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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1918)
SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1918. PAGE TEN it Only a Few Days Left To Do Your Giristi loppiig 0C0 ... 6 Too WU1 Find That The B&tiSEEiaiEl raniey Company WiH Facilitate Matters for you a Great Deal and at the Same Time rave you Money. You Should note these prices then come and see oui merchandise. It Will Certainly Please You THESE SUGGESTIONS MAKE PRACTICAL, USEFUL AND APPRE CIATIVE GIFTS Ladies 'Sweaters $7.50, $8.90. $9.90 Laies Bath Robes $198, $3.49. $4.98 dies' House Slippers, $125, $1.49, $1.59. $1.75 and $1.98 ChOdrns Slippers 69c, 89c, 98c, $1.10 and $125 Ladles Handkerchiefs 19c, 25c, 39c, 49c, and 59c box You Should Look Over our OVERCOATS Mens Bath Robes $3.98. $4.98, $5.90 Men's House Slippers $1.35 and $1.49 Men's Hose 25c, 35c, 49c, 59c and 75c Men's Handkerchiefs 12 l-2c, 25c, 35c and 49c is Ties . . .25c, 49c 69c and 98c SHOES FOR ALL At prices that please $14.75, $16.50 and $22.50 , We have done a wonderful business in our Ready to Wear Department, and we have a few coats and suits and one-piece dresses leftAnd it will really ! pay you to look them over at $9JQt $12.50, $17.50 All Around Town ! MM MM COMNGEVENTS Dee. 16-21 Fifth, annual Marion county corn show, 141 North Commercial. Dee. 29 r Christian Science lecture, opera house, 3 p. m. Dee. SO. Second election on school budget. Jan. F Annual Cherrian ini tiation and banquet. Jan 13 Legislature convenes Jan. 15-16 Auto exhibit. 'Tf funeral oeactifnl. ' 'Wbb ft CHougn Co. " "Th beet" la all 70a can do wh feath eomoa. Ceil Webb Clooga O Paone 120, K- uwjiimminiiniwiiw(Wf -" y' " a0ttS&ysss-r The 100 Per Cent Gift There is no other gift at its small cost that can bring more good cheer and satisfaction to the entire fam ily, than a GOOD DAVENPORT. Our stock includes the most complete showing of Davenports in Salem. We have them upholster ed in genuine leather, Spanish leather, and many shades and combinations in Tapestry. See this superb line of Davenports and get our prices. We will deliver the evening of the 24th. C. S. Hamilton, Home Furnisher 340 Court St., Salem. PERSONAL Abel W. Cook of Dallas is registered at the Bligh. O, J, Strango of Woodburn was in the city yosterday, Vernon L. Peugli is in the city from Corvallig. h 8. Francis, who has been station ed ut tho navy yard in Fensucola, Flo rida, is' in the city to remain until aft er CliTistinas, Before going iut0 tho war ho was a teacher at Bend. Miss Lueile Watson left today for her home in Spokane. " Corporal B. L. Young who has been mustered out of the signal service at Vancouver, is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Magnuson of Sas katchewan are in the city. Thoy ex pect to permanently locate in the vol '' Ed Schunke, alderman elect frow the fifth ward, is homo from an extended tour of California. In conversation with the leadinf wholesale grocery men in Ban Francisco he learned that the unsettled condition of the coffee market was due mostly to the fact that the wholesale coffee dealers wore not permitted by the federal Toed com mission to carry more thiui e 90-duy stock. That the government of Branil had loaned its financial support to coffee growers and that as merchants of the United States could buy only in small quantities, the price was gradually pushed up on green coffee, 'ihe result will be more noticeable as housekeepers will soon pay quite a decided advance for coffee. It is thought that within the next three or four mouths the price will be about double that quoted in November. Beports from the office of W. M. Smith, county chairman for Bed Cross members indicate that memberships arc not coming in as fast as expected. How ever, the Oregon State hospital report edthis morning with 100 per cent mem berships. o The Gray Eagle, which recently bad its second launching from the Spauld ing yards, left yesterday for Portlaud, towing two barges The boat will be f ut in use this winter towing logs to Salem from the Little Luckiamute. ; JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY The Christmas story hour will be held at the public library tomorrow morning from 9:30 o'clock to 10:30. Salem tread supports Salem's payroll and in turn the asks the support of Sa lem people. tf The diet during-and aftor influenza. Horlick'a Malted Milk, nourishing, di gestible. , In this morning's published casualty list appears the name of Charles A. Zielinski of Salem, Oregon. He is the arm of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zielinski Sr. who are not especially alarmed over the published news a8 tnoy received a lottcr from him a short time ago stat ins he honed to be home by Usrfstmas. The letter was written when the young man was m a hospital. You should buySalem bread only, there is a reason. . . tf Fixing Xmas easily; if yon are think ing of making a real Xmas present to the family something that will guar antee many returns of the happy day why not consider a policy with the Oldest Life Co. in America The Mu tual Life of N. Y.. (Strongest in the world.) J. F. Hutchason, district man ager, 371 State St. My heme is in Sa lem. ;2-24 The store for percolators, casseroles, silverware, idlinnerware f' and useful Xmas giftBj-Cahlsdorf 's store of house wares, 135 N. Liberty. Mrs. H, Nash of Saginaw street had her husband areata and tried for as sault and battery yesterday. The case was called before justice of the peacu Webster and the jury consisted of O. L. McPcek, W. B.b Gleason, William Gahlsdorf, H. S.' Page, W. P. George and William Fleming. As the jury wua unablo to agree by a vote of 4 to !, Judgo Webster dismissed the case. From tho evidonce introduced, it seems tho Nash family has not been getting along together very well lately. LesUia church, Sunday morning lfl "Every member present day." Christ mas message. 12-21 The Ladies' "Xldof the First M. E, church will havo a cooked food sale, Saturday, Dec. 21, at 371 Ccurt streot, what was Moore's furniture store. Iunchcs will be served. 12-20 A number of S. A. T. C. boys who were inducted into the service at Cor vallis have received their discharges and are coming home before Christmas. Among those who arrived yesterday are Glenn Nichols, Merle Ivie, Benjamin Rider, Oscar Noren, Madison Nichols, Glenn Gregg, Frank Tyne, Harvey Pot trson, Fred Peterson, Lloyd Stenstrom, William Simms, Clarence Ingalls and Loyal Henderson. .- WOodry is the man who pays you well. Phone him if you have anything to sell510 or 511, 12-21 We wish to extend our thanks to the many friends who extended us their sympathy and help in our bereavement and for' the beautiful floral offerings received. Mrs. Oscar Meyer and fam ily. The following Salem residents are now entitled to give the hailing sign and understand the meaning of tho mystic hour of eleven, s they were du ly initiated last evening into Salem lodge No. 336 B. P. O. E.: C. 8. Hamil ton, Robert h. Winniford, A. J. Len non. Dr. Fred Ellis, A. A. Siewert and J. B. Pursley. Besides the initiation, there was served a banquot after the close of tho business session. Notwith standing the unfavorable weather, the attendance number about 125. Dr. J. O. Mattbls.08SDClatAd with Dr. H. J. Olwnents, office 4VI-410 Salem Bank of Com. bldg.' Office tel. 573; res. 1706 South Fir St. tel. 59. 12-27 Tonight, confetti dance at Chemawa Train 'leaves O. E. 7:55, Auto service back. Good lunch. Good music. Good1 time. High grade, genuine furs for Christ mae gifts at special prices. West Fur Co., 217 South High St. tf v Lunch counter opposite O. E. K. E. depot. Good lunches, M. J. B. eoffee. Lady waitress. Open from 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. 12-30 C. S. Hamilton, now head of the Busi ness Men's league, wishes his friends to understand that he most positively is not a candidate for president of the Commercial club. Mr. Hamilton under stands some kind friend suggested bis name. Eel ax and rest in the dental chair. Dr. Hartley fills and extracts teeth without -pain and corrects diseased gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. tf Build np Salem's industries by sup porting those on the ground. tf Butteville lost its city charter a few months ago in an election but the citi zens of the city and vicinity have lost nothing in patriotism as the Butteville school district just forwarded $131 for memberships in the Bed Cross. This is going something over 100 per cut strong. The Fairfield school district sent in this morning $51. Salem bread is' freshest and best, tf Highways Rapid Transit Auto service to Portland and way points daily, leav ing Solem at 7 a. m. Phone orders ev ening before, 137 S. Com'l. Phone 663. Pastors from Methodist churches at Dallas, Woodburn, Oregon City, Hills boro and other points in the valley are in the city today attending a confer ence at the First Methodist church. The meeting was called for a general dis cussion of .the centenary plans of the church for 1919. The campaign - for funds was to have started early in Jan uary but on account of influenza condi tions in the valley, the campaign will be postponed a month or so. I hare moved my offices Into more pleasant and more commodious quar ters on the third floor of the U. S. National bank building. Dr. O. L. Scott Chiropractic-Spinologist, 30V213 V. H. National bank bldg. tf Minca meat, plum puding and good eats for your Christmas dinner will oe on sale by the Presbyterian ladies Saturday December 21st, 387 Court St. A socialist meeting will be held at Union Ihall at 2:30 p. m. Sunday, Pub lic invited. 12-21 According to the family almanac, to morrow should be the shortest day of the year. If the sun follows the dH rectiou of the said almanac, it should rise at 7:25 a. m. and set at 4:30 p. m. The same almanac in prognosticating about the weather sets forth that from! the 21st to tho 26th of this month there will bo increasing cloudiness except in! the extreme northwestern states. The southern states are supposed to have soft and pleasant weather for Christ mas. In order that the voting public who are entitled to cast votes on school elec tions may understand more fully tho issues involved in tho school election of December 30, 1918, a committee of ten was appointed last evening at tho commercial club as a publicity commit tee. Tho meeting included a uumuer of prominent men of the city who are in favor of maintaing tho schools at their present standard and who stand back of the present school board in the budgot and then present to the. public, probably in a series of newspaper arti cles. In charge of this publicity work is the following committee: Milton L. Meyers, chairman; Joseph II. Albort, Theodore Roth, Fred Thiclsen, Melvin Plimpton, W. T. Jeuks, Dr. H. II. Olin ger, Ben F. West and William Trindlc. One final effort will be made to se cure memberships for tho Red Cross and tomorrow women arid girlB will make an active canvass of the streets. Every man or woman who is found without a Bod Cross membership button will be solicited. From the number who are to assist and the number of high school girls who will be found on the streets working, anyone without a Red Cross membership button will be -the subject of considerable attention. It is prob able that women will visit offices in thoir efforts to secure a largor membership. I ML ul"- 1 Xmas Shopping at Gale&CoV Ladies Collars 19c, 35c, 69c, and 98c Each Ladies' Waists 98c, $1.25, $3.69, $4.98 and $5.75 each Ladies' Pink Envelope Combinations $1.19 and $1.49 Each Ladies' Heavy Bfanket Bath Robes .......$3.98 Each Ladies' Silk Camisoles $1.49 to $1.98 Each Bonnie B Slip on veils --10c and I 25c Each Ladies' Purses -69c, 98c, $1.25 to $4 98 Each Men's Ties - 2Sc n" 50c Eacn Men's Mackinaws --$6.95, $7.55 and $8.95 Each Boys Mackinaws - $5-98 Each Our, Prices Always The Lowest GALE & COMPANY PHONE 1073 i Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store S Patterson, William Blake Jr., J. Lucas and J. C. Connoy. Tho individual dis play of A. B. Southwiek included throe displays of Yellow Dents of 100 ears, in ours nnd one car and the samoi amount of red corn. He also had on display two exhibits of sweet corn, one of popcorn and a window display of popcorn. 'Mr. Fulkerson's individual display included three of Yellow Dent, two displays of sweet corn and a win dow display of corn and Sudan grass. Mr. Hawthorne put on threo displays of Yellow Dent and a window display of stock corn. The exhibit will be op en to tho public this evening nfter 6:30 o'clock, and will close Saturday after noon at 5 o'clock. J( Tf. wait tust one vear aeo today that the river reached the high stage of 24 feet above zero. Aftor Dee. 20, 1917, the water trraduallv foil until on Janu i it vuna 11 fruit above. The bis rain of last December was on tho 19th w!icn -1.05 inches fell, one of the heavi est rains in 24 hours ever recorded in iio H. Tn fruit, tho rainfall for last December was 14.03 feet, tho heaviest! rainfall for one montn ever recorcieu since the year 1900. So far, this De cember the precipitation is only 3.52 inches. Through Dr. C. E. Cashatt, county physician, the state board of health is sending out influenza warnings in the way of posters to be placed in full view of the public. These posters give the old time warnings, ' Cover up each cough and sneeze; do not spit on the sidewalk; and shun the common drink ing cup and tho roller towel in pub lic places." Dallas and Silverton aro having a pretty serious time with the "flu" lint n far there has boen no largo increase iu tho number reported from isolcm. However, tne siaie uoHru of health has given local authorities tho Tight to quarantine any case of in fluenza, and this quarantine would in clude the whole household. Since the city council showed Flgna of getting cuntankerous over several bad crossings of tho Southern Pacify said railroad is taking note of the fact' that possibly something was wrong-, u4 during the past few days it has put in gcod condition the railroad crossing at Church and State streets The railroad f rarichise provides that all its crossing.! in the city must be maintained on the grado established by the cily. tMM Notice to the Public Beginning Thursday evening December 19th, we will es tablish a night service both from Salem and Portland leaving at 6 p. m. making two trucks and Portland desiring quie eavmg baiem daily. Those service from Portland phone your orders before 5 d. m. xue 111 lu aunutu uieeuig ui ura juiu- lon county corn snow is aiwacuuis mu.o mrtiniTiVC I iniTt TT IMOIT attention today than any time since HIGHWAYS Mill) lKAfiiMl cxiiiDits nave ocen piaceo. me org in terest of course is iu the improved corn but the Frairquette English walnut dis play of William Blak- ' -"- - fidorabla tommenfr ghlg yea? toll . 4 .u. - cii.... r..44. iue awards for the best individual displays were awarded as follows: First prize A. K. Southwiek; second prize, A. N ; Fulkcrson; third prize, J. B. Hawthorne i Individual displays that attracted much I attention were exhibited by Gilbert & Sol Roberts, Agent PHONE 6C3 137 SOUTH COM'L 4.4eMMM The Capital Junk Co. Always did and always will pay the full market, price for all kinds of junk ' and machinery, automobiles, etc. WE ALSO BUY AND SELL all kinds of 2nd Hand goods. I L.M.HUM i tare of Yick So Toei Chinese Medicine had - Tea Oa f Has medicine which' will art t any knowa diseaee. I Opn Sundays from U m. m. f anta 8 p. m. ' 153 South High 8t Balem, Orefoa. Paoaa 183 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Xmas Eve Dance At C00SE HALL V. L Bryant, Mgr. SALEM'S BIG 8 p. m. In Armory S&teclay NSght at SsGO p. m. The Latest Music By Salem's Best Orchestra XmasMte Big Dance In Affmotfy W. L Bryant, Mgr.