THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1918. PAGE SEVEN FREIGHT RATES WILL POSSiBLYBE REDUCED COMMUNITY INTEREST IS THE BASIS OF AMERICAN LIBERTY 1 NEW. TODAY- ' TBOM WEDNESDAY'S FIVE O'CLOCK KDniun r JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESETS LASSIFIED ADVEET1SHTO KATE8 Bats Pr word New Today Cash insertion . Dne week (4 insertions) - la 5e 17 One month (26 insertions) The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for mors than one insertion, tot terrors ia Classified Advertisement Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify as immediately 11 axr or occurs. Minimum charge, 15. POTATOES for sale. Phone 80F11. ti WOOD sawing. Call 827; prompt serv ice. 12-26 WANTED Work on farm by youngr single man. mono lai'H. HOUSEKEEPING Buite, 2 rooms, nice ly furnished, 633 'Ferry St. 12 20 WANTED Calves of all kinds. Phone 80F11. tf IF YOUR ROOF LEAKS phone 1074. 6t FOR SALE Ford coupe, almost new. Call at 355 N. Capital. 12-19 1X)R SALE Equity in good piano. Cell Mrs. Prickcy. Phone 742. tf , PASTURE wanted for 2 horses and 2 yearlings. Brown care Journal. 12-24 HOUSE and window clearing want ed. Phone 1237. 12-20 EARLY fuggle hop roots for sale. J. B. Cooper, Independence. 12-26 FOR SALE First class second growth fir. Phone 2199. 12-19 3FOR BAL'B-H'oUy for Xmas decora tion. 2123 North Broadway. 12-19 LORD wood for sale. Phone evenings 2093M. tf WANTED Fat thin and fresh cows, largfalves. Phone 1425M. 12-28 i FOR 8AUE 1918 Elgin six car or will oxchango on modern bungalow. X Y Z care Journal. . tf FOR SALE Or trade for a, car, 1 house and 8 lots. Call at Commercial Cider works. Phone 2194. . 12-23 , WANTED -Man and wife to work on dairy ranch. Steady . employment. Photte 273M. , 12-19 PI06, 25 to 30 lb., $5; shoatg over 50 lbs. 18o per pound. Skyline Or chards. Phone 36FU. . 12-19 FOR PALB 4 nice young Jersey and Durham cows, fresh goon. 715 South 12th- etroet over garage. 12-19 FOB RENT 2 and 3 room furnished apartments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203. 12-26 WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buron's Furniture Store, 179 PwimmftMiftl. tf WANTED 20 or more acres of good prune land, to set in prunes on shares May buy on right terms. Y Y care Journal. 12'1B CALENDAR for 1919; large figures for practical use. Call on Homer 11. Smith, the insurance man, McCoi nack bldg. I-15 WANTED A competent girl for gen eral houso work, good wages. Per manent. Apply 890 Oak forenoon. Phone 1296. : FOR SALE Registered Berkshire pigs both sex, also one full blood Holatein bull calf. lAddress Gcjo. Bameden, Maclcay, Ore. 1219 FOR SALE Good five room cottage, finely located, close in, $1550 un furnished, or $1750 well furnished. Box J Z care Journal. 121 LET me do your errands and deliver yonr Xma parcels, prompt, robable service. 53 State St. Phone 686. Paul M. Ryan, Prop. 12-24 IjOST 3 yearling Shropshire rams, one wears my label. If you find same please call 43F24, J. J. Deerfler. tf OLD papers for carpets, etc., 10 cents per hundred, call at Journal office MAXWELL for sale, $275. Terms. Me chanically perfect Highway Garage Phone 355. Call 1000 8. Com'i. tf LIBERTY BONDS If yon moat dis pose of your bonds, we will buy them. 314 Maaonic bldg. tf PLENTY of money to loan on good dmi: low interest rates; five years time; privilege to pap otri sl on any interest date. Call or Writ H. M. Hawkins, 314 Maeonle bldg, Salem. - u SO ACRES of level land for sale or trade. Where you have no house rent to pay; no wood to bay; no water to buy, and if yoa keep a eow, no milk or butter to buy. Will take email truck or tin kan on the deal. K. Lamb, 645 8. 17th, Salem. tf $20 BBWARD for the detection of the thief or thieves who itole the fol-; lowing shrubbery from our premises j Sunday night: four Cottone asters with berries and one Aialea. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Fry, High and Oak etreett. LOGANBERRY PLANTS for sale by J. r. AapinwaU. Brooks, Or. Phone 35F12. 12-19 WANT TO SELL OB TRADE email business for auto truck. Inquire 374 State st. 12-20 FOR SALE Few loads of manure suitable for lawns and rosebushes. Call after 6 p. m. Phone 1366. 12-21 LOST-Slack sheep dog, white breast, feet, and nose. Finder please notify East Salem Tannery or phone 2160 M. 12-19 BALED oats and cheat hay for sale, at sua per ton, Kt. 5, box 92 Litch field, tf WANTED Mare, weight 1000 or 1100, have wagon as part payment or cash. J. F. Harper, Et. 3. 12-23 BURBANK potatoes for sab", that were grown on hilly land, price lc. Will deliver 1 sack cr more. Inquire B. C. Zeilinski, Rt. 9. , 12-19 FOR SALE 30 early hatch Buff Orp ington pullots, good quality. Price $2.50 each. W. A. Springer, Salem, Rt. 7. 12-21 LOST-Blue Maltese male kitten, half grown, answers name Batatan, stray cd from Frances Mattie Martin. Phone 1050 or 419, suitable reward. 12-19 WANTED TO RENT FARM. Wanted to rent grain and stock farm for a term of years by an ex perienced party; will pay cash or share rent. Address C. C. C, care or Capital Journal. 12-30 FOR SALE .New Underwood type writer; will iconsider trade on an old Underwood. Back spacers put on Underwood typewriters, work guar anteed. Call 124 8. Liberty st. Phone 937. 12-24 FOB SALE. 4-room house and lot, N. Liberty st., for $500, $25 down, $1 week till paid; no interest, but taxes and in surance. A 5-room house, $600, $30 cosh, $1 week. A nice 4-room house and barn, 1950 N. Front, for $1000, $50 cash and $2 week; no interest. Large 7-room house and barn, 1940 N, Front, $1250, $50 cash, balance ' $2 per week, taxes and insurance. 1 Good 4-room house, large basement, 896 N. Commercial st., $1100, $50 cash, balance $2 per week, insurance and taxes, but no interest, A new 5-room house, large cement building 30x70 feet, 2 lot for $3000, $75 cash anda $1 per week. Large 9-room house, corner Winter and Center, for $4000, $250 cash, bal ance $7 per week. Vacant lots, nice location, $250 cash, $10, 50 cents per wetk. 12 1-2-acre fine orchard with four acres of fine garden land, buildings, orchard, 500 cherry, 500 peach, 100 apples, bearing, for $4000, $200 cash, balance $7 per week. Our home iplace, 20 acres, 3 miles eaut, for $8000, $500 cash, balance $10 week, no interest, but taxes and insurance, on any tract. R. B. EYAN. FOR SALE 4 room house and lot N. Liberty street for (ooil, $23 flown $1 week till paid, no interest, but taxes and insurance; a 5 room house $500, $30 cash, $1 week; a nice 4 room house and barn 1950 N. Front for $1000, $50 cash and $2 week, no interest; large 7 room house and barn 1940 N. Front, $1250, $50 cash, balance $2 per week, taxes and in surance; good 4 room house, large basement, 896 N. Commercial' St., $1100, $50 cash, balance $3 per week, insurance and taxes, but no inter est; a new 5 room houso, large ce ment building 30x70 ft., 2 lots for $3000, $75 cash and $4 per week; large 9 room house, corner Winter and (Center for $4000, 1250 cash, balance $7 per week; vacant lots, nice location $250, cash $10, 50c per week. 12 acre fine orchard with 4 acres of fine garden land, buildings and orchard, 500 cherry, 500 peach, 100 apples, bearing, for $4000, $200 cash balance $7 per week; our home place 20 acres. 3 miles east for $8, 000, $500 cash, balance $10 week, no interest but taxes and insurance on any tract. R. B. Ryan. a3 HAYNES Pi! pre AYNE3ir05TtR BAK1NQ Ca If your competitor talks about you, put them on yeur pay roll. No matter what he says, just s ho talks. DIXIE BREAD No Decision As To McAdoo's Successor As Director GeneraL Washington, Dee. 19, Reduction of freight rates within the next twelve months was declared probable today by Director General McAdoo, if the five year period of control of the national I railroads is approved by congress. ! McAdoo said the present standard of wages could be maintained without toe ious trouble "because the government should furnish transportation at eost and the volume of traffiee would pro duce sufficient revenue if all elements co-operate." j He added that the whole problem had been worked out to a decision "'on ex perience rather than theory." j Much has been printed editorially to the effect that the question of govern ment operation on private control was building a campaign issue, McAdaa said. Can't Get Fall Test. ' ' We can 't got a f iir test of govern ment operation when the caso comes up ia a presidential campaign," McAdoo continued. "There is not a man in con gress but who thinks of what impres sing will be made back home regardless ofwhieh party he may be affiliated with. No government test ought t tnko place in the heat of a presidential campaign. That is one of tho reasons why I advocated a five year plnn in trying out operation by the federal government. Therefore we ought to settlo down to a thorough demonstra tion and make the decision on exper' ence rather than theory." McAdoo said today that there had been no decision as to his successor as director gcnoral. Ho announced that tho service has been improved rapidly by the adding of trains to the service on practically ev ery trunk line, i'his, he said, was pos sible through the relief from heavy war materials movements brought about by the signing of the armistice. Tho ilirectoi general also announced the signing of a coutiact with the Buf falo, Rochester and Pittsburgh railroad. An annual guarantee of $3,276,410 is provided by the formal agreement. ' Chas. E. Burtnett Funeral Services Friday Afternoon Tho funeral services of Charles E. Burtnett who died Wednesday morning will bo held Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the chapel of Webb ft Clouch and will be conducted by the Hev. K. N. Avison., Burial will be in the Citv View cemetery. " The pall bear ers will be Cherrinns in uniform. Mr. Burtnett was bom July 12, 1846 in Knox county. Illinois. He moved to Ottnmna. Iowa, in 1871 and in 1874 was married tn Miss Emman Rockwell of that city. Coming to the Seattle faif in 1909. he visited his daughter, Mrs. P. E. Fullerton, in Salem and be camo so Impressed with the mild cli mate, decided to make Oregon his home Ho organized the Farmers' uwer works company of which ho was proi prietor until last spring he disposed of his interests due to failing health. Ho is survived by three children: Mrs. P. E. Fullerton and Mrs. Ada Pet ram of Salem and Claronce Burtnett of Ottumna, Iowa. A daughter, Chle A. Burtnett, died at tho ago of soven yearB while tho family wore living in lowa. Mr. Burtnett was a member of the Methodist church since childhood. His membership in the Yooman lodge was ;i Othimna. Iowa. Ho was a man who had a host of friends in tho city who will bo grieved to learn of his death. fonrve Washington Sails For Home Carrying Troops Washington, Dec. 19. Tho transport George Washington sailed from France December 15 for the United States with 331 officers, 3461 enlisted men, 20 civilians and three ex-officers, the war department announced today. Included in this numtier was the en tire 139th field artillery; headquarters company batteries A, B, D and 'E of the 137th field artillery; 8(3 sick ana wounded and not requiring special at tention; 20 tuberculosis cases and 75 bedridden enlisted patients. The Ucorgo wasnington was me transport which carried tho presiden tial party to Brest. Other sailings were: December 17, Mossacin, sailed with 43 casual officers and seven enlisted men; Hercdia sailed December 17 with 11 nlf;r and in men: the Cartheo sailed December 16 with 74 officers and 25 enlisted men; Sizcola sailed December .16 with 51 officers and nine enlisted men, and the Bellatrix, De cember 16, with one infantry officer. Karolvi Says Hungary Can't Feed Mackensen Army Borne, Dec. 18 (Delayed.) Hungary cannot feed Field Marshal von Mack ensen ' army of 200,000 men, which the allies ordered interneu, count naroiyi, Hungarian premier, declared in an in terview with the Budapest correspond ent of the Idea Nazionale. Karolyi said that Bolshevism will dominate Hungary unlesj food S nrftmntlr mmiVied hv the allies. "My downfall is inevitable unless Hungary is promptly furnished with necessary suppnes, ne saia. GOVERNMENT clerk examinations, Oregon toon. Customs, internal rev enue, income tax, railway mail, post office. 1100-1800. Experience un necessary. Men and women desiring government positions write, for free particulars, 3. C, Leonard, (former civil aerviee examiner,) 1C38 Kenois building, Washington, D. C. 12 21 fiir?i?n!?!555v fy$ fry Final Wkcksp ! omen Your w Coats and Suits Selling far $57.50, yours for. Coats and Suits Selling for $50.00 yours for......... Coats and Suits Selling for $40.00, yours for. ETC. JUST CUT THE PRICE M A ) Wm BLACK FOX BLACK FOX PLUSH MOLE COATEES Animal Neckpiece Animal Neckpiece COATS ffijMjPlll $30.00 $110.00 $150.00 $25.00 Zr V $19.85 $56.65 $89.85 ; $16.35 , FURS; , ; I BLACK WOLFE 1 1 BLACK FOX : BLACK FOX . I OSTRICH STRIP jpnN Animal Neckpiece Animal Neckpiece Animal Neckpiece COLLARETTE " 1X $7o.oo $140.00 f $100.00 $9.50 1-2 PRICE $35.85 $79.85 - $66.85 $5.85 41 Santa Is Sure Going Over The Top tMMMt The War DO YOUR CHRISTMAS . SHOPPING EARLY. Stores will not be open evenings Christmas week. By action of Business Men's League. Bolsheviki Cause In - Germany Is Now Lost Washington, Dec. 19. The bolsheviki Hause in Oermany apparently is lost, according to state department advices to- day. 'Breitschard, an independent socialist, declares his party is hopelessly in the minority tad. 4 be urges that fniT join tne anti bolshevik, according tn on newspaper, the advices show. Proceedings in the national soviet congress in Berlin were reported to th state depart- meat practically as- published in the press. - Sear- Admiral Bowie characterizes a statement by Senator Vardaman, to the effect that there was fraud at the Hog Island shipyard, s "a deliberate Jie." The last of the 25,000 tons of Hawaii an sugar ordered by the federal feod administration will leave Honolulu this week. Tho Journal Job Department will print yoa anything in tho stationery line do A right and save yea real money. This is our method of Cleaning Up Stock. We open each Season With Sparkling New Merchandise. HERE IS WHERE YOU BENEFIT-TAKE ADVANTAGE s and Misses urns Glhioice h Furs at Unheard Is Over! You can always do better at GOOliOOODS "Join The GOVIRHHEHT TO SEND HELP TO ARMENIANS Stricken People Of Asia Minor To Receive Qothing And Food From U. S. Washington, Doe. 19. Governmental support will be given to a plan to send doctors, nurses, agricultural ma chinery, clothing and fcod to stricken Greeks and Armenians in Asia Minor, it was learned here today. A bill is pending in congress to incorporate a committee to sail soon on a United Htates transport with relief supplies. Kerry Morgnnthan former ambassador to Turkey, is Billing th plan. A presidential proclamation,' asking support, it is understood, soon will be issued. The plan contemplates expenditure of approximately 30,0OO,000 and work extending over several years. Several abandoned American hospitals will be reoccupied. A British force, it was stated, will give protection to the 200 and 300 members ctf Urn commission and the project also will have th snpport of tbn French government. Turk officials still in power have given consent t the plan. IN TWO, THE SAVING IS of Prices for Xmas Specials Go the Limit, Santa! vj Red Cross" RESTRICTIONS URGED FOR BIG fEAT PACKERS Colver Suggests That They Be Prohibited From Owning Stock Cars. Washington, Dec. 19. The federal trade commission never has and will not recommend that the government take over the big parking plants of the country, William B. Colver, chairman of the commission, told the houso in terstate commerce' committee) today. "But the commission does believe in fluences are at worl in the packing in dustry, which are aainst the privilege interests," Colver raid, "and the com mission believes th y can bo controlled without injury to private interests." A system of li ensing similar to the way war license- have been issued was suggested by the chairman as a means of regulating the meat industry. Colver urge I that the big packers be prohibited from ownlnjr refrigerator and livestock cars and from controlling stockyards, stock exchanges and the dissemination of market mwi, which U practically what the bill of the com mission now before the committee aims and mm Price YOURS $28.75 $25.09 $20.00 Bobbie Says:' Give 'Till It Hurts Santa Merchandise Orders When in doubt Make your gift a Merchandise order to do. Should Provide Facilities. Pointing out that livestock and meat is simiply freight, Colver said the rail roads should provide stockyards, stor age and refrigerator car facilitien, which would bo open to all, just as fa cilities are provided for other kinds of freight. This, Colver believes, would remove one of thle greatest evils of the packing1 industry. The Big Five packers, Colver charged, combine for purchasing live stock and then apportion the number for each one. I Largo financial interests are closely !.:Uid with tho packers, Colver said, .and give them undue advantage, j Colver blamed the recent hlh prices "Big Pivc" had cornered the- market and the prico had more than doubled. FORMEB KAISUB ILL - Amerongen, Holland, Dec. 19. Tho farmer kaiser has been confined to his ! rd since Hunday as the ri sult of a chill and an affection of the ear, it was learned today. A specialist from I'trerht is attending him. . - Tho Journal classified ads ara ! great favorites with people who do things Try oao. ! . "