Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 07, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A large circle of friends is welcom
ing the return to Salem of Mrs. G. W.
Putnam and her daughter, Miss Mar
garet Putnam, who arrived Sunday
night from Pendleton. They will re
main in the city during the coming
legislature, Miss Putnam assuming her
duties nert week, as secretary to Sena
tor Roy W. Bitner of Umatilla coun
ty. .
.Both Mrs. Putnam and her daughter
ere well known in Salem having resid
ed here a number of yea's, previous
to their departure to I'endletou over
a year ago, Miss Putnam has been
stenographer for a leading grain deal
er's company in eastern Oregon. Be
fore going to Pendleton. Miss Putnam
held a position in the state house.
At present the Putnants are domi
ciled at the Marion hotel, hut tomor
row they are planning to move into
their former home, 11-15 Chemcketa
Mrs. George Waters returned from
Portland Bunday night, having passed
the New Years holidays with relatives
Club circles of tho state are evinc
ing a keen interest in tho forthcoming
meeting of the board of directors of
the Oregon Federation of Woman 's
clubs, which will be held in Portland
next week, when a number of import
lint matters will come up for decision,
including the place for holding the
convention next year. Miss Mattie
F. Beatty of Sulem, a vine president
of the state federation will be present
at the meeting.
Mrs. Charles H. Castner, president
of the Oregon Federation, will preside.
Mrs. Castner, who camo down from
Hood River Saturday to attend tho an
nual meeting of the council of defense
in Portland d, in speaking of the
broad activities open to the club wo
men the coming year:
"Oregon clubwomen have a wonder
ful year before them if they will but
grasp their opportunities. There are so
many big things for us to do along
lines of reconstruction.
It Soothes and Relieves Like a
Mustard Piaster Without
the Burn or Sting
Musterole is a clean, white ointment,
made with the oil of mustard. It dees all
the work of the old-fastuoned mustard
plastersdoes it better and does not blis
ter. You do not have to bother with a
cloth. You simply rub it on and usually
the pain is gone I
Many doctors and nurse use Muster
ole and recommend it to their patients;
They will gladly tell you what relief it
gives rrom sore throat, bronchitis, croup,
stiff Deck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion,
pieunsy, rneumatism, lumbago, pains
ana acnes 01 ine DacK or joints, sprains,
sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted
feet, colds of the chest (it often pre
vents pneumoniae
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $23X
Continued f row page, 0ne)
formal dinner was given in his honor
Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Hilfiker, at the Forest
Fruit ranch south of Kaloin.
Word ha8 been received from Miss
Laura Heist, a former well fcnown Wil
lamette girl, who has been awaiting or
ders in .New York city to go overseas
as a reconstruction aide, that aho will
bo kept in this country instead, to do
simitar reconstruction work among the
returned soldiers being treated in the
American hospitals.
Miss Hoist has just been released
from a New York hospital following an
attacK ot intiueiiza. tfbo will be sta
tioned at Camp Devcns, Aver, Massa
chusetts, one of tho best camp hospit
als in the country and one that special
izes in reconstructive aid to tho wound
ed soldiers. Miss Heist took the recon
struction course given at Heed college
last year.
Miss Lina Heist and Misg Lulu Heist',
sisters of Misg Laura Heist, will pass
ror iiib now jenr is sHreiy giving the romainjo, 0 th0 winter in Salem
promise of being a very busy one for at thl, home of their moh., Mrs. Su
the club women of the state. The work, Mnna He:9tj m ,Korth Commercial
dropped so suddenly more than a year 8trec,t iiavig attended the University
ago to take up the more vital work of f Washington last semester,
the Red Cross, the war auxiliaries and .
the many activities attendant upon tho Miss Esther Vincent of Hutchinson,
women whoso men have gono to war, Kansas, who has beon vising Mr. and
is being resumed. Clubs that suspond- Mrs. W. B. Vincent and Mr. and "Mrs.
cu miring tno period or war aro ro- jg, x. MeKlvaia of Sulem tha past two
organizing, courses of study are being months, left for Lo Antics todav
taken up where thoy left off, and plaus
nlong other lines of. culture, educa
tion, civic betterment, social service
and imany other good things thnt wo
men ' organizations reach are being
Mrs, R. ,E. Pomcroy i9 spending a
few days in Portland at tho Multno
, mah hotel.
M rs. Richard E. Hnrbert (Ora - E.
Constable) who Is recovering from an
attack of influenza, plans to leave for
Kiversido, California, shortly where
she will join her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
. O. Constable. Her husband, Sergeant
Hurbert is stationed at Camp Lewis
end wilt nlso go to Riverside as soon
n ho receives his discharge fjom the
Mr, and Mrs. Halph Wittenberg of
Portland are tho guests of relatives in
Mtlem. Mr. Wittenberg is associated
with the Jocal Wittenberg King plant.
Coming as a surpriso to his relatives
was tho return of Orton If. Hilfiker
from England Saturday ovening. lie.
wes in the 3lth aero squadron. An in-
The appalling ravages of Spanish In
flueiiKa in this country nio perhaps
Jiest realized by tho statement recent
ly made, thnt more deaths lave result
ed In little mure than a mouth from
it his disease than through out whole
eighteen months part ioipii tion in the
battles of tho European war.
Our greatest danger so, declare
authorities, is the great American ten
dency to forget easily end to believe
the peril is over. Competent authori
ties claim the coming of cold weather
is very apt to .bring a return of this
disease ami .there should bo no let up
throughout the winter months of the
following easily observed precautions,
leniemuering that influenza is far eas
ier to prevent than cure.
Influenza is a crowd disease. Avoid
-rowds es much as possible. Influenza
V'ermi spread whim ignorant and care
less persons snoi'se or enugh without
iing a handkerchief. Cover up each
rough or sneeze. Do not spit on the
'floor, tide-walk, in stroot ears or pub
lie pla.'cg. Avoid the use of common
driiikiing cups mid roller towels in
jiublic places. Ikes tli (i aouiA reliable
germicidal and antiseptic air to de
stroy tho germs that du find lodgement
in your noso and throat. . .
Remember, no safer precaution
against influenza could be employed in
this manner than to get frcm the near
Vst drug store a complete llyomoi out
fit consisting of a bottle Ot tho pure
mil of Hyomei and a little vest pocket
iard rubber inhaling device, into which
a few drops of the oil are poured. You
should carry this inhale about with
yon during "the day and each half hour
or so put it in your mouth and draw
deep breaths of its pure, htsling germ
tailing air into the passages of your
nose, throat and lungs.
By destroying germs before thny ae
ituaPy begin work in your blood, yon
may make yourself practically Immune
to infection.
AU these suggestions about Spanish
influenza are equally true in tho pre
vention of colds, catarrh of nose and
throat, bronchitis and even pneumonia.
(Don't become careless. Do your part.
Keep tho germ sway. You may save
yourself a serious illness and the loss
of seveml weeks work. Dan'l J, Pry. '
whore she will pass the spring months
as the guest of relatives.
Miss Gertrude East, who was
Portland visitor over the week end,
has gono on to Corvollis to resume her
work at O. A. V.
A now organization has assumed uni
que rank among clubdom circles,' that
of tho M. O's," a batchelor's club,
which hold its initial meeting Monday
night in its commjidious quarters at
the Masonic Toinplo. Tho nature of the
club's activities will bo a social one,
more or loeg. Ji. 11. Wugner presided
over tho program of tho evening which
proved to ho more or less impromptu,
embracing a varied entortuinnicnt of
music and other divertuig-leaturos. A
sumptuous spread sorved to round out
tho gaieties of the affair.
The charter mioinbem presont wore:
Clifford Townscnd, Warren Brashar,
Howard Millard, Kenneth Wilson, Veru
Dragor, Earl McDimough, Aruiin Bor
ger, Dewey Hnmmill, John Fields and
Hex Howard. -
Letter Was Response For Ap
peal to Open English Homes
To U. S. Soldiers.
London, Doc. 18. (By Mall.) Prob
ably tho American girls who sent thoir
young men overseas to win the late in-
lamented war will breathe a great sigh
of relief when all the boys embark for
home, for the interest of tho girls of
England and Franco in the dashing
young chaps from the United States is
not entirely pltitonic.
lteeently the International Y. M. 0.
A. Hospitality leaguo in London gent
out an appeal for more homes to be
oH'iied to men on leave in England,
looking toward the time when coiiclu-j
sion of pence would bring still greater
numbers of overseas soldiers to (treat
Britain who would bo released from du
ty oftener but still unable to go homo
This Letter Was Result
Among the answers was this letter,
which discovers a new field of activity
for the Y. M. C. A.
"Pardon me writing to you, but see
ine; in the Dailv Chronicle of today
about soldiers coinlnsr home on leave.
If yon know a lonely soldier would
yon kindlv give him mv address I have
enclosed, for I should like very much to
know one. tn I reirret to say my young
man has been killed at the front. Hop
ing you will d0 yonr best for roe.
Yonrg respectfully,
P. R. I shall be very pleased to heat
from any if you know. I am 23 and
Mr. and Mrs Earl Pearcv arrived
here this morning from Pnlem. Mr.
Pearcv has lust been discharged from
the nrniv service at Cnmu Lewis, ne
left Rnsxbur for the service on Sep
tember 1. Mr. Pearer before leaving
for the service was fruit inspector of
Douglas county and will resume his for
mer )osition, Roseburg Review.
France Deeply Shocked.
Paris, Jan. 7. Franco is a deeply
shocked at the death of Colonel Theo
dore Boosevelt as though she bad lost
one of her great sta tesmen.
"A great friend of Franee is dead"
said the Echo de Paris, but he nei
to see the event he so ardently wished
France' victory to which America so
gloriously contributed and for which
the blood of his own son was shed-
"He was a forerunner of American
present greatness," tho Journtd said.
"It was during his presidency thar
America was brought into being a the
great international power which today
unaortascs t0 create a society lor the
Foreign Minister Piehon, writing in
the' Petit Journal, said: "Our admira
tion for President Wilson cannot pre
vent us from rendering just homage to
the qualities of his adversary, who, like
Wilson, had a great live for France."
''Trance has no stronger friend in
the United States," gaid the Petit Par
isian. Jussercnd, ambassador to tho United
States, gave out the following state
ment: "Colonel Boosevelt 's death will
bo mourned nowhere more sincerely
A CfcWum NMnomM that wilt brine i
lief la maar arut an4 chronlo caae
PforMra la hjKlit form, a buM rem
''ly highly TftcflminnSei by acltncth Om
taiaa harmful drvta, Try Una ttxUy.
50 cents a box, including war tax
For sale by T! 4rn4ta
CekaMa Uwrstaar, Hularfeiphia
and we always enjoyed meeting him.
Ho will be missed by many friends in
this eountry to whom he endeared him
self by his attractive character and his
msny talents."
. Seattle's Tribute.
Seattle, Jan. L Silent tribute to The
ode-re Boosevelt will be paid by Seat
tle tomorrow when in conformance with
a proclamation by the mayor, all eiti
iens are expected to halt whatever they
are doing and stand at silent attention
from 9:45 to 9:50 a. m. during the fu
neral of rormer President Boosevelt.
To get the genuine, call for full name
lets. Look for signature of E. W.
than in France, whose cause he vi.-mIGB0TJ!- Cureg Col,J 0nt 30-
in her worst crisis, in a way which can
never bo forgotten."
Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Boose
velt Jr. and Captain Kerniit Boosevelt
aro not in Montsbour.
Cable From King George.
Oyster Bay, Jan. 7. A cable express
ing sympathy with Mrs. Roosu, ta
her bereavoment and paying high trib
ute to the late Colonel Boosevelt, was
received late today from King Georgs
It follows: "The queen and I ksvo
heard with profound feelings of deep
regret of tho death of your distinguish
ed husband and we offer our most sin
cero sympathy for your irreparablo losf
Wo had a groat personal, regard for him
(Continued from page one)
mer G. White on the police force, Tho
petition was ordered placod on file
where it will probably stay, as the pa
trolmen had been selected at the recent
E. L. Briggs and H. D, Nelson both
presented petitions asking the Br-srat-ment
of janitor for the comfort station
at High and State streets. Beforred
to the building committee.
The North Salem Woman's club pre
sented s. petition asking the appoint
ment of Mrs. Myra L. Shank as polico
nailed down the job, the petition was
placed on file.
The governor had "his proclamation
read calling attention to the reclama
tion convention in Portland Jan. 9-10.
It was placed on file.
The city treasurer and city attorney
were ordered to foreclose certificates
of delinquency numbers 1 and from 3
to 31 which have been issued for de
linquent municipal liens. The Coast
Steel and Machinery Co, wrote that it
wanted to buy some rolls owned by the
city. Beforred.
In a petition in which the big bridge
is called the Polk county bridge, ifj
was assed that fa be allowed for the
sweeping of the 'structure every two
weeks. Beferred.
Mrs. George D. Peck broke her hip
Dee. 2, 1918, from a faU resulting from
a bad sidewalk on Chcmeketa street
She asked the couneil to at least appro
priate tWO... This was referred.
William P. Lord presented a bill for
$170.20 for his incidental expenses for
services a, s-ttorney in the ease of the
Salem Light and Power Co. against the
city or ealcm. Alderman Wiest want
ed to see the itemized .list before tho
account was allowed. - .
All officers of the Salem fire depart
ment and police force were elected, ac
cording to the plans as outlined at the
caucus last week, Hugh Bogers didn't
want the job as city engineer but did
want Walter Skclton to have it. Mr.
Skelton was elected and Mr. Roger's
name not mentioned. Other appoint
ments including that of Kay Pemberton
city physician and Mrs. Myra Shank
and that of B. W. Macy, city attorney
were otticiatly ratified.
About 20 voters attended the first
meetipg of the new council.
On the Albany Democrat's 1st is the
name of Philip Swank of Tellman, who
j is, in two seuse,8 of the word, the Dem
ocrat 's oldest subscriber. He is 92
years old.
Should This Idea Win Favor
America Would Ha?e toRe
turn To "Isolation."
Tou can't dn better than tn fnntlmT
As Mrs. Shank had arfeany .your nest with war savings stamps.
By J. T. Mason
New York, Jan. 7. President Wil
son's return to Paris from Italy means
opening of final discussions between
French statesmen on the one side and
American and British on the other con
cerning the attitude of peace conferees
toward the orge-mzatiou of the league
oi nations . .
The basic principles of the proceed
ings of the peace eonrence will be
decided by the debates of the next fw
day's in Paris. This means .that the
present week maj become criticial in
its influences upon the world's future.
Challenges Central Powers.
Premier Clemeueeau is holding out
for a now quadruple alliance to consist
of France, Great Britain, Italy and the
United States, which' shall in effect
challenge the central powers and Bussia
to a contest for world dominion. Allied
statesmen are in some respects inclined
to follow France's lead in this mater.
The Paris debates, thereforo, will find
America and Great Britain representing
ono viewpoint and the Latin countries
Tho Lating cannot win, however, be
cause neither American or British pub
lic opinion would sanction a return to
the balance of power diplomacy. If
France aud Italy block the creation of
a league of nations, the alternative will
be America's retirement from co-operation
in the affairs of continental Eu-
Make Them Wear Like New
, As Did This Canadian
A Canadian army officer, William
Pemberton, of the famous Princess Pat
Regiment, told of the extraordinary
wear given him by a pair oi army boot
twice repaired with Neolin Soles.
- "Six months of trench warfare under .
destructive conditions put the first .
pair of Neolin Soles out of business.'
said Lieutenant Pemberton, "but ordi
nary soles would have gone to pieces
in much less time."
Don't throw away shoes that can be
repaired. Have them re-bottomed with
tough, durable Neolin Soles. Any
cobbler or repairman will do the work
for you. The price is no more than
(or soles that give less wear. Remem
ber Neolin Soles are created by science
to be what soles should be. They
are flexible and waterproof as well as
durable. They come on new shoes of
all styles. They are made by The
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company,
Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot
Heels guaranteed to outwear any
other heels.
flfeoiifi Soles
rope end the resumption of her former
position described by Englishmen as
one of splendid isolation."
Board of health restrictions at Eu-
geno requiring that alternate rows of
scats in theatres and picture houses ba
roped off to lessen danger of "f!n"
contagion, has been revoked. Quaran
tine regulations stand, however.
Isn't it about tiino for a little mora
Go o
HAT "bad back" is probably
due to weak kidneys, a trouble
that of ten follows grip, a cold, a
fever, worry or overwork. It shows
in constant, dull, throbbing back
ache, or sharp twinges when stoop
ing or lifting. You have headaches,
too, dizzy spells, a tired, nervous
feeling and irregular kidney action.
Don't neglect it there is danger
of dropsy, gravel or Bright disease! It is usually easy to correct these early trouble s, however
and avoid the more serious ailments by giving the kidneys prompt help. Use Doan's Kidney
tills. 1 housands have saved themselves serious kidney ills by timely use of Doan's.
Read These Salem Cases:
Lee Street
J. H. .Ponton, 1405 Lee Stroet, says: 'On several oc
casions a cold settled in my back across my kidneys
causing pain that extended into my loins I know that
my kidneys were to blame and started using Doan's Kid
ney Pills, I found them just ihe thing to rid me of the
pain and disorders." '(Statement given December 11,
.On April 12, 1916, Mr. Pcnton said: "I have never
found a more reliable medicine for backache and kidney
disorders thau Doan's Kidney Pills. Whenever my kid
neys get out of order Doan's soon put them right "
Mission Street
Mrs. O. H. Deacon, 14tS Mission street, sayss- 'lt
has been a long time since I have taken Doan's Kidney
Pills, but speaking from past experiences, I can say they
aro a medicine of merit. I had a dull pain across my kid
neys and at times it was very severe. After I had taken
Doan's Kidney Tills a few days, that disagreeable ache
disappeared. My t(ack and kidneys have caused me but
very little trouble since."
North Church Street
Mrs. Elsie Kouscher, 12(13 N. Church St., says: "Sev
eral years ago I suffered a great doal with rhoumatic
pains in my back and nioro or less through my whole
body. I ached all over. My kidneys were congested and
irregular and I concluded they were the cause of the
trouble I took Dean's Kidney Pills and thev stopped
that pain in my back and I have been troubled very
little since. Whenever I have noticed my kidneys need
ed attention, I have used Doan's Kidney Pills for I have
found iney have always helped me. I couldn't recom
mend a better remedv."
State Street
P. V. Brown, retired farmer, 1499 State etreet, says;
'Hard work had weakened my kidneys and I often felt
the effect in lamonesa and soreness across the small of
my bock Finally my attention was called to Doan's
Kidney Pills and I got some. The backache and sore
ness entirely left me." (Statement given January 31,
On April 11, 1916, Mr. Brown said: "I am ready to
confirm any time what I said in my former statement,
regarding my experience with Doan's Kidnev PilK I
still consider them a medicine of merit and they always
do good work when I take them."
High Street
Joseph Wint, retired blacksmith, 668 High street, says
"My back and kidneys bothered me. My kidneys were
disordered and my back was weak. Doan 's Kidney Pills
soon put me right." (Statement given December 12, 1912.)
On April 11, 1916, Mr. Wint said: "My opinion of
Doan 's Kidney Pills is just the same today as it was
when I gave my first endorsement. I haven't had any
kindey trouble now for several years and I give them
the credit for bringing such lasting results "
S. Thirteenth Street
Mrs. L. M. Dragcr 869 S. Thirteenth street, says:
'I can conscientiously say Doan's Kidney Pills are a re
liable medicine for kidney disorders. I have taken them
at different times when I have had a dull, tired feeling
across my kidneys and when my kidneys haven't, been
acting regularly Doan 's have never failed to give me
quick rleicf. It is only once in a great while now that
I hnve to use a kidney medicine."
W 1 J
Erery Druggist Has Doan V 60c a Box. Fsoter-Mlarn Co Manufacturing Chemists, Buffalo N. Y.
me j
JLL all sli JLi