THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAYJANUARY 1, 19ia PAUL TWO DR. SCOTT, PiONEER LI CHIROPRACTIC g ftpQ' By CAROL S. DIBBLE j HE WAS A LOGGER WAY BACK IN 1882 M la The Easiness And Is rYesidentitflWSpadslmg Logging Company. A-CiViyUE and gala observance Hit. Bichard H. Robertson (Louise of New Yean day was enjoyed Ben eon) has returned to Portlanu f by a gay group of golf enthusi- ter a holiday sojourn in the city with ata, who motored out to 4hs Country her parents, Judge and Mrs. Henry L. club today for an afternoon of golf , tionson. which eulminated festively with a five I o'clock dinner served at the club house Mist Maude Punbin arrived home 2. JirlVr. Poland today to pa ahe New iras the turkey, recently won bv Ed- min Jj. Baker as a trophy in the tur key tournament held by the members of the Iilihee Country club. The gaiot ties also honored Mrs. Homer Smith whose birthday anniversary likewise Cell on this festal dato. Participating in the informal jollifi cation were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith Mr. and Mrs. George G. Brown, Mr. Year holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i W. Durbin at their home on uourt street. Miss Durbin, who has held a government position in Port land the past year, will remain in Ba lera for the present, her plans for the immediate future being indefinite. ' Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Hofer were de- uid Mr. Edward Dillingham, Mr. and I lightful dinner hosts today at their Mrs. J. U Jjocke, Mr. and Mrs. James nome on Boutu commercial street. .Bid den to share in the Now Year's hospi tality extended at the Hofer residence were: Mr. and Mrs. . Hofer, Mrs. A iDomogalla's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Bynon, Mrs. Mary Hofer, Mr. and Mrs. Vyvien Bent and children of jfort- land and E. W. Bent of Portland. Mrs. L. Q. Haack and son, Gordon, will arrive from Portland tonight to spend week in Salem as the guests of Mrs C . i'armor and, Mrs. Armin Steiner. . Mr. and Mrs. . Cooke Patton and daughter, Miss Luclla Patton, wont to Portland today to participate in a New Year's family' reunion at .the home of Mrs. Patton "b sister, Mrs. A. W. Reg ner. Thoy will return homo tomorrow. M The Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. L Van Dorn, who are passing the mid-winter months in Minneapolis, will the glad to hear that they are both rapidly recovering from a siege of in fWUsoo, Ir. and Mrs. H. H. dinger and Mr. and Mrs. E. Jj. Baker. Though the New Year is invariably Creetod a a welcome opportunity ot s-onewing long standing friendships, the arrival of 1919 will mark the tem porary relinquishment of staunch friends In many cases, as the return to oace conditions and the consequent changes In the world of progress will lie attended by the departure of many persons into new end varied fields of activity. Among the Salom young poo dle, -whose going is carting a shadow of rogrot ver the gladness of New Years day on the part of a host of friend is Miss iFloronce Cleveland, secretary of the local Y. W. C. A. for the past two years, who loft for Port land this morning. Miss Cleveland resigned her position oversl weoks ago, after a most success ful and congratulatory period of pro ?resiv.s achievement in the upbuilding .1 ..1 1 U tJ 1 A nu iiririiuic ail ouiuw unauuiuuuu. lver animated Iby a desire to do .a vi tal part in the line of purposeful activ ity, Miss Cleveland intends to enter other fields of endeavor after a vaca tion interim. She will pass the New iY ear's season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cleveland of Portland. .Balemitea. who left Monday nigh for (Chicago to reside -permanently. The Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kinney and lit- tBynon have been enjoying a two tie sen, Robert, Jr., left lost night for months visit on the eoast, having made 5 or t land to spend Now Year's duy, go- jtheir n0me in Indiana the past two ) ig on to their homo at Astoria touior- years. sw. Mrs. Kinney has Jbeen visiting in v alem as the guest of her parents, Mr. Miss .Gladys Johnson, who has been ' nd Mrs. A. N. Mooros, since Thanks- 'cellist at the Oregon theater the past Having, being joined over the Christ- five weeks, left Monday for hor home as holidays 'by hor husband. During in Portland, where she will remain un- 5 stay the charming visitor has been til the Hulom thoater are re-opened. ie inspiration of numerous uelightf ul Miss Johnson is a talented musician .ffairo given by ner many girlhood and her J)lavin2 in conjunction with the work of Mrs. warren nunc on inu oman, has been a most popular feature at the Oregon this month, eliciting much commendation and many appre ciative remarks on frequent occasions. The meeting of the C. W. B. M. aux iliary of the first Christian church which was to have been held Friday afternoon las been postponed until further notice, in accordance with the recent lan oa all gatherings of any size. . Mrs R. M. Hofer is entertaining as New Years day guests, her father, . W. Bent of Portland, and her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vivien iBent, and children also of Portland. Mrs. IP. W. Witham of Everett, Washington, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. V. Oompton, at her home on South Commercial street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Domogalla, who have been holiday guests Of Mrs. la Sgyea Years Praciice Here Has Most Remarkable Success. Frank Davey, returned to their home at Astoria Monday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Pritchard were dinner hosts on Christmas day at their apartments in the Salisbury. Their guests included Mrs. B. A. Bolcher, Mrs. J. C. Pritchard, J. W. Bolcher, J. E. Belcher, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cordi ner and Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Koser of Balem. Mr. JCozer returned to his horns Wednesday night and Mrs. Kozer wiii remain in Portland during the holidays as the guest of her mother, Mrs. B. A. Belcher, at the Koeler apartments.' Oregonian. 1 Mrs. Ella Rosenborg, who has been the guest of her father, Jolin Wright, over the holidays, left for MoMinnville this moraine. Bhe was accompanied by her fathor. Thov will visit her brother fluensa. Thov olan to return to Baloin "d, JJx. and Jirs. weorge wngni, iribin a month nr hit WAflkiL .w Mrs. Allan Bynon was a week end visitor in Portland, having gone down to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Fred IBynon and family, former well known '''lend in the city. , Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Bennett are r dehrating New Kears day in Port land, having gone up this morning. Jc -f li T I'ifiiitii- i7n r.',rVi-i-ii'ii Avoid Crowding It's a good plan to visit the stores during the fore noon if possible. It's safer, and will assist the City Board of Health to check the epidemic. Store Closed Today New Years AChic " - Brown Boot For Women We just received these and they are really beauties. It's that soft, rich Havana Brown Kid admired by everyone. The style is a high top lace boot with imitation tip and military heels, mingling beauty with fitness for use a rather rare alliance, Price $8.75. Wool Blankets Frosty Nights Opsn Windows Check Influenza There are just seventeen of those warm, fluffy wool blankets left. When these are pone there will be no more for sale at Barnes' Cash Store and not likely to be any such blankets anywhere at these prices. They range from $7.85 to $19.50 less 20 per cent STORY OF HOW THE El Cherry City Baking Co. Puts Out 13.000 Loaves Daily Using 40 Barrels Flour. (Charles K. Bpauldiog, president of the Spaulding Logging Company -of Sa lem was a logger over towards New- berg in 1882 when but 18 years of age. Abont all he had at that time was youth and a desiie to accomplish some thing in the logging business, t or a number of ytt he logged by contract Oxen were used for the transporting of the logs and -there now bangs in the office of the bpanlding Logging com pany a pictuie taken in those early days, showing Mr. Spaulding as a young husky logger. The business continued to grow until in 1897 the company was organized with B. C. ifUet knd William McLaughlin, a young mau who had been working with Mr. Bpauldmtr. .Believing in tne fu ture of the lumber business, tne Hpauld- ing company purchased the Newberg mill of Dorranec Bros. In 1904 the company was reorganized and H. L. Pittoek and F. W. Ledbetter, Portland capitalists, were admitted. The Newberg mill was rebuilt and en larged and the 'Capital Lumber com pany ef alem was purchased from A. N. Moores, and became known as -the Spauldins -Logging company. At -the 'beginning ol tne war tne Snauldinc company was eiven large eon tracts by tno government, especially for the spruce lumber used in tne manu facture of airplanes. At the time the nr mistiee was signed and tne government cancelled its outstanding orders, SO Vr cent of the output of the mill was gov ernment ftontraets. Two ear loads ol airplane cants were being -shipped each week. The company now employs 175 men, and its contracts are mostly for rail road materials used in the construction of car .equipment and bridge materials. At present what ig known as yard trade is rather dull throughout the west And middle west but with the eoming of spring and the removal of all govern ment (restrictions, it ; is thought this trade will show considerable activity -To supply logs for 'the two mills the Hpaulding eompanr owng four camps Black Boek, two near Hospins and one at Philomath, known as Mary's rivor, The company now has one steamer the Oray Eagle used mostly 'for towing of loirs. Besides the manufacture of regular material, the company is manufacturing aeent for the Pacific coast or tne Jn- diaaa'giloB tne Money-weser au- fV Hats Men's Black Stiff Hats in several shapes, sizes 7 to 7 1-2. Formerly pric ed $1.95 to $3.45. Your choice for $1.25 Lot of Boys' Grey, Brown, Blue and Black Felt Hats, in all sizes, especially good for win ter wear, choice for 75c If the averago housekeeper would roally like to know the secret of mak ing good bread like that of the Cherry ity Baking company of Salem, now is the opportunity. For it will now be set forth in plain type just how it is done and the secret is no longer a se cret. To begin with, instead of mixing a nice pan full of dough, the bakery of course goes at it in something of a wlwli sulo style, but the idea will ap ply fur small amounts as well as large. During the summer and rail, tne Daa- ery put out on an average 13,000 loaves a day. When it opened lor -Business two years ago today, the output was just 2000 loaves daily. To bake 13,000 -loaves every 2i hours requires 90,000 pounds of flour or something more thun 40 barrois. But to proceed with the stor.T of making lireart. Just for one baking there is dumpod out of aacks into the sifteT and blender 000 pounds of flour. The blender mixes the different kinds of wheat flour that have .been found to produce the 'best bread. This blond er is largo enough to hold 40 barrels of flour at one time.. Everything is mixed 'by an automatic stirring appa ratus instead of the usual household spoon. With the 800 pounds of flour drop ped in the bin, placed there by an au tomatic scale, Iby another automatic weighing process, 300 pounds of water is also poured into the big .mixer. Now we have 600 pounds of flour and 300 pounds of water from which there will finally emerge 900 loaves of orend, each weighing 16 ounces. This amount of dough really weighs 1100 pounds 'but for each 18 ounces started on its way there finally appears but 10 ounces of bread, as the baking takes out two ounces from each 18 ounces jof dough. After the dough is placed in the mix er, by an eutomstic process similar to that of an ice cream freezer, the dough is mixed 20 minutes. To get the dough out of the mixer, rt is partially invert ed and it is turned out into the raising trough 12 feet long, 2 feet wide and two feet deep. There it remains for 5Mi hours and later by hand is kneaded down as no machinery has been found that will do the kneading automatically. This is one instance where the bakery has nothing on the housewife. The dough is taken out of the big trough by hand, put into a big hopper or dividing machine where it come out iu quantities enough to make four loav es of tread. On an automatic traveler 1 while on the way to the next machine, it is separated" into the amount of dough needed for loaf and rounded I up into the shape of a bull of dough, j Then in this round H shape it 'goes to the proofer automatically of i course given 13 minutes to rest and !on an oudless chain taken to the mould- !er. It is this moulder that shapes the I dough for the pan, giving it the reg lulsr loaf of bread shape. . Now the d'.mgh Is in the pan placed sin proof cabinets away from dust and arir to remain an hour and one half. It is then placed in the oven and baked for 25 minutes at a temperature ef 500 i degrees. From the oven the loaves go i to the cooling racks where they cool jin their own temperature in a steam ape .entters. The Indiana silo is com ing into general use aOn tne raciiic nrwiat and the company has sold its Bfoduct all the way from the Imperial Valley in southern California to the northern part of Washington ana es pecially in 'the Yakima valley. The present organization of the eoia follows: Chas. K. Spaulding, president; Hoy H. Mills, secretary and gonornl mnnaeer; H. L.. uocb, vice president; V. W. Ledbetter, treasurer. . . . ;.t .L V. O. Holt wno nas Deen wim mu cuui pany for the past 18 years is logging superintendent and William McLaugh lin. V. Assistant. Oliver Myerg is looJ manogor and Chas. B. Smith, silo aalcs manager. . Dr. O. -L. ficott -is the eloneer in Salem .of the Chiropractic School. He is. s graduate of the Fountain Head school of Uhiropractic, oi waveirpon, Iowa, and had lad nine years prac tice, seven of them in Salem -where countless numbers havt, been benefit ed and cured by his adjustments. Many of his patient are among the city's beet known residents and they are prac tically unanimous in their expressions of satisfactions with his adjustments and eniiusiaBtio in hU praise. His ever increasing patronage is an dio ouent testimonial to him personally, and to .Chiropractic -methods. It is one of the latest things in the Tealm of science of the body and being jd paratively new is not well understood by many. What js cniropraeuc i - nm i" WTitcr. "It is the science of common sense, nmlied the doctor instantly. It teaches that 'the ibrain is the source of ail bodily power; it is conveyed tbrouga the spinal cord and -nerves, which end in .every .tissue and organ of the body, and there expresses health. That the nninal cord and nerves are sort struc ture, and are surrounded by bones which are hard. That these iiones ere movable within eertain degrees, laat when they are moved beyond that, by accidents, the hard bones squeeze the soft nerves, decrease tnoir size, ein on the flow of life from the hrain to organ. That the degree of pressure registers the Jack of J brain current' that can't get to the tissue, hence makes any one of a thousand diseases. The chiropractic knows why, and how to remowe .these pressures anu per mit the currents to .continue transmis sion for the jpurpose of .reconstruction' of disease to health. It is a science and method of ad justing the cause of disease without drugs or instruments, based on a cor rect knowledge of anatomy, and espe cially the spine and nervous systems. The Chiropractic idea is that the cause of disease is in the person afflicted, and the adjustment in correcting the wrong that is producing it. The func tion nf nverv oraan in the body is .on- 'trolled by mental impulse, -from-the Happy New Year .a U. G. Shipley Co. A message from Washington states that President Wilson win oppose smu mg of the warships surrendered by eU- !TiinV- room. fThis is another big secret.) They stay in the cooling room for half an hour. From the cooling -room the loaves go to the Automatic wrapper whore each loaf M wrapped in a sanitary a wrapper and ready for delivery. From the time the f iour at the Cher ry City baking plant goes t'rst on the scale to the time ready for delivery is 11 hours. Wot the morning delivery ol ibread. the doueh is mixed at 0 o'clock the previous evening and js taaen am of the oven at 1:30 o'clock in the morn ing and delivered at 6 o'clock in the morning or as soon at the groceries open. dread for the afternoon delivery of the Cherry City Bakery pontes ou,t of the even about 8:30 in the morning. Two deliveries of fieeh iread are made daily. The Cherry City Bakery delivers in 40 towns outside of fcolem and its out side business equals the amount sold in Salem. 41. F. Kittman is president of the company and Boy B. Wise, local manager. brain which transmits through the nerves. Any impingement . or xnese nerves interfering with the transmis sion at mental impulse results in an abnormal function called disease. This interference is produced by gubluxated vertebrae proseing upon tne nerves th out from the spinal cord. The trained adjuster is able to locate the -point of obstruction -or interfer- ence. and bv means or aujunuug m subluxated verteDrae corrects me eauw and normal conditions of health is the result. . TnvBatiirn.tflon costs notning anu health And harminees. The chiropractor does not pin nis faith to any single panacea. Bimply knowing that pressure of bono on the nerve brings about abnormal physical conditions, he sets albout to relieve the eause of the- trouble and by his skillful mn;,,it.;wi f the nanu. no soon is able to bring about the proper adjust ntAtlr "I oUld say to those who are sick, worn out or troubled by disease, that an examination Iby a chiropractor would h oiiiiantiallv the wisest course to fol low. Nature may be hindered from her proper functioning through nerve pres sure. An analysis would soon locate aiieh disease and then by chiropractic methods, improvement and cure would ibe rendered the easier. Four years ago Chiropractic was recognised y the legis'ature as a dis- Uinct and progressive science, and it created a stato bopra oi cniropruciiv, The hoam was 'Vcrfecteii hv aDDointment bv the governor, and it has een in working order since June, IBIS. Dr. .Seott'e offices are 309-312 TJ. 8. National fcank (buildings f bone q Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m Residence 1360 8. Liberty and home phone 828R. Heve yonr new ear revarnished twice a year and yon will save the eost of repainting for many seasons. re ft XX ASK for c "A JT7Z a f 77 f ' Nourishing life S 20'M$ iBM. Dlsoatibla f&i No Cooking For Infnu,lavaUda udGrowlng Children. I Rich Milk. Mai tod Grain Extract in Pot flier "hs Original Food-Drink For All Ageal OTHERS ars IMITATIONS Hotel Marion Salem, Oregon A hotel worthy of its reputation as the largest and most complete - in Oregon outside of Portland; CHAS. G. MILLER, Mgr. Winter Seeding Of Cover Best; Says OJLu Oregon Agiicultural College, itor- vallis, Jan. 1. The best mothod ot netting a clover stand under western Oregon conditions is tiroadcasting -the seed on fall sown wheat, oats, ibarley, or vetch and oats grain in late J'obrti ary, writes B. F. Sheehan, instructor in farm crops. If the ground i dry enough, the -seed is harrowed in. if not, the rains will beat in enough to jnakc a stand. To succeed it :must toe ow not later than the first of March, be fore the spring growth begins. The seod will be tested for purity and ger mination at the experiment )Sl(atio seed -testing laboratory free of charge. Farmers may thus know -exactly what they are .putting on their fficlds. Files Cured In 6 to 14 Days Dnisgists refund money if Fit'.O OIXT ME'T fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Tiles. Stops Ir ritation; Soothes and Heals. You san get restful sleep after the f irt appli cation. Price 60c. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAf ilfclll,itllJMSr'rl!l TR APES C0UNCIL Mr. Business Man Carter's little liver Pills You Cannot be a Constipated u Dm y sanUfttes Fsr i ABSENCE l Iroa ta ths Blood to lbs rsasoa for . many colorless facus but rs.t..., ' -a t.: That Life khz As"a matter of economy you should consult the Journal's Job Department Mvrphc; y pri.;iL-we'Arc sail: SiCiXis kad-r iirirs- . ! i j w w i i -: i ;i " - ii