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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1918)
SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1918. PAGE TEN HtMIMtMItt' Only a Few Days Left To Do Your Ghristmas Shopping You Will Find That The CPenney Company Oil Will Facilitate Matters for you a Great Deal and at the Same Time fave you Money. You Should note these prices then come and see our merchandise. It Will Certainly Please You THESE SUGGESTIONS MAKE PRACTICAL, USEFUL AND APPRE CIATIVE GIFTS Ladies 'Sweaters $7.50, $8.90. $9.90 Ladies Bath Robes $2.98, $3.49. $4.98 dies' Hocse Slippers, $1.25, $1.49, $1.59. $1.75 iffid $1.98 (Mdrn's Slippers 69c, 89c, 98c, $1.10 and $125 Ladies Handkerchiefs 19c 25c, 39c, " 49c, and 59c box Ilea's Bath Robes $3.98. $4.98, $5.90 Ren's House Slippers $135 and $1.49 Men's Rose 25c, 35c, 49c, 59c and 75c Men's Handkerchiefs 12 l-2c, 25c, 35c and 49c Men's Ties . . .25c, 49c 69c and 98c SHOES FOR ALL At prices that please .You Should Look over our overcoats -......$14.75, $16.50 and $22.50 We have done a wonderful business in our Ready to Wear Department, and we have a few coats and suits and one-piece dresses left. And it will really pay you to look them over at $9.90, $12.50, $17.50 fj Incorporated ' . V Mr nvws&MfWur" , .11. 1 'fc-1'- ' mm .. . .-i .,Afc.fntf -'-fr?r.fJn ll"l..MtJV trilllfcitlb T. - m im.i. i i mum ihii)Hihwiii WMilmlWiiu JIa'liJJIi i We Must Sell Out Without Delay We will save you 50 cents on your dollar if you do your Christmas shopping at The Fanners' Cash Store A Sample Price of a Few Items: Good quality hard wheat flour $2.90 Good Valley Flour $2.75 10 pounds of Sugar $1.00 Fresh eggs, per dozen , ...65c Package, 15-oz., raisins 15c 12-oz. can Royal Baking Powder 38c Quart Wesson Oil 74c Pint Wesson Oil 1 39c 2 oz. Vanilla 23c 2 1-2 oz. Lemon extract 2ic Large Crisco $1.85 3 pounds reliance coffee 95c Economy Coffee, pound ,.19c Best Japan Rice, pound 10c White beans, pound ....i 9c 2 pounds Dry Italian Prunes 25c Alaska Herring, each 5c Best English walnuts, almonds and brazil nuts mixed, per pound 32c Teanut Butter, pound .....19c The largest, best quality Calif ornia'oranges Per dozen 50c and 55c Mixed candy, per dozen 35c Mixed Chocolates, per pound 40c Also big bargains in dry goods, shoesand rubbers. VEGETABLES. Best Oregon potatoes, 2c pound; 100 pojnds....$1.60 Best selected onions, 2c pound; 100 pounds $1.50 Sweet Potatoes, per pound 5c Cabbage, per pound 3 l-2c This will continue until Christmas only. Orders of $2.00 and over delivered free of charge. C. O. D. Orders accepted over the phone. CHRISTMAS GIFTS "Special for Saturday" We will give premiums for purchases of $3 and over Don't Miss This Opportunity . Farmer's Cash Store! 151 High Street Salem, Ore. Phone453 PERSONAL sjt sft sjt 3ft I.. C. i:nstnjRii ol Silvcrton registered tiumy at mo tflign. The ftov. It. T.. Avison went to Voii luu dlhis mown,?. Mr. mid lira. "A. II. Lorchen of tho Court npurtiunta Wt for Portland this aUornoou for a visit of sovornl days. Mr. r.crchcn will allend sessions of all salesmen of the v. P. Fullor & Co. in their annual meeting. Junius Mott, well known in Eugcuo as a couch for local dramatic prodiw- turns who has been a petty offie.or in tho local navy unit during the past two months, left .hugone yesterday for Sat leni, where he will visit relatives for a short while before returning to ha home at Astoria. lie i8 an attorney at law. l'.iig-i,e luuiu. Aitormy A. 0. Condit left this af ternoon for Uoscl'uig to attend to bm mess matter Attorney K. vj, Giovcr is homo fr-.tu Oregon City. 0. II 4 Looiioy of Jefferson, reprv senlativo elect from " Marion couniy, was in Sulom yesterday looking afto: political matters. J. K. Nosh of tho firm of Hohnau A Nush, entile aril of So nan, Mt., is it the city, visiting; ul the homo of his mother, Mrs. Al. i i si-, 1044 Ilnriou Si l All Around Town I Notice to the Public Beginning Thursday evening December 19th, we will es tablish a night service both from Salem and Portland leaving at 6 p. m. making two trucks leaving Salem and Portland daily. Those desiring quick service from Portland phone your orders before 5 p. m. HIGHWAYS RAPID TRANSIT C0MY Sol Roberts, Agent PHONE 663 137 SOUTH COM'L tfttMMMMtMttttt COMNGEVETfTS See. 16-21 Fifth annual Marion county eorn show, 141 North Commercial. Dec 29 Christian Science lecture, opera house, 3 p. m. Dee. 30. Becend election oa school budget. Jan. 7 Annual Cherrian ini tiation and banquet. Jan 13 Legislature convene Jan. 15-18 Auto exhibit. "Toe funeral oanttfta."We ft dough Co. t "The best" it all ye can o wfaen death eomes. Call Webb t Cloigi O Phooe 120. tf. Denton Hutdick, member of the lt)U legislature, was in tno f'tv yestctda. He is from h-V.irv.nd and counties .J his district ar 'Crook, Deschutes, G.-an; Jefferson, hliir-atb and Lako. Satm Vrearf onimorta R&lem'a mrroll and in turn the asks the support of Sa lem people. vf Ton should boy Salem bread only, there is a reason. tf Jiiraf.s D. ctow't, editor of the I'os sil Journal and representative elect, wag in the city yestei day. Fixing Xmas easily; if yon are think ing of making a real Xmas present to the family something that will guar antee many returns of the happy day why not consider a policy with the Oldest Life Co. in America The Mu tual Life of N. Y. (Strongest in the world.) J. F. Hutchason, district man ager, 371 State St. My home is in Sa lem. 12-24 High grade, genuine furl for Christ- mas gifts at special prices. West Fur Co., 217 South High Bt. tf Fred E. Mangls, chairman of the Christmas tree of the Chorrians, ha J appointed as his committee, Arthur li v. . son. With Mr. iangis as chairman snd Mr. Wilson as the committee, e big fir tree in the court house yard will soon take on a festive appearance as it is the intention to place about oJij decide lights. The clcctrie globes around the court house square will b3 covered with red, the same as two years ago. Mr. Mangis Bays thoro will be no pi igrnm or giving of. presents from tne tiee. ; Lunch counter opposite 0. E. B. R. depot. Good lunches, M . J. B. coffee. Lady waitress. Open from 6 a. m. te 12 p. m. 12-30 The regular evening drill of Company M will be dispensed with this evoning at tho armory as the program is to bo more on the form of a banquet and a meeting for the welfare of tho com pany. Every member is eskod to not only bo present but to bring along a prospective recruit. Tho company needs but a few more recruit to fill itg re quired quota and to be officially mus tered in. The funeral services of Rev. Oliver E. Darby, formor pnstrnastor at ville, were held this morning from tni Rigdon chapel nnd wero conducted by the Bov. Leland Porter, pastor of tlw first Christian church, burial was in the Civ View cemetery. He was a cousin of Dr. W. H. Darby of this city. I hare moved my offices Into more pleasant and moro eomaodioua quar ters on the third floor of the U. 8. National bank building. Dr. O. L. Scott Chiropractic-Spinologist, 304-213 U. 8. National bank bldg. tf 36 cts: ner pound" Daid for No. 1 tur keys. Midget Market. 12-19 Special meeting of Multno mah Chapter No. 1, E. A. M., this evening. Work, installa tion of officer. Visiting com panions welcome. Eight new member,) were added to tho :e'.l of Company M, Oiegon nntioua! Kiitud, at tho banquet givon last evt- mng at tho armory, lhe banquet con sisted of the regulation aimy pork anil beans bosides other eatables not gen rally served to the boys in actual ser vice. It is thought that bv tho fir. rf tne yoarthe company will have se cured an enlistment of 100 and tlicreoj be entitled to be federalized. Oolds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE iRROMO QUININE Tab lets remove the canso. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVES signature on the box. 30c. Writing from L&Bourboule, France, health nnd pleasure resort in the south ern part of tho country, Private M. A Viesco notes that ho is taking a fur lough and that all expenses are paid, besides a little spending money thrown in. Tho letter was dated Oct. 26. lie writes of meeting Eugene Slater and other members of Salem lodge No. 336 B. F. O. E., all of whom ho writes were in the same neck of the woods with him during the big fight. Salem bread is freshest and best, tf Highways Sapid Transit Auto service to Portland and way points daily, leav ing Salem at 7 a. m. Phone orders ev ening before, 137 S. Com'l. Phone 663. tf The funeral services for Eineisou Hoeye, of Oregon City, who died in the naval service at New York at the age of 17 years, was held this afternoon in Oregon City. The body will be brought to Salem tomorrow morning. Burial will be in tho Odd Fellows cemetery. He was a brother of Mrs. David V. Eyie and had visited frequently in Sa lem. While in tho service ho had cross ed tho ocean nine times. Belax and rest in the dental chair. Dr. Hartley fills and extracts teeth without pain and corrects diseased gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. tf Build up Salem's industries by sup porting those on the ground. tf - o James W. Mott of Astoria is home for the holidays, visiting at tho homo of Mib, father Dr. V. S. Mott, of 660 North Commercial. Mr. Mott has oeen attending the nava! station unit at Eu gene. Aftertho holidays ho will return to As'oiia to take up again the prac tice of law. 35 cts. per pound paid for N. 1 tur keys. Midget Market. 12-19 Dr. J. O. Matthls, associated with Dr. H. J. Clements, office 4V)-410 Salem Bank of Com. bldg. Office tel. 573; res. 1705 South Fir 8t. tel. 598. 12-27 . o Company M. is now issuing invita tions, to the informal military ball to p, given at the a'uiory on the ovem ig of December 3. Committees have been appointed and tho boys intend to make the dance one of the social events of the season. WOodry is the man who pays you well. Phone him if you have anything to sell 510 or 511, 12-21 o Fine berried holly for sale. Phone 792. 12 19 Boys who are paid to go out and dis tribute bills or circulars and attempt to make an cnBy job if it by filling up mail boxes aro trifling with Uncle Sam. Eeccntly this has been dono and Post master Huckestoin gives the warning that such an offense is punishable by a fine of $30 and then more trouble with tho federal officors. - ' , o 35 cts. per pound paid tot No. 1 tur keys. Midget Market. 12-19 The Bligh Theatre will show a pic ture of farm tractors in operation to day, Friday, and Saturday. This will be interesting to everyone. o- The Marion county bar association met at the court houso this morning to Christmas Shopping at Gale & Co s Ladies Collars 19c, 35c, 69c, and 98c Each Ladies' Waists 98c, $1.25, $3.69, $4.98 and $5.75 each Ladies' Pink Envelope Combinations $lsl9 and $1.49 Each Ladies' Heavy Blanket Bath Robes $3.98 Each Ladies' Silk Camisoles $1.49 to $1.98 Each Bonnie B Slip on veils 10c and 25c Each Ladies' Purses 69c, 98c, $1.25 to $4.98 Each Men's Ties - 25c and 50c Each Men's Mackinaws $6.95, $7.55 and $8.95 Each Boys Mackinaws - $5.98 Each Our Prices Always The Lowest GALE & COMPANY PHONE 1073 Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store able a cause, W. M. Smith, chairman for Marion county, said this morning. With $10,000 as the quota for Marion county, only $3751 had been reported up to this morning. o Clerical positions are to be had by those who want a sure job the remain der of their lives in the civU service. in the nostoffice lobby there is a cir cnlar posted announcing that the gov ernment wants clerical help in the cus toms servico and in other lincs and that :m examination will be held in Salem Voh. 1. In marking the grade, spelling will count for 10 points, arithmetic 30, omTi.liiTi 1R. letter writing 30 and cenvina nnd correcting manuscript, lo. Those interested in takiqg the exami nation will be given information at the postoflice. Ticket sellers at the Oregon Electric nnd Smithern Pacific aro new sup posed to speak out loud when anyone nri-artita n niece or currency muutj purchasing a ticket. This is by orders from the railroad headquarters and ap t,i;.. Anpcinlly to all lines west of Chicago. If a five or a tenner is prof- met at the court house this morning to - payment of the pasteboard, discuss the report of the committee ap- . "et cr D)ust now name its denomination 1 'definitely and audibly. pointed under an act of tho last leg s lature to proposo legislation in tho wny of changes for tho judicial system. Tho association, after a discussion this morning, favored tho majority report of the committee, giving the justices of tho supremo court of Oregon the right to send any circuit judgo to any cou,ity in the state to assist in trial cases in that countv. It also favored tho pro posiil io allow justices of tho supremo court to call to tho assistance of tho court ihree circuit judges of the stato at nny time to assist in the hearing of cases and ho writing of opinions, lhc association opposed two minority re ports which included suggestions by Judgo Carey and Ben Selling- nnd also by Judge Percy Kelly, feeling that tho proposed changes wore too radical. i II. Trindle was appointed to represent tho Marion countv bar at tho stat-3 meeting tomorrow in Portland, Born 1 RrSSEIX To Mr. and Mrs. Theoien M. Kusse.ll of Macleay, Dee,. 13, 1018, a "laughter. She has been tvoiod Cleo Edith, Why not give her a dinner set from 12 designs from Gahlsdorf Store of Housewares, 135 N. Liberty street. The Ladies' Aid of the First M E. church will have a cooked food sale Saturday, Dec. 21, at 371 Ccurt street, what was iloore 's furniture storo. Lunches will be served. 12-20 o By smashing a large transom in the hallway adjoining the Busiek grocery on JSorth limimcrcial street and Lhe- meketa, thieves gained an entrance in to the store last night about 1 o'clock and got away with $44.49 in cash and a check for $lo.32 on the Falls City bunk signed by a man named Baird. The thief first procured an iron bar and b wrench with which to break the transom. Then climbing over the door, it was easy to unlock both the back and front doors of the storo. Instead of smashing the cash register, so common among young boys who break into stures, tho thief understood how to op eu the register without doing any dam oge whatever. As tho patrolman pass ed along Chenieketa Btreet at 1 o'clock last evening, he noticed a man standing near the hear alley. After searching him, the officer uecided to take hiui along to the po.icc station, but the thief later broke away and escaped. It is not known whiilci or not he had an accomplice. Royal Neighbors at the meeting this evening av the Moose hall will dedicate a service flag. Members of tho Mod ern Woodmen are also invited. At 5:30 o'clock dinner will be served on the Dutch treat plan, eaeh member bring along a few refreshments. o Bed Cross memberships are not com ing in numbers that was expected andj solicitors are not nievung wuu ine re-. p spouses naturally expected for so laud- u. The fire department made a quick rim tn the old flouring mill on Trade and Front streets this morning and was" in time to prevent any uaniago irom fire. Efforts To Continue The Zone System Washington, Dec. 19. Efforts to con tinue tho zone system of postal rates on magazines and newspapers wero Je f on ted in the senate this afternoon ly a vote of 34 to 22. Tho present revenue bill practically knocks out tho zone system of establish ing Titos of one cent per pound within 130 miles and IV. cents for further dis tances. Tho senate defeated tho amendment of Senator McKcllar providing for n zone system similar to the one now used Tho real estate dealers of Salem have formed an organization under tho title, The Salem Eealty association. Gtatestkt&rih tte Worfd -rAliqjvu. ASedhaVfeart and a IDollar When yon use Journal classifi ed ads get what you want tbem tor-they work fast. Jtsulk I rank Better butter seems to bo the slogan of the dairying interests. Tho budget for Yamhill county the coming year aggregates $312,00U. AUCTION SALE Saturday, Dec 21, 1918. Corner Ferry and liberty Street 10:30 O'clock 6 shoats, 40 to 50 lbs.; horses; buggies, etc. 1:30 New Silverware; Stoves; Eanges; Car pet; Cupboards Table; Chairs; Beds etc F. N. WOODRY AUCTIONEER Plume 510 or 511. The Capital Junk Co. Always did and always will pay the full market price for all kinds of junk and machinery, automobiles, etc. WE ALSO BUY AND SELL all kinds of 2nd Hand goods. Phone 3R MMMMM L.M.HUM? are of T YickSoTosg J Chinese Medicine and Tea Oa, Has medicine which will tmra t any known disease. X Open Sundays from IB a, . T anttt 8 p. m. 15S South Eljfa 8t t Balea, Orefoa. Pkoaa US I