Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 01, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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i ilfiiSiSifiVotSEtWSStS
I wvfr t iw?f9
I i
l "I
Bate per word New Today t
Imi insertion
. 1
Ome week ( Insertions) ,
Dm nooth (28 insertions)
The Capital Journal will not be r
Sponsible for more than sue insertion,
for errors In Classified Advertisement
Bead year advertisement the first day
It appears and notify as immediately if
rror oeeura,
Minimum charge, 15.
WANTED . Carpenter work, repair
work especially. Phone 720. 1-1
U" YOUB BOOF LEAKS phone 1074.
FOUND tPair shoes, owner prove and
pay for ad. 1-2
WANTED Work by experienced jan
itor, P P C care Journal. 1-6
WANTED Young man to work at
Capital Journal. tf
)UND Mackinaw coat. L. J. Lownds
Et. 4. Phono 9F22. 1-1
WANTED Washer woman to wash
Monday mornings. Phone 658. tf
(WANTED To rent 5 or 6 room house.
Address Box 54, McCoy, Oro. 1-2
iW ANTED Wood chopper for 200
cords. Phono 44F5V 1-5
f)B SAIiE Work team, 2400 lbB.
Phone 44F5. ' 1-4
COW for sale. Phone 3SF11. Skyline
orchards, Bt, 3. 1-1
HANIDY manwants work of any kind.
Phono 2481B. 1-1
FOB a typewriter mechanic phone 937.
s 1-23
FOB SALE Equity in good piano. Call
Mrs. Prickey. Phone 742. tf
HWaiKHT prices for chickens, poultry
and hides. Independent Market Co.,
. Phone 104. 157 South Com'l St. tf
FOB SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor,
engine and boiler complote, cheap.
Box 868, Turner, Or.
JjOST Plush r on Center St., near
17th. Please notify IF, U Wood,
Phono 2510J2, , , , .ill
FIOS SALE One fine B I. Bed male,
2 years) eld; 150-egg Mandy Lee in
cubator. Call 1947J Between 6 and 7
p. m. f
WALL PAPEB 19 eents per double roll
upward. Burea'a Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. f
CALENDAR for 1919; large figures
for practical use. Call oa Homer H.
Smith, the insurance roan, MoOor
nack bldg. M
OLD papers for carpets, etc., 10 eents
per hundred, call at Journal office
WANTED To rent small acreage, pre
fer near Silvertou or Pratuin. Ad
dress 128 care Journal. 1-&
MAXWELL for tale, 275. Terms. Me
chanically perfect. Highway Garage
Phone 355. Call 1000 S. Com'l. tf
LIBERTY BONDS If you must dis
pose of your bonds, we will buy
them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf
WANTED A team that will weigh
about 2800 lbs. Anyone having such
a team for sale, call on or address
Frank Fiala, Bural Boute No. 1, ox
21. 12-31
PLENTY of money to loau on good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pap 1100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 814 Masouie
bldg. Salem. tf
TO THOSE looking for genuine frune
land opportunity, here's ehance,
$50 an acre for 80 acres in prune dis
trict adjoining going prune orchard,
half in cultivation, balance timber,
6 mites south on good rock road. E.
M. LaFore, Phone 1251 W. l-
for the Cost of Constructing a sidewalk
To Archie Parker, George Paster,
Margaret Parker, Virgil Paris tad
Wilda Parker:
Yon are hereby notified that the city
f Salem has, by ordinance S. IS 69,
levied 'aa assessment spoa let 7 i
block 13 of Highland avenue addition
to the city of Salem, Oregon, owned
by you, in the sum of $82.25 for the
. cost of constructing a cement concrete
sidewalk on the north side of High
land avenue In front of and abattiig
opon said lot Said assessment vu en
tered in the minor ties docket of tho
city of Salem on the 13th day at? De
cember, 1918, a charge and liea
gainst said lot, and the same is now
due and payable to the city, treasurer.
By order of the common council, tfcit
notice is served upon yon by publica
tion thereof for ten day in tho Daily
Cftpiral Journal, daily newspaper
' published in the city of Salea.
Pat of frist publication hereof if
December 20, 1918.
Recorder of the city of Satasa, Oregon.
Jan. 1
WANTED On e or two fresh eows, no
Jerseys. Call 5t?Fll. l-l
FOB SAJLB Two brood sows with pigs
8. A. Pickens, Rt. 8, box 104. 1-2
WH1TB Wyandotte eockerela for sale.
Phone 2057J. 13
WANTED To buy, ducks, chickens,
II kindg of poultry. Highest prices.
Cherry City feed barn. 1H
FOB SATiW . .Driving horse, cheap, or
to let for its keep. Phone 97F12.
WANTED Good Salem property for
120 acres timber, near Air lie, value
5000. Phone 2325. 1-2
FOB SALE Young New Zealand Bed
does. Chorrv City Babbitry, 890 Oak
8t. Phono 1296. 1-2
WOOD choppers wanted for 100 cords
of wood. Phone 704 from 6 to 8 p.
m. 1-6
FOB 6a.LE Horse, harness and hack,
price $50 for quick action. Grote, box
55, Bt. 2, just past West Salem. 1-2
WANTED Tat, thin and fresh cows,
veal and large calves. Phono 1425M.
FOB SALE Band of goats. Inquire at
Clifford Brown's office, 129 S. Com
mercial. 1-1
WANTED (Big fir stumpage, 3 or 4
mile8 from fair ground on good Toad.
Phone 105F12. 12-31
FOB SALE 10 acres fruit land. En
quire betweon 9 a. m. and 5 p. m.
at rug and carpet works, corner Mill
and 20th. - 1-4
POSITION' wanted by man familiar
with stationary engineering of all
kinds. Steady, reliable. .Address En
gineer care Journal. tf
ABOUT 8-4 acre, 6 room, semi-modern
honge, 8 blocks from capital bldg.,
' $2500, free of encumbrance, or small
farm. Owner in town one week. 556
Onion St. ' 1-3
EP TOO must sell your liberty bonds,
nu them to me. If you can buy
more liberty bonds, buy them of me.
I buy and sell liberty bonds. W. A.
Liston, 484 Court St. tf
IF the woman who was with the party
of four at the Needle Shop at four
twenty Sat. will return the purse at
once will save trouble. 1-1
Ebert Says German Peace
Delegation Will Vote Solidly
For This Measure.
By Frank J. Taylor.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Berlin, Dec. 30. Germany will be the
first country to advocate international
abolition of compulsory military service
Chancollor Ebert declared in an ltuer
view with tho United Press today.
Ebert said tho German peace delega
tion would voto solidly for this and
similar measures, providing the other
nations unanimously approved it. But,
the chancellor said, if France contin
ues to keep a strong standing army,
Germany will favor the adoption of the
Swiss system of modified service.
Got Ready Three Times
But Never Even Started
Lloyd T. Bigdon, former city alder
man, now in the service, had his pack
rolled and ready to start for France
three different times, according to a
letter received a few days ago by sev
eral of his Elk friends. But he didn't
even get started aa about the last, time
the order came to pack up the armis
tice was signed.
Mr. Bigdon is now at Camp Lee, Vir
ginia, and of course doesn 't know
whether he will be kept in the service
six weeks or six months. In moving
from Camp Mills to Camp Lee, ho
writes that he had a 30 honr ride on
tho ocean in one of the big army trans
ports, then had a nighfrido of eight
hours on a river boat up the James riv
er and then a ten mile hike to Camp
Virginia is (hat section is about 60
years behind times, he writes. There is
a strict blue Sunday law and in Rich
mond and the big towns no picture
shown are open and stores are not per
mitted to sell even a cigar on Sunday.
Ho writes that Oregon looks pretty
good to him, compared to Virginia.
Plumbing and Water Systems Installed
by G&ABE& BBOa, 131 South liberty
St, Phono 650. Also agent for Pali-
iMiiks-MorM Om Enginei.
- f ' If.
On" all
We have
Hand Bags
Holiday Shopping Hit This Stock
Hard to make final clean-up
This "Cop" will pro
tect your pocket book.
Look for his move on
Was Here Until The Early
'80s To Keep The Cows
And Horses Outside.
By just one year and one month W.
T. Bigdon missed being born in Ore
gon. That is, lie was just past one year
old when he arrived here with his par
ents from 'Iowa and that was away
baok in the spring of 1850. With the
oldcvt pioneers, he can say that ho
traveled over the plains in an ox eart
nine years before Oregon was admitted
as a state into the Union.
In these early days, driving a three
ox team to Salem was his usual work
as there was no recreation and when
he got to town it was his business aa
a boy to go around to the hotels and
saw nulls selling what tney bad raisea
on the farm two miles east of the pres
ent location of Woodburn.
One of tho ssnal sights in Salem in
the early days wan the high board fence
around the.etate house grounds, then
Inventory" we have put a policeman in every department of the Big Store with orders
broken lines, short lengths, and odd lots, of our strictly high grade merchandise. This
save you money
Yellow Place Cairds
With the sign of the Cop. Always bear in mind, Meyers never carries cheap, shoddy, inferior merchan-
dise, and you are never shown old accumulations or somebody's bankrupt stock and when you deal with
MEYERS you are patronizing your own town
Coats Furs Dresses
H Price
made up two lots of the Short Lengths
NO. 1 LOT NO. 2
'I r
known as WillHon avenuo, extending
from the state house to tho post olnce
grounds The cows ran at large in thoso
days in Salem and fences were one of
the household necessities
When the effort was made to secure
tho ground for the post office, it was
necessary to buy off all the Willson
heirs, as the land had originally been
given for public uses only After alt
the Willson heirs had signed a quit
claim deed, the post office block was
sold to the government and the money
received partly given to the heirs.
In the original deal between the
Rev. Willson and the Oregon Method
ist missionaries, it was agreed that Mr.
Willson and wife should take up the
640 acres on which Balem is mostly lo
cated and that after his four years
occupation and patent issued it shonW
all be returned to the Methodists, al
lowing Mr. Willson and wife certain
percentage for sale of lots.
As was customary in those days, la
issuing patent for the 640 acres, Mrs.
Chloe Willson wa given title to the
north half, which happened to be north
of State street and Mr. Willson the
south half. There haa been no contro
versy as to title of the land south of
State street, but as Mrs. WilUon had
not signed the original agreement with
the Methodists, to return the land af
ter patent had been haned, it seems
she did not foel disposed to carry cut
the agreement signed by her husband.
M m
our opecia
Loo: . for the
Entire tock Of Our Highest
Grade Sweaters sold for $25.00
Ginghams, Linene Shirting
Flanellette, Sateen, Crepes
Ladies' Underwear
The Famous "Merode" a strictly high
grade underwear, sold only by the
Best Merchants, Garment
You can always do better at
Hence for years there was a cloud
on the title of land north of State
street which was originally in tho title
of Mrs, Chloe Willson and in the early
'70 'a there was law uit over the title
of land oscupicd by tho court house.
Judge Boise, father of Reuben Boise,
was attorney for tho county in the suit
brought to quiet title of the court house
I square and the county won the suit.
More llan 200 Casualties
In Posen Street Fighting
Berlin, Dec. 30. More than 200 cas
ualties have occurred So far in street
fighting at PoBen, according to the Tag
eblutt. The newspaper declares Ignace Pad
erewski probably is leading the fight
ing. Forming Government.
London; Jan. 1. A coalition govern
ment is being formed in Poland, it was
learned here today. Ignace Psderewski
ig reported to have left Poscn for Wat
saw. Proclaim Martial Jaw.
Amsterdam, Jan. 1. Germans and
Pole kv jointly proclaimed martial
law in Posen according to dispatches
-"erivfd her today. '
Ladies' Sweaters
Short Length Table
If you miss the specials in these, you
are passing good bargains. We are de
termined to clean up this box stock
3 in a box a box
Opportunity is rarenevet
let it go by.
offer an opportunity to en
joy constantly the finest
tobacco under its mo6t
perfect form. Blended to
appeal to the most cul
tured taste. An incompar
able smoke.
to "Move
Cop will
Look for the sign
of the "Cop". It's a
move on prices.
.Will Cement Friendship,
Says French Newspaper
Paris, Jan. 1. President Poineare'
visit to the United States, announced
in an exclusive United 'Press interview!
yesterday, will afford Americans on
opportunity to return the record break
ing hospitality extonded to President
Wilson, Paris newspapers declared to
day. The visit will clinch the friendship
notween Fram'e and the United Htutes,
it was aid.
The iuterview was prominently dis
played' in all morqing and afternoon
tpers in spite of the fact tlint only
two-page editions wore issued today.
When yon use Journal class If 1-
ed ads get what yon want thra
to -they work fast. ,