Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 30, 1918, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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At the Lowest Price You Will Find That the
Always leads. For Dry Goods, Shoes and Ready-to-wear
Goods for Men, Women and Children, call on
us and you will be pleased.
ry incorporaiea
Flu" Lid Again Clamped
On All Public Gatherings
Ailioriiies Rale This On Ac
ccsst Of Sadden Increase
' In Number Of Cases.
By proclamation of Mayor Walter E.
Key, Dr. 0. B Miles, city physician
nd Frank 8. Ward, of tho city council
chairman of the committee on health
nd police, Salem is a closed town an
far i all public gatherings are con
cerned and will remain so until the
rayor proclaims otherwise.
At a mooting held yesterday after
xoon. between the city authorities and
CTrral prominent physicians '.of the
eity, it was decided on account of tho
rapid increase- in the number of roses
f influenza to take this radical action.
By closing the town Is meant that
bo public meeting such as schools, ser
vices at church or moving picture then
ires will be permitted nor Vill pool
playing, or congregating around enrd
tables in public or in lodge rooms be
permitted. Dances are also tabu.
In a discussion of what should be
done to stay the sproad of the dis
ease, the physicians at the mooting
aid that unless soma action was taken
t once, tho demands on doctors would
be Buch that many urgent cases would
ot receive necessary medical atten
tion. It was the opinion of the phyid
iann that tho only thing that would
prevent the spread of tho influenza was
to forbid public gatherings of all kinds.
Will Change Events.
Coming at the time of year when
aiany social events were planned the
baa on public gatherings will change
affairs considerably in Halem and vicin
ity. Among tho events that will neces
sarily bo postponed is tho quarterly in
spection of the four Oregon thiard
companies In Salem and of Company M,
which wan to have been held this
evening. Tuesday night was the duto
for the Company M dance and for tho
New Year's affair of the country club.
Another event prominent in Ihn so
cial circle is the indefinite postpouo
tent of tho annual banquet and in
itiation of the Cherrians, scheduled
for tho Marion hotol on the evening
cf January 7.
It Saturday seems to have been a
day when many of tho stores found
themselves short of help on account o(
the number who hint taken the influ
enza and who were unnbln to continue
work during tho day. This shortage, ot
kelp condition is noticeable today.
It is estimated thnt at present there
is from 150 to 200 rases of influents
In tho city and that about (15 housei
re under tho modified quarantine.
Closing Indefinite
Aa the proclamation reads', this clos
ed condition of tho city will bo in effcel
ntil tho city authorities land phy
sicians deem it advisable to once again
permit public gatherings.
The closing order of Mayor Keyen
b a follows:
Whorens Tho influenza is more pre
valent in tho City of Halem than it hut
leratoforo been, notwithstanding th
isny precautionary measures hereto
fore taken, and,
Whores: the physicians and people in
etnso touch with the situation, deem
It imperative that a closing order should
kff made effective forthwith, sow,
It ia therefore oidorod, that all
schools, theatres, lodges, churches, mov-
injr picture shows, and dances be clos
ed, beginning December 30, 1918, .it
o'clock a. m. until further order of
the undersigned board, and that dur
ing said time, all public speaking, ban
For value buy ear special
It's a beautiful 8 ton and a
piuttUbte innatment. Thia
OH Is (iodquuUM for Miliurr WrM
toatck. Writ ill
JAEGER BR0S.,te:)r.
We Pay Cask fcr
asi EDGS.
I&tedwood Co., Front and Ankeny St,
. i
quets, end tho playing of billiards, pool
and cards in public places and club
rooms be dispensed with.
It ia with roluctanee we closo insti
tutions, the closing of which is bound
to result in a financial loss, but we
deem it for the hoalth and safety of
the citizens of Salem that public gatb
eringg of evory kind and character bo
dispensed with.
Chairman of Committoc
on Health and Police
City Physieiai
President To Leave For
France Again Tomorrow
London, Dec. 30. President Wilson
will leave Dover for Calais at , 11
o'clock tomorrow morning, it was an
nounced today. He will make tho trip
on tho steamer Brighton and will have
a naval and aerial escort.
Court Hocse Notes
Anna fttuto, Sr., has filed suit against
Fannie Bowers, John Roberts and Ada
Theresa Roberts for the foreclosure of
a mortgage and the payment of a 600
noto dated June 5, 1915. John Roberts
is now tho ownor of the property.
In the matter of the estate of Bertha
S. Jones Hoover, who died Dec. 22,
1918, the county court appointed C. A
Hoover of Gorvais as executor. The
value of the property is estimates ftt
$5220. As appraisers the court appoint
ed 8. W. Jones, E. . NafUgor and W.
P. Collard.
The county court set Fob. 3, 1919 as
tho time for hearing any objections to
the filing of tho final account of Eva
Wolford, (formerly Eva Msschler) ex
ecutrix of the last will and testament
of J. II. Masehler.
The estate of Walter F. Burnett, mo
torman on tho Oregon Electric who
died recently from an attack of the
influenza, has been appraised at 1,
150. Of this amount $700 was in lib
erty bonds.
Authorization Of Navy
Three-Year Program Would
Strengthen America's Hand
Washington, Doc. 30. Authorization
of tho proposed big navy three year
program would bo tho boat thing possk
bio to strengthen America's haud at
tho peace eonfereuce, Secretary Dun
iels said today.
If a league of nutions is not created,
the United States must build tho larg
est navy In the world to euforco the
Monroe doctrine and freedom of thn
seas, and to protoct herself, Daniels told
the house naval military committee.
Nothing but an agreement to reduce
armaments should curtail AericaSs pro
gram, he declared.
"If a league is created it must have
a 'world police force,' largely navul, to
onforco Jta decisions,' 'ho asserted.
Daniels said in the futuro policy he
felt the request for ten drcaduaughta,
six eruisers, ton scout cruisers and 130
small craft on top of the present three
year program was conservative aud
about half that which was recommend
ed to him.
"A reversion to the year-to-year
building plans would be a retrograde
step," said Daniels,
London, Dee. 80. The American
steamship Toiadures ia ashore on the
Isle Dieu, in tho Day of Biscay, Lloyds
reported today. Her passengers are be
ing removed.
Tho Tenadores is a United Fruit lin
er of 7,782 tons.
All Around Town
- -
Dee. JO. Second election on
school budget. Polls close 7
o'elock p. m. .
-dan 13 legislature convene
4c Jan. 15-18 Anto exhibit.
. -.
"Tfrc fueral eeauttfuL"Webb
SLouga Co. tf
'"te sect" is an yo can do when
ieatb. eestes. Call Webb Clongk Cc
Phone 1BU, tf.
Harvey' Beckwith, chairman of the
state industrial accident commission, is
reported today to be down with the in
fluenza. Leach counter opposite O. E. B. K.
depot. Good loaches, M. J. B. coffee.
Lady waitress. Open from 6 a. m. to
12 p. at. 12 30
Highways Rapid Transit Auto service
to Portland and way points daily, leav
ine Salem at 7 a. m. Phono orders ev
ening before, 137 8. Com '1. Phone 663.
The public service commission has Is
sued an order granting an increase in
rates to the Tillamook County Mutual
Telephone company, in order to permit
the company to increase the wages
its operators and linemen.
Mica grade, genuine fun for Christ
as gifts at speeial prices. West Fur
Co., 217 South High St. tf
Dr. J. 0. MatUU,aaBoclated with Dr.
H. J. Olomenta, offise 4 '1-410 Balem
Bank of Com. bldg. Office tel. 573;
res. 1705 South Fir Bt. tel. 696. 12-27
Mrs. 0, P. Hof f, wife of State Labor
Commissioner Hoff, was Beriously ia
purcd today when she fell on the base
ment stops at her home. fine fell face
down and it is thought that one or more
i'b are f'actuied.
Baild u Salem's Industries by sup
porting 'those on the ground. tf
I wish you a Happy New year. Will
ship livestock on Jan. 1st. Also handle
poultry. Highest market prices. G. W.
Eyre. Phone 2206M. 12-30
The bam on public gatherings while
applying only to the city is having its
effect on country meotinga as announce
nient is made that the dance advertised
for Chcmawa has been postponed.
Wanted, wood choppers. See T. O.
BHgh. tf
Bciem tread supports Salem's payroll
and in turn the asks the support of Sa
lem people. " tf
About 6 o'clock this morning a man
prowler was scon on the rear porch of
tho home of Officer Victor. One of
Mr. Victor's daughters taw the Milcf
and attempted to take a shot at him but
tho pistol failed to fire and the morn
ing intruder escaped.
You should buy Salem bread only,
there ia a reason. tf
One of the effects of the influenza
Salem Commercial club This meeting
meeting and election of officers of the
ban will bo to postpone the annual
was scheduled for Jun. 8.
I have moved my offices Into more
pleasant aad more commodious quar
ters on the third floor of the U. 8.
National bank building. Dr. O. L, Scott
Chtropractic-Spinologist, 30k-213 U. S.
National bank bldg. tf
Word was received in the city today
of tho death of Mrs. A. P. McDulin in
Portlnnd December 29, at the home of
hor daughter, Mrs. K. N. Vcit, nt tho
ago of 5b years. She was formerly s
resident of I'olk county and besides her
daughter in Portland is survived by a
Bister, Mrs. T. J. Gardner, and a brother
D. It .Ilublo, both of Salem.
Relax and rest la the dental chair.
Dr. Hartley fills aad extracts teeth
without pain and corrects diseased
gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. tf
Salem bread la freshest and best tf
Elderly women who are supposed to
c immune from ini'. i.nn and who
are willing to nurse such eases, please
e'uhone tonight or eat.' at the Home
Service Section, A. R. C, post office
blidg. Phone 332.
Hal D. Patton has been appointed a
Sheik by Illustrious Potentate Hoffman
of Al Kadcr temple, Ancient Arabic Or
der Nobles of tho Mystic Shrine of
Portland. The semi-annual meeting of
the Nobles will bo held in Portland
Jan. 18 and for the coming year as a
Sheik Mr. Patton will represent the il
lustrious potcutato in Salem.
Now that a number of men who
have lived for years In this country are
becoming interested in citizenship and
the right of voting, and are applying
for papers declaring their intention oi
becoming citizens, the state library is
willing to aid them. Those who want
to become real citizens and vote will
find books at the state public library
of material assistance. If one does set
liro near a public library, upon appli
cation a list of books that will aid one
in passing the examination will be sent
and any book desired will be foreward-
ed on receipt of the necessary postage
for mailing. If the prospective citizen
lives near a publie library, this library
will get any book wanted.
Coughing Is Dangerous
Fart Of Tin" Say Doctors
The doctors now say that
the most dangerous person to
meet is the person who is re-
covering from the flu and in-
sists on eoming down town
with a eongh. That convalescent
ilu cough is the really danger-
ous eough and efforts will be
made to continue the quaran-
tine on those who are convales-
cent. As anyone knows this is
also the time when the patient
is in really the greatest dan-
John J.. Boberts has the distinction
of being the first man to purchase a
1919 Ford touring ear since Fords be
come so scarce.
Business in war savings stamps was
good at the postoffice last Friday.
Many who had pledged, made the
pledges good and about $2,500 in stamps
were sold. One man was the purchaser
or fi.uuu wortn of stamps.
, After tomorrow Judge Webster be
comes a . private citizen again after
serving as justice of , the peace for
twelve and one-half years. Glen E. TJn-
ruh, becomes justice of the peace for
the Salem district beginning the first
of the year with offices over the Hart
man jewelry store, State and Liberty
streets. His term is for six years.
The funeral services of Miss Evadne
McCully, student of Willamette Univer
sity, were held Sunday afternoon from
the chapel of Webb & Clough. Assisting
in the services were the Bev. B N.
Avison, pastor of the First Methodist
church, Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, president
of Willamette University and James T.
Matthews of the University. The body
was lorwaraea today to Joseph, Oregon
for burial.
For New Tears day, the postoffice
will be closed, excepting the 'general
aenvcry window which will be open
fiom 9 until 10 o'clock for transients
only. There will be no city nor rural
deliveries on New Years day. It h-i
been the .policy of the poBt. offico do
pertinent to work its employes en
Christmas, in order that all Christmas
remembrances . may be delivered, but
the regular holiday rules are in effect
for the first day of tho year.
After attending the dance at the
armory Saturday night, Baymond Law
rence and party of Woodburn wore tak
ing refreshments! at the Spa. . Their
car, a iiuick, , was- parked across th
street. When they, came out of the res
taurant and were about ready to Btart
home the discovery was made that
meir car mm Decn soicn. The sheriff's
office and chief of police were notified
but up to late this afternoon the car
had not been recovered nor had Mr.
Lawrence mode any additional report
as to whether bis car had beer, found
in Woodburn.
The Drager packing plant la rushing
out prunes at the rate of four or five
cars a day. Part of tho shipments are
lor the English government and in
clude siws from 50 to 70. Since the
food administration has released 40-50
sizes for civilian trade every effort
has been made to get prunes into the
eastern markets, as December and Jan
uary is the height, of the retail prune
business in the cast.
The XT. S. Labor bureau with offices
on State street has sent out several
laborers recently to farmers who had
made application for help. Mr. Colo
man, in charge of the Bureau, suggests
that farmers in need of help leave their
applications with the office. The gov
ernment has retained the bureau here
expressly for the purpose of not only
supplying labor but to have the office
as headquarters for those needing help.
H. H. Jewett, formerly with the
Watt Shipp company but recently as
signed by the war department to the
Oregon clerical department with the lo
cal exemption board, has been ordered
to report lo Camp Lewis for his dis
charge. He will leave this evening. Ac
cording to present orders all soldiers
from Oregon, Washington and Idaho
are obliged to report to Camp Lewis
for their discharge papers.
To Ask For Legislation
Permitting Deportation
Washington, Dec. 30. Attorney Gen
eral Gregory will ask congress within
a week to provide legislation permit
ting the deportation of itnemed aliens
to their home countries.
Scheidemann Reported-To
Have Been Made Secretary
Copenhagen, Dee, 30. Philip Scheid
emann, leader of the majority socialists
has been appointed foreign secretary of
the reconstructed German cabinet, ac
cording to a Berlin dispatch received
Herr Noske has been appointed min
ister of war and Herr Wessell, minis
ter of social and political affairs.
Inflaenza In Portland
. Shows Decided Increase
Portland, Or.. Dee. 30. One hundred
fifty-four new eases, of influenza had
been reported up to noon today, with
si deaths.
This is an increase of 23 eases and
four deaths, aa compared with Satur
day's record. '
Railroad Administration Asks
Help From State In Solv
ing Problem.
Hope for government relief for the
Sumpter Valley railroad, which is in fi
nancial straits and is facing strike of
its employes, is contained in a message
received today by Publie Service Com
missioner Corey from C. H. Prouty of
the railroad administration. This mes
sage came in reply to a telegram sent
to Judge Prouty last week presenting
the situation to him.
"What action do you suggest by
this administration t" asks Judge Prouty.-
"Please wire me fully what you
believe can be and should be done by
us under all the circumstances."
Commissioner Corey ig sending a re
ply in which he points -out that the so
lution seems to lie in making a pro
vision that the O. W. R. & N., which
receives each year approximately $1,
000,000 worth of business which origi
nates on the Sumpter Valley, shall
share the proceeds with the Sumpter
Valley in sufficient proportion to put
the latter road on its feet again finan
cially. F. B. Southwick Claims
Representation In 3 Wars
F. B. Southwick claims to be the
only man in Salem who represents
three wars and if any man can beat
his record, he ig willing to hear about
it. Mr. Southwick bases his claim on
the following:
Mf. Southwick. himself is a member
of the Crand Army of the Republic.
He went into the Civil war from Wis
consin as a volunteer m the infantry,
served his 16 months and arrived at
his home in June of 1866: He was 18
years old when he enlisted. That is
war No. 1.
His oldest son Albert M. Southwick,
volunteered in the Spanish American
war and served with the Second Ore
gon in company K. As all know who
are familiar with the fighting of the
2d Oregon, when there was fighting to
be done in the Philippine islands, tho
Oregon boys were there and Aioert
Southwick was in it all. That is waJ
No. 2.
Ralph W. Southwick, the youngest
son of F. B. Southwick, went into the
service in the present world's war
from Arizona and wag assigned to a
machine gun company and his service
has been with the machine gun divis
ion in France. His last letter from
over there wag dated Nov. 25 in which
he stated that as soon as mustered out
he would return to Oregon. That is war
No. 3.
- The Civil war veteran ig now won
dering whether when the Southwick
family reunion takes place, if there is
any household in the community that
can muster veterans of the last three
wars of tho United States.
'Continued from page one)
not cross tae German lines until Aug Jet
S, 1918."
Senator Poindcxter, Washington, in
terrupted Chamberlain by declaring re
sponsibility for the mistakes of the
war rested primarily on President Wil
son. "One word from the president would
have cured the situation," said Poin
dexter. .
' 'Yes, one word from the secretary of
war would cure it. It's tho one word
I'm trying to get."
Chamberlain said the president, how-
ann. mw.lif i,nf tn tia tinld rpsnrmqihle
for .'all tho mistakes of his subordi
"The boy8 in the army, their rela
tives and neighbors will hold responsi
ble those who are to blame for mud
dling along."
' ' There is and was, no excuse for de
lay in paying Boldiers," said Chamber
lain. "It all takes time but it ought to
be done."
Chamberlain said he would pass over
discussion of the delay in getting cas
oh. Kit fn thia ennntrv. because
Senator Wcckg will speak op it this
Senator Borah asked Chamberlain
what had caused the delay.
t wt n-nnfeit in know if there's
any reason," said Borah, "why eleven
weeks alter the signing oi ine armia
Hv Hats am still being
published day by day. I think the de
lay inexcusaDie. '
"I'm inclined to agree," said Cham-
Chamberlain said the war depart
,.,... ,.,.,.tU. m,l nn well defined
plan of demobilization and that in that
respect we were lar oeninu me xmuau.
"The American people ought to
know what to xpeet about demobili
zation, and they don't know," he de
clared. - "There is no scientific plan appar
ently, and no system. The British are
outstripping us." ,
. Senator Williams, Mississippi, said
there are now between two and three
million German soldiers who can be re-
i.:k. i ; ia i,nim ml that it would
U1UU&I14A-U ' " " ' -
be most unwise for wholesale demobili
zation of our armies abroad.
Chamberlain replied that he found
no fault with the speed shown in de
mobilizing the army But he objected
because of the lack of any scientifw
system. -
Wilson To Return Before
March 4, Reported Today
Washington, Dec. 30. President Wil
intends to return to Washington be
fore March 4, the white house indicat
ed today.
Annual Clearance Sale
NOW GOING ONThis is a timely opportunity to
supply your needs for now and the future.
Regal sheeting, 81 inches wide, bleached, yd 49c
Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 81 inches wide,
bleached, yard -- 64c
Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 81 inches wide
unbleached, yard - 59c
Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 72 inches wide,
bleached, yard - ----59c
Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 72 inches wide,
unbleached, yard 55c
42-inch Pillow Tubing yard .........29c
33 inches wide, yard 33c
36 inches wide, yard -36c
Hope Muslin; bleached, best quality, yard wide,
yard : -- . 25c
Lonsdale Muslin, bleached, best quality, yard
wide, yard : - 28c
3-pound Cotton Batt .............$1.00
Crash Toweling, yard ...15c
Linen Crash Toweling, extra quality yard 19c
36 inch Percales, yard 29c and 35c
36 inch Hospital Gauze bleached white, yard ;....:..12c
. Our Prices Always The Lowest
PEOKE 1073
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
Oscar Stcclhammcr of Silverton was
in the city over Sunday visiting friends
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, who has been
in the south for the benefit of his
health, is in tho city. .
N. A. frost of Forest Grove wag in
tho city yesterday registered at the
K. J. Moore of Eugene was a Salem
visitor "yesterday.
"Doc" Lewis, formerly with the
Perry drug store, but now of Goat
Island, noar San Francisco, will Teturu
tomorrow, after spending his furlough
wiln friends and relatives in Salem.
UnlphSehindcn, formerly with Haus
or Bros., in their Salem store, and whq
has been in the service at Fort McDow
ell for several months, has returned and
'itis been-transferred to the Eugenie
store of that firm. Eugene Register.
Would Form National
Labor Party Anyway
New York, Dec. 0. Organized labor
in New York will defy the edict of the
executive council of the American Fed
eration of Labor forbidding the forma
tion of a national labor party
"If labor finds it a good policy to
Co into politics, it will go," Edward I.
Hannah, president of the Central Fed
erated Union, representing more than
300,000 organized workers in this city,
declared today. He said the convention
fixed for January 11 and 12, which wn3
called to consider tho formation of a
labor party, will be held. -
Oregon City, Or., Dec. 30. J. E. Pom
eroy and Lee Poter, well known Port
land men, are under arrest here on a
charge of illegally transporting liquor.
Pomemy i8 a former justice of the
peace of Sandy, Oregon.
The Journal Job Department
will print you anything in the
statioaery line-do it right and
save you real money. -
The Farmers' Cash Store
I Died :
HARTLEY At her home at Macleay,
Dec. 29, 1918, Miss Melissa Jane Hait
ley, at tho ago of 70 years.
The funeral services will be held at
11 oV.'odi. Tuesday morning from t
homo at Macleay.
M'iJE:;i.IE At her homo ncar Liberty
Dec. ou, 1918, Mrs. Mabel McKcnzicv
Besides' her husband, she is survived
by five sons and one daughter. Tho
funeral r-ii-ites will be held Tueednj
afternoon nt i o clock aud will be con
ducted by th" Rev. Thomg Ateheson of
the Jason L' e Memorial church. Bu.
ial will be in the Odd Fellows cemetery
The Original
Malted IV.Uk
Far Infant and Invalid ,
eare of
Yick So Tosj
Chinese Medicine and Tea Ce, X
Has medicine which will aire
any known disease.
Opn Sundayi from 10 a, m. t
nrKl ft n m
153 South High St.
Salem, Oregon. Phone 183
Our Aim is towe youRfe sujh
N'o matter what Wndot ft
vVantAdyoupulin our