Ralging-the Family 61G.L,VE- sks NOT MUCH OVi LOOKS Bur shies bright as- Stove. Polish 1 loll of j$mutr "From Over There" General Pershing' Official Report Killed in action : 79 Died of wounds 28 Diod of accident and other causes.... 8 Died of airplane accident 1 Died of disease - 74 Wounded severely 1033 Wounded, degree undetermined .. 612 Wounded slightly 896 Missing in action 228 Total 2963 Today's casualty list contains the names of the following Oreson men: ....Simon Dennison Barron Hillsdale wounded severely Kenneth H Grubbe, Elkton, wounded slightly. Baltis Allen, Portland, wounded se verely Willard O Holt, Thomas, wounded se verely Chester J Seely, Portland, wounded severoly Peter Marmeta, Coinstock, wounded, degree undetermined John B Singleton, Buckles, wounded, degree undetermined Carl Sorenson, Portland, wounded, degree undetermined ' John II Ranken, Portland, wounded slightly Otto Parry, Myrtle Point, wounded slightly Grover Cherry, Ashland,, wounded slightly Ernest L Taylor, North Bend, wound ed slightly Arthur W Aims, Dayton, missing in action s Oscar I Hoiman, Estacada, wounded severely . Bay S Pettequin, Melrose, wounded severely Henry 0 Lee; Eugene, wounded se verely . Carey B Tucker, Portland, wounded fverely Herbert F Getchell, Portland, wound William A Freeze, McCoy, wounded, degree undetermined Clarence 0 aforge, Lebanon, wound ed, degrea undetermined Arthur P Clough, Portland, wound ed, degree undetermined Louie D Simpson, Portland, wounded slightly Boy B Drake. Ashland, wounded slightly Killed in Action Maj Henry K Hill, Quincy 111 Captains Frederick W Cobb, White Plains N Y Reuben B Hutchcrnft Jr, Paris X Y Lieutenants Beiincr Shearman, Brooklyn Clifford M Alexander, Avalon Pa William A Ohis, Chattanooga Teim Sorgents Bavmond Convey, New York 'nil A Eekert. Pittsburg William E Turnot, Boston Cbas E Clark, .Wnshinjton .Tno McElroy, iNew York Glenn Humphreys, Chillicotnc Mo Joseph A Mull in, Chester Pa Jamds S Bobbins, Madison Wis Randolph Rogers, Grand Rapids Mich Jake P Turnbow. Carnthorsvillo Mo Corporals George W Harrison, Case Okla John P Henn, Aurora 111 Leon H Herbert, Perry l a Merle T Lewelling, Larned Kas Henry Lynch, New York Charles E Shcpard, Armstrong Mo Alex Jameson, Terrell Tex Edward S Knitrh', Millerstown Pa Henry L Lamb, Worcester Mass Carlton A Lower, Caimstota N Y Charles Manfre, Kansas City Mo . Everett W Maxwell, Cowley Wyo Aaron D Xoff, York Pa John H Robinson, Detroit Mich Arthur P Sanders, St Joseph Mo Winfred Shirley. Chelsea Ala Bennie Splett, Liimberton Minn Unnbr iiinrv J .Tiicobv. Philadelnhia Mech Charles B Wilson, DalUs Tex Privates John M Anderson, Brooklyn Cosmos Borzellino, Scranton Pa -Ira O Brown, Hannibal Mo Richard II Brown, Meriden Conn gam Crittendon, ISuttorwcrth Va Robert H 'Emery, Doming KM. Fay Hatt, Portsmouth X II Homer Lawson, Columbus O Arthur Phillips, MaColl P C Theodore Boppert, Winlock Wash Frank H Schubert, Chieaga George W Thompson, Libtrnl Kas Arlie F Claxton, Bartow Ga Thomas R Cullington, Elnifeford X X William J Edmonds, Formosa Va John Eisehens, St Paul Minn Gustaf W Erkkson, Joy 111 Ransom Greatheaft, Dunburton S C Oscar B Harrison, Greenville Tenn Charles Hebron, Andover Md Riehard Herrell. Columbus O ' Gilbert Johnson, Yiola II! Albert I Jones, Moundsville W T Patrick Jordan, Xew York John F Lammcrs, Lnnfield Center Mass SHV William Lang, Wcdgefield S C David Lipsky, Xew York , Chance Ludy, Arcanum 0 William A Norman, Forestburg Tex Adam K Pyles, Lancaster O John W Robinson, Baltimore Travis Robinson, Harvard N 0 j William L Rook, Salt Lake ! Enrl J Rudd, Hossick Ky Millard G Smith, Farmville Va .Too Stephens, Ycmasse S G Orphats Torgeson Radium Minn Died of Wounds deutenants Cornelius P McCarthy, Shamokin Pa ! Arthur B Moore, Blacksburg Va Victor Volz, New York Sergeants George 8 'Burkitt, Brooklyn Paul 'R. 'Clause, Easton Pi Corporals Arthur N Anderson, Minneapolis Min Walter N Greer, Ncwsatre Sta Tenn Malachy A Hill, Jersey City Eugene W Huckaby, Columbia Tenn John McDonald Jr, Brooklyn. James W Sawyers, Centralis 111' Asa US Walke, Irwin O Harry B Wilson, Covington Ky Musician Oscar Willard Liudsey, Worcester Mass Cokk John Lewis,-Chicago Privates Dorsie J Bolen, Benton Hi Thomas Campana, Lorain O . , Jamesr 'Fleming, Xew York? - v Herman W Hortzel, Warren Pa Iveo 'P iXauman,' Dubuque la Rnfiel Palacios, San Diego Tex : Died of Accident and Other Causes Caipt Hhsil . S Snowden, . Elizabeth City X O Lt 'Charles Dean, Morristown X 3 : Sergeants . - . Aston Jensen, Asheyillo X C Walter C Xaglo, Smiths Grove Ky Corp Grovof Nichahi, Landrum S C Privates Granville Hall, Siinimersvillo Ky . Elder Jarrott, Lebanon Tenn Ralph ti Lloyd, Chicago i Died of Airplane Accident Lt Chnrles Q 'Backus, Detroit Mich. Died of Disease Meutenants Ernest L X Bailey, Pittsburg Kas Leight D Hughes, Atlanta Ga Thaddeus H Smith, Marianna Fla Sergeants Robert A Herkcrt, Philadelphia Hilmar ,J Aehterberg, San Antonio Tex Joseph N Bentley, Xew Orleans Joe O Einmona, Millville Pa Clajlon B Frost, Princeton Me Albert Grant, Elida O William P Moore, J-'ittsburg Kas William F,Navitski, Now York Corporals Willis L Brandon, Akron 0 Clauds A Cameron, Jackson Mich Frank Donatelle, Cumberland Wis' Laven R Hickman, Logan Utah i William Holland, Temple Tex Wm B Hyland,' Youngstown 0 Julius Katz, Iinybrook N Y Nelson Lec, Pen Argyl Pi John Lees, Johnstown Pa Frank J Marosh, ScalV Tex Lloyd N Walker, Mol'inc 111 William A Winner, Rancocas X J Clare B Howard, Ashtabula O Bugler Fred J Mehle, Altoona Pa Mechanics William J Higgins, Youngstown O William H Barrett, Kingston Mich Wagoners Amberst W Hoyle, iarlotte X C Hnrry A Sargent, Havan'na 111 Cooks Ira Bovea, Malone X Y ; Frank "B Caldwell, Alton 111 Chester G Cnmp, Cleveland O : Jim J Joekery, Keene Tex Samuel R Sherer, Jasper Ala Candidate II W Divver, Anderson SC . - Musicians Edward C Cunningham, St Johns Wn William O Hunt, Perrysville Ind Privates Leonard F Meikleur, Meriden Conn Green W Raynor, I.01111 Miss Otis P Robinson, Richmond Va William D Turiello, Xew York James S Wright, Tate Tenn . William H Byrnes, Brooklyn Franc dollar, Bexford Mont Victor E Erickson, Grove (;ity Minn William Graf, Hudson S Y Ernest P Gratton, Chicago Austin Grcsham, Camack Ga Robert H Gustofaon, Duiuth Minn Irving Hirshman, Brook'yn Peter P Pfeifer, Mauston "Wig Vergel E Phelps, Briggs Tex Robrt E Pierce, Carson Okla Leslie E Pope, Maeon Ga Raleigh .1 Price, Hollig X C . Andrew Sondrol, Emmons Minn Herliert J Strong, Masseia X Y )er Brust, Standtfle Isd " r Frank P Burns, Greenville S C Charles M Cavender, Princeton W Va Herman Deirz, Ramsey W Va- Malted Milk was originated by Horllck Avoid imitations and substitutes. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. Yes Josie is as bright as mud r ! Phillip J Engelhorn, St Louis Mo : Benjairrrn H Ernst, Decatur III Faye J Florea, Hopkins Mo ! Alfred J Hartwack, Minamae Ind . Eugene Headen, Cummach NO Joseph Helmich,- Cleveland 0 Fred Hessler, Pittsburg Emorv Hobbs, Toster Okla John Lundstad, White Hall Wis Charles J McClellan, Highland Park Mich . . , Lester Maher, Chicago About Croup If your children are subject to croup, or if. you have reason to fear their be ing attacked by that disease, you should procure a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and study the di rections for use, so that in case of an attack you will know exactly what course to pursue. This is a favorite and very successful remedy for croup, snd ' it is important that ycu observe the. directions carefully. Cattle Market Holds Own On Light Receipts j Xorth Portland, Doc. 18. Cattle . re ceipts for the beginning of the week are not verv heavy, toly about a hun dred head in today with 800 head on the market yesterday, the cattle market is nolding its own at present, with two Iiiaiih nf steera sollins for $13 vester- dny weighing 1160 pounds the demand .is good for cows at present. Quotations are: Prime steers, $12.50 13; good to choice stftcrs, $1212.50; fair to medium steers, ipj.u.ou(a;ii..uw; itmninmi to fair steers. 45.50(5)7.50; choice cows and heifers, $8.50D; me- dium to good- cows, ana neirers, spi.u (5)8; fail' to medium cows and heifers, $56; oanners,', $o4; bu?3, $3(wT.50; calves, fsfeU; BtocKcrs ana ioeticrs, po, 1.0. ., : i Tim- Tindr ric.'ini' todav aro very small. comparing with 6000 head received yes- terday. 'i'lio luip. marKot is gcneruny tnnrlv with one load of vjrimo hogs go-! ing at $17.15 yesterday the buk getting $10.83 to 911. quotations aiei rnmo mix ml. 16.7o(S).l7: medium mixed, t1fl.50l6.85j rough heavies, $14.75(0) 16; pigs weighing rrom iw to iou us., 14(515: ves weighing undor 100 lbs., $12.5013.50: bulk, $16.85. There are not very many sheep aai lambs coming forward the lust few fUv-u Quotations are as follows: Prime lambs, 1213; .fair . to modium lambs, $!)(Wll; yearlings, LU(o)lJ.j wcincrs, $910; ewes, $6(5 . "I am thankful for the good I have reoeived by usirg Chamberlain's Tab lets. About two years ago when 1 began taking them I was suffering a great deal from distress after euting, and from headache and a tired, languid feeling due to indigestion and a tor pid liver. Chamborlain's Tablets cor rected those disorders in a short. time, and .since taking two bottles of them my health has been good," writes Mrs. M. P. Harwood, Auburn, X. Y. . Attorneys Will Try To low Webster Was Not Poisoned Gcnesco, N. Y., Dec. 19. Attorney directing the defense of Gladys Web ster, child wife, on trial on a chargu of murdering Edward Webster,, her father-in-law, by putting Paris green in his milk, will attempt to Bhow Web ster did not dio from poisoning. The most critic period. In ilia trial of the littlo mother, it was believed, was to como today with, the buttle be tween the poison experts. Still Search For Murderer Of Ira Langley, .Cattleman Baker, Or., Dec. 19. A sheriff's possec is still searching today for the unknown murderer of Ira Langley, a prominent cattleman of the Dixie Creek region in Baker county; Langley was shot and instantly killed yester day while talking to two neighbors, a bullet from a high power riflo coming from the brush nearby. Toe slayer es- aped without leaving any clue. FIRE AT AXRLIE The store and residence of C. V. John son at Airlie was destroyed by fire last Sunday night. All the merchandise in the fctore and part of the household good was burned. The postoffice fix tures an.l some mail was also lost. The origin of the fire which started in the store is uuithown. Fortunately the store .house and merchandise whs insuf cd. "V" The tofnl loss is estimated at $25, 000 with t!0,000 insurance. Independ ence Post.' CONFERS ELGBEE ON WILLSON Rome, Dee. 18. (Delayed.) The fa.v ultr of the Rime college of law liiwi corrfered npon I resident Wilson ts degrvc of honor tausa. LEGAL NOTICE. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OI SALE of Real Property on Foreclosure Xo'tice is hereby given, that by vir tue of an execution duly issued out of the eircudt -court of the state of Ore gon, for the county of Marion and to me directed on the 10th day of Decem ber, 1918, upon a judgment and decree duly, rendered, entered of record and docketed in and by said court on the 3rd day of December, 1918, in a certain suit then in said court pending, where in B. F. Ramp, as executor of tho last will and testament and estate of Mary A.: Ramp, deceased, was plaintiff and Henry H. Vandervort and Emma Van dervort, his wife, and John S. Beall and Elma H. Beall, , his wife, and R, W. Foster, unmarried, were defendants in favor of plaintiff and against said de fendants by which execution (I am commanded to soil tho property in said execution and hereinafter described to pay the sum duo tho plaintiff of $2000, with interost thereon at tho rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 3rd day of August, 1916, until paid and the fur ther sum of $150.0 attorney 'g fees to gether with the costs and disburse ments of said Buit taxed at $24 and costs and expenses 6f said execution. I will on Saturday tfl'e 18th day of Jan uary, 1919, at lthe hour of 10 o'clock a.i m. of said day at the west door of the county .court house in Salem, Ma rion' county, Oregonjisell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the day of sale, a'i the right, title, interest and estate which said defendants and all persons claiming un der them subsequent ,to the' execution of plaintiff 'S' mortgage, .towib. 'Novem ber 3rd, 1918, in, o,,and to said prem ises - heranooiore mentioned and de scribed in said execution as follows, to-wit: ... . i .-. Lots seven (7) and eight (&) in block two (2) in University addition to tho city, of Salem, Marion county, stato of Oregon, as Bhown by the recorded plat thereof, excepting the west 56 feet of said lot Xo. seven (7). Said sole being made subject to re demption in the manner provided by hjw. . ' ' '" ," Dated this lOth-'day of December, 1918. Wj I.X'F.LDHAM, Sheriff for Marion county, .Oregon. By O. D. Bower, Deputy. 1-10 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Xotioe .is hereby given tbut the un dersigned, by virtue of an order of tho county court of Marion county, Oregon, duly made and entered of rec ord on the 11th day of December, 1918, was annotated executor of the estate of John Aide, deceased, and that he has qualified a such. All persons having claims aaninst said estate lire hereby notifiod to present the same, duly vcri-J ned as required oy law, ai xaa mii of Smith & Shields, attorneys, 403 Sa' lem Bank of Commerce budding, Sa lom, Oregon, within six months from tho date of this notice. Dated and first published this 19th day of December, A. D. 1918. GROVER C. BELLINGER, Executor of tho estate of John Aide, deceased. 1-18 NOTICE OF HEARING of Final Account Xotico i Tiereby givon that the fin al account of liiiclla Daroy; administra trix of the estate of John Darby, de ceased, has been filed in the county court of Marion county, Oregon, and that tho (ith day of January, 1919, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m , has been duly appointed by said court for the heanna of objections to sue-n tmni ao count and the settlement thereof, at which time any persons interested m said estate are hereby required to ap pear and show cause, if any they have, why said final, account should not be allowed and approved oy sua eoun. Dated 'November 27. 1918. LUELLA DARBY, Administratrix of tho tsiste of John Darby, deceased. 1 NOTICE OF HEABINCr OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the final account of Paul H. Stege, executor of the estate of E. H. Stege, deceased, has been filed in the county eouit of Ma rion county, stato of Oregon, and that the 30th day of December, 1918, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., has been duly appointed by such court for the bearing of objections to such final ac count and the .settlement thereof, at which time any person . interested in such estate may appear and file ob jections thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated this 20th' day of November, 1918. PAUL H. STEGE, Executor of the estste of E. H. Stege deceased.. 12-19 EXECUTRIX'S FINAL NOTICE T all whom it may concern: Pleass THURSDAY, DECEMBER take notice that Belle Shantz, execu trix of the estate of James N. Shantz,, deceased,' has filed her final . account in' said estate and the ' county court has fixed the 16th day of Decomber, 1918, at ten o'clock a. m. as the time, and the county court room in the coun ty court house, at Salom, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account. All persons having any objections to said final account should appear and make said objection at said time. This notice is published pursuant to an order of the county court of Mar ion county, Oregon, datod tho 16th day of November, 1918, and the first publi cation is made in the issue of the Cap ital Journal of Novembor 21st, 1918. . BEIXjE SHANTZ, Executrix of the estate of James N. Shantz, deceased. Dee. 19 IN THE WUNTS' COUBT of the State of Oregon for Marion County In tho matter of the estute -of Henry D. St. Helen, deceased. Xotiee of hear ing of final account. - To all persons interested in the es tate of Henry D. St. Helen, deceased: rou are hereby notified that on the 3rd day of December, 1918, Elizabeth I. St. Helen filed in this court hor fin al account as executrix of the estate of Henry- D. St. Helen, deceased, and that said final account will be heard by this court on Monday January sixth 1919, at the hour of ten o'clock e. in. of said day or as soon thereafter as tins court can hoar same, in 'the room of tho county court at the court house in Salem, Marion county, Oregon, and you are hereby cilod to appean ai the time and placo above designated and show cause if any exist why said fin- tho said executrix discharged from her trust. . ' . . i : Dated this 3rd day of December, 1918 t- '' W. M. BUSMExV - County Judge. Donald W. Miles, Attorney Tor executrix, U. 8, .Nation al bank bldg., Salem, Oiv 1-2 CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. I 1" i. V i t, mm .1 ,mm jt II .1 mi I- I I I ill ii ii. quick reference to firms that give service onjshort notice where buyer and seller heet-we recommend our advertisers 44 EVXXYTHIXa ELECTBIOAL lalfem Eleetns Co., Mssonlfl Temple, 127 North Hik . OSTEOPATH DBS. B. E. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and serve specialists. Graduates of Am- ; erican school of Osteopathy, Kirk ville, Mo. Post graduate and spec ialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Offices 505-508 Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 85i. Residence, 1620 Court. Phono 2rl8. Dr. White Bes. Phone 469. DENTIST OB. F. L. UTTER, DENr Il.T, ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce building. WATER COMPANY iALEM WATER COMPANY Of flee corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 606. SECOND-HAND GOODS FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Res) Estate Security THOS. K. FORD 0r Ladd ft Bush bank; Salem Oregon rEDERAL FARM LOANS 6 per eent 84 years time. A. C. Bobrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. MOXEY to loan on good real estate. 5'i percent government money to loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold. W. D. Smith, Sakm Bank of Com merce. 12-14 STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience, Depot, Nutioaal sad American fence.' Sizes 26 to 58 in high Paints, oil and varnish, etc Loganberry and hop hook. Salem Fenee and Stove Works. 250 Court street Phone 124. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY 19, 1918. VHftT WAR- i m MARKET i Orals Wheat, soft white 1.942 Wheat, lower grades on sampln Oats I 80cl Hay, oats , $25 Barley, ton ,.. $5053 ITav. cheat, new - '. $24 Mill run 3738 Euttorfat Buttorfat ..... . : 68e Creamery buttor 6667fl Fork, Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot 16o Veal, fancy - 1618 Steers 79e Cows 46e Spring lambs ... llo Ewes..- . ...... 4(a) 6 Lambs, yearlings - 89e ggs ana Poultry Eggs, cash ; . 640 Hens, live . 22(S)24o Old roosters' 15e Chickens 214 Turkeys, dressed 3032o Turkeys, live Vegetables Sweet potatoes - $4.50 Potatoes - - $1.73 Onions, local . .......... $1.75 Cabbage : . 2V4o Turnips .. ...............i...........-.... 2s Celory 95e Head lettuce- $2.75(0)32.5 Beets ...... 2e Farsmpg ........................ Be Cranberrios, box $6 Cauliflower $1.85 Zrult Granges ..... ....-......' $3.508 Lemons, box :. .,. $5.756.50 Banana :-' t 9Vic Huckleberries, pound X..... 15c Florida grapo fruit case $(i(a)7 Black figs, 25 25 lbs. .... 4.50 Figs, 4 oz. packages $5.50 tt4TT4tt4 t tMMHMMMMHMMM. Telephone . Main 120f REAL ESTATE 70 ACRES $100 land, on account of cir cumstances will sell for $65 on easy terms. 6 acres nil cultivated, good improvements, VA mile of city limits only $3500. l,i acre good house, barn all in fruit, good soil, close to car line, $1250. Socolofsky. 341 State tf WANT-r$350, $500 and $1500 loans on good real estate security, Socolofsky, 341 State St. tf Best bargain in Salem in a strictly modern 7 room bungulow, close in. If sold soon only $2800. Socolofsky, 341 Stato St. tf 1 V4 - ACRES, 4 room house, new barn, wood shed, lots of bearing fruit, good soil, closo to car lino, only $1200 if taken at once. Socolofskj, 841 State St. tf 10 ACRE prune orchard, very fair im provements, 4 miles from Salem, want stock ranch not ovei $4000 in exchange. Socolofsky, 341 Stato St. . . tf 5 ACHES, 5 in cultivation, the best of soil,plcnty of family fruit,plcnty wood,- good 5 room,new- house; fair outbuildings, on county road, beauti i ful location, I will guarantee the im provements would cost more than the : price Hked for the whole. Price on- ly $1950. terms on $100 at fper cent. ocelofskyy 341 Stale St. ' tf ARE you looking for a house n Port . landl I have a cozy three room cot . tagc, choice lot, in a fine location near ear line in a good neighborhood - If you wish to buy it will pay you to see number 5730 at corner of 58 streot and 49 ave, S. E Portland. Price $600. Phone 470 or see Square Deal Realty company, V. S. bank yg. " BRING YOUR TRADES I can mafach vou. C. W. Niomm'er, Real Estsle Agent, Canadian Bauds,. . 544 Stats street. journal want ads pay journal want ads pay PAGE NINE Fisher, Figs, 6 os, packages Figs, 8 oz. packages figs, 10 lb. fancy Figs, 10 lb. ex. fancy Wo. 1 comb honey , BetaU friee Creamery butter .... 73a Flour, hard wheal $r(S!3.8t ? Country butter .. 65XO Eggs, dozen .. . .. ... 75a Portland, Or., Dec. 19. Butter, city creamory oto. Strong Eggs, selected local extras 7375ftj ; Strong '".' Hens 2427 Broilers 26J7o- ' Oeeso 22o ' , ' ' ' . CheesejVtriplots 3940 : Tnrkevs 40e . DAILY LIVE STOCK MASSE T v Oattla Receipts 93 ' , Tone of market very strong Prime stoers $1212.50 Choice to good steers $ll(ail2 : Medium to good steers $9.501I Fair to medium steers $8 5(9.5tf Common to fair steers ii7.7085 " Choice cows. and heifers $8.50(a)9.35 Medium to good eowi and hoi; $7.5t)()8.50 - Fairto medium eowt and heifn $6.507.5O Canncrg $3.804.5O ' "Bulls $6(ffi8 Calves $918 ' ' I Stockeis and feeders $68 Bogs J Receipts 944 " j Tone of market steady to strong ' Prime mixed $16.7517 Medium mixed $16.50(1C.75 . Rough heavies $14.7510 i pigB $i4ai5 Bulk $16.5016.75 ' Bheep Receipts 477 , Tone of market steady . "'' Fair tp- medium lambs . $11,501$ 12.25 V , Yearlings 10(oll ' Wethors $10.50 Ewes $68.50-:. . .,. .:. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage an refuse of all kinds removed on month ly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phone, Main 2247, Residence, Main 2272. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGnTS OF PYTHIAS MEET At ilcCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andreten, C. C. P. J. Eonto K. B. & 6. BOYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, "Oregon Grape ,Camp" Xo. 1360. meets every Thursday evening , ia Derby building, Court and High St. Mr Poo i-l rniinm 911 Hnrt RL oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record er 1415 X. 4th St. Phone 1436M. HOME SEEKER, here la your oppor tunity, desiring a change in occupa tion, 1 purpose to remove from th city; hc-iice I am offertag my horns at a sacrifice. I have a sod housa oa a fine corner, cast fiont, near one of Snlom's excellent schools, roomy grounds, plenty of fruit an cement walks, for two thousand dol lars. Five hundred dollurs, balaues $15 per month at six per cent inter est. Telephone 1310M or call oa Square Deal Eealty Comjny, tele phone 470. unnwni wnmwtfTi av AMERICA- Oregon Cedar Camp No.. 5246 meet every 3rd and 4th Thur. evo, 8 o'cloefc , . . 1 V . . High streets. K. F. Day, V. C.j F. A. Turner, clork. UNITED ARTISANS Cap! til Aseen blr No. Si meets first TlinrsdaT nt . each month, at 8 p. m- in L O. 6. 7. Hall. Norma L. Terwilliger, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 34f) Owens) rtreet. HAUiAit prnne trees, x nave a xew thousand 4-6 foot grade yet to of fer and alo cherry and bartlctt peat trees. Fruitland Nursery, Rt. 6, box 138D.' Phone 111F21. 11 Th Journal Jot Department will print you anything in the stationery line do it right snd savs you real money. $4-5$ $35f . fJUSt r