Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 19, 1918, Image 1

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Weedier Report ,
Cretan: Tonight and Friday
rail wert portion, rain or snow
ast prtion; warmer tonight
east . portion, strong southerly
.wind. .
Only Circulation in Salem Guar-
enteed by the Audit Bureau of 4c
mm MmmiMmMmmk
WILSON id uim
President Scheduled To Return Marshal Foch's Call After
Conference Margaret Wilson Will Probably Sin? In
, Gondecourt To Soldiers On Christmas Day While
President Will Address Doughboys At American
By Robert J. Bender
- (United Press stuff correspondent)
Paris, Dee. 19. President Wilson
and Premier Clonieneeau began an im
portant : conference at Mltrat palace
this morning. It is believed a closer un
derstanding betwee the French and
.be United States regarding details ef
the peace pact will be reached.
41.. nac!n.nt u-n .. s.il. a,1 Iiwl trt .nhi.n
Marshal Foch's call.
Miss Margaret Wilson, who is expect
ed to resume- her tour of American mil
itary camps tomorrow, litis naked to be
ent to the most isolated localities. As
result she probably will sing in Conde
ourt Christmas day, whil) the presi
dent is addressing the doughboys at
American headquarters.
(mm i iiArairvnnrr ta
capture newvork;
paris, and london
German General Admitted
That It Couldn't Be Done
Even To Win War. i
T.nnilrtn. TW 19.- fieneriil Tiiidnn
dorff wa told more than a vear aeo
i nui in uruer tu win ine war mr magi
capture Paris, Loudon and Now York.'
Mo admitted It could not be done.
This was revealed today in an in
terview with Dr. Rntheman, head of
the German General Electrical company
(c-mploying 70,000 men) obtuiued by
the Berlin correspondent of the Express
"Germany is ruined for the next gen
eration, politically, industrially and ec
onomically," Ratliemnn was quoted as
saying. "The people do not know who
they can trust.
. "I told General Ludendorff in July,
1917, 'to win tho war you have .got to
eitpture Paris, London and New York.'
" 'We can't do it,' ho admitted and
ttsid he wanted a 'pence by understand
ing.' "
Regarding the present conditions in
Germany, Ratheruan said:
"If the allies do not send food with
in tw0 months ,thore will be riots and
siekuess throughout Germany."
Circling Of Milo Piper
Halted For Time Being
Muskegon, Mich., Deo. 39. Illness
of the prosecuting attorney has tempo
rarily halted the grilling of Milo H.
S'iper, accused of having slain Frieda
Weichman to hide his marriage to her.
"Piper spends his time weeping and
treading for the loyalty of his acknowl
wised wife.
State officials today declared they
liave found evidence of a third mar
riage by Piper. Sheriff Siauffer de
flared he has learned Piper married
Marian . Gray, manager of a Bonton
? (arbor matrimonial bureau, who later,
Jie claimed, was jailed by federal au
thorities and then pardonel by Presi
dent , Taf t.
We've alius noticed that a prosper
ous feller don't hand out much advice
Mrs. Tjpto Bud's niece has sued a car
j en er's helper fer $73,000 fer alien
atin' her affoctlons.
There are two Gondecourt in the
American one. One is 18 miles east
and north of Verdun. The other is 45
miles south of that city. The-former
probably is the town Miss Wilson will
President Wilson and President Poin
care attended the reception to Marshal
Joffre by the French academy. They
sat among the members. Tteir wives
occupied the presidential box.
Tho Wilsons will entertain Foreign
Minister and Madame Pinchon at
luncheon tomorrow. During the day the
president will receive all foreign am
bassadors and ministers at the Murat
I'alaee. " "" " """" '"
Had Been In Front Trenches
3 Weeks When Armistice
Was Signed.
Herbert Sehabacker of the 339th in
fantry, writing under date of Nov. 12
to Pr,f. Erich Sehabacker, snys:, , ' ,
"Little did I think that yuur first
letter to Franco" would find me in the
first Hue trenches and just as the war
is over. I have been in tho line for
about three weeks, two of these in tho
first lino watching Fritz and picking
away at him when he shwwcd himsoif.,
"Tho last ten days havo been ox
treinoly hard as through ono of Frits 's
tricks ho got quite a lot of information,
My particular sector was the front an
fjla of the whole line. In fact, a few
days ago in bright light, I had to evac
uate a small part to protect the sector.
He opened up with all he had but
luckily I was able to stand him off.
"You cannot imagine how it feels
to be fooling safe again and not being
afraid any minute of being blown to
pioces or shot through by a crack shot.
It was getting on my nerves. For 10
days I had very little sleep at nighi
cuicmng a nap now ana then between
visiting sentinels on post.
'During the day we worked to maki
things safe and comfortable around tho
sector and duer out. I 1
! thought that an officer draws to much
money compared to an enlisted man,
but I d0 not think that any more.
In Mountains.
"I am now in the mountains and can
now appreciate your talk of mountain
scenery as I have been through the
mountains, the Vosges. I am now op-
jposire .Muinouse, in Alsace."
the writer enclosed several pamph
lets printed in French that tho Ger
mans fired over in to the linen win.
big shell. Other propaganda is printed
in angusn wnn uie Headlines proclaim
ing, "The German Pcoplo offer peace.
The new German government has ap
pealed to President Wilson to bring
about peace. It is willing to come to
an honest understanding with France
about Ahtace-Lorraine. The new Ger
man government has restricted the U
boat war. Nn nasseneer steamer, rot
carrying troops or war materials will
be attacked in the future."
By this sort of propaganda tho Ger
mans hoped to undermine the fighting
spirit of the American troops. '
Charting Of Mail Route To
Sacramento To Continue
Riverside, C'al., Dee. 19. Charting of
the aerial mail route between River
side and Sacramento will be continued.
Instructions were received by Major
John C. Bartholf today to have Match
Field flyers chart the route from Ba
kersficlcl to Sacramento.
Lieutenant W. H. Stevens, Lieuten
ant E. L. Sweet and Lieutenana H. B.
Stevens have been assigned to do the
work. They will leave March field on
Saturday morning at 6:30 o'clock and
they expect to make the flight to Sac
ramento In one day. Tho flyers will
spend Sunday at Mather Field, return
ing here Monday.
With this work eompleted the gov
ernment will have charts for its pro
posed aerial mail route from Truxton.
Arizona, to Sacramento, a distance of
about 12i)0 mile as the birds fly.
The woodwork industry in Klamath
county has a payroll which exceeds
President Wilson And Victor
Emmanuel Exchanged Visits
This Afternoon.
By Henry Wood
(United Press staff correspondent)
Paris, Dec. 19.-dCing Victor Emman
uel of Italy arrived in Paris at 3:10
o 'clock this afternoon.
The Italian official parly included
the king, Queen Elena, Crown Prince
Humbert, Premier Orlando, Foreign
Minister Sonnino and othor ministers.
They were1 greeted at the Bois Bou
logne station by the French cabinet,
headed by Premier Cleinenceau.
The king and his party were conduct
ed to the Quai DX)rsay, where he will
take up his residence.
President Wilson and the king ex
changed visits this afternoon. The
day's program also includes a visit by
the king to Clemenceau'e office; The
premier will return the call. The king
and queen will lie the guests of Presi
dent and Mme. Poincare at the Palais
Elysce this evening.
King Victor Emmanuel also will re
view a parade comprising Italian units
which fought on the French front, dep
uties of the redeemed proviucos and
members of the Italian colony in Paris.
Soldiers Will Have Big
Celebration Christmas
Paris, Dec. 19. Christmas
greens, holly and Christmas
trees are being commandeered
by the American V. M. C. A.
throughout France preparatory
to a big Christmas peace eele-
bration in all Y. M. C. A. cen-
Hundreds of American girls
and' American soldiers have,
' been invited to attend the
Christmas party at tho Hotel
Petrograd, the largest Y. M.
C A. hostess fcouse in Faris.
- :.
No Motive Has Been Ascer
tained As Yet For His
San Francisco, Dec. 18. Luis E. Cal
devon, Peruvian consul to San Francis
co, shot and killed himself in his roome
here today,
Causu for the action 's unknown.
Calderon was at breakfast in hif
fashionable pnrtuicuts shortly before
tho body was found. Tho breakfast
was sent up at 8:30 and the body was
found shortly after 9. It .was still
A letter in Spanish was found. It is
being translated.
Calderon was reputed to be wealthy,
and it is said he was a prominent poli
tician in Peru. Ho had been here a
number of years.
Ho shot himself through the heart.
He was recovering from a slight at
tack of influenza.
W. H. Harshbarger, manager of tiio
apartment house, found (he body.
His mother, brother and sisler left
hero last Monday for Peru. Ho was for
nieily consul in Japan,
EngM Practically
Cleared Of U, S. Tree
London, Dec. 19. Croat Brit-
I ain is practically cleared of
American troops. -
All the American camps ex-
eept thoso at Winchester and
Liverpool, have .been cvacuat-
ed. The contingent still remain-
ing here consists principally of
Major Biildie's staff and 2000
wounded. These are being sent
home as rapidly as pfsible.
Major Riner Says Coach
Dietz Is Not Slacker!
Yallejo, C'al., Dec. Vi. Lone 8tn.
Dietz, ite Indian football coach of the
Marc Island Marines, is not a slacke'.
iiajor Riner of the Marines made t' o
statement ttoday. tie declared Diet,
filed 'his questionnaire with the Spo
kane d.aft board aoking exemption
merely !iiat he might finish the seaso-i
wilh the marines.
"I wss aware of Diets' plans," said
Major Inner, "fie had practically ar
ranged to i.!.i ia the iiu.ines inm.e
diatrly sftir the elose of the season.
He made theso arrangement with m !
before the sov.on opened. Lone 8ta.'
isn't lae'er. '
Hie bootleggers have the wrong idea
of the holiday spirit. ' i
Wilson's Council To Be Sought
" In Regard ! To Allies
Russian Policy.
By Lowell Mellett
(United Press Staff Cor-mipondeat) "
London, Dee. 19.-t-Londoa intends to
eclipse Paris ' welcome to President Wil
son in the same degree that its popula
tion exceeds that of the. French capi
tal. . 1 , -
While, great numbers of organizations
political and non-political, have already
considered separate demonstration) in
Wilson's honor, it Si believed they ul
timately will folbw the example pro
vided by Paria and combine in one big
celebration. . i
The government, of eourse, w8l o
vido the president with every official
attontion, but it is London's millions
who will furnish the real welcome. ' -
- Mow Than Holiday.
Wilson's visit, however, will be much
more than a holiday, since he will ar
rive in- the midst of an increasingly
warm discussion, regarding tho allies'
Russian policy. It is practicahy t -tain
his counsel will be sought cms
regard. It ia almost equally wtui
he will be urged to define in more de
tail his attitude concerning freedom of
tho seas and enlarge oil his plan for
tho league of nations.
Beneath the surface of social attea
tions which will be showered upon the
President tnd trt. Wilson in the form
of parades, bauquots, speeches, memor
ials and general felicitations, it is ev
ident, therefore, much of the prelimi
nary work of the peace conference will
be transacted bore.
Renowcd interest in the . Russian
problem is thv, ott'growth of persistent
rumors that e git allied expedition
is . planned for occupying Petrograd
and Russia, suppressing the bolshevik
governmentand establishing ordor dur
ing tho present winr. The newspap
ers publish complaints . from soldiers
who allege they ha , been ordered to
Russia. Tho press -of -all- shades of po
litical opinion hint that great opposi
tion will develop if an attempt is mado
to carry out such a plan.
, An attack on the newly formed de
mocracy, however mistaken might bs
the ideas hold about that democracy,
would lead to disappointment in some
circles," said tho Chronicle.
Mild in Comparison.
This is regarded as significant, be
cause tho Chronicle is accepted as Pro
mior Lioyd-Goorgc's personal organ
But this comment is mild compared
with that of somo of the other newspa
pers. "Before any big military develop
ment, such as committing this nation to
war with Russia, tho people o' this
country should be consulted," the Ex
press said.
The Manchester Guardian has boon
hinting for several days that tho gov
ernment is proposing to enter the Rus
sian project on a big scale.
"Wo might be sending machinery
and tools to Russia, instead of machine
guns," declared the News.
Divided in Opinions.
Russians in London are divided in
their opinions. Representatives of the
old regimo are keen to see a big mili
tary demonstration by tho allies car
ried out. Moderates of the type of
Keuensky say. thev would welcome nl
lied intervention if the Americans pre
dominated. They declare no others
would be welcomed by the Russian lib
Field Marshal Haig Cheered
By Crowds Of People On
His Arrival.
London, Dee. 19. Hundrils of thou
sands of persons joined in a tremendous
ovation to the British army eniefs who
arrived here this afternoon to visit
King George.
When Field Marshal Haig, accompan
ied by Generals Hawlinson, Plumer,
Byng, Birdwood anil Home left the
train at Charing Cross ststion they
were surrounded by a cheering, yelling
mass of humanity that blocked their
progress to the waiting automobiles.
Many American soldiers and sailors
participated in the demonstration.
When the military party arrived, an
aerial escort circled over the ststion,
dropping smoke signals.
The police finally cleared a way and
the famous military leaders started on
a triumphal procession through the
Strand, Pall Mali and Picadilly to
Buckingham Palace. The streets were
decorated with allied flagl Accom
panying the military party were the
Duke of Connanght, Premier Lloyd
George and other members of the cab
inet, who had met them at the ta
tion. At the palace Hnig and his party
were guests of the king at lunches!.
General Eugene De Miller, former
jeiiief of staff of the Fifth Russian ar
my on the east front, who has gone to
Archangel to command tho Russian
troops co-operating with tho allies, es
timated that between 200,000 and 300,
000 men wsuld be needed on the north
ern front and a similar force in the
Ukraine. He expressed the hope Am
erica would pro ride the bulk of these
troops. He believes the winter is the
beat season fir operations, as sleds can
bs used for transport, whereas the
spring mud would hamper movements.
french heyspaper
to iiavtresied
Soldatenrat Receives Propos
als That President Be
Elected Sunday. ' ,
Paris, Doe. 19. Le Journal says it
understands Chancollor Ebert has re
signed. '
, Spartacus Checked
- The Spartacus in Berlin appears to
have been checked, a Zurich dispatch
to LTnfonimtion said today.
It declared Chancellor Ebert has
boon upheld by the workmen's and
soldiers' council and is taking vigorous
action against followers of Karl Liebk
By Frank 3. Taylor
(United Press staff correspondent)
Berlin, Doe. 18(Night) The Eb-ort-Haase
coalition government has re
ceived the endorsement of the national
solilateurat (soldiers?;-council.) A'be
vote was unanimous.'" "
Tho soldatenrat accorded tie present
government absolute control over ci
vilian affairs, but reserved supervision
of the nriny.
Resolutions adopted by the soldaten
rat make the people's council, com
posed of six members, supreme in the
national provisional government.
Administration of military affairs by
the peoples' council, however, will be
subject to approval by a parliamentary
executive committee elected by sol
datenrat. To Elect President
fieriin, Doc. 18. (Delayed) The na
tional workmen's and soldiers' coun
cils have proposals that the "German
republic" elect a president Sunday.
Prompt action in this connection, it is
pointed out, is necessary to give the
allies guarantoe that Germany will
havo a responsible government when
the peace conference begins. i
Suppress Bolshevik)
Amsterdam, Doc. 19. Tho Ebert
Haas? government has suppressed the
bolshevik government at Neu Oeln, ar
resting members of the workmen's and
soldiers' council, according to a Berlin
dispatch received hore today.
Declares Socialists Did Not
Defend Men Who Refused
To Register.
Chicago, Dec. 19. The national so
cialist party never solicited money for
the defense of men tho refused to reg
ister for the draft, nor used any mon
ey for that purpose, declared Adolph
Germer, one of the five defendants, in
his testimony at the trial of five so
cialist leaders here today.
The party did, however, uso funds
in defense of socialists who were prose
cuted for making spoechos and distrib
uting literature, Germer said, citing a
notice lir that effect published in the
New York Call socialist daily, in 1917
Hde Early Peace Effort
Evidence tending to show that the
socialist party made efforts toward
peace as early as September, 1914, be
fore the United States enteied the con
flict, was given, Germer declared
peace meetisgs were held in New York
and Chicago in 1914 and 1913 and that
an article printed in the Call at that
time blamed the war on capitalistic in
terests. A proclamation was sent to the work
ers of Europe, Germer declared, on Au
gust 4, 1914, by'the "committee on im
mediate action," of which Victor Bcr
ger, another defandant, was a member.
The proclamation urged the Europeans
to "rise to action" and fight for
"immediate peace," Oermei said.
Germer denied authorship of. a let-
(Continued on page eight)
If League Is Not Created U. S.
May Have To Enter Coal
ition Of Nations.
Germany' s Threat Before Am
erican Entry Into War Was
' Eastward Expansion.
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, Dee. 19. If the league of
nations is not ereatod by the peace con
ference, the United States ultimately
probably will be compcllod in solf-ds-
fcuse to enter iuto an international co
alition to create a balance of power fa
vorable to American interests. V
A return to Amorica's former policy
of somploto isolation is impossible be
cause the United States now has in
Gormanr a subtle and relontless Euro
pean enemy. Alliances aro tho outcomu
of international enmities. Nations do
not band together because they have
an affection for one another, but bo-
cause they have mutual interests to be
safeguarded against a common enemy.
I ho only alternative to a leaguo of
nations is a return to the old world poll
cy of balance of power, whereby two
coalitions of nntionj seek to hold each
otherin equilibrium.
Berlin'! Threat,
When America was hesitating about
entering the war, it was a common
threat in Borlin that if America eon
tributed to Gorman's defeat, German
statesmanship would in future years
work for an alliance with Russia and
Japan, aimed against the UnKod Httes.
Blocked from expanding westward, tho
Germans would, thus turn to the east
and would eventually sock with thoir
allies to dominate the Pacific.
It Is such a threat as this that forces
a menaced nation into an alliance to
restore the balance of power. Ofton
a sufficient check against so proton
tious a design is the knowledgo that a
counter alliance exists. If, however, the
blow eventually falls tho counter alli
ance springs into instant defensive ac
tion. A menace of this nature against
United States would necessarily be di
rected against Australia, Now Zealand
and Canada, who havo intorests in the
Pacifie in harmony with America's. If,
thoreforo, tho league of nations fails to
be crested and if America is compelled
to join an international coalition a com
munity of interest alrendy exists for
tho formation of an English speaking
While Red Socks Have Gain
ed Good Pitcher Needed
For Some Time.
By H. O. Hamilton
(United Press staff correspondent)
New York, Dec. 19. Perusal of the
trade in which Miller Hug-gins obtained
for tho Yankees, Hub Leonard, Ernie
Shore and Duffy Lewis, in exchange
for Al Waltors, Ray Caldwell, Frank
Gilhooley and Slim Love, gives the
deal a fifty-fifty sort of lock .with the
advantage, if any exists, resting
the side of Kd ISarrow.
In Lewis, Hoggins obtained strength
for his outfield, something he has nev
er possessed. In Al Walters he gave to
Barrow one of the Americi.n league's
best catchers, something the Red Box
have needed inco Bill Carripan becsms
banker. )
t The pitchers addod to the' Yankee
staff by the dicker will help, but the
ai I i i ton al slapinan slipped to Barrow
will also help the Sox to fill a deplet
ed staff. Gilhooley' worth is practic
ally discounted through the fact that
the 'Red Sox already have Hooper,
Strunk and Shorten to draw from.
The Red Box were good enough last
summer to win a pennant with only a
little help from Leonard, none from
Shore to Speak of and little from Lew
is. Therefore, relinquishment of this
trio hurt only slightly. The Sox were
badly in need of a catcher to holp Aj
ncw. So this helps them.
The trade, however, resti'ts in this
It places the Yankees within shoot
ing distance of a pennant, for it gives
them a strong outfield and a strong
pitching stfff. They have good ia-field.
KiEtary Experts Differ Oa
Course Allies Should Pur
sue With Bolshevii
No Change In Present Allied
Pohcy Until After Peace
Londss, Deo. 19. The bolshoviki are
gaining power in Russia, it is indicat
ed in recent dispatches. This is partis-
ularly true in the border states, whera
the Germans are withdrawing.
Thus the allied pohcy regarding
Rusuiaa operations is becoming more
important. Contrary views sie hold by
allied military experts end civilian
groups eoneernmg the eonre the
allies are to pursue. They range from
extension of the military effort to
crush the bolshoviki to complete with
drawal from Russia
The situation in "Siberia also is becem
ing more unstable, as military chiefs'
suceeed each other in chaotic fashion.
Conditions in northern R-ussia are some
what screened by a veil of alienee, but
the allied operations there appear ta
have been practically stabilized. The
one thing that is certain is that there
will be no extension or change in the
present poMcy until the allied atti
tude and plans regarding Russia are
more fully explained at the peaee con
ference. , ,- "
The .morning newspapers approve th
poliey of Lord Milner, war secretary,
not to abandon Russia but to withdraw
the military forces as soon as possible.
Most of them ask the government to
clearly define its plan of campaign.
The Daily News calls upon the gov
ernment to make evident that we are
not pursuing illegitimate ends or impa
tiently waiting for something to turn
"We are at- war with Russia and the
nation is entitled to kno-.v what the
end the government contemplates,"
says the London Telegraph.
Vernon Rings Was In One
Of Hardest Catties Ot War
Vemon K. Kings, who is with tho
American forces in France, writes ot
some of ins I'xpeiienccs as follows:
' ' Yesterday I was in one of the hard
est fought bittles of tho war. The ma
chine gnu bullets were falling thickiK
than roindiops and shrapnel was fail
ing on all sides.
"About a week ago I was made lino
sergeant and when the buttlo was at its
worst our platoon sergeant wsj wound
ed, so the captain sent word for mo t
take charge of the platoon aud lead
them on. !
" When the battlo was the thickca
and when we had just about captured
Ineir machine guns and cannon, the
Germans ran out and threw up their
hands and suid, "the war is finished."
It was 11 o'clock of the day firing
was t0 cease aud they had boen ordered
to cease firing. .
"It was ceituinly a funny feeling to
have it all stop so suddenly. I eould
hardly realize it was so and that the
war was over and that I had come out
without a soraach. I hope soon to get
back to dear old V. S. A."
CertaSn That Representative
Fess Name Will Be Put
Washington, Dec. 19 Representative
Gillett, republican of Massachusetts, to
day announced himself a candidate foi
speaker of the next bouse of represen
tatives. .
lie has the unanimous backing of the
Massachusetts delegation. Gillette u
the second candidate formally in the
field. Representative Man of Chica
go, eame out yesterday.
Representatives Fess, Ohio, still say
he is not a candidate, but this name is
almost eertain to be put. forward. Fesa
will have the support of the middle
west progressive wing.
Representatives Kahn, California,
Towner, Iowa, and Campbell of Kansas
will be put forward but the vote for
them will be largely complimentary.