Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 24, 1918, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    DaUpifniiftl Journal.
4 '
With the
Season's Greetings
We wish you all a very
Merry Christmas
... -
f pm mo LB eft WtiLtZr 'J
Bauet HULK
MAUBEB At her home in Pratum,
Tuesday morning, Dec. 24, 1918, lira.
Lena Mnurer, at the age of 61 veers.
She was the wife of John Maurer.
The funeral services will be held
Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the
Mennomte church at Pratum and buiial
will be in the Mennonite cemetery.
WECH8LER To Captain and Mrs.
Louis wechsler at the Willamette
sanatorium Dee. 24, 1918, a son.
He has .been named Julius Jr, The
father is in the service in Siberia. , ;
Wle (wis!1 fc ' publicly extend our
thanks to the many kind friends for
their expressions of sympathy, for their
assistance, and. for the beautiful flor
al offerings at the passing on of our
beloved husband, father and grandpar
ent. Mrs. Chas. .Burtneitt,, Mrs.. Ada
Pctram, Donald Potram, Merl Petram,
Mr.- and Mrs. P. E. Fullerton.
Equity Suit Not Remedy, But
Replevin Action Would Ob
tain Results.
When mnn buys a farm at a shoriff 's
sate and takes possession and harvests
crop on the place, and the farm is lat
er redoomod by the original ownor, the
nan who harvested the crops is enti
tled to keop thorn.
Thig is the substance of an opinion
landed down today by the supromo
court In the case of W. E. Smith et al,
appellants, against Wellington 0. How
ell, et al, appealed from Harney county.
The opinion was written by Jusii vi
son. The plaintiffs bought ft shoriff 's' docd
to a farm in Hatnoy county and then
harvested the crop of hay. Later when
the original owners redeemed the place
they claimed the tiny, and tho plaintiffs
brought suit in equity to onjoin thorn
from interfering with tho plaintiff's
Me of tho hnv and for an ncocunting.
Are Entitled to Hay.
While the court holds that tho plain
tiffs are entitled to the liny, it points
ut that suit in equity is not the reme
dy, but that tho pluintiffs have amp'o
remedy in a replevin acinus r an i..,.un
t law for conversion. As a consequence
tho court upholds tho action qf tho cii -cuit
court which sustains a demurrer
to tho complaint of tho plaintiffs,
Announcement wag mado by Chief
Justice Mc Bride that the court 1b unan
imous in the opinion that tho constitu
tional amendment providing that all
city and state elections shall be held on
the same day was legally adopted mid
is self executing, and therefore elec
tions held last November according to
the aniondment ere valid.
lie mado this announcement in con
nection with the case of tho state, fl
lol T. L. Perkins vs. Dan Kellahor,
which is a suit to oust Kellaher from
tho offico of city commissioner in Port
land. The announcement was mado in
advance of handing down an opinion
in the case in order to quiet tho fears
concerning tho validity of the $5,000,
000 bond ismio voted by tho Port of
Portland at tho November election. The
question of whether Perkins or Kella
hor is entitled to the eity commission
er ship in Portland is still to be decided.
The court affirmed the conviction of
Vomon Stickol in Lake eounty for the
larceny of cnttle belonging to Andrew
Keistor. Stlckol was an employe of L.
P. Mauzey and the case has attracted
considerable attention as stockmen in
that section of the state have boon
aroused by much cnttle thloving.
. . Other Opinions. ,
Other opinions wore handed down as
follows: !
Bert Caranto vs. City of Athcno, ap
pellant; appealed from Umatilla; action
to recover damages for personal injur
ies;' opinion by Justice Benson; Circuit
Judgo Phelps affirmed.
Thomas Besslor, appellant vs. Powdor
Rivor Gold Dredging eompnyj appealed
from Bakor; suit to recover possession
of real property; opinion by Justice
Benson; judgment of Circuit Judge An
derson reversed and case remanded.
In tho matter of estate and guardian
ship of Laura A. Dickenson, insane per
son .appellant, vs. Hoso C. Ilenderson;
appealed from Harney; proceeding to
subject estate and person of Laura A.
Dickenson to guardianship; opinion by
Justice Olson; Circuit Judge Biggs re
A. M. Bunnolls, appellant, vs. W. E.j
Leffell, et al.; appealed from Wallowa;'
suit for accounting; opinion by JusticO)
Olson; judgment of Circuit ' Judgo
Knowlos affirmed and modified. .
..'Ocanpny 'M will give an informal
military ball at the armory New Tears
eves Music will toe furnished by Hunts
seven piece orchestra.-. ' .
-, - ' ; ... o - '-
After living in this country for more
than nine years without the right of
voting or taking any interest in clvie
affairs, August Lenz of rural route 5
Salem, has decided to become a citizen
of the Unitod States. Yesterday he fil
ed his declaration of intention and will
inenosg to renounce allegiance to King
George V, ruler of Great Britain and
Ireland. Mr. Lenz was born in War-
schau, Poland, about 50 years ago.
o -
GOgpel Meetings. Ton ard invited to
tho , meetings 'being held in the old
Church of God meeting house located
on N. Church St. (old 6th St.) near
Hoou St. Services every night com
mencing at 7 o'clock. Come and hear
a full gospel preached by an able new
testament ministry. Seats free and no
collections taken. Elder E. J. Axup.
Corporal Eoekey G. Bronoushir of the
utility department of tho quartermas
ter's corps of Camp Lewis is spending
the holidays with his parents at 1775
Hickory street.
Mrs. Matilda Jones of Eugeno is
spending tho holidays in the city, guest
at tho homo of her son, J. W. Jones.
A. A. Unruh of Portland is in the city
a guest at tho homo of Mr. und Mrs.
J. F. Unruh.
Joo Dyer of Vancouver is registered
at tho Marion.
C'ydo P. Clark is in the city from
J. S. Fitch from Sherwood registered
yesterday at the Bligli.
Kay Hawthorne is home for tho holi
days from the U. S. naval training sta
tion at Seattle.
Armin Young of Independence was in
tho city oa his way home from a base
hospital at Minneapolis. Ho had boon
wounded in tho service in France. His
parents are Mr. and Mrs. E. Young of
Harry VV. Scott, formerly of the firm
of Scott & Piper is home for Christmas
from Vancouver. He is in the trans
port division.
Miss Grace Young, formerly with
Doctors Stoovcs and Findloy, is spend
ing tho holidays at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. B. L. Steuves. She is a stuwsnt
at the , University of Oregon modicol
school at PortlaAjL
Captain Boy it.uior of Pendleton was
in the city yesterday. He is just from
France and is a member of the next
legislature, to servo as senator from
Umatilla county. He called on the governor.
F. F. Schram is in the city for the
holidays. He is from Mare Island where
ho has boon serving in the marines
since his enlistment. He is formerly of
Salem but for tho past year or so bo
foro going into the service, made his
homo in Mnrshnold.
Charles Marr is in the city for over
Christinas, visiting with hU parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Murr.
Fred D. Aldrichs, son of the Bov,
und Mrs. II. N, Aldrichs, is home from
tho national training hospital at Ban
Francisco on n leave of absence.
Lieutenant Francis Galloway from the
artillery training station at camp Zch
ary Taylor, near Louisvillo, Ky., is in
the city for tho holidys a guest of his
brother, Charles V. Galloway.
Clarence A. Green has received his
disehargo and is once again employed
as hydraulic engineor with the public
service commission.
Miss Helen Boot, piontst at tho Bligh
theatre, is spending the Christmas hol
idays with her mother in Portland.
liex Putnam, former athelti'c direc
tor for tho Salem high school, is here
for Christmas. Ho was attending ne
artillery training school at Camp Znch
ary Taylor when ho was given his dis
charge Ho now lives in Taeoma.
J.,, m.w m,j u4iw,. wipi oiii iuiiii. hi, m ,ip .I, ii. .. .! um.o mm iin.ipi'W'm
'wiM-.rtto.iM ii ... r ,... . ie Km m urinimi mum1
r i r 1
A Super Photo Play
With James Morrison, Grace Valentine And An All Star Cast
f .
Ail Around 1
I -
Dee. 20 Christian Science
lecture, opera house, 3 p. .
Dee. 80. fiecead election a
school budget.
Dee: 31. Company M dance
at armory.
Jan. 7 Annual Chemsa ink-
tiation and banquet.
Jan 13 Legislature convenes
Jan. 15-16 Auto exhibit.
"Tfte ruexsi MaettNL'
Oknfi Co.
feat cornea, CM Wt CUao C
Pkona 120. tt-
Christrnas services will be held at
the Halls Ferry school house during the
Christmas week, eommening at 7:30 p.
m. Preacher, Bev. A. Hawthorne.
Zitmch counter opposite 0. E. R. B.
depot. Good lunches, 14. J. B. coffee.
Lady waitress.-Open from fi a. m. to
IS p. . - 12-30
. l - o " -
Relax and reet in the dental chair.
Dr. Hartley fills and extsaets teeth
without pain and corrects diseased
gums. Moore bldg. Phone 1U. . tf
Build up Balem's Industries by gup
porting those on the ground. tf
The monolithic 24 inch sewer in
North Salem recently became clogged
.nd Walt L. Low and his street de
partment are busy today locating the
trouble, which is thought to be on Lib
erty street between Hood and Shipping.
This is the main sewer that empties in
to the 30 inch sewer.
Woodmen of the world and Women
of Woodcraft, notice. You are request
ed to attend the funeral of our late
neighbor, A. W. CaTberry, from Webb
and Clough, tomorrow morning Dee, 25
at 10 o'clock. (Signed) Council com
mander and clerk.
: Salem bread is freshest and best, tf
Dance, Ohemawa Friday night, Deo.
27th. 12-24
At high noon today, at the residence
ef the Bev .H. E. Pemberton the mar
riage was solemnized of Artie Carroll
and Edna Meeks. They left at one
for Bremerton, where tie groom is sta
tioned. '
: Dance, Chemawa; Friday night, Dec.
27th. . , 12-24
o 1.
Dr. J. O. Matthls, associated with Dr.
H. J. Caomente, office .4'0-410 Salem
Bank of Com. bldg. Office tel. 573;
res. 1705 Bouth Fir St. tel. 598. 12-27
TTtirh oTurtft. renulne hat for Christ-
!. irSfto a. unectal nrices. West Fur
Co., 217 South High St, tf
A moBt artistic bronze medal about
three inches in diant.eter is in the pos
session of Postmaster Huckcstein and
he is making earnest efforts to locate
the party for whom it was intended. It
is a modal given by the French govern
ment to veterans of the Marno cam
paign of 1914. It .camo in a mail sack
and was found unwrapped and no
means of delivery. If anyone happens
to have a letter indicating he or she
Notice to the
Beginning Thursday evening
December 19th, we. will es
tablish a night service both
from Salem and Portland
leaving at 6 p. m. making
two trucks leaving Salem
and Portland daily. Those
desiring quick service from
Portland phone your orders
before 5 p. m.
; Sol Roberts, Agent
rilONE 663, -137 SODTH COM'L
should have the medal, it should be tak
en to the post office to prove ownership.
Salem I read supports Salem's payroll
and in turn the asks the support of Sa
lem people. tf
You should boy Salem bread only,
there is a reason. tf
THyti TmM Aoirtlv- if vnn a.rA think.
ing of making a real Xmas present to
the family something that will guar
antee many returns of the happy day
k. antiaiiW nnlln. with the
Oldest Life Co. in America The Mu
tual life of M. X. (Strongest in tne
wnld .T P Hiita.hnmi district man
ager, 371 State St. My home is in Ba-
lem. az-JM
Three little children will not receive
the three pairs of woolen gloves in
tended for them this Christmas, ail due
to careless wrapping, and also to muck
cnrplpsanpsa in addressing. With me
gloves, all unwrappod, came the postal
card "addressed "to Jicnnetn, Marjory
and Dorothy. From Joyce." Now il
Joyce had been just a little more cart
ful in addressing her Christmas remem
brance, the package could have been de
livered.' But there was no address ana
only the names of the children on th
postal card attached.
Small pigs, for sale. Phone 86F4. 12 24
Ohridbnafl trees; something different-
crat s. ehoipn pversrecn and aftor
Christmas plant it. Phone 111F3. 12-24
The music committee for the ' big
Cherrian banquet of Jan. 7 met last
evening at the Commercial club. Miss
I Martha Swart had spoken to several
members of the committe and after a
with Miss Swart for an orchestra of
fivo in tilnv durinff the banauet. A
male quartetto was also favored by th
nnmniittufl find fLR A. TlUmbftr of Clier-
rlnna mult hiffh as aincrers and soloists.
it is probable that part of the music
lor the banquet will De iurnisnea Dy a
male quartette. -
X hare moved my offices Into more
pleasant and more ommodious quar-
ilia third floor of the U. S.
Kational bank building. Dr. O. L. Scott
. . ... ..a' nm tt a
Cairopraetic-Bpinoiogisi, au-aio u. a.
National bank bldg. tf
Highways Rapid Transit Auto service
to Portland and way points daily, leav
ing Salem at 7 a. m. Phone orders ev
ening before, 137 B. Com'l. Phone 663.
The body of Ambrose Winthrop Car
berry arrived in the city last evening
from Pasco, Washington. The funeral
services will be held Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock from the chapel ot
Webb & Clough. Burial will be in the
City View cemetery. Mr. Carbcrry was
a former resident o' Salem.
Malted Milk wa9 originated by Horlick
Avoid imitations ana suDsmuics.
. . Word was received in the city this
morning of the doath of Mrs. Olivci
E. Darby of Lostino, Oregon, and that
the body would be forwarded hero foi
burial. Her husband, Oliver E. Darby,
died" Dec. 13, 1918, and was buried nero
on tin 19th. At the time of his death
Mrs. Danby was ill and could not at
tend tho sorVxes hore, but had written
Mr. Higdon that some of the flowers
from tho lUneral services be kept as
sho expected soon to be here and that
she wished to ornce them away us m
remembrance. Both deaths wero due
to influenza. They are survived by a
small son.
Two colored folks, T. Theo. Taylor
and Clarence Cameron Wluto, are the
n,...i.il nntprtnhiera billed for the Blieh
Friday evening. Mr. White is the vu
liuist and judging from newspaper com
ments is an artist much above the aver
ncrn tlint nnnoara on the vaudeville cir
cuit. Besides music of the popular
stylo, ho plays a nmiiDcr or classical
numbers. Mr. Taylor is the pianist and
is said to have tho strong masculine
touch. Both soloiBts are said to oe
high class musicians and in offering
n, ,..;. nl TVwlnv nvnnins' Mr. Blieh
feels ho is bringing a rare musical treat
t0 the peoplo of Salem.
Marion county is over the top on its
Bed Cross membership drive, w. m..
Smith, county chairman announced this
"morning. That is, Mr. Smith now has
rw f ?????? T f f Tf T f
are of
Yick So Tosg
Chinese Medicine and Tea Oa.
Has mcdSc-ne which will nn
any known diMsa.
bpt-a Sundays froia It t a
A til 8 p. m.
153 8outh High St.
f Balem, Oregoa. Pkoaa IHZ
Redfern Make, Washable Kid. Colors: white, black, ! ;
grey, khaki and Champagne
PRICE $25 PAIR ! f
The most sensible and appreciated Christmas Gift
EXTRA SPECIAL! Just received 3-pound Cotton
Bats, $1.00 Each. - - -
Commercial and
Court Streets
phone lcra - .-V
Formerly Chicago
$9000 m cash as a result of the mem
bership drive ad the state headquart
ers had placed the minimum quota for
the county ot $8500, based on tflose
who had taken out memberships for
tho past year. Marion county is thus
$500 stronger in memberships for the
coining year than for 1918. No defi
nite reports have been received from
Polk county which is included In the
work of Willamette chapter. This morn
ing Woodburn sent in $640 for its
membership. With so many counties
falling behind in supporting the mem
bership campaign of the Eed Cross,
Mr. Smith, county chairman for the
drive is feeling somewhat jubilant to
day now that Marion may be counted
among those who are making good,
o -
Drf Ch 0. Bellinger, superintendent
and medical director of the Oregon
state -tuberculosis sanatorium fo
ported today to be egain confined to
his room on account of a second at
tack of the influenza. He suffered an
attack several weeks ago and. was
thought to be entirely recovered.
. Q
Tomorrow the business section oi !?a
lcm will resemble a closed town as ov
en the stores that generally observe hol
idays by remaining open half the morn
ing will be closed. Newspaper offices
like the iheriff 's office and that of the
city police w.ll run on regulation sched
ule' time and tho telegraph service tor
Chrhtinas day will be the same as usual
and .he Capita: Journal will be issued
as usual.
and After
The Old Reliable
Round Package
halted r.lilk
Very Nutritious, Digestible
The REAL Food-Drink, Instantly prepared;
Made by tho ORIGINAL Horlick process and
from carefully selected materials.
Used successfully over V4 century.
Endorsed by physicians everywhere.'
d gt llorli ck's The ohi
Thus Availing Habits
To all our Fr ends and Pat
. . . .... rons for a
The Farmer s Cash Store
151 High St. Salem
7:30 P. M. Salem's Best Orchestra 7:30 P. M.
W. L. BRYANT, Manager