THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNai SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAi 2, 1919 Only Two Infkenza Cases b Normal Sdool PROPER CARE OF PASSENGER GARS Motorists Acquiesce to Sugges (Capital Journal. Special Service.) Monmouth, Or, Jan. 2. On Monday morning there were still two eases of influenza at- the dormitory. The other tions of Defense Council to Learn Their Autos. l MEM ! i GUNK 5. 0ZBL Wl KEEP THEM EFFICIENT PAUJL iWU mkm a i i f. Mr. sin Mr J. B. littler an lost uBujaum n xear s uiuner par- ty yesterday at their residswe, Ml ejeatar abreet. A brilliant red eolor o-1 ttf prevailed in the table decoration, ! mmalins tmu-hM n th ivi,l aote. A novel centerpiece of the beau- ttfai Scotch heather, bearing bloom l"xi iur some mo. no is expect- ".uj mp crus me Atlantic i,ew f a deep maroon hus shading into dark arrive home tho first of next j ey, the younger aon, is gunner'e mate orimson further adorned the tabid. I68- Mr. Slade- enlisted in the ser-oq the Oregon. He spent a furlough of Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Underhill, Dr. and Mrs. George u. Ajucn, Mrs. w. u. wttler, Mis. ci. H. Cpmoyer, Mrs. L. R. Cage of Ma rion, Indiana, llarold Drake, Lawrence Austin of 0. A. C. and the host. A large circle of Salem friends ft regretting the departure of Colonel and Mrs. George Sk Young, who lett for tAeir home in Portland this morning. T ey were accompanied by their dnugh ter, Mra. Polly Beed, of Tacoma, who nt been the guest of her parent dur ing the holiday season. Colonel Young has been command suit of the 6. A. T. C. at Willamette university the past few months. He ex pec's to enter upon hi duties as in-pector-iastructor of the Oregon na tional guard in the near future. Dur ing thuir residence in Salem Colonel and Mrs. Young have been domiciled at the Marion hotel. Mrs, Young is the possessor of a charming personality, DIE AM HEADACHE Tv-.v i T?l,4 I JUIU AViuaiciuic uu , recftnt orde, D th, ot , and Temples health. A headache remedy without the dan arers of "headache medicine." Relieves Mr. and Mra. Marion Putnam of eadichsj and that miserable feeling from 10t5 North Church strort are enjoying colds or congestion. And it acts at once I a visit from thoir son, Bergennt Chaun Musterote ia a dean, wbita ointment, cy I. Putnam, who arrived in Balem made with oil of mustard. Better than a Tuesday nii,lit from Fort Benjamin mustard plaster and does npt blister. Harrison, Indiana, having been re Used only externally, and in no way can leasi-d from tho earvice. Kergeaut Put it affect stomach and heart; 8J some in- nifln left alom in August, having been vernal medicines do. stationed at Camp Lewis during the Excellent for sore throat; bronchitia, dy fall and afterwards transferred croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, con to the eastern cantonment, sestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, jail pains and aches of the back or joints; Mins Ocrtrud Bobison of Dallas sprains, wre muscles, bruises, chilblairia, WM ft Sahm Tiaitor yMtoraay( naving ica, "w.,.. lrevmts pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $250 i i 4 i ROSTEIN 8 GREENBAUM WINTER TINDEItVVEAR LOWEST PRICES Men's Ladies' Girls . Fleeced Fleeced Fleeced Lined Lined Lined Union Union Union Suits Suits Suits $2.25, $1.50, $L75, and 1.25 and And $1.25 $1.15 $1.00 Ladies separate garments 85c Children's separate garments, 45c and 39c Fur Muff and Collar $G.OO Ladies' Mercerized Sweaters $6.50 ' t UMBRELLASA great variety. Children's umbrel las, neat handles at Ladies' Umbrellas at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 $2, $2.25, $2.50 Ladies' black gloria silk umbrellas. Ivory rings, $4 n1 1 -11- 1 11. . tr- nA i ' T iiwureu suk umDreuas Good Cotton Ladies' CCxSO 5a"l Gowns $6.50 , $2.50 $1.50 , Sheets 3 Pound Silk 81x90 Cotton Flounced Batts Petticoats $1.00 65c $2.95 GINGHAMS Nice variety, plaids, and small checks, 220;!lIMEtT and has to th tsteem of a large """"""r ui irmm ouring ner snort 7 u Tot bMO received by Mrs. Jomn J. Roberts that her brother. Fritz Slade, is enroute to Salem from CamDli" stationed at the present time in the Hancock, Virginia, where he hag been j viee Jw $ Wowing a short train T ,"ur9e ln the ordnance echool at jthe University of Oregon at Eugene. - - - Uns. Baraih A. Evans of Portland has been reappointed state chairman of the woman commixte for tne fifth lib-1 erty loan drive, which will take place 1 sometime in April. Although Mr. Mc- Adoo'a resignation and the appoint ment of a now secretary of the treas ury occasioned many changes, no change was made in the nafional wo man's eommittee. The Oregon srga ni dation perfected for the last drive will remain intact. Mrs. Evans is just in receipt of an invitation from San Francisco to be tho guest of the federal reserve bank of that city to meet Mr. Franklin, who will be in San Francisco the latter art of January to confer with the cads of the liborty loan committees; Dr. and Mrs. O. L, Scott and small son, Russell, passed New Years in Ore gon City with relatives, Tho W. B. C. and the Q. A. K. will not hold thoir joint installation of of ficers Friday afternoon at the armory s originally scheduled owing to the 8)nt tne arternoon ln tho city as a t , tha w c Dibbl h on 5,nrt(h LiW ,..,. Mr. end Mrs. Harold B. Anderson loft yesterday for thoir home in Meat tie, after spending" the holidays with Mr. AndorsOn'B parents Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Anderson, and his sisters, Mrs. Alfred Acklny of 844 Mill street, and Ladies' Crepe Kimonas $2.50, $2.00 $1.65 $1.50 and $1.25 at ?o.uu ana $o.ou nurses stripes large lots of new patterns. Mrs. E. L, Kapphahn. Mr Anderson DeJngs to the navy nd is now at tending- Q. M. & ia tettl. He sx pects to finish in February. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Anderson have- two other sons, also in the navy. The elder, Bay, Philadelphia navy yard and ha, made fifteen days with relative in tialem this fall. Mrs. B. Eakiu and danghter, Miss Gertrude Eakin, returned this mornind from La Grande, Oregon, where they nave 'been enjoying a holiday gojourn with Mrs. Eakin 's son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Eakin. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Littler received word yesterday evening of the death of Mr. Littler 's niece, Miss Florence Littler, who succumbed to an attack of influenza while passing the Christ mas holidays in Portland. She has been teaching in Vancouver, Wash., the past semester. Miss littler was well known in Salem, being a graduate of the Ore gon Agricultural college and having clauncd a number of friends among her sorority sisters residing here. Adler-i-ka Nelps Her! "After using Adler-i-ka my wife is able to do her own housework and did all houseeleanins. The soreness and pain in her side disappeared," (Sign ed) W. H. Brubakor. Balina, Pa Adler-i-ka expols ALL gas and sour ness, stopping stomach "distress IN STANTLY. Empties BOTH upper and lower bowel, flushing ENTIRE alimen tary canal. Removes ALL foul matter which poisons system. Often CUBES constipation. Prevents appendicitis. We have sold Adler-i-ka many years. It is a mixture of buckthorn, eascara, glycerine and nine other simple drugs. J. C Perry, druggist. ' Lieutenant Taw To Return Home This Week (Capital Journal Bpocial Service.) Silvcrton, Or., Jan. 2. Lieutenant William C. Taw of Camp Meado, Md., has recoivod his discharge from the ar my and is oxpectod to arrive in Sil vcrton with his wife some time this week. Mrs. Taw, wh0 is a teacher n the SUverton schools, went to Portland Sunday evening to meet hor husband. Mrs. Theodore Opsund and little daughter of Portland spent the holidays witi'. feilvertou relatives, returning to Portland Saturday. .Mrs. A. h. Wrightman and sou, El gin, have been visiting with Mrs. Wrightman 's brother, Lowis Johiiion. at Portland. Miss Hildit Neviaon of Portland re turned to Hilvorton Sunday evening to resume her dutios as fourth grade teach er. Mrs. Lola King has fully recovered from the flu and returned homo from Portland Hunday evening. Mrs. and Mis. Chri Aim arc vot ing nt I ho L.otropo'.is this week. Mis? Uonr:i:ita Storsoli is reocrtud ill with the flu. Little Francis Keen?, daughter of Ir. sud Mrs. Keene. i also1 suffering from the epidemic. ! The flu Booms to be making: another run on Silvcrton. Apparently there are more cases at present than ever befoie snd the town remains open. Among the new cases are Fred Callister, Tom BliocKley and Mr. and Mrs. Hillinns- worth. There are a number of others under the doctor's care that have not been pronounced flu eases as yet, Mis Vivian Browns was in Balem on business Tuesday. Miss Miua Hubbs ia home from Hn loiu; the schools at the place being a.l closed. Mr. Rydell is among our first over seas men to arrive home in Silverton. Mark Paulson met him in Portland leaf Saturday, niht. Mr. Paulson and Mi. HydcU reached Silverton the following day. Mrs. Faye Starr was quite badly hurt last Sunday night while returning home on the 8ilverton stage. The slippery roads eansed the wheels of the stage to skid, and In so doing the machine ran against a telephone pole. Several of the occupants received a severe jolt ing but evidently Mrs. Starr was the most unfortunate of all. It was found necessary to do considerable repairing en the stae so Mr. Parker is running s smaller ear this week. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BRUMO OU1XISE Tab lots remove the came. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVES signature on the box. 30c. BOYS WILL BOOST ,?T"g,t0 ? '""fJVpl"- demonstrators, govern that his grandfather fought in the ' ... . ,; civil war. "What of itf asked the other. "He has a hickory leg." rejoined the first. "That aiut nothin','' said the oth or: "mv sm'er s eedar chest. four girls, who were id a week ago h&ve recovered sufficiently te enable them to g ta theii names for New Xe&rs. The twe will remain throughout tne vaca tion. There, arc no other easea in the eity. - High sanool was resumed Monday morning after the brief three day vaca tion. The normal and training schools will open again next Monday, January 6. and it ia to be. hoped the remainder of the school year will be uninterrupted by vacations of any sorb President and Mrs. Ackerman spent Christmas day with their daughter and family in Balem. Miss Gladys 1L. Boise of the normal faeulty and John C. Stombaugh were very quietly married on the evening; of December 21 at the home of Mrs. Min nie Ericson of northwest Monmouth. The ceremony was performed by Bev. E. C. Pace of the loeal Baptist church. after which light refreshments were served. The bride was simply gowned in white satin with irrideseent sequin trimming. The groom wore the olive drab uniform of the United States ar my. After a brief furlough Mr. Stom baugh will return to Camp Lewis and the bride will continue her duties tfl instructor at the Orogon normal school. In a reeent letter from Stanly Evans dated Nov. 2s from, Chaumont, Prance written to his father are some very in teresting bits of experience covering the time since bis enlistment in com pany L st the beginning of the war up to Nov. 24k This letter is the first of Stanley's to eome through uncen sored. The trip over on the Tusccnia lasted 14 days when she landed them at Liverpool on Christmas day one year ago After a short rest in England they were sent to France, landing at Havre en Jan. 2, 1918. From here the company tramped through a foot of snow to Nevers, where they did police duty; Stanley, however, being chosen by the battalion major to work in his office at military police executive which be did for five months. At the big training center of St. Aignon, Noy era and. at Centres where the 162 was split up to fill vacancies, Stanley ex perienced one of his deepest sorrows that of parting from his eomraaus of Co. L, as they were needed at the front. As Htanley was a non-commissioned of ficer he wa retained here to train the new men from the states. . This train ing was very intensive end many could not stand the severe test and fell by the wnyside. Stanley said he learned to adjust his gas mask in five seconds and in rifle practice with the mask on he hit 14 bulls'' eyes straight in a 350 yard range. Then he learned all about ma chine gun 8, hand grenades and bayonet fighting, after wich his work was to instruct the new men in these lines. On several occasions he scted as part of a convoy to guide fresh troops to the front. This was torrible hard work he says bue he was happy in doing it and came tlrrough O. K., weighing only 20 pounds less than usual. Although it was Stanley's highest ambition te get into action at the front ,he was de nied this. However, he and only one other from tho 3rd batalhon wero cho sen to help make up a body of 2S0 pick' ed men from tho 41st division who were sent to guard American general head quarters. This is considered one of the greatest honors that can come to a company of soldiers in France. A fow days ago he said they had been escort when General Pershing was decorated by General Bliss. One has to be every inch a soldier, he says, to be a mem ber of headquarters gnard as the eyep of the greatest military men of the world are upon them. Stanley states that we shall soon see this company in moving pictures. Turner Lodges Hold Joint Installation : Turner, Jan 2. On Dec. 26th Pearl lodge No. 66, A. F. A. M., and Vic toria chapter No. 78, O. B. 8., held a joint installation in the lodze rooms of th Masonic hall. Brother Sherman Swank of Aumsville acting as install- ;ing officeT for both orders. The ofti- eer for 1919 are: W. M.-nChnu B. Littlev S. W. James M. Bones, J. W. Ralph Chaves. Treasurer John hafer. Secretary-. E. Waggoner. O. B, 8. Officers W. M. Peer! Rprr, re-eleeted. A. M. Mrs. Mildred Thiessen. Conductress Eva Palmerton. A. Conductress Elsie Lewis. Secretary Ada Swank. Treasurer UslpW Chsve". L O. O. F. Fidelity Lodge No. 38 Noble Orand A. L. llarader. Vice GrandC. W. Forrest. Secretary J. E. Whitehead. Financial Secretary B. E. Robertson Treasurer M. A. Nicely. Bebekaa Ideal No. 223 Noble Grand Ma RobertBon Vice Grand Mia Blaeo. Secretary tMable Martin Treasurer Susan -KJirnrdin Financial Secretary Emma Hohl. Parent Teachers Association President Atrs. Maud Bones Vies President Mrs. Ora A Bear Secretary Mns. Mabel Martin. Treasurer iMrs. Nellie Riches. Budapest Is In State Of Siege And Disorders Prague, Jan. 1. Budapest is in state of siege following disorders, thought to be the outgrowth of communist New iear demonstrations. Several were kiu- ly. Mobs are apparently getting the upper, hand, having besieged main force of guards in barracks, and government buildings. Ihsordera are continuing under ' Owners Realize Help They Can Ren 4tr Government by Lightening Load on Garage and Repair Shops Work Not Difficult That passenger car owners have adopted the suggestions recently made by the war economy board of the na tional council of defense to familiarize themselves with tbe proper care of, their cars, so that thej can not only . render "first aid" to their cars without depending on mechanics or service men, bat keep tbem 100 per cent me chanically efficient, is the opinion of EL P. Branstetter of a large automo bile concern, who adds: "No doubt the Increased use to which owners are putting their ears, coupled with a realization of the help they can render the- government by lightening the road on garage and repair shops, and de sire to economize as much as possible, are the reasons. I "Once owners know the first princi ples of automobile construction and the proper care of the important me chanical units and parts, they wUl Snd that It is not hard nor difficult, and, what Is more, they usually develop a; pride ln being- able to keep their cars In first-class condition. Learn Lubrication. ''One of the first things the owner should learn Is how to keep his ear' properly lubricated. Through the adoption of oil lubrication in place of the grease-cup system, keeping the car properly oiled is no longer the time consuming bugaboo It used to be. "How to apply the brakes without skidding or burning the tires or brake bands is another very Important point to learn. Proper Inflation of tires and quick attention to breaks In the tire ' tread should be watched for and reuie-! died immediately. "The adjustment of the carburetor j la another item.. If the owner will take a ten-minute lesson at any ear-' turetor service station he will find that It not only makes It easier to do this work himself Instead of stopping at a garage, but It will keep his motor j running smoother and more silently, and at the same time reduce carbon deposits and Increase gasoline mile age. 8ave Strain on Mechanism. "Owners should make a point of learning how to drive and handle their ears on all kinds of roads without ex cessive wear on the transmission and springs and unnecessary strain on the frame and axles. These first princi ples may sound a little difficult, but they really are simple and practical and become second nature In a very short time. The average overhauling or the re pair Jolt which consumes the repair man's time and the driver's money, Is directly traceable to an owner's neg lect to take the proper care of his car from the first day he owns it. Squeaks should be stopped In the beginning before they have developed, necessi tating constant watchfulness and tightening up, which was formerly done once a month, but Is now recog nized by the alert Awner of today as part of his daily duties while driving his car." Convenience for Auto. . A new convenience for automobile tourists Is a folding gasoline cooking stove that can ba carried In a car and be supplied with fuel from Its tank. ' MONMOUTH NEWS (United Press staff correspondent )i Monmouth, Jan. S. Engineer S. W. Ostroia who has been on duty at Ft. Canby for over sixteen months, receiv ed, orders last week to report to Ft. Columbisv to relieve the muster elec trician there. This puts him in charge of all the engineer and signal corps property, au the power p!ant9 and tele phone systems. The trtuirfer is an agree able one, as Ft. Columbia is a newer fort and is more eonvenientlv located. Sumner states that practically all of the men at Ft. Canby were discharged last week, only ten remaining to do the necessary fatigue and guard duty. None of the non-eonmissioned staff had as yd been released, there seeming to inrr cream in nose AND STOP CATARRH Tells How T Open Clogged Nos trils aad End Head-Colds. ion feel fine in a lew moments. Tour cold in head or catarrh will be gone. XOnr rlOOTfvt TUUfvila vnll Tl - o . n.u p ... in air passages of your head will clear and yon can breathe freely. No more dull ess, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges or dryness; no strug glrng for breath at night. Tell your druggist yon want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream ia your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, and relief eomea instantly. It is just what every o!d and catarrh sufferer needs. Doa'W star stutTed-ap and miserable. Crescent Baking Powder The vy best baking powder Is ths acting one. It raises first when moisture Is addod m th mixing bowl, aad then again whsn heat is applied. Crescent Biking Powder has this double raiss and it is what Is needed te thorough. tf psrmtatt th dough mass and males Crescent Mf g. Co, be work for all of them and a ten dency on the part of the war depart ment to hold them as long as possible. Jumner put in hi application for a dis .hare a month ago. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hombree are box; ing up their household goods prepara tory to moving to Fillows, California, where Mr. Hembree has acquired interests- in rice farming. They expect to start Friday or Saturday of this week. Floyd Mason and family will occupy the Hembreo ranch south of town for an indefinite period. Miss Daphne Ostrom came up from Portland to spend Christmas with her parents. Daphne is employed as stenog rapher for the dispensing clerk of the American Railway Express Co. Miss Vera Lee of Airlie arrived Mon day evening for a few days visit with her sister, Doris, who is attending high school here. ' Mrs. George Sullivan and daughter, Bessie, left Mondny for McMinaville where they will make their home. Mr. Sullivan preceded them by several woekg and is now running a meat mar ket there. The Sullivans have lived in this vieinity for the last ten years and inve many friends here who regret to see them leave, but wish them success n their new home. Captain Chaplain W. A. Elkins arriv ad home Christmas eve from Ft. Co lumbia on a two day furlough, spend ing Christmas day with his family here returning Thursday. Rev. Elkins ex pects to receive his discharge at an arly date, and will probably resume hig duties as pastor of the local Chris tian church. The T. J. Edwards family spent Christmas day with thei John Palmers. Mrs. Ncal of Turner, mother of Mrs. Edwards end Mrs. Palmer, was over to enjoy the day with them. In tho eve ning Mr. and Mrs. Edw.ards and Mrs. Meal motored to Turner and attended the joint installation of the Eastern Star and the Blue lodga. Mr. Edwards is a member of tho Masonic lodge Monmouth is suffering from scarc ty oif water, partly due to some need ed repairs ibeing made. Luckily there are still a number of good wells in and around town, so at this season of the year it is not probablo that any one will dio from thirst. Mr. and Mrs. Chance Mulkey and daughter, Naomi, arrived in Monmouth Christmas eve from the logging camp at Brighton. They will remain here for a month or so or until work in the in dustry is again resumed. Mr. Mulkey who left tho bakery here to take up this work in the open in the hope of benefitting his health, is much improv ed, having gained 40 pounds in weight and is feeling fine again. He and Mrs. Mulkey have been cooking- for the log gers. Floyd D. Moore of Dallas who is Mr. Business CTR APES flfflfjj CQUNCIL As a matter of economy you should consult the Journal's Job Department before placing your printing--we are satisfying Salem's leading firms put us on your calling list. Phone 81 delicious, light and easily digested brtsdt, cakes and biscuits. Try Crescent. You'll t delighted with th results. Tour grocer probably has it if not writs us jending his nam sad address and yours, ud w will ssad yon ths Crescent Cook Book free oa request.' Seattle, wash. eonvalescin; from an attack ot pneu- . monia following inflnensa, was able to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Alonza Moore. Mrs. Nelson Badgers is spending tbo holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mre. J. G. Thomas, just south of town. Mrs. Rodgora is teaching echool this year at Philomath and hr husband is in the service stationed at Camp Lewis. May Purchase Lower California From Mexico Washington, Jan. 2. President Wil son has requested that the TJniteet States begin negotiations for-the pnr chaso of the peninsula of Lwr Cali fornia from Mesieo, according t a res olution introduced today by Senator. Ashursf. . After two years as manager of the ' Bend Commercial club, H. J. Overtuif has announced his resignation. Ends Stubborn Coughs in a Hurry Tot ral effectiveness, this old home made remedy baa no equal. Bu ll and cheaply prepMtd. You 11 never know how quickty a bad cough can be conquered, until you try this famous old home-made remedy. Any one who has couched alt day and all ' night, will say that the immediate relief &iven is almost like magic. It take nt a moment to prepare, and really, there is nothing better for coughs; , Into a pint bottle, put 2 ounces Pinex; then add plain granulated sugar syrup to make a full pint. Or vou can use clarified molasses, honev. , or corn syrup, instead of gugar syrup, if desired. Either way, the full pint saves about two-thirds of the money, usually spent for cough preparations, and gives you a more positive, effective remedy, lb keeps perfectly andi tastea pleasant children like it. You can feel this take bold instantly soothing and healing the membranes in all the air passages. It promptly looseiift' a dry, tight cough, and soon you wiH notice the phlegm thin out and then) disappear altogether. A day's use will usually break up an ordinary throat on chest cold, and it is also splendid fop bronchitis, croup, whooping eougb, and bronchial asthma. Pinex is a most valuable concentrated! compound of genuine Norway pine ex tract, known as 'the most reliable remedy; for throat and chest ailments. lo avoid disappointment, ask your, druggist for "2 ounces oi Pinex" with, full directions and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute satis faction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Man J$ rUtsburf Chronicle-Telegraph.