Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 08, 1919, Image 1

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    " OrKa. Tight fair. Thurs-
day mmmu rdiee. Fresh
easteity & ;-k
- -:
(25,000 RF.ADr.R3 DAILY)
Only Circulation in Salem Qnf
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
. miwmr
Foreign Minister Politis, Head Of Greek Peace Delegi
tion, Said Confederation Would In No Way Inter,
fere With League Of Nations. Small South East
Europe States Are In Entire Accord Now, He Says.
By Henry Wood
(Copyright ltl by the United Press.)
Paris; Jan. 8. The Balkans, which
Imve been. ; considered the'- world's
greatest war menaceand Where the
Kimrk that started the' biggost War of
: all time was kindled have anticipated
tW league of nations by establishment
of a similar organization. ' .
This league, within a league which
was organised for the purpose of eiimt-
n.itiug the Balkan war threat, will be
nown as the Balkan confederation.
" Foreign Minister Politis, head of the
Oreek peace dlogution, who made those
facts known today, said the conicdcra
tion would in no way inter fore with
tJie league of nations.. Ho. declared it
Was a necessary arrangement for hand
ling the internal affairs of their par
ticular corner of the world.
"Greece has reached a complete an
Scrstuiidinir with the Serbians, Bumau
iaas, Jugo -Slavs and Czeeho-Slovaka ro
fjarding future eo-operation in the Bal-
kniis." Politis said.
To Perfect Confederation. '..
- "This wiH result eventuiuly in per-
. fo-'tiou of the- Bulkan coufoduration,
- which ha been a defined Greek poliey
si'ico 1821 when it was the principal
p:iint in tho program for which Greece
jwaged its war of Independence. Later
. it was espoused by the statesman, Kry
fcoupig. Since 1910 it has been adopted
and maintained by Premier Venizelos.'''
"Greece is in the fullest accord with
(President Wilson 'b program for the
teairuo of nations. Bhe attempts to con
tribute to this universal league, doing
er part toward effecting perfect an
cord in the Balku-iis."
Mrs. Anna Kingston, Former
Salem Girl, Passes Away
Mrs. Anna Kingston, a former rest
ijVnt of Salem, but for the past two
yiwrs living at Sparks, Nov., died at
-r home January 4, 1919. She was
Mar Huber Gets One Con'
r tract And Blake & Cocip-
ton Owarded Other.
In Vhich Is Told All About
Parks, The Gty Library And
' Health Of Ccinmunity.
Annual reports of the various city ac
tivities wero submitted at the first
meeting of the city council Monday
evening and filed for reference for
thoso interested enouir tn know what
the city departments may have been
doing the past year. The reports arc
as follows:
. Salem Park Board.
George G. Brown, treasurer, whoso
term expifes with the past year, turned
into City Recorder Race the books and
papers of tho board. For the upkeep
of t.lio stilts house grounds Or What is
officially known '- as Willson Avenue
park ,the cost to the city was 127.37
for labor and $619.30 for materials.
Marion park cost the taxpayers
$334.90 for labor and $243.11 for sup
plies.' Tho Marion street parking cost
the city for the past year $237.45 for
labor mi $1120.71 for supplies. The
Waitc fountain cost $92.30 for labor
and $101.43 for supplies.
As Mr. Brown's term has expired
Mayor Albin said no action would be
taken towards completing the boon
membership until he had mudo some in
vcstiiration as to the election of us
Salem Public Library.
Mrs. Louis Lachmund, president of
the board of directors of the board sub
nutted the annual report. There
about one book for every person in the
Z wTirMmM. or to be exact, thermos, the
Abraham of this city and was formerly .T "-numb cr 1 ,2 U purtng th.
Miss Anna Abraham. She wag Doru r ' J ? " JLnn h
fee. 23, 1890, at Pickwick, Minn., d uut of every two person in the
a ni,.i J at city have made use of the library, iir
jag married to Charles Kingston Oct. ive hundred ninety.four
'She is survived by her husband and books have been issued from time to
tree children-Mildred, age 6, ta.,' "bout six to every person In
W 4, and Boss, age 9. She i, , also . for the u.
lirvivea Of tW0 0r. ''" . .. . : . " s,r.ni . 1.1 on twn-
"MraTieeiwm be J0
ed from the Terwilligcr underling books hav LJTA
prion Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. purchaBcd. One auri
y.brnham also lost a son, William Ab- u 1 ,f wh, P"rwithdrs.wB
..ham. at Spokane, Wash, two month, d.cd yt'
nito. :ic Oiea oi pneuraon.a S v..b g : . , n,tmpnt , the citv
32 years. : ' . ' ' . miie. out exceptiiiK
n.l fnv
in charee of Dr. O. B
ml W. L. Brvjut. deputy. That tno
j.wM-imi nt- Km n busy one during t;
y.;ir l m v !-e noted from the fad
tiiat the report si.tws special activu)
.!:!. niduMi of the car.
Vhi- it cries to the restaurants
where Sulow a '-" a omor
eat, tuc hc:lth Uient found sevoa
in cioi .'ar-vs i'rm a ncunu buouji
LUUl ai ... i
ty bad condition. All bakeries passcu
- I . .tinnaBBTI II V- I lirm UOV"'h
ine icov ouvviTo."... - - . - ,
i ... wpifa ill ffOOQi1"
bouses anu mini iu..v - --- o
condition, two just onlv tM. All four
daims were given the O. K.
ri.t wilth department ikvvbvkw
03 cjmpleints, inspected 3417 premises,
Contract far road work, the cost af
which is estimated at approximately
$7a0,000 were let yesterday in Portland
by the state hignwar eommmion.
The projects and successful bidders
were as follows;
Grading Columbia river h'ghway be
tween Hooi Kiver ana Mosier, A. 1.
Kern, $242,641.64.
Grading Columbia river highway be
tween Arlington and Bla'.ock, B. 1.
Johnson, 119,C9(.
Paving Pacific highway between Ba
lorn and Gervais, Blako and Comptoa,
$153,812: 7.35 mile.
Paving Paeifie highway between
Aurora and Gervais, Oslcar tlubor, $230,
457.50; 10.6!) milta.
Tho paving jobs are post road pro
jects in which the federal government
will cooperate it the rate of 10,000
per mile.
Two types f asphaltie concrete pavs
ntent were bid an. The one sleted
consists of a three and a half inch base
with ft ono and a half inch top.
Cost Plus Eld Submitted
A bid to do the work on a cost plus
15 per cent profit basis wai submitted
by Vf arret Bros, company.
Oa the Hooa Kiver-Mosier job taere
wer5,QU biddor The second low id
was tnS r Uift-HP- auiwi, Qzuire.-v.wo.
The engineer's estimate was 30l,4bs
60. This was $08,880 In xcess of the
low bid-
On the Arlington-BlalocL job there
wero only two bids. The second bid
was that of lHUott & Mcroggins at $l7i,
305. The euginoer's estimate for this
work was $111,845. This was $7450 un
der the lew bid.
In the paving coutrar.ts it is stipu
lated that the contractors wili take ov
cr the asphalt which was bought by
the state.
In the Mosier-Hood River project,
the unit bid of the successful contract
or were 48 cents per square yard for
common excavation and $1-,,1 for solid
rock. There is to be a tunno! 200 feet
in length and the unit bid for this was
$57 a lineal foot.
Many Counties Represented
A number of counties wero represent
ed yesterday at the meeting of the
lale highway commission in petitions
for road improvement.
A delegation from the northern end
of iShcrmas county reported that rijjhts
of way had been secured 'front Btrfus
to Biggs and that grading had been
done to the extont of the district's fi
nancial ability. It was desired that the
state foecin work as soon sg possible.
County judge Maisters o:- -Douglas
county requested worn be clone cn in
sertions, one between Somalia and
Drain and ono in rasa creel: canyon.
Columbia county reported that all
richts of way between Hcai poose and
McBride creek except one nail been se
cured and asked that work be begun
on the new grade. The county will furn
ish the rock.
It is the plan of the co'nmismon to
do the work this year.
To Cooperate With counties
Regarding the road between Burns
ami Ctane in Harney county the com
mission agreed to cooperate with tne
county on a two years' program. The
county has appropriated $'-5,000 and it
ig planned to add to this in the begin
ning $50,008 from the cooperative state
and federal fund.
Wallowa county ashed for the im-
nrovement of 35 miles of roau between
Jose-nh and Minam. It was recommend
ed that stops be taken to make this
pest road project in which the stats
two narkinul nd fodcral government wotna eooper-
A delezatioa f farmers from Yam
hill coorttv asked for the paving of a
section bc-tweea Bellevue and Sheridan,
nroraisiae to grade the roa.l ma. 'I a
Idolctration was told that th' would b
Shooting In Front Of Hotel
Caused jEntecte Unicials
To Go Withk
By John GdMOMit -(United
Press taff corrwpsideat)
BerUa. Jen. 7. (Night) Rieters
forced General Harris to haul down U
Americaa flag which wa raised ever
the AcUa hotel to, protect (; f
ficials today.
Shooting In front of At kstel caus
ed the entonte ofieili t eek rafajf
within. They suggesteij that Central
Harris, heal, of the America ssiseio,
to hoist tho American! laj as a meas
ure of protection.
When th flag was iatea tie crowu
ent wild and threatened to etorm the
hotel unless it were, lowered. Taie was
finally done. t ,. -
Scores of persons, were Wiled in the
rioting which resulted from a collision
yesterday morning betwee rival pro
cessions of Spartacaa and government
demonstrators. Motor ears, armea wiin
machine guns, and manned fcy eailors
raoed through the .' street ehoeting
wildlv. The fusillade eould b heard
throughout the city. , ;
iysteriiBS Csr, &y Have
Cirned Kewsp Kea
' :v -; Or Rott : -
Amsterdam, Jan. ftmti M-
tomobilee containing AtweHf persens
arrived at Amerongea i hue ftnday
t and demand Wee made te see the
former kaisrtf immediattly, .it was
lMrned today.
The burgomaster became ' suspicious
and gave, orders that tne occupants oi
the automobiles be preventea nqm ci--
rvinu out their demand. After some
parley tho automobiles departed. ...
One report cireuiaiea wy ws mv
the automobiles came from Germany
and that it was a plot to aid Wilholm
to escBTjo. Another report wse that the
automobiles were United States army
enra from Belzium and thai the party
oonsisted of newspaper correspondents
who wanted an intervicwr
Funeral Of Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt Was Simplicity
h Extreme.
First Joint
of Peace
Be Tomorrow
r... tnr K. Y.. -Tan. 8,
.hi di-vi I - i
W-.-il ..I M.mIa IPntu f i,,pn mil women, representing a mv
rWlflWCSl KiaUlC run r - --,;. ' thered here today
Seattle And Pocrtlasi ri
Enter Coast CirccL
served o38 garbage and refuse notices , .f imii awilble this year,
and i'umifcatcd 540 rooms. .relThis, it was said, depended a great
Of wmwgious QiseaRro, o. - ---jjdpjj aa the action or tne eominj
;, ...!, 1 anrl are as
I... i. inhttiria. 6: scarlet fever,
nTcTeles, 150; chicken pox, 9; tnbere.-
losis. 0; typhoid, i; wn"l"5. r"
4 influenza and pneumonia, 638, mran
.1- .i l anil mnmm. '
uio uamiTBio, -! ' ' . .
ioi numbered 175; houses visited,
ion tit the leeiaUtare.
"We will be there," said the spokes
men of tho delegation.
LeeHautora Promise Support
A. W. Orton, wh, it is understood
is to ba chairman of the senate com
mittee on highways at the coming ees-
i sion of tho legislature, asktd the com
I 's th f ty Hat tliat.wr&hs when ther "a
-un' W t' d that loads e Eaf Street
' Ta'- east, o' l)ttadia th' Hog" IsUad
Hlvip , yanl duu-6- sorprise -me," -saii
life BaiL. whahad. lus house remodel
ed this fall. .
5-0- sick house tails made,- 217; sicki missliolI to pave the streUh of road be
' , nfr,mm. 115: eity jail calls. twMn the end 0 the Canyon road, at
iTnd calls on quarantined eases, 1140. ,ha boundary of Multnomah eounty,
Cinff the yea, 26 death, were re- sni EiUsboro i. erder to provide a
5 tho J under one year tf age;!rommereial rente beiw. Portranl aad
porwd of thoK "ner j wol wt. He indicated that U'wonH
b.tw ua ; . IT- ... v ,., th. l,riiiltv to
(, .d !5 yes . brt, 3fH preTi.teore-Te.B to "slir
Jt -IV wmii r. w- l ' -
.CeariBoed on page two)
Oyoler Bsy, Jaa. 8S Theodore Boos-,
velt wbj buried today.
He rests on the enst of a steep hill
abot Long Island Pound a spot o-
lecied by himself.
, The iil birarere bore hie flag drap
ed coifin oi their shoulders up the hill'
ride, their feet clipping and sliding to
ilu muddy ssow, and he was eonsignei
to the cith with the simple rituul of
the JJpiitopal ehureh, .-spoken by the
Hev. ti. . Talmadge. -
Yioe President Marshall, representing
President Wilson; Mayor ilyian of tmm
lorx, former , President Taft, Gov.!
Bmith ef Kew York, congressional
conuuittee aad ether aotables were at
the graside. Taft wca deeply affect
ed. He wept as the casket sunk slow
ly into the last resting place of all
that ig mortal of Colonel itoosevelt.
Mrs. Boosevelt did not leave her home
but Captain Archibald Kooecvolt and
n&ay .others ef the family, were at
the cemetery.
Outside tho circle of officials and rel
auves a great crowd stood, hats oil.
The iruurds tried to keep them out, but
they elimbed tho fences and approtvhed
to within a respectful distance of the
IiOck ox Huiteiy xoncu.
There wee an absolute lack of nny
military touch. , There was nothing to
indicate that as ex-president and Xo
mer commander im chief of the armies
and navies of the United States win
ueing buried. It was lika. the funerat
of a country geatlemoai, well beloved
of his neurhbors.
A guard will be maintained at the
cemetery for several days. This will
consist of three enlisted men of the
army, commanded by Lieutenant O. T.
ueynoias, a personal, irwuu oi
Boosevelt. family. X '' 1 "" " "
Caotaia Archie Boosevelt wearing ma
decorations, stood at the head of the
About three hundred wreatns ana
scores- of big floral pieces wero stacked
uo by tho gates, ready to be piacec
about tho mound later. -
In the Boosevelt lot thore is room loi
pnly one more grave. The nearest grave
is an unmarked one.
Little unotlon tmown.
There was littie emotion shown. Th8
low voice of the minister and the rattle
of earth on the casket at the words
in the ritual "earth to earth, ashes to
ashes and dust to dust" were the only
sounds that broke the oppressive stm
ncss. .
After the relatives and the minister
had left, the others entered automobiles
and drove away, and the crowa siowiy
ilimersed. Almots immediately labor
ers began shoveling dirt into the grave
Theodore Kooeeveit was ourieu.
This Conference Will Be la Foreign Office. Premier
Clemcnccau And President Wilson During Unexpect
ed Meeting, Bettered To Have Approached Some
Understanding Regardinf Their Conflicting Views.
' Paris, . Jan. 8. American, British, this ancient institution must give way
Italiaa and French etatesmea will hold
thsir first joint mooting tomorrow, it
was efficially announced today.
The eomtVrene.es whioh will be in the
foreign office, will be attended by
President Wilson, Secretary Lansing,
Foreign Minister Balfour, Lord Cecil,
Premier Orlando, Foreign Minister Boa-
nono, Premier Clemcneeau and foreign
Minister Pichon.
Balfour, Orlando and Sonono will ar
rive in Paris tonight. The other are
already here. :
APFSOACXma tjnsebbtandivo
fiy Robert 3. Bender.
United Press Staff Correspondent)
Jarrs, Jan. 8. Premier Clemeneea-e
and President Wilson were believed to
day te be approaehinar some understand
ing regarding their apparently eonfl rat
ing views on the 'balance of power
the league of nations.
The two lee-dors certainly have an
opportunity o exchange views in his
matter se a result of their unexpected
meeting late last evening la the of
fices of Colonel House. rUeat interest
is attached to this meeting, as it was
the first time Clemonceen and WUaoa
had met since the former frank declar
ation la favor of retention of the bal
ance of power and the letter's cimul
tancouf statement at Manchester that
' Now York, Jan. 8-Samuel Gompers
.IDA fntla AthA Imfiap Afrieiftlfl UA ti.
nay iw mgiana on tno varmaaicv
others in the party were James Pua-
ean, visa president of tho Ameriaaa Fed
erntion of Labor; John A. -Alpine, Wo.
oroen and Frank Duffy. They will con
fer in London with a British parlia
mentary eommitteo and get . together
with other labor men to aid snd adviae
the peace eonferocs.
to the league cf nt-tiene.
American circles have all along held
the opinion that the divergence lo the
Clemcnteao and Wilson views was morn
apparent than real, and that both were
working towcrd the same end, only
alone different Knee.
The meeting took place in the Hotel
Crillon at dusk, the president walking
from the Mural Palace to the hotel in
drlaulc ef rain. He was accompanied
enly by secret nervice men and was
holly unrecognised by the ' public.
demenceau had gone to the hotel to
Colonel House. While the meeting " '
was wholly unplanned, it is believed
to have anticipated by only a few houra '
scheduled conference between the two
Prepared lot Conference : -
The president feels that his trip to "
Bnrland and Italy have fully arepared ;
him for the important conference with
allied leader, scheduled for the week
end. While nothing final was determin
ed, the conversation! with British and
Italiaa yatetrmea resulted in the
threshing ont ef -perplexing problems
oeaneeted with application ;' his four
teen principles, to which the allies are
all fcouad and treat which none i e- , .
yeeted te wefte.
The latest plan is for thx individual .
eonfereneee among the associated pow- .
era to continue for tea days or fort
night after whieh America, tireat Brit
ain, France and Italy will begin their
formal sittings together at which such
question as representation- cf the cen
tral powers, Buseia and now neutral
nations at ' the general peace congress -will
be takea p. "- ,
The allied conference would then de
velop by calling in Belgiun, Portugal
and other small members ef the asso
ciated powers, until th conference was
complete. ,.
(Continued en page three) '
Berlin Revolts Have Spread To Adjoining Cities. Report
ed Truce Between Government Troops And Lieb
knecht Element Was Not Successful. Spartacus Stil!
Control All Of Government Buildings.
Seattle, Jan. 8. Seattle and Portland
ill have baseball club ia th Pacific
Coast league this season.
Thi we decided at a e sslca ef the
Northwest basoball magnate here last
ieht when they voted unanimously to
allow Seattle and Portland t enter the
nnt league. A club in laeoma in in
fA.i.t circuit we urged in resolutions
.:ir.t.il r the moiuls. which recoin
mend four nortnern ciuu. u
ii.. .nnii mnke un the eireuit.
IB. it- j . n V ' ... It
' . i A . L : . 1 .... i. a rrrt
"We would nave irono -r-stated
Judge MoCredio ef fo"1";
ruiiifomln wants more baacball
ih.. tko. weather OD here will permit
But we hope to line up sons soiui.ou
.t thi. flif fiftultv wita tee oui..u
-natiw." the judge coaclude.
WklL Vannnttver. D. K,.. mm u
tloaed in the resolution, a wouguv
likely that an effort will be made to
make Vancouver the fourth northern
city. ' ' ' '
(Bf Of Esijssd 4
Swrice Isi8 ?r
Fcrtlaad. Jan. 8. A IsreaeV ttae ef
huagry Ti:k. i predicted fer ertland
this wiater unles empleyer eeme te
the rescue and help the feverament
find work for retursiaf seUiere tame
Wilfred Smith, chief ef United
State employment service re, issued
this waraing todey.
The official announcemoai er tae war
department a few day age mean the
30,000 to U,UW uregoa mem, "
h rviee. wUl be homo eeea. Most
f the hero will ha to took for
job. - From present indieoMeaay eni)
absst Sfm ea be mtenmmmmm.
tw their met tribute to. Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt. Train were henv-
;i dnl.T-d bv a mowstorm, uut encn
brought a throng, some of them invited
moa of them not, and eonien vo
outsido Christ Church, or in Iho road
during the service at the cemetery, to
show their respect.
Mr. Boosevelt, who had borno brnve
her husband's sudden death U
41S o'clock Monday morning, did not
'.cave the house at Sagamore inn aer
.1... l.rinf memorial there.
Tbi observance consisted merely oi
uttered by llev. O. E.
Talmadg. .
rroceeauni onun.
Tli fnneral Droeession irom me
Copenhagen, Jan. 8. The Sparticansielared between th government forees
have spurned the governments propos-and the Liobkneeht element aseording
al to arbitrate on condition that they.. fiIa-in Brlin v,H,RtiAV
and reeelved today.
The dispnteh said the truce will con
tinue while the rival factions dis-uss
the government demand that the fipar-
tican evacuate governmerit buildings
disarm all their follower except sol
diers, evacuate all public buildings
and surrender ' police President Bieh
orn, Berlin dispatches reported today.
According to other report in revolt
ha. mr.9nmA tv i II M tl .1 tn alrA f4nAlM-
cans raided a social democrat meetinfc i"a enrrenaer poucs a-riut-u. anora.
sm.shed furniture and attempted t "Prucan, win n reprrsomeu .
wreck the offices. Th rioter, were dli-1 f conference, by their parliamentary
frM( - ielcgates, while Ebort' ministers will
Ths'Spartican .till control th. post - the government 'i , delegates.
office and other government building. I M the Spartieans refuse to accept
and have frustrated attempts of th he eonditions, it w.s reported, the gor
government forces to retake the Bp !"" will take sever wpressive
dau arsenal, according to report, from measure. Pemobiliaation Minuter
house to the church ws. composed of, various wurces. The Spartieans, It U o.h. ho, beea given run m.u.ary
h,T1 w,L TnL assineii t th said, have placed machine gun. i. tkm pow.r to e.rry ont th. measure.. -
first ear were Mr., and in rs. ficnom winuowc m duhuiu mrpi .
i Ut. Archibald Boosevelt,! paper office they have beea nabl. tn
Mrs Richard Derby and Mrs. Doug'ssjeeiise and are preventing thtir public-
Preceding the motor hearse by ten
minutes, Captain Arehie Roosevelt and
Theodore Douglas Bobinson went to the
ivy covered chureh to mae iium
rangement. Every seat in the ehureh
was occupied. ' , ,
Christmas decoration giving nse to
thoughts of holiday and good cheer
were still in pi in the ehurch. Ever-
were in the thancej ana atiacn-
ed to the roof wa huge Christine
' - Vw Tor Felice on Scene. i
A detachment ef 24 New York police
men, squad of mounted men, the lat
ter officer who had been promoted
by Booeevelt when he we New York
nni.-x flmmimioer.-were on the scene
as a guard of honor, ostensibly having
tn nreecrve oraer.
v-tt row Attenoea.
Amonjr those invited to the church
were a number of former Bough Riders;
fin. Smith ef New York, and mem
ber of the legislature; Major and Mrs.
inn.. Rlraoat: Truman Jtt. newner
Several KlUed
Several hundred person were killed
in Monday' fighting, th dispat
said. Twenty Sjiartiean. and three sol
diers were killed in an attack en Chaa
oellor Ebert' palaeo. Tho Bparticaat
er reported to have seized the great
Spandeau arsenal giving them aecea
to the biggest suppne or arm ana
munition in the Berlin district.
Dorisg th "fighting in the .treeti
bombs were dropped and machine gnU
(fired from the window of .tore
offie buildings, while movie operator
photographed the scene, from exposes
Spartiean troop commended poliiM
President Kichorn and, have eieed th
royal stable where mutinous sailors
recently hold out gaint government
guard for several day. Other Bpartf-
ean r reported to have aiiacsea w
residence of Herr Ernst, who lu been
appointed by the government to e
seed Eichora.
Ohaneellor Ebert ha issued a pred-
lamaticn- appealing for eooperatie
ry tHto Kaha, Of dee; Frank. A. Mun-1 iiii-t-' the- terrorism- of the ma
-il, fHfford Pinchot, chainnan of the i mew and criminal" He ! tailed s-
(Continued ca gt two)
Mibliea -state com mitt eet Cbaa. Betib
..rZ hlrvi M,, .nA Mr.' William. Loeb, Mr.
toL-ito-l.t evevr-Pre and Mm corgvB. Certery-w, Raymond
land and vicinity with t eevemraeat . .
.mploymeat bureau. (CfjGUtttl i Pt )
on the soldier nd workmca to defeat!
the repablie. '
Difloatoh Bay Tra
Berae, Jsn. 8. A true, ha .Ml i-
Wlll Crur Uprising
Frankfort, via Copenhagen, -Jan. 7.
(Delayed) All available military
force will be employed to erush the
Sparticus uprising in Berlin. Thi de
cision wa reached at m joint Cuufer
enee of the central workmen 'a and sol
diere' connoil and the German cabinet
held at Chancellor Ebert' palace to
ds v.
-This flispatch ebviously mu sent cut
by the Wolff bureau, official German
agency which was forced to remove to
k'rankfort OJter main owice in
Berlia had been seized by th. Sparti
ean. It is tt firrt official word re-
. Ji-. 4H tl..Kn
line the Spartiean demonstratta be
gan Monday. ' '
Chancellor Ebert addressing the ri
oter Monday eaid :"Tke government
is determined to fignt to nmintain tne
scsurity of freedom and right of free
speech. We will stand or fell ky the
national assembly. ".rniiip teneionmou
who addressed the crowd after Kbert
had concluded, said, "half an hour ago-
a. J-.IJ.al la. kav N Its .(-lata n Ihllf
IV WaS DWUIBU "J .-p.-. a.ar
bert and myself should b ehet W.
are etill alive."
Tie foreig effic and ether minis
try building were attaekr d by tho
Bpartiean during. tho rio'ing.
. Will Emplof "FrightfnlneM.V
Ospenhagen. Jaa. 8r-The Eberfgnv-