Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 07, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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1 For . - -
At the Lowest Price You Will Find That the -
Always leads. For Dry Goods, Shes and Ready-to-wear
G 6ds for Men, Women and Children, call on
us and you will be pleased.
All A
round town
Red Cross Nurses
available, for visiting or 13
hour duty. For information, call
SS 1 I.190, aftre 6 'clock 1615
- Ill
Salem bread la freshest and best.
a .
Wantoi, wood choppers. . See T.
B. L. BeaU, foreman of the Capital
Journal, received word this afternoon
of tho death of hi daughter, Mrs. War
ren Browne (Madeline BeaU) at Port
land. Mr. Brown baa been in Salem oa
frequent OGcaiua when aha viiteJ hoi
father here. She leaves a small sa.
" ia funeral
Cloi'gh Co.
beautiful." Webb
not true but just one f the huodrerU
of rumors that are beiag circulated
about auy one who happeas have the
intiaenxa. iaquirr at the home of Mr.
Priee gives the cheering; news that he
is making . - f averahle recovery cad
that the members ef his heoaehold are
doing well aud makiag fa vera bis pro
gress. ,
Wa buy -liberty beads. Sit Masonic
WdS. tf
Wanted Women to volunteer for
nursing services for-influenza case ua
dcr direction of graduate aurso. Pay
ment guaranteed by the Red Cross. For
information call 1500. tf
TOM "fill BADGE"
The wearing ef a badge or buttea
by those who have been afflicted with
iafluensa or any other contagious dis
ease, was included in one of the recom
mendations ef Mayor C. S. Alton, ia
tis emergency ordinance passed last
The principal business transacted at
the first meeting of the sew eonncil
last evening was the passing of the or
dinance relative to what should be
done to fight influenza. The ordinance
provides that the mayor and city coun
cil shall be constituted as a board of
o health, with authority tor close . all
Tomorrow morn in the sun will rise at 'schools, churches, theaters, lodges, pub-
I fj 'incorporaiea '
V MrMjg;r4.k -1
State House Notes
i'red Ct. Buchtulwas elected ehair
iuai of the public service commission,
il a meeting of the commission held in
i.itlaul yesterday afternoon Frank J.
Miller, whose term of office "expired
Monday, iiad been chairman.
Labor Commissioner C. 11. drain ia
Gilding a conference this afteraoon
twith his field deputies. Policies are
tltoiug outlined and the deputies will bo
tigne.d to their respective districts.
A meeting of tbe state desert land
li.ianl is being held thi afternoon to
consider the contract negotiated be-(t-iveeii
tho Central uivgun Irrigation
toompauy and the Central Oregon irri
jgnrion. district. The contract provide
liir the dintrii X to tuke ove.;- the com
tuny' irrigaliou project in centinl
Mrcgon f ur a consideration Xit $300,004).
-S he district will get about 0l)0 acres
.of unsold bind and the operating and
fiersonal property of the company, be
iaades clearing up a long standing con
troversy between the company and wa
der users. Attorney Claude O McOul-
loeh of Portland is hero representing
flio district, while Attorney Jesse
Htearn, secretary of the company, ia
ere for the company.
The city has lout Its case tried ft short
tciie ngo ia tbe tf. 8. court of appeals
ati Kiir.'.uneisee, wherein the city ap
pealed from the U. 8. district eourt ia
Vniiliiiid. Thij i, I'. a ease in wlilcii ,.e
jmiIjIu! er iee coiutiiiidon raisod the hy
dnint rate f,' Ha'e.n from tM to 2.G0
hilo for coi.iumerg the rato was low
ered. Tho city brought suit against tho
oinruisaton.' Tho news received today
tnonns that the city loses definitely,
Willinm P. Lord and City Attorney Ma
ay represented the city before tjp U, H.
.circuit court of appeals in Sau Frnn
eWo. Mr. Mue.v has not been official
ly notified.
THOMPSON To Dr. and Mrs. F. H.
Thompson Tuesday morning, Jan. 7,
ID ID, at their homo 205 North 21 t
street, a sou.
TAYLOR-To Mr. and Mrs. Coorge R.
Taylor of Custer, Wn., Jun. 3, 1919,
a daughter.
Nhc has been named Dorothy Rny.
Mrs. Taylor is well known here. She
formerly was Miss Adelaide Naeo,
Build op Salem's industries by sup-
portin ; those on th ground. tf
On account of Taa uncertain condi
tions regarding the influenza, the auto
mobile show achedaled to begin Janu
ury 15 at the armory has bco:i post
poned. Lee Gilbi . rt who has been in ac
tive charge of lli show, states that it
will undoubtedly bo held when eondi
'ions justify. .Miout all Salem doalers
!iad reserved paco and everything
liiiiiited to a nr it sueressful auto show.
The reservstio a will remain and u
'lounccmcnt w ;i be made of the post
poned dates.
"The beat" t ail you .can do when
death comes. Cnl! Wei & Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf
7:30 o'clock, according U the best Of
drug store almanacs and after that for
three days it will appear above the ho
rizon one miuute earlier. Then for an
other three days it will rise at 7:28
o clock and then for a while about
every other day it will appear one min
ute earlier, all of which indicates the
diiys are getting longer The sun will set
at 4.44 o'clock tomorrow and thereaft
er will keen on setting a minnte later
'until on Jan. 31 its time to disappear
below the horizon is 5:13 o'clock. The
f-.r.iily c'manae states that from the 8th
to u.j 12th of January it will be gen
erally fair and mild in the far west.
Belaz ami rest in th dental chair.
Dr. Hartley fills and extracts teeth
without pain and - corrects diseased
gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. tf
H. E. Marty of Donald is registered
at the Bligh.
Fred A. Williams Is In tho city from
Crl'HIlU past,
A. B. Wilcox of the forest reserve
service, with headquarters nt Portland,
U In the city..,.,
Mrs.. Radio) Mischler of Albany was
called to Balem by the serious illness
of hor son, C, P. Mishlor, who has
been ill at the Deaaoness hospital for
tho past month. Mr. Mischler was in
jured about a month ago while working
I for tho Bpaulding Logging Co.
Mra. 0. W. Putnam aud Miss Mar
garet Putnam registered yesterday at
tho Marion. They aro from Pendloton.
Fred Lockley, the war correspondent
of tho Oregon Journal, was in tno city
High grade, gemiiiie fur for Christ
mas gifts at special prices. West Fur
Co., 217 South ttish M. tf
. The county superintendents in con
vention assembled .Tan. 3, 1919, wish to
express unanimously their appreciation
of the heart? co-operation and assist
ance of Frank K. Welles and L. P. Har
rington during the years in which they
have been connected with tho state de
partment of education. The superin
tendents also wish them abundant suc
cess in thoir new field of activity. Tho
resolution is gignod by W. M. Smith, N.
A. Frost and Lena Hlioll shurto.
I Uava moved my offices Into more
pleasant and more couimoitoous quar
ters on Hi a third floor of the V. H.
National bank building. Dr. O. U. Bcott
Chiroprnptic-tSpinolonist, 309-313 U, 8,
National bank bldg. tf
Having lately returned to Salem I
am ready to receive piano pupils at my
home, 1472 Mill, or will go to homes
of pupils. Special -attention given to
tcchnio and expression Mrs. Lena Wa
ters. Phono 1184M. tf
For Sale Six acres fine land for
Loganberries or fruits, 15 minutes walk
from end of street ear line. F. N, Der
by owner, 314 Masonic bldg. tf
notwithstanaing all klndn cf prag-
uoiHicHMons rcgarutng ine wcainer, iuoi
lie halls and other places where pea-
pie congregate.
The ordinance also provides that the
council shall have authority to limit
the time people may linger at stores,
depots or at any place. The new slogan
in Salem is now "Move On."
While no ordinance has as yet !een
passed compelling the wearing of a
oadgo or button rn a conspicuous place
on the clothing by ino9e who have had
the flu, tho ordinance passed last ev
ening gives the council authority to
enforce snch a law.
Tho council will also have authority
to promulgate sanitary rules govern
ing" confectionery stores, restaurants,
hotels and places where so.it drinks are
sold or the time any patron may ling
er. The penalty for conviction is a
fine of from $5 to $100 or a jail sen
tence of from thrte to 20 days.
"Having suffered from ttcrrotit iiidhesticn
for, several years, 1 ' fit.d afler , usmj Dr.
Lald-jieus zyntp repstn that I am as tc.-li
as I ez'cr K'ss c:.d cv; hczv aj aitvlhinj
rriilwut fear of fcr.se'iueuces." (From r
Dr. CckvcU written by Mrs. Jo!:n
, 516 ro. bt., Kichmonc, vc)
. let ter to Dr
IC Moore,;
Indigestion and constipation are condi
tions closely related and the canse of much cur
ferincr. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a -r.l'J,
pleasantly effective laxative; it quickly relieves
the intestinal congestion that retards digeclicn
and has been the standard household remedy
in countless homes for many years.
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Dtugoists Every i
50cts. )$L00.
iFlanders mud. I saw Martin Viesko
and W. D. Slater. Both are well. Dr.
Lewis, formerly of Silverton got hit in
the leg tho last time we wnt in and
hasa t returned irom tho hospital.
No arrangements have as yet been
official thermometer insists on record- '"ade for tho funeral services of Mrs.
inff a nrettv low tnmnoratnre each niirht Stainau. Mr. btainau and the
Continued from page one)
Doesn't hurt at all and costs only
few cents
Magic! Just drop little Froeaonc
ten that touchy corn, instnntly it 'stops
chlng, then you lift the corn off with
the fingers. Truly 1 No humbugl
n I
Try Kreer.onc! Your druggist soils
till j battle for a fuw cents, suffiolent
1$ rid your foot of every hard corn,
rirtft corn, or corn between the toes,
nud calluses, without one particle of
- min, soreuesa or irritation, Freeaone is
the discovery of a noted Cincinnati
are of
Yick So Tens
X Chineea afadialna ass Tu rv
t Hm Bieiiclne which will tare
I any kaowa disease,
Open Sundays from II a a
f antil I p. m.
1SS Sooth KUrt Bt
f Salem, Otgoa. Vkumm 18
after a running fight through the
streets with tho military police, as
were tho other two Holdups.
Henry James a private in company
L, 7lth infantry, who , joined in the
fight i:ninst the robbers, in in 1he base
hospital in a critical condition. Ho was
wounded in the side.
During the fusiluulo one of tho roo
bers .made his escape into the woods.
After a posose of polioo had' surrounded
him h gave himself up late this after
noon. Ho was found to bo slightly
All the money was recovered.
Red Cross memberships for Willam
ette chapter now number 9,600 for Mar
ion county alono. As state headqi...
tera bad placed a quota of 8,800 for
both Marion and Polk counties, those
interested in the Bed Cross are jubilaut
ever the membership showing in this
county, is yet Polk county haB not re
ported lis jnemberships during the last
The body of Mrs. I. H. VanWlnkle
arrived yesterday evening from Colo
rado Springs, accompanied by I. H. Van
Wtnklo, assistant attorney gencrul. Tin
funeral horvices will be held Wednes
day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
chapel of the Kigdon company, and will
bo conducted by the Rev. B. N. Avisos,
pastor of tho First Methodist ehurcti,
and Dr. .Carl Gregg Doney. Tho ser
vices will be private.
"Buy a mule or a horse and give It
t0 a discharged soldier." This ia the
slogan suggested, by some literature pm i
oat from Camp Lewis advertising the'
sale of 1030 head of goveruuieut uiuius;
For those who are interested in the!
proposition it may bo said that at Camp:
Lewis Jsauary 10, the government will
offer for sale at auction 3000 head ot
horses and mules. Al aro in fine coi.-1
dition but the close of the war f in.it j
tho government not in need of so much i
O .
Within the past year there has been
a wonderful awakening of interest in
the eulture and growing of English wal
auts, according to 8. II. Van Trump,
county agriculturalist. It wt a sui
prise te many growers that already in
Marion county alone there are luou o
res planted to English walnuts. Many
orchards of prunes throughout the coun
ty are already planted to walnuts and
many tracts of loganberries. The wal
auts are planted about 40 by 40 and in
rich soil 50 by SO. Growers figure that
within ten years a walnut orchard witn
bat few trees will be the best nf nav
lug interests.
Mrs, F. A. Elliott, in charge of the
sewing department of Willamone chap
ter announces that beginning tomorrow
the sewing rooms at the postoffico will
be opon from 1:30 until 4 o'clock each
afternoon. Tho Bed Cross has received
, 1 .. 1 1 . i 1 .. .1 iL.!
several icio aiioiuioiim sun as mu tjiuu
is drawing near when they must bo sent
in, it is asked that women who can
and will give the time to this most de
serving work, come to the post, ffiee
building of afternoons to help.
Reports were on the street yesterday
afternoon and this morning that 0, E.
Price of tho Price Shoe company had
died from influenza, all of which were
Hanltarv milking pulls, strainers, etc.,
art atundnrd with Northwest Dairymen.
Burrell Milkers does the work of 10 men
will sava enough In 1 year to pay lot
Its cost.
Wa carry a full Una of Dairy Supplies,
Barn Equipment, Blloa, etc. Write us for
large calHloa; containing- one of th finest
asaortments of Dairy Siippllen In the N.W.
1 Front Bt. Portland.
Hop wire and all kinds
of hides. Before you
sell See Us. Phone 398.
271 Chemekett
for tho Willamette valley. v, ,jie
"irst soven night of this year tho low
temperatures have been 20, 22, 23, 21,
21 and 25 while for last night it vas
again 25 above; with a temperature of
ot nt 6 o'clock this morning. The riv
er rose about threo inches last aat
and is now ono foot above zero.
Highways Xapid Transit .uto service
to Portland m.d way points daily, leav
ing Salem at i i. m. Phone orders ev
ening before, 137' S. Com'l, Phone 603.
Ever since the beginning of the world
there has been but ono "best" way to
bury tho dead) that war is in tombs.
Mount Crest Abbey provides that
"beat" way,, the cost is no more. Bee
caretaker at Mausoleum, er your un
dertaker. 8-1
, o
Charles F. Elgin, auditor for the state
acident commission, met with a serious
accident, breaking several of his ribs,
when he fell through u. trap door at To
ledo about ten days ago. Sinco then
ho has been confined to his home but
hopes to got eut within a few days.
While at Toledo ho Btopped into a
store to do some writing and ia hang
ing up his hat, stepped into a trap door
that had been , left open, falling into
tho basement.
Will ship aU kinds of livestock
Thursday January 9, and pay the high
est market price. Phone 22U0M. i. W.
Eyre. '. 1-7
We buy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic
bldg. -. tf
. o .
A sure cure for the influenu Is aug-
gosted, coming from (he east whore the
informant said ivi had been most suc
cessful and hy Attest is snvmttted. It
is as fo lows: " ut ei;ht or nine onions
into small pieces; eover with water;
boil 15 or 20 minutes, stir well; add
ryo most or Tour to mnko a poultice;
eut into t'.(o pieces; apply whilo hot
first one part add then the other while
hot to the chest. Our informant say3
this remedy has boon most successfully
used in Salem.
The question as to what Kind of a
memorial ealem should erect for its
soldiers who have fallen in battle and
for those who have done such valiant
servieo was brought up at the mooting
of the city couneil last evening. Aldor
man W. A. Wiest thought something
should be done along these line. May
or C. B. Albin referred the matter to
tho parks committee, J. 8. Austin chair
man and the ways and means commit
tee, W. A. Wiest chairman.
R. Ia. Matthews, formerly director of
physical training for Willamette uni
versity, and tho man who brought tho w;tft the three eraduates,
Willamette "Bear Cnt" iio promi- n
nonce aa foot ball players, baa retnra-
ed to the naivorsity ana will take up
ins worn at tno pcginning or me sonooi
t'.vo children are both in the hospital
suffering from the influenza.
. Slues the city wag closed Dec 30, 245
cases of influenza have been reported
t0 Dr. 0. B. Miles, health officer. lit
somo instances several ere sick in tho
same family and in one case the whoie
family of six aro ill from the flu. Many
cards havo boon taken down the past
d:v or So end it is thought that the to
al number of cases will now -number
about 200. .
As t'ie Salem hospital board must
seek new quarters at once, a meeting
was called this morning at tho Coiu
mtiviul ciub to discuss locations. John
Hy Todd, superintendent of tho city
schools, A. A. Leo, chairman of the tx
eeutive board of the Salem hospital,
Henry M. Moyors, Mayor 4j- i. Al-
bin nnd Miss Grace Taylor were among
those oresont talking over the situation.
Thort wks some discussion of McKinley
school as a desirable building for the
Hospital but nothing definite was done.
The work of Willamette copter, Bed
Cross is now greater than for sevoral
months on account )f what it is doing
to aid in fighting the influenza. , Thru
the efforts of Heiry W. Meyers, chuir
mau of Willamette chapter ,aided by
othora intorcced, the building adjoin
ing the Salom hospital, owned by tht
citv and county, was secured for jiflu
e.aa casca that require special atten
tion. From Seattle were secured throe
graduate nurses who are in charge with
ot-ors. The women of the surgical
dressings department of tho Bed Cross
have beon sewing this week on sheets,
piuow casos and mattresses for this
emergency hospital. Tho Red Cross has
givon from its supply of quilts and pil
lows. Several rural schools have closed the
iiast woek, just to be on tho safe sido
of the influenza proposition. These in-
cludo Witzol, Liberty, Salem Heights,
turner, Woodburn, Silverton, Bosedale
and ilickey schools. ,
One of the many good works being
done by the Bed Cross is that of help
ing materially in the present emcrgoncy
when nurseg aro so badly needed for
sickness. Bed Cross headquarters has
done much in placing nurses through
Popular Prices
Service is the biggest thing in the world,
and service isn't anything tangible either.
It comes from the heart. It is a desire to
do as well as the act of doing, and it is felt
more than seen or heard. ....
Our Prices' Always The Lowest
FHOKH 1032
Commercial and Court Sts formerly Chicago Store
Court Ruled That Purchaser
intoxicant Was Not Accom
plice Of Seller.
The supreme court, in handing down
an opinion today confirming the coa-
Wh th head office and throueh tt. 're.l,wu "l ?uc? uruggist or
! .!. Reven cases!. L'nl0?' fo'.Tl0latln.K Prohtbihoi
Social 8crvice scetion. eleven eases
have been placed in the emergency hos
pital through the Bed Cross and within
tho past week 32 nurses have been sup
plied to thoso who were unablo to find
nurses qualified. Those who arc ct-pa-blo
of nursing are asked to notify the
Bed Cross hoadnuarters. Three grad
uate nurses are hero from Scattel and
lw by selling "(Bitter Horb Tonic,"
held that a person employed by the
district attorney to purchase liquor as
a moans of gaining evidence, is not aa
accomplice and his testimony is admis
sible as cvidonce. .
This interpretation of the prohibi
tion law is considered to be the most
important opinion touching upon the
whieh ane ia eatitled to the office of
airy eoamissioneT in Portland, for re
Mgarnen at 1 o'cloek next Thursday
afternoon, aa ths court has been un
able to agree en the question. The re
argument will be made beforo the eonrt
aa hams.
Other Opinions
Other opinions were handed down
as follows: s
6tate of Oregon vs A. Bortachingcr,
appellant; appealed from Multnomah;
motion to dismiss indictment charging
crime of manslaughter; opinion by Jus
tice Johns; Circuit Judge Kavanaugh'
Leo Ahonoa vs. William Bryszko, ap
pellant; appealed from Multnomah; mo
tion foi suae pro tune eider in per
sonal injury ease denied; opinion per
The Portland markot reports give
the cheering news that England is in
such need of hops that tho price, has
run as high as 37 to 40 cents a pound
Also the news not quito so eheoring
that there are practically no hope un-1
sold in the state, w hen tho Dulge tame
on prices, most of the Oregon men sold
out atabout 30 cents.
those offering their servlco will work liquor question that has been handed
down by tbe Oregon court aiaco tae
state went dry.
Attorney General Brown was vers?
much elated over the opinion, and de
clared that he had been working for Si
long time to gaia such an in terf rota
tion of tae ww.
Almost any man will tell 70a
that Sloan's Liniment
means relief
Dr. B, D. Byrd, who ia ticw In Bat
gium with the Americaa forces, writes
his Elk friends here that al! the boys
over there are anxious to come home.
As the doctor is the father of the first
Salem Elk war baby, at a meeting of,
tho lodge Nov. 13 Secretary Wiedmcr
was instructed to ofur congratulations
to the parents. In a
Jo, pjih, ur. Utto writes: we are
anxiously awaiting the day of depar
ture for home. Our present location is
near Ypre. It la sure some desolate
country. Our billeta aro ia an old Eng
lish camp and are constructed of cor
rugated iron. Not so bad except for
mud. It ia worse than tha famous
For practically 'every man lias used
It who has suffered from rheumatic
aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness ol
joints, the results of weather exposure.
Women, too, by the hundreds of
thousands, use tt lor relievine neuritis.
lame backs, neuralgia, sick headache.
Is uaed by en tiro families because ft
la purely vegetable, does the work
and coHta yy little
Why pay high prices for Liver and
Bowel remedies when none aro better
than Dr. Carter's K. and B. Tea, which
lmi us. v"u n . i- .1 . . ,
"The crime charged against the da-1 t j"1' 7ee-'wS b brewed at
fendant is the sale of intoxicatinir li
qiior," says Justice Johns, who wrote
the opinion, "and the record is con
clusive that the prosecuting witness
was employed to make tho purchase
for the purpose of appearing as wit-,
ness against the defendant, but there
is a very marked difference between
the legal status and liabilities of a sell
er and those of a purchaser. While it
is true that a sale cannot be made with
out a purchaser, it is also true that
under the atatute the crime is in. the
home, and a email package will last
a Ions; time
Thousands of eld people will tell you
taey have been drinking it for years,
and after the liver and bowels hayo
been put in fine eondition in a few
days by before bedtirae eup, thai
only an occasional enp is afterwards
necessary to keep one feeling fit sad
fine. .. ....
Peeple who drink a tup ef Dr. Car
ter', K. and B. Tea ones in a while,
seldom, if ever, havo any biBious at-
icaa, sick neaoaeae or aallow akin.
aula t ltn-r.,H ..J 4
. " liuvi Will UVt It' j
the purchase. The whole purposa an :? s Iot ttn3 Pt- especially
... ...... I hnsn hA A fuawi.V i.t
intent or the prohibition enactaeni , - . .
letted datedDec. i Ctan. rcfreeWng.stbJng.economiaJ, ' to prevent and punish the sale of ii?" na" 8 " '
r."WA.,.it quickly effective. Say "Sloan's Lini. intoxicating liquor, and as it fail, to 7 - ,
.ps. weareaiti .'. , . - . -. . , m.i,. t, ,,...i . . i. ' 1
btciii i your eruisu vet u louay, . . . 1 w p"1"1 ot ucu uquur as . :
nnaictaDie oriense, we Bold that Wolf, 1 w"8 m vu jjju
las a purchaser, was not an aceomplioa 8 01 the annual reunion anu
iof the defendant as a sellei." 4t of ths Jaaksoa elub to be held
Proceedings Set for Thvrsday . t the Portland hotel Wednesday eve-
The court set the ouster proceedings 4tf this week. Prominent men of
brought by T. L. Perkin, sgainst Dan Partle4 will deliver addresses. Dr.
Kellaher, to settle tho question of DT will apeak a "Making Demoe-