Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 18, 1918, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Only a Few Days Left To Do Your
Christmas Shopping
You Will Find That The
( . ; Si If I
Will Facilitate Matters for you a reat Deal and at the Same Time save you
Money. You Should note these prices then come and see our merchandise. It
Will Certainly Please You
Ladies 'Sweaters $7.50, $8.90. $9.90
Ladies Bath Robes $2.98, $3.49. $4.98
dies House Slippers, $125, $1.49,
- $1.59. $1.75 and $1.98
Childrn's Slippers 69c, 89c, 98c, $1.10
and $125
Ladies Handkerchiefs 19c, 25c, 39c,
49c, and 59c box
Men's Bath Robes $3.98, $4.98, $5.90
Man's House Slippers $1.35 and $1.49
Men's Hose 25c, 35c 49c, 59c and 75c
Men's Handkerchiefs 12 l-2c, 25c,
35c and 49c
Men's Ties . . 25c 49c 69c and 98c
At prices that please
You Should Look Over our OVERCOATS ................$14J5f $16.50 and $22.50
We have done a wonderful business in our Ready to Wear Department, and
we have a few coats and suits and one-piece dresses left. And it will really
pay you to look them over at $9.90, $12.50, $17.50
f IncorDorated 1
All Around Town
Dee. 18-21 Fifth annual
Marian county corn show, 141
North Commercial.
Dee. 30. Second eleoUoa on
school budget. .
Jan. 7 Annual Cherriaa ini
tiation and banquet
Jan 13 Legislature convenes
"IB fin era! eactffuL'
(Sough Co.
WeW ft
f Inco,
T. O. Bligh is in Portland today look
ing up spevial talent for the liligh the
ator. Bert Bice of Silverton was in the
ity yostordny.
M. H. Kendall of MeMinnville is
registered at tho Bligh.
Mr, and .Mrs, .Churlcs Woolport of
Michigan are gnestg for a few days at
the home of their sou, Col. A. T. Wool
pert. ' -
W. M. Hamilton, superintendent of
tho Portland Railwuy Light and Pow
er company in Salem, jg uttuiiding to
business matters in Portland.
Mrs. K. J. Smith of Tillamook is in
the city a guest at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. J. i Unruh.
In his biennial report, now being
printed, Stato Treasurer Kay recom
mends that tho supervision of railroad
settles, grain Inspection, examination
and control of una ami electric unils,
meters and measurements which now
comes within tho department of public
service commission bo added to tho du
ties of tho deputy stato sealer of
weights and measures or elso the office
of sealer of knights and measures bo
placed under the supivision of tho pub
lic service commission.
Plans ro already being laid by
Rponco Wortman, the present deputy
slate, sealor, ana some of his friends.
including Public Service Commissioner
Buehtol ,to attempt to put through the
forthcoming legislative session a law
transferring the office of state sealer
from tho state treasurer to the public
service commission. The purposo in
the mnvnmnnf inM In inva tha 4nh
Seattle, Wash., Doe. lS.Infltlonza of demit si ntn senW tnr Mr. Wort.
cases for tho lust 24 hour, number 2621 man. If thn office i. Tetnhie,! under
Washington, Dec. 18. A plan for
forming a new monarchical government
for Itussia under Grand Duko Alexan
der Michailoviteh as czar, hug failed bo
esusc tho secret leaked out and it luck
ed entouto oucouriigemeut, according to
Svycdish press reports rcelved by tho
stato department todny.
State Treasurer Kay Also Sug
gests Amending Of Inher
itance Law.
Notice to the
Beginning Thursday evening
December 19th, we will es
tablish a night service both
from Salem and Portland
leaving at 6 p.
two trucks le
and Portland daily. Those
desiring quic
deaths 14. This is a slight increase over
the figures of the last two dnys,
the state treasurer, It is known that
0. P. Iloff, who will succoed Stato
k service from
Portland phone vour orders
1 M
beiore 5 p. m,
Sol Roberts, Agent
Phone 663 1370 Com'l.
The redmeated sweet potato so popular in the south
ern states. Delicious flavor. Last shipment this sea
son. 4 pounds, 25c; 20 pounds, $1.00
Best Grade Winter Keeping Onions
40 pounds, for $1.00
Apples, 3 boxes for $2.00
Choice of Ben Davis, Rome Beauty, Jonathan
And Spitzenberg
Solid heads well trimmed, good for kraut
' ' Per 100-pounds $2.50
Cabbage for boiling, 2c per lb
Delivered on paved streets north of mission
Ward K. Richardson
Phone 494 ; ... 2395 Front Street
Treasurer Kay, will not appoint Wort-
Recommends Change of Law.
State Treasurer Kay recommends
that tho inheritance tax laiv be amend
ed so as to make more definite and ccr
taiii tho provisions relating to allow
ances made by courts for the support of
widows of deceased persons and to dow
er and curtesy rights. Mr. Eny sug
gests that the law should specifically
state whether these should be exempt
from the inheritance tax.
Business in tho office of state trvaa
tiror, during tho eight years that Mr.
Kay has served, has increased 300 per
cent, the report shows.
Interest collected on stato funds de
posited in depository banks during the
last two years amounts to 73,937.27,
as against 47,262.18 collected during
the previous two years.
Prior to tho enactment of the state
depository law in li07, the state treas
urer used t0 personally pocket this in
terest money, which is now enough to
more than pay the entire expenses of
tho state treasurer's department.
Confetti dnce at Cheraaw Friday,
Dee. 20. Train service out 7:55. Auto
service back, flood lunch, Good music.
Good time. ,
Fine berried holly for gale.
Eighty-eight memberships have been
handed in direct to Red Cross head
quarters, now on the second floor of the
postoffice building.
"Tne best" linmuto wfcea
ieath eomes. Call Webb ft Clough C
Hume 120. K.
Tomorrow is the final day for mak
ing another payment on the Fourth
liberty loan bonds, that is, for those
who took them out on the govern
ment's plan of partial payments. There
ia due tomorrow 20 per cent of the
amount of the bond, and when paid,
will jnake a total of just half the bond.
The final payments are to be made
during January.
i o
High grade, genuine fun for Christ
mas gifts at special prices. West Fur
Co., 217 South High 8t. tf
Lunch counter opposite O. E. B. B.
depot. Good lunches, 11. J. B. eoffee.
Lady waitress, Open from 6 a. m. te
12 p. m. . 12-30
The regular evening drill of Company
M will be dispensed with this evening
at the armory as the program is to be
more in the form of a banquet and a
meeting for the welfare of the com
pany. Every member is asked to not
only be present but to bring along a
prospective recruit. The company needs
out a few more recruits to fill its re
quired quota and to be officially mus
tered in.
I hare moved my offices into more
pleasant and more commodious quar
ters on the third floor of the V. 8.
National bank building. Dr. 0. L. Scott
Chiropractic-Spinologist, 306-213 U. 8.
National bank bldg. tf
35 cts: per pound paid for No. 1 tur
keys. Midget Market. 12-19
Salem bread is freshest and best, tf
Now comes the sad news to the good
housekeeper that due to heavy rains
in California, the orango crop has been
damaged and the crop is limited and
that means higher prices. Southern Cal
ifornia navels wilf be in the market
about tho first of tho year but the
early market reports seems to indicate
that the price win run pretty Jngn.
Highways Rapid Transit Auto service
to Portland and way points daily, leav
ing Salem at 7 a. tn. Phono orders ev
ening before, 137 8. Com'l. Phone 663.
Relax and rest In the dental cnair.
Dr. Hartley fills aad extracts teeth
without pain and - corrects diseased
gums. Moore bldg. Phosie 114. tf
ULt BPcil meeting of De
i8Ls Molnv Commander? No.
Work, installation of of-
Visitang Sir Knights welcome,
- Special meeting of Pacific
Ige No. 50, A. F. & A. M., to
morrow at 2:30 p. m. to at
tend the funeral of our late
Bro. John Cradlcbaugh. Visit
ing brethren welcome.
We-wish to thank our many friends
for their kindness and sympathy; and
for the many beautiful flowers sent
at the time of the death of our infant
daughter, Vola May Brown. Mr. and
W ... T A TJ : 1
The funeral services of Miss Lillian
Meyer who died at Summit, Oregon,
from an attack of the influenza, will
he held at the chapel of ie Rigdon
company inursaay aitcrnoon at 1
o'clock and will bo conducted by the
Rev. Thomas 8. Anderson, pastor of
tho first Presbyterian church. Burial
will be in the City View cemetery. The
parents of Miss Meyer live in Polk
county, on rural route 1, Salem.
Salem bread supports Salem's payroll
and in turn the asks the support of Sa
lem people. tf
- c
You should buy Salem bread -only,
there is a reason. .... If
Dance at Moose hail tonight.
Private Earl L. Jenks Is remember
ing his fTiends by sending them Christ
mas greetings on Japanese, paper, with
all sorts of pictures of pretty Japa
nese girls. The Japanese part of tho
remembrance is due to the fact that
ha is now in the service, stationed at
Vladivostok, Siberia, and that big city
happens to bo more Japanese tnan Russian.
Dance at Moose hail tonight,.
.Why not give her a dinner set from
12 designs, from Gahlsdorf's store of
housewares, 135 N. Liberty St.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. TerwiUiger, grad
uate morticians and funeral directors,
770 Chemeketa St. Phone 124.
Dance at Moose hail tonight.
Fixing Xinas easily; if you are think
ing of making a real Xmas present to
the family something that will guar
antee many returns of the happy day
why not consider a policy with the
Oldest Life Co. in America The Mu
tual Life of N. Y. (Strongest in the
world.) J. F. Hutchason, district man
ager, 371 State St. My home is in a-
lem. 12-24
Build up Salem's industries by sup
porting those on the ground. tf
One week from today is Christmas
and there aro just fivo more days
winch to select Christmas presents.
This information is given for the spe
cinl benefit of those who wait until
two days before Christmas to buy their
35 cts. per pound paid for NO. 1 tur
keys. Midget Market. 12-19
Dr. J. O. Matthis, associated with Dr.
H. J. Clwnents, office 4VI-4.10 Salem
Bank of Com. bldg. Office tel. 573;
res. 1705 South Fir St. to!. 590. 12-27
Dance Moose hall Wed. night
The Salem public schools will close
the tern Friday evoning of this wek.
Pupils will be given the entire follow
ing week to observe holidays and Su
perintendent Todd announces that tho
next term will begin Monday morning,
Oec. 30. Instead of beans given two
weeks vacation, the children will have
just the one week.
Will ship Thursday, Dec. 19. Call
Goo. W. Eyre, phone 220fiM. 12-18
o V
WOodry Is the man who pays you
well. Thona him if you have anything
to sell 510 or 511, 12-21
Carpenters union will have smoker
Dec. 19, after business meeting. Full
attendance desired, by order of com
Offices of the Foresters of Ameri
ca, recently elected and to be install
ed Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1919, are as fol
lows: Chief ranger, Emil P. Donald
son: sub chief ranger, George A.
Schultz; senior woodard, J. L. tk'haupp
junlior woodard, Ed Westinghouse; sen
ior beadle, C. C. Walker; junior Deaaie
G. T. Walker; guard, George Donald
son; lecturer, John Hmger; recording
secretary George W. Johnson; treasur
er, J. C. Perry; financial secretary, v.
P. Kingle; trustee, 3 years, P. M. Gregory.
0 ' 1
Attention Maccabees. Special meet-
ire Wednesday nisht. Election of offi
cers. Full attendance requested. H. C.
Marvin, R. K. 12-18
' 35 cts. per pound paid tot No. 1 tur-
kjs. Midget Market. 12-19
Make the Xma gift lasting and use
ful, 1001 articles to select from at
GahtsdorfV store of housewares, 135
Liberty St. - .
Fraternal orders that carry Insurance
are getting a trifle nervous over the
insurance proposition and are writing
members of the next legislature ask
ing that nothing much be done to dis
turb existing conditions. The Marion
county delegates have beer. Temcmber-
All judicial officers were elected at
tho last general election for a term of
x years, beginning Jan. 1, 1918, and
this of course includes a justice of the
peace. Two wcekg from to'lay Judge
Daniel Webster who has been serving
as justice of tho -peace fov the Saicm
district will officially lay aside his
official duties and will be succeeded
by Glenn Unruh. Tho offices of the
new justice of tho peace will be lo
cated at State and Liberty streets,
over the Hartman jewelry Btore.
Quotations in today's market from
'New York states that pnires are in
demand and scarce. However, the Wil
lamette valley is doing its best just
now to supply the demand, especially
Christmas Shopping
&Co s
Ladies Collars : 19c, 35c, 69c, and 98c Each
Ladies' Waists 98c, $1.25, $3.69, $4.98 and $5.75 each
Ladies' Pink Envelope Combinations $1.19 and
..$1.49 Each
Ladies' Heavy Blanket Bath Robes $3.98 Each
Ladies' Silk Camisoles $1.49 to $1.98 Each
Bonnie B Slip on veils .....10c aad 25c Each
Ladies' Purses :..69c, 98c, $1.25 to $4.98 Each
Men's Ties 25c and 50c Each
Men's Mackinaws $6.95, $7.55 and $8.95 Each
1 Boys Mackinaws -' $5.98 Each
Our Prices Always The Lowest
PHONE 1073
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
icKix wt i""1 bifocai Vnlfc
& Gljrfctmafl Oift
treasured tho year 'round
There Is no better gift thna
a pair of KKYPTOKS for
nvone who needs dnubla
vision glasses.
KRYPTOK (pronounced erip
toek) Glasses are a revelation
rto those who have been using
two pairs of glasses; to those
who wear glasses for close
work and constantly peer over
them at distant objects; and
to those who are now wearing
old-fashioned bifocals.
You can make somebody hap
py on Christmas with a pair
of KBYPTOKS. let us ex
plain our KEYPTOK Christ
mas Oift Certificate Flan.
Dr. A. McCulloch
204-5 Salem Bank of Com
merce Bldg.
as part of the California crop was
ruined by unexpected rains. The Dra
gcr packing plants are W)rkdng full
force and shipping daily from three to
five cars. They are only of the 40-50
sizes, as tho government sti 1 holds all
others. But as the 40-50 's are almost
half the crop, the local plants are do
ing their best to enablo tho eastern
folks to gcrve prunes for the Christmas
In today's casualty list Is We name
of James E. Gardner of Salem. His
next of kin is given as Mrs. Agnes
Gardner, 2915 Maple avenue.
Those interested in the boy scout
movement will have an opportunity of
learning .more what the boy scontg are
really trying to do as tonight at the
First Presbyterian church program
will be put on under the direction of
Harold Cook, acting scout commission
er. Mr. Cook has .lust returned ftom
Portland where he has been conferring
with the state leaders of the boy scout
movement. Special invitations have
have been issued and all who aro inter
ested in boy scout work are invited. It
is thought that -about 450 boys of Sa
lem will be in attendance.
The annual home coming program of
the Salem high school will be given
next Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock for
the. special pleasure of tho high school
alumni. Those who have not completed
the course are requested to attend as
we'll as the S. A. T. O. boys who hap
pen to be in tho city. Invitations have
been extended in general to all alumni.
There is $50 awaiting the person
who will turn over to the authorities
the federal prisoner who jumped from
a moving Southern Pacific trnift near
Jefferson on the morning of Doc. 11.
The man is described as six feet one
inch tnll. 24 vears old and a farmer. !
coming from Texas. He is still at large
and the city police received notice this
morning of the reward.
Vola May daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Brown, died Dec. 4, 1P18, at the
home of her parents, 1950 North Front
street, at the ago of one year and two
months. She was born nt Wilson, Rusk
county. Wisconsin, and besides her par
ents is survived by one sister, Orpha,
fivo brothers, four grand parents, Bine
uncles and three aunts.
The funeral services for Col. John
H. 'radlehaugh, who died yesterday,
will be held Thursday afternoon at 3
o'clock at the home, Washington and
Saginaw streets. The services will be
under the nuT'1' p Paeifie lodge
Xo. 50, A. F. & A. M. Burial will be
in the City View cemetery.
Delays are dangerous. Tho bra&eman
on the Southern Pacific who was charg
ed with handling the suitcase of booze
for the . Dnllas hotel should have ap
peared last Monday before Judge Web
ster to plead but for some reason he
failed to show up until today. Last
Monday it cost the Falls C'tj conduct
or a 1100 fine to get mixed up in boot
legging but today the market price of
such unlawful actions went np a lit
tle and Judge Webster fined the brake
man $250. According to the fines im
posed for attempting to handle a dozen
bottles of Hermitage, the scale is as
follows: One colored porter, fined $75;
one conductor on the Falls City line,
fined $100; one brakemnn on the South
ern Pacific, fined today $!:,ri0.
Up to this morning there had been
turned into the office of W. M. Smith
for Red Cross memberships, the sum of
$3489. The campaign will ejntinue this
week but the opinion is gaining ground
that unless more folks volunteer and
give $1 to the bankg or solicitors for
memberships the quota of $10,000 for
this county will be short several thou
sand. ,
post office authorities, moro letters
from soldiers would be delivered bo
fore Christmas. Today there are six
letters at the Salem post office, writ
ten by sofdiers that cannot be deliver
ed unless some one will givo moro in
formation to the post office. The let
ters aro addressed as follows and havo
not boon delivered as the parties wero
not to be found: Mrs. Cra"C I. Odell,
R. F. D. 1, Rickreall, forwarded to ru
ral routo 7, Salem, but could not be lo
cated. Miss Ailene Dunbar, rural routo
4, 'Salem. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dunbar,
rural route 4, Salem. Miss Gladys John
ston, 818 'North Commercial street, 8a
lom, Oregon, forwarded to Seaside, care
Hammond Lumber Co. and returned to
Salem. Mrs. Harry A. Shearer, Salem,
Oregon. Fred Mooro, linotype operator,
Salem. A word to tho mail carrier or
post office might help in locating theso
parties as the post office has no for
warding addresses.
Plumbing and Water Systems Installed
by GEABEE BEOS., 131 South Liberty
St., Phone 550. Also agent for Fairbanks-Morse
Gas Engines.
The Capital Junk Co.
Always did and always
will pay the full market
price, for all kinds of
junk and machinery,
automobiles, etc. WE
all kinds of 2nd Hand
Ok 1
If folks irho are corresponding with
soldier boys would be more careful to
leave a forwarding address with the
are of T
Tick So Tcng
Z Chinese Uediclne tad Tea Oa.
; Has medicine which will tan J
any knowm disease. .
Op 8oBdayf from 19 a. sa.
anta I p. a.
153 Sooth High St. t
I Balem, Orcgoa. PkoM IK I