Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 01, 1919, Image 1

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    t 5000 CIRCULATION t
Only Circulation in Salem Guar-
enWed by the Audit Bureaa of
Circulations - -
t Wca&rRepsrt ;
- .
- rrjoa: Tesiglit and Wed- .
- aesday, - sail; continue J cold; i
, gaaile wiicn, Mostly easterly. '
... " . J
ImP -"VW
-5 '
4 ....
111 rfSYtf i m -J( 1
' . V ". -
IC1 Til
Fog And Rain ObsSr-
ed Fire Island Light-Escaped
Striking Reefs
M Attentats To Pull
Steamsr Off Coast Were
r Without Success.
Firo Island, L. I,, Jan. 1. Hugo seas
ore breaking over the decks End the
I.ighest masts of the hospital transport
Northern Pacific, fast aground and
deep in sand about 400 yards off 8ai
tsire, Fire Island. The southwest wind
lias increased and is now blowing 60
tti 70 miles an hour. ......
Despite the drenching wavos, . fcun
tlteds' of ' soldiocs are discernible oluir
. tcred on the lower decks. I ' - ' "
The ship, is broadsido to the terrific
mas, threo miles east of Fire Island
fcirht. Coast guards from Fire Island,
Toint of Woods, and Onk Islond stations
- Iiave made repeated efforts to get lines
inboard, but they will not hold.
. Destroyers standing bv are unable to
The high wares at the timo of filing
(3:30 p. m.) niado it impossible to tako
the wounded meu off in life buoys, evon
if the coast guards had been ag'" W
tieep their lines aboard.
The position of the transport is con
sidered increasingly dangerous but
there is no immediate peril.
All lighthouses on the island are pre
iiared to receive the. wounded men -if
they are removed. '
One hydroaeroplane braved the
Miroiig wind and rain and flew over tho
ship, but it was unable to help and re
turned to shore.
At 4.50 the life .savers managed to
get a line to the Northern Pacific. It
was announced, however, that no ef
fort would be made tonight to take
liny of tho men from the vessel un
l"s she showed signs of breaking up,
which was not expected.
2920 on Board.
New York, Jan. 1. The American
transport Northern Pucific with 2920
wounded aboard which formerly operc't
ed in the passenger service between San
S'Vancisco and Astoria, Or., ran aground
b'i Fire Wand at 2 a. m. today. ,
In a dense fog snd rain, the oight
(Continued on page nine)
.'Bout tl' only difh-re-.rf Wtweek" a
k4 ar a year man an' n school teacher
i ta" sehcl teacher, ean't if fotd, t
reiigii. 'Xet t' havin aTobbfr
rsr puKin a p.sto'
aorut thing is tryh
wf tenia' in ti-
- ith yoir
4- i
onnnT MAfiTUcnM
Oil F
Scheidemann, Haase And Liebknecht Seem To Be Choices
Of Three Parties, Majority Socialists, Independent
- - Socialists -And ;Spartaddes.--Ebert May Replace
- - Scheidemann But This Is Not likely.
. .," By Frank J. Taylor ;
(fnited Press 'Staff Correspondent.) .
Berlin, Dec. 31. Candidacy for the
first president of tho German republic
appeared today to be limited to three
mea Philip Ccheidemann, Hugo Haase
and Karl Liebknecht.
According to genercl opinion, those
mon will represent the three dominant
political parties at the polls. Bcheido
mann seems to be the choice of the ma
jority socialists; Haase, of the indo
pendent socialists, and Liegneeht of tin
Kpartacidos. tl is regarded cs barely
poasibel that Chancollor Ebert may re
place Scheidemann, but his does not
seem likely.
The Gorman dolegates to tho peace
conference probably will be Count
Brockdorff-Rantzau, Count Bcrnstorff
end Dr. W. 8. Solf.- The former is ex
pected to act as chairman at the initial
meeting, after which one of the other
two would head the delegation. It is
impossible : at, this timo. ta Biake any
authoritative predictions regarding the
peace representatives, owing to the cha
otic political situation. But the above
is tho concensus of well posted persons.
More Men Furnished In Pro
portion To Population Than
Any Other State. v
Oregon's record in providing its quo
ta of -manpower for the nK-tion in time
of war has not only been a source of
gratiiM'ation to Oregonians, but has ox-
cited tho admiration and w the praise
of an unemotional war department.
Oregon furnished more volunteers, in
proportion to its population, than' any
other stato,
Oregon had more counties free from
calls for men under tho first draft, by
reason of volunteer enlistments, thnn
any other state.
Begistration of men under the selec
tive draft was accomplished in Oregon
at an average cost of 11 cents per capi
ta, while the average cost per capita
in the country was 54 cents.
. First Draft Is Small One.
Oregon, in proportion u n imputa
tion, having furnished more volunteers
for its national guard organization and I
the army, its quota in the first call un-
dcr the selective draft 'was the smi.ii-
est assigned any of the 48 states. Only
717 of the 62,618 young men 'of the
state who registered wero drafted for
the American army under the first
The grosj quota of the state was com
puted to bo 7387 men, but, on April. 1,1
1917, Oregon had in its national guard
2423 men. Between April 1 and June
30 of that year the state recruited 2259
more men for the guard and 1974 Ore
gon sons enlisted in the regular army. I
A further credit of 13 men increased
this total of volunteer enlistments toj
6070 and left only 717 men to be pro-j
Tided under the first draft. That num
ber wag almost immediately, forthcom
ing from those counties in the state
that had not already exceeded their I
quota. . '
14 Counties Stand with Orty.
In addition to the city of' IJortland, I
which constituted one distru-o 1 coun
ties In the state had fillM Air, quotas
of the first, draft by V0J15 .""i enlist
ments. Those counties ffocnion.
Coos, Crook, Douglas, HiwTwt, Jack
son, oJ soph me, Lanerjl.mrr, "Marion,!
urrrToifia'lir-NhrT''' ool'Blf d Yem
eni. -. .-,
Exact Kum4lftsn6i..''.
The exact nun& rl ovMjreta fg fromf
wis siaie pronanr; jmytif icscwn
at least not befnrft Jfj'Kycd rec-
(Continued on
Revellers h Michigan Town
Go Home Early After Gin- :
ger Ale Jollity.
Detroit, Mich., Jan. 1. Nineteen
eighteen floated out of Detroit on a
river of ginger ale. milk and imitation
hard waters.
This is the largest bone dry city in
the countryi and many thousand nor-
sons crowded tho cafes, to have a litt'w
iaugu jor two at th going of; tlm old
year and extended a welcome to the
new. '
But the lack of strong drink early
dropped the well known wet rag on
the celebration.
Great Hush This ,Mornlng
San Francisco, Jan. 1. A great hush
foil over San Francisco. It. was he
qu.iot brought, by the soinbro thoughts
and needs of tho morning after.
Most disquieting of the sad thoughts
was the ftelief that Ban Francisco
might never again repeat tho Now
Year celebration that has made it fa
mous. While packed throngs marched back
(Continued on age six)
Somehow .the New Year never gets so old it loses its charm. We may plod along the weary road
from eight to eighty, still the coming of the first of 'anuary brings a. thrill of delightful possibilities. It
is the birthday of that blessed. Hope which springs eternal in the breast of all mankind.
"Another year," we say. "I am gooing to do differently. I am going to put half my check in the
bank every pay day; another New Year shall not find me tearing my hair over the problem of how last
year's bills are to be met."
And so in about a thousand and one of our human activities.. If things were all wrong, here
comes the break which shall make them right. If things were good, here . is the anniversary, dating
from which they shall be better.
As the time approaches it is a habit deeply ingrained to take stock, and while perhaps not actively
making a set of new resolutions to dust up the old ones, trim their whiskers, give them a shine and take
them along with us into the New Year, our guarantee of respectability to our own souls and our friends.
It is a great pity for any review of a passing, year to be devoted to its failures and its sorrows.
The reason that these stand out in our minds is that they are really the exception in human life. The
rule is a pretty comfortable state of affairs, just as most people are pretty decent folks.
The right way to remember a year is by the things which, if carried into the next one, will fill it
from first to last with "Good Remembering." There is no use in poisoning the future with a contin
uous auto-intoxication by that part of our dead se'.ves which might better be left dead.
T- i New.Year is a gate. He who travels it light, carrying in his pack of resolutions only those
which he can begin "I will," and keep friends with his own soul, will find himself upon the road to Happiness.
.v , j
Delegates From AO Priacipal
Cih'es Hire Been Appsstcd
Ban Francisco, Jan L Dlftes t
tho "labor congress on the , Uoosey
case," whicV will convene in Chieaga
on January 14, will be asked to fix a
dofinito date after which a general
strike will be '- inaugurated if actio
favoring Thomar J. MooneT ha aot
been abtaind., y -
This became known today, whea tha
International Workers Defense Letgttc
which is conducting Mooner'e fiirht for
freedom, announced substanee of reso
lution! it will present to the congress.
The resolutions will suggest thre
modes of aetion: federal intervention,
legislation and the strike. ,
Males Tnroe Resolutions
One resolution will demand that the
government through its legal depart
ment, lnvoxe tne writ or naoeaa eor
pug "preferably outside California".
and thus obtain Mooney ' release front
San Quentin prison.
Another will urge legislation which
would provide "distinct and specific
laws, created to cover such cases."
The United States supreme court has
declared there is no remddy for Mooney
in present law. i
A tnird resolution will can a general
strike as "last resort. "
If this stage is reached, the loeat
unions will be asked to demand that
the intornationals . and tho American
Federation of Labor take concerted
action. .'
' Practically all the large citiea of the
United IStates have elected delegates to
the eonrgess, according to members of
the league. Tho Ban Francisco labor
council, however, has twice refused to
send one.
British Paper Takes Offense j
At Sec y, Daniels , Speech
London.. Jan. -Lr-gertfary Daniels'
speech" declaring tho .united .fttatea
should have the largest liavy in the
world seems to have been deliberately
framed a9 an offense to Great Britain,
the Graphic1 doclnred today. Other Lon
don newspapers made no comment.
"The speech, therefore, is out of
place botween friends," the newspaper
continued. It urged President Wilson
to cable Daniels to restrain his Ian?
Washington, ' Dec. 31, The senate
commorco committee will resumo Its in
quiry into the affairs of the Hog Island j
shipyard Thursday morning, Senator!
! Fletcher, chairman of tho committee. !
announced today.
r " '" . .'.':' ,,,11 "'- ummmtimtm-m '.mnr--"1
Had Charged fcbers Of
Omsk GoTercaent With
Tokie, Dea. 31. (Delayed.) Admir
al Koltchak has been assassinated, ac
cording to reports from Siberia.
' Koltchak wa assassinated by a polit
ical enemy, according to the repoits.
Admirsl Koltchak, former command
er of the Russian Blaen sea fleet, re
cently set himself up as dictator of the
Siberian government at Omsk.
He had been , groomed by interests
working for the unification of Siberia
as commander in chief of the Siberian
forces, but before they cauld establish
KOlh-.hsk the Siberian government grew
up at Omsk, composed largely of for
mer members of the Russian duma.
Two months ago Koltchak turned the
members of this government out of of
fice on the charge they had been ncgo
tiating with the bolshevik).
New Government Issues Proc
lamation To People Giv
ing Their Policies. '
' Berlin, Dec. 81. The new German
government hae finally been constitut
ed, as follows:
Ebert, chancellor and minister of the
Schoidciminu, foreign minister.
Noskc, minister of the army and navy
Laudsburg, minister of social affairs.
Ebert, Landsburg and Scheidomanp
s-re hold-overs from 'the former Kabl,-,
net. .-
The uew govenrment has issued the
following proclamation to the people:
."The government's domestic policy
will bo:
, "To prepare for a national assembly;
to provide food; to undertake socializa
tion of all public institutions; to seize
war profits; to find employment fori
all; to support those unable to obtain
employment; to promote national de
fense; to disarm unauthorized persons.
"The government's foreign policies
will be:
"To. bring about a favorble and a
quick peace; to reform German diplom
acy sbroad, through new men and new
After His Trip
President Wilson Still Hold
To Original Peace Ideas
President's Interview Granted To Northcliffe's London
Times Suggested That He Might Have Modified His
Panrla sTF
. . , v . wrr. .na
t J a mm w
iiniain.-rNorinciuie u
Despite Inclement Weather
And Long Marches There
Is tittle Pneumonia.
By Webb Millet
(United Proas Staff Correspondent.)
American Headquarters In Gormany,
Dec. 30. The army of occupation is in
better health thsn the floks back home
For the few who are sick, thore are
the best of hospital facilities.
Despite their 200 mile march through
mud andjain, the soldiers average loss
than one maa ill in 100, from any eaoso,
according to Colonel Gkssingor, ehiof
surgeon. : The sick rate ia thus under
one per cent, which is about ono half
the normal percentage in civilian life.
In spite of the inclement weather,
there is vory littlfl pnoumoma and in
fluenza has cebsed to be a problc.
Excellent Accommodations.
Excellent hospital accommodations
are available through the bridgehead
area. In Coblenz two finely equipped
German military hospitals have boen
requisitioned and two civilian hospitals
hrvo been taken over. The staffs in
cludo mure than 100 American nurses.
In addition' te their regular duties they
are in great demand for dances.
, One German hospital, is still caring
for a number of seriously wounded Ger
man soldiers. Tho staff wa permitted
to remain. , .
Englishmen Selected As
Part of Peace Delegation
London. Jan. 1. Visponnt Hurflinjr,
I TIT W li lid ni i vnm. ri r i jwiii" mttuuw-i
ISir F.sme Howard, Sir Ralph Paget anC
Sir Ertie Crowe have been selected a
Ipart of the British peacn delegation, it
rCt' TIT' 11 : m..--l 1 Q'. T A..!. U"n11A
was announced tortay. They are expect
ed to leave Saturday for Paris.
To England
M-. V-V-V kJSX-XY Al AV A tVUlv S .
a a 1 -v a ' -
Advocate UI lxague.
By Bd I Keen C
(United Press staff correspondent)
Paris, Jan. 1. PresWent .- Wilson "a
trip to finglsnd has resulted in no
program n the general principle of
freedom of tas seas. i
The United Press Is able to state au
thoritatively today that the president's
a called "coalition ' ' with Lord North
cliffe, as result of which the full
force cf the North liffe press seems ta
have ttcea lined up behind the general
Wilson program, has not been brought
about by any Wllsonlan backdown on
the free tea proposal.
Northcliffe has long been an advo
cate ef the league of nations. He has
not even opposed Gorman membership
sine it has Ibeen clear that the Ger
man military machine really is wreck
ed. He has. aot, however, committed
himself to. Wilson's ideas of the free
dom of the sees. Prior to the presi
dent 's arrival in France there was no
particular indication that hig program
was to have the support of the con
servative Northcliffe newspapers: It
was even said that while in the Unit
ed .States, Northcliffe had found ut
little to interest him in the Wilsonian -theoories.
Won't Agree to Compromise -Consequently,
when npon his arrival
great British journalist And broke all
precedents by granting an interview
to' Northclifife 's London Times, thero
instantly was a suggestion that possi
bly the president had seen fit to mod
ify his view on the free soar proposi
tion when assured of Northcliffe's sup
port of the league idea. (
, The president, it can be stated on.'
the , highest authority, has never iti-'
mated to Northcliffo or to anyone else,)
the slightest inclination to agree to a'
compromise on any of his fourteen prin
ciples. His "conversation" with the
British publisher wns' spontaneous and
voluntary. It wns the prcsiceat's de
sire ,at the proper moment, to speak
directly to the people of Great Brit
ain, so they would understand his pur
poses before his visit. He merely util
ised tho. Times as the most effective
Had Tremendous Effect
Northcliffe knew, and -was tremend
ously impressed by tho effect on tho
French populace of wuson s presoneo
and utterances. With characteristic
vision, he obtained the interview and
presented it to the British people, for
similar effect. Northcliffo realized ful-
lv that if President Wilson wore thus
. , l rt
assured of popular support, iu un
Britain tho British government would .
bo forced to acccdo unequivocally to his
principles, even if its members are
nei-wmiillv disnosed otherwise. Besides
personal contact convinced Northcliffe
of the president s tlisintcresteuness
anil fur siuhtedness.
Although the interview presentca his
views graphically and concisely, it con
tained nothing new, except his icfcr
cnee to his npprecialion ef the special
international questions arising oni
Britain's peculiar position as an island
empire. Even this w not a new de
velopment, so fur as the president was
concerned, although it was his first
public expression on the subject.
WU1 Not Abandon Principles
Tn working out the details of this
problem, in accordance with hi ap
preciation of Great illritain'g position,
the United Press can state the presi
dent will not abandon a single ono of
his general principles regarding free
dom of the seas.
' 'Hca law must bo founded, not on
might, but on right, ' the president has
"The sea code must be binding to all
alike and must not be chnr.ged or set
aside by the will of ary ration. The
seas never will be free until nil sailing
upon them havo a voice ir framing
tho laws of the s as. .Just government
of the seas must rest with the consent
of tho governed."
Employes At Ford Factory
Now Have $6 Minimuni Wage
Detroit, Mich., Jan. 1. Six dollars
..... An.r ikA n,w minimum waits fix
ed for the employes of the Ford Motor
company plant throughout the country.
The now scale became effective today.
Henry Ford's resignation as prcsi
.nncnm hn founded was)
accented by the board of directors. His
. . . .. 1 1. J .nnnJ kim
SOU. iMUCU. WflR CiiH'iea iu buu
Post Says Wilson "Rejected t
The Determinant Factor'
Louden, Ji. 1.--The MorninB Pot
commenting on President Wilson's
spetich at Manchester, today declared
he "rejected the determinant factor''
of the peace principles which, tho ue.ws
pn-per believes, is Great Britain's abili
ty to maintain the balance of power
through control of the seas.