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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1918)
Editorial Page of : The Capital r Journal TUESDAY EVENING December 17, 1913 CHARLES H. FTSHEB HMK Editor nd Publisher Address All Communications To Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon, agreed upon in advance. We now have pretty nearly as many $i,wu a year judges, witn tneir court stenograpners and other expenses, as there are counties in the state, and at the present rate of increase, will have in another ses sion or two of the legislature. It takes a lot of backbone jto vote "No" on all these schemes to create new jobs, in the face of the influence exerted, and sometimes all are ' 11 . TTT 1 i 1 1 r ' A. wnn tne poor taxpayer, we nave seen tne memDers 01 mriiiMintn. Anonrr. i BALKM 136 S. Commercial St. OREGON IS SALEM'S LATEST MUSIC ACHIEVEMLNT Sl'BSCRIPTION KATES Dailr. hr Carrior. per year $5.00 Per Month- Daily by Mail, per year $3.00 Per Month 35c FULL. LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH EE POET FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES W- D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.. W. H. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building The Daily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If' tho carrier docs not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way wa can dotormino wuotuer or not me earning are ioiiowme uihifuchuhb. xuvuo i iii ii. i 81 before 7:30 o?clock and a paper will bo sent you by special messenger if the pole WOUld be Complete Without its pemmican tarrier has missed you. witn me poor taxpayer, vve nave seen tne memDers 01 cv I IV i the legislature cajoled or bullied, as the exigencies of the IT OlCSSOr DltfiS IS 1lf eCiOf And initial loncert Will Be la Spring. case might require, until we have ceased to wonder why .their ante-election promises of economy have not been Kept. , PEMMICAN FOR EVERY DAY. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Is the only newspaper In Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulations SOLDIERS AND CHILDREN. A correspondent writing of the advance of American troops in Germany comments on our soldiers' attitude to ward German children. "Whenever one sees a doughboy on the streets idle for a moment, one sees a group of little, children about him." . "There are those of our friends who do not praise this," adds the correspondent. "But somehow it seems to me not a bad idea that these future Germans should grow up with impressions that Americans are a merciful Jot-" The spectacle of those Yankee soldiers playing with the children of their enemies, and giving them pennies and candy as they frequently do, inevitably reminds one of the German soldiers in other lands because it is so different. Have we ever heard of those Germans showing sim- ilar kindness to the little French and Belgian children or of those children gathering around the Teuton invaders ' in the instinctive knowledge that the latter would be kind and generous with them? Instead of this idyllic picture made by our troops on the streets of German towns we nave only pictures of horror to commemorate the Prus sian's dealings with childhood wherever he set his brutal foot. " , ' . Prussians may be kind to the children; they have a reputation 'for it but it is their own children they are kind to. If our crusading soldiers can teach them some thing of the fundamental kindness which consists in be ing gentle to children and women regardless of national ity, they will have given the Teuton nation a start toward true civilization and culture. Salem has made another step of pro gress in the line of music. Many Sa lem music lovers will be .glad to lcaru that a symphony orchestra under the competent direction of Prof. John E. Kites, dean of the college of music at Willamette univorsity, has been organ ized. On. Nov 12th about 25 of Salem's mu sicians met for rehearsal at Waller hall and during the evening decided to or ganize choosing Miss Leila Buby, presi dent; Henry Lee, vice president. Flo rence Shirley, secretary and treasurer; Winifred Eyro, librarian. The personnel of the orchestra for the present is as follows: , First violin: Lily Stego, Leila Buby, No story of the North or account of a dash to the Pemmican, be it known, is a more or less edible compound whose basis is dried meat. Formerly it was made chiefly of reindeer flesh. The product-is extremely useful in cold regjons' where long" distances are traversed, food is scarce, and facilities for transportation are limited. Now, after a year or two of solemn scientific experi ment, the wise old owls at Columbia college have perfect ed a process for drying meats. They announce that meat so prepared has been kept for a year, and at the end of that time, after soaking in water was found to be just as nt Ict this man, who been so kind good as fresh meat. One of the great advantages of the tbink sho wanted to shirk lltfr dried meat is the reduction in bulk. It is said that only "i should hate- to have you go if one-twelfth of the shipping space is required which would 7t ,to"XiLJLn is be needed for an equal ration undried. " an important one and also one you can It is to the credit of the Columbia professors that they j mt?&& And 71 , tried the meat on their own tables before sending it to.wimnsr to go." be tried on the soldiers. , , . Brl?,Ift , SS Drying meat is as old as time. The Indians used this sho hurried to the station after faii- method. So did our grandmothers. Science has merely . "ftZXyZZLT&t) modernized tne process ana maae practical its application on a large scale. THE LEGISLATURE AND ECONOMY. The Oregonian is right in telling the legislature that the way to economize is to economize; that the way to consolidate is to consolidate. Every session of late years has exemplified the strength of the "pull" in our public affairs. , Generally speaking, the members of the legis lature go into the session with a determination to do their duty by the taxpayers, but tne pun 01 tne onice-nomer and ax-eater is too strong, and in the end no useless com missions or offices are abolished, but instead a few new salaried jobs are created. A good illustration of the way things are worked is found in the creation of new judicial districts, calling for more circuit judges at $4,000 a year, with their attendant salaried positions. The scheme was first put up to the people to create a "superior" judge in every county after the California plan, but this was de feated. The advocates of the plan.however, did not give up but practically carried it out by working the legisla ture to create a large number of new judicial districts, the appointee for judge in nearly every instance having been RIPPLING RHYMES Bvl Walt Mason Coffee was the latest commodity in general use to go sky-rocketing in price. And it seems to be due to certain well-known speculators in food products jumping and get ting control of the market, .i - -. .; i If President Wilson doesn't want to accept the in vitation from the German government, he can accept one from General Pershing, and visit Germany just the same under the Stars and Stripes. ' A new weekly paper is advertised as intended to "in terpret the thought and ideals for which Henry Ford stands." Some job of interpretation, all right! . The British are "profoundly curious" to know what President Wilson's peace program is. We'll bet a ha'penny their curiosity will be fully satisfied. ' Viola Ash, Huzel McGilchrist, Albert Warren, Delbert Moore, Irvin A. Wro ten, Charles Kurth. Second violin: Mrs. C. C. Boss, Mar ian Emmons, fienska L. Swart, Wini fred Eyre, Harold P. Drake. Cello: Henry Lee, Avery Hicks. Cornet: Martha Swart, Albert War ren, Claude Bureh, Professor Hewitt. Flute: Millard Brevier, Hanly riain Bass: Bernard Morse. Bass viol: B. H. Byiey. Trombone: L. Mickelson. Clarinet. Hedda H. Swart. - Piano: Florence Shirley. Conductor: Prof. John B. Sites. A number of musicians are expecting to join after the first of the year. Professor Sites is endeavoring to in crease the membership to 50 at least, making the full instrumentation for a symphony orchestra. Sometime in the futuro the orchestra expects to give concerts in connection with a chorus and ladies' glee club. After the first of the year rehearsals will begin on special music for the spring festival, when the sympu,f y chestra as an organization will make its initial appearance. Much lis boen accomplished in otuer communities throughout the United States and now Salem is in lino to show what can be accomplished in the mu sical sphere a week till paid for without interest, but purchaser to pay taxes and iasur ance on same. A $1000 home on lain terms 5 per ecnt down and $2 a week till paid out. No interest A $2000 home at $4 por-weck and a $4000 home same proposition. . To illustrate: I have some property to sell on this plan A four-room house and lot for $500; $25 cash and $1 per week till paid. A good 5 room house and barn $1000, $50 cash and $3 per week till paid, no interest. The same rate on a large 9 room house and lot. j centrally located, $4000, same terms. This is a plan to move property and give homeseekcrs a chance to buy and pay out on good houses. A sugges tion by K- B. BYAN. To all real estate dealers. $35,000 COLLECTED FDJST DAY OF DBIVE IN PORTLAND Open Forum. CHEAP HOUSES FOB RETURNING SOLDIERS Editor Capital Journal: Allow me to make some suggestions to real estate men to start the salo of property in and around Salem to home seekers and tho returning soldiers. First, offering .a house and lot at $500 for 5 per cent cash and one dollar Portland, Or., Dec. 17. Officers took a precious load to the police station last night, $35,000, which had Vn J leoted during the first day of the Bed Cross membership campaign. The money, mostly in silver dollars, was removed from Liberty Temple, headquarters for the drive, to the sta- tion for safe, keeping in the vault, and was deposited in a local bank this mor ning. The leaders consider Monday's te4 suits most successful and are confident 400,000 Oreonians will have joined the Bed Cross by next Monday night. STOCK MARKET DISPLAYS CONSISTENT FIRMNESS New York, Dec. 17. The New York Evenink Sun financial review today said: Today's stock market displayed con sistent firmness of undertone in botk tho industrial and Tailroad lists until pressure cvcloped in the last hour, but tradgin, whilo rather more animated than yesterday, was still dull and with out featuro of particular interest. THE WIFE By Jane Phelps. RUTH BLAMES MOLLIS FOB BRIAN'S ANXIETY TO FIGHT. PRETENDING THINGS. The price of butter's twice as high as in the olden times of peace, and yet I do not wail or sigh, but spread my bread with axle grease. Oh, you may say you would be shot before you'd eat that kind of thing; but I pretend it hits the spot, and am as happy as a king. The price of coal is out of sight, but when arrives the wintry storm, I do not voice my soul's affright I cuss until the house is warm. I find profanity will heat a room to seventy de grees, and I pretend it can't be beat, and am as happy as a cheese. Oh, I pretend that I enjoy the bitter things that I must take, and people call me bully boy, suggesting that I take the cake. With admiration I am viewed, be cause I face all grief with grins; men boost my Spartan fortitude, and only wish that I were twins. I hate short commons just as much as do the growler and his wife; I surely like to be in touch with all the good things of this life. , But if I have to live on prunes, I swear they are a princely dish; and blithely ply my forks and spoons, and am as happy as a fish. CHAITKIt CXII. Ruth eoiifortod herself with the thought that if it SHOl'Ll) happen that America entered the war, and if Brian SHOl'LD go, ho would then think nnd plan for her not because she needed it, but bocanrfo he loved her. That he felt thero was nothing to plan, no rea son to be solicitous of her because she was perfectly able to take care of herself, she would have resented. Yet that was exactly Brian's attitude. Brian Hnckott figured that ho had married e woman who preferred busi ness to domesticity, and, such being the case sho was capable of looking out for herself without any help from him. That, just because she was a woman, Ruth wanted to feel that he was anx ious over her, would not have occurred to him. He never thought of her as really feminine- and helpless, it was always as needing nothing he could give her. This, in a way, tinged his manner to her, and as tho timo passed, it had be come a habit to think of hor as a busi ness woman more frequently than as a wife. Brian was the sort of a man who shouold have married a clinging, domes tic woman. Ho would have petted the afraid-of-a-mouso kind have hurried home to protect the timid kind, afraid to stay alono. He would have joyed in a woman who would let him bring a troop of his Bohemian acquaintances home with him, and ho would hare de lighted in an impromptu supper in the kitchen, all taking part in preparing perhaps in furnishing it. Thero was nothing exciting in his well-ordered home. But he took full SKoB888B8B88SB8 DRUMMER DOING HIS BIT "I am a traveling gnlcemnn and have met others who, like myself, were suf fering from indigestion, stomach trou ble find gastritis. (Since taking 3 week ly dimes of Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy I am very much pleased with its results so much to that I have induced others to take it and they too were marvelous!)- helped." it is a simple harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tiaet and al lays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, lier and in testinal ailments, including appendici- , ti. On doe will eooviuee or monev refunded. J. C. Perry. advantage of ifs comlorts, the while he bewailed the loss of uiiconventionality It was there. So was he. Why not ! Tho idea of fighting appealed to him. Not only to his patriotism, but to his love of adventure. Life, as he was living ifheld very few thrills for him. frladly would he seek a field for thorn. The hum drum, well-orderod existence which Ruth liked, and which perforce he led, had no attraction for him and had less, as time went on. Ho had told the truth when ho had told Ruth that sho had robbed him of ambition. It may havo been, probably was. a sign of weakness in his char acter, that ho would not work for his own sake, his own advancement; as well as for needed money. But in this Brian was not unlike ninny other Take away the incentive, and a man deteriorates. So Brian had deteriorated. Ho had grown more careless in his hab its. He had gone back to thoso he in dulged in before he know dainty Ruth. He had also grown thoughtless of his speech and manners. Oftentimes Ruth had sighed, and wondered what had come over Brian- Never thinking for a moment that she was in any way to blamo for the change. Yet Ruth, as the some unquiet in stinct warned her, watched and won dered at the change, but never spoke of it. She was a bit too frightened of il to want to talk. She thought Brian surely wrong in his feeling that we would soon be at war. Of course she was as good an American as he, and woul dnot dream of making a slncke? of him. But it was time enough to talk of it when it had been decided not now just because Mollis her thought halted, then sped on witn lightning rapidity. It had been Mollie King who had put it into his head! Of course it had. Mollio planned to go, and she wanted to take Brian with her. Ruth jealousy of Molly flared up hot and agonizing. She was sure she was right. Brian had spent more time thaa she knew t Mol lie 's, intuitively she thought that per haps he had taken those English offi cers there too those mea he would not bring home because they knew he could not afford to live as well as they were living. How did they know what he earned t They must U frienda of Mol lic's. She made up ber mind to ask him. Thea once again Mandol sent her a, way. She wa to be gone only two days But never had she so hated to leave Brian, never felt so anxious as did she when Mandel told her to go. He no ticed her reluctance, and said: "Is there anv reason vou cannot go, Mrs. Hackettr'' ' No really, no. ' ''I thought vou looked distressed." "Not at all," Ruth tried to speak: in her usual bright manner. She must ill slip Ml Mfflf if it Is meeting with success and if you wish to avoid disappointment we would advise you to do your shopping at the earliest possible date. While some Christmas lines are depleted, our store is still full of USE FUL and PRACTICAL GIFTS. . FURNITURE GIFTS will please each and every member of the family, and is enjoyed by all. Ladies' Writing desks Sewing Baskets Cedar Hope Chests Electric Lamps Travelling Bags Leather Shopping Bags Nut Bowls A FEW SUGESTIONS Lily Bowls Library Tables Morris Chairs Kitchen Cabinets Smoking Stands Couches Davenports Dining Tables Buffets High Chairs Electric Irons Thermos Bottles Toy Wagons Doll Carts, etc. ff : ill i i 1 .:.v '." "3 is the gift for all music lovers The Brunswick plays all records, whatever make, thus giving you a larger range for selection of re cords. All the world's best artists do not confine themselves to one make. Tone is more natural on the Brunswick than any other machine. We have just received another shipment of these wonderful machines, in all the popular fin ishes and latest improvement. t?ott,o,k a , . . Brunswick plays all makes of records better. Your old phonograph taken in exchange EASY TERMS. C. S. Hamilton HOME FURNISHER . 340 Court Street SALEM, OREGON J