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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1918. PAGE FIVi, THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY ; j VMH MM M JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SEEING LEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THE! FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVEKTISUf d BATES) Bata P wtw4-New Todayj BtA insertioa ,. . Om week. (8 iaaertions) Qm mouth (26 insertions) , 1 , lo 17a The Capital Journal will not be ra- apoosible for mor, thaa m iasartion, for errors ia CSatsified Advertisement UmA rata advertisement the first day It appears and notify us immediately il rror occurs, yinimiim charge, 15. .VTAMTBD Carpenter work, repair work especially. Phone 720. H IP YOUB ROOF LEAKS phone 1074. 6t iWANTED To rent 5 or 6 room house. Ar!ilnu Boi 54. McCoy. Ore. 1-2 iWANTED Wood chopper cords. Phone 44F5. for 200 1-5 i?OR SALE Work team, 2400 lbs. Phone 4F5. 1 XWi for sale. Phone 36F11. orchards, lit. 3. Skyline 1-1 WANTED A Phone 930. good ga drag saw. 12-31 tXJS SALE Two brood sows with pigs B, A. Pickens, Bt. 8, box 104. i-a GOB SALE No. 1 sows and thrifty weaned pigs. Phone 36F13. 12-30 WANTED Washer woman to wash Monday mornings. Phone 658. tf WANTED Man and wife on fruit farm. Permanent. Call 4F8 01 address St. 8, box 48. 12-39 WANTED Big fir stumpage, 9 or 4 mile from fair ground oa jfood road. Phone 105F12. 12-31 FOR EXCHANGE 320 acres of land, 70 acres in cultivation, good farm buildings, 10 acree alfalfa, good orch ard. Will exchange for small acre- f&ge near Salem. W. A. Listen, agt. 13-80 STRAYED! 2 two year old sorrel colts hare halters on. Phone mm, us-si FOUND) Purse containing silver. J. A. fleeley, 1030 Shipping St. . 12-30 BALED oats and cheat hay for sale, at $25 per ton. Bt. 5, box 92, Litch field, tf WANTED To buy, ducks, chickens, all kinds of poultry. Highest prices. Cherry City Feed barn, 1-2 FOR SALE Two extra fine Holstein heifer calves. School for Deaf. 12-31 MANIDY man wants work of any kind. Phone 2481R. 11 3TWO maids experienced preferred1, ap ply at once Hotel Marion. 12-30 TOR SALE 1917 Ford, 5 passenger, ood condition, snap for cash. 653 Union street. 1-3 FOR SALE 6 weekg Poland pigs, $3 .50. A-l oak grub wood. 1305 N. 16th St. Phone 1094. 12-30 JX)R a typewriter mechanic phone 937. 1-23 FOR SALE Equity in good piano. Call Mrs. Frickey. Phone 742. tf IB SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor, engine and boiler complete, cheap. liox 268, Turner, Or. tf THE Motor Inn garage now epen. AUi kinds of auto repairing, storage, etc. All work guaranteed. 12-Htf WAI'L PAPER 15 cents per doable roll upward. Buren'i Furniture Store, 170 Commercial. tf BOY 17 years of age wants work in town or country. Address lUtsu JNor wav, 12-31 FOR RENT Furnished house with two acres, close in. r. u. dox at, a- lem, BR1T1SHAIID FRENCH EM AHEAD OF AIliMIPPIlie United States Boats Bound For SesiA Africa Are Idling t hferts. Sy Jamea X. Killer (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Buenos Aires, Dec. 30. British and French businessmen are leaving Amen can trades at the post. Scrutiny of sailings, unloading and departure ia the newspapers is alone sufficient to convince any one that the Europeans enabled to get a flying start by the fact they are given plenty of ships, are gaining an enormous advan tage. It is reported here that at least a score of ships loading for South Amcri ca are idling in United States harbor The faet there are practically no suit ings from America is unaccountable to Americans here, who are weary of read iug about speeches by American off) cials regarding the great trade future with South America. Month after month has passed and there have boc no ships, and n0 anything, except words Meanwhile, Americans are taking a bacn seat, from which they are watch ing tneir competitors grabbing all the trade, now rapidly approaching a pre war Dasis. Mails More Trequent. The mails from Europe are much, more frequent than those from the Unit ed States. Arrival of radii is almost persuade the government to take con-! an occasion for celebration by members gress into its confidence with respect 'of tho American colony, who are dis to Russia, declared "it is not interest- gusted at what they term the neglect ... . . a -r . ifi J : n4 tlm hnnia crnvnrii inn mat in rjiieiana, .uora jnnner, m auu uuiiucreu i b response to a popular demand, discuss-' mcnt toward them, DEMANDING LIGHT ON RUSSIAN SITUATION Senator Johnson Up la Air Because Congress Has Not Been Notified. Washington, Dec. 30. Foreign Min ister Pinchon's statement to the French chamber of deputies that allied inter vention in Russia is inevitable today renewed demands from members of con gress for a statement of this govern ment's Russian policy. Senator Johnson, California, spokes'1 man for those who have been trying to "t t 4 ttv , IF YOU DONT PATRONIZE YOUR "HOME TOWN",, YOU ARE A SLACKER After the greatest Holiday Business in our history, we find many lines of merchandise broken in sizes, yardage, etc. These "odds and ends" "short lengths" and "broken sizes" are being placed on SPECIAL SALE TABLES and marked at prices that will "Clean Up" Lookfor the YELLO W CARDS They are "Money Savers IIERE ARE A FEW ITEMSPICKEJ) AT RANDOM: ft iFOB SALE Driving horse, cheap, or to let for its keep. Phone 97F12. 12-31 led the (British nolicv and in France 12-30 j.pinchon, in response to popular de mand, made this statement; but in tne WOOD cutters wanted. Dt. C. W. Beechler, SUverton road. Day phone 2106, night 10F22. 12-30 Clifford Brown's office, 129 S. Com mereial. 1-1 Virulent German propaganda is con tinuing despite the armistice. The news rtnnnrH nre esDeciallv scurrilous in pois- United States popular demard has been!oning the minds of the people agnuut.4 met witn suence. the united estates ana me Johnson and other members of both tne United States has no organ through house and senate aro daily receiving whicn to answei these attacks, Great letters demanding their efforts at get- Britain, France and Italy have. ling some ngui. . irgo uuiwucr v leading article in one oi meso yiw Germaa newspapers was headed irance Tino. invasion. It insinuated that the United States is grinding France under, f these letters come from parents of Am-1 erican soldiers now in Siberia. They ItlOB BALEfBand of goats. Inquire at pea a for the release of their boys from IFOTOfD Auto crank on Chemeketa St. Owner call at Vick's garage and pay for this ad. 12-31 OALBNDAR for 1919; large figures for practical use. Call ou Homer H. Smith, the insurance man, Mcuor- ; - Mr hldir 1-1' FOUND Auto chains north end fair "WANTED Two dining room girls tot an out of town hotel, good out of town hotel, good pay. Call Argo hotel afternoons. . tf OLD papera'for carpets,' etc., 10 cents per hundred, call at Journal office. WANTED To rent small acreage, pre fer. ear Silverton or Pratum. Acl aresa D-28 care Journal. 1-8 MAXWELL for sale, $275. Tonne. Me ehanically perfect. Highway Garage Phone 355. Call 1000 8. Cota'L tf fjIBERTY BONDS If you ust dis pose of your bonds, we wiu oxxj them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $3000 to lean on good farm security. Ivan G Martin, Masonic Temple. Phono 410. 12-30 ground road. Pay for ad and get chain at Goodman store, fairgrounds road. 12-30 thia service, or at least for some news of them. Ladies and Misses Ladies and Misses LADIES COATS Values up to $28.00 . DRESSES 1-2 PRICE . $9.98 LESS ONE-THIRD LADIES' FURS LADIES' DRESSES SUITS 1-2 PRICE 1-2 PRICE LESS 20 PERCENT LADIES' UNDER- CHILDREN'S Ladies' AND CHILD WEAR UNDERWEAR REN'S HOSE 2-Piece Garments 2-Piece Garments . The famous "Merode" The famous "Merode" sPecial Prices 0n 69c - 39c Broken Lines its heel, industrially an doconomically. IT AREHOMEWARDBOUKDMffnS HERE TODAY WAWTRT) .Pint nnlc tim Jnak. tvDe- whavf yZdatch.aibargainatft; Many Boys Iron! West WlU caghf Answer O L care Journal. 12-30 FOR SALE 12 Barred Bock pullets, just ready to lay; also 3 choice White Wyandotte cockorels. 1925 State. 12-30 FOR SALE 10 acreg fruit land. En quire between 9 a. rh. and 5 p. m. at rug and carpet works, corner Mill and 20th. 1-4 FOR SALE Loose oat hay. Dr. C. W. Boecnler, Silverton road, opposite fairgrounds. Day phone 2106, night 10F22. 12-30 WANTED A team that will weigh about 2800 lbs. Anyone having such a team for sale, call on or address Fratdt Fiala, Rural Route No. 1, box 21. . I CHATTEL mortgages pay 10 per cent interest for about dates, l nava con stant applications. Lot mo place your moaey for you. C. W. Niemeyer, 544 State street, Salens. - tf Arrive First Few Days Of January. Washington, Dec. 30 Several trans ports and ibattleships are now inbound from Franco with home coming fight ers. The list follows.: Pastores, due ttoout January 5, at Newport News, with 1176 sick and wounded and a medical detachment. The transport Koenigon Der Neder landcn is due about January 4, at New port News, with the 125th field artil- I lery regiment, headquarters of the POSITION wanted by man familiar ! 163d field artillery brigade, casual with stationary engineering or aw eompaniee a auu -,, to kinds. Steady, reliable. Address En- companies 332 and 833 and a few cas Tfinecr care Journal. tf ual officers and sick and wounded. lue Irowuatian wui piuua-uty uw,n ABOUT 3-4 acre, 6 room, semi-modern January 4 at Newport News with the house, 6 blocks from capital bldg., $2500, free of encumbrance, or small farm. Owner in town one week. 556 Union St. 1-3 IF YOU must sell your liberty .bonds, sell them to me. If yon can buy more liberty bonds, buy them of me. I buy and sell liberty bonds. W. A. IdStoa, 484 Court St tf PLENTY of money to load on good farms; low interest rates; five years time; privilege to pap 100 or multi pla on any interest date. Call or write H. M. Hawkins, S14 Masonic Udg, Salem. tf WANTED TO RENT FARM. Wanted to rent grain and stock farm for a term of years by an ex perienced party; will pay cash or hare rent. Address C. 0. C, care of Capital Journal. 18-80 STOP SHAKING YOUR SHOULDERS Learn to Dance Correctly. Theodore and Lillian Newman, Exhibition Daneors and instructors Modern and Classic dancing. Hotel Marion Salem, Ore. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice ia hereby given t) at the fin' ietrator of the estate of Clark Ricket, "ne casual compute. ' "e" f 1, 202 127th field artillerv regiment, bead- quarters 59th field artillery brigade, 115th trench mortar Battery, casual company number 8 and 352 sick and wounded and a few casual officers. The battloship Georgia prebably will arrive January 7, at Newport News, with the Sixth trench mortar Dattaiion complete, 311th trench mortar battery. Tho battleship Kansas will probably arrive January 7 at Newport News with the Seventh trench mortar battal ion, casual companies 320, 323 and 4 and the Third anti-aircraft sector. The battleship North Carolina prob ably will arrive January 8, at New York with tho 113th ammunition train headquarters, headquarters company, companies of the F and G headquar ters detachment, ordnance and medical detachment 498th aero squadron, ma Acting As State Booard Of Exassers To wade 1 eacn ers' Reports. Twentv county school superintend ents are in Salem today, meeting m a state board of examiners to grade the papers of those who took the receor state teachers examination. iuo will be in session four days and other superintendents are expected to ar rive this afternoon or tomorrow. Those here today include: Alias fcimeua -w ley. Baker; R. E. Cannon, CorvalUe; J. JS. ualavan, ureBou unj, vr. u. Astoria: O. E. Mulkey, Ooquille; W. Si. Kent, BrooKiiiKs; u. a. uiumpu. Hood. River G. W. Ager, Jacksonville; fi .Mna I. Wells. Klamath Falls; C. E. Oliver, Lakeview; E, J. Moore, Eugene; B. P. Ooin, Toledo) Mrs. Wa M. Cummingst, AlBany; Miss Fay Olark, Vale; W. M. Smith, Salem; W. C. Alderson, Portland; Fred 8. Crowley Dallas; W. W. Green, Pendleton mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe, La Grande; Clyde T. Bonney, The Dalles. Mauretania Brings Load Of Troops Home Again Dec. 30. The Duvo BrH' ish steamship Mauretanit, sister ship of the loet Lusitania, brought more than 3000 soldiers back to the United States today. Of her human cargo, auu were eoim al mn and 347 were officers of .the 345th infantry tho regiment complete with the exception of company H. In addition the ship carried 44 officers, add 96 enlisted men, casuals SPECIAL TABLE SHORT LENGTHS J LINENE, SHIRTING, FLANNELETTE, SATEEN, GINGHAMS, CREPES, ETC. 23c You can always do better at L JJL GOEU.DiOnID G, ' ' . ha;f iVS. ?3 and 204. Many of the nbove troop. court ot Marion county, Oregon, ana , that the 6th day of January, llt, at TO THOSE looking for genuine prune land opportunity, here 'a a ehanee, ut ah c.r for 80 acres ia prune die- trie adjoining going prune orchard, i ai(j estate) Bt which tin.e any person half in cultivation, balance timber, interested in such estate may appear the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been duly appointed by such court as the time for hearing of objections to such final account and the settlement of fi milmi south on food rock road. K M LaFore, Phone 1251W. l- NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Sot the Cost of Constructing a sidewalk To Archie Parker, George Parker, Margaret Parker, Virgil Parker aad Wilda Parker: Yon are hereby aotif led that the eitr f Salem has. br ordinance N. 1560, levied an assessment upon let 1 ia block 13 of Highland avenue addition to the city of Salem, Oregoa, ewae by yon, in the sum of 982.25 for the ost of constructing a cement concrete sidewalk oa the north side of High land avenue In front of and abutting apos said lot. Said asaesameas waa ca tered In the minor ilea docket af the eity of Salem oa the 13th day of De cember, 1918, aa a charge and Kea gainst said lot, and the eame ia bow due and payable to the eity treasurer. By order of the eommoa coaneil, ti aotace ia served upon yoa by publica tion thereof for ten day ia the Daily Capital JourriaL daily newspaper piUijhed ia the city of Salem. Data of frist publication hereof if December 20, 1918. , EARL BA0E, ieeorder of the eity of Salya, Oregon. Jan. 1 and file objections thereto in writing and contest the me. FRANK BICKET, Administrator. First publication Dec. 2. Last publication Dee. 30. u . 1 . - J WHAT ABOUT YOUR INCOME? The elements comprising the hody are constantly wearing out and must be renewed daily, else the outgo of strength exceeds the income. SC0TTS ffiULSBOf will help the tired business-man or woman keep pace with the wear and tear of hie. Scott $ nourishes the body, blood and nerves, and helps maintain an even balance of strength and energy. Saft-guard your in :ome of ttnngth with Scott'. Scott & Downe, Bloom field, N. I, 18-19 Today's Trading Was Of Million Share Proportions New York, Doc. 30. The New York Evening Sun financial review says: Today's stock markot was potty and broad and trading was of million share proportions. Conditions which usually obtain at the end of the year were in some respects accentuated because of that provision of tne pending revenue bill regarding ailowauce ox urns in stock market operations in computing income tax. 'STACK NEEDLES" IS OBDEB. Leading Socialists Were Opposed To War Doc. 8. Leading socialists gave their approval to plans for protest She had ' """'"'H8 ea"e(' sn""y after the draft I HAYNES . BREAD iiAXNESrOSTE8.EAKlNQJ30!. "If yonr competitor talks about yea, pot him on your pay roll. No matter wbat he says, just so he talk." DIXIE BREAD BRITISH E0F.CES LAND ATRiGA, SAY REPORTS Bolsheviki Agitators Cause Outbreak ViTrich Is Quelled In Snort Time. Concnhairen. Dec. 30. British forees have been landed at Riga, according to advices received here today. Shortly after the landing there was an outhreax in wnicn several wr killed and wounded. Bolsheviki agitators goaded the crowds enscmDlea An the buildine. where British were confemngwith government heads until a cry of "''away with the Eng lish" was set up. The crowd waa dis persed LAND NEAR NABVA. 94 men and officers, wounded, and 14 nurses also made the trip. Ambassador Sharp arrived from Par is, but he was taken off the ship at quarantine and proceeded to Washington. BerVa, Dee. 30. British sailors and Esthoniin troops effected a landing near Narva, a Helsingfors dispatch to the Berlinske Tidendcr reported today. On Thursday, the advices said, the Brit ish' routed and forced egronnd bolshe including the ParpoK whieh were discovered shelling Wulf Island. The strongest thing in the tvorld public opinion! IMPERIALES MOVTHPICCB CXGABCTTJSS captured it by sheer merit. Everywhere men are smoking them. Ggarettes of such ex cellence that they have set their own standard of quality. law was passed, according to testimony today at the trial of fvo socialist lead ers on charges of espionage violations. William F. Krusc, see rotary of thoi Young People's Socialist league, and a defendant, said Victor Bcrger, editor of the Milwaukee Lradcr; Louis Eng- duhl, Irwin St. John Tucker and Adolpn Uerinber, the other defendants, had giv en their approval of the plans. In a letter to a secretary of the league, Krusc admitted he wroto that before tho meetings were to bo held probably be would be in jail for re fusing to register. The protest meet ings were called for July 4, 1917. Other letters introduced as testimony by the government purported to show concerted efforts to evade service. Chief of Police J. J. Jnnsteii of Mil waukee testified there was no notice able interference with the operation of the draft in Milwaukee. GoYernment To Get Out Of Marine Insurance Field Washington, Dee. 30. The govern ment ill get ont of the marine insur ance field January 4, Secretary of the Treasury Ulass announced today. An or ilor withdrawing all rate of premium fixed for insurance by the marine and scainimtn ' division of the war risk in' suranee was Issned today. BBC ALL JAP TROOPS Tokio. Dee. 28. (Delayed.) Japa nese reservist troops on the Siberian front will be recalled, the war efifce annonneed today, Washington, Dec. 30. Ameiica's ar my of women knitters, who did not cease work with the signing of the ar inistice, today were ordered by the cRd Cross to "stack needles," their task accomplished. An inventory of articles in reserve shows sufficient on hand to meet the needs of fighting men in this country nnd abroad. More than 10,000,000 sweaters, socks mufflers, helmets and wriBtlets were turned ont in tho 17 months preceding the overthrow of tho central powers. STAYTONEWS (Canital Journal Special Service) Stnvton. Dec. 30. The funeral of Mrs. Pearl Buffington, wife of Ouy P. Buff ington, was hold here Friday after noon, and interment was made in Lone Oak cemetery. Mrs. Buffington died at LaCrandc, from pnoumonia following influenza, after a brief illness. She was about 38 years old, and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stoyton, of this place. Her husband is now with tho American forces in France. The bereav ed parents and brothers and sisters, as well as her husband, have the sympathy of the entire community. (Herbert Staab is hore from it. wor den, Wash., for a visit with friends. Oliver Perry Lesley ana Miss itnoua .married at rcnoictnn there before many weeks. Mrs. Richard Hensley has received the sad news of the death of her broth er, Francis M. Yost, which, occurred in, France Oct. 18, following wounds re ceived in battle. Another brother of! Mrs. Hcnsley is also in the army lit France. A. ('. reterson and wifo of Shaw, aro now residents of Stayton. Albert Noitling, who has been resid ing in Portland for sevoral months, will' move to Lebnnnn, where ho will have charge of a plumbing shop. I lie io will1 be watch night service at tho M, E. church the night of thei 31st. Miss Marie Poppo of Salem, was a guest of Mrs. Everett Gardner sever al days hist week. 11. A. Horton, formerly a teacher in the C-orvnllin gdionls, has boiui engaged to take the place of Mrs. Pearcy, re signed, in the Stayton schools. Word has been received by friemlw here that Miss Anna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew liuuscher, former Stayton residonts, had passed away from influenza at their homo near Ool dendalo, Wash. Miss Hauscher was well liked by her acquaintances, who will be sorry to learn of her death. Winnie Tate, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tate of Sublimity, has arrived home from a training camp near New port, Va. His brothers, Dick and Elbert have lb con changed from aa euBterai camp to Camp Lewis. J. F. Miclke spent several days last week in Portland. A joint installation of the Mason and Eastorn Star was held Friday night A splendid lunch was served and a pleasant evening was enjoyed. John M. Downing of Mill City, was; in town several days last week. STOMACH ACIDITY, .NDIGESTION, GAS slant Relief. lAKinKn were aimrrivu t cn'nunjft 1 11 I A m n . z u' iln uhtillIi1tn c!rily,iW Eat Just One Tablet Of Beb. Hubbell. After the ceremony a- r 1 weddinz dinner was serv d. They iu' j KaTtf S ihanPTKin VM ln- m,li.t.. worn in houaekeemnff in an-1 " " w t-f v. . artmcntsin Pendleton wlicre the groom is employed. Oliver's many friends here will wish for the lappy pair many years of married bli' . Mrs. Anna Shephrrd, wife of Eph riam Shepherd, died Saturday morning from heart trouble. She had been a suf ferer from this di.ease for some time, but was not Ions confined to her bed. She is survived by her husband, two sons, Jesse and Adam, and a daughter, Mrs. Wm. Brotherton. William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, writes from Siberia, wheVe ho When meals don't fit and you belch. Kas, acids and undigested food. When yen feci lumps of distress in stomach, pain, flatuence, heartburn or head ache. Here is instant relief No wait ing. w w Just aa oon as you eat a tablet of . ,. AmnriKn fnrcai. that il is Pane 's Dianensin never fails to maka very cold there, but that they have fur digestion and stomach distress ends, coats. He say that tho boys have Those pleasant, harmless tablets off plenty to eat, but that the boa that l"ape's Diapepsin never fail to mnh came from home certainly please4 him. siek, upset stomachs feel fine at once, lie thinks they will be moved from and they cost so little t drug stores.