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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1919)
PAGE S1A THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. EDNE&QAY, JANUARY 1. 1919. Happy New Year Happy New Year Why Paris Shoe Shop Grows We Grow as our reputation is built on: QaaSty Merchandise Fair Prices Honest Dealing That is what you get at Paris Shoe Shop. WATCH US GROW HEEIIHG OF HIGHWAY .: OFFJCiALJvSALT UKEj'j Chief Subject For Discussion'; ill Be Concerning bov- eminent Aid. i.'SUPEBIHIMIS . ASK TAX INCREASE Also Recommend That Each School District Be Given $100 More AnnoaDy. An increase in the county school tai id a new basis for its distribution among the various school distrir s in the county is recommended in resolu tions adopted by the county school su perintendents who nre ia session a', the state house as a state examining boards The superintendent recommend that the eount y school tax, which is now i levied on the basis of $8 for each child numerated in the school census, be in- J3 . a .in Si As to the distribution of the county Ith 'government will extend aid HtMMtMMHMM(tMMtttMMMM State Highway Engineer Nunn will leave tonight for Salt Lake to attend a meeting of highway engineers and highway officials of the west The meeting will be held January 3 The ehief subject for discussion will be the bill pending in congress which provide that tie eavernmiint shall spend 00,000,000 in aiding highway construction in the "arious states. High way oifieinlg of western states desire to have a provision inserted in the bill which will change the basis on which :t it Happy New Year V HOME OF QUALITY' Happy New Year school fund, the euperintendents recom mended that each school district be given $200 instead of $100, as at pre sent; that $lt be allowed for each At present the basis is 50-50. The gov eminent requires the state to put up dollar for dollar, while the western road men want this ratio out to at teacher who attends the annual eoun-'1 '0 T fu onl l0T 6V' ty teachers' institute, instead of 8 orv ?? P" "P bv ne tatc- Tiey as at present; that the balance be ap- gue that tho western slates, which portioned on the basis of actual school j n&ve long distances and comparatively DETROIT AND TRISCO (Continued from page one) and forth on Market street in confetti four inches deep, other throngs lined up at tho bars gathering in inspiration, without which it is believed, such a colobratlon would fall flat. Daylight found isolatod celebrants confiding to lamp posts that the end had come because the country it go ing dry. RESUME FEO-GERMAN PROBE Washington, Jan. 1. The senate committee investigating activities of the Gcnmaa propagandist will resume hearings Friday. STREET CAB STRIKE attendance and tho number. of teach ers employed. Miss Cornelia Marvin, state librarian and who was recently appointed stave historian to compile a record of the Oregon soldiers and sailors, will con fer with the county superintendents tomorrow relative to the questionairc which is beiug prepared for mailing to I every school in the state. It is planneil I to obtain through the work of the I schools a full record of every soldier or sailor. Each home from which an enlisted man went to war is to be viB ited and a questionaire for that soldier will be filled out. The work is to be completed between January 6 and 17, WHAT? LABOR WANTS scanty population, compared with east ern states, are not getting a fair deal under the SO-SO arrangement. If the bil! "becomes a law Oregon's share will be about $9,000,000 j ii NAVAL FORCES TO BEii DIVIDED INTO TWO BIG i It Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 1. Milwaukee streetcar men struck today for higher wages. There were no disorders. London, Jan. 1. Labor wants an in ternational minimum wage, regulation of child labor and abolition of sweat shops, George H. Barnes, labor leader ond former member of the war cabinet, declared in an Interview today. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Admiral Benson Will Yisit Pacific Coast To Survey Situation Here. ! ( i i 4 1 Oar NEWYEAR'S WISH That it may bring you a bountiful supply of the good things of life, and a capacity to fully enjoy them. 'minimi - W.W.MOORE To All WE Know- Mm if I m J I I OUR GREETINGS FOR THE HAPPIEST OF NEW YEARS E. L. Stiff & Son To New Owners of Victrolas We Extend a Cordial Invitation to Avail Themselves of OUR VICTOR RECORD SERVICE- , We devote an entire floor (second floor) to the proper demonstra tion of Victor Records the Demonstration Rooms are glass par titioned, sound-proof and perfectly ventilated Comfort Always. We maintain a BIG STOCK OF VICTOR AND PATHE RECORDS- . Our corps of demonstrators will gladly play any record without any obligation on your part to purchase. They will advise regard . ing your selection of records being thoroughly familiar with all the Victor Records, from the popular dance numbers to the most beautiful operatic selections. Convenient Payment Terms. VICTROLAS $22.50 TO $400.09- Dealers in Steinway and other Pianos, Pianola Pianos, yictrolas and Records, Player Music Cabinets, Piano Lamps, etc. ' wusmngton, Jan. 1. American nava;, ii forces will be equally divided into At-, J J lurilic aud Pacific fleets by next sum-1 1 .. mer, becretary of tho Navy Jui..ola; told tho houso naval affairs committee " The socrotary also said that he end AdffiiTal GntYSOn OrdCFS Admiral Benson would visit the iaciiic r I . T T I l const soon to survey the situation there! "resident 10 lake KCSt with a view to putting the new plan 1 into operation. By Robert J. Bender ticftllv strinn,l nnrl it. v,; .,i 1a"9 Jn- 1 President Wilson cn- ment added to tho Atlantio fleet, 'be- , jnv 0(1 today his first relaxation since cause of war conditions. coming to Europe. Despite a cold rain Daniels pointed out that under the bo played golf early this moiling U new plan of dividing' the forces imo. the famous Bt. Cuold links. He was ac equal parti, tCS, fiftv would bejiept at companied by Mrs. Wilson and Keai top noticji'bf fcompetitiou and rivalry , Admiral Grayson. ' . botween the two forces. ; After returning from his golf the Keep Main Air Stations. Iprosidont held a lengthy conference The navy will k'ep one main air sta- with Colonel House, tion at San Diego and another at Pen-1; President and Mrs. Poincare called sncila, the secretary said, adding that upon he Wilsons at the Murat palace no additional stations would be built this afternoon. now. A training ition wr the marine; Orayson has ordered tho pv-artfent to corps will also be kipt at Ban Diego : tako tw0 days absolute rest. Ho will and it is probsbU.hat the naval train- spend ono of these days in Paris and f2J iJraO 448 COURT ST. PHONE 941 "Trade In Your Old Machine" ing station at Goat Island will bo trans- fo -fcil 1 1 fan Diego or some other south oru Cuiifornin port Final decision on this matter will oe rcsorved until Dan iels visits the coast ,he said. Daniels also gnvo the committee a statement on Japans' naval strength. Ho shows that Japan has 13 battleships with four building or projected, seven battle cruisors, ten cruisers, 16 light cruisers with seven building or projected, 66 destroyers with 23 more building and j 10 submarines with 27 building, Asks About ConQitions. I Representative Hicks of New York asked Daniels about reports of the un sanitary condition of the marine corps CEinp at Brest. Daniels replied that tlte printed sto- j ries were "very sensational" and tuat Genorul Butler has been officially roc ouunended to him for making the con ditions at the camp toierable I Representative Butler of Ponneyiv-.t-l in, fuiuer of General Butler, who was mentioned by DanieiS, di.tcusu uio condition of the camp, but both Dan iels and Butler requested that what tuey said should not be printed. Their remarks, however, tended to coiiium mat t no Conditions st Brest were very bad. At on tune, it was s m v . ing the discussion that the Marines had taken hay sway from the hoi sub to make beds for sick soldiers. Daniels ended the discussion by pointing out) I that the marines were under direction I jofthe army the moment they landed in' : Krn nee. . j The committee was then handed pro- j ; posed legislation putt'sg the permanent; jstrenfth of tne mi rine corps at ! about 9000 more than the present nu jthorized peniinnent strength, but about loue-hulf of the present temporary strougth. Soon in Permanent Stations. The marines, Daniels said, would soon bo taken out of the New York i and Mare Island navy yards au.i pu.c- at tho permanent marine stations at I Jaii Diego, Paris Islnil, 8. C, aud yuan jtieo. The station for advanro training will be at (junntico and the other two , will be used for preliminary training, j Daniels declared that the buying cf i 12 acres of land at the JS'ew York nuvy yard was "absolutely necessary." He asked $2)00,000 for this purchase, stat ing that the New York yard would al ways be the most important one. Delay ! in the purchase would interfere withi naval construction, Daniels (said. 1 Explainig the need for land at .-tew-j port, R. I., the secretary said that he planned to establish one of the base r'aciu-s ,i nav-ul traii stations there. I !., t .'a- t two me to be at Hampton ; Kucds and CliieJuro. Par-Mi asked fo nB.tretion of a v.nter tyMem at Key Vet, Fla., at a c-st of 2,0fJ.lKTJ, lirlaiiMi tiiat Key West was one sou'iern jy.rt adapted f ir a base. The other to !.ses, ho said, would bo kept st Now Loudou, Conu., and San Diego. - o on the train on route to Italy, for which he will depart nt 7 o'clock tonight. Yisit other Italian Cities. Rome, Deo. 81. President Wilson will visit Naples, Florence, Venice and probably Milnn, in addition to Rome, it was semi officially announced today The Giornalo D 'Italia declared today that Premier Orlando has decided to postpone reorganization of the minis try until President Wilson's arrival. Preparing for Visit. Rome, Dec. 31. Decoration of . the chamber of deputies, in prcpsration for President Wilson's visit, was. begun to day. . Z Former Crown Prince Appears At Public Dance Wieringen, Jan. 1. The former Ger man crown prince, mingling with the" people for the first time since tho re cent unpleasantness connected with his gift of a pair of silk stockings to a local modiste, attended a public dance last night. He neither ate nor drank; fearing, it ia lolieve-d, he might be poisoned. j Portland Greets New Year Very Portland, Or., Jan. 1. Nine- teen nineteen was greeted here by crowds which thronged the streets and cafes until aa car. 'ly .hour this morning. There was mncn noise,' little booze and no disorders - - Bootlegging added- to the -Jf good time of a few of the eel- vbrants, liquor changing hands $ on street corners. sjc The price, early in the even- ing was $15 a quart, $16 by midnight and $20 at tne break of dawn. During the year 1918 there ver ap proximately 23,000 iudustrial accidents or an avcrago of 84 for every working day, reported to the state industri1 accident commission. In 1917 the total number of accidents reported reached 15.000. . Feldstein Director Company Wish You tt A Hap py New Year Ever since coming to Salem we have enjoyed a very liberal patronage and We cannot refrain at this time from expressing to you our appreciation. We trust that our relations for the future will con tinue as pleasant as they have been in the past and that suuu neaiin ana gooa icrtune will be yours duTinjr the New Year. ft tt tt ll t it it n tt Closing Out Spencer Hardware Company Salem, Oregon. 474 Sf t. R. . - At tttttt?t''Mt"t HMt