Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 30, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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3 T? IT !Tf u
Entitled Christian Science:
Salvation Through Spiritual
Sense By John L Lathrop,
C S. B- Member Of The
Bo?id Of Lectureship Of
The Moikr Charcli, The
First Church 'Of Christ,
Scientist, In Boston, Mass.
- lit is my privilege this afternoon to
introduce the speaker and announce bis
subject, Christian Science.
. We are enjoined by the Scripturos,
with all our getting to get understand
ing;. It is through understanding that
the seemingly impossible is accomplish
ed, that miracles are performed. The
flooding of this room with light by
tho simple turning of a switch would
have been a miracle in Franklin's time
Likewise carrying on aconversation
through a distance of a thousand miles,
communicate with a shop at sea, or nav
igating the air have all in turn been
in tho realm of the impossible because
f our lack of understanding. Yet these
things are rapidly becoming common'
This being so. may not tho miracles
f biblo times become supremely natur
al when they aro comprehended f In
fact the teachings of Christian Science
reveal tho underlying principle through
which Christ and hig followers perform
ed tho miracles of their day, and assure
she answered some difficult questions,
and her simple, unhesitating, strong,
and certain manner convinced me that
she Tras not depending upon her mor
tal solf or human will for knowledge
but that her wisdom was the outcome of
her implicit . spiritual faith in God.
Those who knew Mrs. Eddy best never
discovered by all fair-minded persons
who have removed their ('blue glasses"
that it is an ignorant material sense of
God and His spiritual rules, which re
sults in fear and disease, selfishness,
war, calamity, and death. The way of
health and harmony, the way of true
prayer and salvation, lies along the
had but one opinion about her abso- pathway of a right understanding. This
lute reliance upon the divine Mind for fight understanding comes through the
every daily move. I may add, merely y and practice of Christian teienee,
in the way , of confirmation, that inl" m the measure that it is attained
LVoTtoe to be a membeTof Mrsl .f o- of this lecture is to
j t. i j l - t .a.. consider and. so far as the time allot
Eddy's. household, when I posseted the speaker's ability permit,
every opportunity of watehing herdaUy,t() reVea, Jn J0B'tlmdie.
habits, which I found to be as honest-, tQ Ae caimg ftnd evidence of the
and consistent in spirnuai gmaance anu false materia. Beuse or the material
practice as wore the fruits in aonnaani point 0f vew
and benefieent results, wnat J. men . when, as a business man, I attended
witnessed confirmed what had gradual- my f jrst christian Science meetings
ly been formulating in my consciosuess, an(j understood very little of the talks
namely, tnat spiritual 1 rum nas aiwHys walea went clear over my head, I de
been revealed to those who were most termined that if ever in the future 1
spiritually minded, and that Mrs. Ed-1 gDOko publicly- on the' subject. :
dy's natural love for God and His laws would couch my remarks, as it were, in
enabled her to understand and reveal ' the plain language of the street, so
both to this age. And so what I then i that the business man and other people
say answored conclusively to me an old could comprehend Christian Science. But
question. Was Mrs. Eddy commission-; as one's thought changes from the ma-
ed by God or by man! And if by. God,
can God make a mistake! Gratitude
opens tho door to spiritual understand
ing, whereas hnrsh judgment closes this
door. rGatitiide .for the lives of great
people, rather than opposition to their
work and doctrine, -constitutes the open
door to spiritual understanding. His
tory shows that those who profited
moat through the unselfish and noble
lives of great men and women were
deeply touched
... ... IIIOSU WHO wure munv
vs mat mis suuiu principle is nvaiinuie', . ... . . -41 i:-
Noble motives will prepare one's
far our use today in the solution of
every problem of life.
More than half a century ago Mrs.
Eddy discovered as a result of her own
hilling that life was not a mere series
f chances resulting in fortune or mis
fortune, success or failure, joy or sor
'row, but on the other hand w&a gov
rned by an exact scientific rule. Aft
er formulating the rulo she sought
means of making it available to man
kind and among other things establish
ed a Board of Lectureship, an accredit
ed member of which will address us
thia afternoon.
I tuke pleasure in introducing Mr.
John C. Lathrop, C. 8. B., member of
the-Board of Lectureship of the First
Church of Christ Scientist of Biston.
Christian Scionco was discovered by
Mary Baker Eddy fifty -two years ago.
Thirteen years after tho discovery the
"Punt Church of Christ Scientist"
was organized in Boston, Massachusetts
Since then nearly eighteen hundred or
ganized churches or societies have been
sblished over. ;tho-,iwerld, forty-one
itios each containing two churches or'j
societies, and twenty-four other cities
each containing fro mthree to eighteen
tiiurehea or societies. ' At the Wodnes
day evening meeting held in these
churches and societies over ten thou
sand people each week publicly and
voluntarily boar grateful testimony to
the healing and regenerative benefits
tbey liavo received through Christian
Science. Scores of additional carofully
authenticated testimonies appear weok
ly and monthly in the Christian Science
Sentinel and The Christian Science
Juorna1. If these are some of the pres
ent" fruits of Christian Science, Mrs.
Eddy asks in her book, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures", (p.
849), "what will the harvest be, when
- this Science is more generally under
I first met Mary Baker Eddy twenty
thought for spirtual discovory, and
thereafter the honesty and verity of
Mrs. Eddy's great discovery will never
bo doubted.
There are in the wotIo' today, as there
always hnve been, many diversities of
human opinoans or points of view. Once
succeed in changime a person's point
of viow and you give him a wholly dif
ferent outlook, as when you chango his
point of view from west to south of
from west to east. Suppose a person,
who, from birth had been taught to
. . . , . - 1 XI. .
wear blue glasses ana to view me
world through them, after twenty-five
years of cor.tinual use of blue glasses,
woro told that everything is not blue
but white and gold and greos nod
brown, it would be difficult for him
at once to credit the truth and change
his way of thinking. If he were told
to take off those useless and disfigur
ing glasses and have a look at things
as they really aro, he would reply,
"You aro mistaken,"! have always seen
the world this way, and so has every
one clso I know. Of course the world
is blue, and not green and brown and
white and gold." That person's point
of view would need to be changed. t
is certain he saw everything wrongly,
but was ignorant of it.
Most persons today are wearing
"bluo glasses" and do not know it.
Those are mental classes through which
they see the world, not as it really Is
and was created, but a8 their educate?
point of view has made it to them, and
according to prevailing opinion, they
will insist on seeing it so until they take
off their 'blue glasses' and chango their
point of view. Changing thoir point
of view will chango everything for
them, and if their new viewpoint be
correct, the outcome will be an ever in
creasing degree of harmony, health, and
happiness. Only proof and demonstra
tion, howover, convince us which point
tw years ago, when, on leaving the 'of view is right and which is wrong.
J,i't omLrk i the orac- Words only serve to awaken us and to
of Christian Science, she invited , n25 tho .waJ:
me to visit her at her hame in Concord, j
There is little difference of opinion
I -1 i. 11.. 4 i. n.ln I ,11 H
V. II. In those early days there were .t Qf viow
conflicting stories ailoat aqoui mrs. jmi-( agrce that the world seems to be
oy, ami K. ,', " about as full today es ever or sin anu
were, mv "business spectacles, loc .. t,tj j ji., imnnritv .nrl
at her through them, and thus not to dj9oa9e vanity an(3 selfishness, and that
be fooled by any possible personal in" , calamities, tumults, and wars havo not
Cuence. Great was my relief ana srtt- gutantijUy decreased u pto the pre-
iafaction on meeting a perouu uu mu
not at all accord with what I had heard
terial viewpoint to the spiritual, the
latter becoming more and more natural
and simple, one is inclined to forget
those early resolutions. Besides, as till
spiritual idea is so exactly opposite to
the material belief, it is difficult al
ways to express the higher idea in or
dinary material terms so as to make it
comprehensible from the material point
of view. Jesus once said, "No man put
teth new wine into old bottles." He
used parables and similitudes to help
reveal the spiritual idea. We are there
fore confronted with the happy task of
attempting to ' change your thought
about matter and evil by the employ
ment first of human reason, afterward
depending upon divine revelation and
demonstration awakening in your
thought the true spiritual idea of God,
man, and the universe.
A friend of mine once said, 'I ree
ognizo the power of the human mind
over the body, and I recognize matter
also." Matter is actually the great
est humbug in the world, as the world
will sometime discover. Probably no
other kind of ghost has fooled so many
people, or deceived them so badly. Para
phrasing the sayin gof a famous Amer
ican', mattor may fool some of the peo
ple all ot the time, and all of the peoplo
some of the time, but it ean no lon
ger fool all of the people all of the
time. . To the five material senses, mat
ter seems to bo very real, but matter is
not at all what it seems to be; mater
ial scientists will tell you this. Its
claim of possessing life or intelligence
or substance is now found to be absolutely-false,
Vmkr. increasingly power-
tul magnirying glasses its nature as
substance continuously changes, and its
original form and character are reduc
ed to the minuto forms called ions
and electrons, and tho latter in turn
are reduced to what practically is ma
terial energy or mind. Here material
science finds itself halted by a great
gulf, which it never will be able to
bridge and continue farther with ma
terial reasoning . or material know
ledge. Under a very strong magnifying
glass the particles of matter are seen
to bo constantly changing and moving
about, as though at war with each
other. This is actually the fact, and it
has been taught in the schools that
the material body undergoes a complete
renewal once in seve nyears- This period
of time has in recent years been grad
ually reduced, an eminent French scien
tist, Camille Flammarion, reducing the
time by more than one half, and quite
recently a scientist has announced that
this bodily change takes place once in
two months. If this be a fact, it makes
a total of iust six distinct material
bodes that you and I have exhibited
during tho past year. And we
would ask, by tho way, , what has be
come of those so-called chronic diseases
which you thought you had two, four,
or six months ago I Surely they were
not in matter,
leeture. Many times while eating
meal, sometimes of many courses, if
your thought be distracted by absorb
ing conversation you will taste little
or nothing you havo eaten. Does not all
this prove that your consciousness of
sight,- your eonsciousness of hearing
taste, is the only sight and hearing and
taste that you have, and until you learn
the truth about sensation,- this con
sciousness is mortal mind and not mut
ter. ' . . i -
Mortal mind is nothing more or lees
than the false belief that there is life,
intelligence,. and Bubstance in matter.
What is left of mortal mind after all
its false material beliefs have been ex-
exposed and reversed fit will not have a
root left to stand upon..i.ts irauauient
character willne laid bare to the world.
Its infinite, limited, self -centered be
lirfs are without; Principle, therefore
constitute selfishness, and from these
selfish, willful thoughts proceed the
sins and evils of the worlu. And, in
turn, from these sins and errors pro
eced all the discord, disease, and death
which afflict mortals. Did not St. Paul
call death "tho wages of sin"! Jesus
denounced the devil, or evil, as a liar
and the father of lies. A lie was never
the truth, and can never reverse the
truth, but Truth uncovers a lie and
destroys it. Thus it is discovered that
sin and evil, in other words mortal
mind, never had a real origin or ex
istence, is really not mind, but is simp
ly error of belief, wow let it be un
derstood that it is not the painful
sensations of this false material sense
which make it subtle or dangerous, but
rather its pleasant sensations. But that
kind of sensation which inevitably re
suits by reason of its falsity in mental
discord and suffering, is not a perma
nent and satisfying pleasure. There
fore it is not a pleasure to gratify the
false, deceiving senses, but it is
pleasure to master and overcome them,
And so we turn from the falsity to
the reality. Dreama in sleep, no matter
how real or alluring, they may scorn
do not set us anywhere. We must
awake and be quickened to make, pro
gross. The only way to reason away er
ror is to demonstrate the truth. Human
consciousness awakened to the truth
will cause error to fall 'back upon end
destroy itself. Jesus said, "It is the
spirit tnat quicxenoin; xne nesn prom
cth nothing." God is Spirit, as the Bi
ble teaches, and Christian Science re
veals that He is tho only Spirit, oi
Mime. But how to bo quickened by God.
especially in the hour of trial, is the
question. The Scriptures declare that
iGod is too pure to behold iniquity, and
that a falsity .cannot o owiowcn . oy
the divino Truth is--.now-ofuite' appar
ent. Then if God, Spirit, cannot be
seen ot approached-'tnrough the mater
ial senses, tnrougn wnai numan ave
nue can He be reached and His infi
nite blessings be bestowed! The ans
wer to this preeminent question should
now be more simple. If God, fjio divine
Mind, is to be reached through thought
only, as many believe, what other chan
nels of thought exists after the material
has been eliminated!
question arises, that all absorbing prac
tical question which vitally itnerests all
mortals, How is the divine Principle of
tho allness of good to be applied in the
lives of mortals! How is it to save us
from the fears, wickeducss, and suffer
ing continually experienced iu mottal
life! Christian Science answers that as
the means is plain, the method is equ
ally so. Te begia with, the reference
already made to the pupil applying the
principle and rules of mathematics to
overcome error, is a fair illustration of
how God and His spiritual laws should
be applied in the minds of mortals to
the Principle of Christian Science heal thoughts. In this sense, and in thia
nearly every known disease and sin, this
is not a theory but a fact. It can no
longer be said, as was stated in the
"Medical Eecard," that it is doubtful
whether the sum total of diseases is any
less than is was before the medical pro
fession reached its present high stand
ing, and that "in the opinion of some
medical men diseases are on the in
crease." Mrs. Eddy writes in Science
and Health (p. 404), "Healing the sick
and reforming thea inner are one and
the same thing in Christian Science.
Both enrcs require the same method
I found myself in the presence of a
person of marked gentleness and re
finement, whose manner was quiet,
modest, and deeply sincere, who spoke
with great" earnestness, continually re
ferring to God with Buch unusual trust
and eonvietion that my thought soon
left her personality end did not roturn
to it. I discovered that instead of her
htrmiin personality dominating me,
something entirely above tho human
was governing Mrs. Eddy and in turn
strongly impressing me. I remember
And so mattor is discovered through
sent hour. Surely it is too late now to human reasoning to be quite a different
substanco from what it appears to the
believe that the cause of those evils
can be traced to the great source of
infinite purity and goodness, the one
eternal and immutable Spirit, called
God. Surely intelligent people do not
any longer believe that God is tho
cause of human discord and suffering,
any more than they believe that the
principle of mathematics is the cause
of the failures of pupils to understand
and prove its unchanging rules. An
ignorant sense of the rules prevents
the principle of mathematics being cor
rectly proved, and, just so, it is today
I Better
Our rapidly increasing trade has made the building
at 445 Court street inadequate for our needs. We
have succeeded in getting a location at 421 Court
street, which will enable us to meet the needs of the
public more satisfactory. We shall be pleased to
welcome all our old and new customers at this lo
cation. Arthur H. Moore
Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing:.
overcome thero the errors of existen- and are inseparable in Truth." This
ce. Tho truth about the principle of ' eannot longea be doubted when spirit
mathematics dawns upon the striving ual sense versus material sense is dear
thought of the pupil, md in this rution.ly understood. Fear and sin, Christian
the error disappears; just so, the truth . Science teaches, are elements of all
about the infinite Principle of Life, j disease, and fear is tho cause of the
n . . . . .1 a J j 1. a TV. ....
UOU, me truin mni opiru in luiwuiu nuu majority. UJ, uututiu bruuuit-o..., Alic. uu-j
omnipotent, dawns upon the receptive derstauing of Christian Mcicnee pre
thought, and exactly in the same ratio ' vents fear and heals fear, and in this
do the discordant and false material be- alone Christian Science is a priceless
liefs of Hfo in matter vanish. In muthe- benefaction to the human race, fcs
matics this is called demonstration, and tublished on the rock of spiritual undor
it iB called the same in Christian Scien- standing, you will no longer fear "the
To demonstrate .the allness, omni- fury of the oppressor,' or what mortal
potence, and perfection of divine Prin- man or mortal belief can do unto you,
ciple, therefore, becomes the whole duty forpossessing consciously the sense of
of mankind, and in proportion as this divine reality and protection, "whore
is done, the lives of mortals aro brought is the fury of the oppressor!"
into harmony with God, and salvation FALLACY OF HUMAN WILL,
and perfection are attained. No iaOYO-1 - - BLIND FAITH.
ment .should be mado, no work undor- Christian Science teaches . that .the
taken, no thought should be given to roai power in the universe is nccessar
the body, no thought projected into con- ily Spirit, Mind, God, and that in the
sciousness, before it is first weighed by final analysis, whatover the temporary
spiritual Truth and Love and not found evidence may be to the contrary, there
wanting. j rally cannot be any other power than
PKAYiiK. i uott. II matter in its airrerent lorms
Thi method of believing and affirm- cannot cure the sick, n0 moro can its
ing with absolute certainty that God is false and suppositional mental cause,
iust what the Biblo implies Him to be, mortal mind or human will, do bo, both
namely, All-in-nil, anu Relieving, no no- uuuig me same m quuiuy nuu puwur-
sus taught, that tho things one right- less. Tho human will expresses the sol-
eously asks for shall come to pass, indi- fish, aggressive, and therefore false
cntes something of the true nature of mentality of mortal mind. This false
prayer according to Christian Science, mentality appears to control human be
Proving the divine Principle of his bo- lngs and human destiny, but Christian
ing in tho destruction' of sin, sickness, Science shows that in proportion as the
and death is a practical and certain ll- evidence of the material senses, when it
lustration of true prayer which should testifies to sin, disease, or any discord,
anneal to every earnest-Christian. In- is questioned and rejected through an
stead of being prayerless, as some have understanding gained only by Christian
imagined, Christian Scientists, in so far Science, then a higher sense of being,
as they practice their Science, live lives purely educational and moro nearly
of continual prayer. They pray morn- spiritual, supplants tho falso control
ing, noon and night; they pray beforo and establishes an improved condition
they work, eat, or sleep. The Christian of mind and body. ' How much bettor
Scientist prays, not to beseech the in- it is for any human being to educate
finite to irrant some personal desire, or himself in this, the spiritual way, than
to in form the All-wisdom of somothing to follow the narrow, limited systems
God does not already know, but ho in vogncl Human experience nuuns
conscientiously affirms the truth of be- that these do not tend to encourago
ing, and denies the errors of belief, op- and build up the hotter sido of human
eiis ono door of his thought and shuts' character, and that the effect of mere
the other, until harmony, heulth, and mortal mind influence upon mortals is
nnncn are brouffht into and govern his stupefying and degrading rather than
consciousness and his prayer has been elevating and inspiring. Human w?n sa
answered. Thin prayer is not, thorei no moro intelligence Or powor to heal
foro a blind belief in a personal deity, tho sick than matter has, for they are
nor 'a wavoring faith in a far-away, kindred and inseparable from the bo
mystcriouB God, but it is a faith which ginning. A falsity may seem at times to
ima nrlvunced to spiritual understand- chancre another falsity, but this appear
ing ,and become settled, certain, and ance is deceptive or mesmeric. In the
always available. words of Jesus, " tho last state of that
tv, WWa declares. "He that comoth man i wotbo than tho first." Ono error
tr. find immtahelieve that he is, amd , cannot destroy another error,
that he is a rowarder of them that dili- jdo not tend to oncourago and build up
the bcttet sido of human cnaractor, ana
that the effoet of mere mortal mind 111-
Thore is scarcely a normally minded , gently seek him." Salvation docs not
mortal who holds not daily some follow a blind personal bolicr in a per-
thoughts of truthfulness, sincerity,
faith, hope, courage .affection, puri
ty, honesty; in otner, woros, some un
selfish thoughts, which cannot be call
ed material, but which point thought
material senses to be, and to possess no
lifo or no intelligence of its own. And
as material energy or mind, it is found
to possess a very false sense of life
and intelligence. - Then it must follow
that if matter has no life or intelli
gence of its own, it can have no Bensa
tion. Matter as flesh or blood, nerves
or arteries, cannot ache, swell, harden,
or be diseased; matter can form no op
mion or report no message, for it is
found tn be a dream substance, wuich
seems very real but which is not. Non
intelligent matter is not a lawmaker nor
a lawbreaker, for as it is without mind,
it can impose no laws whatever upon
man. Organic matter is said to be larg
ely impregnated with germs and mic
robes. Bad germs are said to cause
disease and good germs to be necessary
for health. As matter is found to be
unintelligent and unreal, there can
be no bad germs or good germs;
then there is nothing to fear or honor
in 4 his direction.
As for the five material senses
through which mortal mind substanti
ates matter, these five senses are cor
respondingly fallacious and ephemeral
Matter having no intelligence eannot of
itself see. hear, taste, touch or smell.
Innumerable illustrations could be cited
proving that the material eyes do not:
sea, nor the material organism oi me
ear hcarr etc. Hundreds of times daily
you do not see what the eyes are look
ing at, because the thought has been
distracted by something else. Dreamr
are splendid illustrations to prove this.
Eyeglasses, which are carefully placed
outside before the eyes should be fit
ted to the thought, and not to sense
less matter. Just so with the hearing. A
few minutes ago your ears did not hear
that noise on the street, simply because
your ears do not hear. Your thought or
eonseiousncss was on and hearing this
higher to a universal good. Every one
that these and kindred thoughts
'bring satisfaction and happiness and
lead to better tilings, lurmng bwuj
from matter and self, moved by some
motive for the universal good, is to
touch the divine Principle of being,
and is to igain gome sense of Spirit, or
iGod. This sense, which all normal mor
tals possess to some extent, even thougn
they may be ignorant thereof, is known
in Christian Science as spiritual sense,
and it is the way through which man
knows God, and is known by Him.
Christian Science selves to fewaken
these thoughts and motives, 5nd by
means of them to educate and encour
age until the spiritual sense of things
is discerned and begins to be demon
strated or proved , by overcoming the
false evidence of the material senses,
especially when that evidence is. in me
nature of fear, sin; and disease. Spirit-
... . 1 n Un .Ima
uanty, or gpirumu wuoo, iuj uo
awakened and may become a very com
mon or igcncral sense. In fact, the true
senna of &oirit is real common sense,
even as tho sense of matter is found to
h nonsense, and Christian Science is
but another name for this common sense
law of life. Mrs. Eddy defines Chris
tian Science in her " Rudiniental Di
vine Science" (p. 1) as "the law of
God, the law of good, interpreting and
demonstrating the divine Principle and
rule of universal harmony."
The apostle John, than whom no dis
ciple of Jesus, made' clearer the spirit
ual rules of life, said, "God is lovo;
and he that dwclleth in love dwelleth
in God, and God im him." Ho that
dwelleth in love, purity, honesty, unsel
fishness, knoweth God and is expressing
God, whereas he whose thought is a
channel for "the lust of the flesh, and
the luBt of the eyes, and the pride of
life, is not of the Father," as John ie
clares, "but is of the world. And the
world passcth away, and the lust there
of: but he that doeth the will of God
abideth forever." This "will of God "is
known in Christian Science also as the
will of Principle, the will of the ono
Hind, Truth, Life, and Love, for if the
will of matter or tho flesh is proved tc
be an erring sense forcing mortals into
tormenting fears, incessant troubles,
subtle sins, distressing disease, and
direful death, then the will of divine
Principle, when properly proved, pro
duces the opposite results, and awekens
mortals to moral courage, increasing
purity, abounding health, , unlimited
harmony, and eternal lifo. .
Granting then, as all Christians do
that God is the one infinite Spirit, or
Mind, the omnipotent AU-ln-kii, Vte
onnnl God nr a personal savior; if it did,
we Bhould not be admonished to work
out our own salvation, or be told, rie
that ovcrcometh shall inherit all
things." This work of overcoming
can only effectively be done according
to a divino Principle and rule, anu mm
Principle and rule must sooner or later
be understood by each individual in or
der to "put off tho old man with his
deeds" and inhabit the kingdom of
harmony. Blind faith is ignorant of
sin and how to handle it; it knows not
how to uncover and rebuke error, there
fore this fatal omission prevents the
Hn -nravors. Blind faith ac
complishes some measure of good; good
fluenco upon mortals is stupefying and
degrading rather thau elevating and in
spiring. Human will bus no more in-
tellegenco or powor to heal the sick than
matter has, for they are kindred and
inseparable from tho beginning. A fal
sity may Bcem at times to change anothj
er falsity, but this nppearnnco is cie-j
ceptivo or mesmeric. In tho words of
Jesus "the UiBt state of that man ia
worse than tho first." One cror can
not destroy another cror.
What is called tho influence ot the
human will is aggresive, nut Christiun,
and is known as mesmerism or hypno
tism. It is the very opposwo ot me up
lifting and strenKthening naturo of
motives could hardly fail to reap some iritutti thought or divine Mind, which
reward, but mental blindness, Mrs. Ed
dy explains, "clings fast to iniquity
(Science and Health, p. 448), and
naught else than enlightened spiritual
uuderstanding will uncover and dea
troy the manifold delusions of sin, sick
ness, and death.
Gaining an understanding of Spirit
awakens, upbuilds and regenerates. The
healinir action of Christian scionco is
tho exact opposito of systems founded
upon the use of blind faith and human
will, and as tho beliefs of mortul mind
ire legion, such systems aro legion in
namo and variety. Departing in a do
irrce from matter into the roabn of
mind, their methods would sometimes
d the omnipotent power of spirituui (lccoivo tho unwary, who may associate
laws, and an undestandrng of tho false
nature of matter and of mortal mind
and material laws, the seeker isarmed
successfully to copo with any humnn
discord. Is it then surprising that ho
l.niilA nresumo to attempt to heal dis-
pa, ns well as sin! What is disease!
that it should elude tho minister and
be assigned to tho physician, and what
is sin that it should defy tho physician
and bo allotted to the minister J m
whence originated both! From God!
No neither tho ono more than the oth
er.' Jesus' identical handling of sin
and disease should long ago have con
vinced the world that they havo an
indentical source. Centuries ago David
wrote: "Fools because of their trans
gression and because of their iniquities,
are afflicted. . . . Then they cry unto
the Lord in their trouble, and he . . .
sent bis word, and healed thenii and de
livered them from their destructions."
Christian Science has undeniably dem
onstrated that much of the so-called
ehronie and incurable disease is cause.)
by hidden or willful sin, and very few
physicians to-day will contradict this.
Then it is true that they both have
their origin in thought; their cause can
not be in matter, since matter is umm.
intelligent. Their remedy is that power
which will permanently heal the though
eause, and this remedy is the Word of
God scientifically understood, whion,
in the words of the Bible, "is quick
and powerful, and sharper than an?
twoedged sword, piercing even to thi
dividing asunder of soul and spirit, an'
of the joints and marrow, and is a dis
cerner of the thoughts and intents o'
the heart."
My friends, to one wh0 has proved
this truth for over a quarter of a cen
tury, as I have done, and witnessed
them with Christian Scienco, but ma
terial sense cannot possibly be related
to spiritual sense, nor be a departure
therefrom. This wide distinction must
bo clearly understood, as it will bo in
the proportion that tho oneness and all
ness of divino Mind are discerned, and
this Principle and operation of Christ
ian Science demonstrated, men it no
longer cun bo thought that tho opera
tion of Chirstian Science is the mere
pairotlike actef saying there iB no sick
ness, or thot troublo is nothing. Sin and
disease cannot permanently he cured by
any such method of superficial and
shallow suggestion. Suggestion is an
implement of the human will, and does
not destroy the cause of the disease.
Operation of Christian Science.
Tho operation of Christian Science in
healing disenso and overcoming sin is
the action of the divine Mind, God, the
Principle and power of the universe
through good thoughts, that is, thoughts
which, admitting that they havo action
and power are equally good for every
thing and everybody in creation. Theso
thoughts come to a human being throu
gh tho study of Christian Science, and
reveal this divino power which is omni
potent, and make this divine powor a
vailnblo in proportion as it is under
stood and accepted by means of such
sense only, is the operation of Christ
ina Science the operation of good
thought on evil thought, true thought
on error, and the effect is the same as
the effect of an al-powerful positive
upon its negative, as, for instance, tho
effect of light upon darkness. As
light is reflected from the sun and an
nihilates darkness; just so the qualities
of divine Truth and Love are reflected
by one's purified consciousness, ' and
penetrate and destroy and dark, evil,
diseased, or fearing condition of thot
in human consciousness. It is the real
isation of the allness and omnipotence
of Spirit or divine Mind which con-'
stitutes this spiritual reflection, and -
when spiritual reflection heals tho sick
or sinner, error and evil are cast out,
and the cause and the effect of the dis
ease are then, and nnlv then, fnllv n.l
permanently destroyed. Spiritual re- -flection
will uproot and entirely remove
what willful suggestion only smooths
over or ehanges into a different ovil
form. , . , .
The relapse of disease and its con-
iiuumiio iu new luuuo, a uiincuuy BU
prevalent and mysterious under mater
ial modes of treatment, is now under
stood, and such experiences nre not pos
sible when Divine Principle has des
troyed the evil thought-gerins of mortal '
mind. It is also understood in Christ
ianee Scienco -that acute, chronic, and
organic forms of diacaso are only in
essence moro or loss deeply seated states
and stages of mortal belief, which re
quire a like degree more positive and ,
rn,lf..al oi. U.,l ...ni;.niM 1 1 1
Jesus the Way-Shower. -
My friends, Jesus once said to his
followers, "Ho that bclioveth on me,
tho works that I do shall he do also;
and greater works than these shall ho
he do." It is quite universally accept
ed that Jesus did his healing works
through spiritual moans and methods,
through his spiritual understanding of
God, and not by means of drugs, blind
faith, or will powor. Surely Josus
meant that his followers should under-..
stand what he understood and work as
ho worked. Otherwise how could he bo
tho Way-shower! He must have re
garded sickness, as mental the same a1
ho regarded sin, and he cast thom both .
out of mind, as when healing the pal
sied man he 'said, "Thy sins be for- ;
given thee," and to tho man who had
been physically infirm, "Sin no moie
lest a worse thing oome unto theo."
If Jesus understood that his Father
was our Father, as ho declared, he cer
tainly knew that thin spiritual Father
was tho ono Spirit, or Mind, and dc-
b'ivaA flint Viio .il1..w.... l.n..A .l.lu un
Mind that was in himself. Moreover
that they employ the intelligence and
understanding of this divine Mind tc
V.llVUMlU DH All. '
Jesus daily proved tho divine Princip
le of his being, tho oneness and allness
of divine Mind, by castiug out the sins
and errors of mortal mind, and it was
tho cross or burden of his Cut that
his mission to humanity was So little
comprehended, and that they were aa
ready touudorstaud tho "many things"
of tho kingdom of heaven, wIika no
strove by parnblo und symbol to teach
was within them, a condition of Mind
hero and now, and not a condition bf
matter to bo hoped for hereafter. Is is
not piobublo that Jesus would experien
ce the samo anguish could he be here
in the flesh and blood toduy witnesning
tho teinulo hatred, conflict, want, and
woo consuming the world simply 1h-
cause nuiHt mortals have failed ns yet
to understand tho mesmeric nature of
muteriul sense in its subtle, Bclfit.ii,
willful, and autocratic process! It is
nilced encouraging that in tho Icavct)
of divine 1'rinciplo in the spirit of
world wide justice and individual liber
ty is seen to bo overturning and unit
ing in ono Mind the people of the
earth. Is not this tho forerunner of tho
downing in every consciousness of tho
love and purity, the healing and peace,
of the impersonal Christ. Mrs. Eddy
maps tho way to this universal ha.iuuu
when sho Buys in Science and Health
(page 407) "It should be thoroughly
understood that all mo have one Mind,
one God and Father, ono Lifo, Truth,
and Love. Mankind will become per
fect in proportion as this fact becomes
apparent, war will cense and the true
brotherhood of man will bo establish
ed." Jesus and the Christ.
Among the many remarkable state
ments in the writings of tit. Paul is this
one, "Henceforth know wo no man af
ter tho flesh: yea, though wo havo
known Christ after tho flesh, yet now
henceforth know wo him no moro."
This would seem to mean that Paul
recognized tho two distinct characters,
namely, a tompornl man, Christ aftor
the flesh, or Jesus, and the real man,
Christ after tho Spirit, or Christ the
son of God. It was thus that Jesus
socmcd to recognize himsolf, as when
he spoke of himself as the son of man
or of Mary, who had come in the flesh
to be the Way-shower, and as Christ
tho son of God, ono before Abraham
with tho Father, who as the spiritual
idea of God was to be manifested thru
tho spiritual consciousness of Jesus,
and save Jesus from the sins of the
This is the teaching of Christian
Science which removes the mystery and
confusion from mortal's belief in this
wonderful dual personality, . and dis
tinctly separates the spiritual from the
matorial, which is a vital idea for all
(Continued on page four)
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