Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 30, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Th order issued 1st yesterday f
teraoM by tho Salem board of healt
fstbtddinf all gatherings and asem
Hi f any ice da to the renewed
iafladna epidemic, ha upprcsed
sraltitad of Now Year festivities srhe
ialel far Uii week. With peace attfl
oeaopfing ruch a predominant place
sat the foreground of everyone ' thot
ad plant just now, the arrangement
for Now Tear 'a celebrations had been
fiartieularly elaborate and of a gayer,
happier character than those in con
nection with New Year event for sev
eral years. Alinot every large dance
ad watch party was to have been ting
ed by the spirit of glad abandon, a
oeoabined victory and holiday atmos
yhere pervading the merry making.
Now, however, though the rejoicing
war the cessation of war and the con
sequent happineai of the new year, will
not fe felt whit less ia the heart of
14pU), the outward demonstration of
eiadnaw on Tuesday night and Wed
aesd&y will of a necessity confine it
self to small and informal home jolli
fications, in place of the anticipated
largo aad. brilliant affairs originally
planned. Among the functions thus an.
(sauatieeUy cancelled for the week are
atatabored the New Tear's eve dance
t tho Country club Tuesday night, the
Military ball given toy Company it
New Tear's eve, and a host of elub
featherings, including the meeting of
las tfasno elub tonight at the home of
SCr. and Mrs. C. M. Inman, besides an
ssrrajr of smaller parties dotting the
praefc.' saloadar.
Irs. XJ. O. Bhiploy was hostess for i
t Uhemokota chapter of the Daugh
ter of tho American Revolution fiat'
-wrrtsy f tor noon at thear Dcejemlber
Meeting, at her residence on North
Kidney and bladder troubles don't
disappear of themselves. - Thei grow
upon you, slowly but steadily, under
mining your health with deadly ccr
teinty, until you fall a victim to In
curable disease.
J Stop your troubles while there is
time. Don't wait nutll little pains be--come
tig aches. Dou't trifle with dis
ease. To avoid future suffering brgiu
treatment with GOLD, MEDAL Haar
lem Oil Capsules now. Take three or
four erery day until you feel that you
jert entirely free from pain.
This welt-known preparation has been
In of the national remedies of Hol
land for centuries. In 10U0 the govern
Thousands upon thousands of dollars are saved in
Salem homes every year because the thrifty house
wife reads reads the "ads" and takes advantage
special offerings where real savings can be made.
Maul Do Your Bit! This is a decidedly mannish
"ad" that you may read with profit to yourself.
All Men's Wool Flannel Shirts are on the bar
gain table; sizes 14 1-2 to 15 1-2 (heavy log
gers not included) ; regular prices $2 to $4
each, now leas 20 per cent
Men's $1.40 Lightweight Wool Drawers, all
sixes 32 to 44, each, $1.00.
Broken lot Men's and Boys Leather Gymna
sium Shoes, choice, pair, $1.25.
Heavy Duck Knee Boots, with genuine John
H. Parker leather soles, sizes 10 and 11 only,
Entire line of $2.25 Parafine Waterproof
Leggings, pair, $1.85.
Thirteenth otreet. Several matters of
financial detail in connection with the
local support of enterprises previously
launched by tho national society of
the Daughters of the American Revolu
tion were discussed. The national so
ciety pledged IIOOjOOO wortll of liber
ty bonds in the last drive, calling for
a levy per "Daughter" of one dollar.
Arrangements were made to oolleet
these due in the local chapter as soon
a possiDie.
Some time ago the national society
also undertook a praiseworthy move
ment, that or restoring a French vil
lage, which had been completely de
stroyed during the war. The village se
lected was Tilloloy, and plans are now
under way for the erection of new cot
tages, a church, school house, and the
outfitting of each household with fur
aiture and tools. Tilloloy is in the
heart of a farming district, and the
idea of supplying tools to the inhabi
tant will thus give them a direct
means of livelihood. The cost of each
cottage will ho about 4600, and each
set of tools f 100. About 00 or 60 bous
es will be built, the whole village to
be restored at an expense of 452,000 to
the waugnter of the American devolu
tion. Each member over the country
will be thus assessed fifty cents, the
total sum of these levies as regards
the Salem chapter to be forwarded at
once to the headquarters at Washing
ton, D. C.
At the conclusion of tho business
meeting tea was served by the hostess.
The next meeting of the Daughters of
the American Revolution will be held
the fourth Saturday in January, when
tne annual election of officers will
take place. Mrs. C. C.
Clork will be
the hostess.
roent of the Netherlands granted a spe
cial charter authorizing; Its sals.
The good housewife of Holland would
almost a soon be without food as with
out her "Real Dutch Drops," as she
quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules. Their use restores
strength and is responsible In a great
measure for the sturdy, robust health
of the Hollanders.
Do not delay. Go to your druggist
and insist on bis supplying you with a
box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capaules. Take them as directed, and
if yon are not satisfied with results your
druggist will gladly refund your money.
Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on
the box and accept no other, Ia sealed
boxes, three size.
Well worth the price they were mark
ed to sell forevery one of them.
But we are closing out the entire
stock just as quickly as such a thing
is possible, and, after that, we shall
handle no more overcoats. Does this
mean anything to you? It has, to a
great many men, during the past
week. Do your bit and save
Mrs. Henry Beed (Polly Yonng) of
Taeoma arrived in Salem th latter
part of the week for aa indefinite vis
it with her parents, Colonel and Mrs.
Ueoree 8. Young, at the Marion hotel.
Colonel and Mrs. Young had expected
to return to their home ia Portland just
previous to tne holiday, bat owing to
me sudden uineas of Uolonel Xounff,
have been forced to postpone their de
parture. Mrs. Keed will remain in tia
lem until her father' condition shows
a noticable improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Touna of Al
bany were the guests yesterday at Atr.
and Mrs. John J. Roberts, motoring
Home last evening. They were aceom
panied home by their eon, Teddy, who
came up from Albany earlier in the
week to enjoy a few day 's visit at the
Robert borne.
News has been received by Salem
friends of the death of Mrs. D. B. Hart
well of Buhl, Idaho, the mother of
Mrs. Frank K. Welles, of this city.
Mrs. Welles loft for Idaho about ten
days ago, having been notified of her
mother's serious condition, due to pneu
monia complication. Mrs. Eartweli
visited in Salem during the past sum
mer and spring. Mrs. Welles will re
turn to Salem this week.
a -
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Seott went to
Portland today to enjoy a stay of sev
eral day.
Miss Ruth Schultz, a popular Salem
girl and yeomenetto at the Bremerton
navy yard, has been spending a five
day' vacation in Salem at the home
of her mother, Mr. H. C. Schultz, 1235
E street. She returned to Bremerton
last night. Miss Schultz went into the
service the latter part of last summer,
Miss Iva Wechtor, who also enter
ed the service in the capacity of a yeo-
menette, accompanied Miss Schultz to
oalem for a holiday stay with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Weehter
of 1433 Conter street. She returned to
her duties yesterday afternoon.
Jay Olmsted of Mnir, Michigan, is
enjoying a visit in Malem with his sons,
1. 1. Olmsted and Colonel C. J. Olm
sted, and families.
Mrs. A. 8. Schmauder and daughter.
Miss Zoo Sclimaudcr, are spending the
Holidays In ttalem as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. D. D. Olmsted.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Sheldon have
taken the Comstock residence on Port
land Heights until the opening of the
legislature when they will leave Fort-
hind for Salem and lator return to their
home in Eugene. Oregon Journal.
Salem society will Ibe interested in
the woddinir of Miss Viruriuio Monefee
of Portland, the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lee iiruce Menctee and Varnel JJ.
0. Beach, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. C.
Beach, which was solemnized at high
noon today at the bride's home, 034
Myrtlo stroet, Portland. The bride's
cousin, Miss Elizabeth Mcnefee, was
maid of honor, and littlo Edith Mene
fee was flowor girl. C. i Swigert, Jr.,
attonded the bridegroom as best man.
Rev. John H. Boyd read the ceremony
which was followed by a wedding re
ception. The Bench family i well known in
tfelom, having frequently kept "open
house" at their country estate near
here to their hosts of friends, in which
events fortunate members of Salem's
youngor set have frequently partici
pated. The bride is a graduate of Miss Cat
lin's school lator attending Dana hall
and finishing at Oaksmere, New Vok.
SUo has been an active member of the
Rod Cross motor corps. Mr. Beach is a
graduate of Portland academy and al
so of Harvard. About 400 iuvitations
were issued for the woddini which was
one of the most notable affairs of the
A large circle of friends will be
grieved to hear of the serious illness
of little Jeanetto 8yk.es, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Sykes, who is
confined to her homo, 1231 Center
street with influenza. Miss Nell Sykes,
who had planned to return to her du
ties at Bremerton at an earlier date
will proloug her stay until her niece
shows a marked improvement.
The New Year ' eve party for which
Miss Lois Smith was to have beea host
ess tomorrow night at th home of her
parents, Dr. aud Mrs. J. 3. Smith, to
the members of the literary societies of
.Washington junior high school ha
been postponed until the re-opening of
school, owing to th influenza ban.
Mrs. Phillip Carroll and small
daughter, Patsey, of Hood River are
enjoying a month's stay at Centralia,
Washington, aa the guest of Mrs. Bob
in Nelson. Mrs. Carroll is a former
University of Oregon girl and was fre
quently entertained in Salem as th;
house guest of friends.
Ceatinued from pag ae)
eoBaiderlng abandoning the titr to the
8partacido and establishing headquar
ters elsewhere, reports from Berlin de
clared today.
Conflicting Dispatch.
London, Dee. 30. All independent so
cialists have retired from the German
government, which now consists entire
ly of majority socialists, according to
a dispatch received from Berlin today.
This is in direct contravention to pre
vious dispatch which declared the
Ebert-Seheidemaaa coalition ministry
had been ever thrown and that a new
cabinet wuld be formed by Karl Lie
kneeht and George Ledebour, extreme
radical. Tha ojority socialists, of
which Philip Seheidemann is leader,
are comparatively conservative and sup
ported th Jd government throughout
the war.
T Obxw s 0014 la On Da)
(Tablet.) Z stops th Cough and Head
aeh and works off the Cold. . W.
OBOnWB signature on each bos. 30e.
Peace ftcfeisaries h Be
Sdbilted To Chamber Of
Deputies For AppreraL
By rred 8. FerguiKfi.
(United Press &taff Correspondent)
Paris, Dec 30 Premier Clemenecaa'i
speech before the chamber of deputiei
today i regarded as the first step in-,
dicating that European statesmen ar
prepared to join, in Wilson's "open di
plomacy." Th premier showed this
willingness in hi assurance to the chan-
ber that peace preliminaries would be
submitted to that body for approval.
The creates confusion existed in on
official circles regarding his references
to freedom of the seas and other vital
principles owing to the widely diver
gent version published by the various
newspapers. Among the American
peace delegates, however, his ntteranecr
were accepted as satisfactory and not
inconsistent with the ideas he had ex
pressed heretofore.
Kept o former ideas.
The official quotations of Clemen-
ceau's reference to his conversation
with President Wilson regarding the
British fleet will not be available be
fore late today. It is understood, how
ever, that Wilson did not depart from
his previously expressed American ideas
concerning freedom of the seas which
he has consistently held, show the ne
cessity for strong sea control. Inciden
tally, it is known, a third person wai
present during the conversation be
tween Wilson and Clemeneeau.
Clcmeneeau did not mention the,
league of nation indetail, but the gov-(
ernmcnt's views regarding the league
were satisfactorily interpreted by Min
ister, Piehon. - jr
Toe vote of enf idemce in Clemen
. . ... .. ... ...
ceau, coupled w ;u tne resun 01 iu
British election, gives assurance tlia'.
British and Vreiich policies, upon which
important discussions hitherto had bopn
based, will .ct be changed.
Mr. Grace Darby who died at Lot
tine Bunday, Dec. 22, of pneumonia fol
lowing influenza, at the age 01 " year
was buried Thursday, the 26th, in the
City View cemetery by the side of her
husband, Oliver E., Darby, who died on
Dec. 13, and was buried last week, bit
death also caused by the pneumonia 101
lowing inflocnz,
Mrs. Darby is survived by her moth
er, Mrs. M. E. Davis, three brothers and
six sisters, and an adopted son, Balph
Edward, on year old who is left in
the care of her mother.
Her brother, Job Davi of Corvallis,
and two sisters. Mrs. Fellers of Gcrvsis
and Mrs. Osborne of Balem .attended
tho funeral. Aumsvillo Becord.
Ai.Vani!. (.it.. Tee. .".O. While stand
ing bv01 aa open git te at his home in
MRS. fSKVH SCOTT, 13 N. High 81
I ) Tsvt-.Twaio
I if; Me Preparation. I 1
I f Amazing results, it I
I f Cle ansa scalp ! I
E i t&tkmltn. SUiostai. - C J
I fj in hair. Eliminate U I
I p, an prevents dandruff. I
I Keduoe oil cowotioa. IS ,R
F, JJ Enlireiis srowlb. In- K
Carter's little liver Pills
You Csnnot be
iy coloriss faces but awiairrealfj to!? cet p!-f4 scopes
"Nothing ca Earth like Tan-
lac, Jfe Says Troubles
Or ercoae.
"Wen, sir, a neighbor of mine put
a onto thi Tan) a few weeks ago,
ad it 'a th finest thing 1. has ever
ran across in the sixty seven years of
say life," declared Thomas T. Araott,
of 124 fiouth -Ray 6t., Spokane, while
in morgittieyd'a drug store recently.
"I have suffered for tnirty years,"
hs eon tinned, "with a bad stomaeh and
other troubles and spent a large part
of what I made for treatments and
medicines, but never did get any bet
ter until I began taking Tan lac. Ev
erything I would eat hurt me and the
gag on my etomach would rise np into
my cheiS and cut my breath snort.
Sometime my heart would beat o
hard and fast that I would just have
to gasp for breath. I was uneasy all
the time for fear I had heart trouble.
I would have blind dinay spells when
I could hardly stand on my feet. I al
so suilered witn neadacne and simp
ly felt played out nearly all the time.
"J can now eat what I want with
out it hurting me for the first time in
thirty years, and sine my food digests
and the go has stopped forming on
my stomach I don't have any more
trouble with palpitation and shortness
of breath. Why, before I took Tanlae
the least exercise would completely
tire me out, but sew I can walk or
work all day long and feel none the
worse from it. I guess I have taken a
barrel of medicines of different kinds
and lived on a diet, almoet starving
myself, trying to get rid of my trou
ble, but I suffered just the came until
I got Tanlae. 60 I know what Tanlae
ha done for me and I appreciate it
enough to tell everybody about it. In
my opinion there's nothing on earth
like It"
laalac i sold in Hubbard by Jtfub
bard Drug Co., ia Mt. Angel by s)e
Seech, in Oervais by John K'Hj, i
Tomer by H. P. Cornelias, ia Wood
bam by iymaa H. Bhorey, in Balem
by Dr. 8. C. Strae, in fiilverton by wo.
A. fitsnl hammer, in Gate by Mrs. 3.
r. VeUudy and in Stayton by U. A.
Beancbamp, in Aurora by Aurora irrng
Store (Adv.)
On His Way To The Ife But
Focsd His French No Good
While Ia Luxemburg.
j. B. Bixon of 17B North 25th street
i's in receipt of a letter written by his
son, Sergeant Boy L. Hixon, written
Nov. 29, in which the sergeant givee
the cheering news that he is on his wav
to Germany. The letter is written fioir
Luxemburg and is as follows:
"At present I am ia Luxemburg. We
have been moving ever since Nov. 16,
staying in a place only one or two days
at a time. The people and towns are
altogether different from what we havt
been seeing is France.
"Everyone in Luxemburg speaks
German but some of tho older peopl.
understand French. What little French
wc learned during our seven months in
France is of no use to us here. Every
time we would want to buy something
or speak to a civilian, we would won
der how it was said in German.
"The towns are not shot up and there
are lots of civilians. Where we were
in France the towns were not inhabited
and there was only women end cuildrcn.
il ..... i;..k,a n ... ...,),..,. nn
r. ,r.r.:,B"".:. v. . v ::::
we use lights on trucks and ears. A
month ago we were wandering around
in the dark with our supply trucks. It
used to be that we were right up on the
front you couldn't even have a cigar
ette, let alone light to see by. 'When
we were driving on the road in France
and in the dark, wc just had to trust
th Lord that nothing got in our way
for .you couldn) cj your hand before
We expect to move forward to the
Rhine about Dee. 1. We are all in
hopes and expect to get ordered to the
state. We have seen all the war we
want, as we have been through it nil
since July 15 at Chateau Thierry, Bt.
Mihicl and in the Argonne forests. Am
coming home as soon as I get in the
fergeant Hixon in now entitled to
wear the one stripe showing six month?
of actual service in France. He is with
"PP'y train.
his night clothing (S'.'v this morning,
Capt. Ivan P. i opiate, well-known
resident if Bouthtru Oregon, was fa
ll. 11 v burned, his cluthing having been
ignit 'd ty epaTks trcm the grate. His
body, from Uis sh"Mers to his feet,
w.iA :e.'ired. jaih i.i expected momen
tarily. Cnntnitt jirnl't'te was past 80
year of age.
A Remedy That
Makes Life
Worth Living
Clearance Sale on
Outer Garments ......
Jfever before has there been such an opportunity to
the economical, the thrifty, and the women who en
joy getting a good bargain for a small price.
Clearance Sale of Women's Coats -
$16.48, J19J5,?24.75
Clearance Sale of Women's Suits
$19.75, $24.75,
Clearance Sale of Women's Dresses
$14.75, $19-75,
U.G. Shipley Co.
Liberty Street
Ceataaued from page one)
and light wines jnly from 11 a. m to
2 p. m. and from 5 to T p. m
Permission to leave the American
zone may be obtained only from the di
visional commander and reasons fo( re
quests are subjected to the closest sou
tiny. Colonel I. E. Hunt, in charge of tlit
civil affairs of Coblenx, called in bank
crs to arrange preliminaries for the su
pervision of banks, which for the pres
ent is only nominal.
Upon orders of the allied high cv.u
mand, the American army is not paying
cash for its requisitions, but instead is
giving receipts, leaving the deaiers to
take their chances of collection from
the German government. The third ar
my is now working out plan wheroby
port of the 7U,UUU,U0U marks banded ov
er by the German government will be
available for current, expenses. Owners
needed articles, it has been found, are
reluctant to part with their goods, un
der the receipt system.. Also such a
Simply the Same Old Grip That Has Swept Over the
World Time and Time Again. The Last Epidemic
in the United States Was in 1889-90.
Spanish influonia, -which appeared in
Spain in May, has ewept over the
world in numerous epidemics as far
bnek as history runs. Hippocrates re -
fers to an epidemic in 412 B. C. which
is regarded by many to have been in
fluenza. Every century has had it at
tacks. Beginning with 1831, this coun
try has had five epidemics, the last in
"J 1
i u9-9o.
drip, or influenEa as it is now ealled
usually begins with a chill followed by
aching, feveriahness and sometimes
nausea and dizziness, and a general
feeling of weakness and depression.
The temperature is from 100 to 104,
and the fever -usually lasts from' three
to five days. The germs attack the
mucous membrane, or lining of the sir
passages nose, throat end bronchial
tubes ther is usually a hard cough,
especially bad at night, often times a
sore throat or tonsilitis, and frequent
ly all th appearances of a severe head
Go to bed at the first symptoms
take a purgative, and plenty of nonr-
lsning food, remain peTfectiv quiet and
donY worry. Nature herself is the on
ly "cure" for influenza and will throw
off the attack if only y.ra conserve
your strength. A little Quinine, Aspirin
or Dover' Powder may to given by
th physician's directions to allay the
aching. Always call a doctoi, suiee the
chief danger of grip is in its weaken
ing effect on the system, which allows
complications to develop. These are
chiefly pneumonia and bronchitis, seme
times inflammation of the middle ear,
r heart affections. For these reasons,
it is very important that the patient
remain in bed until his strength re
turnsstay in bed at least two days or
more after the fever has .left you, r
if you are over SO or not strong, stay
in bed four days or more, according to
the severity of the attack.
In order to stimulate the lining of
th air passage to throw off the grip
germs, to aid in loosening the phlegm
and keeping the air passages open, thus
making the breathing . eaier,. Vick's
VapoBub will bs found effective.
Hot, wet towels should be applied over
the throat, chest and back between
the shoulder blade to open the pores.
Then VapoRub should be rubbed in
ver the parts until the slun is red,
spread on thickly and covered with
two thicknesse of hot flsRaei cloths.
I Leave the elothing loose arcand the
Salem, Ore. i
system, it is declared, causes business
stagnation. 1
The Aumsville auxiliary to the Bed
Cross held their annual meeting Thurs
day Doc. 26 th, to elect officers for thu
comine year. The following were eleet-ed-
Millie Martin, chairman; Minnio
Anderson, .ewetary, and T. W. Johnson
trtasurer.r Kecord.
Heal Skin Diseases
It is unnecessary for you to suffer with
eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and
similar skin troubles. A little temo,
obtained at any drug store for 35c, cr
$1.00 for extra large bottle, and promptly
applied will usually give instant relief
from itching torture. It cleanses and
soothes the skin and heals quickly and
effectively most skin diseases. 1
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, dis
appearing liquid and is soothing to the
most delicate akin. It is not greasy, is
easily applied and costs little. Get it
today Bfidsavesall further distress.
" ThoE. W.Rom Co, Cleveland, a .
neck as the heat of the body liberates
ingredients in the form of vapors.
These vapors, inhaled with each breath
carry xne meaicauon aweeuy to tne
. Part affected. At the same time, Ve
poRub is absorbed throub and stimu
lates the skin, attracting tbe blood to
th surface, and thus aids in relieving
the congestion within.
There is no occasion for panic in
fluenza or grip has a very low percent
age of fatalities not over one death
out of every four hundred cases, ac
cording to tne is. V. awn of Health.
The chief danger lies in complications
arising, attacking principally patients
in a run down condition those Who
don't go to bed soon enough, or those
who get up too early.
Evidence seems to prove that this is
a germ disease, -spread principally by
human contact, chiefly through cough
ing, sneezing or spitting. So avoid per
sons having colds which means avoid
crowds common drinking cups, Toller
towels, etc. Keep your bodily strength
by plenty of exercise in tliij open air,
and good food.
Above all. avoid colds, as colds irri
tate the lining of the air passages and
render them much better breeding
places for the germs.
Use Vick 's VapoBub at the very first
sign of a cold. For a head cold, melt
a little VapoRub in a spoon and inhale
th vapors, or better still, use VapoRub
in . benzoin steam kettle. If this is
not available, uso an ordyinary tea
kettle. Fill half full of coiling water,
put in half a teaspoon oC VapoRub
from time to time keep the kettle
just slowly boiling and inhale the
steam arising.
NOTE Vick's VapoRub is the dis
covery of a North Carolina druggist,
who found how to combine, in salve
form, Menthol and Campsor with such
volatile oils as Eucalyptus. Thyme,
Cubebs, etc., so that when th salve is
applied to the body heat, these ingre
dients are liberated in the form of va
pors. VapoRub can be had in three siz
es at all druggists. While comparative
ly new in certain paTts of the north,
it is the standard home remedy in the
south and west for all forms of cold
troubles over eix million iar were
sold last year. VapoRub is particularly
recommended for children " croup or
eolds, as it is externally npplied and
can, therefore, bs useo freely and often
without the slightest harufal effects.