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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1918)
SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1918. PAGE EIGHT YOU WILL HAVE TO IF YOU WANT TO GET ONE OF THOSE Dresses, CoatSorSuits That are the best values you will find. Any one will appreciate what exceptionally good buys they are, after giving them a careful inspection. DRESSES I. $9.90, $12.50 and $17.50 COATS ..$17.50, $19.50 and $27.50 SUITS $19.50, $23.50 and $27.50 For Practical Christmas Gifts .' You will find you can always do better with us on Such as: Table Damask Ties Handkerchiefs Bath Towels and Sets Silks Shoes Hosiery Books Bed Spreads Stationary i All Around Town COMINGEVENTS TONIGHT Dee. 14 Jitney dance at arm ory, benefit Toledo club house. Dee. 16-21 Fifth annual Marion county corn show, 141 North Commercial. Dee. .30. Second election on school budget. "Tba funeral DeauttTul."Webb ft (Sough Co. tf -"The beat' death eomes. Phone 120. is all yon can ao when Call Webb Clough Co-tt. I Incorporated v i : PERSONAL ! Jcsso Woolrldgo of Sueanville, Cal., is in tlio city visiting his Bister, Mrs. Elinyra Holtzclaw, whom ho has not aoen for forty years. Q. H. Murphy of Stayl-on was in the eity yesterday registered at the Bligh. I L.M.HUM t art of Tick Sa Tea? Chinese Medicine aid Te O Has medicine which will ami any known disease. - Opa Sundays from 10 a. as antil p. m. ' 133 Bouts High St Balem, Oregon. Pioa IK D. C. Sehlrmnn of Camp Lowis Is iu the city. Mins Lula Boll of Klngwood left to (luy for a six weeks visit ot Marshfield. A. M. Crawford, formor attorney gen eral, was in the city yostorday from Portland. Elbert Thompson of the Valley Motor Co. delivered an Ovorland model 85 eoupo to a former Sulom resident new living in Portland. i Edison Records, Edison Diamond Disc records, 1 now reeoivo tho new issues in the Ellison disc records each month. Edison Cylinder ltofords, oomo T j irresponsible phonograph dealers toll tneir pairons iiiui lue uhmu Amumiw cylinder records are no longer made. This is a mistake- as I have the most complete lint in this catalogue of the very latest pioccs. ueo. v. win, tno reliable music dealer, Plato St. Mr. and Mw.gTe. Terwllliger, grad uate morticians and funeral' directors, 770 CheiiK'keta St. I'hone 724, Jtmk Trails The Capital Junk Co. A 1 1! 1 1 I J- K Always am ana always will pay the full market price , for all kinds of junk and machinery, automobiles, etc. WE ALSO BUY AND SELL all kinds of 2nd Hand goods. Phone 393 In a recent report of the iwou fish way commission, 'in the aii.r-o-s of moiiey expended in rach county, for that of Marion tho figure is given as If20:i,(iti0 for tho bridge; In responso to nu inquiry ng to whether this money was from the stuto highway depart ment, it may be said that tho $203,000 was every dollar Marion county funds. It is thought that In making its state ment, the highway commission put in Marion county for $203,000 of statu money from llie fact that the money was handled and nil bills paid and aud ited by tho state highway commission, according to law. Tho highway do partnii'iit furnished tho plans for the bridge and acted as consulting engi neers for Marion county, but not a dol lar of state highway money went into tho bridge. Nor was any monoy what ever appropriated this year by tne state highway commission for Marion couiitv roads. Rather than bring the fight for the speakership into tho legislature, it seems that Denton Burdiek, tho final opponent of Seymour Jones, has laid down and is making the best terms pos sible for his friends. By "terms" is meant assignments to tho best commit tees. To tho vUtor belongs the spoils and in this case those who have sup ported Mr. Jones through thick uud thin will naturally be assigned to the best committot s. It is understood mat s few days ago Mr. Jones gave his op ponent to understand that if ho did make a final fight in the legislature that his friends would find the com mittee assignments were not for them. Hence by Mr. Burdiek withdrawing, tho general opinion is that he got out when the irettinir was good. The public service commission has is sued an order raising the electric light rate, of St ay ton 20 per cent. o High grade, genuine fun for Christ mas gifts at special prices. West Fur Co., 21T South High St. tf o Lunch counter opposite O. E. B. B. depot. Good lunches, M. J. B. coffee. Lady waitress. Open from 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. 12 30 o School libraries' for every coenrj in the state are now ready at the stato public library and. will soon be dis tributed. Miss Cordelia, state librarian, says the books this year are much more attractive than formerly, especially those dealing with American history. Tho books for county distri bution this year aro nlso in many ways moro interesting. W. M. Smith, coun ty superintendent of schools, will soon havo the books for distribution in Ma rion county. ' Dr. J. O. Matthls, associated with Dr. H. J. Cloments, office 4VJ-410 Salem Hank of Cam. bldg. Off ico tel. 573; res. 1703 South Fir St. tel. 598. 12-27 Salora bread is best for Salem peo ple, tf t o F. E.y Fullerton, King Bing of the Cherrians, is appointing his committees for tho usual Christmas cheer ns dis pensed by tho Salem boosting organi zation. C. E. Knowland has been ap pointed chairman of tho Christmns cheer committeo, whoso duty and pleas ure it is to remember a hundred or more children of Salem on Christmnn eve. For a Christmas tree committee, Mr. Fullerton has appointed Fred E. Mangis 'chairman, who will have asso ciated with him A. B. Wilson. Both Mr. Mangis and Mr. Wilson are vet erans at the Christmas treo decorating 1 iob, tho tree to be decorated and light cd being the one in the court house square southwest of the court house. o Moose hall, cor. High and Court St. free locturo by Kvangolist Fields, "Blessings for oil soon," 2:30 p. m. Dec. IS. Everybody welcome. 12-14 Soveral new books have recently been rocoived by tho stato library of special interost to Oregonians. One is the "Bird Woman," the story of Sa-ca-ga-wo-a, who guidod Lewis and Clark into tho Oregon touitry. Hi-orIi.. agreo that if Sa-ca-ga-we-a had failed t0 rightly guide the Lowi and Clark party, that tho great northwest would huvi) v mutually become British terri toiy. u ti book tho "Bird Woman" lolls her own story, and tho man to whom it was told gives tho story di rect to tho writer. Sa-ca-ga-we-a J really the most famous Indian 'woman in tho northwest and in this book for tho first time tho Indian legond is told. There iB in one of the city parks of rortland a monument to the woman who saved this territory to the. United States, and there was one nt the Snn Francio Panama -Pacific exposition. Buy Salem bread. tf o "Blessings for ail soon,", topic of freo lecture by C. W. Fields, Sunday Dee. 15, Moose hall. 12-14 They stepped briskly into the office I of County Clerk U. G. Boyer tliis morn ing, sho lending tho way with tho man in V. S. uniform following. Miss Me dee, who hands out tho joy certificates propounded the usual question, "Is there something this momingf " There was, as the smiling young lady inquired if that was the place to get a marriage certificate. The man in uniform smiled approvingly. Miss McGcc an swered in the affirmative and then be iran with the fatul question, "Does the j young lady live in Marion county' pho dutn't, ns nor nome was in aiuir nomah, and the two had just slipped idon from the big city to surprise I folks by getting married in the cap! tal city. But tho marriage certificate can only be issued in the county in which the prospective bride lives and tho two departed mournfully, heading toward the Oregon Electric depot. The Bligh theatre will put on a show Sunday of unusual merit to include 3 of the best vaudeville artists in the northwest. One of the special numbers ranks well into the Orpheum circuit standard. . Relax and rest In the dental chair. Dr. Hartley fills and tfxtsacts teeth without pain and corrects diseased gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. tf I have moved my offices into more pleasant and more commodious quar ters on the third floor of the TJ. S. National bank building! Dr. 0. L. Scott Chiropractic-Spinologist, 30t-213 U. S. National bank bldg. tf Any ona who happens to need some sphagnum moss may have it for noth ing by calling at Red Cross headquar ters on the second floor of the post office building. There is a small amount left and it has been decided to give it away. o . Highways Rapid Transit Auto service to Portland and way points daily, leav ing Salem at 7 a. m. I'hone orders ev ening before, 137 S. Com'l. Phone 663. tf Evangelist O. W. Fields of Portland will speak at 2.30 p. m. Moose hall, Sunday, Dec. 15. 12-14 The man who climbed the XT. & Na tional Wank last Saturday has for warded $10.65 to the treasury of Wil lamette chapter, Bed Cross. The amount is supposed to be 2 J per cent or what he collected from on-lookers. Salem bakeries make high quality of bread, try it first. tf o E. M. Page, an attorney who went in to the service July 5 and was assigned to duty at Camp McArthur, JCal., in the heavy artillery, is home. After a period of training at Camp McArthur, he was sent to Fort Monroe, Virginia, for mot intensive training and was just figuring on being sent to France when it was all over. He will become associated with the McNary law firm. HOLSUM BREAD is Salem bread, and there are others. tf o W. J. Culver, county road master, jays that surveyors are now working on the road south of Salem, known as the Roscdale road to Liberty that branches off t0 right of the Cath' olic cemetery traveling south from Sa lem. Work is now being done in order that eariy in tho spring hard surface oavine may begin at once on the roar1 to extend as far as Liberty. Road dis- strict No. 28 voted a 10 mill tax last year and a five mill tax- this year for tho building of a high class road and onortions will begin early next spring From Salem south for three-fourths of a mile the road has been scarified and regraded. Buy Salem bread and keep Salem dollars in Salem. tf Among military men in the ci? titer-, is a feeling that Salem is large enougi for two companies of the Oregon N tional guard, and for. this reason, a meeting will be held at . tho armorj next Monday night to discuss the advis ability of interesting members of the Oregon guard in the formation of an other eonipany. Company M has now about u members and lacks but a lew of the necessary number. . With four Oregon guard companies in the city and the assurance that these companies wil' be automatically mustered out when peace is signed, men interested in mili tary affairs are anxious that steps be taken for the second Oregon Nationa' guard company. Hence tho meotbg called for Monday evening. o ' For mistletoe phone 52F4. o Matoe her happy for every day of the year by giving her a Hoover Elec tric "gweeper. Gahlsdorf 's store of house wares, 133 N. Liberty. Mince meat, plum pudding, and good eats for your Christmas dinner, will be on sale by the Presbyterian ladies, Saturday December 21, 387 Court St. A marriage license was issued yester day to Jacob F. Johnson of Salem, age 51, a carpenter, and Louisa Johnson, age 53, a housekeeper living on rural route 9, Salem. This was the third time for Mr. Johnson and the second time for Mrs. Johnson. I linn III Mince meat, plum pudding, and good eats for your Christmas dinner, will be on sale by the Presbyterian ladies, Saturday December 21, 387 Court St. Plumbing and Water Systems Installed by GRABER BROS, 131 South Liberty St., Phone 550. Also agent iut banks-Morse Gas Engines. ' Catholic Church. Corner Cottage and Chcmeketa sts. Communion Mass at 7:30. High Mass at 10:30 m. In the evening at 7:30 Rev Father Naughton will give a lec ture' on '"'"The Preservation of the Bible-" Tho public is invited. i . J Born COATS To Mr. and Mrs. Manlcy Coats of 456 North Church street, Dec. 13, 1918, a daughter. Captain A. B. Wilson announces that Company E will not drill again until January 7. With so much to do during the holiday season, it was thought best that all Oregon guard companies dis continue drilling until the first week nf Jnnunry. m A. A iiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTfrHttitt HllllltttH MMHMMWtT-MMH """"""Ji i Our store ii full of good, sensible presents for y-v - 1 -W T A 1 J Tf Z L., r Ula ana ioung. a present irom arm mime Store alwavs finds a welcome in the home. We :: have good dependable merchandise. All clean, ;: "fresh stock. No old stock. No close out sale ; : goods. Just good, fresh stock at reasonable prices. GOODS THAT SATIS I . ChristraasSliopping 1 Must Be Done During Regular Business Hours 11 Stores will be closed evenings. Monday and Tuesday be fore Christmas. Shop people need these evenings for their personal activities. Help make this closing a success for the sake of the girls and men who work .Shop during the daylight hours.- Shop early. We will hold goods and de liver them on the 24th. Just right to be in time for a Christmas surprise. Another Big Shipment of Just arriv ed. All th e" popular fin ishes and latest im-prove-ments.The Brunswick plays a 1 1 records bet ter. Buy any record and hear it played on any make of machine. Then bring it here and we will play it on a Brunswick. You will be delighted with the beautiful tones. Your old phonograph will be taken in exchange. Easy terms. Ladies' Writing Desks Sewing Baskets Hope Chests Electric Lamps Traveling Bags Leather Shopping Bags Nut Bowls Lilly Bowls Library Tables Morris Chairs Kitchen Cabinets Smoking Stands Couches Davenports Dining Tables Buffets High Chairs Electric Irons Thermos Bottles Toy Wagons Doll Carts, etc. Ackers n n wnat makes UzrMl a better pre sent than a good substan tial Rocking chair? We have just the one you want Little red ones at 60c for the little tots. Big strong one for Dad and nice wicker ones for any woman. Choose one at once. See our solid oak rocker with genuine leather spring seat. Regular 15.00 at $11.85 i; Why not get that Alcazar range? r C ffmiltOD Hme Furnisher jrrr Tf knrrc wonrl crso rr rnfll. The best ' ' Tt. hums wood, eras or coal. combination range to be had see it demonstrated. The best Call and 340 Court Street MM 4 o o MILITARY m JAZZ 10 -Piece Soldier "Offchestea. DANCE fcl l Ml M -I SALEM ARMY TONIGH So30 tTTJflS