Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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' -"-wr- vr. i:v..v?
Crescent Baking Powder
Onuant Kfg. Co, Beattls. Wash.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Stayton, Or., Jsn. 9. Dr. Q. F. Kori
nek of Portland spent Sunday at the
Alexander home.
Mias Margaret Fehlon returned to
Portland Sunday after a visit with rel
atives here. -
Mrs. J. F. Lau, one of the teachers
in' the Stayton schools, is confined to
her home with the flu,
. . tOBlue4 two. page an) I
week. Howevor, when one only gets
an opportunity to use skates about once
in three or four years, not many fancy
stunts are to be expected.
Adolphus Hill, a long-time rosidont
of Stayton, died at his home Wednes
day morning, passing away in his sleep.
He had been in. poor health for some
time, but had expected to leave this
week for Los Angeles. He was 75 years
of age and a veteran of the Civil wcr.
Besides his wife he leaves four sons
and three daughters Lafe of Salem,
Ellis, Clyde and D. B. of Mill City, Mrs.
Frank Potter of Warren-ton and Mrs.
wg the negotiations would be re-opened.
At 11 o'clock fresh demonstrations
against the government were begun.
... . EAUwaya Under SparUcan
; Amsterdam, Jan. 9. All German rail
ways were reported to be under the eon
trol of the Spartacang as a result of
the, surrender of the, central of f ices in
iSerlin by the government. .
Radek Incite wd
Berlin, Jan. 7. (Delayed) fcrl Ka
dak, representative of the Russian bol
shevik, motored up and down Unter
Den Linden today." addressing the
crowds. .
A bolshevik government is reported
to have been proclaimed in Mueiheim.
There are two Mulheims in Germany.
One is located on the Bhiu, nearly op
posite Cologne. It i within' the Brit
ish bridgehead. The other is on the
Ruhr river' 15 miles hortheapt of Dus
seldorf. The latter probably is the one
referred to in the above dispatch.
. To Declarge Siege
Copenhagen, Jan. 9. The - govern
ment will declare a state of eiege in.
Berlin it was reported in dispatches
filed in the city last mgnt and receiv
ed here today.
Government troops, the dispatches
said, have ibeen ordered from many
garrisong to rush to Berlin in automo
biles. .
beverc-1 new cases of influenza are
reported, and as1 no ban or quarantine I cufford Trark ot Miu citVi The fu.
noral servie will take place today
is . enforced, there is a good prospect
that new cases will continue until it
lias visited every person in tho com
munity." Why laws should be passed
wiitiout any expectation of enforcing
them is one of the questions to be left
for some intelligent legislator to an
swer. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Everet Crabtree and
Mrs. S. G. Crabtree aro quite sick with
the flu, tho latter, an elderly lady, be
ing in a serious condition.
Miss Mildred Williamson of Salem is
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Hender
shott. Henry Boedigheimer and wife of Sa
lem are visiting his mother, Mrs. Katie
Bocdighcimor, and other friends. Henry
was recently released from army service
Skating on the log pond has been the
ehjof,. sourco of en joyinent the past
To Occupy Berlin
London, Jan. 9. Entente troops at
the request of 'Chancellor Ebert will
occupy Berlin, according to rumors
current in that eity, an Exchange Tel
egraph dispatch from Amsterdam re
ported today. .
son, era, ivy
A Small Bottle Destroys Dand
ruff And Doubles Beauty
Of Your Hair.
Within ten minutes aftor an appli
cation of Danderine you can not find
single trace of dandruff or falling
hair and your scalp will not itch, but
what will please you most will be after
a few weeks' use, when you see new
hair fine and downy at first yes
but really new hair growing all over
the scalp.
A little Danderine immediately dou
ilea the beauty of your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, just moisten a cloth With
Banderino and carefully draw it thru
your hair, taking one small strand at a
timo. The effect is amazing your hair
will be light, fluffy and wavy, and
have an appearance or aounaance; an , ij0j. rn,ori in.
incomparable lustre, softness and lux- , f th BuUdin- Baid h,s personal
Iobs was about $3,000. At least $2,000
in funds of carpenters local 4S3 aro
(Thursday) find interment will be in
Lone Oak cemetery.. The deceased was
a good citizen and a good neighbor and
will be mispci in tho community. The
family hav-i the . smpathy of many
frainds ii. their loss.
Mr. an "1 Mrs. D. B. Hill and children
and Mrs. A. Hill expect to leave about
tho middle of next week for Los Ange
les, whore the ladies and children will
remain for several months.
James Archer, who has been In Pasa-
dona, Calif., the past three months, has
returned to Stayton.
George Warford, who has been In
Portland the past couple of months, is
visiting in Stayton.
E. Roy was quite sick at his home
here several days this week, but is con
siderably improved. ' " ' '--- f-
Bernard Klqcker . expects to ; leave
soon for a visit of several weeks In
southern Calif ornis. '
Tho marriage of Miss Agnes, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Boedighcim
or, to George Welter, occurred Tuesday
mornine in the Catholic church at Sub
limity, in the presence of a number of
Lninck tied tho hymenial knot. The
bridesmaid was the bride's sister, Miss
Julia Boediehcimer, and the grooms
man was Peter Gries. A bountiful wed
ding dinner was served at the. brido's
home to ciuite a large circle of rela
tives and friends. A wedding dance
was not hold on account of the flu. The
bride is a popular young lady snd tho
groom is a prosperous young farmer
of Sublimity, where the happy couple
will reside. Good lucK attend tnom.
J. W. Phillips of Pilot Bock is visit
inz at J. O. Ruble's.
Tho annual meeting of the Stayton
Telephone company will be hold Wed
nesday evening. Jan. 15.
Canister's Hall Safe
Cracked This Morcing
San Francisco. Jan. 8. Four crack
men early today blew the safe at Car
center's Hall after binding and gag
ging John Dunthy, night watchman, and
escaped with at least $5,000.
The exact amount taken was not
Issues Manifesto
Berlin, Jan. 8. (Delayed) ' Chan
cellor Ebert issued the following mani
festo today:
"Licbknecht has declared war to the
knife against the non-socialist popula
tion. We have hesitated too long. There
fore you must form a volunteer jepub-
Spread Thru Germany
Copenhagen, Jan. 9. The Bpartaean
revolution has spread throughout Ger
many, according to dispatches reaching
here from various sources today. -. ,-
Bolshevist uprisings wen reported
in Dusseldorf, Munich, Frankfort and
Hundreds of persons were killed itt
three days tfiighting at Dusseldorf
where a bolshevik republic was pro
claimed. At Munich where 5000 were unem
ployed there wag a demonstration, two
persons being killed in a machine gun
battlo. .
Bolshevik, led by sailors, seized the
barracks and public "buildings at
Schwerin, but were later driven out.
All ishops-in Frankrort have been
closed and business was reported at a
standstill thore.
Get a
small bottle of Knowlton's
- More Than Hundred Killed
Basle. Jan. 9. More than a hundred
persons were killed and several hun
dred wounded in Berlin street fight
ing from Saturday up to Wednesday,
according to dispatches received today.
The struggles Between tne opana
cans and igovernment forces were said
to be terrific, great numbers of ma
chine guns being uBed.
A mob, seeing an American movie
operator on the roof of the Hotel Ad-
Ion on Tuesday, mistook tne camera
for a machine gun and attempted to
storm the building, in which inter-al
lied military officials land Russians
had sought refuge.
A revolutionary committee oi gov
ernment, headed by Lcdebour and
biebmann, is eaid to nave Deen pro
claimed by the Spartaeans.
Chancellor JSbcrt and -nuip acnei
demann are reported to have been
sentenced to death by th") bolsheviste
but there is no indication tney wouia
be able to carry out tlie Sentences.
Some government troops are eaid to
have gone over to tne insurgents.
Trump, county fruit inspector has been
making a canvass of Marion county and
one of the surprises waa that in the
county there is, 1000 acres of English
walnut and many traets that are show
ing a wonderful profit. It was also a
surprise to many to know that in Mar
ion countv alone there u 7000 seres
planted to prunes and more than 1000
acres to loganberries,
At the state meeting of the Horti
cultural society of Oregon, held in Rose
burg early in last November, Robert
0. Paulus, .manager of the Salem Fruit
unin, introduced resolutions calling on
the legislature to remtdy the above
conditions in the fruit and berry busi
ness oi Tne etate.
,The resolutions . were 7 unanimously
adopted by the horticultural society and
nr. ramus ana Bens-tot Louis Lach-
mund were delegated to draw up and
present a bill for passage. Should tho
legislature feel disposed to follow the
suggestions of the horticulturalists, it
is iclt tnat tne Iruit and berry inter
ests oi xne. state win receive a won
derful impetus and that the state- as
the finest fruit growing section in the
west will become better known in the
The resolutions adopted at Rosebnrg
are as follows:
Whereas, the fruit and vegetable in
dustry of the state of Oregon, now em
braces a business amounting to $40,
000,000 or $50,000,000 annually, and
Whoreas, there are some 50,000 people
in the state of Oregon engaged in tho
raising of fruit and it affords at vari
ous times during the year to 100,000
persons, and ,
Whereas, the' fruit industry is rapid
ly increasing and will become our ma
jor industry wifh the discontinuance of
the hop industry, the cuttting off of tho
timber and the fast reduction of grain
growing in the western half of the state
and '
Whereas, over productions have come
upon the fruit business at various times
during tho past, caused :by lack of
knowledge of what was coming into
besring due to an absolute lack of sta
tist'cs, as to acreage in bearing ana
coming into bearing and being planted
each year, und some branches of this
industry, it is apparent now, will soon
be in the same position regain, and
Whereas, the state of Oregon is be
ine now grossly underestimated as a
fruit raising state on account of grow
ers' statistics, due to no-.fault but our
own, and
Whereas, the work of collecting the
acreage statistics can be done at prac-
ally no expenso by the assessors' dep
uties, and will never be collected ac
curatory by any one else, and
Whereas, Foreign corporations oper
ating in our state pack enormous quan
tities of fiuit, & great part of which
In mukina up the nation's statistics,
is credited t(. tho state( in which the
head offices of these pantB are iocm
ed. ' ;' ' '
Therefore, be it resolved, that we the
members of the Oregon,8tate Horticul
tural Society, in annual meeting assem
bled, hereby request the members or
the Oregon legislature to pss a bill
which make it compulsory lor assess
ors of each county to "list all of the
acreage of fruits of various kinds, list
ine name of growers, acreage and post
office address, and also listing the non
besrine acreage, showing amount or ac
reaso of non-bearing fruits in . exis
tence of each vear's planting for five
years back, and also list tho amount of
fruit planted each year, tnese statis
tics to be listed on a form to be fur
nished by the secrctii-ry of state made
up by him in co-operation "with the state
honrd of horticulture
We also Teauest that thio law or an
other incorporate in it a clause making
it compulsory for cverv canncr, fruit
packing houso or fruit shipper hand
ling one or more cars of fruit, either
fresh, canned or evaporated, to roport
tho quantity of his pack of each varie
ty of fruit in terms of standard boxes
or crntes with the manner handled, a
form for this information to be made
up by the secretary of state in co-op-oration
with the state board of horti
culture and mailed to every known firm
operating in these lines in Oregon, but
not relieving any one of the responsi
bility for furnishing this information
mTn IIIHIII TIM II 1 T i II lllllll HUM iiiiiiii II llim iQi IIT IHlnilllMUjMmiWI" mini " "
H Cr t A1, ' in . i. t'lk tK, J)- ' r v
mm 0ff i
i 1 1 II 1 iU- . .1
il :l ir
'I. - -
J! J
" " Ih !'" 1.11
) ! I . I,'1' ll
1 it 1 T
' 1 1 ,! r ti ll'
rtl(!!HJ!' : It!
SAY, youH have a strealc of smokeluck that'll
put pep-in-your-smokemotcr, all right, if you'll
ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and ....
nail some Prince Albert for packing I
ill ill mv;w :.
Just between ourselves, you
never will wise-up to high-spot-smoke-joy
until you can call a pipe
by its first name, then, to hit the
peak-of-pleasure you land square
on that two-fisted-man-tobacco,
Prince Albert I
. Well, sir, you'll be so all-fired
happy you'll want to get a photo
graph of yourself breezing up the
pike with your smokethrottle wide
open I Talk about smoke-sport I
Quality makes Prince Albert so
appealing all along the smoke line.
Men who never before ' could
smoke a pipe and men who've
smoked pipes for years all testify
to the delight it hands outt P. A.
can't bite or parch! Both are
cut out by our exclusive patented
Right now while the going's
good you get out your old jimmy
pipe or the papers and land on
some P. A. for what ails your .
particular amokeappetite I ,
hf R. J. Keynoldi
TebaeM Co.
Yom bmy Print Albmri Kmrywhm tobacco i oltt. Toppy rmd bag
tidy rod fin, kandfomo pound and half ponnd tin humidortand
that clotty, practical pound cryctal mlaao humidor with BOHf
mof ctonor top that hoop tho tobacco in ouch porfoct condition
R. J. Reynold Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C
Highway Commission Will
Present Project For Gov
ernmental Approval
rnis is me nrsx uioijattu Wuimu6 , . . L ..!. ...ij fi,i
fightinc in Berlin on Saturday. All on account of not having received this
other reports agree the riots began information within the time necessary
Monday. Other dispatches also state to file the information for publication
that the incident at the Hotel Adlon in the Oregon Bluo Book, Buch data to
resulted from the raising of the Amer- be incorporated in and made a part or
ican flag bv General Harries. ,the land
Threatens to Resign
Amsterdam, Jan. 9. Foreign Minis
ter Broickdorff-Rantzau has threatened
Carbondale, 111., Jan. 9. George H.
Banderino from any. drug store or toi th ht misaing. Dunthy was found
let counter for ft few cents end prove ,lru fgiing with ropes and a gag.
wuati jruu iiau 3 jjvkj -
any that it haa been neglected or in-
J i l 1 nn4mnn4- all
you surely can nave Deauurui nair """r o , Tnrrnna. from att toaaJr" 116 0W1A- inv mine near nre ycsicmay, pnyaicmi
nd lots of it if you will just try
little Danderine.
to resien unlesB order is restored, ac- gheldon of Now York, former treasurer
t i T 1! J! .-U rTiiAfl H.. 1.1! AAtnmltKlfl
Five members of the crew were 1m tl ftnd reecWeJ'b the nandels- wiU weover from the accident i a
onduy night when the small steamer f . .i..JA arn. . . ti .,i,aiial,
Amazon, en route to acor"J "om mcnt that tho Spartacang had seized flt the Carbondale hospital declared this
sound points, turned turtle off Dash nig office and that h ftnfl tig gtaff
, The standard Army Shoe made from
top-grade materials by top-notch work
men under expert supervision.
All tKe more reason why you should
insist on the Buckhecht Army Shoe
and accept no other.
' Worn by thousands of men in all
walks of life-.
Office Mea Hikers
Attorneys Farmers
Physicians OrcharduU
Look for the name Buckhecht1
stamped on the sole of every Shoe.
- Should your dealer be Mble to supply yu,
end his name to the manufacturers Buck
ingham and Hecat, San Francisco. Eaolose
price of shoes you deaire and we will lave your
order filled.
Si BLACK f-. .
$1 - SP
hnd hi-en forced to suspend work. I
There were more than a LunUrcd cas-1 In n montl,s 0f 1918 more than 325.
ualties. chipflv Bpartacans, in the nn,i j -., f'nlii'nrnia sn-
street fightirae Tuesdav nifbt, the dis- . en,pi0yment through the govcrn-
patch said. Government troops drove employment service.
mo revoiuiiinfiB num viio ...,, .
station and railway -headquarters
Potsdam and Anthalt. 27 wag partiuiIy Uestroycd
The Spartacans, according to the dis- , J. K. '
patch, captured the imperial printing mB Bu""ay-
works and 18,000,000 marks ($800,u00)
in currency. -
The government has been practic
ally imprisoned in the imperial chan
cellory, which, however, the Sparta
cang have been unable to capture.
5 1 ,
Continued frow pagfc one)
As a result of action taken by the
state highway commission meeting in
Portland yesterday, the state highway
engineer will soon prepare plans for the
road from West Sulein to Dallas. At this
is a post road, the commission wiU pre
sent tho project to the government for
approval and cooperation in its construction.
The commission also will receive pro
posals at its next regular meeting on
February 4 for a number of paving
jobs, as follows
From Corvallis to the Polk county
boundary; from Grants Pass to the
Jackson county boundary, and from
Hillsboro to the Multnomah county lino
via lieaverton and Bertha.
In addition, bids will be asked for
the following grading jobs:
From Drain to Yoncalla in Douglas
county and from Stago Coach puss to
the JoBephine county lino and the Co
lumbia river highway across Morrow
Plans were also made to advertise the
overhead crossings at Divide, in Lane
county and tho one at Comstock in
Douglca county if details are arranged
in time.
The grading in Douglas county cm
braces about eight miles of road and it
will be substituted for tho paving pro
ject between Hoseburg and Winchester
which had been scheduled. It was con
sidered more important to conclude
grading of tho Pacific highway in tho
county before beginning paving work.
Needed Legislation Discussed.
Kpp.nHsnrv lce'iHliition to makti the
state rond laws more effective wcro di-1 nitlo.
ciiBHed. It was decided that a number
of modifications of the present laws
would bo submitted to tho legislature
which, based on the past experience of
the commission, would secure a smooth
er cdiriinistration. Among these was
authority for the commission to make
Reply Oregon Public Service
Commission Will Make Is
Not Known. ;
"Please wire your attitude on Me
Adoo'i five year plan," says a mess
age, referring to McAdoo's proposal
to give a five years' trial to govern
ment control of railroads under peace
conditions, and which was received to
day by the public service commission
from C'harlcs E. Elmquist, solicitor for
the National Association of Railroad
and Public Utilities eomm-ssioners.
"And also how present freight and
passenger ratog should be treated upon
restoration of roads to privato con
trol," continues tho message "It is
claimed that restoration would create
havoc in tho rate structure and would
soriously interfere with tho revenues
and ability of carriers to operate suc
Tho various interests concorned in
tho question of government control of
railroads are now presenting their
views to the senato committee which
has tho matter under consideration, and
tho attitudo of the various public ser
vice commission,, is being obtained for
this purpose What reply tho Oregon
commission will make Ts not Known, as
the member of tho commission are now
in Portland.
islature will be asked to modify the k-w
to give the commission authority to
make it mandatory fof counties to co
operuto on a scale determined by the
commission, not to exceed B0 por cent.
This Bubjcct, however, involves a le
gal question which will be submitted
to the attorney general. -
The IcKislKturo will aUo be asked to
givo tho commission power to erect and
maintain guide signs, to fix the speed
limit nt 30 miles an hour, regulato londH
and tires and plant trees at tho road-
report ihe qjnlity of his -pack in the you w;n need), apply it at night When
terms that may lie easily Onderstood retiring; use enough to moisten the
by all and to mail this Information to,.ap an,j raD, it. in. gently. with the
tho secretary of state. finger tips.
la order to have- some estimate of j By . morning, most if not all, of your
tho rapidly ineicasing acreage of fruits; dandruff will be gone, and three or
iind berries in Oregon, the Horticultur-1 four more applications will completely
al society will slso nek the lawmakers dissolve and entirely dtro7 every sin-
to pass a bill making Jt compulsory ior gie sign and trace v n, no
n?sesscr!i of each county to list the ac
reage of fruits of various kindB, giving
names of growers with postoffice ad
dresses and also list the n6n-bcaring
During the past summer S. H. Van a hundred times better.
The Methodist church, at Amity, built j locations of main highways where the
location has not alrondy been made.
This will solve tho difficulty of locat
ing the west side Pacific highway
through Yamhill and Polk counties,
which has been a bone of contention.
Another location made by the legis
lature is the junction of the branches
of tho highway near Junction City in
Lane county. There is a movement on
font to extend the cast side brnnch
around through Coburg and make the
tion south of Eugene. It is felt
e commission by reason of its
knowjedqo of all conditions, is better
qualified to miiko locations than the
paving Authority Sought.
Another recommendation is that the
commission has authority to determine
where hard surface should bo laid and
the type of surface, whether it should
lie macadam or pavement. Under tho
law tho commission does not have any
option and in some cases it is made
obliirntory to pave where s. macadnm
surface would be sufficient to meet the
present traffic conditions.
Another question ia that of coopera
tion between tho county and state on
There is one sure way that has never
failed to remove dandruff at once, and
tlint in tn dissolve it. then Vou destroy
it entirely. To do this, just get about J'""; :tlor
four ounces, of plain, common liquid I '"nt t";
arvon from any drug store (this is an
how much dandruff yen may have,
Yob will find all itcJung end digging
of the scalp will stop instantly, and
your hail" will be-fluffy, lustrous, glos
sy, silky and soft, and look and feel
Men Who Had Seen Military
Service In Germany Were
Eligible For Array.
. i
Washington, Jan. 9. German plans
tor the invasion of uunuila by men in
this country who hove sorved in the Im
pel inl Gorman navy, were today told to
the "onate committee probing Gorman
propaganda by A. Bruce Bielnski, head
of the bureau of invest igutjoa of tho
department of justice.
"The men Germany depended upon
to invade Canada, before we eulei'od
the war belonged to the "Knegebuiid,"
said Biclaski.
Men .who had scon military service
in Germany were eligible for member
ship, borne of the organizations were
nctuilly drilling and were supplied with
ril'its. Nothing of iv serious character
ever developed, although they were
harmful in their influence "
BieUbki said the army was well or
ganised and had a number of branches
scattnrt d throughout tho country.
Evidence intended to show that
William B. Hearst was loyal and that
Hearst papers performed a patriotic
service during the war was given tho
committee this afternoon by Miajor
Roy D. Keehn, former general mana
ger for tho Hearst paper in Chicago.
llechn submitted a statement from
Samuel Immll, chairmun of the Illinois
state council of defonse, praising th
attitude' of tho ttearst papers since
America entered the war.
Keehn also read a letter addressed
to himself from William G. McAdoo,
then secretary of the treasury, dated
October 1, 1018. It read, in part;
"Many thanks for tho fine support
tho Examiner is giving the liberty loan
and for its generous treatment of me.
You are rendering a goni'inc service
to the country and I want you to know
how deeply I appreciate this."
Keehn said that the Hearst papers
in Chicago devoted spaee tn the stimu
lation Of government war activities
Revolving Fund Wanted.
The commission also wants to creato tluin nnv other papers In the eity. This
a revolving fund of $30,000 in order to i plan wns adopted following mstruc-
enulile the stnto highway engineer tuitions by Hearst, ho said,
liuve on hand sufficient funds to meet ' 1
emergencies in tho uiBcnurgo oi wont-. V.jynnyiA VJ-,, L.V,jrlrJrc
mm and liquidation of other small- lUrpOntU OIMl reHierS
Authority !b also wanted to transfer
from ono fund to another ana to return
all moneys froni scales of old equipment
and interest on deposits to tho highway
fund instead of the general treasury.
Permission is also asked in the matter
of bond issues to make the denomina
tions of the bonds as requested by the
buyers and to give the buyers the op
tion of a coupon or registered bond.
It, is probable that the commission
will prepnro a draft of tho bills it wish
es enacted into law and submit them to
the senate and houso highways commit
tees to bo introduced as committee bills
Plan9 for Paving Ordered.
Ben Bholdon, representative elect
from Jackson county, brought before
the commission a plan to capitalize tho
motor vehicle licenso fees and provide
for a bond issue of $7,000,00 or 9,000,
000, as it might be considered best.
With a ()0 per cent increase of tho 11
cense fee he estimated that It would
be possible to carry an issue of $11,-
Aluiska has opence a- home at Sitka
for aged mid disabled pioneers.
Constitution Published
London, Jan. 9. If tiic Sinn Feincis
win Ireluiid separation from tho United
Kingiloi" .they will establish a republi
can fur-n of government with eqiuil mif
fiiige, aeeinling lo what purports to be
kimi tinners constitution made pulilia
today by tho Globe. -
This document provides:
Establishment of an Irish rcpublie
with representatives all over the world
Establishment of Irish mrrcnnlile
marine t(, fucilitato trading with Am
erica, continental Europe, etc.
Establishment of a stock exchange.
National reforms.
Protection for the development ot
homo industries.
Abolition of the poor law.
Establishment of a state employment
scrvic " "
Tfio gc7cnunent to consist of a- pres
ident, wo vice presidents, two secre
taries of state two state treasurers with
eq ml Bvffrngc for those accepting the
constitution excepting those in the cm
ploy t 1-jat Britain or receiving pen
stons from that country.
tr v.