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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1918)
.PAGE EIGHT Journal SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1918 irA .1 . i For DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE At the Lowest Price You Will Find That the U.C. PENNEY CO Always leads. For Dry Goods, Shoes and Ready-to-: j wear Goods for Men, Women and Children, calf on. : us and you will be pleased. - 17 r Incorporated : personal ; Mrs. Charles Savage of Parage Is lud wsg in the city Christmas, the guest of Mr. 0. A. Whitney. W; K. Ballantyne of Camp Lewis was registered at the Bligh Christ mag. W. G. Smith was in the city yester day, from Camp Lewis. Ilarland Fellor was in Balcm Christ mas, coming from Bremerton. Moody Hushing of Marshfield was in the city Wednesday. Bargoant K E. Bakor left this rhorn- Insfor Camp Lewis, after spanning varuiunai who nis parents. Miss Pearl Maey of Portland was an over-Christmas visitor in the eity at the homo of her brother, B W. Maey. Miss Lucilo Saunders spont Christ tas in Portland. Oaptain A. A. Hall was a Christmas visitor in Salem with friends and rela tives He is now stationed in Portland. A. II. Whitnoy of Philomath spent Sun Jay in the city at the home of B. W. Maey; j Mr. and Mrs. -R. L. Winniford are here from Salem to spend Christmas with relatives and friends. Mr. Winni ford tecontly purchased ft fine farm on thn Willamette river 11 miles north of Balern, containing 45 aero in poaches and walnuts.-'-Roseburg Review, Gunner's Mate Russell Emmett Is homo for a visit during the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rmmett. Ho expects to sail from San Francisco on Jan 12 for New York tiry. : Died WORDEN. At the home of his son Charles D. Worden, near Quinaby, : Dec. 25, 1918, D. A. Wordon, at the ago of 96 years. - . He i survived bjr four children: Charles D. Wordon and Miss Jane Wor don, both of Quinaby; Mrs. James Gar ner of Tigard and James W, Wordon of Nebraska. As yet no funeral arrangements hare been mado. - j(( f( sjc )J( jJs )c fc j(c jc )Jc jc ifc )(i - f Bora COURSEY. To Mr. and Mrs. Horaco ' O. Ooursoy of 214 Court street, at the Salom hospital, Doc. 22, 1918, a daughter. She has boon named Gaynolle Lorainc ' Corporal Kenneth Brown, formerly with the Watt Bhipp store surprised his folks by arriving home Christmas eve. He has boon serving at Fort Mo Arthur near Los Angolos and having received his discharge, made a hurried trip home in order to speud Christmas at liowo. The Salem Heights Bed Cross auxil iary will hold an all day meeting at the hall Friday of this week. The Indies aro asRod to bring a lunch and their husbands also. The meeting is 'hejd for the purpose of finishing up the year's business of the auxiliary. The DIET During frnti fitter The Old Reliable Round Package ACED AHDRAVtXER5y muni i HHt. WIS., U sV A - ihfibenza KSoriick's halted IWiELk Very Nutritious, Digestible The REAL Food-Drink, Instantly prepared. Mado by the ORIGINAL Horllck process and from carefully selected materials. Used successfully over V century. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. LI lot SlOrliCSTbe Original Tfeis Avoiding MMi Announcement Extraordinary RECITAL ONE EVENING ONLY CLARENCE CAMERON WHITE The Distinguished Violinist T.THEO. TAYLOR The Eminent Pianist PRICES: 50c and 75c All Around Town COMNGEVENTS Dee. 29 Christian Science lecture, opera house, 3 p. m. Dee. 30. Second election oa school budget. Dee. 31. Company M dance at armory. i Jan. 7 Annual Cherries, ini tiation and banquet. .- Jan 13 Legislature convenes Jan. 15-18 Auto exhibit. "Tt funeral oeatrUfuL' Oloafk Co. .Webb "Tte kert" U all yoa can do when death somes. Cell Webb Clough Co Pkoae ISO. if. Mark Siddal, who is now located at Astoria sends greeting to his friends in tho city by means of a Christmas card addressed to the Salem Commercial club m 0 Lunch counter opposite 0. E. B. B. depot. Good lunches, M. J. B. coffee. Lady waitress. Open from 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. 12-30 o Eel ax ami rest In the dental chair. Dr. Hartley fills and extracts teeth without pain and corrects diseased gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. tf For the regular Thursday evening mooting, tho Elks have arranged f or a musical program tonight. It will In elude several solos. John W. Todd will sing for the Elks "The Holy City." Build up Salem's industries by sup porting those on the ground. tf o Salem bread is freshest and best, tf High grade, genuine furs for Christ mas gifts at special prices. West Fur Co., 217 South High t. tf o The Rev. James Elvin left this after noon for the cast to soil for Bordoaux, Franco, whore ho will continue his work in the Y. M. C. . service for the army. Mrs. Elvin and the two children will remain in Salem. Dr. J. O. Matthls. associated with Di li. J. Clomonts, office 4' ') 410 Salem Bank of Com. bldg. Offico tel. 673; res. 1705 South Fir St. tel. 596. 12-27 While there was revelry by night and a good timo among thoso observing the Christmas evening, there was two un fortunntos who applied to the city jail for lodging, which wns granted. Ont was a black whiskered citizen who wai travoling towards California, a French man, and the other an Englishman of about 60 years wh0 also was heading towards a warmer climate. They both went on their ways this morning. Highways Sapid Transit Anto service to Portland and way points daily, leav ing Salem at 7 a. m. l'honu, orders ev ening beforo, 137 S. Com'l. Phone 663. tf For the benefit of those buying war savings stamps information is given at tho postoffiee that tho 1918 stamp for t") must not be pasted on a 1919 certi ficate. Thoso buying of the now blue stamp, 1919 Borios, must got a certifi cate at tho postoffiee of the 1919 se ries. Tho little thrift snmps may bt jiastod on any regular thrift card, re bar-Jess of the year. But it is with the W. 8. S. stamps that care should be taken. " Salem I read supports Salem's payroll and in turn the asks the support of Sa lem people. tf o Tra should buy Salem bread only. there is a reason. tf With but five more days in the year the cojntv of Marion is just $120,000 behind in its subscriptions for war skv ings stamps. It was thought that lat ter part of December would bring in this amount but according to last re ports from the office of Superintend ent W. M. Smith, the county is still lagging the (120,000 from its quota. o- I hare moved my offices Into more pleasant and more commodious quar ters onthe third floor of the u. a. National bank building. Dr. O. L. Seott uniropractic-Hpinologist, 30V-213 U. a. National bank bldg. - tf o Dance Chemawa Fri. Dec. 27. Good lunch. Good, music. o All Bed Cross women who have been assisting in the sewing aro Met to come to Bed Cross headquarters in the postoffiee Friday morning at 10 o'clock to work on hospital bags. The chapter has an allotment of 100 bags that must bo made this week. Mrs. Kussell Cat hn also asks the auxiliaries that have taken out materials to make hospital bags to not fail to report and bring them to the postofifce this week, afc the shipment is to be made Saturday Afternoon. Mrs. Catlin says the call is uigent. . o Marlon county has received flatter ing mention at Bed Cross headquarters in lortlnnd for having more than so cured its quota of memborsh-ps fer Ike Hcd Cross during the recent member ship drive. Headquarters had placed $8600 as the quota for Willamette chap ter including both Marion and Polk counties. This morning a check was received from Silvorton for $1082, be ing the number of memberships from Silverton and several school districts adjoining. As yet no membership re mittances 'or the campaign in rojk county has been received by W. M. Smith who is in charge of the campaign for Polk and Marion counties included in Willamette chaptor. ; o Last night tho mercury again touch ed the 25 mark in tho government's official thermometer, , the same as Christmas ieve. Several thermometers in the city exposed to the north made even a lower record. .Whilo Salem was enjoying a minimum temperature of 215 above Christmas evc , ; and evening Baker, Oregon, has weather of 4 above, Boise, Idaho, 8, Denver 4, Minneapolis 8, Pocatello, Idaho, 8' and Winnipeg i above. ; Word was received this morning of the death of Mrs. Mattie Graves at Springfield, Oregon, from influenza. She was a visitor of Mrs. Seth Wil liams of 1380 Shipping street. Mrs Graves is survived by f,. husband and seven children. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Train, former resi dents of Salcrn. COMICAL CLUB TO HOLD AHLECTION All Officers And Directors To Be Samed At The Annual Election, February 8. The annual meeting of members of the Salem Commercial club will be held on the evening of Wednesday, Jauuarj 8. At this meeting there will be elect ed all officers for the year 1919. Nom inations are to be made from the floor and everyone holding a membership in the club will be entitled to a vote. To succeed Fred W. Steusloff, who has served as president for two terms, several names are favorably mentioned but as no one appears to be making aA effort to secure tho election, there is a feeling that a man should be selected who is familiar with the worn ut e club. The election will bo to succeed the following officers. Fred W. Steusloff. president; Bobert C. Paulus, vico presi dent; Chas. H. Fisher, secretary; S. B. Elliott, treasurer; board of directors Dr. B. L. Stecves, Thoodore Both, C. S. Hamilton, L. J. Chapin and T. B. Kay. In his cloction as King Biag, P. E. Ful lerton is already elected a member of the board of directors for the coming year, succeeding Hal D. Patton. Since the beginning of the war, the work of the Commercial club has been devoted largely to handling all war ac tivities and the different mannt,c: f tho club as well as tho clerical force have dovoted most of their time to war work. This was especially true for all of the liberty loans and for the work of the food administration, until within a, few months ago. ' With the comine of the peace, era nA the feeling that this part of the Wil lamctte valley will experience a great prosperity, there is an impression among club members that the Salem Commercial club should do its share in attracting buyers to this vicinity. About Croup If your children are subject to ctouP, or if you have reason to fear their be- iig attacked by that disease, you should procure a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and study the di rections for use. so that in case of an attack you will know exactly what eourse to pursue. This is a favorite and very successful remedy for croup, and it is important that yeu observe the directions carefully. 9 i CL0SING.0UT LADIES' SUI TS In keeping with our policy of never carrying over from one season to another, merchandise, in this department, we are plac iny all our Ladies Suits on sale at unheard of prices. Ladies' Suits, value to $22.50, now. ....... .$11.90 Ladies' Suits, value to $25.00, now $14.90 Ladies' Suits, value to $40.00, now J. . . $24.50 Ladies' Suits, values to $50.00, now $29.50 Our Prices Always The Lowest L.M.HUM are of Yick So Tons Chineee Medielne and Tea (V Has medidie which will cart any know disease. Opea Sundays from 10 a, as, entU 153 Sooth High 81 8ala, Oregoa. Pkoa IV mm THEATRE FRIDAY DEC. 27 Notice to the Public Beginning Thursday evening December 19th, we will es tablish a night service both from Salem and Portland leaving at 6 p. m. making two trucks leaving Salem and Portland daily. Those desiring quick service from Portland phone your orders before 5 p. m. HIGHWAYS RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY Sol Roberts, Agent Through B. W. Macy, city attorney, the city council is informed by the Southern Pacific railway that materials have been ordered for tho repairing of the crossing at 17th and Market streets and that as soon as this material ar rives, the crossings will be ro-plank ed. It was but a few weeks ago that tho city council was about to get Teal angry with the S. P. for paying no at tention to notices servod upon it in re gard to several railroad crossings get ting in bad shape. John Lane who has been stationed at Camp Lewis for tho past four months arrived home Monday evening, having been granted nn eight day fur lough. But he received a telegram Christmas to report at once to Camp Lewis to receive his disehargo. Ho has been with the military police of the 13th Division at Camp Lewis. He re turned to camp Inst night and expects to be home by New VeitTs. The funeral services for Stanley L. Thompson were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the chapol of Webb & Clough. The services were conducted by tho Kev. W. C. Kantner of the First Congregational church and burial was in tho Odd Fellows cemetory. Mr. Thompson died at Rockwell Field, Cul ilornia, frum pneumonia following en attack of influenza. The Oregon chapter of Alpha Zeta honorary agricultural fraternity of tho OregonAgricultural college, elected the following: Seniors: F. D. Entormille and A. O. Fluharty. Juniors: K. J. Edward and Alan Parker. panv M of the Oregon National guard Tho official ordor for the muster reads as follows: ' 1 Company M, Second Bat talion, Third Provisional Regiment, 0 N. G. and companies E. F. G. and H. Third Battalion, Oregon guard, attach ed to this reerimont and stationed at Salem, Oregon, will assemble in service uniform at their armory at 8 p. m. on Mondav. December 30. 1918, for muster and inspection by Lieutenant Colonel Woolpert." Tho quarterly inspections aro public affairs and those interested in military matters will be welcome. Roosevelt's Protest On Record In Senate Washington. Dec. 26. Colonel Ttoose- velt's editorial protesting use of Am erican troops, other than the regular army, in iFrnnce for police duty, was placed in Ithe record in the senate to day by Senator Townsend of Michigan. "I submit this article because it re flects my own sentiments and I believe those of the American peoplo," said Townsend. "I have no objections to the article going into the record," said Senator Thomas. Colorado. 'Unit I am not pre pared to say it agrees with tho senti inents of the American peupie. noose-, velt was in a hurry to get the boys over to France and now he is in a hurry to get them back home before the peace treaty is signed." Rumania's Representative Will Be Premier Bratiano Washington, Dec. 26. Rumania will- GALE & COMPANY PHOITB 1072 Commercial and Court Sti., formerly Chicago Store 5c jfc sfc ijc sc sfc sfc sc Court House Notes In the divorce case of Irene Nash against Herbert Nash, tho defendant hag made reply in which he states he and his wifo have not been living m the same part of their home for the past six months and that after she filed suit for divorce, she took her own fur niture and moved away. A few days ago T. B. Dean filed suit against Claude Cole over a transaction for 24.66 acres of land. This morning Mr. Cole filed a suit against Mr. Den, alleging that in the deal for the land, Mr. Dean had failed to make payments as agreed nor had paid taxes nor had taken proper caro of tho fruit trees on tho land. W. E. Crozior. executor of tho last wfll and testament of Allen J. Pcmbor ton, was given permission by tho coun ty court to sell lot 7, of Sunnysido fruit farms No. 7. A valuation of $657 was placed on tho estate of the late Paul Rubens. The appraisers wcr John Scollard, L. W. Guiss and Thos. Hunt. British Sailors To Get Share Of Naval Prize Fund London, Dec. 12. (By moil.) Thou sands of British sailors are impatiently waiting to receive their share of the naval prize fund of $70,000,000 to be obtained from the sale of phips' goods seized 'by naval ships during the block ado of enemy countries. The sale and the uisrriDiuion ot prize money i9 under direction or v. il. ijuv cll, marshal of the admiralty and prize court. Goods seized include 2 live aliga tors, woolen underwear, hairpins, dried fruits, tobacco, imetals, nitrates and bo reDreserted at the peace conference other chemicals pearls anp. numan nmr. by Premier Bratiano and a delegation, the size of which is not yet known, according to word from Jassy today. ITALIAN LOSS GREAT Rome, Dec. 26. Colonel Ugo Tizza rcllo of tho Italian army today declar ed Italy's losses in the war will total 2,800,000, of which FOU.UUU were killed in action, he said, and 300,000 died of disease. Hop wire and all kinds of hides.. Before you sellSee Us. Phone 398. 271 Chemeketa CAPITAL JUNK CO. Jluli, , , ...i WON'T TAKE CHANCES . Washington, Dec. 26. Army law yers aro trying to decide whether in toxicaiting liquor may ue sum mv. in uniiorm wuo "'!" ing that they have been discharged from the army. . In the meantimo, official advice to liquor dealers is "don't take a chance." - JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY PHONE 663 137 SOUTH COM'L t ...... . . - TfTf f TTTT7 T TtTTT A marriage license was issued this morning to Frank Sabin and Miss An nie Schaffer, both of Brooks. As the prospective groom is not of legal age, the consent to the marriage by his father, W. P. Sabin, waa given. They will bo married at Brooks. .The big Christmas tree is the court house yard had one Christmas remem brance on it early Christmas morning. It was a bottle of Blits carefully wrap ped, addressed to Bert Smith, deputy sheriff, with the notation, "Here's Christmas present from a bootlegger you did not get." It just so happens that Mr. Smith has been doing good work in making Salem an uncomforta ble place for the bootleing element. -o ' The full military strength of Salem will appear in uniform for inspection at the armory on tho evening of MomUy, Dec. 30. The occasion is to be quarter ly inspection and will include the four companies of Oregon guard and Com- Adler-i-ka Again! Adler-i-ka has been worth its weight in gold to me. It has CURED my con stipation and a serious- bowel trouble which I had." (Signed) Mrs. Anna Wagner, Statesbury, Mo. "My son hal inflammation of bow els and was greatly bloated (with gas) After giving him Adler-i-ka ha is com pletely CURED. Doctors did him no good." (Signed) M. Gerhard, Ferdin and, Ind. Adler-i-ka expels ALL gas and sour ness stopping stomach distress IN STANTLY. Empties BOTH upper end lower bowel, flushing ENTIRE ali mentary canal. Removes ALL foul matter which poisons system. Often CURES constipation. Prevents appen dicitis. We have sold Adler-i-ka many years. It is a mixture of buckthorn, eascara, glycerine end nine other sim ple drugs. J. C. Perry, druggist. i V if IS- . 1,H 4 f " SivAi STARTS TODAY CONSTANCE TALMADGE in CONSTANCE TALMApGfi FATTY ARBUCKLE in FARMYARD "THE HONEYMOON" A Swift, Joy-Spreading Comedy AND iberfy