Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 14, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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DECIDEDLY delightful in charae
iter and distinctive in detail was
the December meeting of the
Thursday Afternoon elub, which was
entertained thig -week by Mrs. B. C
Miles and Mrs, Walter K Spaulding
t the residence of Mrs. Milei on Court
treet, A pleasurable feature which
memorably marked the afternoon was
moat interesting talk given by Mrs.
II. J. Minthorn, recently of Alaska,
who ia n easy conversational manner
depicted the habits and customs of the
Indiana of Metlakatla an Indian mis
sion, where the speaker's l.us'unml list
fcceu the colony physician for a number
of years. Mrs. Minthora was the house
guest of Mrs. Miles.
The social hour culminuted In
charming fashion, when the doors lead
ing into the dinug room were thrown
open to reveal a festively decked din
ing room, with two sparkling miniature
Christmas trees centering laeh of the
tables. The guests received graceful re
minders of thefcstal affair In the
ifc ape of tiny Xmas remembiances tak
en from the trees.
Mrs. Spaulding and Mrs. W. G. Al
len poured. Mrs. Koy Barker, Mrs. Ho
Mills and Miss Kosa Uciuie assisting
the hostesses.
Bidden additionally for the afternoon
were Mrs. P. A. Elliott, Mrs. W. U.
Allen and Mrs. Roy Mills.
A multitude of friends are deploring
Ihe resignation of Miss 'Florence Cleve
land, who has so very efficiently filled
the position of secretary ot the local
Young Woman's Christian association
for the past two years and s half. The
resignation takes effect the first of
ilanuary, after which Miss Cleveland
)lan to lio to the beach for a month
Or more before renewng her activities.
She has been closely and, faithfully
"dentified with the work and out
branching endeavors of the Y. W. C A.
wince first assuming charge of the Ha
iem association, soon after Us location
in tho present attractive quarters,
'Which were designed especially for oc
vupation by the V. W. . A. She has
been largely instrumental in building
the association up to its present effect
ive development.
A winning personality has been one
of jnsnv .ft rWbv Miss Cleve
land has gained a host of friends dur
ing her residence in the city, who are
deeming her departure a niattor of per
sonal regret. A successor lta not as yet
Iteen appointed by tho Y. W. J. A.
MUg 11a Spaulding was a delightful
toBtess this week, when she entertain
ed a coterie of gills belongng to the
Breakfast club at a jolly Indoor picnic
eld at her home on Court street Thurs
day evening. .Masses of greons and a
profusion of othery decoration .trans
formed the commodious basement of
the Spaulding residence into a scene of
festivity for the occasion, A regula
tion camp fire supper was served, the
anenu including among a variety of
tempting edibles, those favcied atand
3jys of picnic spreads, the ever welcome
weenies and toasted marshmallows.
iAf terwnrds tho merrymakers adjourned
to the drawing rooms, whi re dancing
formed later gala diversion.
The .members of the club bidden
Thursday evening were: Mrs. Karl Kle
gtl, Mis Grace Holt, Miss Mario Chit
leaden, Mis Clara Brietcnstcin, Miss
Wane Msuuhall, Miss Naiia 1'utnain,
Nis Mnrybclle Reinhart, Miss 01k
ray, Miss Vivian Hargrove, Mbs Kth
l Fraisier, Miss Retha Hujl.ts.
Miad Bessie Srhults a well known
Salem girl now located in New York
city, touched a timely note in writing
to 'her mother, Mrs. 'H. C. 8chult of
12 E street, this week, when she de
scribed the vivid picture n.ndo by the
transport George Washington, as it set
wil for Kurope, carrying President
iWuson and his party to the peace con
ference. She spoke of the Hiking im
pression the scene made upon the be
holders' eyes, comparing the rainbow
liued appearance of the double line of
slender destroyers in their multi-colors
of blue, piuk and lavender and gray to
fancy drew ball.
Both Miss Schults and her sister,
(Miss idary Schulu, enjoyed a visit
from f. W. Steusloff, who roeently re-
nrned from New York. Mr. Steusloff
visited the headquarters of the Hood
Kij?er Apple association at New York,
where Miss Bessie Schultz is employ
ed and was mpressed with the wonder
ful view of Kew York barber, which it
is the good fortune of Miss Sehults to
view daily from her office windows.
Distinguished guests of the week
were Joseph Elkinton and Walter
Smedley of literary and professional re
nown, who visited Mr. and Mrs. B. C.
Mile8 t their home, 9S3 Court street
on Tuesday and Wednesday. The vis
itors claim Philadelphia us their resi.
dence, but are now on a tour of re
search, gathering material for a series
of articles on the Indians of the west.
They came to Oregon diiectly from
Canada where they collected data of
interest among the eolonee of the Duke
boys, a peculiar class of Kjxsian peas
ants. "While in Salem, they visited the
Chemewa school in further pursuit of
first hand knowledge. From here the
travellers were bound for California,
where a fruitful field of Indian his
tory awaits them. Mr. Elkiuton is a
writer of ability, while Mr. Smedley
is an architect by .profession.
Other prominent guests at the Miles
home this week, included President
Levi Pennington of Pacific college, and
lEmmett Oulley of Boise, Idaho, who
wore entertained at dinner Wednesday
night by their hosts.
Miss Laura Miles, a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Miles, .who is attending Co
lumbia university this year, was one of
tho guests at a delightful house party
given during the Thanksgiving holi
days by the owner of a large country
estate near Mt. Crisco.
I Mrs. R W. Walton, an instructor in
the Lebanon high school, has returned
to her home in Salem for an indefi
nite stay, as the result of a second
closing of the Lebanon schools on ac
count' of a fresh outbreak of influcn
ta in tho locality. She will visit her
iparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J). Smith, at
their residonoe on Center street during
her stay in Salem. Lieutenant Walton
who has been stationed at Camp Mills,
New York, was lately transferred to
Camp Leo, Virginia.
' Mrs. Prank Davey was ca'led to As
toria the middle of the week by the
serious illness of her daughter Mrs.
Edward Domogalla, who contracted
pneumonia following a severe attack
of nfluenca. Mr. Davey accompanied
his wife to Astoria, returning home
Thursday, when a slight improvement
was noted in his daughter's condition.
Mrs. Domogalla was Miss Louise Davey
of Salem before her marriage.
) Mr. and Mrs. R. Munroo Gilhert,
who avo residing in Portland this win
ter, were recent Salem visitors, enjoy
ing a woWc end stay at their pretty
country place south of Snlom. Mr. Gil
bert, who has been in one of the Port
land ship yards the past summer and
and fall ia'doing gome original work in
hand wrought jewelry, having taken
special instruction ia the metal arts
during his spare hours. Mrs Gilbert is'
pleasantly situated in the liadd and
Tilton bank, whoro she has accepted a
position as stenographer. Mr. and .Mrs.
Oilbert plan to Teturn to. Snlom fre
quently throughout the winter, for
brief visits, a matter of eor.grntulation
among their many frionds here.
Mnnv family Christmas reunions will
bo even gayer events than usual this
year, owing to the return of a soldier
member from service either over sens
or from cantonments in this country
Several popular Salem nion have al
rendv arrived home, and many others
are due by the holidays. Among tho lat
ter i Fritz Slnde. who anticipates be-
flg in Salem .to share the Christmas fes
tivities with Ma sistor, Mrs. John J.
1. .1 X- 1 ..ilu ( UlnA ha.
njoucriS flnu dtvuinj. win kjiu.iw
been stationod at Fort Hancock, Vir
ginia. He entered the servite the first
of tho year.
Mrs. W. K. Scott and Mrs. R. H. Said
of Portland arrived in the eity this
afternoon to attend the musical recit
al given at the Congregational church
tonight under the dircetinu of Miss
High Class Ladles' Tailoring
Choice Barge Suits $60 and up
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I think I have just the ones you want
Both in 10 and 12-inch sizes or any of
I Geo. C. Will
I 434 State St 'The Reliable Music Dealer"
Salem, Oregon.
Miss Lena' Belle Tartar, teacher of
singing, will present Mrs. Jeannette
Boyer-Link, coloratura eopiano, in re
cital this evening at the First Congre
gational church. Mrs. Link will give a
varied program of songs and arias, one
number of especial interest being a
quaint old love song her grandfather
gave her grandmother shottly before
their marriage in 1848. Miss Lucile El
liott, dramatic reader, wili assist on
the program and Miss Beruice Clark
will play the accompaniments for Mrs
Link. The affair is nvitational, the
program will begin promptly at eight
thirty o'clocik.
An Interesting letter from Miss
Ruth Fields, who set sail from Seat
tle, October 25 for India, was received
lately by Ms. Katherine Vpmeyer, in
which the writer states she had ar
rived at Yokohama and was waiting
for a steamer, which would carry her
on to Calcutta, probably an indefinite
matter of several weeks. Miss Fields
had a very pleasant trip, one product
ive of decided entertainment, and 01
rather en ns.tructive nature, as the
ship on which ghe sailed was a Jap
ncse vessel, the sailing list of which
was largely made up of Japanese dig
nitaries. During the voyage the em
peror's birthday was celebrated, when
a number of Japanese sports and deck
races took place. A unique feature was
tho sword dance given by a Japanese
official. Tea was served during the
day; the festivities culminating with
a bunquet in the evening.
There were eighteen missionaries
aboard the ship. Miss (Fields also men
tioned the extreme cold noted especial
ly in the northern route pursued by
the vessel, which went by way of the
Aleusation Islands.
Miss Fields expects to teach music
in the Girls school at Calcutta. She
was sent over by the Columbia River
Branch of the Foreign Missionary so
coty. She is the daughter of Mrs. Dex
ter Fields of Asylum avenue.
, .
Among the multitude of Christmas
school programs given at Hub time of
the year, ono of outstanding interest
and distinct entertainment was that
presented Wednesday night under the
auspices of the Parent-Teacher associa
tion of tho Lincoln school, when a
large audience of about three hundred
persons filled the school hall. Much of
the success of the program, which unit
ed a patriotic note with the Christmas
character of the numbers, was largely
due to the combined efforts of Mrs. J.
W. Harbison, president of the associa
tion, Mrs. (Florian Von 'Eechen, princi
pal of the school and Miss ftmith, mus
ic instructor in the grades, who were
ably assisted by the other teachers of
the school.
After a short business meeting, se
lections were given as follows: Song,
"Over There" by the eighth grade pu
pils; song, "The Grocery Man," sec
ond grade pupils. Marjorie Marcus and
Dolbort Viesco; 'recitation "Christinas
Stockings," Oima Johnson; song,
"Santa Ola us is Coming, ' third grade
pupito; recitation, "December," first
grade pupil, Donald Foster; recitation,
'Love of Country," Ruth Hjazelton;
song, "Mrs. tDiick and Mr. Turkey"
socond grade pupils in chorus, Grace
Thompson and Louie Snook in solo
parts; recitation, Marion Shaw; Span
ish dance, 'Roberta Hansen, Lorotta
Varley; recitation, Chris Kringle and
Lena Mecller; recitation, "Our Coun
try," Frod Krepela; song, "Sons of
America," seventh grade; recitation,
"Land of Liberty," Frauces Follows;
sword dance, Martel Shipp; song, "Am
erica the Beautiful," fifth grade; toc-.
itation, "Santa Clans," Doris Hicks;
recitation, "The Christinas' Spirit,"
Malcolm Nealej "Keep the Horns Fires
Burning," and -"Long, Long Trail,"
by ninth grade; recitation, "My Flag'
Joe Oilbert; song, "Santa I laus Land'
fourth grade; reeitntion "Horatius,"
Lloyd Schafor. The last number was a
Xmas pantomime, in which the junior
high school pupils sang the Yulctide
Mrs. J. B. Cambers of San Jose, Cal
ifornia, ia spending the winter in Sa
lem as the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Lee Gilbert, at her home 13A5 State
street. Mrs. Oilbert and her daughters
are newcomers in Salem, having re
coutly como from Portland to join Mr.
Gilbert, who, as northwest distributor
of tuo Klgiu car, was previously trans
ferred from Portland to the Capital
Mrs. R. L. Edwards and small son,
Irwin, of North Bend, Oregon, are bo
inir entertained as the guests of her
pureaits, Mr. and Mrs. Irwiu Griffiths
at their residence tis rterth Capitol
street. Mrs. Edwards will remain in
Salem over the holiday season. Miss
Harriet Griffith, another daughter,
who is attending Miss Catln's school
in Portland this winter will return
home next week to spend her Xmas va
Coming as a surprise to Salem friends
was the announf of the marriage
of Miss 'Belle White and Chester .Fos
ter, which was solemnised Thanksgiv
iug day at the residence of the bride's
parents, Dr. aud Mrs. Tibsoa T. White,
at Los Angeles. Mrs. Foster is form
er well known Salem girl, being a grad
uate of the losjtl high school. She was
also a student at the Willamette uni
vorsty and Itcific college before her
departure to Los Angeles, where she
has bees attending th eo'.kge of Os
teopathy and Surgery the past two
years. The bridegroom is also a sopbo
more iu the same school and the young
couple will graduate together, both lat
er entering the professional world.
The wedding was marked by extreme
simplicity, taking place in the pres
ence of only the immediate relatives.
Mrs. Foster's parents went south over
a month ago, accompanied by taeir
children, Alts, Mildred ai.d Charles
They plan to return to Salfm in the
,sprng. Mr. and Mrs. Foster will s'so
motor back with them.
Inaugurating the pre-holiday festivi
ties with a sparkling splendour of
Christmas decoration, the members of
the Monday Night Danes elub held
their second dance of the season, Mon
day evening at the Moose tall, which
was transformed into a typical Christ
mas day scene, such as abounds in
home upon home during the holiday
weekr Lvea the glittering Christmas
trees, which illumined each corner of
the hall were true to traditional type j
of . Yuletide tree in all their bright sr-.
ray of twinklng trimming and spangl
ed ornament. Crimson paper bells sua-,
pended from tlusters of mistletoe deft
ly arranged ever each of the side
lights along the walls contributed an
especially festive note to the decora
tions. 'Red and green festoons of erepe
paper and tinsel were looped between
the chandeliers, bunches of mistletoe
being effectively hung from each globe.
An immense flag drafted across one
end of the room provided the patriotic
touch, so essential a feature in all elab
orate decorative schemes these days.
The strains of the orchestra drifted out
to the dancers from an improvised
thicket of evergreens in a far corner
of the floor. ,
A notably pretty supper party fol
lowing the dance, was thut presided
over by Mrs. Roy H. Mills at her home,
1384 Court street,'when a congenial co
terie of friends was bidden by the host
ess to join in an hour or two of subse
quent gayety. The guests eircled two
exquisitely appointed tables. Charming
adornment was afforded in the blue
bird motif supplemented by a lovely
arrangement of pink roses, which pre
vailed in the dainty decorations of one
table, a brilliant -color note of scarlet
offsetting "the other table, which was
decked with the red-berried pepper
Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Webb. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gallo
way, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Marvin, Mrs.
Walter K. Spaulding, Dr. and Mrs. W.
H. Darby. Dr. and Mrs. Grover Belling
er, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johr.son.
The Adelante and Webstorian soci
eties of Willamette university will hold
their joint "formal" of the year to
night at their assembly room in Wtaller
hall. An entertaining program will be
given including: a playlet, "A Propos
al Under Difficulties," by the Ade
lante girls; 'cello solo by Pjofessor K.
L. Sites; piano number, Miss Geneveve
Yannkc; reading, Miss Fay Bollin; vo
cal selections, i'aul Sterling.
The ihanerones will number tMiss
Florence Richards, Professor and Mrs.
'Florian Von Eschen, and Professor
and Mrs, Sites. The committee in
charge of the affair is composed 01
Miss Mildred Garrett, Miss Beth Briggs
Miss Velma Baker, Paul Flegel, Law
rence Davies.
Miss Lena Belle Tartar, contralto,
will participate n a Christmas vesper
service at the First Presbytciian church
in MciMinnville December 22, assisting
Prof. T. 8. Roberts, organut at Wil
lamette university, in an organ recital.
Prof. Carl Grisseu,teachcr of violin at
the Oregon Agricultural college, will
also be an assisting artist. This trio of
musicians has arranged a splendid pro
gram of a dozen nuaibers. representa
tive of the best in music,. Miss Tartar
will sing, "He Shall Feed His Flock"
from "The Messiah" and "Oh, Little
Town of Bethlehem," by Neidlinger.
m w w
Miss Jean Bell of Philadelphia ar
rived in Salem last night to pass the
Christmas holiday season as the gnest
of Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Mott. Miss wen
is the daughter of a leading physieian
in 'Philadelphia and will remain in oa
lem for an extended visit.
Dr. and Mrs Mott are also anticipat
ing the return of their son, Jumcs Mott
next week from Eugenl. Mr. Mott is a
member of the 6. A. T. 0. at the Uni
versity of Oretron and expects to be
released the fore part of the week. Dr.
and Mrs. Will Mott of Portland will
nlso come down to share the Christmas
festivities. Another son, Cojtain Lloyd
Mott is in the hospital service n
Mrs. Gerald Volk is enjoying a weeks
visit with friends in Port-land and For
est Orove.
Mrs. W. C. Knighton went to Tort-
land sarly in the week to join Mr.
Knighton, who has held a government
position in Portland for same time.
Mrs. Knighton expects to remain in
Portland with her husband this winter.
They will be domiciled for the pres
ent at the Campbell otel on .North
Twenty Third street. Mr. and Mrs.
Knisrhton will return to Saicm for the
holidays, when they will be the guests
of Mrs. Knighton's mother, Mrs. i.
K. Winters.
Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves, assisted
by Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Kurts, will be
dinner hosts for the members of the
Petlaitch club tonight at the Steeves
residence 316 North Church street.
Numerous programs of S decidedly
worthwhile nature, and frequently far
reaching in their results along "the line
of .civic improvement and the devel
opment, of community spirit have been
presented by the North Salem 'Woman'
club from time to time, but seldom
have the members enjoyed a program
at oare so instructive and entertaining
as that given Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. M. J. Hunt, when the
club members assembled for their reg
ular Ieeember meeting.
A general IS minute current event
discussion was a featurs of the after
noon, the effect of the war upon home
industries being briefly sketched. The
topi embraced such sn extensive range
of material, that it was decided to fol
low the same theme in the current
event report given at the next meet
ing. The fact that variety of drugs
and other articles are now manufactur
ed ia this country, that ( imported
before the war was enrphakised.
Mrs. Alice H. Dodd gave a most in
formational talk, choosing as her sub
ject, " The doty of the home service to-
The Store of Practical Gifts
This store specializes on Practical Gifts for Women, Misses, and Children
Only "Feminine Articles."
Ready-to-wear Ready-to-use
Coats Suits Dresses Waists
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Coats Suits Dresses
$16.48 TO $45.00 $19.75 TO $34.75 $14.75 TO $44 75
The Greatest Buying Opportunity of the Year
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If You are in Doubt Buy A Merchandise Order
CALL 854
We Call and Deliver
ward the disabled men." The program
included further: reading, " Little
Tommy Tucker " by Mrs. E. T. Porter;
instrument! number by Miss Alice
Rotn; reading, "At the Matinct" by
Mrs. Jessie Heath.
The club will meet again in January
with Mrs. Merle Prunk, wnen Miss Flo
ra Case, city librarian, will discuss the
different phases of library work. Aim
Nina McNary ia also on the progran
for the next meeting. A number of
curios collected in the Philippines tyr
the sons of Mrs. M. J. Hunt, who are
in the naval service will bL exhibited.
Friday evening Ofeember sixth an
F. Langenburg presented" Anse Martha
Corrodi in recital at hie itudo in the
Hubbard building. Assisting were Miss
Dorothy Pcarce, pianist, and Claude
Stevenson, base. Miss orrodi in her
singing ehowed an excellent breatn sup
port and her phraeiug was steady and
well supported. Especially was this true
in her runs and attacks. Uer dicton wag
very clear aud distinct. She possesses
a lyric soprano voiee of wide, flute
like reuse.
Miss i'earce was superb in her num
bers end possesses an artistic talent
to a marked degree. As as accompanist
she is always in close accord with the
Mr. Stevenson while a comparative
ly youn singer, ia coming to the front
very rapidly, and a very noticable char
aoterisu is that he is always true to
The program follows:
(a) When into Thine Eyes I Gaze
. Hammond
(b) To a Wild Hose MatDowell
Mini Cerrodi
(a) I Iid not Knew Trotten
(b) Turnkeys Song DeKoven
Mr. tetevensoa
(a) Kashmiri Bong
(b) Till I Wake Woodford Finden
item Corroai
(a) id Arabesque Debussy
(b) Le I'apillom f Dcnnee
Mis I'earce
Oa the tftore . Jierdlinger
Mr. Stevenson
(a) Obrtiaatioo Fontenailles
(b) The Daisy Ardtti
(e) Song of the Chimes Worrell
Mis t'orrodi
The Woman's Benefit association for
the Maccabees held a busintss meeting
Wednesday evening at MeCoiaack hall,
when the annual election of officers
took place. It was decided to hold ie
regular wsUIiatioit 01 o nicer s nexx
Wednesday night. A social program i
and supper will be addition! features
of the evening. The guard under the.
direction of Mrs. May Shauk, captain,
will iiiatnll th nfiw officers who were
elected as follows: Commander, Mrs.
Lillian llmstea; ueuienau"; comman
der, Jars. ila 'wcuamei; paw cum
mander, Mrs. Kaia Kmart; chaplain,
Mrs. Iarrie Holman; record keeper,
Mrs. Jennie Miller; Iinane auditor,
Mm fiirnlina Hnshnell: ladv at arms.
ri MW Wlionk- corcrpatlt. Mr. Mzel
plugen; sentinel, Mrs. Alice Budlong;
picket, Mrs. Jarne Linasav; muswian,
Miss Jpal Mcuanici; eaptain, mis.
Norma Tcrwilliger.
Mrs. Dorothy Myers has eturnedr
from a short visit at Weat l.inn, where
she was the guet of her daughter. Miss
Ruby Myers. Miss Myers holds the po
sition of clerk at the Crown "Willam
ette Inn, which ws apentd to tbb
public during Mrs. Myers' stay in
West Linn.
Mrs. B. O. Piatton And daughter,
Miss Luella Patton, ar enjoying : a
week end visit in Portland.
(Continued on page seven)
CALL 854
We Call and Deliver
A Xmas
i For a suit cf clothes would surely be very accept
able to the average man. Our large stock of all--wool
materials is one of the largest in the stete, and
the selection would be an easy matter. The stock
while large is being used rapidly so we would sug
gest you place your order early.
D. H. Mosher
Tailor to Men and Women
447 Court Street
Salem, Oregon.