PAGE EIGHT SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1918. WifA the J Season's Greetings J We wish you all a very Mo rrv Chriatnin U mt -tj -st lYi-yrj.jjj "ray iyk J4lkf C3) - .... . ': Merry. .... ArrT:.' . : Christmas t and : flwj) '',.,, Happy fg ',. New Year fJl p m Gregory X.PA "Salem's Ice Cream Man" All Around Town COUNGEMTS Dee. 29 Christian Science lecture, opera house, 3 p. a. Dee. 10. Secead election en school budget. Dee. Sl.-'ompany M dance at armory. Jan. 7 Annual Cherrisn ini tiation and banquet. Jan IS Legislature convene Jan. 15-18 -Auto exhibit. "IB moral Okragfc O. MMMflL"WtM ft tf TR to aa rm mm de wsei ecnea, UU Wb CUigh Oe FtMB 1M, f. Loach counter apposite 0. E. B. B. depot. Good lunches, If. J. B. coffee, Lady waitress. Open from ( a. m. te 13 p. m. 12-30 . Belax and rest in tie dental cSMr. Dr. Hartley fills and extaacts teeth without pain and corrects diseased suae. Moore bid. Phone 114. tf Build up Salem V industries by gap porting those on the ground. tf ' o Balem bread la freshest and best, tf PESONAL "Doe" JiBwIs, formerly with tho J. C. Perry drug store Is home from Gout Island. Captain It. D. Byrd writes his Elk ' friends from Belgium sonding them freetings. Tho lottor is dated Nov. 23. Dr.. Lottie Findley, of Grant, Pass, sister of. Dr. M. V. Findley, is visiting t the homo of hor brother, Hnrry Croniso is homo from the Uni Yersity of Washington. Marvin Holt, son of Dr. and Mrs. Goorgo P. Holt, Is home for the holi days. Ho is In tlw aviation detachment f the navy at the University of Wash ington and expocts soon to bo lent to the south. Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Webb are In Port land spending Christmas with Mr, jWebb's parents. Three years ag0 Christmas, the mail, nmm temporaturo was 48 und the mini mum 38, tho day was cloudy and thorl wns .0 of an inch of rain. Christmas for 1018 enmo in wjth cloudy weathor. Tho maximum tempornturo was 39 and tho minimum 32. The rainfall was .05 of an inch. Ono year ago this Christ fas tho day was cloudy, the maximum temperature wns 49 and tho minimum H8. There was a precipitation of .22 of an inch, Last yoar it not only rained ou Christmas day but it had been rain inf for 13 days beforo and continued to ruin for six days after. Last Christ mas tho rivor was at a slogo of 17 foot This year it will bo only three feet abovp. . . According t0 Portland reports, Mrs Winnie Braden is now after tho job held by A. H. Len, secretary of the state fair board. It was but recently that she was conducting an activo cam pnigh for election as manager of the Salem Commercial club, the position now being hold by Frank H. Chapman. THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. Wishes all friends and pat rons a Merry Christmas W. COHEN I. SAFFRON M. CHASMMAN Proprietors. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. TerwllUger, grad uate morticians and funeral directors, 770 Chemekota St. Phone 724. I have moved my offices Into mors pleasant and aoro commodious quar ters the third lioor of the V. o. National bank building. Dt. O. Lt Beott Ckirepraetie-Spinologist, 304-213 C. 8. National bank bldg. tf Charles L. Unruh, formerly at the stuto house in the printing department is now stationed at Payne Field, Wost Point, Miss. . It just happens that ho is uliyo and well for just a few days ago he was invited to go up in the air for a little joy ride with a friend, but an other mun asked to take the trip and he let him go instead. On that trip the airplano crashed into anothor and all four men of the two planes mot in stant death. Highways Rapid Transit Auto service to Portland and way points daily, leav ing Balem at 7 a. m. Phone orders ev ening before, 137 S. Com'l. Phone 663. tf George B. Doust Is home for the holi days from Miami, Florida, whero he it? field superintendent of tho Harbauer company, heavy buyers of tomatoes and cucumbers. He was formerly a resftU'St horo in chareo of tho Capital vltj creamery. His son, Harry W. Doust, who has boon stationed in a New Jersey ordnnnco camp, has been mustered out and will return to manage his father's ranch on rural route 8, Saloni, Dr. J. O. Mtthls,assoclatM with Dr. H. J. Oloments, office 4W-410 Balem tank of Com. bldg. Office tel. 673; res. 1705 South Fir St. tel. m. 12-27 o Lieutenant Robert 8. Gill, former, rec tor of St. Paul 's Episcopal church is in the city. High' grade, genuine fun for Christ mas gifts at special prices. West Fur Co., 217 South High St. tf I L.M.HUM are of M So Tcs3 " I Cbineee Medicine end Tea Hs imie,:n which will tmn ma j anowa aiseaee. V Sundays from 10 m until 8 p. m. lEa South High 8t t BaleM, Oregon. Phosw MS Notice to the Public Beginning Thursday evening December lDth, we will es tablish a night service both from Salem and Portland leaving at 6 p. m. making two trucks leaving Salem and Portland daily. Those desiring quick service from Portland phone your orders before 5 p. m. HIGHWAYS RAPID TRANSIT OOPANY Sol Roberts, Agent PHONE 663 137 SOUTH COM'L Salem tread supports Salem's payroll and in turn the aska the support of Sa lem people. tf o With four sons In the service, W. H. Tate of Sublimity is feeling especially thankful this Christmas due to the fact that one of the boys is home with his discharge and the other tree ave es caped witout injury. o " It Is just little risky toting a pros perous looking suit case now-a-days as the police force are inclined to loon with suspicion on anT traveling bag or suit ease coming from the wet fields of Cilifornia. As to whether an officer ofthe law has the right to investinte a suit case traveling north, there is chapter 141 of the general laws of Uro- eon for 1917, page 179. Part of this chanter reads that if an officer "has reasonable information that intoxicat ing liquors are being unlawfully carried he may search without warrant. "About tho onlv thine that cannot be searched is a train, but even cars may be searcn ed if one of the train crey invites an officer to look around. Then the police have the legal right to ask any one to open a Buit case for examination and to ask one to step over to the police station and talk lt over. There are somo who rely on the constitution of the United States to protect their riehts, but from past experience in Sa lem, tho constitution was of no avail when the police officer asked any one to come along to the police station. Tea should buy Salem bread only, there is a reason. tf o Hunt'a orchestra will furnish, the music" for company M 's informal mili tary-iball at the armory Now Year's eve. The committee m cnarge expecis this to be tho military event of the sea son. o Big dance tonight armory. o 7 p. m. tonight big dance. Big time at armory. Music that makes you dance at ar mory tonight. o Knm early enjoy the' good music and dancing at armory tonight, 7 p. m. o With visible evidence that he had been hit in the nose, S. G. Br.own of Silverton appeared before Judgo Web ster yesterday an dswore out a warrant for tho arrest of Joe Moxicy, on a charge of assault and batery, o Attorney E. IE. Baker, who was In ducted into the service June 26, 391s, and who is now Sergeant Baker, Is at home from Camp Lewis for over Christ mas visiting with his parents. Ho is firBt sergeant motor' ambulance No. 55 and his work includes the discharging of tho men in his company and other administrative duties. On account of his work Sergeant Baker expects to be held until tho last at Camp Lowis. Among tho boys seen at Camp Lewis aro Bcvcral of tlio aviation ouncri, in cluding Victor Moffett, Ivan Johnson and Mr. McDonald who just arrived a few days ago. Sergeant Baker says that the boys who were inducted Into I he service inst August and sont to fnmp Lewis, are all there yet and are in the 13th division. A marriage license was issued at Van "ouver .Wash., Dec. 21, to Raymond L, Cleveland. 25. and Gertrude E. Bray- hill, 18, of Salem. o No city boarders are to he found at the citv or county .inils. The two boot ledgers who wcro given a fine of $100 or 50 days in the county jail by Judge Knee managed to find somo fnonds in Portland who raised $200 enabling tho men to pay their fines and leave Into lust evening to spend their Christmns in tho big citv. Tho 12 quarts of Bun nybrook taken from tho bootleggers wns poured in tho sewor. Officers of ficiating at the ceremoney wero Chief nf Police Folnnd with officers Bico and Paulson as witnesses that tho booze hod been legally disposed of. Chrtstrncs dance tonight at armory at 7 p. m. While real estate is not especially booming in 8alem and vicinity, yet thero is a strong undorcurrent of strengthening prices. This is notico ablo, real estate men say the sales of city property that have stiffenel considerably within the past six months Fruit tracts aro also being held for bet ter prices and many strangers have been in tho city the past month looking for investments. Ferdinand Kurz a few davs ago bought as an investment a ten acre improved tract three and ono half miles from Salem on the Jeffer son road from Walter L. Hatch. Not withstanding the fact that no mouey is spent for advertising purposes nor any effort made in that line, nor any available literature to be had sotting foith tho advantages of the Willamette cinuate, the general impression is that Salem and vicinity is just on the verge of a lot of prosperity and all in spte of the natural disposition of the old timers and conservatives to indirectly discourage new comers. The rural schools" are not putting on many Christmas programs this year. With the general influenza conditions throughout the county, school directors have thought it best not to give enter tainments that would bring in several neighborhoods. Those that have been given have been for only those living n tho district where the scool is lo cated. o A. L. Wallace and Paul Stege win leave aboutt he first of the year to mako their homes in Saa Francisco. Both men have been prominent in the affairs of the Elks lodgo, The family almanac says that Dec 22 was the shortest day in the year, vet at the same time tEe sun is ris ing a little later each day np until the first week in January when it finally doesn't show above the borizan until 7:30 o'clock. The scientist says the days are really getting longer even if the sun is later in getting np as it is now setting a little later each day. For instance, on Dec. 22, the sun was schea- uled to set at 4:31 o'cloek while this evening, if it follows instructions of the family almanac, it will set exactly at 4:32 o'clock. o Tha funeral services for Mrs. Ciiver Darby who died at Lostine, Oregon, will bo held in Salem Thursday morning at 11 o'clock from the chapel of the Big don company. The services will be con ducted by tho Ecv. Swanson of Port land and burial will be in the City View cemetery besido the body of her hus band who was buried last Thursday. o ! Owing to the lateness of the report ol many tax levies and of the public utili ties properties, the office of len F. West, county tax assessor, is working overtime in order to have all work brought up by the first of the year. Hcnco business was going on as usual in the office this morning. The tax levies are all now in excepting from school district No. 24, which includes Salem, and from the cities of Scotts Mills and St. Paul. Unless a tax levy is officially received by the evening of Dec. 31, it will not be represented on the rolls for the coming year. . Would Make Paget Sound Great Distributing Point Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 25. That Ta- coma, Seattle, Everett and other Puget Sound points must pool their interests in making the Sound one of tho worlds great terminal centers .was the state ment of B. H. Thomson, Seattle expert engineer, explaining tho details of the pu'blic service commission's proposed terminal plans to businessmen hero. 'The entire plan," said Thomson, "would do away with vexatious delays and excessive handling charges now im posed on shippers, and would put Puget Sound at the front as a great distrib uting point for Oriental trade." WHITE XMA3 IN MIDDLE WEST ' -it ' fe rn ''V:- ' - mm .skwm f.M ir&J- K-.. 4lT' " m m Chicago, Dec. 25. Approved Christ mas weather prevailed today through out the middlo west. All the valley states lay under a heavy blanket of snow. Temperatures To our friends and patrons to all humanity every ' where our wish . The Best Christinas You ye EyerHad Oale&Co. Commercial & Court Sts. Formerly Chicago Store Japanese Peace Party To Arrive In Frisco Tomorrow Aboard the Steamer Tenyo Maru, Dec. 24. (By wireless to San Francis-J co.) The second contingent oi tne Japanese peace party is enjoying a pleasant voyage oboard the T. K. K. ranged from zero in North Dakota to (liner Tonyo Maru. Tho steamer expects 30 in southern Illinois. . to put into an DTaneisco j. nursing Kailfoad traffic, delayed by storms I morning. ...... yesterday, returned to normal today.. The party is under the leatiersnip oi HUNGER DRAWS THE MAP 23 Famine Conditions' Food Shortage approchmgl lamine Point Serious Food Shortage fss Sufficient Present Food Supply But Mure SeAote People? already recervinA American aid jfJT Unclassified .DECEMBER, 1. 1918, A food map of Europe today shows not a single country in which the fu ture does not hold threat of serious difficulties and only a small part which Is not rapidly approaching the famine point With the exception of the Ukraine only those countries which have maintained marine commerce have sufficient food supplies to meet actual needs until next harvest, and even in the Ukraine, with stores accu mulated on the forms, there Is famine In the large centers of population. Belgium and northern France, as well as Serbia, appear on the hunger map distinct from the rest of Europe because they stand in different rela tion from the other nations to the peo ple of the United States. America has for four years maintained the small war rations of Belgium and northern France and la already making special efforts to care for their Increased after-the-wajr needs, which, with those of Serbia, must bt Included in this plan, are argent In the extreme and must have immediate relief. The gratitude of the Belgian nation for the help America has extended to her during the war constitutes the strongest appeal for us to continue our work there. The moment the German armies withdrew from her soil, and she was established once more in her own seat of government the little nation's first thought was to express her grati tude to the Commission for Relief iu Belgium for preserving the lives of millions of her citizens. Germany, on the other hand, need not figure In such a map for Ameri cans because there is no present Indi cation that we shall be called on at all to take thought for the food needs of Germany. Germany probably can care for her own food problem If she is given access to shipping and Is enabled to distribute food to the cities with dense populations, which are the trou ble centers. England, France, the Netherlands and Portugal, all of which have been maintained from American supplies, have sufficient food to meet immediate needs, but their future presents seri ous difficulties. The same is true of Spain and the northern neutral coun triesNorway, Sweden and Denmark whose ports have been open and who have been able to draw to some degree upon foreign supplies. . Most of Russia is already Is the throes of famine, and 40,000,000 people there are beyond tha possibility of help. Before another spring thou sands of them Inevitably must die. This applies as wen to Poland and practically throughout the Baltic re gions, with conditions most serious In Finland. Bohenlla, Serbia, Itoumnnln and Montenegro have already reached the famine point and are suffering a heavy toil of death. The Armenian popula tion Is falling each week as hunger takes its toll, and in Greece, Albania and Roumania so serious are the food shortages that famine is near. ;A1-. though starvation Is Dot yet imminent, Italy, Switzerland, Bulgaria and Tur key ore In the throes of serious strin gencies. In order to fulfill America's pledge In world relief we will have to export' every ton of food which can be han dled through our ports. This means at the very least a minimum of 20,000,000 tons compared with 6,000,000 tons pre war exports and 11,820,000 tons ex ported last year, when we were bound by the ties of war to the European allies. If we fall to lighten the black spots on the hunger map or If we allow any portions to become darker the very peace for which we fought and bled will be threatened. "Revolt and anarchy Inevitably follow famine. Should this happen we will see In ether parts of Europe a repetition of the Russian de bacle and our fight for world peace will have been In vain. Baron H. Maltino and includes General Nara and Vice Admiral Takeghita, leaders of the military and naval sec tions. In all the party is comprised of forty members. The party will meet the first dele gation under tho leadership of Marquis Baionji at Paris. Washington, Dec. 25,Cotter Bride, prominent Washingtonian and friend of former Secretary of State Bryan, died here today.