t 5000 CIMfLAIION (25,000 RKAUEBS DAILY) Only Olreulatiaa in Salem Guar- enteed by ths Audit Bureau of Circulations : FULL LEASED WIRE X DISPATCHES . fiPEHTATj WTT.T.A MRTTT? VAT. LEY- NEWS SERVICE Erf ' jl ft K? i sr c a 11 ft i7k:t Re-in - Oregon: Tenlirhfc rain and nra Mt eortion, fair and warmer east portion; Friday '- rain, brisk easterly winds. FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 3. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1919 PRICE TWO CENTS ON, TRAINS AND NEWS 8T A NTS TTV K T9 0 l lj v.. . lied In A merican ! 'I 1 1 J ... i .U.. Viil 1 u ft Twenty Ki E mh ass - F 1 nconfitnte iT7 n rromu A da n a - mm bolt simi:i still lms 3 mm ermany announce Nothing In Cable, However, Indicates That Victims Were Americans.-.-State Department Regards As Possible That Some Americans Were In Embassy, But Group May Have Included Spanish Agents Handling U. S. Business. Fighting Centered In Wilhelm Splatz. GERMAN REVOLUTION SPREADS. : Tke Spartacan revolution is spreading to all parts of Germany, -dispatches from various European sources in dicated today. Uprisings, with varying success, have been reported in Dusseldorff, Muelheirn, Schwerin, Oberenhausen, Mann heim, Brunswick, Frankfort, Leipzig, Wittenberg and Munich. - Fighting was continuing in Berlin last night. Sev eral hundred persons have been killed and hundreds more wounded. - -;, The Ebert-Scheidemann government : was reported overthrown. Karl Liebknecht and George Ledebour, lead ers, respectively of the Spartacans and independent social ists, are said to have set up & new government in the Ber lin police station. ;" Contradictory reports said that the Ebert-Scheide-tnann government is still safely in control and is gradually subduing the revolt. ' Twenty persons were killed in the American embassy in Berlin when the building was damaged during fighting in adjacent streets Tuesday. . . -.. Rumors are afloat in Berlin that entente troops at the request of Chancellor Ebert will occupy the city. ; Other rumors were circulated that an American force would assume control in Berlin to quell possible riots dur ing the national elections, January 19. All work was reported to have ceased throughout Germany as a result of the revolution. The railways were reported variously to be in thy hands of the Spartacans and the government. The military classes of 1919 and 20 were said to have' joined the Spartacans. Sailors from Kiel were reported to be rushing to Ber lin to support the government. General Ludendorff, who was last officially reported to be living in seclusion in Sweden, was said to have ar rived in Liepzig, prepared to take a hand in affairs. Troops from garrisons throughout the country were reported to be rushing into Berlin in automobiles to back up Chancellor Ebert. . By John Graudent (United Press staff correspondent) Berlin, .Tan. 7. (Night) Twenty f n'runn were killed in the Americas embassy today which was badly damag ed by rioters. (There ' i nothing in the cable to indicate that the victimg were Amer icans. The embassy is located in the fccart of the city on a square where considerable fiehtinir took tila.ee and it is believed the building may have (been struck by shots going wild.) ; Military Governor Noske who bu fce,en given, full power "to surprew the- Hpartacaa revolt, sag gonfr to Jaeter- "Pg,-V. mutfe. sottta ol l atsdaaa) to rmg .back rename, government troops Rumors" were beard on- erery haad today that. American: trOoj), would -o-CUDv the eitv to duell anv riotinor du- 'lag the" national ele!tien (January 5.) The 'oiajoritf ' of the -jnhabiUnU v uujq wpiromts incur, vovernment or- f Heiala would make no comment regtaA luS the riimorK"" " ' - - - - The fighting today" tenterea ia the .1UU1&.-1 t . ; r (t . . . - . en ebsy.- :.- . Maliin Owb Torirrm ; - ttibl BHUtbiae giia totrnK.' A hundred eiwraent - soldieri, wroring tnnwfc 1 rbptnetw aad- rnrmaA .with- grenade i ftnniped in.. the.hll room.. -. ., - - - -The - rwohakangeler-' i- guarded by .. t : 11 . . : . i. - i v....t i. i liOBrly. .., , .. , .... , ... -.. . i : The iouxse hai -ien. ci6A b tha pt vcrameofe offioiaU wao.eap4 wittt United Press Correspondent Woanded In Berlin Fighting WORLD CITY WOULD UNIFY THE "LEAGUE Of NATIONS" Lkikaedt Feres New Gov eroeot Ad Has Head tparters h Police Station SPARTACANS EESUF.IB) TIIEIIt DEEI0NSTRAT10NS Famous American Architect, Long Resident Of Rome. , Discusses Question. By Hondrtk O, Anderson. ,1. (Writton "for the United Pross.) EDITOR'S NOTE This la the first of a series of four articles by Hendrlk O. Anderson, American architect and scholar, long resident in Borne, In which ho tells of the great plan for a capital city for the League of Nations. Thoso interested with Anderson In promotion of the idea of a world city expect to present the whole scheme, with architectural drawings covering the smallest details, before the peace conference. ' ..:.. Anderson has devoted most of his life world center plan, hoping that a Igue j. of Nations would be formed In time e givo him an opportunity to see his ideas realized in brick and stone. In tomorrow's article Andersen will tell how an international city with its various activities would affect agricul-ll MiiVUgUVUb Vln ture and world. President Wilson 's lioble proposal to governments and rulcts of all countries ijt of forming a IiBgiie of Nations, has not only mot with universal annrovat. but it is becoming more and more evident that the practical formation of such a lotgue will, when established, protect and expand tho essential interests of a-H people' and nations, and becomo a (efl nito means of abolishing war. - In suggesting a practical pUn for the League of Nations, the commffreial and economic rotations are of primary iui' London, Jan. 9. John Grau denz, United Press staftf cor respondent in Berlin, was bad ly wounded during th) street fighting, according to a per sonal message received from ; him by the United Press bu reau here today. Graudenz said .he had a badly mangled foot as the- result of being struck by fragments of a hand gren dV whieh erploded-near a tel- raplr -offiee where, hr - had ' gone to file tome dispatches. - Ho explained however, that "he - was too busv to go to i lo pital," - ; . - - ' . ,, . portance, and these and others must be! protected by an international world court of justice which must be safer i guarded by an international military force controlled by tho league ' 'The international body of permanent judges in tho world court should be chosen by tho national governments that will have united in forming a League . of Nations, and these mea should not only be versed iu interna-! tional law, but should possess a broad knowledge of international affairs. I The standing military and naval i forces that "hro necessary for the pro- tcction of the League of Nations should Ha fnrmnil anA tltni- .Its mnA nMifra.! tions decided upon by a committee com posed of military and naval experts chosen by the government CB'1 tion forming tho League of Nations. No time should bo lost in the organ!- : zaiion oi a ijearuu ot iiaiionn. 110 ; lawyer and the judge, the scientist and !the scholar, the engineer and the arffhi !tect, tho painter and the scluptor ,the I contractor and the laboring man, the : steel constructors and stone euttors, tho electrician and-the inventor, every branch of labor, industry and science, . is needed in the building of our ' ' World T jAdratniatrativa Center" for the League of Xutions which most nac s an la- ternational monument of liberty, aaa . WHSBB 8HALL IT HE? - Where should tho world eity, capital of the . League ef Na tions, bo loeatodf . Hendriek C; Anderees, chief designer and planner, of the proposed administrative center for civilisation does sot pretend to specify. One of the advan tages claimed for his plan .is . that the city could be located - : almost any plaoe that might be agroed uponby "a congress of the nations, such as may follow - the peaee conforence. .', y . But in a recent sketch made by Mr.- Andersen,, the interna tional city, is shown lqeated in tho United Staleji, . South of -SoiurVleeeant, ??. ". J.',' and east of tho town of Lakewood, but a short distance from Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, is the site suggested. Of - 'this 'proposal Mr, Andoreen ;. says: "The neighborhood of Lake wood, in New Jersey, on the At- . Untie coast of the United - ; States, is already celebrated for . its even temperature sad cli- ' matio advantages. ,'lOa the bordors of a vast continent,' the population of which is descended from every people of the earth, an Interna tional Centre, established to fa cilitate understanding and to promote universal - progress, would have a peculiar appro priateness. "Directly conneeted by rail with all the eitics of the United States and Canada, this situa tion would likewise offor every convenience s a port. Ia cen tral position, within easy reach of the grand high-road, the Pan ama ' canal, open to the great continents to east, west and south, communication with all pcrts of the globe would swift ly be attained. Undeniably, there are upon this coast many desirable positions, and Lake wood is but one of these within easy reach of several of ,the great established centers." Ebert Orders Ychsteer Re- pdblion Dcfesss Gcrd To Be Forced fcssediately. Copenhagen, Jan. 0. liabJcnecht, Le debour and Scholti have formed a new government and have established head quarters in the eentral police station, Berlin dispatches reported today. 'ailroad Interests Propose Addition To Wilson Cabinet 1919 and 1920 Classes Join In London, Jan. 8, The army classes of 1919 and 1920 have joined the Spar tacans, according to a Berlin dispatch received by the Express today. The rev olution wa reported to be spreading throughout Germany. Fighting was said to have ' taken xplaee in Leipii and J Wittenberg." An unnamed .' American newspaper- correspondent, wAs wounded by- a grenade during the street f ight- ing in Berlin. - . . An American general, according to the dispatch,' consented to raise, the American flag over the, hotel as pro tection for all American refugees, but it was pulled down again when a mob threatened to storm the building. (Tho American officer was General Harries, head of the American mis sion, it was learned through a United lTesa dispatch yesterday, which do scribed this incident in detail.) Bosume Demonstrations Spartacans after accepting a truce A with the government yesterday, res 11 m- vu uiuir ueiuuutHruuuim 111 xuriiu, ia official wireless dispatch from the German capital reported today. At a meeting with the state chan cellory of the government at 3:10 this Wednp.adnv mnrninff. 1he KlttrtfLCftna established a truce after both sides had declared that they would not uso force except in defence," the dispatch said. ' How the armistice was adhered to is shown by the fact that at 5:10 the Spartacans stormed into Unter Den Linden with printed circulars declar- Thia Secretary Would Have Charge Of Department Of Trnnsnnrtatirwi With TVrarprs Tn "P.nfnrr-o TTnifiod fln. . - . w . .... eration Of Railroads, According To Han Outlined By T. DeWitt Cuyler, Spokesman For Railroads. By Raymond Clapper ; sentatives of the interstate eommerce (United Press Staff Correspondent.) loommission in hearing all eomploints. Washington, Jan. 0. Bailroad Inter-1 Wks lairoad exeeutives presented this esti today proposed that a secretary of plsa at preferable solution of the rail transportsition be added to the prem-, eoad problem to the five year test peri dent 'a cabinet, I 4 proposed by HsAdoo and the various This secretary would be in charge of other suggestions for government opor a department of . transnortation with ! at ion. leaeina of mwernmont owned rail powers to enforce unified operatwa of railroads, according to the plan out lined by T. DoWitt Cuyler, spokesman for railroad interests before the senate interstate commerce committee. Private ownership, management and operation ef the railroads should con tinue, Cuyler said, but federal super vision should be compulsory, . Functions of Secretary. Functions of the secretary of trans portation as recommendod would in clude: . Recommendations as to rates. Determination of policies for improv ed transportation service. Power to re-route traffic over various lines to relieve eongnstioa, , , i. Unification of terminals. . Direction during war Or "serious em ergency" of all railroads s one nation al unit, ' '-,. Control over all extensions and aew construction of lines and terminal facilities. Executive and Ldministrative powers of the interstate commerce toxnm.ori would be given over to the transports roads and for enlarged control by the Interstate eommerce commission.- : xeentivea are strong in the belief that state regulations must go and that the railroad problem is strictly . a fed eral one. -The regions! system would merely distribute the . work of the in terstate eommerce commission and would not seatter any of the poweT cx ereised by -fodoral agencies, it was pointed out. Government Should Regulate. , "Power of regulation of the instru mentalities of interstate eommoreo coin mission, including all rates, state and jn terstAte, should be exclusively in the hands of the national government," the statement submitted by Cuyler, outlin ing the railroad interests' plan declared.-... . .. ',.., "A system of federal incorporation should be adopted for 'all railroads en gaged in Interstate, and foreign com merce," Cuyler Stated. ; "Such systems should bo compulsory and not eloctive. It should provide a means of consolidation and merger for corporations engaged in interstate or uuuB00.uM.r7. r..u cumi.iu.iuu " foreign eommerce, with the necessary condemnation provided tho (Continued from page three) Uwctkers Will Be Asked To lert Of Oreja Pack woriuV-hJtew the aeffastotsev- ; - WhHft. the oriirinaL' Gorniaa nroUhA www - yuiroBi oHiMieaac ua. oia TPgimcy the. iicxalit- are. ew-figftUnf r (3onliiae8 page inr) each. Other. The independeBi socialists have joined the Spartacans in attempt ing -to overthxojs the ..-government, which is dominatsd by majority social- ''-'--. Ksai Ltebkneehr, addressisjr a crow rf ' eVaionstt-atow- in" - the - Tiergartea tai4:T"r :.- ...;. - - -1 rs 1 Tima for Action-T-- - - - Workmen: and brother; 1bc moment ha come for action. Don' retansato the wdrlwriops "nntil"thr lak--ir-done.! The Berirrr gameon will join ea.-Ebert aad eeidemiar' sSer- gr-owr apiiricrfe' ad setiens-wiB -bring -ua- soeeeaa and '.will prew:tht-eseiaL' cms seised- the:aMaiB.yrteTdyt-.- r fiat rertili e a-iie, beta. rertnyy I HirV-sr-rn.- as asprraUomi.-" G.0.P.IEC10SE mm& mm Roosevelt's Deata Greatly Al tered SMsa.-Affairs Discussd Guardedly. Chicago, Jan. 9. Presidential pos sibilities in 1920 were discussed guard edly today by republican leaders who are here for tomorrow's meeting of the republican national committee. Colonel Roosevelt's death has altered the- situation radical! regardless of . - ' - - whether he would have been a eandi- Pratt and berry interests at Oregon- ,s nm4 it 1 1 - il. 1 : - ...1 . . 1 ' jusiice i0 cuinmcu.wnH.0 ruo nr. u nave fiaally- bom wsaseA d ere rwt. generally agrew WT .J " , .ull iboat to- take aetio ever the. weit vr 111 iu iruiu IJiaim; muu (in)miv v futnre for true democracy and peace. . Without considering motives, we my say that tho world realises that merely from the economic viewpoint, preveiM ties of war is among the-greatest pres ent day problem ' -' - The' world- needs to have . the effort to brinr people of alt callings In the different nations into associations wits oao Bsother.- systematise..- Bach a ee- ordination - of frasraaal aspirations) should eonr ai a result of government- continue to act as quasi judicial body and would be in charge of valuation and accounting. bout Inderal Jurisdiction. Federal jurisdiction must be complete over both state and interstate -rates, Cuyler stated. But he proposed a group of regional commissions, consisting of one member from each state in tho vari ous regions, those commissions to have primary jurisdiction and act as rcpre- power or secretn-ry of transportation finds that such consolidation or merger is not con trary to the public Interests and can prove the same." , Bhippers and state utilities commis sions, the latter of whom would bo fused with complete eclipse by the plans proposed, remain to be heard. ' ' 1 traoif G10TE to mm, mm OTIFIK REPORT hmin Dispatch Says He Has Arrived In Leipzig. Spar tacos Proclaim Strike. London, Jan. 9. General Ludendorff was reported In Berlin dispatches hers today to have arrived In Lelpsig. A division of cavalry Is reported to have been massed outside Berlin with the object of forming the national assembly. WON'T LIFT ASMS EMBARGO. Washington, Jan. 8. The United States will not lift arms embargo agninst Mexico for the present, it was learned todsy. Ambassador Bonillts, who was reported by tho United Press totdoy as advocating removal of tho embargo, has presented a formal re quest to tho state deportment for sueh relaxation. .. . . .. M'ADOo TO SANTA BARBARA Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 9. William G. McAdoo, director of railways will reach Banta Barbara Monday, according to a private telegram received here today. Ho has loused the Pillsbury .home ut Hanta Barbara as his winter rosidencc. another beeanse they d not under stand omr another.-. --,-. .. - The - World Administrative Centre ws conceive for the-Leagse-of-lfa-. tteme- in order to gather together' the essentrat- inleiwls ef aH -wofilcrsni toj fBrrratO-rttvTamd-fnltirnrnrt ef therrl -Ttfo qaejtimi ef w-er wiit- Uk-care- f j ,'Ceniinned sa page twwt-' kaowa fact that the choicest proddcts f the state are sold by California packers under a California braei. - Chairman Will Hay was due here this erf ternooa. Immediately upon his arrival he was to confer wVth members of the republican women's nationr.l ex ecutive committee regarding campaign They Ha-ee il.to takes note ef the fact ' -.u M. tha nV'ra . dealers in- eaaaed-iruitsj. fieeretsry- James- Bv Beywolde- eonfer r,ve only the California word fox theij informally early today- with west best fruk ahijiped f rom-ths wssv andjertf eomnirtteemen; BeynoloV Indicste that but very tttie is kaowa of. the ae-iths committee's business at the seasuin. tual frnit and berry ondUions ia Ore-j will be largely routine and will be enr- g-?a. --- - - Hailed because, ef the death or, Booss- Ther -is also-a feelutg among korn-jvelt. euharalists- that foteign corporations al initiative.- -Peeplea aew diatruct.on-Nsheuld be es-mpelle to label their ea oed berries and fruits showlsg where peeked, thereby giving-Oregoa credit for the choicest censed goods sold' in ths esati -" - --' - T bring this-to a head and' remedy tkrw saf OTtunat -erfn-ritirrns, ths leg isUtarw -ef WJ will be ssked to- psss a ViHI mnsisg it eotitpslsety-fer all esss-' inrri: frnit tBatkei- Sad --shippeiw-s Harly arrivals today, included, Oom- mitteemes. Fred rrtanUy, Kansas; ,Pat Sullivan, Wyoming; Allan Jsynes, Ari sona; Harry Kelly, New Mexico aad H.H. IseGrrgsr, Texas, .... s . , TJ.. 8.. TROOPS Df. EIBEBXA.- -. J . Washington,. Jan. - 9. The., United Mates has 7,523 .rase. aad. of fieera. isfObsrhsas--sr: iCswttsstew ss paf tknty isiberia sd M19 is .western- Russia, ac- mJU 4m vK wtjr . rflr, rtfl rl mail. nouneeme-nt yfstedsy.,-rf'' - - Proclaim General Strike. Copenhagen, Jan. 9 Bpertacans have proclaimed a general strike throughout Germany for January 19 in order te prevent elections tn the national sesera bly, scheduled for that day, it was re ported is dispatches received here to day. ; German troops have arrived in Ber lin and Potsdam, according to dis patch filed in Berlin on Tuesday. The dispatch said the government 811 ClJ tured the Red' Flag, official newspaper of the 8partaeans. . General Ludendorff (officially report ed te be in Hwedon), is reported te be en roate .to Berlin. Several, shots, were fired on the Dan- -isb Bed Cross building in Berlin, secord mg t relsyed dispatches from that slty An attempt by a mob to storm the relehbanlton Tuesday, sight waa repuls ed with machine gun fire. ; "'Y '". 'I- AU Wosfc Stop Oensva. Jan. V.- -All work has been stopped throughoat German? as rentfli; of: the spreading of the revolution, dis patcher fwmt var-iMs eonrass mwibI A bolshevik, rsvemment is said is ikikik-tik--)! ABE IUI : Rome fdlers have a way o' Uiaf'in' bu,W --mrJiiinl is-lfaankarm, aaftithat make 'em look hsy, What'a be ' -.-: - leu me o' tnvoia time belli tnai uwxt. A rvt has seessred 4a Natsmbiuf iCestinued s psre two) ','Whea duty with her golden key on loaks th'-. pas', remember " , ,