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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1918. MEETING IN F0RTLAN FOR RECONSTRUCTION TTieres a n oBiesman from y Yirginia CALLED BY GOVERflO PAGE SIX 1 2 Something New - J fiNi X t v, ho vas chewing and ' swapping yams with the men on the Post Office corner. "Have a chew," cays he to Jake. Jake doesn't think he's chew ingunless his cheek bulges out like he had the mumps. 'Call that a chew?' he snorU "Surer says the salesman. This is Real Gravely. That small chew satisfies, and the longer you chew it the better it tastes. That's why it doesn't cost anything extra to chew this class of tobacco." ft gtm fitrtkirtkmt't Iy ytm m PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in a pouch To those vho have given us their trade in the past, and to those who will give it in the future, we extend our heartiest greetings. - Is Statewide Ccayestioa Ts Prevent Industrial Depres sion After War. A statewide convention of rcpreseat- ativeg of those interests which are con- cernec? ia formulating a reconst.rue- tioa program which will prevent indui- trial depression during the period of changing from a war to a- peace fcasis has been caltaA by uovernor Withy- confbe ia a, proclamation issued yester day afternoon. The convention ia call ed to be held ia the public auditorium in Portland on January 9, 10 and 11, IBID. The proclamation Mrs: Inasntauh as the. state of Oregon, ia common with other gtatea, is facing the vital problem and sacred responsi bility of preventing industrial depres sion and unemployment during the per iod cf reconxtruetion and readjustment from a war to a pence hsis, and since it appear that onlr by devotion and ' the concerted application ot the intel 1 licence, ciperione? and endeavors of our mcs!, Able citi: ::s and definite and ! desirable stimulou i be given to the reclamation of arid, swamp and logged ov-r land, tho d-rfelopment of water power, highway e-instruction, and the maintenance of piuduetivo industry; I "Now, -there!'.. rc, 1, James Withy combe governor of Oregon, do proc ni.n ; January 9, 10 ni d 11, 1919 as the dates of a reconstrue ion convention to be lieUl iu (ho pu')lic auditorium of tho city of Portland Oregon, and do most earnestly invite the attendance of the represcntativis of agriculture, manu facturing, la' cr, shipping and com merce, high ft, for nnd diock com missions, bu new), civic and profes sional organisations, the mayors and ether authorities of Oregon cities, coun ty commissioners if Orenon, and; all others who by the!: eifons and inter est may contribute ' ) the sum of the .state's well 'being." (I The Keith Konqueror Shoe Company, of Brockton, Mass notified their exclusive local dealer, The Paris Shoe Shop, thtt for one week, December 26 to January 1st, they will inaugurate a new profit-sharing system of introducing, their shoes for men, by giving' any man that buys a pair of shoes at the regular purchase price the opportunity to buy the second pair at ONfe-HALP PRICE, and the aecond pair may be any style or size. Remember this spec ial introduction of Keith Konqueror Shoes for one week only, December 26th to January 1st. NOTE We do not close our store in order to remark our stock, as our regular selling price is plainly marked HOME OF QUALITY 357 STATE STREET. I ,1 Season Greetings ! We wish at this time to express our appreciation to the FRUIT GROWERS in this County who by their manifestations of Faith in bur organization have made it possible for us to make greater expansion in the year 1919. This message conveys to you our Best Wishes for a Joyous Christmas and a Pros perous New Year. VALLEY CANNING COMPANY Newberg, Oregon. This store wishes you and yours the Merriest Christmas C. 5. Hamilton The Home Furnisher 340 Court St, Salem ClTElFeilZE Miss Elizabeth Bass Of New York lakes Strong Bid For Championship. With the American army in' Franco Dec. 0. (By Mail.) Since- tho great war is about settled, a new conflict threaten! to break out over the que tiou of whut V. M. C. A. woman coined tho greatest number of doughnuts 11 day for. distribution among the Amcri can troo,ps who swept across Franco in to Germany. A strong tiuo. ... piunship is niiide on behalf of Miss KHz a both Buss, a member of the National Arts club, Now York, now a cantoon worker for tho Bed Triangle. Single hmided sho can mix and fry 5(100 dough nuts t diyi and with assistants can pro duee 10,000 in that span. Miss Huhs ought to effect maximum oficioney in tho doughnut lino with mil) iinuin equipment and minimum ingre dients, bocuuso sho ran a cafeteria be fore (Mining to Franco. Consequently her making of tho crisp, savory i.mgh nuts for which slio is famous iu hoi division, is no hit or-miss affair, bui tho result of experience in practicing domestic science and of careful' plan ning. ' Scientific Cooking. In tho French villago in which sho was qlntioncd sho was able to find nd commandeer an iron vnt of mammoth proportions. Then sho estimated hon great r. quantity of dough sho ncedod to keep the vat working at its full c pneily, und proceeded to mako it. I'oi the first lew days sho turned out only two or three tuousaud, doughnuts. Later she produced siitfcichandon 50oo. , ,eu sho was iiblo to t locuro assistants, she carefully subdivided tho job of assem bling tho flour, milk, gnortening, and sugar, or its substitute, tho mixing and popping into the sizzling fat; and to gether they fried 10,000 n day. Tho doughboys arc keeping t-i.ieul records of the production of this dough- j ut factory. Thoy say they'ro going! to taek them up in thoir kitchens at 1 home. Thoy aro wondering if any one oi inoir V1VI Cllll IllURO UOUU UOUgll- nuts a day. When they get homo they aro going to nsk them anyway. San Francisco Tongs h D3acily Warfare Snn Franeiso, Doc. 25. A squad of policemen are patrolling Chinatown to day to prevent anv further ou breaks of tho tong war, following tho killing last night of Geo Lip Chuck, Sin Puey Yens tongman. King Geo, a Hip Sen tongman has been arrested char?ed with 'he crim The murdered Chinese was standing against a telephone pole when it is al leged lhat Gee walked np to him, poin ed a revolver at his head and pulled the trigrrer. Fivo ehrts were fired. Chuck fell over dead, his hsnds sti'l thrust In h! pockets. Gee was captured by police- af er a short chase. Tho police are unable to account for the new tnnsr outbreak HOWARD POTJLD ILL s BRUSH COLLEGE NEWS The community was shocked last Tuesday morning over te newt that Lilie Meyers had died of influenza at Summit, Or. l.ilio spent Thanksgiving at homo and was in the best ot aeal.h. At the time of er death s! was em ployed as telegrap operator at Summit, Or. Slid was born in Portland, Or., July 2-, I !',--died t. lfi, 1918. Sho ciiiiio t I 'ash College district with her parents ut tho ago of 11 years and graduated V" in Brush College at the ligo of i veins. Taught two termi of school and (hen took a courje in te'. nji'Bphy froin this ehool sho graduated wit honor . atler tuly studying four have a well deserved repu tation as a safe and effective r-nedy for stomach ail ments. They are Qui helpful in bilious attacks, sick headache, dyspepsia, heartburn and constipation. They act gently and surely on the organs of elimina tion, purify the blood, tone the system and very quickly Strengthen Mgestion ' 17, tut Ski of Anr Medlclna In tin World Said everywhere. In boze. 10c, 25c. GIVEN PRESENT FOB INJUBT. Spokano, Dec. 25. While Installing a transformer tt Burko, Idaho last year for tho Washington Wator rowor com pany, John Anderson came in contact with a live wire and he lost both hands. Today ho ia the rocipio-t of $15,000 as a present from tho company in whose care ho hay boon since disabled, no did not brhv suit an tVo money wa accented or. advice of counsel. NEWSPAPER MEN IN LONDON London, Dec. 2.. Forty American newspapermen will arrive hore from Paris tomorrow as guesta of the Brit ish 'government. They will roma-in week or ton days. Way T A&Jrrss Lto T. Scfes ! New Yirk Pee. 25. Howard Gould i wriouoly ill in London and his broth er Fm-'k Oo"'d i n his wav from Parin to that el'y, according to word reoivfd hee t"iisy. Howard is ta third s"n of th late Jay Gould. Another brother, George, is eonva lescdng in this city, after an opera-ties. Jast ta mako it tlrtr as I tew fct- stnll b., aildressrd U 1ict, the fiHwini form i, shewn. This saayl ia nest ant by the Waiptt iHnal ffininbi and approval by army irhriri( TIere ia the ferra far tka a44rss mi aim the retara aadraa. Srs. Jaha Tee, , Ro SHroet, falem, Oregon. flergsnnt John K. Ioe, C. D, 93d Infantry, Amarieaa Kxpr'itieBary Fare Csmahiints are being reeoivei by casta) aathoritios that letter bar not hai ieliverad to soldier. If the wri ter weulel plaae the retnro addran an V aprr left honi corner of tba velnpe. then if the soldier eaanat be la cated, th letter win be retnraad U tb monte. She n ul l-ead of her class, in a class of over iwi hundnii studonts some of then -rith more than ono yor's schooling, lihe inpeted with and woi first prize in the contest of spelling. Lilie was a bvi.-.i ,ambitious girl. To know hero was to love her. Sho leaves n lr -tely bue ji; the. homo and the neighborood. T ij i:ipathy of the neighborhood goes out to the family in tho loss of a daughter and sister. And may God bless, sustain and keep them is our wish. Some sweet morn a day will opon, Never more to closa in night. We shall hail the early tokpn Of its everlasting light. ' On that bright ftnd blissful morrow, Pilgrims rest, their journey o'er, Hunger, thirst end death and sorrow ' Wo shall know and part no more. Tjo parent-teachers ' meeting wjis combined with the Christmas exorcifjs of the children this month and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by nil who were able to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Asj Smith and baby from St. Johns are with home folks at present, Thoy were calling on the Wal lace rane peoplo Sunday afternoon. Mr. anud Mrs. Henry Stanton of u lem wore in this vicinity Sunday aft ernoon hunting mistletoe. Mrs. W. A. Bailey culled on Mrs. Meyers Sunday afternoon. PMTUfflJOTES. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Prntum, Or., Dec. 24. Ellis Wolty is very ill with pneumonia, following an attack of influenza. Mrs. Joo Crahano of Mill City i t iting with rolativos in this community. Mrs. August Kufner is very ill at hei home having suffered an attack of in fluents. The Misses Bertha Krehbiel, Elsie Leisy and Linda Loisy, all pupils of the ; Bolttm high school, are home for a week ! f vacation. Mrs, Manrer has been very ill during the past week. Her condition seems to grow no better. Mrs. W order and son of Salem are staying at the J. W. Welty home for a short time. Tiie i'iiiaes Florence and Lillie Stein ri, who have been ill (with influenza, a io ugain able to be up and around.' The (iiogram' planned for Tuesday evening al the Mcnnonito church has been culled off on account of te prev alence of influenza. Mr. JinoiMllien and Mr. Baumgartncr canvassed te district for the Red Cross Christmas roll membership campaign. . The school will give a short program on Tuesday afternoon for tho children and tcii parents. It was thought wiser not to give much of an entertainment. Dan Stcffen of the S. A. T. C. of Coivallis has been mustered out and is again at home. p r 1 1 kj The Most Joyous Yule-tide of the Ages ' The war is over. Death and de-- no longer stalk the battlefields of Eu rope. The sword has been sheathed and peace and good will prevails among st men and nations. Right and justice have triumphed over brute force. Dem ocracy has found its place in the sun and autocracy is forever discredited. The implements of war are being trans formed into plowshares for use in peaceful, productive occupations. Our boys of the cantonments and battlefields - are returning to their " homes. Thousands of them, their work well done, are already here. Proud though they be of their part in the war, they are not nearly so proud as we are of them and of the work they have done so well. Many of them will enjoy with us this Christmas festival the most mo mentous of the agesand we trust that for each and every one of us it will be not only a day of happiness and good cheer but also a day upon which ' we will consecrate ourselves to the un finished task of making the world for ever a safe place to live in. r; 416 State Street, Salem, Oregon. V4- it