ri I'l u 1 1 I u New Year's Number Section i SI11CM M V u vyu u Itt UlTM li 4 1 ARE SOLD BY VALLEY HOT Ceorge Vick Made Trip To De- Iroit la Order To Secure - : State Agency.- : -Thei V' alloy . Motor Company wu or- -gauizod- by -Vick Bros., May 20, 1918. WILL MOVt 1U NtY HEADQUARTQtSSOON Salem Auto Co. Handling The Chevrolet Car Obliged To Seek Larger Quarters. The popularity of the Chevrolet auto mobile as a medium priced ear has been such tho past year that the Salem Auto company has been obliged to seek lar gor quarters for its rapidly growing business. i a . With F. G. Delano and A. I. Eof f as Ibe.t Thomson. manage, and tt.'!!!ri:i2; .ware, rooms- are. m State 'street and. betwwn Commercial and Front,- on ... Front- The loonipaay U organised tot March 1. 19T8. Within a month or so . tinndlo tractors, trucks and autos. . (the compauy will move to its new quar- To many an automobilo firm, the ter on HiBh Btrect .occupying the ontire ValloyMocc iui owiurs a wie mmcj tor u is mis urn or ttint secured , the. state agency for the - This building on both floors was or- - .... ftctor- - tonally built for an auto, business and wua alKtno loading auto. and tmoit iB geeuring a lease, the Bnlem Auto : ; dealers in, the gtate writing in to Henry- pjy will be in position to properly Ford setting fonk reasons: why each ghow itg iine 0f chevrolets and accee . flhould bo. appointed state agent for the gories. The lower floor of the building new -tractor, George Vick just packed wm t, f0r-0ff icos au u7 'oouia fcig grip last summer and headed for .llv. while the second floor, bv means Itetrott to hava a little confidential. 0f th0 electric elevator, will be for tho , witn. nonry. At- nrst Mr. vota rt,pair department. . ' told him Oregon wm to get no tractors , it is n the repair and keeping in o; . ijist year. But after. thinking it over flor of Chevrolets that the buyor of the i Henry decided that a man who would car has a special advantage, as the 8a ; travel half .way serosa the continent to lorn -Auto company employs specialists . talk over business, was entitled U some, only who have taken course- of study ; consideration. . vt . v at the Chevrolet factory and who work . As. a result Mr.. Viek same home wttk 0n nothing but Chevrolets. Their nie i tlia-contract for.the . state agency 6f the chanies are -Chevrolet specialists whioh , Ford tranter, in his pocket, envied of eventually means much to -the- Chevro- nil auto- men- in the state. That eon-' let buyer, .'j.-. r ; - ! r " tract -meant the handling .in one yen Every part of the car is carried in I of mora than. $1,0(0,000 worth of Ford- stock and the stock carried 4s one'of tho sons and .uiivor plows. . largest in the state,. Xhe owner. iO ... . . JHM Proved Succes,r .v..C'hq.r volet has the satisfaction f know-, 8lne last iugiist,. 45 Fqrdsoa tract- Ug that regardless of what part- juitflii ors. have been sold in Marion county.. bo broken or lost, he will find what he : t U Juirova Mk. success. unde, att th. le headquartars. , eonditions thatj-there.is.no question . Kepublic tires aro included in the i isised as to what the Fordson will do. 8tock and horo aKain the houso has aB - The main thing is to get one as the -advantage from tho fact that it does its . umbe assigned -to the county Is of own adjusting. Mr. Delano has a direct .. . . . 7 AAtitFat 4nr a A -iiri ti fr Ha nova thlLt - (ulnrsft - limited. At nrcsnnt tun mint ft "uJ""Vi"ft J WASTHEOWOF FIRST AUTO IH CITY Otto J. Wilson Claims The Honor And Says That Joe Albert Owned Second. Otto J. Wilson graduated from the bi cycle business into that of selling auto mobiles. The graduating was about 17 years ago when he wag handling Colum bia bicrclos In the room on Court street now occupied by the bicycle shop or A. H. Moore, ' Mr. Wilson brought the. first automobile-to Salem' and it is still .here saw ing wood. That is, he brought an 'Olds- grew and grow until pis year the sales were lui and tno reason ne otan'i seu more was because he didn't have them as during the past six months he only sold six. i But for 1919 Mr. Wilson ays tie will be able to. suop'r his! trade late in the spring, at he ha( ten promised full shipments by- tha time. As for price, he is inclined to think there will bt no change for a year or so. Besides handling the Boisk ear, Mir. Wilson does all kinds of auto, repair work, his. location almost at the foot of the big Willamette bridge being very desirable for general auto repair busi ness as well as in gelling gasoline. : He has been established at hi pres ent location eight yearsi . Mr. Wilson sav it was Joe Albeirt and Fred Wig sins who bought thalt Bambler, which was the Becond ear in Balem. That was 17 .rears asro. Also that a man would have, to own an airplane to- at- tract a-niucfe attention as they did in their first trips around town. ; ... riRST ELGIil IS STATE SOLD BYLBE GILBERT Decided That For Headquar ters, Salea Offered Great- st Inducements. ; Xe Gilbert, agent for the Elgin Rix and Harroun cars, sold the Iirst JugJi in the state of Oregon. . About three years ago he happened to notice an Elgin elimbing- one of- the steep hills in the eity of Seattle. The way. that Elgin simply glided up .tbe,t hill interested Mr. Gilbert as he was in tho nutomobile business, and from that GLOllLMO It s ale 1 $23,000 stock of for Polk and Marion counties is 15 each th f,m wl" ca"y ionth. . . s. f Besides the Fordson tractor, the Val- Besides the, Chevrolet, Mr. Delano and fey Motor company handles the Haynos Mr- Eoff have tho, f?J .the and Kssex cars. The Essex is a four Scnppa-Booth ear for Polk, Manon, , cylinder far made, by the. Hudson peo- Unn Lan0 and Benton counties., ior plo. Then the firm sells tho G. M. C. tho Chevrolet, they have Marion county f.nickg for Marion and Polk counties. and Polk UIltis- For Republic tiros This is a standard truck that as prov- thoT. have Polk Marion B;: -inn coua en its HKofulness. ' ties. In many farming districts, the track Mr- "o formerly factory ro and Fordson la rapidly putting the preaontativo for the Maxwell car in Or frw out of business an dthc high price eK"u' Washington and part of Califor f feed has helped materially. ?' "avl,nK aqutr.ed th,? aenc' . With-the business growing as It ha. the Chevrolet, after invest,gnt,on,Jne is .nce Hhv firm was aiven the Vcner for confident ho has the car that tho av- ... . " - ...pu.. ivoiita fn. nlfineiiru nil urnil as business and in this instance, he fools he has. the car that will fill tho bil for the farmers.. Tho first Chevrolet was sold n ito ruary of this year, and since then in this territory, the firm has disposed.of 230 cars. ' This year the Chevrolet will sell for 825 f. o. b. Salem. This is $130 less than what it was sold for a few months io Ford.-ton-. tractor, the firm is rapid ly outgrowing its quarters at State and 3'Vont, although it occupies both stories of tho building. . Mr. Thompson feels that tho Fordson business is just get ting under headway and that the bast nesit -will-double), tnift year:- - Monty's Tire Shop Puts Gates Half Soles Oa Tires Show rQME FROM fRAHCL STARTED FORD AGDiCY Sraeristendent Of Y. EL C A. Koter Service la Charge Of 1250 Cars. The first Y. M. C. A. man from over seas duty to arrive in tho city is God. E. Halvorsen, formorly with the auto mobile firm of Halvorsen & Burns. f Having been accepted for Y. M. C A.- work, be was sent to New York eity. CH1CE IMITATE . I. w . fM . " it 1 vick pros, rirst Began bcLr "Henrys' in lil.-oia : icidlaOae !ear. y Viek Bros.,- might have been selling mi.k and cream instead of Fords, but the little Goddess of Chance intervened. About seven years ago a Flanders " 2ft" started up a hill near Falls. City. If it had. gone to the top Vick Bros., might nave boon running a' ereamery instead , of Fords. . The itorv of the firm, is as follows: At thi point he was taken before tha George F. Vick and Chas. HJ Vicklsa' higher authorities for a general once-' yuug men, worked aa -common laborer ' over and to toll the what work he was at miu ne" .,.., j , . . . . , ., . . tney bunt one oi tneir own,, run n a best adapted to. As automobUe. had few7 ,earB and tten went -nt0. lkB been big line of work, he was put on the ereamery business at Falls City. : official dope sheet as an , automobilist ,. Early ia 1911, they wanted an auto and then sent to France, s T. land an agent of" a Flander "80" liad About tho time -he arrived at Brest.l?ne on the-ground to demonstrate. But .hu.l. M. C. A. division ox motor trucks u w." f! "f e"m " a in need of insnoctioi. arfd Ih. fch cerHun nui, ana me agreemrar wa. mas was assignee to Mr. llalvorsou. - ne assignment was completed in about two weeks and his report made. . The motor service of the Y. M. O. A. included 49 ears when Mr. Halvorsen first arrived and he wag soon put ia charge of this division. Gradually, as more Americans come to France and the service of tho' Y. M. C. A. grew, it was not long until Mr. Halvorsen had Automobile At Armory 1 Vieks and given to a Ford agent. Then Viek-- Bros., put In that year selling HupmobiLcs and dealing in real estate. - The year 1913 was a good one for the firm as the Ford agent appointed had not made good and Vick Bros., were again appointed Ford agents for Marion and Polk counties. But if that agent had made good well that is where tin Goddess of ibanee favored V icks. That yoar-the firm sold 120 ears, at tfiOO each. They were required to order pd (Cnntinned nn page sis) 4 Days-Commencing Jan, 15, 1919 ago. -I Mr. Delano believes tho Willamette MHyV Tirasbow tW lKwaortia -11? ?iU th "TT '.. .u.. n. r - i j ,r J history and with their new' headquat- -- ftiei that the- ti.ia. luclttdea threa Mont- "'"""J " . .. ... ' . ,. mo, r.d .tw. sons and IT Ml ThnZZ r. fir., loted adjoining the Capital our P0""1 to handle the business. , -.. . etftflcy i building itgv reputation Br m n n a , wka the-tnte. half, sola wih-da far RfY Hi ;C1tllB MVS jGC833 tins, wa of sa-riitfl w. i T. D..I C ..,. IS VilZ 10 lCl OGIVilC itm- tuit, owcr The Mci:t:;tnut:ry lumilj- came to S ? -iu ;in Oc.U'b'Sr -m 11)17, from Lewu , Montana - ( y.uing upon the wesl Ll. Al' HMIltll. i lltl. -.11 l-ial U. Hw.f Hk.! (v. ft-w Bi,, .,;', rrowi--. busines. auto tires, vulcanizing and general auto J. B. Hileman of 291 North Commer cial street ia building up a business in ft ft i l It t t r(juir.d 4i!ituuiak quarters; Thegr they wwky and he feelg-that his growing bus- " I ro the- itiect to 177 Soutlh ines is built upon apretty solid roe, Ova-w5ll.i. that of real service. Mr. Hileman aa'a ,7tE I - - the first job that ha does for a f ii-iu nwcirven 1 1 1 a large supply of- man, .but those, that follow from th.aat- : . i l . i. .. - ..... i - . . . . - t i. .L.. I th.Q:. .,mH. . f tar hU fnmh.uM., . mobil for. himself and after usmg Ue mMAek.:..:, . H handles tare weH known Unm of sews! y sold it to a man. wha sow The..: sbnp .eUuua that by aaif the- tires' " Thanamd, Sarago and. taa bjd nwit ia rjaleas-n- ar boatneaat ol saMrf. Ostcit ha'f solus, the. tire bill will be rich-' - - injr wood. "' ' I SNUanaUy.wr(tueed.. Bjr, halfaoiugv ut. Th. Ihermeid tire ismbsUuik-ssw, - Ur. WiiM ratber got-ist the auto- ALL LEADING MAKES OP AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS WILL BE ON EXHIBITION, HEALTH CONDITIONS PERMITTING. I THE ENTER TAINMENT COMMITTEE PROMISES ONE OF THE BEST ENTERTAINMENTS IN SALEM. . if MWittil. it natAd,-of birriiiA. . av: new ia thak. worlds After spending lanra mobila-bminstt beaansBc. be eoaida't . t Urn-, U M eo i mootked iiowu and hhm f moiiry and three Tear of -el- help - it- An agesrt- for. th Columbia.. . ftp iu.ia plireni aa etrtel.nw-tii emmt.-the'Thrnu)idL Tire eoai'aiT. bioyoi talked btBr-iao-bflTin(r a Emh- . Munt. itayft. tnal nmay pvapip ptaM.iwm iirgingwut' afc.irtmIon, rt. . kail avliaej tkei4uca.ts. retisadtagk- a- tirw for 41u tiwntryi itmTHsr- (lime, ha decided to handle the ear. V ick Bros., would buy it - if the eat could do the climbing. But it stalled, and right there what is called Lock tr Chance got busy with the Vick Bros., They eame to Balers- to buy Ford and finding no agency here, decided ia 1911, to sell out the ereamery business and act as Ford agents in Balem. That was the beginning of the Viek partner ehib that eventually landed the blimest vurmn uuu i , . . , . - . -. under his direction 500 ears and before tt. fcSiin. -7 lnrJf P.Vr3 . ho left France during the later part of XU h h J November ho was goneral superintend-1 Flrrt Year, ont of the Y. M. C. A. motor seiviee1 firm bad but a few thousand with 1250 ears. ; dollars and for the year 1911 felt it In talking with hig friends, Mr-Hal- akln bi8 naneee in ordering 1J 1 Lvorsen said that he wawed with calm- Fords for th year's.. business, Ukcy t4nemj the -manv irrmvnir bt French and oil for $1100 each. . ., English Soldiers, but it iurelT gave one "' Chance eatho along agaift in 1912, and a most depressing sensation to see tne " graves of the American boys. As superintendent of tho X. M. V. A. motor division, Mr. Halvorsen was on the battle fields of St. Mihiel, Chau-teau-Thierry and in the Argonne fores s, at times the day after the big bat tles had beon fought and tho advances made. It was in the Argonne forests that the Amorieans did meat wonderful fight ing' under' tho greatest possible disad vantages. In parts of the Argonne for est regions, the country is swampy and in such sections Mr. Halvorsen saw the American boys advance in mud knoo deep and- often without food for 48 to 72 hours. ' In some sections of the Ar gonne forests, he nw American soldieis o exhausted that when given permis sion to rest, they simply drobped down in knee deep mud. In this advance, so rapid and strenu oua was tho paco that in many instan ces the American boys would not re move their clothes for weoks at a time and as for a bath, that was out of tne question for weeks and even months. As suporintennent or tne iz.-u moior trucks of tho Amorieans, Mr. Halvorsen was one of four men to confor with Genernl Pershing in rogard to deliver ing Y. M. C. A. supplies in the Gorman territory after tho armistice had been signed. Genernl Pershing was a protty busy man at that time and tho inter view lasted but 15 minutes. While in Paris Mr. Halvorsen round it convenient to get out of bed about j twice each night at tho sound of the i siren announcing an sir raid and run for tho bnsoment, and when in Now York City on his way home, when he hourd the siren of a steamboat one morning coming up tho Hudson river, he Jumped out of bed ready to run f' the basement, such was the force of habit. . - - " . In superintending the I . M. l. A. motor division, Mr. Halvorsen travelod extensively in France, Italy and Bel gium and at all times his work brought hint close td tne fighting men and with in reach nf the Oorman gum. that many ears do not have selling at the same priee. - One of the best point about the El gin Mr. Gilbert says, ia the clutch which. handled so easily , tnar no woman If-fJ-- 1 : -; il .lionuk-oi-ttpeciaiixiae osj Gates 'kal&J ois, tsw firm handles- Goodrteir'aad Miller Urea. ;--- .. . ; "ilaviae aWft-thaJt doubled their baskj T-Sajrsgsv tireria naeUat Sen Jiogo XUiforais, and i oe of . the tested and tried tirea made, on the. Pacilie eoaab Whetc it -cornea to- pneev'tt-'rs -the Thcr- tuiwt stnem. vomiat; ber in the faU. jilrnul .Hnr that- s 4k moat at fir :fZmtSZRtTva Of Lot L Pesrccl&a Accessories To Bsssssli : dwe it home, aad.that ais the aeeondJ ear w tho- ettyr -- ' -'- - - f - Having had a' taM of rapid travel ing and jtnt aaaarNeum. that an. automo-. ; Due mgm esu -sw w -p user agvory r lV17theMoatgsmerr feel theiaswrM HilMaaasaysy-bnt in th loa rai-etar 6-vta4 ear bbA rmsr e. Lot Lrv-Mhas bwBUlpwi ku WaMtmeJTT $ui4, ar tauaeti theieaa wensivet Ths.kotroTia-ttled-na w Bnn.-a hi eae - That 1 f anawa iarpleiaentsv hsiawisa aad -gaa COHPLETE tQHlPMEWT FiillSjEPlSiflP G. G. Quacknbash Started Only i ear Ago Has One Ot Lar gest Tire Supplies. !' metimes a mtn who is really first elaBg mechanic ar.d a city who rem ly aoprcciatcs a first eluss mot baa. j appon to get together nud the result -i' arupidly growing business, to tho satis faction of tLo people us well as ue i. h 1st; i i the bukiufM. . This seems to be the case o fG- G. lv.u- k i. il iwr.- . . the Quackea-.-i-h Anto n; $ b'.iutu oa Nwih Cuui-. im-rr-iiil si t. up in Balett. ju.-. t: lfv onknown and . with but moderate . equipment, Kr. Quaekenbush today owns one of tne most eomploto supply houseg in the vi ley with one of the lnrgest supplies vt tires in the state. . One secret of his success is due to Ue feet that he 1 pcrmitlca by his tire companies to do all uis adjusting righ here in Balem, without referring mat ters to headquarters. This has prove most satisfactory to the auto trade aa it saves delay, expense and then a kit of worry. There is no express to puy on tiros coming-or going. The adjust ment is made in Balem. Handles Thre Mkes.. Beveray years ago he came to Portland ; ,"n" tZmh,. Z mtkinc the shift. The Qaackenbush Supply company manager of the WintOn. com-1 - F.... ,.,,,., that i -ading tires-Penwylvawa, Vac- But r". rir . ... t.h- Cun and the United BUtea. The bearmgr,-Brown-Lypehapia . different stock is complete all the way fwm tiolaoi traammsln, the same a. used tire 3x2 inches to the huge auto aoud in the highest grade ears. . In the 44 J41- tire 7x3.. , gla. that, havrbean -been aold la 8a- The firm U al putting, in a pre torn and ieinity, Mr. Gilbert says there for putting on track tire, and mthia a h.ve bfa.d ae defective parte. week or ao w.ll aartr t;a k,y Thc-narroun.. known as r'The Bear -sioc oi wu ut. onnv which' also handled the Klgini desiring to handle the Elgin himself, he ! madi a proposition t0 the Wtntorr peo ple, whisb-wisv accepted arid witltin a few minutes, Mr; Gilbert found him self Oregon representative- of what he feel, -i one of the best esr on the market. Havin placed the line ia Multnprhi""" "u" " . " -si.i. i. aton a batter charging outfit mI w ill. CSilhrt decided: tha.t-foraV; c""-"r " .TT . T" i -W - MrW. - Gilbert, haa. the state-agency. It ia complete stok f eris. situws dcwiada-oirtka' length? of -saKrfasa.' waa tg.-lMfcv.-Ha) did a good bwriaeea tine ewciBoavand aotewaikr tirssr fraacr The-Tharafidia guaiaatasA f .06tlr ree .ellsitar twtt-.HaCTg eaarai ttmar-ta tiau for tt paswiS yearsyaaAJ. f orwatd- tonaaea aeaia- daoMta' tkeb. -kmraeeartha-eaausHt Tear, -fflcT- for the Bsnal autw aad taw 'Tort ttmx s na- mmm? a haaat chaegea aia locsuaa ia 7 , -.Ka-U-wp -w4B--. eawigk Urecafcl-lHh-iaair -alw.isUid; ia. kbtOToaseoWwtso- a-idtbe- fuiwi yaars he baa-rfBortator eUtfy-aarjawia-.saa ata-mmm. s- -i am-aKip--wfB.aaeiigB..rsnsai inssarair-ataaniaiiuwisi iiaowpTiegw.-r sr- i-mwwiiwiiii i, -..nrtiK hi w aster- hmk&?mtnAaM4mriwt nasV? recaaratrar'wf aMeflwiyeaw - i ' -aftw tamlmsinesaa Irttie general state headquarter., '-" "i taUt br Bay oaa, M' Quackanbn.h say. that within a : 'vicinity offered the greatest induce-; tSd f he will h,v. on, of the must menu, especially. a be feels that with- mitnn . iarE-. ock complete, auto, ahopa in the. state ol in a yar or so there wiir be hard Wff Mmmrm aad fa-.ooeof .tha, Oregon carrying, repeara toK eaery-, iced .rereading .f.tMWU in th.-ajr, .... thing pertaining to. th tire bnsiacRs.. rrom in mvmiv i . k.tM at ahaanor ncfaea. unmi js un cT j , " "" Ho BeQa fot WT", . Mf Gilbert saye. Bat thesa fa-aeaana aga today ha attributea hi. remarliabla Ma.Gilbatt.sav tha.Hgia3eaEiur. ,f 'wma.e, dig tk a,i,g f as-to. the .fact .1"" it, f .-.fliWHt. a. rarw ihaaaaa thar..witl b hard. afraid ta adMrtoe ani.that. hi. c;- a equal r aay 2 aaa er- relrawavreadatii h-wgaarameaarar-, (Cmrlinir-i 1- rr Tt tha-haa.'tfc- awanK saeeilssaSfa.SAMap-- . - - . , ... waa a . . - ,