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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1919)
THE DAILY CA VITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY. JANUARY 7. 1019. PAliE j'HLrAj A A ata4 A ti ai at tTTttTTTT JOURNAL WANT AD DSPART1EM IS TE BEST SELLIHG MEDIUM IN MARION COOT-TRY Till! FOR RESULTS PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY PATRICK I. K1KDEL0I1, HJLBSUTSD aVDVEBTISINCr EAZE3 BOOM ana board at 1118 Mill St. 110 Bate par word New Today i Cash insertion .. One week (6 insertions) One month. (26 iasertions) , , - - 1 . 5 1T The Capital Jearnal will not be re sponsible for mere than aa iuertioa, for errors in Classified Advertiseaaats, Seed your advarttseaeat the fink day It appears and netif j as immediately ii wror ocours. Minimum charge, 15. WOOD for sale. Pkeae 636 sr 121. I t j : - WANTED Weaker woman te wask Monday merniags. Phone 6W. tf t'HW cords of dry rails for tale. Phone T1P22. 1-8 WANTE1- flirl for general work. Apply 015 8. 12th St. house 10 iWOBK wanted Phone 067 W. for practical aarse. JER8HY mils; cow for sale, ground road. Phone 1467. 76 Fair IT WANT HD To buy; cattle aai tfttvea, any kind. Phone. ISTflW. C- VOR SALBWheat straw $10 per hoa. Wm. Fitts, m. 9, Phone 87FU. 1-T FOB SALE Pigs, 60 lbs. ui Phone S4F25. over. 11 WANTED Three White Leghari roos ter, l'hoae 8F8. l-l SALEWhite ladiin ducks, Phone Wiitl. tanner IT FOB EJ5NT -7Vi acres, 10 ia pain, $500 cask. 1831 Union St. IK FOB SAIiBGood used Dodge car. Jee lirunk at Tick Oarage. , I S FOB SALE 8 heavy milk caws. K54 Mission. l-T FOE a typewriter aeckanic pksae 987. 1-88 FOB SALE Equity in good piaae. Call Mrs. Friclsey. Phone tut. u TOR SALE 50 horso automobile, suit ablo for truck, one tire novor used. Mako me an offer, 125 State. 1-t) WANTED To buy secondhand bicy cle, etendard make. Bargain. Ad dress II S P care Journal. 1-S WANTED White Angora Boehtal, Rt. 8, Sales. rabbits. 1 11 WANTED 8 large ho slaves, must be in good condition. Phase- 3Tx"3, Jialein Bt. 4, box 4T. 1-H ROOM FOB KENT dartag legislature one block and a half ittm rapitol. Phone 58iM. t-13 FOR RENT 40 acres, stock, aad im plcmjHita for sale. l U. Weed, Uayne bldg. IT POB SALE 'Haadssota stakensgy, leather upholstered davenport, go ml as new. Call Goers. I S FOB EXCHANGB Ifew bease, treU lurated, for a house or yacaafc lots a Portland. W. A. listoa. 1-S WANTED -To bay alee basgalow near ia on South Commercial, Liberty or High ftreota. P. O. box el. 18 FOR SALE Fresh fenof eaw, 6 yrs old, heavy snilker. flS Booth 18th St. IT FOB SALEr-Or trade, for atock, team of borsea, 8100, aad doable harness. 1254 Mission. t-7 MORRIS BROS; MORRIS BUILDING, 300-311 Stark St. Government and PORTLAND, ORE. Established Over Municipal Bonds Phone Bdwy, 2151. " Twcnty-Five Years VALAIR CONSERVATORY. For Music, Dramatic Art, Languages. MME. LUCIE VALAIR, Ijite of Paris, France, SOPRANO-SOLOIST. DIRECTOR. A faculty of Xrtist teachers for private aad class lessons hi Piano. Voice. Violin. Cello. Harp, Dancing. Uoculiua. Special advantages, in class lessons included in regular tultiaa. For Catalosuc addrett Secretin, 234 10th Street, Portland. Oregon. fl& Clew Oifeliid Yet As T .33 Cf isidda Theory Rejected PAirjT wcaa dealer. We an manafactarara of all kinas of hoasa. barn, roof, ihm ml aiitA. wbile painta. Aba. jsaasraaf all paint snndrita and tooia. Write us the kind aad amount erf paiatinc raa need dena and we will estanata quantity reourred aad eaat af aana ta vaa ana arrmntra eaair aliwrv (ir.ui.rK Writ as. XUOIaV-CltliSII St C'ti- 1U- Second St, ef,f. Technical "" sWrndicsl & ,-' ' ImiBg. f ' I iZc S .x ' i Kleetncal 1 Saxea i mi niMiiaamHi Gaa kiosioae ADCOX AUTO AND pAaOR SCHOOL BarM era sal Wax SL, MKT1AND, ORt 4arbwlM pace eatalar full af pictarea af A4ooa; graduatoa Ricbt oo aha la, sent Crea. A4tM. DciMurlmeat Na. L FOR 8 ALB Ford Itir snodal, good eondition, cheap if lokea at OaU 540 State Bt. 1-T WANTED -Some one ta sailk oow and diJirer milk. Steadf jab. Phone 8135J. IS WANTED let, tia aad fresb cows, veal aai large eel Tea, Phoae 142011. ISO FOB SALE-kfare, 14S0 lbs. ia foal, 12S or trade for horse. C. Mailer, Independence, Or. 1-10 FOB 8 ALB Ckevrslel sstoaiooilo, 1913 aiodel ia first class cosditioa ta be sold cheap. Leaving the city. . Inquire at 660 Unioa St. 1-T HOTEL ALDER Reams M par day aaa ap. Special aanthJr at-W-tawa Tlaitara sands ta feel at Saataata Paelfio alaclrie trail depot J. W. BUSBONG. m AMar 8t cor. tta. POBTLAMO. ORG. PAINTS 5N5JrVAJ;LJJAM PainbT and Auto finishes. Wholesale and retail. Bowles Wall Paper Co., m Msrrlsan St .... SURGEON First class Surgieal and Uedicsi N tonUoa Itss Uieui hsu the usual few. DH H CLAUDE HAMPTON, Third and Waaainston, IIS Dektim Bnildins. Part land. THE BEST EATS IN THE CITY St. Nicholas Cafeteria 12S Sialk Straat. Partlaad, Orasva. Saa oat Fv want aad pay far aaat ran ret. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN GLASSES AT A SAVING. l-atronna solicited on a of capable sarviee and reaaoo able chareea. Thouaaiida af ut- lafled aotrase. A trial will convince. Chaa, If. Good a a, eptometrla M8 Marrlaon. aiU.IARDS. POOL ANB IviVATOfilBB. MEET ME IN PORTLAND Atoneaf Uie meat decant Batnanl T,a Raataa aa the Pacilio Coast. tH;l Bewie & CaidwelTa secana ruwr rufuca mck TALKING MACHINES Party te per cent dlaoeimt aa Victor sad Columbia records New aad uaed. MaUafactton (uaranteed. Write far oa ta iga;. Vara U Weiigar. 143 Beooad Bt PaanaMarabaUSMl Swetland Duildlnst Grace Adams Optometrist & Optician Bee, Phone, Tabor KG Fifth and Washington Portland, Oregon POSITION wanted by aa familiar with stationary eagiaeering of all kinds. Steady, reliable. Address En gineer care Journal. tf WANTED t 3ir for; general houso work. Phone 1480J, or call mornings at 9'J3 Court. 1-7 liOGANtBERKY plants for salo by J. P. Aspinwall, Brooks, Oregon. Pflono 35F12. 1-7 WANTED To buy txro-bottom, 12 inch jrinS plow. Must bo first class. Geo. L. Roao, Salom. 1-13 FOR SALE 2 thoroughbred Airedale pups, 4 months old. Salem :'eed barn, . 1-13 FOR SALTS Twe S3x4 S D. N. S. - Firestone tare at bargains. 154 S. Commercial. 1-S HIGHEST prices for chickens, poultry and hides. Independent Market Co., Phone 104. 157 South Oom'l St. tf FOB SALE! 1 xl3 shaft gsvernsr, engine and boiler complete, cheap. Box 268, Tamer, Or. tf WANTED Neat boy 18 years of age or over, for page and messenger work .at the state house during session of legislature. Apply Jhe l'ae. Tel. & Tel. Co. . ! FOR SALE 16 acres of A-l land, all in cultivation, in fruit, 4 room bouse, largo, barn, 3V4 m't'cs from Sa lem, Terms. No. 25J caro Journal. 1-11 IF TOTJ aiust sell your liberty bonds, sell them to me. If yon can buy moro liberty bonds, buy them of mo. I buy and sell liberty bonds. W. A. Liston, 4S4 Court St. tf FOR EXCHANGE 10 acre well im proved, for Portland residence, Fivo acres improved, near oxvn, clear sf encumbrance, for larger tract, 15 to 40 acres. $700 to loan on good real estate. See H. E. Bolinger, Hubbard bldg, tf NOTICE This is to notify all concerned that the 'undersigned is not a partnor or .iointly interested in the meat market business boing done by the Independent Meat Market company, in the city of Salom or elsewhere. Or. W. Eyre. 1-7 ga. Edith I. PhillipSeQpQp" Nsv&3'S0-451 Pittock Block "V--"-- Washington at Went Park Phone Broadway 1306 Portland, Oregon. 'a:t Francisco, Jan. 7. Patrick J. Kindc'on, chief special aaent for the deteetive bureau of the Southern Pa cific railroad, was found dead in a park today. PoliJb believe he may have been mur dered. Death waa caused by a bullet wound in the right temple. A gun was lying in hie lap. The police are work ing on the theory that th; gun was "planted" there. Kindelon was seen last nght in the b at of spirits, and no motive fcr a suicido has been discovered. Kindelon loft his homo at 8:15 a. m. today apparently without a rare on his uiind. BJo went U keep an appointment at his office. He was found sitting with his back against a tree. ilia associate at the Southern Pacif- to office insist ho was murdered. "Wo saw him last night feeling fine," said a deputy. "Ho had no rea son to hill himsolr. wo believe no was murdered." Kindelon had for forty yeara been in the Southern Pacific service. During that time ho has tracked down and snet to prison scores of notorious charr- aclers, tram banana ana tiueves. ms ifrionds beliove one of those, aeeking revenge, followed Kindelon to the park, killed him, and thou aought to create tho suicide atmosphere. Kindelon has workod in the aapaa it of detective in evory city of any size on the coast and was well known. Patronize Ycur Home lasuu-'sns ki Keen Ycr If i Money In Salem PllLiluLu Old Favorite Tonic laxative When constipation bothers you, and you get ifeverish and out of sorts ro- member that old reliable vcgetablo ownors of one tract of land, ir. Naf tr Rprrrpv- ftf.fl (hfr Sflfia lVti fad laVl a SaSwS ar fraU w&m V XT Bar a a u t U 7.rrtr'a share beiuir one-tvvplf i,h. As thev 1 ... ... cannot ajirco. on the division, the cir cuit eourt is asked to legally do tho dividing. It is also asked that tho ex penses do not exceed $100. May Know Their Fate Today Chicago, Jan. 7. Victor I'.erger, congressman-elect for Milwaukee, and the four other defendants on. trial hero Frank Rickot, as administrator of charged with' espionnga act" violations, the estate of Clark Rickot, has filed his may know their fato today, final report, which was approved by tho Indicted on twenty six counts, tho county court. socialist leaders are liable 'to sentences of from one to txventy years in tho icd- Luella Darby, administratrix of tho eraj pl.ison or ,fic3 0 jroM $1 to $10, esluto of John Darby, filed lier final qqo or both on each count. They may report xvhich was approved by tlio conn-. )jo convicted on one or all: the counts ty court and tho administratrix roloEsed nsainst them. Their sentences, if they from further liability. " aro convicted on moro than ono count, could be servca concurrently, or ou CELERY KING is sold in every drug storo in tho land It's fine for indiKOstion too and for fovors and colds, Same old remedy that thousands swear by. h Are styled in the College of fashion. They have the charm and grace that once denoted a. Paris label. Yet they arg dis tinctly American . designed, and made by America's fore--mcst stylists and tailors. it If The dress pictured is an Ad- vance Spring Model, received l j i s . . .. i . yesteraay Dy express, maicac ing what will be shown this season. We are sole agents for this wonderful line of Co-Ed . dresses. Nationally advertised in "Vogue" and "Harper's Bazar." 3 i The "Cop" is still on the job. , ' He orders put on Special Tables All broken lines, short lengths and odd lots of our strictly high grade merchandise. Watch our SPECIAL TABLES look for the s administrate of tho Dull,ca Kint them. . r 'roy, filed his final re-". Fcdirnl Judgo Lamlis ant named Feb. 10, 1919 oaso " bo given the jury II. H, Booster as estato of Henry F port. -Tho eourt as tho final day for closing tho estate Whon tho water ho set out for tho chii kens froze solid, our neighbor chop pod up the ice cream announced t,ha during the afternoon. A verdict was regarded aft probable before adjournment today. Seymour Siedraan, chief council for roze solid our neighbor chop- ' c, lie ice and used it to freeze 7BtedlMUl oitod W Berger . Wherefore wo hail him as .,e .R mUeh ULOlULnl IHLUO lit lUKiN, TU ITALIANS diizeiiship Cf Old Industrial Ciiy Was loaterrea Upon "U. S. Execoiive.' ow Price Cards New specials added every day. You can always do better at iaaufi,'' l NOTIOB FOB SAL3-One fine I. Red mal, 2 years old; ISO-egg Maadjr Lee ia . cubator. Call 1047J betwoea 8 aad 11 a. m. Notice is hereby given that I have imnoumded the following described tf dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 11U4, town: una mate uuu uos, WALL PAPEB 15 eeats per dsnbi. rail Md black, weight 38 poundf; one male upward. Burea'. Faraitar. Store, 17 SpiU, white, wetght 88 Commercial 81m eved "fcepherd, "Bight 40 Uommerctai. pound(1. on8 gmllll Tello femsiB, bldg- 1 January 10, 1910, as provided in said ordinance. W. S. LOW, Strsst Commissioner, an. 6, 191. lu OLD papers far oaa,eti, etc, 19 CMita per hundred, call et Jsnrasi effioe. MAXWELL for tf, aSfi. Terssa, Jfe ehanicaily peifoak Kiga)wsy (rara Phone Sot. Onli im 8. Caaa. Court Bouse Notes He Turin, Jan. 6. ('Delayed) Presi dent Wilson, speaking at tho Muuici palito hero today, snid "Mr. Mayor: Both on tho stroets of this interesting tho true exponent of tho propor utili- l)roviL an amendment to tho consti- I city and hero you have nnde mo feol ...inn nf natural , tl i nG I , , , .u. na 1 9 t. un.a tho greeting of a people of whom 1 was indeed a t'eiiow citizen. 1 am vory much honored that this great city.pluy ing so important a rola in tho Ufo and in tho industrial endeavor cf Italy should havo conferred this high dis- a . Is IT. a IT Itinction upon me, and 1 taHtf the liber- WiOniHlg Rl IierYpOn eWS ty of interpreting your action sir, not meroly as personal compliment to Newport News, Va., Jan. 7. The myself, to whom you ascribe airtues transport Powhattan arrived here this and powers which I feel 1 do not pos mcrning from Europe wi h th 127 th sess, but as a tribute to th people fild artillery, inth trencli mortar Dat tory and a casual company, which in cluded 15 aviator officers. The 127th is commanded by Captain K. M. hnglish ration of natural raeilities. Tl PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE tution doine away with tno senate. This move was made, Stodman declar ed, "to prevent the betrayal of the people by 'bought' senators." Powhatan Arrives Tl?is , ,. ... . JM,1..K.,fjV,'r'l,A''' MOtblng Like Plain Bitro-Phospbate to and the 115th by Captain Drake. Put os Firm, Healthy Flesh and to Increase Strength, Vigor and Nerve Fores Judging from the countless prepara tions and treatments which are oonbin- Most of the men aro from the west, although some are from Now York and other eastern states. In the contingent are men who fought at Chateau Thier ry and Verdun. LIBERTY BONDa If yea aiaet dis- J xwsw or ir --r a, sV aaiotu. 0i aunvHu iua WANTED-To buy .everal good dairy Walter C. Winslow ka. filed suit cows, either freah or to freshen against John P. Baaaaa, C. fc. I.vJ soon. 112 Union St., or ddrs B-7 anj J, H. Toliiison. He aUegea that care Journal. 1-1 Bansau rented 22 acres of lond of him Demurrer Ia Libel Case .... . , v u .v. .. , i, rn inuueru ioou old borsee- " LTTa". . nothing, that will supp.y this aeneiency so weu as rne orgauii: pnus WE BUY all inas or oh.i nooa- potttoe. wiUl egreem, nothing we i wmoi ise. S that winslow was to hava as rent, one ually being advertised for the purpose IJ-0 Pi.Mpr Wprn!pfl of making thin people fleshy, develop- JliUgC LUMl UlCil WiCU ing arms, neck and bust, and replacing ugly hollows and angles by the soft curved linos of health and beauty, there aro evidently thousands of men "and Denver, Colo., Jan. 7.-Judgo Butlia- womon who keenly feel their excessive In the district court today overruled thinness. the demurrer of 'he Denver Post in the Thinness and weakness are usually 37tT,00O libel damage suit brought by due to starved nerves. Our bodies Ernest lorris. chairman of the Denver need more phosphate than ii. contained County Defense Council. The court in moaora food. rDyBiciniB claim ioraerea me cubu dv uuihuh-u w 'A man naa an mucu ngm iu uneuu himself from attacks bj a pen as from a gun." the court aaid. nLala Lnn.n axmnnrr Am rrrrtuta t hi IT.- I ft. fTllTl ' ' thfl COUrX ftalU. nter . reea unrua, fourth of the crop, to be del vered in " ,i7e audj Mentioning the papor's reference to Pcrs- i sacks at the landing nearest the farm. f ' m. ... , na, . 1 vnrria a. a "Pruss an Hun". "Hkunk" r, c , t ti Kin- i Ueeording to tho eomplaint, it seems to f satisfaction or munoy and a "Bat", the court declared that LOST-Sunday eve, four-15 bill, in t Btniau du- bit ow three-fourths " a iha mnn could be assailed by any nswa- envelope. between Commercial ana . h t t,e one-fourth ., ". . , v.j n.. ; t .i.!o ,;il,nnt havlnir recourse to ius- LAUD K i TRIAL TOYMTLAi Is sAIleged Karderer Cf For mer Dsply Sheriff Twomb ly, November 19. Portland, Jan. 1.J. Cyril Liard, al whom 1 represent. Waa Tradition of People "Tho poople of the United States ...l.w..n..f tx tain rtnrt in ihn VHf. rr..u lu.ukiaiii. "".I"'1 - "- ! " A 11,.. not bocuuse thoy doubted the justice j '"H" muiuUtr, '" of tho cause, but becauso it wag the . mailer, was placod on trial in circuit tradition of the Ameriimn republic to ; e0Utt bore today on tho chargo of mur play no part in the policies of other dering Deputy Sheriff Frank Twomb- continents, but as the struggle advanc ed from stage to stage they wore more and moro improssed by tho conviction that it was not a European struggle, .I... Aa m .t.itrrrrln fnv tliA rnilom nisi, lb won a su66iw ',v' . i.f thn narlil anil liberation of human ly the night of NovemBer 19. Liard, it is alb'god, killed the deputy sheriff 'while speeding through East Por land, following bis act of robbing tho gate-keeper at tho Interstate bridge. Twombly had no idea Liard was dorff, foimor chief of tho Cerninn ar mies, is living a life of a recluse on. a farm npnr Uesleholm under tho name of Ernest Linstroem, it ws8 officially aiir.ouiiced todny. Ha refuses to see victors and takes long tramps through tho forests daily. Will Have Places AH In San Francisco San Francisco, Jan. 7. A job for ev ery service otar. With that as their slogan, members f local placement committees of state council of dofense will demand that the service flags dis played where men are employed bo the standard for re-employment of soldiers. Every employer entitled to display a service flag must employ a soldier for every star displayed, former em ployes to have the refusal of places, as tho men become available, if the com mitteemen are te be satisfied. Liberty on State Bt. Beward. Beturn j ,b th(j igtead of doli to Journal office. ling it 8t tho landing for Mr. Wins: vet nslow. by supply necessary phosphoric food elements, jtice. bitro-DUOsutiate quickly produces a I WANTED 'Furai sh ed room, modern conveniences, for teacher. Address 705 care Journal. Tentral 14 ig 'U ttlleKed BMftn morW welcome transformation in the 8pneV-;p fl f nnffrP!?rr Will man4 ni Uree-f onrtbs ' 6rP whlch ancej the increase in weight frequent- jlaCB WJIUCiiU: II1U he had dug. Mr. Winslow asks for a i being aatonlshini;. fKn laH5r 18 titi thrnA-fnurtria r.rno and Tl.:, : , . : Wn;i,f nlsn rCCCl.UI uw "---' 1 1 .11. iDtimw lu .11 111 ' , an injunction until the affair ean be witj, j tt general improvement in the settled according to law. ; health. Nervousness (! :1 im i nH farms; low teret rat"; J" me privilege te pap i ar els on ay irtirrwt iact. CkM f write H. M. Hawtnas, 814 bldg, Salem. ' tf In the ease of Josie W. Mde atrain ft are nee A. Porter. Frank M. plaintiff aud half by the defendant. Hack of energy, wlreh FOB EXCHANGE Well improve 1M ere farm southern Alberta, taacres cultivated. S500. No iaeumbtaaee, aUT"Blr,r:" and Own W. Porter, the circuit "..T.' :: J T; award. Mrs. Moo a 160 acre tract, assume. rs a, ,... o. Rnother of 160 acre. . . . '-.!.... ,.t "7 -r Tlia pxnnnses of PLENTY of money -:'-" .:' ,. a..,, v. th .. aleeoleasnesa and-eoneml wrak- me auib ore iu tj" 7 ... - , . . ness, 11 snouiu nui, uwiiik " l markablo flesh groviie Trop-r'i-, be 0i hruary 20 Washington. Jan. 7. The Peace con ference will Diiru ,ui .in, imi'mft-nvii . . 1 T nl l.' ..... ,, . ,.ii n. n. ! accompany excessive thinness, soon dis- r uuuui . .....i. w Porter '.appear, da 1 eyes b-e ime brisht, and court pal, chttks glow with the b oom of 10 IS) will l memiv pr-i.m nary mw- , an-iperfest h-alth. on """"y- -i and CAUTIOV-Althouph hitro-phrsphnte conxerr-Di- ' , nnsurpass-d for relivins; nervous- 1T ALT'S nrDtMNITT DUE Rome. Jan. 7. The indemnity due lty, and with Uiat conviction it was im- robber, merely chasing him as a possible that they should withhold speoder. Tho gatekeeper at the bridge their hands. Their hoarts bad been with was relieved of $123. you from the start and ther. when the Agusta Carlson, who had posed as 4he timo of thoir conviction come they wlf f Liard for several months pre throw every rosource of men and moo- ceding his arrest, is said by the polite ey and enthusiasm into the struggle, j to havo confessed tha1: Liad rnbbed Baal Peace Makws the bridge gate-keeper end killed "Perhaps you gentlemen think of Twombly. The police say she declarer the mom borax of your government and te feared that if Liard were not ar the members of other governments rosted he would kill her because of her who are going to confer in tho city of knowledge of his crimes. It is also said Paris, as the real makers cf war and aho implicated Liard in the hold-up of peaee, but we are not. Kou ars the a Ureut Northern train near Bra)' makers of war and peace, i laat Hcp'trnbiT, and in a blackmailing "1 have only this suggctlion. If we scliomo against prominent citizens of go to Paris to conclude a peace, you Portland. stay here to continue it. Wt can start. The man who went on trial today It's your duty to continue it. We can faces the following chargos: second only mako the largo conclusions, you grne murder, highway robbery, tra'n constantly transact the detail which aobbery, larceny of government bond), constitute tho process of tho life of d h r ion f-om o'h armv nml vii'-M a nation."- . of bis parolo from tho Walla Wallai Wilson emphasized close relations be- neniten'iary I tween Italy and the United States and It is predicted that Liards defense said that when Baron Honnind was ar- will be that Augusta Carlson "frn-n guing for extension of Italian sover- cd" tho case against him to protect fhf eignty ovor Italian people, he sail "1 real murderer, whom she loves more am sorry we cannot let you have New than she does Liard with whom r' York which I understand is the 8tc lived as his wifo. It uf believed "he do- cst Italian city in the world. 1 am pr,N" v."'l p 'f-t ' s'ltmn M' ''- ' told tlrre are more l.alia'n in New son as an adv""t'i",.'i who cravd a ':f" fork than in any city in Italy." of Itixur" 'linrd as a cstspaw. BfJom bread ajup-ssrtg Salem's payroll E. C NafUiger ha, filed suit ed 7 who doe. n , desir'. to I'aly ot LUDENDOBFP 13 KECLUfE. M. L. Jones. Ho ellegea they all e lut oa flesh. rl t r0.00 000,000, tho Giornala .,,. . T'alis s'atnd today. f Stockholm, Jan. 7. General Ludcn- TRY THIS FOR A COLD-ITS FINE! Tape's Cold Coffipoand" Ends Severe Colds Or Grippe In Few Hoars. Tou caa end grippe and break up S icver cold either in head, chrst. body or limbs, by taking a dose of "Pape's ""Id Compound" every two honrs until -hrri dn" are taken. It p-omptlv opens eloeRed-np n"st-ils snd air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, re-li'-ves siek headache, dullness, feverish nes sore throat, sneezing, soreness npd stiffness Den 't s'ay stuffed-up! Quit blowing "4 snuffling. Ease your throbbing head nothing olse in the world (rives sich prompt relief as "Pane's Cold r'nmpoiind," whieh costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts with out assistance, tastes nice, snd causes no inconvenience. Be sure yn get the ""tine.