Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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At the Lowest Price You Will Find Tiiat Oie
Always leads. For Dry Goods, Shoes and Ready-to-wear
Goods for Men, Women and Children, call on
us and you will be pleased.
: persomls :
Senator La Follette, Seymour Jones
tut George W. Weeks, all membors of
the 1919 legislature from Marion coun
ty are attending the Irrigation conron-
tion today at Portland. Ivan G. Mar
in also a representative will attend
, A. M. Hansen went to Portland this
morning to attend to some business mat'
Percy A Cupper, state engineer is In
rortiand attending the irrigation eon
Fred "A. Steusloff is In Portland, go
ing this morning on the Orogon Elite
trie. .
, J. B. Coleman, TJ. B. Employment
agent for Salom Is in Portland and will
not return until Saturday.
ing the jury list for 1919 for the cir
cuit court. It ;s the duty of the county
aourt to have the names of 300 taxpay
er! and citizens in the jury box to be
drawn by the county clerk for each of
the four terms of circuit court during
the year. For each court 81 names are
0to at
"A Home Away from Home."
Btrlrtly Modorn $1 per Day
100 Rooms of Solid Co f fort
Only Hotel in Business District
ui at
. Chinese Mcleln od Tea, CX
; ; Has medtehu mhiek srtii sai
, . any know clieaae.
Opn Sufeya from in . .
t aatii Ian
10 fkmth 8Ia St.
8le0, Orft. ffcaaw MS
Wholesale and Retail
of all
Northwest Corner Court and Liberty Sta
Perfection and
Cleanliness of
drawn but of the 300. Those who have
served on a jury in 1918 are exempt
from jury duty this year.
Salem is a 11,000,000 town.
That is, it Has two business
institutions that sell more than
one million dollars worth a
year. One it the Pheasant
Fruit Juice iOo., manufactur
ing Loganberry juice nation
ally adverted las Loju and
Pheasant brands, and Applju.
The sales of the etfmpany for
1918 amounted to 1,325,000.
The other one million dollar
company ia Vick Bros. The Oro
gon agency of the Ford trac
tor and the Oliver plow, involve
a business of about $1,140,000
for the year ending July 1,
.1919. And then besidns the
tractor aid plow business, the
firm has the handling of Ford
cars, several standard tractors
anil tho Hudson Six automobile
In the term Vick Bros, ia in
cluded the Valloy Motor Co. of
iwliich they are owners.
HILL At this homo in Salom, Oregon,
' Jan. 7, 1D1H, Adolphus Hill, at the
ago of 74 yoars.
Besidos his wife he la survived by
the following children! F. S. Hill of
Halcm, Ellis, Clydo and Dclbert Hill
of Mis City, Mrs. J. P. l'ottor and Mrs.
Oadys Crask both of Reasido.
Tho fuuoral services wore hold today
nt tho Masonic cemotory. Mr. Till was
born in Ohio in 1844 and crossed tho
pluins n 1882. Ho was a veteran of
tho Civil war having been a morabor
of Company H, 35th infantry, Missou
ri volunteers.
LAFERTY. At her homo 20th and
Onk streets, Thursday morning Jan.
9, 1919, Mrs. Julia Laferly at tho age
of fi5 years.
Besides her husband, she is survived
hy a daughter living in Salem and a
daughter in Portland.
The body is at tho Terwilliger par
lors. As yet no funoral arrangements
have been made.
BROS, ft
Butchers And Tackers
Lard, Etc.
All Around Towi
Red Cross Nurses
available far visitiif ar It
hour duty. For information, call
1500, after 6 o'clock 1615. 1-11
Salesa bread la freshest ana bast tf
Wanted, wd chopper. See T. O.
Bligh. tf
The meetings of the Six O' Clock club
of the First Methodist church are nf
course postponed until conditions per
mit general meetings again. Dr. E. N.
Avison today said that at some early
date the club would be addressed by B.
B. Piper, managing editor of the Orc-
gonian. Mr. Fiper was one of the prom
inent editors of the country who were
taken lor a tour of J; ranee and England
a few months ago and his address here
will be on conditions A he saw them
over seas.
"Tie heat" la all roa can do wbna
death cemea Call Web ClouAOa.
Phene let. tf
Haying lately retailed to Balem I
am ready U receive aiaae paptls at my
heme, l7t Mill, ar will gt ta hones
of jHrails. Special attaatisi - givea U
tecanie aad exsressioa Mrs. Lena Wa
ters. Pheae 11S4M. tf
e -
The Argo hotel Is not being seriously
considered as a location for the Salem
hospital, because it is not available.
It is a paying property and Mr. Lau
terman, the proprietor, would not
think of leasing it for a shorter period
than ten years. He could not afford to
turn it over to the hospital for any
shorter torm. In fact Mr. Lauterman
has not offered the building to the hos
pital association at all
"The faaeral beautiful" WeM
dough Oe. tf
Boild na Ralesa'g ladastrleB by susv
ortiag these the grouid. tf
The body of Mrs. Anna Kingston who
died at Sparks, Nevada, Jan. 4, 1919,
will arrive in tho city this evening. The
funeral services, which will be private
will be held at the Terwilliger parlors
Friday afternoon. The body will lie
in state at tho Terwilliger parlor Fri
day morning from 9 until 12 o clock.
Burial will be ia the City View ceme
tery, v
Ubatt? handa. 814 BHaenlo
... tf
Hdg. .
Wanted Women to volunteer tot
a urging servioea for influeaza cases un
der direetiea ( graduate mm. Pay
neat gmreateed by the Red Creee. Far
iafermaUca sail 160. tf
Wa bar liberty bonds. 314 Masonic
Mdg. tf
Along towards war times and after
when Salem had more representatives
in tho stato legislature than Multnomah
countv.alhe capital citv was regarded
as the intellectual center of the north
west Even yet Salem is the former
home of many a prominent man and
this of course includes Horbert Hoover
who worked hi a real estate office in
the building now occupied by the Y.
M. C, A. Fred Lockley, who wrote such
"Sinco using 'More Eggs' I get 40
to 50 eggs a any instead of 8 or 9,"
writes A. P. Woodard of St. Cloud, Fla
This gcientific tonic has mado big egg
profits for thousands of poultry rais
ers all over tho U. S. Get ready now
and nmKe big profits out of your hens
this winter. A $1.00 package will
double the egg production tmd a mil
lion dollar bank guarantees to refund
your money if you are not entirely
satisfied. Send $1.00 now to E. J.
Keefcr, tho poultry expert 21L Main
street, Kansas City, Mo., or send $2.25
and get 3 regular 1.00 packages on
special discount for a full season's sup
ply. Or writo for his valuable free
book that tolls the experience of a
man who has mado a fortune out of
poultry ,
Hop wire and all kinds
of hides. Before you
sellSee Us. Phone 398.
271 ChemekeU
interesting war stories from France was
formerly a mail carrier in Salem and
married here. E. B. Piper, managing
editor of the Oreeonian and B. F. Ir-
l vine, associate editor of the Portland
journal are both graduates of Willam-
ette University. Chas. A. Johns of the
t supreme court of Oregon graduated
irom Willamette University in 1878,
thol Camphor, Mustard Ointment,
opices, rjnracts, Toilet Articles, qual
ity guaranteed. For sale by M. W.
Kowley, 331 North liberty, Salem.' 2-8
Relax and test 1b the aaatal sbatr.
Dr. hartley fills aad extracts teeth
witheat (win aad cerreets diseased
gums. Moere Mdg. Phoae 114. tf
ror sale tax acres fine tact far
Ixigaabernes or fruits, 13 miaates walk
trm ead of street car Lie. F. N. Der
by ewaer, 314 Masonic Mdg. tf
Highways Rapid Iraasit Ante service
ta Psrtlaad and way soiits daily, lear
iag Salem at 7 a. m. Pfcsio order ev
eaiag before, 137 S. Cea'l. Pkeae Ms.
- . U
Having received orders from the 'city
council to ' strictly and diligently" en
force the ordinance regarding loafing
around pool halls and loitering in the
depots, Chief of Police Varncy says
he will comply with orders. This will
mean that where people ordinarily loaf
an officer will occasionally show up
uu ma mem io move along, iate yes
terday afternoon quite a number who
have been accustomed to loafing at
the Oregon Electric depot were eiven
the hunch by the police that the city
council wouia not stana lor any more
loafing in public especially whero peo
ple congregate,
Dver since th beinntar of the warta
there has been bnt on "beat" way to
bnry the dead, that way is ia taaba
Meunt Creat" Abbey, previdee that
"beet" way, the cost ia a sure. See
loretaher at Mausoleum, ar year
dortaker. ; - 8-i
1 e
Mrs. T. A. English- bf 2680 Cherry
avenue ie under obligations to the Am
erican Bod Cross. Some time aeo she
wished to communicate with relatives
in Baden, Germany, and sent a lotter
July SiU through tho Bed Cross. A few'
days ago on answer was received, com
ing mrougn tne wea uross
The weather man In Portland who Is
supposed to have an eye over climat-
oiogicnl conditions in tho northwest pro-
pnesics rain lor this eyenmg with high
er temperature. Judging from the num
ber of protests heard, . daily since the
cold snap Bet in Jan. ii the native Don-
ulation of the valley greatly prefer 'a
nice warm rain to tne Ireezing tempera
ture. Last night the official minimum
was 23 while yestorday the mercury
climbod only to tho 35 notch as the
At the recent organization of a atate
Chamber of Commerce, Salem fared well
in appointments. F. W.. Schmidt of the
jiieawini xruit juice company was
elected one of tho directors. Louis
.Lochniund, made chairman of the mem
bership coinniittoe, Otto Brandt placed
on the transportation committee and
Dr. Chas. 11. Mayo "of Eocticster.
Minn., says: "The dentists' patients
must bo warned of the mouth as be-
inig the greatest portal of entrance of
germ lite into the body, the most .in
fected part of the alimentary canal.
The next great step in medical progress
in tho lino of preventive medicine
should be mado by the dentists." N.
W. Dental Journal. Oct. 1913.
Dr. W. O. Ebersole. M. D.. of Cleve
land, Ohio, gecretury of Natiiyial Mouth
Hygiene association, says. "In deal
ing with tre groat problem of prevent
able diseases, and the sacrifice and logs
of life resulting therefrorc. no other
organ of the body plays so important
a part as the mouth. The. mouth is the
greatest harbinger and the most ex
tensive breeding place for all patho
genic (disease producing) micro-organ
isms. wntai Nummary. Jan. lulA.
Tho leading medical authorities of
the country aro a unit in giving special
prominence to personal hygiene (per
sonal cleanliness) in the fight against
the flu; special emphusig being placed
on cleanliness of tho mouth and throat.
If other contagious disease germe
thrive and multiply in unclean diseas
ed mouths, it certainly is not unreason
able for the medical authorities to ex
pect the flu germ to do likewise
hence the measure to prevent spitting
on sidowalks and coughing and sneez-
ug m puuiic places.
: If there ever was a time when we
rieded clean, healthy mouths, it is
i Unfortunately few people understand
what really constitutes a clean mouth,
else we would not have such a world
of unsanitary and diseased mouths.
The -spaces between the toe tit in most
cases, aro rarely, if ever, cleaned.
These spaces are usually the nesting
places for countless disease producing
germs. It ia my work to rondor auch
piaeeg clean and free from disease and
to teach the patient how te clean the
entire mouth.
i My office remains open in order that
I may do my "bit" in the fight
against toe ravages of the flu. There
no crowding in my office. If I can
not wait on people when thoy call,
they are given an appointment and
sent away.
With the facta before ur, from the
great medical authorities I have quot
ed, there it no excuse for taking chanc
es on an anclean mouth a source of
grave danger at all times. Fear of pais
no longer an excuse; I fill ana ex
tract teeth without pain j prevent and
ure diseased gums.
Well Known Western Union
Manager Diss Of Typhoid
After Illness of 10 Days.
Ben H. Ling, manager of the Western
Union company in Salem, died this aft
ernoon at 1 o'clock from typeoia -vor
after an illness of ten . days, at
the home of his father-in-law, Thomas
Shelley, corner of North High and Un
ion a.Teets. He wag 33 years old.
For many days many friends of Mr.
Ling were deeply concerned regarding
his ilHesa and although he was known
to bt in a critical condition for several
days, th& announcement of his death
will com, mi a shock.
Bcsid. his wife, he is survived by
parent!., Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ling, of
(Ji Noth High street. Also by two
brothers, Holger H. Ling of Toflopah,
Nevada, and Elmer Ling of Albany, Or
egon, and one sister, Mrs. A. O." Nelson
of 355 Chemekcta street, Salem.
He was a member of the Salem Lodge
of Elkg and of the Sa-lem Boyal High
landers. Also a member of the Baptist
Coming as a boy to Salem about 15
years ago, he was first associated with
the Western Union as messenger boy
Through his close attention to his work
he gradually grew in the service of the
company until he was finally made man
ager of the Salem office, a position he
held at the time of his death.
The funeral services will be held
Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
from the chapel of the Bigdon company
and will be conducted by the Eev. Geo.
F. Holt, pastor of the First Baptist
church, of Salem. Burial will be in
tho City View cemetery. .
Robert Paulus, chairman of the Horti
cultural committee. The committee of
which Mr. Paulus is chairman is one
of the most important ones of the state
Chamber of Commerce. Serving with
Mr Paulus are C. A. Price of Milton;
W.'E. Schimpff, of Astoria; S. S. Smith
of Medford; J. O Holt of Eugene, J.
C. Cooper of McMinnville and Truman
Butler of Hood Bivcr-
One of the objects of the recently
organized State Chamber of Commorce
is to give general information as to
new industries and to notify each com
mercial organization in the stato .f
business opportunities of men who want
to invest in the state. From headquar
ters comes the information that a man
has recently sold out his lumber busi
ness fOT $25,000 cash and that he is
tooking for an investment. Another in
quiry as to business opportunities in
Oregon is from a man with $4,000 n
Arizona and he want to move to Oro
gon. Another is from an Indiana man
with $10,000 to invest -in a general
store, garage or in a small manufactur
ing plant.
F. E. Fullerton, King Bing of the
Cherrians received the .following tele
gram yesterday afternoon from three
Cherrians who happoncd to bo in San
Francisco on tho evening of January
7, the dato originally set for tho Cher
rian banqnet in Salem. The wiro is as
follows: "Cherrian banquet held last
night at St, Francis hotel. Vassal
Clancey was lost in action; Vasaal
Stcge slightly wounded; Vassal Wal
lace taken prisoner by tho enemy.
Otherwise grand success. Tom and Jer
ry heroes of the day."
Although no mail servioM has as yet
been established between tho Unit 3d
States and the countries with whk'h
we have been at war, it is possible to
communicate with relatives in Germany
through the Bed Cross. Frederick Lu
cas of Aurora, rural route 1 wished to
write his mother, who lives in Witten
berg, Germany. Through the efforts of
the local Bed Crofts the letter was de
livered to his mother and just a few
days ago he received an answer, com
ing through the Bed Cross
Postmaster Huckestein announces that
the new 1919 War Savings Stamps cer
tificates have arrived and will be giv
en out to those who have bought of
tho 15T9 savings stamps. The 1918 War
Savings Stamp must be attached to
the 1918 certificates and the 1919
stamps to the new 1919 certificates.
While there haa been some thought of
closing the town down tighter should
conditions become worso in tho city,
the city administration for the present
will content itself in enforcing the
new ordinance regarding loafing and
loitering in public places and in pre
venting sales or any occasions where
people crowd- However, as reports to
day indicate no increase in influenza
cases, it is hoped that no stricter reg
ulations will be necessary. This is tbc
view taken by Mayor C. E. Albin and
the health committee.
George Palmer Putnam, former secre
tary to Governor Withyeonibe has sold
his newspaper, the Bulletin Bend, ac
cording to dispatches. Mr. Putnam has
become associated with tne Putnam
publishing house in New. York City.
r 0" '
ANDERSON. To Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Anderson, at the home of ' Mr. and
Mrs. Frazier, 1334 North Summer
street, Jan. 9, 1919, a daughter
She has been named Margaret Janot
Mrs. Anderson was formerly Miss Gen
evicv Fraxier. The father is now in
the service in France in the 91st divis
ion, artillery.
B O. Miles went to Portland this
morning to attend to business .matters'.
Charles ocott of Scotts Mills is regis
tered at the Bligh.' - " '
C. B. Merrick or Berk?lpy;-Cal., is in J
MSy Gale & Go's
Annual Clearance Sale
Regal sheeting, 81 inches wide, bleached, yd 49c
. Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 81 inches wide,
bleached, yard 64c
Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 81 inches wide
unbleached, yard 59c
; Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 72 inches wide,
bleached, yard 59c
Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 72 inches wide,
unbleached, yard 55c
42-inch PillowTubing yard 29c
Indian Head Linen
33 inches wide, yard 33c
36 inches wide, yard .,.:. .'. 36c
Hope Muslin, bleached, best quality, yard wide,
yard... 25c
Lonsdale Muslin, bleached, best quality, yard
wide, yard .1... 28c
3-pound Cotton Batt $1.00
Crash Toweling, yard 15c
Linen Crash Toweling, extra quality yard............l9c
36 inch Percales, yard 29c and 35c
36 inch Hospital Gauze bleached white, yard ........12c
Our Prices Always The Lowest
. THOHS 1078 ;
Commercial and Court StSL, formerly Chicago Store
Boat Will Make Tri-Weekly
Inpslo rortiand With
Coming High Water.
O I ...
oaiem win once again have river
communication with Portland. As soon
as the stage of the water justifies, the
Pomona, operated for so many years
by the Oregon City Transportation
o., win do placed on the tun between
saiem and Portland, giving an every
otner aay service.
This important news to tho mer
chants of Salem is announced by Theo
dore Both who has been active in mak
ing arrangements with Oapetain O,
Bluhm and W. S. Jayes whereby tho
steamer will be put into service at an
eany date.
According to tne arrangements as
presented by Captain Bluhm, who was
formerly captain of the Pomona,
commodity rate of $3.50 a ton will be
put into effect. The only condition that
captain Bluhm required was that the
merchants of Salem guarantee 150 tons
of freight each week from Portland
to Salem.
As the weekly tonnage is estimated
at 300, Mr. Both felt thit the mer
chants of the city would get back of
the effort to put the Pomona into ser
vice, especially as the $3.50 commodity
rate is much lower than the present
railroad rate from Portland to Salem.
Shippers Glad to Help
' In an interview with severa of the
leading shippers, Mr. Bot'i found all
glad to do their utmost to ence again
establish water communication between
Portland and Salem. Both of the Or
hain boats were taken out of the ser
vice last May. " v
To the "flouring interests, grocery
men and other heavy shippers from
the north, Mr, Both thought the news
of river service at a low rate would be
most acceptable. This he thought would
be especially so as with the commodity
rate of 17 eents a hundred, it would
really- mean a saving to the merchants
in freight alone of about $000 a month
As soon as there is water sufficient
to put the boat in service, arrange
ments will be made "inTortland wherO
by merchandise from San Francisco
will be .given the water rate from that
city direct to Salem. This again will
be a great saving, especially in, the
shipment of sugar.
Railroads Won't Balsa
It is also felt that with an assured
river service, there will be little chance
of the railroads raising their rateg to
Salem. Tho fact that Salem did liave
a river service was instrumental some
time ago in securing for the city an
eastern shipment rate on a par with
rortlMd. -
The Pomona draws 18 inches of wa
ter. At nresent the river is seven tentin
the usual late winter and early spring
rains, it is thought that the Pomona
can soon be put into service again. '
With a rato od $3.50 a ton, on of
the big savings to heavy shipper! of
sugar will be to bring the car load
rate to those making smallr shipments
While there has been a 30 cent rate for
first class classification from Portland-
to Salem, the new rate by boat
will be 17 cents per hundred.
"It is now up to the merchants of
Salem to decide whether they want a
rivet service, T said Theodlire Both
this morning. "Wo are offered the Po
mona if the merchants will guarantee'
150 tons a woek, only half of the usual
amount of frioht coming to the city
from Portland. If the merchants get
back of this move, in time we can take
np the matter of municipal docks.e But
it must first be shown whether the
Dusiness interests will provide freight
to justify the river service."
Heavy frosts In southern California
and a low temperature of 22 has had a
bad effect on tho orango crop. Own
ers of orange groves have decided not
to pick for three weeks, awaiting to
see what damage the low temperature
did to the crop. Lemons are also
thought to be hurt by the low temper
ature. It is understood that an orange
grove will stand a low temperature of
26 without great injury
o J .
IT. M. Richardson of Independence
was .a Salem visitor yesterday.
Just received a carload of Linseed
Oilmcnl and can take care of all back
orders and what over you may need fyr
:aily delivery.
ils ve in stock Beet Pulp either by thi
sack. or by the ton. - .
l':.v(; plenty 'o niee'
clean bright
wheat straw on hsnd.
Have all kiudj
1 feeds on -hand in
eluding hay.
ion will always find our prices i
low ns the best grade of feed can bi
sold for. -
251 sutagt," 3 ; piona 160
of a foot above low water, hut ;th
.... -,, 111,-im I, n nmnHi-ii , M