THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1918. - "JF r F-"AlFir 9X1? -' '- A '--gWW'fi mms "'--'a- TTvsa a w rsatT YPWW& Wg WILL BjOEie Ministers in Every Pdpit n Oregon Will Te'Jcf Great Work of Organizatioa w, ichlM:MmKgm. smLMk ... 1 . M : AMERICA'S foremost artists have contrlbutfld posters for the RED 0 U 0 S S CHRISTMAS ROLL CALL, the week of De cember 10-23, assuring a pictorial ap peal of the most effective character In this effort to enroll the entire Anicrlcal people as members of the Red Cross. Edwin Blashfleld, the eminent mural painter, devoted eight weeks to the preparation of the poster he contrib uted, Wlin a resuu Hint win win em phatic public praise, This painting Is Valued at $10,000 and the original Is to hnng In the beautiful building which serves as the national headquarters of the American Red Cross, In Wash , IriRton. The lilnshfleld poster In colors typl . Bps the underlying theme of the Red Cross Christinas Roll Cull. Two fig ures, one Columbia and the other rep ; resenting the .vlrlt of tho Red Cross, h;Vnn tii people to a scroll whereon Go to Church Sunday Subjects of 3ermons and Where They Will Be Delivered in Salem Houses of Worship, Tomorrow First i. il. CUurcll Htnle and church streets. 9:15 a. in. KH'tss meeting. P:45 Sunday school. 11 . in, Herman. I'enteeost The 1'owor i' flic Kpirrt. 3:00 ). m. Rev. II. N. AMriidi will speak at the Old Penile 'h jiiio, H:;io p. in, "The Kpwiirlh Lia tfce'M First", Misw K. MiM'ully will 1e,d, Jil iks Martin will sinjj. Second: iss Ksllier l'urm'naiiiiv will jloadi tl.uiiioi', Master K.nuit L, I. mini h ud oi, 7.110 p. in. Program o.1 Ihristums music by the rliurna choir with oroliwi lm accompaniment, Leslie Methodist Episcopal. Corner Mouth Commercial and Meyers Htrects. llonieo N. Aldrich, pastor. 9:t in. Sunday gchuul, with clauses for 'l aes. K. A. Hhotou, Mipciintenilen!, M'!io live wire class will sludy South America, illustrated Primary depart ment under the direction of Mrs, Mown Hi -hop. 11 a. m. Public Worship with cnnoii by the pastor. Theme: Milking l it to Survive, thtiO p. m. Devotional fuetfting of the Kpworth lejigua under the leadership of Misa Kayo Wells. 7:31) in. Song service led by the tlirl's 'ims, followed by a lecture on Simllh Vineries, illustrated with seventy ster oopticou Hlidtm. K:30 p. m. Social hour. A good visit, ia sing tiround tho piainS iid something good to eat. StMs Institution!:. Services will be held Sunday us fol l.itvs: 3 p. m. Girl's Training school by I, 11. JNeff. 3:l,( p. m. TuberiMilosis I. jrpitttl by K. W. ,lone Ministerial Association The Salom Ministerial association .will meet Monday morning In the Y, The DIET fluting end After The C!d Reliable Round Package poster Rei Crow SetvkP. r- .'1 U C.S R Ai ? A fctt-C,'. I Cross UT T&Sg" Tk ! , I -- lfiriftrmSK 'Frill I All M 1 5? a AH yon nerd a lert e 1 u.dt Mit.u rM mmw jam. t they are to enroll their names. Under neath the Red Cr6sson this scroll Is tho Inscription: "Whore Columbia Sols Her Name Let Every One of You Follow Her." Universal membership Is the Implication. In the Jesslo WIIIcox Smith poster the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call API M, O. A, The paper will be rend by H. N. Aldrich. Subject, "The War anil Orgauir.eil Chriaitianity." Jason Lee Memorial Or.urch. ('onier of Winter and Jefrerson Hs. liev. Acheson, pastor. Sunday school !:(:"(, ii9. tliigctnnn, superintendent. Classes for all aijes. Public worship 11 The Hcv. I), dt. lloyd, I), I), will prencli. KpHorth leaguo meeting at (i:.'tO p. m. Miss Grace Taylor president. This de partment offers a real opportunity to all young people for service. Public worsliiip 7:110 p. in. Subjeit. Ancient ami Modem Slackers, at 7:110 p. in. Thursday, The newly organis ed choir will render speeia; music and' ,tho orchestra will also add to the pleas ure of the services. Come thou with us and we will do tliee good. At 7:110 p. m, I he quarterly conference will hold its first session of the year. The member ship is invited to attend, First Baptist Cliurch "Show your Colors" is Pr. O. F. Holt's morning topic at the First Bap tist church. His evening t'ipic will be, ..A Gospel For Today." Morning ser vice at 11 o'clock ovenin,' service at 7:30. Sunday school P: a. in. W. V. Koster, superintendent. 'la.sses for all ages and grades. Young people's meeting at :30. To all these services tho public, is cordially invited. The enlistment week cam.iaign which wns announced for next week has been jpostimned until some time after tue trst of the new year. First Congregational Church Liberty and Center streets. Kev. W. Kantner, pastor. 10 a. m. Sunday m halted Will: Very Nutritious, Digestible The REAL Food-Drink, Instantly prepared. Made by the ORIGINAL Horllck process and from carefully (elected material. Used successfully over Va century. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. Ilorlicli'sitecrii Thus AvoSdsGg Imitations VGREENLEAF POSTER present one of the finest studies of child life ever painted. It Is a window scene which It Is hoped will be repro duced In every home In the country. A charming little boy is fixing a Red Cross service Hag In his window to Indicate that his home Is 100 per cent, ei.-ollud. A Christmas wreath above school, Prof. W. I, Mtaley, superinten dent. Classes for all ages. 11 a. in. "In His Steps. ",0:30 ,p. in. Christian Kndcauir. 7:30 "The storv of tho 'Untouched Cross and its message to 'us." Suggested hy wliait an army offi cer saw in Flanders. Motion pictures. I , First Preshyterlan Church. ; Thoiniis Anderson, pastor. Bible school 9:45. Mr, J. II. Albert, superin tendent. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Tho newly installed 'pastor will give his jinaugiiriil sermon on t.'ho "Unity of tho Clinstuin churcn." v. v. a. C. K. at t:30. Kveiiing worsliip at 7.30 p. m. Third senium on the 'Tower of Hab it.' ' Test, "1 Am Joseph." A welcome for nil at these services Remember the Thursday evening service and ev. youc should anticipate plonsiue in the ( hristiiNis services next Saflibutli. Congregational Chinch. Corner JSouth lHtU and Ferry Sts., II. C Stover, minister. A merged Sun day school nnd Morning service at 10 a, in. Mrs. Burton Kdwards, "superinten dent. Subject of fhe pasto1" s address: "Ask. What I Shall Givo Thee." Mu sic by Girls' chorus. Christian Kndea vor lit 0:45.. Vena McCune leader. Kv eiiing service at 7:30. Theme, "What Think Ye of Christ?" Mid-week service Thursday evening at 7:30 p. in. Sural Congregational Church. II. C. Stover, minister. Sunday sch ool at - p. m. Public worship at 3 p.m. South Salout Friends. South Coniniercinl and Washington streets. II. B. Pemberton, pastor. Bible seJiool 10 a. m. lr. Miller, superinten dent. Meeting for worship ami preach ing iat II a. m. Christian Kndeavor to study h Book Review by Mrs. F. A. Klliott at 0:30 p. m. Continue study in Hcv, Alt are welcome. Highland Avenue Friends. Sunday m-hool at 10 a. n.. Morning woship at 11. Ohistian Kndeavor song service 0:1! p. m. followed by special dlible lesson by the pastor in the fit a chapter of Romans. Kvening preaeining at 7:30. Second sermon iu tho series on the mwud coming of the Lord, "The manner of His Coining." Prayer meet ing on Thursday 7S:S0 p. m. Our mis sion tdy in eiinection with tho pray er meeting i proving to he quite in teresting. Vou are eordiafly invited to attend any or all of those services. I. G. and Mr. Ida l-ee, vastors, residence 913 Highland avenue. Evangelical Association. Seventeenth arid Oheuieki ra streota. Jacob Stacker, pastor, 10 a. m. Sunday s.hool, C, T. Doty, superintendent. 11 a. m. Pi vine worship and sermon by the pastor. fi:43 p. m. Your.g people ' alliance. 7:30 p. in. Sermon. TJnitM Evangelical. Cottage, and Onter Streits. Rev. O. Lovell, pastor. Sunday achiwl 10 a. . Morning worship and preaching at 11 a. m. "Some Compensations of a World Tragedy." Christiaa Bndeavor 6:34 p. m. Kveainif worsdiip and seVmoa at 7:30 p. m. Prayormectiug on Thu-sday evening. emphasizes the season, while the cur tains are a lovely. effect. Miss Smith set aside all her regular orders and work to produce this poster for the Hod Cross-and the public will rejoice that she did so when It is displayed. The Christmas spirit Is dominant in the poster painted by Hay Greenleaf, whose work is so much in demand. Tills poster has more text than the others, but the pictorial effect is not In the least obscured. Against a blue sky are shov. :i a home and evergreen trees heavily i mntled In snow. The smoke from the chimney suggests n cheery Interior, while hi. tho window may be seen the Red Cross Service Nazarene Church Ninetecivth and Marien, Sunday school 9:45. Preaching ta 11 and 7:3$ Sundays. Prayermecting on Wednesday levelling at 7:30. Theso arc times of refreshing. Our study of the second coming of Christ on Friday nights is increasing iu interest. Come and study this great question with us. A. .Wells, pastor, Florence Wells deaconess. W. H. Hardy, superintendent. Commons Mission. Services at t'ho Commons Mission ev erv Sundiiv 'afternoon at 3 o'clock. These are good services when the peo ple from the different churches come and meet togofher and forgot denomi nations for tho time. A. Willi (Superin tendent. Court Street Church. Seventeenth and Count streets. F. E. Jones, pastor. Bible school 10 a. m. The school that does things. Preaching at 11 a. m. Is it possible to lose an even ing. Y. P. S. (.'. K. nt 0:30 p. in. All young people are made welcome. Prea !,!., t T.Sil .1, m "Tho Gnsnel .'' Slides of the tenements of New York will be shown. 8t. Paul's Church. 7:30 a. in. Holy communion; 9:45 a in. church school; 11 a. ni. inoriiinK pray er and sermon, f Jesus Remedy fo! Wrongs." Seven-thirty p. m. eveninf prayer and address, ''Tue Spirit of Kel lowship." Every body welcome. Chas II. Powell, rector. Salvation Army. Services will be hold in tho Snlvatior Army hall on Saturday nt 8 p. ,m ail'. Sunitiiv at 10:45 a, m. anil a ana o y in. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Services every night at 8 p. m, except Monday and Thursday. First Church of Christ, Scientist Sunday services are held at 448 Che n,lftn utriki.t At 11 ft. 111. And 8 II. m Subject of bible school, God the Preser ver of Man." Sunday school at 9:43 a. m. Wednesday evening a testimon ial meeting at 8 p. m. Beading room in Mnaiiiiin ti-mtilo buildincr. room 208 is own every (lay except Sunday am1 holidays from 11:3 a. m. to a p. m All aro invited to our services and, tc our reading room. Christian and Missionary Alliance. Rev. John E. Fee, pastor. Next aer vices on Thursday afternoon, Deccmbe 19, nt 632 South Commercial street, a' 2:15 o'clock. All most cordially wel come Musical Program At First Methodist Church Following the musical program at the First Methodist church at 7:31) o'clock Sunday evening, the Snlem synipony orchestra assisting: John R. Sites, dir evtor; T. 8. Roberta, organist; Florence Shirlev, pianist: Organ Prelude, Impromptu No. 2,Cole- ridKo-Tavlor Prof. T. S. Roberts. Processional: Joy to the World, the Flag. A large Red Cross and the lettering "Answer tho Red Cross Christmas Roll Call. All you need Is a Heart and a Dollar" drives home the appeal. That slogan, "All you need Is a heart and a dollar,'? tells In one sen tence the scope and sentiment of the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call. It Is not a campaign to raise money, but an effort to demonstrate to the world that tike nation Is united behind the Red Cross spirit. Two of the three remaining posters are adaptations of posters used In tho Inst War Fund campaign. "The Greatest iUolher in the World," Forln- Lord Is Conic, hymn No. 107 Choir. Orchestra, Organ and Congregation. Prayer, Dr. K. In. Avison. ''. Credo from "St. Theresa" Mass. L, Th. La ilachc Orchestra and Piano. "The Heavens aro Telling" from the "Creation," Joseph Haydn Choir. Orchestra, Organ and Piano, Soloists: Miss Lucno ssarton Soprano solo: "Fear Ye Not, Oh Israel' Messrs. Todd and Jones. Dudley Buck Miss Margaret Wiblo "Lift Up Your Heads" anthem, Bop kins Choir, Orchestra, Organ am' Piuuo. . Offertory: Andante Religiose, F Champoux Orchestra and Piano. Hymn 'o. 1,12. Quartet: "Hark the Glad Song" Johr Farmer Misses Mible and Barton Merisr. Tod and Barton. Orchestra and Piano. "And the Glory of the Lord" from -4 he1 "Messiah" Ilaeiidel Choir, Orches trn, Organ and Piano. Alto solo: "God Remembers When the World Forgets,, Cany Jacobs-Bond" Miss l.ucile Barton, Ouchestra and Pi ano. "Praise Ye the Father," nnthein, Chas Gounod Choir, Orchestra, Organ ane Piano. "Coronation March" from the "Pro phot" Meyebecr Orchestra anil Pi ano. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name'1 Hymn Uo. 180, Choir and Congerga' tion. Benediction, Pastor. John R. Sites, director. T. S. Roberts, organist. Florence Shirley, pianist. Invitational Concert Of Apollo Club January 10 The first concert of the year to be given by the Apollo club is schedule ) for January 10, and the soloist of the evening will bo Winnifred Lugri:i Fnhey of Seattle, a soloist, who is rnp idly coming to the front and attracting the attention of musicians as a singer of grand opera calibre. This announcement is made by John W. Todd who has been directing the club since its organization and who will have charge of the first program of the rear. Different from any musical organ ization in Salem, the Apollo club is upported entirely by subscriptions and evidence that the music lovinff peeple When in need of a purga tive, do not resort to vio lent cathartics, but take the gentle, natural laxative Beecpis Pills Larmt SU ml Abt MxKci- tx Wort. itUmrmrwhmn. la Ban. 10c, M. i'iiiiiipil! the coBiraoesiiip Answer tfr Rd Ciwi ChnMwwRoUCallwr WILSON POSTER ger's poster, which crsnted such a sen sution last spring, is to lie used In the Roll Call with the cross to her right Instead of squarely at her back. This is in keeping with the decision not to obscure the Red Cross in any pictorial . work. Harrison Fisher's nurse, with the query, "Have you answered the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call?" will be seen with approval In ilie Red Cross Christmas Roll Cull ;i!l(Ty of posters. This poster proved u be so popular that, with a few changes, It was found admirable for the annual membership enrollment One of the best photographs ever made of President Wilson served as the model for the sixth poster. He looks directly at YOU and his Invita tion, "I summon you to the comrade ship," will evoke a sympathetic1 re sponse from millions of men and wo men. As president of tho American Red Cross nnd as President of the United States he makes his appeal. Millions of these posters are printed nnd distributed for display during De cember. The bare outline here given conveys no adequate Idea of their beauty In the wealth of colors em ployed In reproduction. There Is cer tuin to be widespread admiration, and what Is more Important, n tremendous response to the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call as the result of the artists' generous co-operation. PREVENTIONiOF WAR Difference In Views Of Europe And U. S. To Be Barrier To League Of Nations. By J. W. T. Mason (Written for the United Press.) New York, Dec. 13. President Wil -on's arrival today in Franct means the participation by in dis iiisi-ious concerning problems of inter Kuropenn politics iu which the United States is interested solely to prevent t! is country again being drawn in a trans ; iiintie war. Every other power at the peace con ference will have very positive material rights fo safeguaitt and to improve nnd will view the international situation from a different standpoint than Amer ica. Tho piescrvatiou of peace is not a matter that concerns ninny European countries in the same 'way it docs Am erica. The minims of continental iiu ropo still hopo for the realization of territorial additions which the peace of the city appreciate music U the fact that the honorary members already number 110, each donating $o.00 a year toward the support of the club. Hence at the two concerts to be given next year, admittance will be only by card invitation, each honorary and ac tive member being assigned a certain number of invitations for their dispos al. For the concerts, no tickets will be offered or placed on sale by the Apollo club or the opera house management Suwanee And Buitenzorg Have Sailed For Horn Washington, Dee. 13. The war de partment announced the following or ganizations abroad have been assigned to early convoy home: Chemical warfare casual company No. 2 154th aero squadron with medical de tachment. 151st aero squadron. ' J Fourth regiment air service mech janies of the 110th, 12th, 13th and 14th eompaniee. 4th, 13 1 th and 373rd aero squadrons with medical de'aehments. Twenty Ninth, engineers headquar ters detachment, with companies B. C. D and E, a total of 87 officers and ! 2,058 men. t The transport Buitenzorg sailca De cember 8 from France, with nine offi cers and 61 mea of the Twelfth anti aircraft battery and the Medical detach ment of th Ninth and Twelfth anti aircraft batteries. The transport Amphion sailed en the same date with 125 civilians, while the transport Suwanee sailed December 11 with casual company 107 and five civilains. Portland, Dec. 14. Tomorrow ia "Rod Cross Sunday" when the minis ters from every pulpit in- Oregon will nslier in tho Red Cross membership drive by delivering a sermon based on the work -of this great humnnitarian organization. Tho Red Cross visits to sick, gives drink to the thirsty, feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, com forts the afflicted, provides for the widows mid the orphans and burick the dead. ' ... . ; Mrs. Sadie Orr-Duiibar, secretary of the. Oregon branch of the National Tu berculosis association, has been assign ed the duty of arranging for Red Cross Sunday by State Manager H. E. Willi am. In carrying out this plan, Mrs. Dunbar has written a personal request to nil clergymen soliciting their atten tion and she received a general re sponse so that there is every assurance that no congregation in tho state wiU be overlooked. ' Prepared by tho sermons tomorrow tho people will bo ready for the mem bership campaign, wich opens Monday and which will continue until Decem ber 23. The National Tuberculosis as sociation is not selling Christmas seals this year, ns the Red Cross has made an appropriation of $2,500,000 to th association m order that its members will be able to render every possible as sistance to the Red Cross drive. In this connection it may be state- rtiai, mo Bed Cross has established 70 tubercu- -losis hospitn's in Fitnaee nnd a number in Itnly ir:J Belgium, for the e;;reuit of this disease has been widespread ow ing to conditions brought about by the war in Europe. There is no point within tho range f human sympathy that the Red Cross '.ins not found a place. To be c. inponeni part of this organization will bo within the reach of every man in tho United States when the drive is launched on Monday. Thus a member is able to do by prosy, through the Red Cress, thnpo acts of mercy nnd sympathy which ninko for better citizenship and n bct tor world. Much is still to be done in Eurnne by tho Red Cross befoio it recalls its doctors, nurses and other : .- vonng angels and turns to the work to be ac complished at homo. Meanwhile tho so ciety is looking after te welfare oi tho families of American fighters nnd is expending each week a fortune in car ina for many of these dependents. Membership in the Red Cross is for the unselfish, for the men and women who want to see a better, more Jiealthv more kindly world. It will bo demnnstr tcd In the coming week how many of this kind of peoplo thero are in Oregon. conference certinnly will not justify. Rivalries and disappornCed hopes can not help being left behind by the u cision of tho conference. Enmities Without Reason. But to America, the jealousies nnd deadly enmities of various European powers arc ' without reason. America desires that these clashing interests b,; curbed, for if they are not they may end in anothor war that might involve innooeftt neutrals and so carry the Unit ed States into another conflict to do fend neutral rights. This difference in outlook will bo tho most formidable barrior to creating an of fee live league of nations. Tho in centive to gaih has not been eliminated from human nature by tho present war. Ccrl'nn appetites have been whetted by the o' crwhelming victory of the allies. Expansionist longings have been deveN oped. A league of nations for the pre vention of war, therefore, will come jilt of the ocace conference if at nil, only after a ,rvore struggle. Greater food value increased palatabilhy In making chocolate cakes use BAKER'S CHOCOLATE with barley and buckwheat flour. The chocolate covers the color and taste of the dark flour so it is practically as good as when made with all white flour. . This use of cocoa or chocolate mewses the food value of the pre pared dish. - ' Be4hi oj Ookt Rtdpat ta fm Walter Baker h Co. Ltd. GnUaMint DORCHESTER, MASS. m.n.Ht.H I if. V.w- - ' s --x -B e -;l y.,