PAGE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1918. : TH ........ E ! "Efficient' . Remember Little Bobbie, small cigar, but very high molality 6 c I 1 '(La 1 ROBT, BURNS Beuquet 10c A new, convenient (ire at a I w, ion. exactly the varus 'j'Hity a liie birgir I IN" .re! American Socialists Will Send Delegates To Luzerne Chier.prt,'. Doe. 27. American social ists hope to hava a delegation at the international aoc', lVs' congress at Lu Kcrno, Hwitsurlund, nixt month) it was ' Announced today. Aduiph Gormur, national socrotary of llio ouc'Hliut party, on triul horo charg ed ith espiornge art violations, snid ' jiliSHf ortx would boroquosted of Wash ngtnn' for at least throe delegates. Besides Ourmor, those mentioned as ctclt'gtttoa wero Johu VV. Wor, Milwau kee; James O'Neal, New York; Pro feasor Scott Noarlng, Chicago, and Jus (Mnurcr, Pennsylvania. TREE FERRY PROVIDED At the Claokamus county taxpaytit1 Imdgot mooting Saturday at Oregon Oity an oxpouditure of for the mrehaso of the Wilsonvllle ferry wan K5f35r33r$$$8t An Economical, Delightful, Light Place MATCHLESS EC Ourr irst STARTS MONDAY During the years we have been in business in Salem this is absolutely our First Thorough Clearance Salethe first JANUARY Sale we have ever an nounced at which OUR ENTIRE STOCK has been reduced in price. It isa rare event with us, as ours is not a special sale store. It will be a rare event to you as it is seldom if ever that you can secure such dependable merchandise at such compelling reduc ions in price. You all know our plain-figure prices. You will instantly recognize the bigness of our price reductions for this sale. : REMEMBER, SALE STARTS MONDAY, DEC. 30. Watch for full page ad with prices in Saturday's Journal. SALE Si'ARTS MONDAY 416 ii Robert Burns! 1 WE call Robert Burns . "efficient,"; for the very good , reason that he appeals particularly to efficient men! Efficient men like to smoke hut they usually prefer a , cigar of mild aroma, that will respond to "encores" without displaying a tendency to "hit back." The fragrant Havana in . Robert Burns' filler just fills the bill with business and pro fessional men of more-than-, average efficiency. Perhaps a ' change to mild, efficient Robert Burns would solve your smoke problem ! National Sizes: 10c to 15c Remember: Robt. Burns Is the same cigar as that packed under tin Oencrul Arthur brand M. A. Gunst Branch of General Cigar Co., Inc. authorized by a unnnhnotia voto. The money will be used to purchnso tlio apparatus, now privately owned and operntod during The summer monliis, land a landing site on each side of the jrlvor. It will bo noeessnry for the , county court to provide funda for th' ! operation and maintenance of the fu- I .... A ..... iU.. STATE HOUSE NEWS 0. P. ITarrinton, ft government anfl noer of Santa I'e, N. M., is in Salem visiting his two small childrru who Bro living with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ii. I. Harrington. The public service eoinmissiiU, acting as arbiters to nettle a dispi'fo between the O.-W. It. k N. and tho Warren Con atruetlon company over tho amount o' demurrage the construction company ahould pay for ears held at Fnirviow station, today Issued an order fixing tht amount, nt 4M .13. The railroad com puny claimed (ISO. -Hi em uearance oaie State Street, Salem, Oregon. STILL MORE UUIELS REWARD918T FGRIfS BRAVERY IN ACTION Every Account Receiyed from , Europe Emphasizes Fight ing QuaEties. Every account received from the Am crienn soldiers lu France emphai:a the fighting qualities of the doughboys, but n o account hoa been more glowing in its praimt than the copiea of letters and report.') f:v the high commanding Ameriiin aul I roach officers rotating' to the conduct under fire of the 91st division, of whUa the 0reg6n soldieis form a part. . Copies of these letters and orders have been received by Governor ycombe from Major General Johnston commander of the 91st division. : They . t n i linciuae a jeiier ironi major ueuerai George H. Cameron, commanding the fifth army corps, whieh was written October 3, when the fighting was still at its height; a special order issued by General Massenet, commanding the 7th I French army corps, which was issued November 7 or bef .re the armistice was signed, and a lette; from General Peiiet. commanding the SOt-h French army corps. The 9st division of the Ameri- cau army was eouueciua wim mum: o army corps, at (' fforent times.' 91st Relieved. Major Genera! Cameron issued an or iH to relieve the 9st division, which had been in tlif front line for sovoral days in its fiiV battle. In connection with the order lie sent tho following let lor (o Maj.v General Johnston: "I'ndr oni is from First army, the 01 st division l"ill be relieved .from the front line tonight nnd placed in corps reserve. "The corps commander wishes you to understand that thi relief results sole ly from a realisatk bv higher eonv ........l vnnv ilii'i win hn rinnn its full share- in tho recent succc, -. is I iA .nol fif fnnran iiiznti fin. ' t-IM.ll.iuu v n iv This especially as during the past thrt-.i , days it has incurred heavy casualties wlien circumstances would not permit I oithor .advanco ot withdrawal. ' j "At a time when the division on its flanks were .it 'ring and evon falling! back, the 9lst pushed ahead and stead fastly cluiiir to ivory yard gained. "In its initial performance, your di vision has established itse f firmly on the list of the Cdiimaudcr in chiel'i reliable; fighting vnits. Please extent' to your officers ami men mv appro; tion of their splendid behavior and inj hearty congratulations on the brilliant record they havo made." Soon Put into Fighting. 'On November 7, when tho Ainericane had the Germans on the run across the Scheldt rivor, General ..Mnaaenct, com minding- tho 7th French army corps, is sued a apodal ordor, in which ho aaid: "Transported from the Argonno to Flandors, the 91st Amoncan division has again boon thrown into the battle, a few hours after its arrival. -"Under tho energetic Influence of its commnndor, Major General Johnston, tho 91st American division reached all Its objectives on the 31st October and 1st Novombor, with remarkable dah und energy. "In spite of the determined resis tance of tho enemy, in spite of tho r tillery nnd machino Kn fire which op posed thein, tho troopB of tho 91st. Am erican division captured Spitaals Boss chen by a clover flanking movement, reached the Scheldt, and penetrated in to tho town of Audonardo, from now onwards delivered from tij yoie of llie invader. Ccugiatulates Gen. Johnston. "The general officor commanding tho 7th French corps hoartily congratulates General Johnston, and tho officers and men of his division on the excellent ro sults obtained. "When, in fow days' time, tie battle for tho passago of the Scheldt takes place, tho 91st Amorican division to Trade ftS83v9&&tQ&(3l SALE STARTS MONDAY OHY EVENT mm TO WHEAT HISS COST I). S. OeHHION BiH bin Preparatisa ProJ- isj For Extension Of Gram Corporation. Washington, Dec. 27. Tfce keeping of Uncle Sam't war promises to his farmers is going to cost half billion dollars and perhaps mors. It will take tnig amount to pay tho difference be tween the market price of the forecast one billion bushels 1919 wheat crop and the price of 2.2fl set by ths pres ideat during -war rime, Chairman Lev er of the house agricultural committee estimated today. Lever today had in its first stages of preparation a bill extending the life of the United States grain corpo ration and increasing its capital stock from $150,000,000 to about $600,000,000 (The bill is the result of a ioint recom mendation of the food administration and the agricultural department, whioh called congress' attention to the fol lowing facts. Bumper Crop Expected AH indications now point to the iow ing of 75,000,000 acros of wheat, with the greatest of bumper crops reach mor over a wiiion bushels. Of this, only about 600,000,000 bush es ran be used at home. The most .this country ever export ed was 310,000,000 bushels, and (Ms. when it stood as the world's oniy wheat shipper without I'hb competition (of Argentina, Australia and other coun tries. "The United Suites cannot fail to keep its promise to wheat producers and it cannot compete witn the rest of the world with $2.26 wheat," L-Jver pointod out today. "It cannot eve sell $2.20 wheat to domestic consum ers when a much lower pri"e ! jn ri fled by world market ious." will be called upon to furnish a fur ther effort. "Tho brilliant way in which this di vis! in has just fought is a sure guar- antoo that it will gather fresh tufcrert during the nest operations. After the armistice had. been signed Ooneral Penot, commanding the 30th French army corps, said in a letter to Mo.ior General Johnston: "The general commanding the O'Hh army corps (X s not want to part with tho 9tst infantry division without ex pressing to its chief, its officers, its splendid units, all his appreciation of the- fine military qualities they have shown during the longth of their at tachment to the corps." . m 438 Accidents Rtpartd To CoxiwsTi Tk's Week 'Tho number of accidents reported this week' to the stato industrial teci dent commission total 438, of which 3 wore fatal ,ns follows: Orvillo W Holford, Baker, mining; Pert M. Bivens, Ontario, lumbering; Chas. A. Wood, Portland, traveling on public highway, auto collision. Of the total (number reportod, 408 were subjeet to the provisions of the compensation ast, 23 were from firms and corporations which havo rejected tho provisions of the compensation act, and sovon were from public utility cor porations not subject to the provisions of tho compensation act. One of which was a traveler on tho public highway, receiving fatal injuries. THREATEN QUEEN'S LITE ' Amsterdam, Dee. e7. Qoeem Wilhelmina has receivel a let- tor threatening her life unless! tho kaiser is forced to leave tho country within eight days, according to the Telegraaf. Tha letter was mailed tn Amster- dam and is anonymoue. - mm Don (Capital JjuniKl'jpceial Sorvioe) Donald, Or., Doc. 27. Morry Christ mas and Happy New Tear to the read ers of tho Donald items. The Christ mas spirit seems to prevail in Donadl. A number of homo gatherings woro en joyed by tho good people of Donald on Christmas day. Mr. aud Mrs. J. L. Boisbaca came out from Portland Christmas evo to spend the holiday with Mrs. Boisbacfi 'e aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loses. There was a jolly gathering at the M. W. Johnson home Christmas eve. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson of Port land, Mr. aad Mrs. Allen of Vancou ver, Wash., woro present to help eat the "gooso" and enjoy the Christmas treo which was a gift of Walter and Billy Freeman, to the Johns Mr. and Mrs. Chadirna of Portland camo'out to enjoy the "tree" with their little grand daughter, Jnne 8ex suiith, returning to Portland Christmas morning accompanied by Mr. aad Mri. Scxsinith and June to have their Christ mas dinner together in Portland. J. C. Moore eame home for the holi day from Portland and a big feaei was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton welxer Joined a family reunion of the Mark Browa family of Salem at he home of theii daughter, Mrs. Hhedeek in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lois Eppere eaterw- ed the following children and grand' children and frienda: Mr. and Mrs' John Bushman and three children of Portland, Mrs. Sara Taylor of Raymond, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Willis Eppers and baby Maxine of Salem, Mrs. Weismaa del of Portland and Mrs. Coonae of Sa lem. Miss Mildred Eppers also eame home from Raymond where she is at- shim em TELISIF DIME Coins Was Nearly Dawn And Gst-Cass 25 Pounds By Taki Tazfec. "A medicine that will do as much .for suffering people as this Tan!ae has f 3 - . . loone ror me ig eertainly worth recom Imeading to the public and I can't say Jtoo much for it," said John W. Collins of 1214 East Columbia . street, Seat tle, while in Bartell drug store, re cently. Mr. Collins has been a resident of Seattle for -the past thirteen years, and is a Dooular member of the nnliee force. ' "When 1 fbegan tAking; Tanlac,'' Mr. Collins continued, "I weighed only one ' hundred and '(fifty pounds and was in such a bad condition that I could not patrol my beat. But, I now weign one- hundred and seventy five pounds ha've gained twenty fice pounds have gained twentv five had trouble with my stomach for sev eral years. Nearly everything I would eat disagreed with me. My food would almost invariably sour an.l keep me 'filled with gas and misery most all the time. Then sometime ago I had a rail or about thirty feet which came near puttimr me out of commission. On top of this I had an attack of grippe and I simply got to where I was just about dowa and put. My whole body seemed full of neuralgia and rheumatism and 1 ached all over. Ev ery joint in me ached and the pain in the left side of my back, over my kid neys, were so severe at times that I could hardly stand it. Nothing did me any good and finally I just had to give up my position, stop working en tirely and do nothing bjit try to find relief. 'My sleep was very roor and I keep fallime off in weiirht until I Ot down to one hundred and fifty pounds. men I got uneasy about my condi tion, went to Colorado and stayed there for a wh:le but never did got any 'better until I benn taking Tan lac, and then I commenced climbing right up. t have used six tottleg now and have bottcn rid of all that neural gia and rheumatism entirely and nover feel an ache or a pain. My appetite is great and my stomach is in such a good shape that I can eat just anything 1 want without the least trouble after wards. I now sleep like a log, every night and am in splendid condition in every way. I'm going back to work to morrow, and I cheerfully recommend Tanlac to everybody." Tanlae is ssls in ifubbard by Hub baid Drug Ce im Mt. Angei tjy ilea Goeh, in Oervais by JfAn Kelly, (a Tnraer by H. P. Cornelius, in Wood burn by Lyman E. Shorey, in Salem by Dr. S. C. 8we, in eilverton by Geo. A. Stesthamraer, in Gates by Mrs. J. P- McCurdy and is Stayton by C A. Beaachamp, la Aurora by Aurora Drug Store. . (Adv.)- tending school to enjoy the Christmas festivitiej at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Feller had as their guests for the day Mr. and Mrs. Boy Garrott of Donald, E. Garrett of Bend. Or., and Mr. and Mrs. E. Feller and grandson, Francis. In the evening the additional guests wore Mr. and Mrs. O. 0. Freeman and sons, Walter and Billcy, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Johnson of Donald and Mr. bad Mrs. Boisbeck of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. Aufrane toeni Christinas in Portland with their son Gene and family. C. E. Mayes also spent the day with his family in Portland. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Lamb had as their guests their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cone and Mrs. Mahonoy, a soldier's wile, whose husband is still in the sorvico. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Swan had a fam ily gathoring on Christmas day as fol lows: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Johnson and G. Swan of Portland, Guj Swan and Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Anderson and daughters of Champoeg. Now that Donald is clear of flu onco moro as all the cases were light and have fully recovered, school will begin on Monday, Dee. 30. The principal's room will be in charge of Mrs. Leona Miller until the arrival of MissMargar ct Scollard about the 1st whom tne board has been fortunate enough to secure for the remaining six months. Wcfoel very fortunate in securing tho services of one who comes so highly recommended for the position. Fern Hosken stopped on his way homo to visit with his grand j..o...s for a short time. Fern was at school in Corvallis. He with Itarlan Fcjlor and Guy Kunklo, were among the 2000 boys discharged from the training school of U. 8. at Corvallis. Mr. Ficldcy, nurserv snlesman of Da'lns for the Donald Nursery, made a trip to the home office last week. Tho Champoeg school did not dismiss BONT LET A COLD KEEP TOUAT HOME Dr. King's New Discovery almost never fails to -bring quick relief Small deses once ia awctle and that throat-tearing, luns-spKttinjr corgh : hot bith before jumping into bed, a , good sleep, and back to normal in tbfl ; morning. j Dr. King's New Discovery is well 1 known, lot fifty years it's) been . relieving coughs, colds and bronchial ' attacks. For fifty years it has been sal4 by drogsts everywhere. A reliable remedy that yon yourself orany j nember of your family can take safely, ! 60c and $1.20. ' Train Those Stubborn Bowels Help nature take it course, not with a violent, habit-forming purga tive, but with gentle but certain end natural-laxative. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Tonic in action, it stimulates tb lax bowels. Soli by drujjists. 25c WE WILL our store buildings in about six or seven weeks. Advantage of the Feast of Bar-; gains. AH GOOD QUALITY MERCHANDISE and ever article saves you big, big money on what you can buy it elsewhere. for the holidays, but tho teacher, Mist Davis, spont the week end in Portland with her parents. : Mrs. J. C. Moore and sons, Clarence and Billy, went to Portland on Satur day to get a glimpse if . possible er Santa returning the same evening ac companied by Mr. Moore, who ig run ning a lunch counter in St. Johns. Misses Idell Lamb and Leatha Cone came homo from Woodburn on tho uoon train Monday. The ban is pn again in Woodburn beekuse of th Increased number of flu cases and the school shut down indefinitely. HAZE GROT NOTES- (Capital Journal fepocial Sorvice) Henry Dnnigan and family of Gooch spent the holidays at the Dunigan home on Howell Prairie. Miss Emma Fisher went to Philo math Tuesday to spend Christmas with relatives. Miss Louise Dans is home for Christ mas week. . 16 ounces Make a Pound Our Second Lesson In Economy Read These Prices and Compare Them With The Price You Pay Elsewhere. Shoulder ' steak, lb 15c Round steak, lb 18c Loin steak, lb 20c T bone, lb 20c Pot roast beef, lb ....15c Boiling beef, lb ....12 l-2c Beef stew, lb 12 l-2c Liberty steak, lb ....16c Sausage.. .....20c Fresh liver, lb 8c Beef stew, lb 12 l-2c Lamb chops, lb ...'....24c These prices for Saturday and every day in the week. We will reduce the price of meats in Salem 30 cents on the dollar and keep it down. We need your help. Trade here and help fight high prices and excess profits. . Not connected with any other meat market in Salem, Oregon. INDEPENDENT MARKET CO. P. O. Rogoway, Mgr., 157 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon. 16 Ounces Make a Pound Corner Court And Com'l Street, Salem. Mrs. W. W. Lander returned la. ia Gooch Sunday. Morlo Chapman arrived Sunday morn ing from Seattle to enjoy Christmas at home. A. Weinert and family went to Crab treo Tuesday to spend the yulousa relatives of Mrs. Weinert. The community Christmas program at the school house Monday evening was very good and enjoyed by all present. The pantomime was a pretty feature of tile program. A nicely decorated treo Snnta Claus and tho treat wero inter esting to all. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Looney nnd sons, Bev. F. Fishu and daughter, -Einma, and Mrs.-Julia Potter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weinert Monday at a bountiful Christmas dinner. George Khodes aiid family spent tho Christmas day at Airlie. ' F. Fisher and Mrs. Julia Potter spent Christmas at C. J. Latham's. - Mark Aspinwall was home on a fur lough recently. M. B. Montgomery moved to Salem last week. Veal chops, lb ..24c Pork chops, lb 25c Shoulder Lamb, roast, pound 22 l-2c Shoulder Veal, roast, pound 22 l-2c Shoulder Pork, Roast, pound 24c Leg lamb, lb. 21 l-2c Leg veal, lb 25c Leg pork, lb 271-2c Beef heart, lb.. 10c Beef Jddneys, lb 8c 100 Cents Make a Dollar Make a Dollar