,?AGE EIGHT SattgjjMfjl Hourual SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1918. For DEPENDABLE i MERCH At the Lowest Price You Will Find That the J C.PENNEYCO Always leads. For Dry Goods, Shoes and Ready-to-wear Goods for Men, Women and Children, call on us and you will be pleased. 3 I il V T. J PERSONAL .. Uis Isola Hill of Yakima, Wn, li pending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and iMra. T. J. inn, I8':u (Jhomek eta street. B. T. Youol and Kennotls Youel of Bilvorton wore registered at the Bligh yestoraay. P. a OTtahugh of MeMinnville was In the city yestorday. - Oral tLomon and Douglas Walker, wearing the uniform of too navy are some for a few days. Clayton Jones is home on a furlough from the naval training station at Ban Francisco. His home is rural route 3, tsalem. -. Mrs. Ralph Johnson is visiting this week with 'her parents in Portland. Safe Milk ForliifanU & Invalids A'Natritioua Diet for All Aees. (Quick Lunch; Home or Office. OTHEB3 are IMITATIONS ' - The Farmers' Cash Store WILL CONTINUE CLOSING OUT SALE Bigger Sacrifices For Next Saturday Hard wheat flour $2.90 Best Valley flour $2.75 ' Sugar, 10 pounds for $1.00 Best Puritan salad oil, 1 gallon $1.90 Good country butter, pound 65c 15-oz. raisins, per package 14c White Beans, pound .'. 9c ; Peanut butter pound 18c : Table Pride salmon, can .............17c Lipton's tea, 1-2-pound can 45c ; Lipton's tea, 1-4-pound can 23c Reliance coffee, 3 pounds for 95c Economy coffee, per pound 19c ' Cocoa in bulk, 2 pounds . 45c Japan rice, per pound 10c 5 bars Elk soap 25c ; Alaska fat Herring, each 5c $1.35 brooms, at 83c Big bargains in dry goods, clothing, shoes, rubbers VEGETABLES: Cabbage, per pound 3 l-2c Potatoes, pound, 2c; per 100 pounds $1.60 Onions, lb. 2c; per 100 pounds $1.60 .We will deliver orders of $1.50 and up free of charge Farmer's Cash Store j C. O. D. Orders accepted over the Phone ;151 High Street Salem, Ore. Phone453 NEW YEAR'S EVE. DANCE L At f'iSSSE HALL ANDISE ; Elmer Smith is home from Camp liowis for a few days. He is visiting at his home in Polk county, ' iUarl Daue, formerly with the iLadd & Bush .bank, returned yesterday to Camp Lewis after a short visit here. - Milo Rasmussen, after wearing the uniform, six mouths at camp Funston, is home with his discharge. . Georgo E. Halvorsen, the first over seas Y. M. C. A. man to arrive home to stay permanently, returned to 6a lom yesterday. He was formerly with the automobile firm of Halvorsen & Burns. Harvey Stege, who lives near Mac loay, was in tho city yesterday return ing from the Astoria shipyards. - . Joe Adolph is apondiug tho holidays in Los Angeles. "Bunny" Mowing, prominent mom ber of the Salem Elks' lodge, is home from flan Antonio, Texas. I wish you ft Happy New year. Will ship livestock on Jan.' 1st. Also handle poultry. Highest market prices. 0. W. Eyre. I'houe 220GM. , 12-30 Tonight, dance at Chemawa.. Train sorvico out. 7:55. Auto service back at one o 'clock. Good luuch, Good music Dance starts at 8:30. ' The Stat TedeiratiOn of Labor will hold its annual convention In Balem be cinninir Jan. 6. The mooting was-to have ibeen hold in Bond but tho health conditions wore such at that place that it was thought best by the leaders that the moot should be held in" the capital city. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY - t M V iiiiniii!iiss3?s 9 AD Around Town COHNGEVENTS Dee. 29 Christian Science lecture, opera house, 3 p. m. Dec. 30. (Second leUon on school budget Dee. 31. Company If dance at armory. Jan. 7 Annual Cherrian inie Jan 8 Annual meeting Ba lem Commelcial club, tiation and banquet. Jan 13 Legislature convene Jan. 15-18 Auto exhibit. 'TU fuaral MuttfBL"Webb Ootgfc Co. tt Il all to can do wnea Call Webb Clongh Co if. teatfc Mae. Pfceme IN. The Salem Heights Sunday school will hold a session Sunday morning, Dec. 29 at 9:45 o'clock. At this meeting officers for the coming year will be elected. - Lunch coanter opposite 0. B. B. B. depot. Good lunches, It. J. B. coffee. Lady .waitress. Open from 0 a. m. to 12 p. m. . 12-80 Highways Eapid Transit Auto errlce""1'"1" bank bldg. - tf to Portland and way points daily, leav ine Salem at 7 a. m. Phone orders ev- T . . A nm n r il T n eaing Derore. ioi o. uom i. rnone ooo. tf . The Salem high school basket ball players won' their second same this soason when they defeated yesterday the Chemawa team with a score of Zs to 20. The game is what might .be call ed a practice game, but it was closely contested by both teams. The Salem team will play Silverton high Bchool at Silverton .next Saturday. High grade, genuine fun for Cnrtsfr mas gifts at special prices. West fur Co., 217 South High St. tt Dr. J. O. MtUUs, associated with Dr. H. J. Oloments, office 4.')-410 Salem Bank of Com. bldg. Office tel. S73; res. 1705 South Fir St. tel. 596. 12-27 Through Oity Attorney Macy,' the city is notified by tho Southern Pacif ic railroad that it has taken note of the bad condition of the crossing at Church and Trado streets and that work will start at once. The letterhead on which the notice is given is as follows: United Railroad administra Hon, W. G. Me Adoo, general director of railroads.'' Build up Salem's industries by sup porting those on the ground. tf .4 L.M.HUM are of Ykk h Tods Chinese Ucdielne and Tea Oa f 11 & medicine which will tan I any knows disease. OpfB Sundays from 10 a, mv nntU 8 p. m. 1(3 South Hiith 81 J Balem, Oregon. Phoae IS: Notice to the Public Beginning Thursday evening December li)th, we will es tablish a night service both from Salem and Portland leaving at 6 p. m. making two trucks leaving Salem and Portland daily. Those desiring quick service from Portland phone your orders before 5 p. m. HIGHWAYS RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY Sol Roberts, Agent PHONE 663 137 SOUTH COM'L SALEM'S BIG DANCE m SALEM'S In the circuit court of Multnomah county a divorce suit was filed vester day by Mabel White of Salem in which she charges Clifford T. White of this city with eruolty and infidelity. She alleges that he has spent much of bis time the past year in the company of other women. She wants the custody of iwo enuaren ana sou a month alimony. They were married in 1904. ' ! o 81 em tread supports Salem's nayroll and in turn the asks the support of Ba lem people. tf o Ton Should buy Balem bread only, there is a reason. tf Marlon county repreeentatiTet ..and senators received a visit yesterday from a man who elaimed to represent the Northwest Tourist association for which Oregon voted $25,000 at the last legislature and British Columbia com ing in for its share. The money was to be spent for advertising the north west from the standpoint of the tour ist. It is probable that members of the 1919 legislature will requiro a careful and definite accounting of what was uone witn tne lormer appropriation be fore voting more money to bring tour ists to the northwest. I bar moved my offices Into Hon pleasant and' more Aommodiou quar ters on the third floor of the U. 8. National bank building. Dr. 0. L. Seott vuuuprac uc-opilMHOglBC, SUV-3S10 U, M. ..... , n Eelax anil rest in the dental chair. Dr. Hartley fills and extracts teeth without' pain and corrests " diseased gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. ' tf Balem bread is freshest and best, tf o - Stated meeting ' of Salem lodge No. 4 and Pacific lodge No. 50 A. F. & A. M. thls'eT cning. Work joint installation of officers. Visitins brethren welcome. . , The Oregon State Teacher's asocia- tion is now in annual session in Port land. Marion county is to be ropre spnted by the following: Jessie A CoJi H. F. Durham and Emma Dristow of Salom; B. T. Youel of Silverton; W. J. Mishlor of Woodburn and Mrs. M. L. Fulkerson of Salem. - Hear Evangelist J. A. Gillespie at Moose- hall Sunday Dec. 29. Subject "Millions now living who will never die." o Free Lecture on Christian Science by Mr. John C. Lathropj C. S. - B. of Brookline, Mass., Momber of the Board of Lectureship of ,tho "Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., will: deliver a free lecturo on Christian Science at the Grand Opera House Sunday Dec. 29, at 3 p. m. - 12-28 Married WR.KJ'HT-'RETICTI At the parsonago of tho First Methodist church bv the Bov. B. N. Avison, Dec. 24, 1918, Royal J. Wright of Linn county and Miss Mary Rouen of Marion county. The witnesses to the ceremony were Mr. end Mrs. Marion Harrison. OAULTER-GLAZIKR By the Rev. B. H. Avison, at tho parsonago of tho First Methodist church, Dec. 2(3, 1018, Allen James Gaulter of Wash ington and Miss Ester Glnzier of Marion county. Tho witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Randall. RAIU RAH! BROWN of HARVARD The best college story ever written, featuring TOM MOORE and HAZE DAY Just ask a friend who has seen this show and hear 'em say -"IT'S FULL O' PEP-" Fatly Arbflckle Mabel Normand Comedy TODAY TOMORROW LIBERTY Mi BIG 4 ORCHESTRA : Dy M'CTTLLT At the home of her mother, Mrs. F. F. McCully, 745 South Twelfth street, Friday morning, Dee. 27, 1918, Miss Evande L. McCully, at the age of 19 years. She was the aughter of F. F. McCul ly, a banker of Joseph, Oregon, and since the fall of 1917 had made bet home in Salem with her mother to at tent Willamette university. She was a sophomore of the university, He death wag due to pneumonia which de veloped a few days ago from an at tack of influenza. As yet no funeral arrangements have been made. "Millions now living who will never die." This ig the subject of an ail dress at Moose hall on Sunday Dec. 29, by Evangelist J. A. Gillespie. o Wanted fat hens and chickens. High est market price paid. Steuoloff Bros. Inc. Phone 1528. 12-28 School resumes at the Capital Busi ness college on nert Monday, Dec. 30th both day and night sessions. The prin cipal will fee in his office on Saturday to register new pupils. o , The funeral services of B. A. Worden who died Christmas day at the hou i his son, Charles D. Worden of Quina by, was held this afternoon from the chapel of Webb & Clough and was con ducted by the Reverend Kurston. Bur ial was m the Claggett cemetery north of Salem. Free Lecture on Christian Science by Mr. John C. Lathrop, C. S. B. of Brookline, Mass., Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Chhst, Scientist, in , Boston, Mass., will deliver a free lecture on Christian Science at the Grand Opera House Sunday Dec. 29, at 3 p. m. .- 12-28 o I. H. Van Winkle, assistant attorney general, who has been ill for several weeks at Colorado Springs, Colorado. yesterday telegraphed Attorney Genor- al Brown that ho was slowly recovering but that his infected hand was in a serious condition. Mrs. Van Winkle died at Colorado Springs and on ac count of illness Mr. Van Winkle has not been able to return with the body. A live subject discussed on Sunday Dec. 29 at Moose hall by Evangelist J A. flillcspio, "Millions now living who will never dio." Following the usual custom, there will be no story hour at the library to morrow. It is figured that the children have enough to keep them occupied be tween Christmas and New Years with out going to the library to hear stor ies. ! ' Have you the companionship . of happy faced children in your home See' Tues. Wed. Thurs. LIGH THEATRE RAH!. PARENTAGE IT'S HERE TODAY! Charlie Chaplin in "Shoulder Arms" 111 Annual Clearance Sale Starts tomorrow. This is a timely opportunity to supply your needs for now and future: Regal sheeting, 81 inches wide, bleached, yd... 1 49c ' Peppereltor Mohawk sheeting, 81 inches wide, bleached, yard - -64c Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 81 inches wide . unbleached, yard 59c Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 72 inches wide,' bleached, yard -- -59c Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 72 inches wide, unbleached, yard -55c 42-inch Pillow Tubing yard....:..... ......... 29c 33 inches wide, yard ...:-33c ' 36 inches wide, yard : 36c Hope Muslin, bleached, best quality, yard wide, . . yard 25c Lonsdale Muslin, bleached, best quality, yard wide, yard ...28c 3-pound Cotton Batt ...:..:J.:.:..:.:.....:...;..::::,VV:.;$1.00 Crash Toweling, yard ....... ... ....:..,........................15c Linen Crash Toweling, extra quality yard........;...19c 36 inch Percales, yard ...29c and 35c 36 inch Hospital Gauze bleached white, yard ..:...;.12c Our Prices Always The Lowest GALE & COMPANY TOONS 1073 - .- - Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store Lieutenant Richard B. Avison of Portland spent Christmas with his par ents, the 'Rov. and Mrs. R. N. .Avison. o At the Christmas exercises of the First Methodist church tha contribu tion of the Sunday school for relief work amounted to $216. This is in ad dition to the cash and food contribut ed for local relief work. U. G. Shipley remembered the boys at the post office this Christmas by sending them a box of cigars that were the genuine Havana article. ... o - After today, all business connected with the Red Cross membership cam paign will be done at Red Cross head quarters in the post office. The office of County Superintendent Smith has been attending to the business but as the campaign is now about over, re turns will be made to headquarters. Up to this morniiiff Marion county alone had subscribed $9378 for memberships going over the quota established for both Polk and Marion count'es. o The Chey City bakery management and employes are co-opornting for s fine buuemot and evening of entertain nicnt to be given Saturday evening at the bakery beginning at 8 o'clock. This is to bo one of a scries of banquets and nicotines to be held by the maungO' ment and employes in which tne it em- That Means "Happy New Year" D M EVE. DANCE y A i. u o u 4 44$ 444I4C Gale & Go's ploycs will furnish the program and will invito their fnnniies and friends. It is expected that 100 will attend the first banquet and program tomorrow evening ' Already an orchestra has been organized and with tho amount of tal ent, includingspcakers the Chorry City bakery is promising its employes, and tho employes tho management a fine time, as it is to be a mutual affair. The local market for eggs wholesale today was 64 conts. For firsts in Port land, with rots and cracks deducted, tlio price is 70 cents. . Sevoral who have shipped at tho 70 cents a dozen in Portland find that af tor the commission houso is through charging for every thing that may happen to a case of eggs, that 70 cents doesn't fiure out any better than the 64 cents in Salem. o Death 3ontenco9 for desertion upon P. C. Lamb and Georgo A. Jacobs of tho 150th infantry have been commuted by President "Wilson to 20 years at hard labor. Hop wire and all kinds of hides. Before you sell---SeeUs. Phone 398. 271 Chemeketa CAPITAL JUNK CO. NEW YEAR'S MOO SE HALL 1 1