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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY; DECEMBER 16, 1918. PAGE FIVE HEW TODAY JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS TEE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESETS ff.AHHTTTT.n AAVEETI3INQ BATES Bate P wordNew Todays fkb. insertion , One week (J Insertions) , , ,,. . 6e On month (86 insertions) 17 The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more tban sue Insertion, for error ia Classified Advertisement Bead your advertisement the first da; It appears and notify ns immediately if trior occurs. Minimum charge, 15a. POTATOES for sale. Phone 80F1L, tf WOOD sawing. Call 927; prompt serv ice. 12-2 LA0Y 'Wishes position caring for small child. 254 J. luDerty. n-io FOR ;&ALE Sept. pigs. Pbunel io' 24. ' 1216 LOST Gold hat pin with Harvard seal Phone 1041M, i-io EARLY fugglo hop roots for sale. J. E. Cooper, Independence. 12-26 BELGIAN hare does for sale. Phone Hll. tf WOP HAIjK FSrst class, second erowth fir. Phone 2199. 12-19 FOB SALE Pigs, six weekg.old. Phone 80F5. . 12-17 SOW and pigs for sale. Phtno 105F11. ia-17 vrm S A TTiU-TlollT for Xnms decora ,,tion. 2123 North Broadway. 12-19 i'OR SALE) Oas engine with pump . 13(10 W 'Print St. tf WAMim-4 ir 5 room house, furnish e reasonable Phone 12S9. , tf FOR SALB -r Girl's beautiful white furs,: ilO. 1133 Waller St. 12-17 HOUSE and window cleaning want ed, rnone isa 1. la-aj STOCKINGS found. See janitor at city hall. 12-17 FOB SALE 34x4 tire cheap. Monty's tire, snop, 104 . s. Uom'L 12-18 TOR SALE Or trade. Barred Rock cockerels. Phone 645. 12-17 WANT to sell or trade small business for auto. Inquire 379 State 6t. 12-18 WANTED Geese, ducks aa turkeys .shooting gallery, 379 State St. 12-18 FOB SALE English walnuts, 28 cents a pound, Fnone 1141W. tf FOB SALE Few loads of manure suitable for lawns and rosebushes. Call after 6 p. m. Phone 1366. 12-21 LOST Froth auto leather cushion, re ward for return to 244 N. 12th St. 1216 FOB SALE 5 passenger Fnrd. Vick's garage, Ask for Luther Stout, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. . 12-18 LOST Small bay horse, with halter on finder notify I. W. Thomas, West 8a lem. 1216 'RELIABLE girl who can cook well, Z care Journal. 12-17 FOB SALE Wilson and Oregon straw berry plants. H. Ristow, Jit. 6, Phone 101F22. 12-16 FOB KENT Modern 8 room house, close in, fine condtion. Phone 2456J 12-17 COR wood for sale. Phone evenings 2098M. tf WAHTBD Fat thin and fresh cows, large' Calves. Phone 1425M. 12-28 FOB BBNT 2 and 3 room furnished apartments. 491 N. Oottage. Phone 230J. 12-28 WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 . OjHraiercial. CALENDAR for 1919; largo figures for practical use.: Call on Homer H. Smith, the insurance man, McOor aadk Wdg. 1"1S FOB SALB Registered Berkshire pigs both sex, also one full blood Hotetein bull sjf. Address Gejo. Etonsden, Macleay, Ore. I21" FOB 8ALE Oood five room cottage, finely located, close in, $1550 un furnished, or (1750 well furnished. Box J Z care Journal. 12-19 FOB SALE One wagon, also box, al most 'good as new, and one set bol ster springs and 2 shoats. Henry Young, Rt. 5, box 91, Salem. Phone 90F4. 1216 LET mo do vour errands and deliver your Xma" parcels, prompt, reliable service. 538 State St. Phono 636. Paul M. Ryan, Prop. 12-17 hOSt 3 yearling Shropshire rams, one wear my label. If you find same please call 43F24, J. J. Doerfler. tf i.- i OLD papers for carpets, etc., 10 cents per hundred, call at Journal office MAXWELL for tale, $275. Terms. Me chanically perfect. Highway Garage Phone 355. Call 1000 S. Com'L tf LIBERTY BONDS If you must dts poio of your bonds, we will buy them.. 311 Masonic bldg. tf X OWN 200 acres, grain, hsy and stock farm. Will sell at a bargain. Might eonsider trade for small farm with . difference. H. C. Haller, Salem, Gon. Del. 1214 FOR SALE New Ford sedan, will sell way below cost, will take Ford run about, and will give liberal terms on balance. Wm. Dawes, Boa 475, Inde pendence, Or. . tf PLENTY of money to loan on good farms; low interest rats; fivs years time; privilege to pap 100 or multt- ' sis on any interest date. Call or Write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic bldg, Salem. tf CO AORBS of level land for sals or trade. Where yon have no house rent to pay; no -wood to buy; no water to boy and if you keep a eow, no milk or butter to buy. Will take small truck or tin kan on tie deal. B. Lamb, 645 S. 17th, Salem. tf I WANT 5 to 40 acres, near Salem, good soil, low price. Owners only. 26-P Journal. 12-16 WANTED Some one to cat 200 or 300 cords of big second growth fir wood. Phone 17F4. 1217 WILL , tho party who picked up the Jaays purse at tne r. ). tame, please return to this office. 12-16 FOB SALE Ford car in good condi tion at a sacrifice, am leaving. Boom 6, 393 Court. . ' 12-16 BALED oatS and cheat hay for sale, at $25 per ton, Rt. 5, box 2 Liteb fwld. tf WANTED Experienced saleslady for general store work, ghoes, dress goods etc. Galo & Co. tf FOB SALE 1917 Maxwell, fine con dition, $490. Oregon Garage, High ' and Ferry St. 1216 BURBANK potatoes for saU that were grown on hilly land, price lM-o. win deliver 1 sack cr more Inquire B. C. Zeilinski, Rt. 9. 12-19 OAISD writer and salesman wants po sition. Experienced in generad mer chandise, furnishings, haidware. Ad dress C W care Journal. 12-16 LADY 44, wants position where work is light. Home wanted more than big wages. Miss Lena Baiter, Kenilworth rooms. 12-17 FOB SALE 30 early hatch Buff Orp ington pullets, good quality. Price $2.50 each. W. A. Springer, Salem, Rt. 7. 12-21 GOOD old heavy work horso for sale, guaranteed to work. Six miles west of Salem. Write E. L. Ostergard, In dependence. 12-16 Mr. And Kirs, Daue Injured By Automobile Saturday While waiting on south Commercial Street Saturday evening for a street ear, Mr. and Jars, timer iMue were run down by an automobile driven by Don ald W. Miles. Mrs. Daue sustained two broken ribs besides severe injuries on the head while Mr. Daue received sev eral painful cuts about the head. J. hey were rushed at once to the Per ry drug store for medical attention and later both taken to the Salem, hospital. This morning Mr. Daue was able to come down town but the injuries of his wife are much more serious and she may be confined to the hospital for two weeks.. According to eye witnesses, four peo ple were standing- on the street await ing an approaching street ear. Two stepped back on the sidewalk as the automobile approached, but Mr. and Mrs. Daue, thinking that the car would drive to the right, stepped forward on the street car tracks. They were knock ed down by the car, which is said to have skidded, and carried about 60 feet. That they were not both serious ly injured was due probably to the wet and slippery condition of the street. Bootlegging Is Said To Be A Profitable Business The colored Pullman porter on the Southern Pacific railroad who was ar rested a few days ago on a bootlegging charge, was let off Saturday wath a fine of $75 and discharged :n the court of the justice of the peace. When first 'i arrested he thought he was not guilty, but later figured out that he was, claim ing that he was the middle man who handed the suitcase of booze to the brakeman on the Southern Pacific. However, in the transfer of handing from one to another, there was found to be one bottle of Hermitage whiskey missing. As -to why Southern Pacific Pullman porters occasionally engage in bootlg ging, the following figure) were giv en by one who probably knows: The Hermitage probably cost the porter, say $2.50 or $3 a quart in Sna Francis co. The porter then Bells the case to the brakeman for $60 on the supposition there was 13 bottles in the case. Then the S. P. brakeman sells tt to the Falls City conductor fot $6 a bot-' tie, or $72 for the suitcaso of 12 bot tles. The Falls City conductor then is supposed, according to the best of in formation, to sell it to hotel at Dal las for. an advanco on the $6 a bottle a8 he could not afford to take ell the trouble and risk for nothing. Now with the profit of the Falls City conductor added to the (ft a bottle, the hotel man at Dallas must also have a fair price for having that kind of Christmas cheer handy and they do say that a bottle of Hermitago is worth from $10 to $12 at Dallas or about 50 cents a drink. Bootlegging And Christinas Giving Mixed Up Id Court According to the usual standards, Oscar Williams of Sdlverton is a fine thoughtful young man, as he sent his mother $25 for a Christmas present while she wrote him for only $10. It is the little things that count and in this instance, the little things that counted were not exactly anticipated Dy Mr. Williams who happens to be about 20 years old. From the police records, tho fact is noted that young Williams works for tho Silver Falls lumber company at Sil verton and also the fact that he left Saturday evening a with six bottles of booze in It at a local room ing house. It seems ho had gone down or up to Hornibrook and when ho re turned to Salem, proceeded to dispense at Silverton some of the merchandise for which Hornibrook ds famous or in famous. Anyhow, when arrested by the po lice he had in his pocket the key to room 12 of the Hornibrook hotel. The mere fact of having such a 'key would not ordinarily incriminate any man, but it also seems the police had the goods on him, charged with bootlegging Hence when he appeared becore city recorder Race, and the cards were laid BIG SALE Tuesday Dec. 17, at 1 p. ni., next door to Woodry's second hand store household furniture, farm tools, dishes, kitchen ware, of . all kinds. W. Johnson, owner. Wright, auctioneer. Strictly cash sale. Every body come. 12-16 FOR SALE New Underwood type writer, will consider trade on an old Underwood.Back spacers put on Un derwood typewriters. Work gun teel. Phone 937. Call 124 S. Liberty St. 12-21 SONG POEMS Wanted. Can you write the nit : or me season; a. --tut, means thousands of dollars to the lucky author. " You may be the next one." Send us your song-poem today we pay liberally. Postal Music Com pany, 403 Greenwood bldg., Cincin nati, Ohio. - FEMALE HELP j Ladies earn (1 weekly at home in spare time ad dressing snd mailing our musio and circular letters. Send , 25c in silver for 50c sample copy and particulars. Postal Musie Company, 403 Green wood bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, Musie Dept. 12-16 FOB SALE Portland, St, Johns, large lot, small building, basement dug, cement walks, close to street ear, ' price $500, half cash, Ulanee $10 month. Consider' trade or Ford ear, ' double bottom sulkey plow for sale. $30. Mrs. B. M. Woods, West Salem. 12-12 ARB you looking for a house n Port ' landt 1 have a cozy three room cot tage, choice lot, in a fiae location near ear line in a good neighborhood If yon wish to buy TTwill pay you see number 5730 at comer of 58 street and 49 ave, S. E. Portland. Price $60O. Phone 470 or see Square Deal Realty eomraay, V. S. bank We- H Fhaynes )! if UL3 BREAD TODAY Rev. Paul Smith's Own Production "The Fall of the Barbary Coast" It lays bare the pitfalls of commercialized vice. No! No advance in prices. LIBERlY it REDUCE YOUR TAXES-PATRONIZE SALE! INDUSTRIES AND ENTERPRISES Ladies' Ready-to-wear Coat, Suit: andOressSale Our Victory Sale! THE MOST SUCCESSFUL SALE WE EVER HELD COUPLED WITH THE BIG OFFERINGS IN COATS AND SUITS.-IIERE ARE SOME NEW ITEMS 19.98 Special Values up to $20.00 This lot of SILK and SERGE SUITS in eluding a line of those pleasing and practical MISSES MIDDY SUITS Less This lot of Dresses is a most wonderful offer SERGES, VELVETS and JERSEYS Velvet and Satin Combinations, and some are fur trimmed If I IE 1 I mpf on one en- q tire line of Dresses All this season's purchases. . . ; Furs at Unheard of Prices for Xmas Specials (1) KARIMEE BLACKFOX BLACKFOX PLUSH MOLE V JJ (zRLL COATEES, Animal Neckpiece Animal Neckpieces COATS fJ&iOP'l $30.00 $110.00 . $150.00 $25.00 JtS $19.85 , $56.65 $89.85 $1635 FURS " I ; BUCK WOLFE I ; BLACKFOX' BLACK FOX : I OSTRICH STRIP Animal Neckpiece Animal Neckpiece Animal Neckpiece COLLARETTE $70.00' $140.00 $100.00 $9.50 1-2PRICE $35.85 $79.85 $66.85 V " $5.85 Waist Special Here are two new members put in our VICTORY SALE that will make "XMAS SPECIALS" that will please in price, material and workmanship. ($12.95 ($10.95) $9.65 $735 v WEDNESDAY SURPRISE Dolls Dolls A big line of this season's dressed dolls "AMERICAN MADE". This doll is a big seller at $1.50. Wednes day only. A doll and Washboard, sale opens at 8:30 $1.19 i Santa Is Sure Going Over The Top f " j 1 1 ii i. .. .pipi mill' mW.IWJIIMJJt- JH M-frHvf Bobbie Says: Give 'Till It Hurts Santa The War Is Over! Go the Limit, Santa! DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY. Stores will not -be open evenings Christmas week. By action of Business Men's League. . You can always do better at "Join The Red Cross" Merchandise Orders When in doubt Make your gift a Merchandise order ftAYNES.TOSTErlCAKJNS CO. : on the table, and also the faet that the young man had on hi person (58.50, the' judge sentenced him to & fine of j$25, which went into the city treasurer, 'and also thivt his mother's request as 'noted! in a letter for $10 be increased i to (25. Max Oehlhar accompanied the I young man to me express omce u) am tnat the fzo was sent to tne moiner and he was thea permitted to return tn him ftUverton home with C8.50 in cash and (50 worth of experience. A Maxwell car owned John Fey re of Macleay was wrecked Saturday evening at the intersection of Fifth, I and Church streets, due to the fact that the driver was under the impression that Church street extended straight ahead, instead of bending to the left at this particular point. A light is placed at this bend in the road, but being placed on the right as one driv.x sortr. a stranger gaini the impression thp.t ti. road continues on north. It seemK the driver of the Maxwell Saturday eve ning found out bis mistake too late and attempted to veer off to the left but only succeeded in smashing his car on the curbing. It is probable that the placing of the light at this paticu1ar point will come up for diseusnion at the meeting of the city council this eve ning. It it claimed that the light is on the wrong side of the road. r ' O " Company M is planning on holding a banquet some evening this week at the armory. When the date has been de cided all members will be notified. . . A meeting will be held at the armory this evening of men interested in mili tary mat ten for the purpose of form ing piano to organise another Oregon National guard eompany. At present Company. M ia the only National guard eompany in the city bit with the mut tering out of the fonj Orcon guard com panies within the next few months, it is thought there is plenty of material not only to give Company M the few necessary to complote its quota bst t iiiso organize another (ompany, ( o EEV. PAUL SMIiH SPEAKS. Story of Dramatic Iultial Presentation of Pastor's Oreat Pictur lzed Sermon. The first public showing' of "TV Finger of Justice," Hev. Paul Smith'1! dramatic motion picture trnmph, wej staged tn 8nn Francisco, amid scenes and conditions which write a spectac ular page in the book of motion pictaw history. It was significant that the firs showing of "The Finger of Jostiee,'' which will be shown in this eity begin ning Sunday at the Liberty theatre, should bo held in Hnn Francisco. The ilm is based upon eHv. Smith's sueces fill fight that closed tho notorious Bur iary Coast in that fur west metropolis. WILSON'S BED TOO SHORT raris, Dec, 16 President Wil son's "empire" bed is too short' but he is sleeping In it, never theless. Tho custodian of tho Murat palace did not want to change it, owing to the fact that nono of tho othor beds match the Na polcouie fittings in the room. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY