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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1918)
PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1918. SCHOOL-DAY STRAW A parent troubled over a child or a fast-growing youth, could do no better than to utilize the definite help that ITS EUii.J affords as a strengthening and nourishing factor. A very little of Scott's every day, during a time ot stress, furnishes elements ot nourishment essentia to the blood and tends to confirm a growing child in robustness. For your boy or girl, you will not be satisfied with anything short of Scott' $, Boott Bownt. Bloom Stld. N. J. 1MI COTOSE AT ANNAPOLIS AWAITS APPLICANTS University of Oregon, Eugene. Or. i)oc.. ?0. AB examination will be given January 17, 1919, at the University of Oregon to any qualified voutir man re siding in the first congressional district r tuis state who care to try out lor admittance to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. He may or wr aot be a University of Oregon stu- dent, following a request made .Monday oy uongressmsn w. U Uawley. Applicants must not be younger than f lift always presm&Se- f aways preseidMe- H now possible for itwj I' Woman through iim nt MARINELLO Phantom Powder Immediately gives skin appear- oeauty tnen reallf unrivniMi Deauty builder once of beautifies It. for face, neck and handa. Doean't rub or wash off. Splendid foreveningmaka up. Your mirror will prove iia merit : , MES. IRENE BCOTT 13 N. High St. Get Rid of That Persistent Cough Ron that weakening, persistant cough or eoM, thrwttr'ns throat or lunar ffecttona, wltn ukskman'a Alterative, the tonio and upbullder of 20 yeara successful uaa. SOo and $LC0 Dottle from drunrlats. or from ECKMAN LAbORATOBTf hlladelpbla 16 nor older thaa 20, on April 1, 1919. The appointment will bo for a full four-year course at the academy. The mental examination includes punctua tion, spelling, grammar. United States history, geography, arithmetic, algebra, through quadratic equations, and plane geomotry. A rigid physical examina tion will also be given. Professor E. E. DeCon, head of the mathematics de partment at the University of Oregon, will be the chairman of the examining board. Further information regarding the qualifications and regulations of the ox-1 amination may be gotten from the pres ident 'a office any time before the date set for the examination. YANKS IN CANADA'S CASUALTY Ottowa, Oont., Dec. 20. The follow ing America!, are mentioned in to day's Canadian casualty list: Prisoner of war, repatriated: F. 8. Kllway, San Bernrdino, Cal.j J. D. Orr, Bellingham, Wash.; E. Milnes, Butte Mont.; 8. Cohen, San Francisco. Four shipping men, tow shipping firms and an official of the former Ger man consulate pleaded guilty at Sao Francisco to a conspiracy to supply Ger man, warships at sea. JOURNAL WAOT ADS PAY : scarry By CABOL & DEBBLB. Mrs. G. W. L&flar. was hostess yes terday afternoon Tor the- P. a. u, which met at her residence on South Liberty street for the recular fort nightly meeting of the Sisttrhood. The program was a vaned one, each mem- ber contributing to a general discus sion of Current .Events with a report on some timely topic Bed cross sew ing also occupied the attention of the members a part of the afternoon. Lat er a dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. Mrs. William MeGiIcanst, Sr., will entertain the P. K. 0. next time. - Mr. Bad Mrs. v. a. Park, accompan ied by Mi. and Mrs. Isaac Lee Patter son and Percy Collier, motored down to Portland yesterday for a combined business and shopping trip, returning last evening. www Mrs. E. T. Judd returned yesterday from a three week 's sojourn in Astoria where she was the guest of her son, . C. Judd. an attorney in Astoria. An other son, George F. judd. is expected to arrive in Salem tnis wee from Los Angeles. California, to pass the holi days with his parents. Mr. Judd has just received his discharge from the service, having been stationed at Camp uancocK, Virginia. His orotner at As toria will also spend Christmas in Sa lem at the family boms on South 22nd street. t t The Leisure Hour club was delight- STIFF JOINTS SORE MUSCLES Lkater Up Quickly Under the Seothiot I Penetrating Application sf nanus's Wizard Oil In cases of rheumatism and lame back it penetrates quickly, drives out soreness, and limbersup stiff, aching loints and muscles. Wizard Oil is an absolutely reli able, antiseptic application for cuts, burns, bites, and stings. Sprains and bruises heal readily under its sooth ing, penetrating qualities. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. It not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have" sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 'ts. Guaranteed. l Make Haste! ' "dg& 1 6 Bellans Hot water Sure Relief BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION The Time Is Short And Remember the Very Best Time to Shop Is From 8:30 to 11:30 a. m. You will be Most Forc ibly Impressed With That Fact at These Are Interesting Times At this Store Chiefly Because of the Generous Shower of Real Bargains. Every Article Being of Practical Worth. IP 4 L-c-?YL ... fully entertained Wednesday after noon by Mrs. Charles H. Weller and Mrs. Perry W. Raymond at Mrs. Well er a resideae sa Oemekria street Seasonable decoration afforded a fes tive background for the gathering. The pleasantries, ot the afternoon con cluded sajoyabljr with the- refreshment hour. Additional guests numbered Mrs Ed ward Weller. Mrs. a E. HuUt, Mrs. A. N. Moores, Mrs. Eobert Kinney of As toria, Mrs. T- B. Andersos and Miss Mary Caadwick. -.'.. Miss 'Nell fiykea arrived home last night from Bremerton, .Washington, to pass the holiday season with her broth er and wife, Mr. and Mrs, Horace Sykeg at t&eir home, 1231 Center street. Miss fiyhes went to Bremerton, early in- the fall to assume charge of a large cafeteria at the Hostess House, and owing to her exceptional efficien cy has since been assigned superviaioa of an additional cafeteria in the ship yards iu connection with the Bremer ton navy station. a Miss Margaret White, who has been quite ill the past wee, is now eonva lesaing satisfactorily at the home ot her (parents, Mr. and Mrs. Balph White, zi ooutn inuren. - ..-. Mrs. Frank 8. Francis 'has been join ed over the holidays by her husband, who has just been released from the naval service. Mr. Francis was station ed at Peneacola, Florida. He leaves December 30 for Drain, where he has accepted a position in the Drain high school. Before his enlistment Mr. Fran cis was principal of the Bend high school. During her husband's absvnee, Mrs. Francis has taught ir the Lin coln school, making her home with Mrs. A. A. Lee at the Lee residence on State street. a ' a Mrs, Irwin of 451 North 18th street has returned to Salem after a several months visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Paul Valerius, of Bellingham, Washington. Mrs. Irwin also visited in Vancouver, IB. ., and on her return trip, stopped off at Vancouver, Wash ington, where she was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. William walck. w w . The members of the Artisan lodge held their regular meeting last mgat at the I. 0. O. F. hall. The business session, culminated enjoyably with a social hour, a large Christmas tree be ing the paramount feature of the fes tivities. A collection of mirth provok ing and comical presents were exehang ed between the members, productive of much gay diversion during the remain der of the evening. Santa Claus wag impersonated by A. A. Gueffroy, who assisted in the dis tribution of the handsome gifts, found on the Christmas tree for the members of the drill team and lodge officers, as a token of remembrance from Mrs. U. E. TerwiUiger, master Artiean of the lodge the past year, who is to be suc ceeded the coming year by Glen Niles. Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Jarvia of Worcester, Ohio, sre visiting Dr. and Mrs. T. O. Altman. Mr. Jarvis is Mrs. Altman' s brother and this is their first visit to the coast. M M Me MM iimt)l)llUMH limMHtH M Mtt SHIPLEY'S II Waists n Waists The Store of Practical Gifts FEMININE ARTICLES ONLY Now is the time and this is the place to get the Particular gifts for Which you : have been Dlanninfir. Do not delay, make your selection as early as convenient Here you will find gifts with a Personality to Them Which imparts that Ap- . preciauon 01 roremougni wmcn so mucn u ramies me one xvcveivmg jmiviu. Gifts of Higher Value 'as well as Gifts at Popular Prices SETOEIS Stf? SScssach Distress Aid digestion; relieve pas. heartburn. bloatiag and that awful distress that follows after eating. Help to make good red bleod and build up the nerv ous system. Neutralize stomach acid ity. There is bo better medieins mads for stomach troubles than Btnmeze Tab lets. At all Drug Stores 25 cents. INVESTIGATORS FIND . (CeiUiued front page one) TTMBKELLAS RICHARDSON'S LINENS BATH TOWELS BED SPREADS COTTON BLANKETS WOOL BLANKETS ICAISH COMFORTABLES GIFT SUGGESTIONS WOMEN'S HOSIERY CHILDREN'S HOSIERY WOMEN'S SWEATERS KNITTED CAPS KNITTED SCARFS CARTER'S UNDERWEAR UMBRELLAS UNDERWEAR MUSLIN UNDERWEAR BATH ROBES SILK KEMONAS SILK PETTICOATS CREPE KIMONAS SILK WAISTS LINGERIE WAISTS KID GLOVBS FABRIC GLOVES WOOL MITTENS FACE VEILS NOVELTY RIBBONS HAIR BOW RIBBONS Women's Crepe da Chins Underwear Women's Hand Embroidered Underwear WOMEN'S NECKWEAR BABY SHIRTS WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS HOUSE APRONS BUNGALOW APRONS FYRALIN IVORY LEATHER PURSES LEATHER BAGS NOVELTY JEWELRY BOX STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLES HAIR BRUSHES WHISK BROOMS TOILET SOAPS SHAVING BRUSHES " CLOTHES BRUSHES SCHOOL SUPPLIES TENNIS0N'8 PAPER NOVELTIES INCLUDE STICKERS, TAGS, CARDS, TWINE BOXES, TISSUE, PAPER, CREPE PAPER, XMAS NAPKINS, STREAMERS TABLECLOTHS, DOLLIES, CRACKERS, NUT CUPS, AND ALL ITEMS FOR SENDING XMAS PACKAGES DOLLS TEDDY BEARS DOLLS YEAR-END CLEARANCE PRICES ON Coats Suits Dresses Quality Merchandise U. G. SHIPLEY CO. 145-147 N. LIBERTY STREET .' Standard Merchandise at Popular Prices Popular Prices tt ployes of Stone and Webster (subcon tractors on the job) were transferred to the Hog Island payroll and their sal aries raised from $3973 to $5879 each annually. Lodge Demands Information On Shlim; Of Battleships Discount on all Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Mackinaw s Wt tt iv,f Sw s r ' rr s x rv lippcr, Still AGood Assorbsent Left Children's' Women's '.. Men's . 40c to 8 c 90c to $1.85 ....$1.75 to $20 A REAL BARGAIN LIST -Jjirgo t "Women's Mi8Hsn and Children's Sweaters, reduc ed 20 to S3 1-3 per cent Lot of Fancy Trimmed Corset Covers, less 20 per cent. Lot of Women's Union and Two-pieco Underwear, less 20 per cent Lot of fancy 30-inch Turkish -Towels, reduced front B5e to 250. All 36-im-h Jersey and 40-in. Tuaaah Silks reduced to 76o Still a few 27-inch Messaline Silks at 75c All Fur Trimmiags half pries) Seven pieces l.U0 and 1.25 Corduroys, at yard, 75c. 'Woolen Blankets lass 20 per cent Slightly imperfect Bed Spreads less 33 13 per cent Lot of Men's $140 Pleated Bosom Stiff Cuff Shirts, 85c Men's $1.15 to $1.33 Knitted Scarfs, 75c Men's $1.50 to $1.75 Knitted Scarfs, tim Lot of Women's $3.35to$a I-mbrellas, $2.95. Another lot of $4.20 to $4.90 Umbrellas, $3.45. Choice, lot of $3.0" to $6.00 Umbrellas, $3.96. Construction Held Up. When shipyard officials began to dis entangle the freight congestion they found little of the material they needed at once could be had. Construction of the ways and of the yard proper, thus was delayed for weeks, according te tho report. Elaborating further tho charge, of mismanagement, the report says: "Having failed to make adequate progress during the first twelve weeks, when the weather was good, the cor poratioa sought to make up for kt time by jamming the work through six or seven weeks of unusual cold when it was impossible to make progress com mensurate with the effort or expense, Often trying; to work night shifts, over time and holidays at enormous increase in pay rolls to do work that could bi done in a fraction of the timo in prop er construction weather. Much of this work could have been postponed with out detriment to the program as I whole. Equipment Held Idle. 'Laws quantities of construction and floating equipment were brought to the island held idle during tsvse weeks at a monthly rental of five per cent Effort at speed under such impossi ble conditions resulted in abandonment of most forms of dredging and machine digging, forcing the substitution of hand picking and shoveling, often ac companied by blasting or thawing 9Ka en ground, and involved a sudden and horisontal increase Again in the num ber of laborers needed without ade quate time t build up the supervising force." Amplifying their charges that tre mendous increases in salaries were au thorised out of the government funds,' the investigators reported that 37 em-l Washington, Dec. 19. Senator Lodge today demanded that the secretary of state, now in Paris, inform tho senate whether the peace delegates of the United States are advocating the de struction of all surrendered German battleships as reported in a Paris eabio this morning. The resolution asking for the infor mation, further demands that the see- retary of state, if the report is cor rect ' 'show by what authony the dele gates to the peace conference are de manding the destruction of enemy pro perty in part surrendered to the Unit ed States." Lodge refused to make any comment on the resolution, but said he would ask its consideration later in the day when he would give his reasons for asking its passage. Two thousand Navajo Indians resid ing in Apache county, Ariz., hnve died of influenza. Ten Oregon and two Washington men woro commissioned second lieutenants at Quantico, Va., Monday. Eight transports sailed from France tins week with sick, wounded and dis charged American soldiers. Six deaths from influenza were re ported at North Bend Wednesday. Hos pitals and nurses are overtaxed. Lars Gisholt, a young man from Co quille, is reported killed in Franco on tho day the armistice ws signed. Get ihe 6?nuinefYJ lJiffffin Every Cake SPECIAL Fl HI P i I M Si S A L E! $2.90 .. $2.90 .$2.75 store. I MAMMOTH RANCH Crown Flour, tack Olympic Flour, sack Valley Flour, snek The above prices cash at MILL FEED Have a complete stock of all kinds of feed, including Mill Bun. Beet Pulu. Alfalfa Molasses, Feed, Alfalfa Meal, .Rolled Barley, Gronnd Barley, Barley Chop, Rolled Oats, Berkshire Hog Feed, More Pork, More Fat, snd various mix ed feeds. Hay and Star aw Have in stock fancy and choice grades of Alfalfa Hay, Oat Hay, Cheat Hav and bright dean Wheat Straw. You wiii always find onr prieea as low- or lower than attar dealers, and the quality the best oa the market Pay cash and get the benefit of eur special cash prices ,it will save you money. D. A. White & Sons 253 STATE ST, SALEM, OR. PHONE 160 For Receiver of ffiffi BROS. DAIRY At West Salem, Oregon. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 21, AT 10:30 A. M. 48 milch cows, 1 2-year old Holstein bull, 2 automo biles, wagons, garden cultivator, harrows, mowers, spraying outfits, lot of hay, lot of milk bottles, and all other effects of a complete up-to-date dairy. TERMS CASH. Jno. E. Cronan, Receiver J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. SPRINGTEX is the underwear with a million little springs in ks fabric which "giv and take" with every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of the garment despite long wear and hard washings. It is the ycar-aroond underwear, light, medium or henry weight, at you like. Remember to Buy It rWU Fernet Yoa Have It Oa' 0TICA KHITTINS CO. Maktr Salts Raomt 3 S3 fesasway, lew York 1 , i i.tsasssi,-