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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1918)
PAGE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1918. I 1 TOMORROW AND SATURDAY if v:: H Wallace Reii in ALSO One of those "Always Good" Mack-Sennett Comedies "HER REST MISTAKE" o THE RE GO TBEADWELL DETAINED Washington; Dec. 2tS. State dopant- tiient advices today r '.irmed tho ro- mrts that Consul Tr.udwell !s detained , iy tho ImlHheviH hi Turkestan, While ll.? has not been iu jail, ho is, iu ; l'it room and is not allowed froodoin. ' tfhe department i Informed that Tread well lias not been ill treated far, PRISONERS REPATRIATED ( Wnehitigiton, Dee. 20. All Frencli irisonors will be repatriated within wo montliH, Paris has inforiiied Froatih rtipresentntives, here.- Since the armis- mm ft 4 i 4Si-,'--Tl', i45r',:.: VJKAV OP TRBV-ES W.HEltG PKKBIDl.DMNT WilliSON 8PKNT CHUJSTMA8. A BIT OF POPULAR SCIENCE Camera Built Ilk a Pistol WELL - KNOWN manufacturing com pany has done much in recent years to in troduce a camera which it dinned especially for the purpose of the avia tor. Its appearance is entirely unlike anything which has pre ceded it in the camera line, (or it rc ' srnibles a large pistol and is handled in much the same manner ai the weapon. It is supplied with a lighting apparatus, trigger and hand-hold, and when it is desired to make an exposure the in strument is held in the same manner at a pi- tol. Tha trigger operate the mech anism of the shutter, and because of the case in handling the operator 1 enabled to 'l?ht and focus with ease from hi tomCrt'hat restricted location, and with ft rilmk i M E3 tj I i 5f mm ,! ihiimiwi J ihhiiiiiijhiii i .: .-y tie; 277,000 men have been brought homo and loss than 200,000 still are iu-ciioiny countries, FOR VOLUNTARY SERVCE Washington, Dec. 26. Secretary dl War Bnkcr today requested' congreis for legislation to allow the continua tion of voluntary enlistments in. the retfulnr army. Tho war department soou expects to bo releasing men at the rate ot aw, Q00 a wook, Baker explained In his lot tor t0 tho house military eoinmittoo. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY tl - til it' r- 'vf-1" ,JW. i greater assurance that he will get ex actly the result he desire. D Mined 600,000,000 Ton of Coal. Last year the United States mined 600,000,000 tons of coal, the greatest production ever witnessed in the world. Of this amount we wasted 150,000,000 tons, or 2S per cent, through inefficient use. a Detachable Sleeves, In our climate some rapid change of underclothing are demanded by the va riety of weather which we 'experience, often jumping from one extreme to an other in the course of a few hours, and under these conditions the presence or absence of sleeves an the uuderclothing means much. A new design of shirt far women principally has detachable sleeve so that the sleeve may be donned or dispensed with in short order and with Major-General Johnston Tells About Creditable Work of Oregon Soldiers by Men Of 91st Divisin Hare Bsea Gvei Medals ' AttesfinjTawBrawrj. Official word of the splendid ae count given of themselves by the Ore gon, soldiers in Prance, who are a 'part of the 91st division, is con'nined in a letter received today by Governor Withyconibe from Major General "Wil Ham II. Johnson, commanding that div iBion. 1 This divitiion is one of the 30 com bat divisions designated to remain in France for further training and pos sible service, points out Major General Johnston. 'lt is marchiiwf cheerfully toward i- ll .0 J. ... ft L. jj '".I irinjtfer to Ihe creditable se.vice of any individ- uals. as mention f the exploits of any isioni then in the first line, would be unfair without reference to I Made Great Advances, all." he oontinuod. "No letter could' "Proceeding by bus and inarching well recount all the heroic and merit- tor several nights, the division reen ous acts under hostile fire because of forced by the 58th Field Artillery bti- a i t ...LI. rva A a art A navnin imid nt VrAnnk t'taA 7.n",c "B!.r:!".V!Z. TT-r Medil uu.y io "l ;" Medil of Honrr to a few, and of the Distinguished Service Cross or Distin- gulrilicd Hcrvi-i Medal to-others, It gives l e pleasure to assure you and throuuh you, "the people of the dt., ,,f .ir, tli nt riMiresmitativps of that stato have i.mributed towards '5:30 o'clock, Soptomber 26. The div tho creditable record established by the j (lw th Field artillery bri- 91st division since i was called to par-lgade) was relieved from tho frort no ticipato in the rece t advauco of the. October i, and placed in vese-v- of ihe armies of the Unite! Ftates and the'fth r"y orps. On Octoler 6th, the allies. Your citizen s Miers. after ono181st Infantry brigade wj returned vein 's training did no' hesitate to at-1 to the Imo and fought under the 1st tncl: veteran divisic-i of the Prussiivi division and 32nd division until relicv llnnrd in the Meuse-Argonne offensive, oi to rojom the division October 12. before the general retreat of the 'ene'my Fought In Belgium, began. They continued to nt ack until ' "Proceeding by rail and marching to withdrawn by tho corps comnmnder to , ; Belgium October 16-20, the division, re rest and rosace casualties. . ! enforced by tho,' 5.Srd Field artillery "Tho name spirit eiiimnted them 'brigade, 28th division (Pennsylvania when they advanced through Belgium to N- G.) was assigned to duty in the expel the invader. I fee! sure the amo I Arm,lns of Flinders' com courage and efficiency will character-! nAa tho king of Belgium, Major iw their service in the future, should Dog; -tte, chief of s'aff. In any orders reouire action. Finally, I hat 8rouP - .'Bel to the believe that nil, when discharged to Wh army of Belgium under Major resume the pursuit of peace, will bo General DoBwssoudy and to thejth more valuable citizens of tho state Armjr - totpt (French) under ; Major Gen of Oregon because of their service in ral Massenet, advancing in line with tho army and their contribution toward f'roncn British and Belgian troops us the restoration of peace throughout the ho enemy was dnvon eastward through world ! ninoa '&innnnt ' Major General Johnston gives an. ac- count of the movements of Oie 91st division, and says: "As citizens of the stato of Oregon were assigned to the 91st division ' iWmxS :3s: s. ,i'i "3 i (e) Underwood & lUidorwood Odd out much inconvenience. The sleeves and the shirt are supplied with a strap of some light material, in which the holes have been worked, and through these holes the sleeve are laced in place when desired, Texas. The state of Texas is assisting In the reclamation of 2,000,000 acres of over flow lands which lie along the principal river, but which have heretofore been of little value. Protection against over flow will increase their value tenfold. 0 . Telephone Dlseoaat When a telephone subscriber in Lin coln, Neb., goes on a vacation, or other wise has no use for his phone for a temporary period of more than 30 days, the company will, upon request, make a special discount rate during the discon tinuance of service. This is half the I when it wis organized at Camp Lewis, ! Washington, August, 1917, aid rieeiv I ed their military training at thit place i prior to departure. overseas ia June, 1918, it gives me plraeara. ta furnish 7011 the following infonnatioa concern ing" the service of the ilet division sinee its arrival in Franee, July, 1918 rhe division, less 166th field artil lery brigade, received additioaal train ing while .billeted in Hante-Marae de partment, with headquarter at Mon-tigny-le-Roi, until September 8, 1718. The 166th field artillery brigade was sent on arrival to Clermont Fer- rand, Puy-de-Dome department,- for id' ditional training. I' has not since rejoin ed the division and I have ao informa tion as to its service. Proceeding by rail aid inarching to the vicinity of Pagny-sur-Jteuse and I Void, Meuse department, this division I was PRrt i tne reserve or tne nrst American army, General J. J. Pershing, dllfiniv tlia BiiHnn n f fit ViKiiil uli'anf ,b iB'buT w ZTZ ployed to support or re-enforce div-, airoTln theTni fensive between the Meuse river and . nsive ' between the Meuse Jiw una- mo Arguuno iuret s a puriiou or ine Fifth army corps, Major General Geo. H. Cameron. The advance was made from Foret de Hesse, just north of the , Clermont-Verdun highway, and cast of 1 tho celebrated hill of Vauquois, at "Its most active service in Belgium " hd during the franco from the !rri. t0 he Sch.eld.t "'f' :;tob" 30-Novombor 4, capturing the e.ty of Audenardo, November 1. Later, it was f'tached tohe--80th Army wps (French) undor Major General Pcnet. With such corps i' sdrsn.efl it rf i the Scholdt rivef towarfiS BriSiIiy - til the advauco was inturrupicu i,j armistice, Novomber 11." AIR MAIL ROUTE PRACTICABLE 8n Diego, Doe. 26. An aerial mail route botweou San Diego and Ban Francisl1) ig pr'aeticaeblo Lieutenant 8. H. Sharpo declared today. Bharpe led a party of aviittors who charted a route betwoen the twj cities, arriving hore lato yesterday. Tho aviaitors wore guests at a lunch eon given toy tho chamber ef commerce today. They oxpect to start on the re turn trip to San Dingo lato today. ftr.wv5TYf Ari,t f,re life? & lW&odive ferof.a Loslof ound wnttsdisvynqcriui TrucK tfuoy have lost sanetfcisS " " The Journal classified ads an i great favorite with peoplu who. do things Try oa - Things In Scientific Circles regular rate, and a valuable feature i that when a disconnect rate phone Is called the call is taken by an informa tion operator, who states that the party called is away from home and tells where he is staying, also when he ex pect to return, this iiiformatten being kept in a card index in the exchange. . o Electro-Chemical Works. A syndicate of French-American cap italists is said to be establishing a com pany for the purpose of erecting electro chemical works in the Telenserken dis trict of Norway. Spectacles Help Hearing. The ear trumpet" has been combined with the spectacles, so that this useful article will hereafter answer a double purpose for those whose ears as well as eyes are in need of a little assistance ia the performance of their functions. OLB-TIfiffiS TfLL HOW MWASHSIU urit a inn ahiii - hi i ft I'lln All III I ill 1 1 W kliy ta w'ths'and attacks of kidney, liv- .kii i via But GoYercsftst Land Is More Scarce Naw Han In Old Bays' Of '65.: Topeka, Kan., Dee; 26. As the Kan sas toys' begin to come (back from the war, and the problem of placing them on the Kansas farms, already pretty thickly populated, it considered, the boys' fathers are telling how it was done when they returned from the war, following demobilization of the Union army. The conversation usually leads to the conclusion that there is no land left in Kansas for settlement toy the returning soldier who has little besides his strength and determination as capital Thero is some lnnd still unhomestead- ed in the extreme western part of the state, but it is not suitable for farm ing. Some of it might be made suitable by irrigation, but no young man who needs to rarm for a living could at jJ Vfd?r,4rf" W':?.PT'? money, and it is fairly certain that there won't be a lot of public money available for the purpose when tho boys get homo, as they already ar get ting home. ' Will Reabsorb Soldiers The farm, from which most of the Ka,18a bys wcnt wiU 'eabsorb most ' difficulty, iust of them without much difficulty, just as most of the rest of the country will reabsorb most of its quota of eoldiers, leaving tho unemployment problem not much worse than it was before the war, after peace conditions have tak en the place of war condHions. The question of displacing woman labor is not so important in Kansa-, as in .tho manufacturing states. When the boys came back from tho civil war, Kansas was practically all virgin prairie, and the homestead law offered the returning troops such in ducements to take up claims in the new country that they swept into the stato like a flood. Kansas had sent to tho- Union army more soldiers than sue had voters, without the usri of in scription. When thoso who were left alivo from the 10 Kansas regiments rc turned, they were accompanied by tens of thousands of strangers who had fought for the Union. Many Returned Eait The Kansas state historical society estimates there were 150,000 war voter ans in tho state in 1885. Other thous undg had come and .gone during tho 20 years between the close of itho war and that date. Many had been chased back east during tho first few years of their settlement by armies of grass hoppers that foraged the country much moro thoroughly than any of tho Iboys in Wnfi hurt foraffed the invaded south. Kansas was distinctively a soldier San Diego, Cat., Dec. 2b. two Mata stato. With tho energy and enthusiasm , er Field airplanes, now at the frown of returning conquerors who had been Island fiold, will start on their return given a chance, they broke out the ; trip to Sacramonto Saturday, it was an prairie, built roads, made their hunv j nounced at the army headquarters to- iid uuiiicB, auu u.j v ... i grass into a garden empire, ine lana some of the late comers paid $5 an acre for now sells for from $2!50 an acre up. There were no bolsheviki among those returning eoldiers, and nobody worried about the social, eco nomic, or industrial unrest that might follow their demobilization. There was land enough for all, and the termg were most liberal. Their only unrest was that caused by rain dripping through their eha.ity roofs. Many Old Soldiers In 1881, when the old soldier rule was nnictieallv complete in Kansas, 90 ner cont of the locislature was compos- ed of eld soldiers, and the same class j suit then in said court pending, where at citizens held practically ajl the cityjin B. F. Ramp, as executor of the last and county offices in the state. The will and testamont and estate of Mary old boys have retired from most of the A. Ramp, doceased, was plaintiff and public offices now, and an ready to j Henry H. Vandevort and Fmma Vando turn them over to the new returning ! vort, his wife, and John S. Beall and army. Meantime tho men who were too Klma II. Beall, his wife, and R. W. young for the firnt war and too old for Foster, unmarried, wore defendants in the last one, and perhaps had their favor of plaintiff and against said do hands in the little Spanish Philippine fend&nts by which execution (I am episode, have been helping tho old boys commanded to Bell tho property in snid hold on till the young fellows get back execution and hereinafter described to from Germany. j pay the sum duo tho plaintiff of $2000, GREY WILL SEE WILSON London, Dee. 26. Viscount Grey, ther sum of $150.00 attorney's foes to former secretary of state for foreign gother with the costs and disburso nffairs, will lead a deputation from ments of said suit tared at $24 and tho league of nations union which will eost and expenses of snid execution, call cn President Wilson at the Ameri- I will on Saturday the 18th day of Jan can embassy Saturday. uary, 1919, at lthe hour of 10 o'clock The frame of the spectacles are made slightly heavier, and on each of the side bows these is mounted a miniature ear trumpet, with its mouth exposed to the front, wtnle the narrowing end is turned into the ears of the wearer. . 0 Use of Cottea Thread. The use ef cotton thread was a war time measure to conserve the linen. The change occurred during the activities of Napoleon Bonaparte, O Scabbard tha Ire Pick. In order to be effective, the ice pick must be sharp and, therefore, an effec tive ice pick is always a source of danger arsuad the household. Children obtain- iag passestioa ef it are more or less lia ble to injure themselves or their com panions, so that the ice pick is barred from tome domestic establishments, not withstanding! the fact that it it an ex SAFE," GETJTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE RELIEF For 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haar- r. i Laa MlPfftnn hlimSIU. er bladder and, e to nisei trouDlej ana I kit disease connected with tha urinary . ., In hnil.l nn and restore to health organa weakened by disease. These most important organs must be watched, because they filter and pan-: fy the blood; unless they do. their worn I you are: doomed, Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, dependency, backache, stomach tria ble, peine in the loins and lower- ab domen, difficulty when urinating, rheu matism, sciatica and lumbago all warn vou ef trouble with . yonr kidaeya. GOLD 11BDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules Pesses Scour Arizen Fr Escaped Ctnicts Phoenix,- Ariz , - Dec. 2S.J Poesea ..a.a k r .,,.;.. .r . . . t s- or j dr them subsequent to the execution scounag the border for J. C. Wunder if Wlltiff,g mortgage, tot,it Novcm and Emmet Daniels, convicts who - bcr 3rd, 1910, in of and to said prcm- caped from the Florence, Ariz., pen-jises hereinbefore menuonea ana ae itentiary Monday night, induced two scribed in said execution as follows, girls . to take a joy ride with them in a stolen automobile and then made their escape in tho direction of the Mexican border. , A note dropped by Laura Foreman, 17 yean old daughter of a Florence cattleman, one of the kidnaped girls, asking help, is the only clue the offi cers have. A strict border watch i being kept between Nogalei Douglas. anil NEGRO SOLDIERS LOOT. New York, Dec - 26. Seventy-five negro soldiers, members of the quar termaster's corps ami the Fifteenth in fantry, are under heavy military guard at the army building in Brooklyn to day after having looted several saloon jind starting a near riot late last night. The saloon men refused to serve men in uniform whoreupcn thoy helped thomselvcs. Police woro called but be ing unable to cope with tho Situation they notified the quartermaster's do partment which sent military polie. to quell tho negroes. TACOMA TRAGE3T. , Tacoma, Wash., Dec 26. After slash ing tho throat of his sweetheart, Annie O Toole, with a pocket knife in tho girl's room at the Pacific avenuo hotel today, Pnvato James earner of the 142nd Spruce division walked to tho railroad tracks nearby and inflicted serious wounds in his own throat. Ho was rushod to a hospital where it was jaid ho will recovor. s Carner attacked tho girl, who is not seriously hurt, following her refusal :o marry him, she told tho police. Carnor's home is at Corwota, OkLa., and he had been working in a spruce camp noar Prcuso, Oregon. START RETURN TRIP 1107. LEGAL NOTICE. SHERIFF'S NOTICE 01 SALE of Real Property on Foreclosure Notiee is heroby given, that by vir tue of an exocution duly issued out of the circuit court of tho stato of Ore gon, for the county of Marion and to me directed on tho 10th day of Decem ber, 1918, upon a judgment and decree duly rendered, ontered of record and docketod in and by snid eourt on the 3rd day of Docember, 1918, in a certain with interest thereon at tne rate or i per cont per annum from the 3rd day 'of August, 1916, until paid and the fur- tremely useful piece of kitchen furni ture. In a new device of this character the dangerous point is sheathed within the handle when it is not in actual use. Stronger Than Steel That rubber is in certain respect stronger than steel Is indicated by unique test made at the Diamond tire factory. A sand blast under enormous pressure was blown on a piece of rubber and a piece of steeL The rubber actually outwore the steel three to one. O Ancient Iron. In the Old World the art of smelting ore was discovered about 1,200 B. C It has sometimes been suggested that iron tool and weapons may have been made at an earlier period from meteor ites, and recently a considerable amount of evidence in behalf of this hypothesis has been presented by Mr. C F. Zimmer. arc the remedy you need. Talc tire 'soaks into the eefts and Kiting of the ft mVT RVtTT tT V . 1 iltl IjI .11 .i K xauneys ana ariTra uut i-it f..- ' New Ufa and health, will surely fol I low. When vour normal visor Ms Dcea restored continue treatment for a while . to keep yourself in condition and p re- I VAnf rHifn mt tfc l)Llu&Se. Don't wait uatil you are incapable ef righting. Start taking GOLD MED-. All Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Your druggist will cheerfully wfund your money if you are not satisfied with re sults. But be sure to get the onjfinal imported GOLD MEDaL ana aeeept no rubstitutee. la three aiaee. - Sealed paokgcs. At all drug store. a. m. of said day at the west door of the county court heuse in Salem, Ma rioa eounty, Oregon, sell at pvblia auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the day of sale, a'r the right. -title, interest and estate . hica said i defendants and all persoaa claiming nn- to-wit: Lots seven (7) and eight () ia block two (2) in University addition to the city of Salem, Marion comity, state of Oregon, as shown by toe recorded plat thereof, excepting tho west 56 feet of said lot No. seven (7). Said sale being made subject to re demption in the manner provided by law. Dated this I6th day of December, 1918. W. I.NEB.DHAM, Sheriff for Marion county, Oregon. By O. D. Bower, Deputy. Ml EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notiee ds hereby given that the un dersigned, by virtue of an order of the county eourt of Marion eounty, Oregon, duly made and entered of rce ord on the 11th day of December, 1918, was appointed executor of the estate of John Aide, deceased, and that he has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly veri- fied as required by law, at tho office of Smith & Shields, attorneys, 403 Sa lem Bank of Commerce- building, Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and firsf published this 19th day of December, A. D. 1918. GBOVJ3B C. BEL1 1NGER, Executor of the estate of John Aide, deceased. 116 NOTICE OF HEARING of Final Account Notice i hereby given that the fin al aeeount of Imeua Darby, ailministta- trix of the estate of John Darby, de ceased, has been .filed , in the eounty oart of Marion eounty, Oregon, and that the Ota day ef January, 1919, at the hour of 10 e 'slock a. rr. . has boen, daly appointed by said'eonrt for the hearing of objections to such final ae eount and the settlement thereof, at whlei time any persons interested in aid estate are hereby required to ap pear and ahow cause, if any they have, why eaid final aeeount should not be allowed and approved by slid eourt. Dated November 27, 1918. LUBLLA DARBY, Administratrix ef the B?ste of John Darby, deceased. 1-2 IN THE COUNT I COURT of the State of Oregon for Marion County , Jb the matter of the estute of Henry D. Bt. Holen, descasod. Notice of hear ing of final account. To all persons interested in the es tate of Henry D. 8t. Helen, deceased: You are hereby notitiod that on the 3rd day of December, 1918, Elizabeth I. St. Helen filed in this court her fin al aeeount as executrix of the estate of HenTy D. 6ft. Helen, deceased, nd that said final aeeount will bo heard Dy this eourt on Monday January sixth 1919, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day or as soon thereafter as this court can hoar same, in the room of the .county court at the eourt house ia Balem, Marion eounty, Oregon, and yon are hereby cited to appear at tho time and plnco abovo designated ana show eause if any exist why said fin jthi said executrix disehnrged from her trust, Dated this 3rd day of Decrmbor, 1918 W. M. BUSIIEY, County Judge. Donald W. Miles, Attorney for exoeutrix, U. S. Nation al bank bldg., Salem, Or. 1-2 By A. Scientist He has compiled a list of the known iron-containing meteorites, nearly all ac cumulated within the past century, and he shows from these alone about 250 tons of iron might be obtained. Of this amount more than 99 per cent is mallea ble, consisting af a nickel-iron alloy. a Eleetrie Shoe Drier. An electric shoe drier is now being introduced in shoe-shining parlors mney maker, say Popular Science, for which is a time over, and therefore a it can be employed to dry one shoe while the attendant is polishing the other. It is psovided with a small motor-driven fan that forces a strong blast of air through, a tube-like mouth directly onto the shoe. The drier is held in place by an iron arm that can be quickly attached to the fast rest Current is obtained through a cord from any light socket The ttla machine weighs only two pound. (9 1