tory conclusion of tho Pari3 conferences Americtii Ambassador tlavis doclareu horo today in a speech at Pilgrims' club. He was entertained tlaro at u lunchooii, to welcome him to Knjilaud, Uavis raid deep tributo to Former Anibnssador Page, who recently died, and to tho war rocords of the British ompire. Ho praised the increasing spi rit of frindliness and conporntion be tween tho United States and (iront Britain and spoko with great pride oi' America's part in winning tho war. With regard to tho peaco sottlcmcnt and tho agrocment of his own country and Ureat Britain, Davis declared he believed th two nations would bo as harmonious as to tho dolails of peace as they were on its broad general out lines. "I am Buro tho samo great idea's and purposes animate Britain and Am erica," ho said. "And therefore I am Mire there can bo no rightful eonflict betwe.ea our freodom interests in the fi.ial adjustment. "We ask to be set free from the con stant fear of war." "Tho doctrine of arms and th abili ty of irresponsible powers to do mis chief," ho ssid, "must giv way to th rule of common right." "We proposo," he asserted, "to ere ate a due safeguard for th mainte nance of justice and liberty." FAilY I11SMD .JUS ITiiED IlijDVll HOME HeaisOf Yictks M Bcea Resmc! hi Were M FiMu.Ii Reb. Oxford Junction, Iowa, Jaa. 10. The five members of the Frank Blieek fami lv. whose bodies- were found in th ruins t)f their burned homa near here late yesterday, were murdered, accord ing to evidence gathered by th eoroner of Jones errnnty at the inquest loaay. - Aceordins to E. L. Mazruder, an at itorney assist ig the eoroner, the head i of each bodv wa missine, while other 0f the bodies were not badly horned. I Beside the body of Blisek, the bodies f his wife, dcugnter Mary, api'u n. Lucille, aged 4, and a son, Frank Jr (Continued on page two) STRIKES III EUDIOS ! AIRES IS CAUSING MANY CASUALTIES iPresMsnt hfeoyea Urges Ar- geslas Congress To l3 ' ' - dareMlkrykw. I By Jamea 1 HUler (United Press Btaff Correspondent.) Buenoa Aires, Jan. 10. Danger of ac tual starvation was confronting the peo pie of Buenoa Aires today' as result of tho general strike tying Up all trans portation. All slaughter hsuses and mat mar kets were closed and stocks of other food were rapidly disappearing. There was no immediate prospeet of replenish ment of supplies, i . . , An attempt wa mad today to start up traffie, but was suppressed by bod ies of armed strikers. Scores of ve hicles were demolished. Following the sanguinary battle be tween strikers and the poliee, whiuh continued all night, tha government was expected to take vigorous action today, There were many casualties. ., Patrol Streets irith Quna. Buenos Aires, Jan. 10. Sailors anS soldiers with rifles and machine guns rmtrnlled the streets todav. following; a Biaht of strike rioting: in which many In fiehting at the Vaua iron -works soldiers turned machine guns on strik ers, who replied to this fire with ma chine cuns taken from the arsenal -when thev raided it. Six wore killed and many wero wounded. Tho Catholie eirls school was sot afire by the strikers but none was hurt Socialist deputies demandou to Know why the government permitted the dis orders. This TjrecipitBtod a light m congress. President Irigoycn urged congress to declaro military law. Nowspapers wore not sold on the streots today, onlyanough copies being orinted fur delivery to subscribers. Half the police went on strike. Oth ers joined them. ' As a result there were no police on tho streets. . Mobs estimated at 150,000 have tor rorized the city. Many buildings and nno church havo boon burned. When the arsenal was raided tho SuardB were overpowered. Largo quan tities nr arm. and ammunition wero dis tributed to small K'onps of rioters all through the city. ROLES COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE BUREAU WAR RiSKN SURANCE Colonel Lmdsley Head of Bur eau Will Net 0pp32 Mak ing Of Investigation. Washington, Jan. 10. Congressional agitation for action against tho war risk insurance bureau came to a head today when Chairman Pou culled tho houso rules committee together for a hearing on the McFadden resolution to investigate the bureau. Pou's action follows months of charges that the bureau is "inefficient, criminally negligent" and "extrava gant." Colonel Henry u. wnasay, rnconiij made head of the bureau, according to friends in concress, will not opposo the investigation and may even request tho rules committee to authorize it. Republicans and democrats who want the investigation may hope, through it (o show: The rcasoj why thousands of allot ments nave been delayed or never paid at all and why rules for conversion of the insurance of discharged soiaieis hav not been promulgated to months after signing ef the armistice. I Whether political favorites hava been iriven- high administrative places in the war risk buretvo, while experienceo. i saraoea men have been put to work, in minor job, from 1800 to 2.".00 a year. McKadden earn before tho rules eom nil tee today prepared to back his tit- msnd for an investigation with letters from enlisted mm, mothers and wives of noldieis. Red Cross workers and from officials of the bureau itself. Fairbanks Wi Stage Likrtvte Ym With McAdoo One Of Co-Stars Los Aneeles. Cel., Jan. 10. A govern ment propaganda film in behalf of the fifth liberty loan in which Douglas Fairbanks may number William G. Me Adoo, director general of railways, as ono of his co-stars, is being planned, it has been announced here. Frank R. Wilon, director of publicity for the liberty loan and Secretary Tu- multy outlined the plan in telegTams Fairbanks. The film is to be knewa s "The Fool Killer." BERMPEKE iria Government Aviators Reported To Have Attacked Sil- . mail. UVTCltUUHlt MKUJIV J AHAbM.- v-r J Faror Of Chaacefier Ebert, Say Dispatches Today.- Students At Berlin Orfudze Cavalry Regiments. Copenhagen, Jan. 10. Barlia has at last sxperieneed the horror of a sight bombing attack. A dispateh to tho Bcrhngske Tidenae today reported that government aviat or attacked the Silesian railway sta tion with bombs Wodnesday night, kill ing 45 persons. - The most intense fighting occurred that night in the eontral and southwest ern portions of tho city, the dispatch said. Casualties were reported to be heavy. Capture Public Buildings. London, Jan. 10. The fight in Berlin for control of the German government machinery is turning decidedly in favor of Chancellor Ebert, according to taa latest advices reaching London today Government forces were reported to hav captured practically all pnbli buildings. Martial law had been pro claimed throughout the city and rein forcoments wore pourine into Berlin all day yostorday to elinok the appar ent vietory over tho Spartacans. The insurgents woro driven from the telegraph offices by artillery fire. Spar tacan headquarters sot up in the eontral' poliee etation had been isolated by the cuttlna of tolophono and telegraph wire The Spartacans apparently held the wator works and powor plants, result- ing -in much of tho city being without water and light. The government is ostimated to here more than 80,000 troops under arms at Btrategio points throughout the country. Students in Berlin wore roported to be organising a cavalry regiment to aid tho government. Tho Gerniania declared that more than a thousand Russian bolsheviks in German uniforms wore fighting on the sido of tho insurgonts In Berlin. Now outbroaks wore reported in some places yesterday, including 8partaean riots at Essen, Dresden and lortmuna. Is Mastor of Situation. Paris, Jan. 10, Cliaucollor Ebert is master of the situation in Berlin, a Zurich dispnteh to L 'Information de clared today. . WORLD CITY TO BE TRADE AS WELL Its Aim Is Betterment Of Ag ricultural Conditions In All Countries. By Hendrlk 0. Andersen. (Written for tho United Press.) EDITOE'S NOTE: This Is the sec ond of a series of four articles in which TTnnflrilr O. Andersen. American archi tect and scholar, set forth his Ideas about the founding of a capital eity and administrative center for -th League of Nations. In tomorrow's article the writer will describe some of the institutions that he expects to be housed in the interns tionai lty. Ariculture was one of the first osca - nations of humanity, but it still remains one of man's activities, the conditio of which is most backward. ftointifo production is a world prob - lcm.' On this subject there is need foi more and more information snd better distribution. Each nation is in a posi tion to contribute something and each nation wonld benefit by others' contri butions. Until recently, particularly in th newer countries, little thought ha beea given te soil fertility, crop rotation, animal nd plant breeding; Introdue tion of newer typos of plants, or th improvement of thoso already cultivat ed. Tho result has been that many farms have been exhausted and absn doned. Is State Institution. The International Instituto of Agri culture, situated in Borne, is a state in stitution, and 1 o proclaimed in th treaty of 1905. The founders realized the advantaires of state control, on of the greatest which is the obligation for the adhering states to carry our., each in its own sphere, decisions maae to, by general assemblies or oy pernuvnetu rommitteen.- A snpernnuonai wu, . come into existence superseding, in niat - Titft VAMlmt Vn TTinftonhrtrv w in - Potsdam, where he arrived two day ago. He does not propose to allow, any elections until order is fully restored. Voa HindeiibnTg's presence, together with the government's decision to. us arms in suppressing the insurgents has ompletoly changed the situation.' The lied Flag, Spartacan organ, is no longer being published. - (Undents occupy the plant. Great numbers ef volunteers are eu rolling in tho government forces. Cav alry and Prussian guards are meesod at all gates of the capital. Gustav Nos w, the military governor,- is working . energetically to bring about complete restoration of order. It is understood that it was he who reconciled Ebert and Von Hindenburg. , " Disband Part of Army. Lndon, Jan. 10. The German land wehr and landsturm havo beon disband ed, it was announced lu n official dis patch from Berlin today. .. The landwehr is tho "second line army." Its ags limit Is oineiany, sot . 39. The landsturm is a "home.de- fense ' 'organisation. Its age limit is fixed et 45, but thousands of older men were in its ranks. Many landwehr divi ainn. nW service at the front The landsturm was largely used for garri son and guard duty in the interior and occupied territories. ;. . . ,:; -!"- " . 11 '; r 1 Wants Ebert Kemored. ; Copenhagen, Jan. 10. Tho soldiors' council in Leipzig has demanded remov al of the Ebert ministry, a dispatch from that city said today. Hindenburg at Cassel Now. London, Jan. 10. Essen newspapers report that Field Wivrslial Von Hinden burg has arrived nt Cassel from Berlin, tho government having, titrncd down his offer to direct operations against the Bpartacniis. , Cased! is 00 miles northeast of Frank (Continued on page two) AN AID TO THE AS TO THE FARMER ers within its scope, the various na tional wills. The aim of the institute is, in brief, th betterment of agricultural condi tions in tho different countries in the interest of world agriculture. Ono of tho best ways of improving gricultural products U to demonstrate what has been. done and how it has been accomplished. -The farmer, eithor alone or through his association or ins government has Bern a large piaee ai loeal, national awl great international exhibits and world's fairs. It has been a (.r'ng investment. The world admin- isuativc centor would offer an ove: greater incentive and a greater oppor .tumty. fcven alone, though more often through their aaaocittions and their gov crnments, too larmers eouiu uiainutm 'a continuous exhibit at this permanent world center. To those who cxhimtcu it would mean new imirkets, for their arid grains, their animal and g- etb - Wo prouuois;.ann 10 mow. rA tli exhibit it would mean an. ecntive to improve their products. Organization IS ureal ucip. -Abndunt testimony can be produced to show what can De aeeompusueu through more ofgonized production. Den mark in particular is a gooa example. Half a century ago, Denmark was a barren waste of sand dunes and many of her people were in poverty. tHnco IJIWU BHD uatl gminRm. al evolution and today is one of th most prosperous countries of all Europe. Her farms are fertile and productive, her people are well educated, industri ous and prosperous. In no country in the world do insects impose a heavier tax on farm products than In the United States. The losses resulting from the depredations of in sects on all the plant products of the soil, both in their growing and in their tnnul .tut, together with those oa live stock, exceed the entire expenditures of . ine ncu onal government, lneuiumg n.w - l , (tostnacd a page