snnn rrorm Annw (25,000 READERS DAILY) Only Oirculation in Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau af Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL v LEY NBWS SERVICE , - FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 304. ttv n it r?3 1 T7 Ann n n n n nj n n7A cmts n An n - r- a n u'a n nnv" f iwi muz fi n .ifi u 1 1 11 n n i n. i i n n i n n mm M f hi 1 UMH Will n U n I f hA rr ft V U Un MUM I JH n YN 1 1 1 I 111 I I i ' " - ' ! . - - ,. 1 ' J SIT IK AMERICAN TROOPS IN FINEC0ND1TI0N Soxes That Were Thought To " Be Delayed Arrived For : : ; . .. Soldiers. If JW. C. A. ENTERTAINS ORGANIZING CONCERTS Every Company Had Its Own Tree And Some Deaghboy Played Santa. By Webb Millar (United Press staff correspondent) American Headquarters in Germany, ee. 25. . Santa Glaus reviewed the American armies in France and Ger many today. The 'jolly old saint found the two million men in (food condition ana inir Ijr bursting with the Christmas spirit, in addition to the speeia! arrange ments that had provided them with the material for proper observance ol the tioliday, the fact that their commander in chief, the president was addressin.x them through their comrades at Langes mnde the day the most notable in the Iiistory of the American expeditionary t iree. , Un.'il the last moment it was Feared the 220,000 men in German territory nouUl not receive their Christmas md-ages from home in time, but sev eral carloads arrived in (Xiblcnz un expectedly late yesterday. Distribution Jogan at once and practically every nan hud his remembrances from borne today. More than 200 V. M. C. A. and knights of Columbus cntorlainers ! were scattered through the bridgehead i ft'Va today.- Organized concerts and vaudeville shows. Kxccnt for the patrol at the odge of the bridgehead, discipline was reuccd. Tim uVughloys were permitted to fra ternize with the German inhabitants 'nd many ytt were exchanged tiy lie two nationalities. Thc men foifnd particular delight in giving presents to the German chil dren. Kvery company had its own Christ inas tree, 'With some doughboy or offi cer playing the rol" of Santa's deputy. The regular rations were supplemented liv ducks, pecsw and chickens. , In the. billoting areas the entertain ments end feasts naturally were more elaborate than In the occupied terri- tnries, owing to the fact that the Trench villagers contributed largely to the festivities. The Ked ross gave special ttmners , find dances to the officers and men in I'aris. rber's few things as abort lived as Kh' popularity of a new restarint. Hpeakin ' ' MeAdoo, Tell Binklcy ears tie set wfcer th' trap drummer ' th' Wilson orchestra has quit. I ABE MARTIN THIS (Written for the United Press) ' I saw a strange and mystic thing Just ag today was breaking, ' " I thought I heard the Angels sing, The distant echoes waking. I seemed to see them, all in white -Prom' filmy clouds descending Their fair forms mingled with the light, Emerging, fading, blending. There in the coobled city street, By tenement,; most lowly, - ' Methought I saw their shining feet-- - -And heard voices holy. 1 I heard the mighty chorus swell - ' ? Praise ye the Lord eternal, .-' Who knoweth all and loveth well, " Whose wisdom is supernal, , , ; IFor there is born to you tliis day . The Christ war sought to banish, ' : -Peace and good will, he 'brings for aye, With this I saw them vanish. Oh, did I dream or did I wake, . Do you my friend, beliovo me, - Pray hope, with meSfor Christ's jiweef sake, Mine eyes did not- deoeive me. . PRESIDENT WILSON WILL QCGljPY "BELGIAN SUITE" IN' BUCWNGHAM PALACE Vas Occupied By King Leo pold Of Belgium On His Visit To England. London, Dec. 24. The suite which President and Mrs. Wilson will occu py at Buckingham palace is known as U ho "Belgian suite." It is so called because it was occupied by King Loo- !'0'? ?f Boljrium nen thc Iatter vis- ited Queen Victoria, The suite comprises seven principal rooms, all on the same floor, and in easy couitntmicaldon with each other, d.t is located slightly to the right of the palace entrance and is in proxim ity to the king's and queen's suite. It commands a view of the gardens on the west side of the palace. Though the palace is not at its ''est, on account of the air raids necessitat ing removal of the most valuable art pieces and antiques, it is eicellently furnished and replete with comforts and conveniences. Handsome Dining Boom Thc dining room, which will be used for private meals, is called "The Car Barvon room." It is handsomely furn- jshed. Adjoining it is the sitting room, known as the Eighteenth Century room, on account of its Eighteenth Century paintings, which include a number of Van Der Muclens There are remarkable Buhl cabinets on each side of the fireplace. Nearby thc sitting room is the Or leans room, which takes its name from the pictures of the Orleans family, which adorn the walls. This can be us ed as a bedroom. The Spanish room, nearby, is the dressing rooln. Close by are two bath pcoms .Beyond these is the "pink dress ing room," so- called because of the color of its rich upholstering. It is a huge apartment, in which the pretV dent could receive business visitors. The writing taMe and other furnitnre j consist of choice sandalwood. Steps 'lead fnom this room into the gardens, where thc king and queen occasionally I inspected ambulances and reviewed troops. Lady in Waiting for Mrs. Wilson A sppnjal room, known as the 'staff dining room" has been plated at the disposal of Mrs. Wilson. The woman who is appointed as her lady in waiting will reside there. The ball room in which the Wilson's will dine with the king and queen Thursday night, is the largest apart ment in the palace. The king usually conferred all military decoration in this room. The decoration scheme is gold and white, ith here and there examples of the finest tapestries. The principal lighting is derived from pend ant electric lights. At one end of this room is a throne, which probably will 4 hidden by floral decorations. At the other is an organ loft which will be ased for aa. orchestra. SALEM, OREGON, .. ". . . ' - DAT COMPLAINTS MADE BY AUSTRIA FALSE Czecho Slovak Representative Says Magyars Are Trying To Stir Up Revolt. Washington, Dec. 25. Vienna com plaints that the Czecho slovaks have refused to givo" Austria coal are char acterized as utterly false by Charles Pergier, Czecho Slovak representative here. Pcrgler said ho had been informed by the Czecho Slovak foreign offico that the Magyars had Ifeen attempting to stir up a revolt of German minors in Bohemia at the very time that the Pra gue government was consigning stipu lated coal shipments to German Aus tria. "The accusation that wo fail to fur nish Vienna with coal is designed to compromise us in the eyes of the en tente." said Pergler. "It is but a manifestation of the now notorious Mgyar propaganda of falsehoods." A dispatch from Munich today stated that on account of the coal shortage, all Bavarian factories have closed for a period of ten days. The government meanwhile will pay the employes full wagos. Chicago Wase Earners Given 10 Million In Bonuses Chicago. Dec. 25. r- Chicago wajre earners will have an extra ton million dol'ars to spend after Christmas. Bus in ms Manager Robert Beach of the Chicago Association of Commerce to day estimated the total of Christmas bonuses by Chicago firms will exceed that figure. BASES PLATS SANTA . Washington, Dec. 25. Secre tary iBaker played Santa Glaus here this afternoon (4 p. m.) for children of men in service. This wa the se-erotary's main plan today. A huge Christmas tree on the eapitol gronr.ds was loaded with Christmas gifts, distributed by the war secre tary. Wit many f the eabinet absent from the capital, the city spent a quiet holiday. " The man who bows to tha inevitable seldom does it as a matter of courtesy WEDNESDAY, DEC. 25, 1918. ORDER RESTORED niioes ! ' - ' II Had Fortified Tremselves In Royal Palace For Clash With Republican Guard. -ti POLITICAL SITUATION IS STILL UNSETTLED Vussian 'National Assembly Will Be Held January 26, With 401 Delegates. By Frank f. Taylor (United Press staff correspondent) Berlin, Dec. 24.-4(Do!ycd) Order was restored today fter mutinous ma rines had' fortified (themselves in the royal palace -for BfaKJiours with a clash with the repHbiiean gunrd. . , The trouble arose when the marines refused to cbey orders -transferring them to various naval bases. A number of regiments participated in the fight ing with the guard, which rosuitcd in several casualties. . A deputation of federal officers, sue ceedd in arranging a parley with the marines in the paiaee and an agree ment was reached whereby some of the marines were to remain in Berlin, while others were to repo-t to Kiel and othor ports. The political situation eontinucs to wear a variegated complexion. The royalists and republicans are carrying out thoir propagandist war. In Bavoria, where the monarchist movement ap pears to have gained some headway, ttio catholics are proposing a referendum to dei:ido between a monarchy and a republic. AU Allowed Suffrage Tho Prussian national assembly, it has been decided, will be held January -8. Tho twenty three electoral districts will select 401 delegates. Direct secret suffrage will be permitted to all men and women over 21. Admiral Von Hipper, commander of the late Gorman high seas fleet Admir al Bachmann, commander of what was tho Baltic floet, and Captain Henko, naval commander at Kiel, have been dismissed fsnrn office. It is understood that Piold Marshal Von llindenburg will retain his position as commander in chief of the armies. Ninety thousand unemplojed .an ad women in Berlin are being sup ported by the government. Tho peo ples' council has notified them that they must rbtain work ip the couiury, where there is an urgent need f la- uur, or mis support, vriu cl'hah. General Dickman Sends Christmas Greetings K Ansa ivuiv American Headquarters in Germany, Dee. 25. General Jo seph Dickman, commanding the Third army, today aent the fol lowing Christmas greeting to America on behalf of the men of the army of occupation, through the United Pre. "I am sure all the officers and men join in heart? greet ings of good cheer to their rela tives and friends in the United States. We are sorry to miss Christmas at home, but we hope the Americans who spend Christ ma at home will feel w havs accomplished our duty over her "We have hope for. and fair prospects of an early retura home. Ws feel the government is doing everything possible to expedite our return." BOOSEVELT LEAVES HOSPITAL New York, Dee. 23. Colonel Boose velt left Roosevelt hospital thuj K'H ing for his home at- Oyster Bay, where he will take Christmas dinner with his family. Boosevelt has been in th hospital GERMAN S ror tne pasr sevtm wc muitvung irun -inflamatory rheums tins. I Is Visiting Those Who Have ' Bucked the Line . frfc; I tf vyi V x ?V I Vi:" V;; 1 J ? ' fs. i .V' - 1 . II , V - 't ' - r" Photo copyrlcht, 1113. by American Prsss Association. Commander-in-Chief of The American Expeditionary Forces, Is the Honor Guest of the New England Division tor His Christmas. Manual Training School In Salem 76 Years Ago nwijwg vi lagans m Ways Of White Man. In Salem was established in 3842, un der the direction of Jason Lee the first 'manual training school west of the Mis 'sissippi river. The building in which the school was held was the old Oregon Institute, erected at a cost of $10,000. The, Oregon Institute later became Wil lamette university. I Thia matter of establishing a manual training school along with teaching do mestic science is of espeeial interest to the people vt Buli-m Interested in the city s school, from the fact that a few people have not agreed with the board of education in the matter of teaching boys useful trades and girls how to cook and keep house. Yet, the fact is, that while a few are still opposed to teaching piaetteal affairs of life, giving the students the training that will be of practical bene fit, it was just 76 years ag0 this fall that Jason Lee and hie Methodist mis sionaries were pioneering alon vae same line and it was only' due to the fact that Jason Lee was relieved of his duties in the missionary work that the school was abandoned. - It was on May 10, 1841, that com mittee consisting mostly ot Methodists was appointed to select a new site for the mission school. Jason Lee proposed (Continued on page seven) zyvrnv Tvrr n-cxTrriei on trains iND news 'If,:. r .-::fC pi lu . -n-illlA A,K I I ... IlilMIIMV VIII IS E;;t It Was Way Back In 1861 Was In The Artillery And Had A 6-Pound Cannon. Judge Daniel Webster, whose judicial term as justice of the peace will expire one week from today, wont into train ing camp once upon a time, just as the young men of the present day have been taking speeiai training bofore go ing into active semen. Before the days n.i the Civil war Dan iel Webster lived in Wisconsin. When Lincoln ealki for his 75,000 volunteers to put down tho r:U)llion, Daniel Wob ster was one of .J' first to volunteer and by Christinas of 1861, he was in an artillery training camp at Racine, Wisconsin. ' In thoso days, as in the present, the people were' not trainod in. the ways of war and at the training eamp for artil lery at Raeine, taere was only one gun a six pounder. The size of this can non may be judged comparing it to the cannon at the armory which it a 12 pounder. With his small six-pounder, the artil lcry men in training at Bacine went through tha manual, using mostly books Owro; loiight and - Wed- ' ' aesday fcir, emotioned : edld, j gentlo eaetsrry wilds. . U. S. EXECUTIVE Tra ir-" nrnAAiin i iitymiMJiiAL? - AinnAP ap. a si as UlAKUtUr AKHI President Wibn Ec! 26tV Division Eat Ita Christ- ... t cias Chow, ii.j,,.' CHAUKONT DECORATED Reviewed And Addressed Troops AtLasgres Then WentToMcntigny-Le-Rci (United Press staff correspondent) Chaumont, Dec. 25. President Wil-' son spent Christmas in the heart of America's military organization i Frantic. For the first time an American executive assumed the actual rolo Of commander in chief of the Unite States army in foreign territory. After passing .through the field of the Mnrne battles of 1UI4 and JtflM on a special - train during the night the president arrived at American head quarters here early today. As he stepped from the train, Prenen and American guards of honor, snap pod to attention and an Amefienn band played tho "Star Spangled Banner." Among thoso who greeted him at tho stution were Oonerat Perghin?, Ooner al Wercel, French commnm'er in thia zone, the mayor and tho perfect of po-liee-.. Given ROusirg Clwei Tho president and his party wcra driven in automobiles through tho quaint old streets to tho Hotel Do Villc. He wns given a reining welcome by doughboys, poilus and civilians ns he passed through the beflaggcd streets Krom a struggling village, bm., u around the centuries old cathedral of Chaumont it has become the chief Am erican city in Europe, its architectural beauty has been somewhat marred by the rough wooden buildings, which, have sprung np everywhere to nousa tho American military machinery, but these were more or les successfully hidden under a camouflage of flngs and bunting, Loft for Langrrs The president, after a b-iof recep tion at the Hotel De Villo left tor Lnngres,whero he reviewed end address ed the troops. From there he went to Montignv-Le-Koi, headquarters of the 2flth (New .England) division and helped the doughboys eat their special Christmas "chow." Touring through the billeting arena, the president found cleanliness and or "polished up" Bud the natives, car: rying flags and dressed in their Hur rying flags and dressed in their Sim day best were on hand to greet him. Returning to iChaumont, the presi dent reviewed the headquarters garri son. Tho troops were drawn up in the big courtyard about which the army executive buildings stand. Wilson' automobile cire'ed the courtyard and then sped up the broad botlcvard to General Pershing's chateau. Thc president will leave for London at six o'clock tonight. .,.) tnr (hair information. They just practiced the manual of arma and foot drill. , One year later, Christmas, 1862 Judga Webster found himself , in front of Yicksburg with General Sherman's ar my. The day was spent on steam boat near Vicksburg. Judge Webster was also there when General 6rant took the eity July 4, 1863. " When the Christmas season rom-u around for 1S63, Judge Webster wns with his artillery company at Hew Or-leons-under command of General Banks. In 14 on Dee. 2o, he was eaptain or detail at headanarters of General Banks in New Orleans. By th lime v,nriBniD vt, . the Judge had been mustered ant of the service after his four years of ac tive duty, and was passing the day in Kansas City. Mo. The ladder's top isn't easily attained, but the view is worth thc effort: ; . ii . a. lMHfi was A inmiRa.