Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 17, 1918, Image 1

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    5000 CIRCULATION !
J Weaker Report
Only Circulation in Salem Guar-
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
Oregon. Tonight and Wednes-
day fair, gentle northwesterly
winds, .. ,
Liebkne6ht D-nied
Liberty To Aend
Soldier's Cc mcil
Radical Mmbers Of Workmen's And Soldiers' Council De
manding Right Of Liebknecht To Sit In Conference Were
Outvoted By Huge Majority. Spartacus Group Unimpor
tant Numerically But Is Noisy And Troublesome.
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press .stuff correspondent)
: Berlin, Dee. lti (1:30 p. m.) Karl
IJebknecst and Rosa Luxemburg, bol--olievik
leaders, today were refused per
mission to attend the national meeting
,it workmen's aud soldiers' council.
Radical members introduced a reso
lution, demanding for Liegknecht and
liis aide the rili t to sit in the confer
once, but tUey were out voted by a
litige majority. ;
At least 80,000 persons gnthorcd out
mde the Prussian parliament building
during the altercation. When it be
enme known that the bolshevik load
ers had been turned down, Liebknecht
.suddenly appeared on the roof of the
jiarliauient building and began to ad
dress the crowds. He was wildly choer
d. Would Pr:clai3i Revolution
Although surrounded by government
soldiers, Liebknecht spoke fearlessly.
Jlc led cries of "down with Scheido
tnann," "down with Ebcrr," "down
with Haase," despite the fact that
trtiose officials were bitting iu the house
within sound of his vioice.
Liebknecht concluded his speech
(from the Toof wiih an appeal for tho
fvolctnriat, en masse, to proclaim a 80
oial and political revolution. .
The scene in tho parliament cham
Imt was a striking one when the meet
ing was called to order. The room was
(ftled with soldiers in field gray uni
forms. Mingling with them were work
ers in shabby clothes. There were also
few sailors.
There. Was one woman di'iegato and
there were several women in the audi
ence. They were the first ever to enter
the chamber.
Ebert, Haaso anil Scheidemann oc
cupied the tribunal uosidc the rostrum.
Behind Party in Powar
The public set's to do entirely bo
Mnd the socialist-republican party,
which (includes the majority socialists
Will Be Kept Sealed And Open
ed Oiily On Request Of
Person Concerned. 1
Washington, Dec. 17. All question
naires, which have been filled out and
returned to local draft boards, aro to
t'C kept as historical records in war de
partment vaults here.
Practically every man in the Unit
ed States between the ages of 18 and
4 has filled out. one of these blank
.forms, thereby placing himself at tlic
service cf tho government in the past,
emergency. The only exceptions are
those near the age limit of 45, who were ,
the last to receive questionnaires. Those
which were not filled out beforo the
armistice was signed have been return
ed to the provost marshal's office
All questionnaires arc to be sealed
d kept for reference, it was stated
today. Chief among the uses whicl.
they will be put are:
-. Will be used in connection with
other data to aid war risk' insurance
bureau in checking up on soldiers due
to receive allotments for injury or sor
.vice. Becord for Organizations.
2. Will provide a record for men el
igible to enter organization similar to
the G. A. R., which will undoubtedly
hp formed after all the soldiers havo re
turned home.
The questionnaires will not be used
to keep informed as to the occupation,
earning capacity or character of regis
tered men, it was polnted'out. Nothiu'
- of thig sort is or has been contemplated
by the government.
Reports have been circulated at vari
ous times since the selective service act
. was put into effect that the informa
tion gained through the. filling out of
the questionnaires would be used to
jmblie advantage. This would be im
possible, it was stated at the provost
snarshal general's office because the
records are to be sealed and opened on
ly at the request of the person whose
eeord is in question. - ' -
- ruyMIr. valley produced and sliip-'
pod 100.000 erstea of berries the past
fii-aeon. in ailitioQ to the millions of
pounds canned. - .. ,
under Chancellor Ebert and Philip
Scheidemann combined with the minor
ity socialists under Hugo Haase, Wil
helm Dittmnn and Eichard Berth..
"The junker party appears-completely
submerged. The general opinion is that
tho junkers hope to retain enough land
to provide an income that will enable
them to retire, and that they arc" will
ing to give up participation in the gov
ernment to accomplish this.
The Spartacus group, ted by Karl
Iiiebknccht, represents an element that
is unimportant numerically, but is
noisy and makes trouble. They favor
setting up an entirely "social" gov
ernment wliich would be practically bol
shevik in practice. Their ranks are be
ing dangerously increased, however, by
recruits from among the ranks of dis
charged soldiers and the rapidly grow
ing army bf unemployed.
Awaiting Developments
The great mass of Berbers, as well
as other Germans, is holding back im
patiently, expecting developments of
tho necessf.ry support of a provisional
government with a constitution that
would enablo them to participate in po
litical affairs.
The bourgeoisie and the newspapers,
d-emand stronger action from Ebert and
Haase, but probably wouli support any
government capable of insuring peace,
order and food.
The revolution seems to have elimi
nated tho word "verbotcnV from, the
German language. There is an atmos
phere of lack of restraint whorever One
goes. Everyone is disposed to do just
as he pleases.
The recent disorders, in which Spar
Ueus forces clashed with government
troops, have entirely disappeared.
There is still an occasional free-for-all
between the rival factions, but there
is no shooting and the damage usually
is limited to a few black eyes and brok
en noses.
Men Who Were Prisoners
On U-Boat Return Home
Now York, Dee. 17. Among the 1913
first class passengers aboard the Cun
ard liner Caronia that arrived in New
York today wore Lieutenant J. H. Ful
tlier and Lieutenant F. M. Muller, two
American officers who wcro captured
by a U-boat crew and held aboard the
submarine for 45 days.
According To Description,
Places Outrivalled Any
Summer Resort
I Washington, Dec. 17 Now we all can
jbe sorry we werenmade Geiman pris
oners. I At last tho truth about the German
prison camps is out from the Vossischo
iZcitung, old Aunt Vos herself, wo learn
that the German prison camps aro just
.about the most delightful spots on casth
JA write-up rivalling the cfofrts of the
tiest summer resort press agent has
reached officials here. Quoting a gem:
"The following arc to be found in
the prison camp:
"Cinema theater, concert hall, studio
library, bathing facilities, sports
grounds for lawn tennis, football, base
ball, canteen where beer, wine, miner
al waters, toilet articles, tobacco, veg
etables and fruits are on sale."
Republican Committee
To Mset In Chicago Jan. 10
Washington, DN. 17. The 1920
presidential campaign will he official
ly, under way on January 10, when the
republican national committee as
sembles at Chicago.
Republi can Chairman Will Havs is
sued a call or the meeting through re
publican headquarters here, declaring
"tbat republicans feel that they have I
won a tremendous victory this last elec
tion and realize thoroughly that by!
ineir opportunities now are their re
sponsibilities measured."
Tho meeting will be in the nature
of a get-together session.
il Now, U. S. Represented
In Europe Had Disquieting
Effect Tkere.
By J. W. T. Mason.
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, Dec. 17. A spirit of mu
tual accommodation is developing be
tween President Wilson aud tho lead
ers of tho European democracies, which
now promises t0 result in a haromnioub
peoco conforcneo an the complete do
feat of Germany's ambitiojuw
The entranco of the United States
into intimato discussions of European
affairs has had a disquieting effect up
on tho nerves of Europe's statesmen.
Americans are apt to be uncon )us of
the. enormously disturbing influcnco
tho United States could exort on ix-
rope s balance of power. Never before
in tho world 'g historv has a great na
tion reached the maturity of its growth
while holding aloof from international
For this reason tho participation of
Americas' peace delegates in the work
of recasting Europe has in it an clu.
ment of the unknown, which Europeans
have been regarding with a niixtuie ot
awe, uncertainty and fenr. i
It is becoming increasingly apparent,
however, that direct inspection of the
young American giant, in the person of
President Wilson, is beginning to reas
sure the uneasy continentals. They are
gradually convincing themselves that it
is not the purpose of America to run
amuck in Europe.
Former Police Woman of Port
land Effected His Arrest
Sau Francisco, Dec. 17. Arthur C.
Davis U undor arrest hel5 today charg
ed with robbing the East Side bank of
Portland, Oregon, of $18,500.
He has confessed, the polico say.
The arrest wa3 effected through the
cleverness of Mrs. Lola Baldwin former
police woman of Portland, who rccog
nizod Davis and trailed him about the
city in an automobile
Mrs. Baldwin saw Davis passing in
an expensive automobile. She comman
deered a jitney and followed him. Fin
ally whon he alighted, she went np to
him, engaged him in conversation, and
signalled a policeman.
Davis, who is married ,and who is the
son of a minister in Portland, , .4
ploved by the bank for a brief period
before the robbery.
Soon after tho money and hank's pa
pers were missed, an attempt was made
to find Davis. His wifo snid he had
left her before daylight that morning
after leaving $2,000 with her. This
money she turned over ' to the bank.
She said Davis left iu toe earv .oni
ing, returning later with a suitcase. He
then kissed her good bye and gavo her
the money.
A largo reward had been offered for
the capture of Davis, and this probably
will go to Mrs. Baldwin who has been
engaged in war work here.
Davis had $735 on him when arrest
ed. He said he had $1500 more m. a
trunk in his rooms. The police also
found a $50 liberty-bond, nine $100 lib
erty bonds and one $500 bond. Home
of the valuable stolen from the bank
consisted of liberty bonds.
Davis admitted ho had been living
"high" since leaving Portland. He
had assumed the name of "A. F. Hill."
400,000 Men Assigned "
For Early Convoy Home
Washington, Doc. 17. About
400,000 officerg and men of tha
following organizations were
today assigned to early convof
- 27th engineers; 1102nd, 153d
842d, irth and 4!)ljrt aero squad-
rons; IBritish replacement draft
No. 1, air service; second
trench mortar battalions; six-
teentk company of fourth mo-'
tor mechanics regiment, air
service; three medical detach-
ments for above included.
-. .
Washington, Dee. 17. Sena-
tor Charles .McNary of Oregon
was sworn in today. He sue-
eeeds Frederick W. Mulkey who
resigned after his election, ac-
cording to an agreement.
Wilson Will Address
Doughboys Christmas
By Robert J. Bender
' (United Press Correspondent)
, Paris, . Dee. IS. President
Wilson plana, to address the
doughboys on Christmas. .
It was announced today that
ho will go to America army
headquarters December !8. Aft-
or tho addreia to the army, ho si
will spend- several days inspcet-
- iug the devastated regions, re-
turning to Paris) oa December
2. j
The. visit of Premier Lloyd-
Xlcorge and Foreign Secretary
Balfour at the end of the week,
to be followed immediately by
tho trip to the Americas arm;
has necessitated t postponement
of .Wilson's' trip , to Itsly until
tho middle of January.
' ! .
n wont have
Present German Chancellor
Takes Optimistic View
Ot future.
Loudon, Dec. 17. (British Admiralty
Wireless.) Froiderich. Ebert,. German
chancellor, in an interview, declared he
1 knew of no provision in luw upon which
the ox-kaisor would have to be givou
UP- '
"Wo havo separated ourselves frbm
I him after decades of bitter struggle,"
Jbibort mud. "Aud we only desire that
guilt for tho responsibility of the out
break of the war should be finally fix
ed in ordor that he should be closed
once for all. I cannot think of any
provision in law upon which Wilhci.
would havo to be given up."
Asked if ho took an optimistic view
of tho future, Ebort rcijlied:
" Certainly as far (is possible for a
government which has takon over such
a heritage and finds itself placed bo
fore such a terrible .tangled situation.
You must remember iuiat our influence
upon the course of events is limited.
We cannot croato bread for the Gorman
people. If the nation is allowed to
starvo, then the inevitable will follow.
That a nation can bo brought to such a
desperate situation that it must break
all rostraints is shown by tho experi
ence of tho past year.
"Such peoplo finally revenge them
selves upon tho authors of thoif mis
ery. Our old system came to the ground
finally as a result of Russian events,
which it had itself invoked."
Workmen's And Soldiers'
Council Dsmands Punish
ment Of Fehrenbach.
Amsterdam, Dec. 17. The Berlin
workmen's and soldisrs' council has
protested against the summoiing of the
reichstsg, demanding that President
Fuhrenbsch be punished, and that tho
present government resign, according
to" a dispatch received from that city
Serious rioting occurred in Dresden
Sunday night, it is roported. Two per
son were killed and six wouuded, One
of tho victims was a soldier, shot by a
woman who concealed a revolver in her
Copenhagen, Dee. 17. "If the reich
stair meets in resnonso to Fehrenbach '
call, the government intends to declnre
the riochstag and constitution of the
kaiser non-existent." Hugo Haase de
clared in an Knerview with the Berlin
cororspondent of the Politiken.
"It is ridiculous that tho reichstng,
which approved the invasion of Bel
gium and tho Brest-Litovsk treaty,
should meet."
Germany Preparing To
Raise Indemnity Already
Copenhagen, Dec. 17. Ger-
many is already taking steps to
raise money for the war indent-
nities which the allies are ex-
pected to demand. The German
government's new taxation pro-
gram, according to reports r-
ceived today includes to loans.
One will provide funds for the
indemnities. The amount to bs
asked has not been decided up-
on. The other will cover the
cost of demobilization.
Large sums, it is said, will be
expended in peace work, Includ-
ing employment of discharg-
ed soldiers.
Oh, boyt- but this rain will make it
grand and easy digging in the peace
garden next spring.
rJl$K - 'X ' 'oi
' . mmp- 3.:
Col. John Hf
Colonel John H. Cradleba'igh, pioneer
miner, journalistk and poet died at his
home, 1703 Saginaw strect, thi afte'.
noon at 2:30 o'clock after an illness of
several months. ' i
Besides his wife, he is survived by
a son, R. B. Cradlebaugh, now with the
San Francisco Chronicle, and a step
daughter, Miss Minnie Downing.
As a journalist in the early mining
days of Nevada, he was associated with
Mark Twain. His mining associates
wore tho Floods and the Sharons, fam
ous in later years in the bonanza min
ing history of Nevada. ,
He was born in Ohio, son of a voter'
an of the Civil war. A longing for tho
west in his early days brought him to
the exciting scenes of Virginia City
and other early mining camps of tho
In his newspaper work ho spent sev
erat years at The Dnlles and at Hood
River, later becoming associated with
several Portland papers.
Coming to Salem about 15 years ago,
he became (associated with E. Holer in
tho management and editorinl work of
jTesiifyiag Before Senate Invstigation Commiitee He Said
That Implication That His
Is Entirely False-Mentions Various Contributions To
Liberty Loans And War Funds.
Washington, Dec. 17. Testifying be
fore the senate committee that is in
vestigating Ue pre-war activities ef
the verman propagandists, namucl Un
termycr, New York, today declared
there "is not a shred of basis" for
"the vague implications that my sym
pathies were pro-German before we en
tered tho war."
Untcrmyer'i name had been linked
with those of a number of prominent
Germans in testimony given at previ
ous hearings. ,
"At no time did I ever, directly or
indirectly, receive or handle a single
dollar from anyone connected with
either government or embassy or from
a German, Austrian or American cit
izen charged with violating our neu
trality," said Untermyer.
Devoted Time Without Fay
'From the outbreak of the war
down to tho present time, I have de
voted a substantial part of my .time
without pay and at my own expense, to
government work of one kind or anoth
er connected with the war. T spent con
siderable time in Washington in a semi
official capacity and at the request of
the treasury publicity bureau I have
traveled over the country t my own
expense on speaking tours in aid' of
each of the four liberty loans, besides
tha .Capital Journal. With this paper
he was acitive until stricken a row
"months ago by the illness, that proved
fatsl. - 1
His poems known best in tho city
wore collected and published under tho
title of "lllihee, 0r Songs of the Good
Country." Beside his acquaintance
ship with Mark Twain in tho early
mining days 'of Nevada, at one time he
was associated with Brot Harto in
newspaper work. His friends numbered
almost all of tho mon who made the.
early history of Nevada famous.
His friends numbered in Salem and
throughout tho stato wero legion. Al
ways ready with tho ready hand of
comradeship, "the Colonel" as he was
affectionately termed by those who
knew him best, filled a unique and ten
der place in tho hearts of a host of
admirers. A brilliant mind, a keon wit,
ft ready smilo, and marked loyalty to
hig friends were only a few of tho
characteristics that mado him a man
outslanding among his fellowmen and
the events of his day.
Sympathies Were Pro-German
which I subscribed to each of the loans
to an aggregate amount of $3,OOU,000
straining my credit and available re
sources nlmost to the breaking point
in so doing, and have given consider
ably over $100,000 to the Red Cross,
and to numerous other war relief funds
"All my published articles and pub
lished utterances both since the out
break of the war and before, I havs
eagerly availed myself of the opportu
nity to sustain all the war policies of
tho administration. It has not been my
good fortune to be able to risk my life
in the defense of my country, but I
have loft no stone unturned- to reader
such service as camo to my lot."
Nothing Came of It
Untermyer said he had communica
tions with Dr. Albert in February,
1910, rogarding the acquisition of a
portion of the Stock of a New York
paper with morning and evening edi
Nothing camo of it, he said. He de
clared that ho first opened negotia
tions for tho purchase of the paper be
foro the tart of the war. He also said
that even had tho plan gono through,
the majority of the stock would have
been held by American interests..
t;n;itinuet! oa go tarbs,
Hun Territory To Extent Of
4,500 Square Hales Occu
pied By Third Army. :
Army Has Here, Undergone
Most fcvere Physical Test
Of Whole War.
By Webb Miller
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the Americans Acrowt tha
Rhine, Dee. 16. (By.eonrter to iNan
cy.) The Third army now occupies
strip of Germany containing more than
4500 square niilos. It is supervising the
administration of Several hundred vil
lages and operating hundreds of miles
of railroads and street car lines.
The methodical taking oc of this)
tremendous responsibility W'th tho mul
titudinous needs of hundreds of thou
sands of hostile peoplo will be al
most entirely accomplished within
...... j ,
mere ds not a precedent m history
for thin rwcilimtirin whinh ii un .
murk able in that it wag finished with
out a siuglo serious hostile demonstra
tion by either inhabitants or troops.
Have Undergone Hard Test
An army of 250,000 men marched be,
twoon 200 and 300 miles within a
month, starting almost immediately af
ter weekg of the hardest kind of fight
ing. In the last six weeks, men iud
officers have undergone probably the
most severe physical test that any Am-
wiui uiuij hub rv-r n.irt-rimii'UU. lt
:.. v.. ....... ,..: .1
ng thoy reached the Rhine after' woari
somo and muddy marches, they present- -ed
a magnificent nppearancc despite
their -worn and mud-spattered uniforms.
Many of tho men wero wearing the
same 1 uniforms they had in their last
flighting. The shoes of some wero torn
and worn out, but they limped along,
refusing bo fall out and insisting they
would hang on and finish tho job.
Every phase of the occupation was
completed an exact occordance with
plane laid out the week beforo Wia
march began. Even tho Germans admit
they wnero surprised by tlio smoothness
and directness of tho method of occu
pation. ...
"Killed In Action" Reports :
. Finished By December 20
Washington, Dec. 16. Uencral Per
shing informed tho war department to
dny the casualties report of killed m
action should bo practically completed
by December 20, and reports of severe
ly wounded by December 27.
Pershing Raid, under date of Decem
ber 14, that his central office is now
sending over a list of 390 killed in
action; 275 died of wounds; 353 died of
disease, 51 accidentally killed- aud 39,
371 severely wounded in net..
Answering questions as to tho easunl
tics in thS Thirtieth division; Pershing
gavo tho following list:
Killed in action 118; died of wounds
28.'!; died of disease, 15; dio of other
causes, 6; severely wouned, 1181;
wounded, degreo undeternnnecf, 805;
slightly wonnded, 3978; missing or cap
ture, 193.
Who remembers when a felkr wuz as
proud of a new patch as ho wbs o' new
boots? Irivate Artie Moots, who vru'
t marry Myrt Pah on his return from
France, has broken his engagement, as
he's not goin' over.